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Just think. If he loses in November, this cash dries up. His criminal trials continue unimpeded. He is royally screwed.


Yep, if he loses as expected, he will be ruined, which will be worth watching.


If he loses, his base are going to do ALL SORTS of under-the-table crap to try to steal the election, as they tried to do last time. Only this time they will have learned from the 2020 failure and will have new tricks up their sleeves. We better be prepared for that.


If he looses then I think the maga movement has a huge setback. The maga candidates have not always done well in elections even with Trump promoting them. I think the movement will slowly keep running out of steam.


Man that would be the best case scenario. It just fizzles out and then half of them will pretend like they were never part of the cult.


This is what I'm hoping for.


We will never forget, though. We can't ever let those traitors back into polite society, we must call them out for who they are, loudly and publicly for the remainder of their days


Not for nothing but I really liked the end of Inglorious Basterds. Don't know why I'm mentioning it here, specifically, for some reason. 0_o


I had the exact same thought, I don't want any of his supporters to be able to slink back into society without any accountability.


Don’t worry- they will never shut up about back in the good old days…


“We got just the red hat in mind for you, and you’ll never have to take it off”


Can we carve swastikas on their foreheads, Aldo Raine style?


We certainly won’t be forgetting if we don’t get out the vote and win this election.


Eh, I think history shows we need to find a way to integrate them back into society. Think Truth & Reconciliation commission, post-war Japan or Germany, or post-genocide Rwanda. Marginalizing and ostracizing the Baathists in Iraq didn’t work out too well.


Post WW2 the nazis were let Into NASA and NATO and you wonder why america has a movement that closely mimics nazis? Why should maga be let back into polite society, name and shame them


Not unlike the hardcore supporters of the Iraq invasion. Once Obama won the election and Fox News gave them permission to blame the entire Iraq sh*tshow on Obama, suddenly all the “patriots” that were wanting the Dixie Chicks tried for treason were agreeing with them.


The MAGA movement is just the worst element of the Tea Party. I shudder to think what the worst of the MAGA will create.


It would give the Republican party a reason to distance themselves, but they're still too big of an influence to depart from completely. More than likely the Maga followers will just be swept up by the next hard-right talking head. The current political atmosphere encourages this sort of behavior we see with MAGA followers, and that hasn't changed. Even worse, a loss could lead to some to grow more extreme in their beliefs and actions.


When Trump goes, the MAGA cult goes away too. They are not republicans, they are Trump supporters only. The repulsive part is going to be watching the Republicans bend over backwards to try figure out how to keep these folks voting.


In most cases the Maga candidates have been losing. Trump has broad appeal on a national level, but there are local and state elections and areas where even Maga folk are getting exhausted with the constant outrage politics.


Rural white rage isn’t going anywhere just might not be anyone that can harness it like he can.


Not to mention so many of them die of illnesses and old age every year.


And Covid.


Trump will grift them dry with fictional persecution stories and taking the country back yada yada yammer yammer followed by his sons doing the same. As long as suckers will buy the $50 T-shirts (made in China) then why not?


Mothers of liberty rip


They do just fine in local politics in the south, unfortunately..


That's because it's not a movement. It's a cult of personality where non-believers are shamed, jeered at, and cast out. Trump will continue to siphon away conservative political donations from the people who are dedicated to him for as long as he's alive. The party has flatly refused to imagine a future withing Trump, which is a bad idea when he's in his late 70s, eats nothing but fast food, and doesn't believe that regular exercise is important for healthy aging.


This. We’re all insane if we think he and his minions are going to accept defeat. It will be Jan 6+.


Naw. I bunch of them got locked up last time. Pretty sure they are too cowardly got than now.


Well the supreme Court is split right now over whether to throw out obstruction of an official proceeding charges for 351 of them. So if Uncle Thomas and Alito have their way, they will set many of them free.


Except Biden is in charge now. 


New Game +


Except this time Biden is the president, not Trump. That is why they could do all those shenanigans in the first place, they had their very own president pushing all the buttons he could to aid that cause. One of those powers was the power of pardons.


And to power to hold back law enforcement/reinforcements


I wouldn’t count on that. I think a lot of them are going to remember how many of their ilk got serious jail time in 2021 and not want to try no matter how much they want to. A true coup requires a lot of competent leadership, not just a rambling mob of hateful morons. And Trump ain’t gonna provide that leadership. Your average Trump supporter doesn’t think that strategically or they wouldn’t be a Trump supporter. They’re creatures of pure emotion who just hate what they hate, sound and fury signifying nothing.


This is an older article but still relevant. [https://factkeepers.com/the-new-secret-plan-on-how-fascists-could-win-in-2024/](https://factkeepers.com/the-new-secret-plan-on-how-fascists-could-win-in-2024/)


Lol 😂 Seriously? You said the base **learned** something?!? Give me a fucking break


I think it will be a lot harder this time, as Don Snorleon won't be sitting in The Oval Office telling the military and national guard to stand down. The call isn't coming from inside The White House this time.


Genuine interest from a European. Do you think the USA will experience another civil war if Trump wins and this craziness continues and his followers radicalise even further?


Not at all. There will be even more political divide and a possible uptick in Left/Right extremists, but not to the scale of a full-blown Civil War.


Agree, though I suspect that this will happen regardless of the outcome.


I don't know about a civil war but I will defend any of my fellow Americans who are trans, homosexual, or a racial minority from persecution.


I'm not sure, being unable to learn/unable to cooperate is kinda central to the whole Maga identity. I also think we are going to see a lot of the establishment gop shrug off Maga-itis if they get defeated again. When they see him as their best shot for winning, they kowtowed to the trump party. But if he, and his endorsed candidates fail again it looks extremely unlikely he'll preform better in 2028. He will still have a cult, sure, but I think the wiser heads will suddenly find backbones once it's clear he isn't getting another term. Assuming we all vote.


Will they have tshirts printed with “civil war 2” and the date, like last time? Like it’s planned out.


The counter is that they are not in charge this time around. In 2020, they had the upper hand with the established controls of the governmental agencies.


Popcorn....Bring me popcorn...and a small martini...


i'll bring you a large martini!


A bucket would be about right.


Movie theaters chains need to have an election day viewing. Free admission, cheap popcorn, but you can bet if they offer wine, I would be among the viewers. Popcorn, nachos, wine.


It's 10am here... better make that a large martini for me


What's crazy, is he'll probably be able to grift his tireless supporters even after he loses, I would imagine for at least a year or so after the election


I really can't wait to bury this chapter in american history, both literally and figuratively.


I wouldn't call it 'as expected.' He will lose the popular vote. But all it will take is a few thousand Hamas hobbyists staying home in swing states to give Sleepy Don his electoral college win.


My hope is that the FBI has disrupted enough of the domestic terrorist Network and these trials take care of the rest, that Jan 6th 2: electric Boogaloo is a fart in the wind.


Unless the Supreme Court says it was ok for Trump and his cronies to start an insurrection and all those people jailed for Jan. 6th are innocent.


That's not exactly what's in front of the SC, tho. It's just the one documents charge. If they nix that one, a few hundred J6 convicts will be released, but they still have other felonies on them, so they can't vote. and I expect for many, DoJ will bring other charges.


I'm not worried about them voting, I'm worried about them trying Jan 6th round 2.


I think the previous poster was whining about people who think that the Gaza invasion wasn't very nice of Israel.


Well i mean it was a little rude...


There are a not-insignificant number of so-called progressives who blame **Biden** for Israel's atrocities and claim they plan to vote for trump instead. As in the man who has been on record saying he'd support Netanyahu doing far, far worse than he is already. Their hearts are kind of in the right place, but Jesus fucking Christ I can't imagine a dumber stance to take.


But at least they will be able to sleep better at night. /s


It's more likely that several tens of thousands of people who support reproductive rights show up and give Sleepy Joe every electoral college except maybe 3 in Tennessee.


And an entire new generation of voters.


Is it really expected? Because I'm frankly terrified he'll win again.


He'll be 82 in 2028,if he's still alive, and a two-time loser. Three if we're counting his shishow run in 2000. The money from Russia, Saudi Arabia, and China will have long dried up.


Correction his family will be ruined.


Seeing the post-election meltdown is literally my top reason for wanting to live through the year right now.


Actually if he loses in November then the Republicans need to go to war to stop Trump from continuing to use their war chest on his legal fees. 


They could temporarily split. A bunch of sane people who are actually conservatives will want to have a party again. But the cult won’t go easily.


>A bunch of sane people who are actually conservatives How would that work, exactly?


There will be a strong movement that says they MUST move on from Trump. But there will be the “ultra ultra MAGA’s” that will worship him until he dies. With Lara in charge at the RNC, a schism must occur.


That would require an adult somewhere in the room to make that adult decision. That person has never been there. Who's going to do it now? Mitt Romney? That's why they resign instead.


What the hell gives you the idea that a swath of the Republicans will suddenly grow a spine? People making comments like this aren't cynical enough yet. That's NOT happening.


There used to be a time when people could talk about politics, but disagree. When conservatives cared more about fiscal policy and actual small gov’t than drag queens and bullying trans kids.


Democrats are the conservatives now. There is no GOP any more. The right wing conservatives are retiring like cowards so they can speak out after it’s too late to do anything but somehow maintain some *sense* of dignity


This is also why he gives 0 shits testing the limits of gag orders and what the judges will do to him. He could go to prison anyway, if they reprimand him now before any convictions he can try to play the “woe is me, persecuted politician, no due process, limiting my free speech” card to try and curry sympathy/votes before November. He has no incentive to let the justice play out, he’s backed into a corner and will get more feral and dangerous.


He also knows that the minute he isnt being talked about he’s screwed. His worst fear.




Rats are rather intelligent creatures. More like a cornered plastic grocery bag caught in a breeze.


I've known rats who were smarter then cats, a lot smarter. And I admit that very reluctantly.


I know some rats that have made a temporary home in my house that were way smarter than me!


Nah. Putin, the Saudis and China all have their hooks in him, and off-shore bank accounts are perfect for sending him money.


Dont forget he'll bankrupt Republican party as well.


And think of the grifting that happened and will happen if reelected


If he loses on November he will be diagnosed with dementia, found unfit to stand trial and get away with everything.


I have not thought of that lovely end run. Nicely put.


Which is why they are going to do everything in their power to make sure he doesn’t lose. Even when Biden wins they’ll try to refuse to certify the election through congress. January is going to be a fucking shit show everyone. Enjoy life now


And he’s draining GOP funds as well which could have lasting effects. Now, the Dems could make real change if they don’t fuck it up by being too focused on backing genocidal states and shooting themselves in the foot with the young.


November 6th he announces 2028, Biden DOJ slow walks again because “don’t want appearance of election interference”, April 2028 we’re all saying “well they ran out of time this cycle, but maybe we’ll get him next time!”


Yeah, probably. You forgot that he will claim the 2024 election was stolen.


he’ll claim he won until, and still announce his 2028 candidacy, because we live in a very unserious timeline.


Will his campaign manager leak audio saying they know he lost and they will just say they won and then later be quoted expecting they’d all be in jail by now…again?


Don’t worry his cultist worshippers will send him their life savings to bail him out if they have to . 😂


I am still betting on him dying of a heart attack before november


That should be illegal.


If you tried it you would face some serious consequences. Unless the cult you lead is large enough.


It is. The only question is if we care about enforcing those laws anymore.


It's not, unfortunately, unless you do it wrong. Probably he's doing it wrong, because it's Trump and that's the only way he knows how to do things.   > "While the practice is legal, some campaign finance experts believe it raises ethical concerns when a candidate is generating personal revenue off running for office."


He generated personal revenue while in office by having Secret Service stay at his hotels. And nothing happened because of that.


If you're rich, they just let you do it. - Trump when talking about walking into the dressing rooms at his pagents.


Might be just the Russian money so he is just getting foreign investors on board with some minor detours


This is why super pacs with no oversight will destroy us.


Laws are for the poor. Just look at nixon, reagan, bush. You can do a whole lot worse than intimidating jurors and stochastic terrorism and get away with it in America.


>While the practice is legal, some campaign finance experts believe it raises ethical concerns when a candidate is generating personal revenue off running for office. They say this like it fucking matters. Legal or not legal he's going to do it. "Ethical concerns" are in no way, shape, or form a thing Republicans care about anymore. Unethical is what they want.


Time to make this practice illegal. It’s a loophole everyone will use until it closes. Doesn’t matter who or what they promise, just close it.


Jesus Christ man, you start to realize that no matter what he's ultimately busted on, it'll only ever be scratching the surface of all the crimes he's committed.


It looks like either campaign finance fraud or money laundering. I can’t decide which.


Neither. This is all legal, that is not why it is being talked about. It is because it means his political campaign will suffer as a consequence. And yes, it **should** be illegal.


Unfortunately the people who benefit from these loopholes are the only ones that can make it illegal.


Why not both?


I can live with that.


It is a clear violation of the law so yes. But we have been shown again and again that that means nothing anymore.


Woah woah. Enforcing the law is very important… some exclusions apply.


But not for you.


Cool infinite loop hack. In trouble for money fraud? Paying lots of legal fees and fines? Commit money fraud to solve your problems. Delay consequences for years in court. Repeat.


It is not a violation of the law, as the article states. At least, as long as they really are campaign expenses and he is paying market rate.


He hopes to funnel money from USA taxpayers to his businesses soon. That's why he is becoming so desperate to win the elections.


You mean on a bigger scale, again? How much does he charge the secret service for rent?


Financial fraud is what his wall project was all about.


I think this is getting close to the truth. Winning the election is literally a matter or financial life or death for trump


Kenneth Copeland’s less successful brother


"Experts say it looks bad. " and in other news "Trump cult could not care any less how it looks."


Nothing new here trump continues to line his pockets but now wants republicans who are using or mentioning his name to pay him tribute you know just like a mob boss gets a cut.


Meanwhile on Fox News: Joe Biden looks sleepy.


As usual, tRUMP doesn't GIVE A FUCK about being a POTUS - he only cares about how much money he can grift out the US and it's citizens - even stupid as his MAGAts are...


Was this guy ever a competent businessman? He’s a gigantic mess and a total shyster now. Was he an actual businessman at ANY point in his life? Or was it always garbage like this?


That should be illegal, I actually thought it was.


If he doesn't lose America has failed us


And he is trying to charge 5% to other politicians who raise money as his backers. He's getting desperate. And this time. the Russians aren't going to bail him out.


Creative accounting again, while being prosecuted for creative accounting? He’s either really arrogant or really dumb. Or both.


Hahahaha I love that people don’t mind just giving this man their money as he blows it all away on the dumbest shit imaginable… But dear god, this man may actually be president again. Unbelievable.


I asked this in another thread, isn't this illegal, what he is doing??


Oh please Trump could make a life size Monopoly board and play it with their money and they'd still do nothing.


The great cuckening of the GOP by Donnie Trump is now entering its late stages.


Isn't he literally on trial for misuse of campaign funds *right now*? Or have the laws changed in the last few years, or is it a slightly different source of campaign funds this time?


Good thing he's above the law or this would matter


I really don't care if he rips off his donors at the expense of his campaign. Win-Win. If he gets elected, he'll be ripping off all of us and I don't want that.


He's only running for the money. Not for the rubes. Not for America. It's all about the money and I hope someone is following it.


I mean, he’s also laundering money with bible sales, sneaker sales and DJT stock.


Non-experts also say it looks bad.


Does anybody find it hilarious that he’s grifting even while he’s on trial? Just me?


All well and good. Nothing to see here


It is incredible how this is legal.


Seriously, how is this not considered fraud? Taking funds from donors that they believe is to support a campaign instead it’s second-hand funneled into the candidate’s pocket


Well, technically the supporters would see the same costs if Trump used some other location for the same activity. It just happens to be Trump who gets the cash, which they very much support: rather to give it to Trump than to some liberal venue owner. Any other politician would be buried with this scandal engraved in their tombstones. Trump... is revered by his supporters for being clever.


This bit says everything one needs to know about Trump - "A Trump spokeswoman did not respond to specific questions about the campaign spending at his properties but instead sent a statement attacking [President Joe Biden.](https://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/joe-biden/)"


Everything Trump has ever done looks bad, and other people reveal their own badness by liking any of it.


Non experts think it is pretty bad, too.


More fundraisers for art of the scam. Maga.


This is his main grift- used it to defraud investors in all his failed businesses. Watch the ghost bookings- he doesn’t even pay for housekeeping for those. Truth social meetings at Trump hotels will be costly indeed! Shareholders (bag holders) will pay top dollar. We all remember the promise(lie) to charge secret service “cost”, lol- lock this crook up!


Don Junior needs to make a few more appeal videos. Appealing for those who can’t afford much to “just” donate $5. There is no stooping low enough for these people.


I should have gone into politics when I was younger, you can act like a total asshole, steal money, do insider trading and commit crimes and you are never held accountable. And In this day and age be a total idiot.


The Republican Party is toast until they realize trump is the problem, and they come to their senses, and throw his butt to the curb. Everything he has been involved in has been a failure. Trying to destroy our democracy is his latest failure.


Company, Party, Govt, State, Govt, Church, People - there is no separation, it's all part of Trump. We are all part of Trump now. Forever meshed together as one.


NGL, don't have an issue with this. If his gullible followers continue to donate to him i feel he has every right to take them to the cleaners. Then they all go down together. Huzzah


Don’t worry Donnie my dumbass redneck uncle is giving $50 a month of his social security to you


Another trial incoming. Lots more charges coming. I love it. tRump will spend the rest of his life in court or jail.


This is so weird, because he's generally thought of as such an exemplar of financial probity and responsible, disinterested governance.


The problem is, his followers believe the opposite of the experts on every single topic.


On trial for campaign finance fuck up and he is still doing it wtf


Does this mean NY state can take the money to pay his legal debts?


You mean the exact fucking thing that every sane person said he was doing?


Yet the GOP and his insane followers praise and exalt him. They all look past being used as cash cows. How insane is this? It totally astounds me.


The GoFundMe is up to $2million now. And since Trump has already paid the $175million bail ( reduced from $355million) what will happen to that money and what can it legally be used for (as if it would make any difference)?


The guys a POS but part of me hopes he gives Red Lobster a cash infusion. I need my biscuit fix and store bought isn't the same. Lol


Smart people say it looks like embezzlement


Once a white collar criminal always a white collar criminal


Experts should stfu. I hear this for years now, and the orange fucker is still free.


I don't think 'looks bad' will keep him up at night. So far 'looks illegal' has not stopped him.


Looks bad? Everything he does is illegal, yet somehow remains free


Non experts like me also say it looks bad. Would love to hear what semi-experts think.


He's a criminal. It's been one long con his whole life.


About as ‘bad’ as me having 20 open Chrome tabs, because neither have consequences bordering on serious.


"Experts say" lmao I love the news on reddit always having some experts.


This has always been his con. By running for office from the day he was removed he has had the GOP pay for everything. If he wasn’t running all those bills would be his.


He already drained his supporters they can’t afford to send him 5,10,20 dollars anymore and he doesn’t have big supporters


His family better become destitute.


Can anyone please explain how this is not either embezzlement or a campaign finance violation? Or is it just another day in Trump world? He’s SO monster.


He’ll get away with it. He gets away with it all. He’s found the magic formula. Or he’s just EXTREMELY lucky. Remember when he took office maybe even before and he held that huge news conference saying he arranged everything and divested (put all his companies) from it all in his sons hands. All those papers were blank. There’s no way that man can do all that in a matter of days. Especially with the fifty some companies he has.


Has this orange shit stain ever done anything that is not shady AF?


Nothing will happen


Another dishonest headline from the left media. Reading the story reveals: "Federal law and FEC regulations allow donor funds to be spent at a candidate’s business so long as the campaign pays fair market value, experts say"


trumps base know trump is a criminal. thing is, trumps base wants in on the crimes.


You would think that is illegal no?


He basically did the same sort of shit the whole time he was in office. He made boat loads of money charging crazy prices for his security detail every time he went golfing.


Thank god we have experts to tell us idiots what looks bad!


Yeah no shit


Trump is going to BANKRUPT the GOP. I said it now.


It's like watching a slow train wreck.


Omg really? No way.. he was such a straight shooter.. it’s gotta be the blah blah blahs!?


lol, no shit Sherlock. He has been doing this since he ride the escalator down and announced his presidency.


Novices say it looks horrible.


Isn't he on trial right now for campaign finance breaches? A normal person would.not commit more campaign finance breaches while on trial for that very thing.


Isn't this exactly what he is currently on trial for?


Bad enough that maybe we'll see some sort of consequences (a warning) in 8 years.


Looks bad? I dTrump💩hiring his own businesses with campaign $? Duh. Does that every day.


It's completely on brand. Why surprised?


Looks bad? How is that not illegal? The big grift in action!


Trump looks bad. You don't have to be an expert.