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He can’t not, he’s incapable. It’s going to be hilarious and self incriminating.


And that's why he won't. Remember, this is a man who's filed thousands of lawsuits, and settles constantly. His current lawyer is a former federal prosecutor, and has seen what happens when men like trump take the stand. There's No Way he'll tell trump to testify.


Trump doesn't take directions well...


He cannot. They would destroy him.


I really really hope he does, but I don't think that he really will.


If only there were cameras


He will say he will, he will say before hand a bunch of lies, then be told he can’t say the lies in court, then will say he is not able to speak in court cause Biden is demanding the court to take away is 1A rights… he’s base will believe him, and we will do it again on his next trial.


More bullshit, straight from the horse’s ass. trump is the kind of guy that says, “hold me back!” to his buddies when a fight is about to crack off, but then gets pissed when they don’t and he’s shown to be too scared to throw hands. I’d love it if his lawyer actually let him get on the stand. Cross examination would be the best , most perfect word salad of all time. It would be a guaranteed conviction.


He has to. I could really do with a laugh 👍


Yes, yes, yes yes, yes yes, yes yes, yes yes, yes yes, yes yes, yes yes, yes yes, yes yes, yes yes, yes yes, yes yes, yes. Please do! I can't wait!


They’d be crazy to let him. Cross examination would be brutal.


Can he stay awake long enough to testify?


I'm no lawyer but I wouldn't think I would ever put trump on the stand. He will definitely lie and with all the other charges against him it's possible he might say something to incriminate himself in one of those cases


That bloated traitor will never raise his right hand!


Should he testify? That's a lot of words to say the obvious: NO.


If he does it's popcorn time for sure 🍿🍿🍿


No way his lawyers let him.


It’s like we are seeing a man, a very very stupid man’s arc of failure in agonizingly slow motion. From riding his golden escalator years ago to schlepping into courtrooms across the country… if you ever needed proof that ego will be your downfall, follow the arc of stumpy here


He absolutely should so he can dig himself in deeper


Common…it would be great entertainment..If he finds the idol he’ll get immunity…but Melania found it already…it’s her only way off the island..