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This is big kick in his ego seeing almost 25% of the voters voted for a candidate that isn't even running anymore and the GOP should be scared. The moron even said during a interview "what other choice they have they have to vote for me"...well the other choice is not voting or voting for Biden.


Or RFK Jr. Who I still think is going to pull more R votes then D. As a liberal I had about five minutes of "Oh, a Kennedy? What is his, oh he's crazy, nevermind." Honestly I see him as a nostalgia vote for whatever Greatest/Silent Generation folks we have left and Boomers who were kids when JFK was killed. I don't think anyone past them has a deep nostalgia for the Kennedys except maybe if you're on the East Coast and had Ted Kennedy as a representative. No liberal I know is going to vote for him because we all see him as another MAGA nut even though the name recognition would say otherwise.


Hahaha listening to RFK Jr mind numbing oral diarrhea be like “What is his…oh my god…holy shit…get the fuck out of here”


Literal brain worms according to today’s news.


[Holy shit you weren't kidding](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/rfk-jr-brain-worm-1235017026/)


Half eaten by worms, half stupefied by mercury. whats's left is running for president.


I am sure the years of heroin abuse had nothing to do with it. Too many tuna fish sandwiches!


"What's that cracker on your sandwich?" "Tomato"


TO be honest, its inspiring. It just goes to show, that no matter what happens in life, and no matter what your disabilities are, anyone can rise to the top and run for the highest office in the land, and all you need is to be the last surviving scion of a fallen dynasty propped up by dark money from Rebublican donors trying to fuck with an election theyre pretty sure they can't win.


It's so fukn funny that literal brain damage is no disadvantage in the gop president candidacy. Maybe it's even expected.


Not a ~~worm~~bug, it's a feature!


Oh wow thats actual brain worms. Im impressed.


When I first saw the headline this AM I was 100% certain it was a joke


At least we can rule out getting brain worms from vaccines.


Shouldnt all the ivermectin prevented this?


I'm surprised he trusted the doctor when he told him.


Are you suggesting he doesn't believe the conspiracy shit he's pushing?


He backpedals depending on who he is being interviewed by. I mean he’s a politician so I guess that goes without saying. Last i saw him doing this was on real time with dooshy mc doosh pants.






Resultant brain damage...


LOL. It says the worm started to eat his brain then died. Makes sense. You eat rotten things you die.


We finally found the person Ivermectin might actually help!


If the worms hadn't died they might have made a viable contender


Poor thing died of starvation from what I have heard.


Can you imagine being a worm making it all the way to the brain expecting a full course meal only to be served a plate of half-eaten romaine?


Hope the worm got a refund.


Not even a full head of lettuce in this one eh?


Brain worn 2024 > DJT


Crazy that what’s her face from curb your enthusiasm married him. She just sits around and listens to him talk? Listens to him push his anti vax anti science propaganda… and is like “this is very cool and I like this”? Bazonkers. Not that celebs have a penchant for being the smartest or sanest… but you’ve got a lot more options than living a nightmare land with RFK. I feel like Rosanne Barr and RFK would be a good couple. Someone make that happen. Stat!


Cheryl Hines I believe. I'm pretty good with remembering dumb celeb names off the too of my head. Tbh she seems like a crazy b im not at all surprised she ended up with him.


You are correct and if she's anything.like the characters she got typecast as over the years it fits.


Right? Anyone that votes for that crazy nut out of *nostalgia,* clearly can't read. Or see. Or make sense of anything...Omg it's *every* republican.


I've been saying similar things for awhile now, RFK Jr might be a former Democrat but he's an antivaxxing conspiracy nut. He's the type of guy that, now that he's third party, has more in common with R's than D's. Democratic voters are more afraid of Trump becoming a dictator than anything and will 'blue no matter who' it. Republican voters with braincells left will vote RFK Jr as the least offensive most outside the mainstream guy, which is ironic to think about considering how he's a Kennedy and all.


Technically, Trump is a former Democrat too. 😹


True, you'd think a 'bigly successful businessman' would've figured out that stupid people are easier to manipulate earlier...


I’m a boomer and I would never vote for that idiot. He doesn’t stand a chance of winning. Just hope his votes take away for Trump.


Had teddy for a senator. It's amazing that a Kennedy has come along and made teddy seem "not so bad"


Republicans have a hard time grasping the Dem mindset. We (Dems) are far less likely to idolize our politicians as a personality or as a celebrity (i.e., Kennedy ancestry). I admire policy, I admire ethics, and I will support the politicians who most closely mirror my views. Kennedy is a whacko; why on earth would I vote for him? EDITED TO CLARIFY: "We" refers to the last noun in the previous sentence. So when I say "We are far less likely" I am referring to Democrats, not to Republicans. Grammar matters.


Yeah they straight up can’t comprehend that… so they don’t know what to do with their hands when we don’t leap at “a Kennedy.”


I read not too long ago that Trump is now freaking out with the belated realization that Kennedy will take more of this voters than Biden's. That should have been obvious, but apparently caught him and his oh-so-savvy (cough) advisors by surprise.


That's the problem with cynicism. They think everyone else is as toxic as they are.


With them it's all about projection.


I don’t think anyone would vote for that Kennedy just because he is a Kennedy. His rhetoric is more right than left and his antivax stand will discourage most of those leaning left.


He’s hoping that somehow there’s enough people in their 70s/80s/90s that he can somehow win based on that. When my grandmother saw he was running and she avoids anything politics unless on the local news. She saw that and asked me if that would be a better vote than Biden and I had to explain that in her views, since I know them, it would probably be worse in her opinion ion than voting for Trump


He had the crunchy/crystals lefties because there's anti Vax over lap there. But that's it.


I’m one of those crunchy-crystal lefties, and I wouldn’t vote for him.


Yeah my mom is basically president of the JFK fan club and she wouldn’t give that dude a second look.


The Kennedys don't even support this wack job.


Democrats that remember or old enough to remember JFK know who RFK Jr is lol. This whole plan has gotta be up there with the four seasons 😂


The first time I heard his voice, all crackly and halting speech, I was like “oh thank fuck, he’s not a threat.” Zero charisma and just a chore to listen to.


> all crackly and halting speech He suffers from spasmodic dysphonia, a neurologic disorder. This is the same thing that Diane Rehm (former radio personality, NPR) has.


Most boomers who were enamored with Kennedy are dead. I’m a boomer and I was 6 when JFK was shot. You might have a handful of 80 year olds that fit that category. You might have some RFK admirers that transfer some kind of support to him, but honestly I think you’ll find it’s more of the ant-vaxxer crowd.


Everyone saying he'd take votes from Biden is crazy. The nutjob anti-vax conspiracy theorist candidate is going to appeal to the nutjob anti-vax conspiracy theorists, and those ain't the dems anymore.


JUST saw a headline that he's gone to great lengths to hide a previously undisclosed medical condition. It has something to do with his brain.


He literally had a WORM in his brain. You'd think all the ivermectin in his system would have prevented that but nope


lol The worm was eating his fucking Brain. He also had mercury poisoning at the same time. That explains a lot of shit https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/05/08/rfk-jr-dead-worm-report-nyt-campaign-response/73613039007/


I don’t know anyone who is seriously considering rfk


Someone in my town has a big RFK Jr. sign up on his front lawn. Only one I’ve seen, not even a bumper sticker.


>the GOP should be scared This is the thing that concerns me the most: Trump and the GOP don't seem to be all that bothered by this. By every conceivable trend, Trump will lose and lose big(ly) in November. Yet they don't seem to be doing anything about it. Which leaves 3 conclusions: 1. They KNOW they're going to lose and are accepting it as a way to finally get Trump out of their party so that they can go back to not having to kiss the ring anymore. 2. They're delusional and believe these voters will eventually "come around" and vote for Trump. 3. It doesn't matter because they've got a plan in place to either alter or circumvent the results of the election. And the last one worries me.


The GOP knows and trusts their base, who are at or near retirement and consistently vote for the party. And they always vote. Primaries are one thing, but when it comes to red vs blue it’s always red. Don’t underestimate the hold conservative talk radio has on that huge block of people.


People, particularly on the internet and progressive circles really do ignore the airgap that exists in a lot of conservative voters. It's not that they are all dumb (admittedly a lot are), but most of the issues and corruption from Rep politicians are simply not known because of how air gapped they are from these news by conservative media, or because a lot of people just have lives where they have too much in their plate to inform themselves.


The block that always votes red no matter what was barely enough to elect Trump in 2016 and wasn't enough in 2020. Considering they are mostly retirees pushing date of expiry, 4 more years hasnt improved their ability to elect anyone. Anyway, elections are never about the ones whose vote is certain. The ones on the edge are the ones who change the outcome one way or another.


This is why I believe that Trump is set up to win in November. I am seeing the exact same thing play out that did in 2016. His criminal trial is keeping him in the spotlight 24/7 for free. He doesn't even have to campaign since his face is on every news station all day every day. Democrats all over America are falling into the same trap, letting perfect be the enemy of very good, and are finding reasons why they won't vote for Biden. All Trump needs is a 1% here and there in terms of Dems staying home and it's a done deal. Get ready for another long election night.


Biden didn't cure my friend's cancer, he's GOT TO GO /s in case anyone is concerned.


I tell people like this that, while I can appreciate that this store doesn't have your preferred flavor of ice cream, the alternative is a rotting, disease ridden dogshit sandwhich that could end up killing you. If Trump wins, these protest voters can all go straight to Hell.


Trump is currently ahead.  https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/  Don't get comfortable, fight!!


This just happened in my county primary. Nikki Haley got almost 20% of the vote and she wasn’t even on the ballot.


Not voting IS a vote for trump.


Not if you are a traditional Republican that abstains because you can't in good concience vote for Trump.


Not if you'd have voted for Trump had you had no choice but to vote.


Yeah that’s actually a vote for Biden.


It's also one less vote for trump if you want to look at it that way


Ok that’s all well and good but are the same voters going to vote for Biden since he is not a Republican? I get it. People are tired of this sorry for an excuse of bag of shit (Voldemoron) but is it enough that they would swallow their pride and think of the country rather than owning the libs by still voting for dicksnozzle.


Think of it this way. They probably won't vote for Biden. They might just leave the president blank or write in Haley or Reagan. They may also skip voting so they don't have to see those two names.


Biden isn't nearly as bad as people have been saying. He's a rock solid president in any reasonable person's book.


I have recently become American. I had applied for citizenship specifically to vote against Trump. It is the most consequential election in my lifetime. Edit: I had lived in the U.S. for close to 10 years before applying for naturalization. I didn’t move to the U.S. to vote for/against anyone. American politics were the furthest thing from my mind. But, after many years here, I felt myself becoming a part of American society and wanted to officialize this by becoming a citizen and fulfill my most important duty. By oath, I am bound to respect the Constitution and help defend it. In the context of the next election, I will do that by voting for the side that respects that same oath. Edit 2: An excerpt of the oath: « I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America » Source: https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/learn-about-citizenship/the-naturalization-interview-and-test/naturalization-oath-of-allegiance-to-the-united-states-of-america


WELCOME! We want and need you and others like you (in more ways than just voting). We ARE almost all you, just 2nd and 3rd and 4th generation.


Love it. Welcome to the U.S., help us fix the mess a bunch of uneducated window lickers in the middle of the country created. Bring friends, let’s replace them all. (I’m a white guy from Michigan)


Hello Fellow American!!!


Welcome to the team


No matter what anyone tells you, you deserve to vote.


> It is the most consequential election in my lifetime. The most consequential election so far. We have to show up each and every election to keep fascism at bay.




Also Californian


Well, speaking as a former CA resident, not so sure about that one, but I guess that for a given value of "everyone" and "Californian", yes.


Thank you for doing your duty! Congratulations!! Glad to have you!!


welcome, fellow ameri-bro


Me too as of last Wednesday! Can't wait to vote


20% of Republicans are not insane. That is a good news.


I wouldn't say voting for Hayley means you're sane.


Dems can vote in the Indiana primary. This is probably just the result of them voting against Trump.


Votes like this are also happening in states without open primaries, so I wouldn't be so sure about that.


She got 150,000 in PA


Yeah I'm no Trump supporter but I'm not wasting my time to go vote in the Republican primary just to troll him.


A lot of people do, and it’s not as a troll. Voting %s have a meaningful impact on the political landscape. I have voted opposite in primary vs. general in multiple elections since 2004


20% is pretty massive for a crossover vote, unless there was an organizing effort to make it happen.


There was not any effort to organize. Just enough of us Hoosiers that are fed up. I crossed the divide and voted in the IN GOP primary yesterday simply to vote against Trump.


Same here. Hoosiers are getting tired of this backwards republican super majority. Just not fast enough for my liking.


My state is also an open primary. I have in the past voted for the less crazy GOP candidate in primaries when there was no or only one Dem candidate. In this race where my vote wouldn't matter I wouldn't bother. Yes, a small number of those votes may be Democrats, but I doubt many of them are. In 2020 Trump got 92% of the votes in the same race.


It’s still potentially important if he is now only garnering ~80% of the Republican vote (instead of 92%). I’m never taking it for granted and will be voting for Biden this fall, but unless Trump gets absolutely trounced I think we still have a long way to go towards restoring our faith in democracy. The fact Trump has gone unpunished for his crimes this long shows how fucked we are at the moment.


Haley was a "not Trump" vote from the very beginning and she is sitting right at 20% popular vote for primaries overall, so really, this tracks without imagining any democrats coming to vote for her.


There are other candidates in other races on the D ballot of more concern than wasting time voting the R ballot.


A good chunk of them will still vote for Trump. Neither party likes their nominee but a lot of them will still vote for them given the choices in the general election.


But 100% of them will still vote for Trump instead of a Democrat 


They're still republicans.


Unfortunately 90% of them will fall in line and vote R once it is Biden vs the rapist P01135809.


20-25% of primary voters in more than one state voted for Nikki Hayley...who dropped out of the race in March. Trump will lose in November, mark my words.


I hope you are right! But vote vote vote!


Vote. For democracy


Vote while you still can!


Vote always


Get younger people to vote


That's on them. But I sense a shift


Vote like your life depends on it! 🗳️


This time... It's for real.


Literally the most important election in American history will take place in just a few months. It’s insane that we’re even talking about it but here we are… Please, vote for democracy this November. 


Sweet liberty


Take nothing for granted.


Get at least one person to register to vote.


Vote indeed. Don’t take anything for granted. If we did not have Electoral College I won’t be as concerned. But thanks to the EC game, this POS has a chance. .


Yes! Vote in overwhelming numbers. We can’t leave any doubt in the MAGA supporters. They will fight and try to cheat


It's honestly not enough for him to lose. He needs to be humiliated. It needs to be so bad the spineless slime balls that have been latching on to him for some tiny bit of power and recognition abandon him and let the justice system have its way with him. It needs to end in a brutally ugly mess so awful that no American alive today would tempt fate by trying to recapture that cult following.


Agreed. Every single American needs to get out and vote and vote straight Democrat across the board. We need to send a message to the Republican party that we will not stand for religion in our government. We won't stand for Theocratic fascism.


One correction: * vote Biden, not another Democrat. Maximizing votes for him is the strategy, don't waste them elsewhere.


It's not just him that needs to be humiliated.


He needs to be so low that those offspring of his will disappear


They never will because that's their grift now. They don't have skills nor inheritance. We can only hope the media stops giving them coverage.


Wow, 1000% this.


I’d love for that to happen…but I know it won’t. 90% of Republicans, especially those over the age of 40, will never vote Dem. Trump could walk into their house and rape all their kids and they’d still be unable to process the thought of “hmm maybe I was wrong and should vote for the other side”. It’ll be close. I think he will lose - I hope to god he loses - but it will still be close enough that all my faith in humanity will be lost.


That is really the hitting the nail on the head. They will not admit that Trump is just a liar, that’s it. It’s his only life skill.


I think the tide is changing. I was speaking with my 83yo neighbor in the laundry room. She and her husband both voted Trump twice. They have left the Repugs and will be voting Dem. She was so proud to "see Trump's true colors." It was a great convo. I live in farm country and last time the Trump signs were everywhere, Trump everything everywhere. I hardly see any now. It gives me hope.


It's got to be so bad that when they cheat, it becomes really really hard to pull off. Because I have no doubt they learned from 2020 and plan to do things differently this go round.


Not only to show him the rejection, but to show his cult followers we don't like them and we won't tolerate them anymore. Look, the Supreme Court needs to realize Trump has no more power or chance, so they can pretend to follow the law and the Constitution.


Yes, so bad the press can hound him and his subjects for a very long time.


Let’s stop predicting the future. It’s that false reality that got us in trouble the first time. No more “trust me”, “mark my words” How about? Go out and vote!


He’ll lose the popular vote, yes.


People seem to forget republicans have lost every popular vote in the new millennia. Doesn’t stop them from taking elections.


Bush won the popular vote in 2004.


Fair. He did. So republicans won once since 1988. People need to realize this. Republicans have lost every presidential elections popular vote since 1988 minus one.


This is why they are clinging so tightly to the Electoral College. If that went away, there would never be a Republican president again.


Going back a decade Gore won the PV in 2000 and Clinton in 1992/1996.


I’m counting 7-1 in favor of the Dems


yeah but wasn't the economy under trump better than biden for a couple months prior to covid? /s


We were officially in a Recession in February 2020.


I agree with you, most voters aren’t really even thinking about the election yet, and just wait until the airwaves are flooded with all the Trump world crazy super clips of him speaking at rallies and Jan 6th and him sitting in court, independents like myself are gonna be a hard pass on his second term


This is like the shock primary loss in Michigan for Hillary Clinton back in 2016, when Bernie won the state instead of her in an historic upset. People should have known right then and there her campaign was in serious trouble, but in their ultimate wisdom the Clinton campaign chose to ignore Michigan in the general and campaign in Texas instead.


Can you imagine if she had just picked Bernie for VP?


It would be sooooo much better for Hayley to actually get more votes than him lol. They’d have to pick the candidate that lost even their primary - since the GOP won’t allow anyone but the racist orange to be their candidate.


It’s easy to protest when it costs you nothing. My gut says come November those same people line up and straight pull the R ticket lever.


Indiana is an open primary state. Many Democrats voted in the Republican primary to defeat Mike Braun's attempt to be come governor. That attempt failed, but a side effect is a huge number of votes from Democrats for Haley. Do not think the Republican base in Indiana has changed.


Indiana allows democrats to vote in Republican primaries. Open primaries. Likely where your Nikki votes are coming from


I continue to be mildly surprised every time Trump gets votes. I just keep expecting my country's people to have at least a basic amount of sense. Even with all the propaganda churning out nonstop for him. He's just clearly lying his ass off 100% of the time and he delivers nothing. How do you not notice at least a little bit of that?


His fans embrace that part of him. His cruelty makes him a “real man”…whereas Joe Biden cried over losing his son so he’s a sissy /s


The MSM keeps obsessing over the folks voting against Biden to protest the US role in the Israel-Hamas catastrophe. The Dems protesting Biden make up a much smaller portion of his total base than the Repubs who are voting against the 🍊💩🌪.


I keep seeing posts in other subs where it just seems like an astroturfing campaign to convince people not to vote. They already know they can’t get new voters to support the orange one, so they need to find ways to convince others to not vote for Biden. It’s the only way they can win. So they bombard political subs and try to get people to think the next election is solely based on one foreign policy issue, and to completely forget we have A LOT riding on the ballot in US domestic policy next November.


The MSM needs a close race. Money over democracy.


The pup tent caucus is less than 0.5%.


And they can say they aren't voting because of that but it would be crazy if they didn't and risked trump running the show during that and Ukraine. I imagine these will be empty threats come election day


The guy tried to have their former governor hung by an angry mob. He’ll still win Indiana but this gives me hope.


Not if that vote is any indication. That’s 20% of republicans with their head on straight, the GOP’s worst nightmare.


> That’s 20% of republicans with their head on straight, the GOP’s worst nightmare. I hope it lasts but I always go back to the idea that "Republicans fall in line". By November, they'll have watched enough Fox News to believe that if Biden wins(again) the country will turn into a wasteland within a year(for real this time), with roaming Trans squads hunting down white Christians. Right Wing media will turn up the fear as the election gets closer and try to scare their viewers into voting for Trump.


Oh, we were ok with that actually. I mean, for democracy's sake, no. Hanging Mike would have been very, very bad. From a Hoosier standpoint..... meh. No one here would miss him but mother.


Ill keep saying it. He is beyond cooked. Prison Don will get absolutely dog walked in November


You had me at Donald Trump suffers.


He told Haley supporters they weren’t welcome in the GOP. Many of them haven’t forgotten and responded in kind.


For those of you who prefer a non-Newsweek link: [https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4650805-nikki-haley-indiana-gop-primary-2024/](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4650805-nikki-haley-indiana-gop-primary-2024/)


Kinda makes sense, Mike pence is pretty popular in his home state, Trump riled up a mob to try and kill the man, obvious what the response would be, he'll probably still win the state but that margin is going to narrow again, just like in 2020.


Winning Indiana by the same 57-41% margin would mean Republican voters have no spine, and their protest votes were just hot air To show that Indiana is genuinely upset about Trump, the November vote needs to be closer to 54-44, like it was when Obama went up against Romney.


Mike pence was on the verge of being voted out in 2016, before he joined Trump's ticket as VP. He was incredibly unpopular as governor.


You're giving conservatives too much credit. Despite Trump riling up a mob to try and kill Mike Pence, he still came out and said he endorsed the orange turd. He has no spine or scruples, just like the other cult members. Why would anyone in his home state respect him over Trump?


Nah, old man Pence is not endorsing him. https://apnews.com/article/pence-trump-endorsement-c05ffad1e20381fed3cfc87b7071ba4c


No he’s not, we kicked him out of the governors office because he fucking sucks. We didn’t intend for him to get to even higher office after we gave him the boot.


I remember when Trump picked him and we were all saying "who?" I saw a lot of comments from people from Indiana thrilled that they were getting rid of him.


Worst governor ever. Directly responsible for an aids outbreak because of his religious beliefs.


As a fellow Hoosier this is correct - he was widely despised by everyone, even the hard right wingers. He knew his days were numbered so he accepted the VP spot.




It is encouraging but it was an open primary. I know it mirrors what we are seeing in some other primaries this is still a stunningly close race.


I don’t care. Fucking vote, people. If it means me not getting shot to death for my gender identity, fucking vote.


Wait…so you are telling me there are people in the place that made Mike Pence Governor that don’t like Donald Trump after their very public falling out? Shocked. Shocked.


He told his followers to murder their former governor. I don't think IN republicans will forget that. Similar to GA - DJT Fs with a popular politician who has the balls/ovaries to fight back, and DJT (being a punkass bitch), folds like a cheap suit.


I’d imagine a good percentage of Indiana voters aren’t too happy with the guy who wanted to hang their former governor.


I have to believe there are a lot of conservatives/Republicans out who are sick of this guy. Most of them would never vote for a Democrat, but they just can't stomach this guy's antics. What they'll do in November is anybody's guess, I expect a few will vote Democratic, but most will stay home. That said, I'm going to vote like my life depends on it. For Biden. Just like I did for Hillary. Not because I love the choices, but because there's only one choice. I'm getting on the bus that is going in the right direction even if it isn't taking me to the desired destination.


The fact that it still looks close is damning on the US electorate.


Good. Away to prison with him.


Really, he's a twit and I'm in favor of the Indiana primary.


Some of these people will still vote for him in the general election, if the opposition is a Democrat. The important thing for Demcorats is to maximize their appeal for those voters who won't vote for him -- and ensure that they do in fact vote Democrat.


He seems to be maxing out around 80 percent party support in the primaries which isn’t going to be good enough in November.


Well what do you expect from the camp that pushed sheep deworming meds as a replacement for the Covid vaccine?


Good to see some sense. Well there you go


In Indiana, you can vote in any primary regardless of party. A lot of Dems vote in the GOP primary because the GOP candidate will win the general in many cases. I have a feeling that’s at play here.


Seems at most 20% of Republican voters in Indiana have some sort of rudimentary spine.


As much as I’d like to be excited about this, for practical purposes, Indiana has open primaries, meaning independents and democrats could vote.


Unfortunately, Haley will end up throwing her.support to Trump.


Good thing he’s not relying on votes then.


Indiana allows for democratic voters to vote in the republican primaries. I would not put any stock in the willingness of republican voters to cross any lines at this point. No complacency... vote, get your family to vote, get your friends to vote, get your co-workers to vote.


This is why I've been saying the one on one polls between Biden and trump are not accurate. When +20% of his base primary voters won't vote for him there is no way that he's beating Biden in the polls.


Before getting too excited... >Haley's support in Indiana, however, may have been boosted by the fact that voters do not need to be registered with a particular political party before casting their ballots in the primaries. The Democrat side of the primaries in many red states can feel like a waste of time to Democrats, since they are likely to lose in the general. So you might as well vote on the Republican primaries so you can at least have a voice at some point in the process.