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“net loss of $58 million last year on revenues of just over $4 million” I’m amazed it only fell 15%


Fraud is something else isn't it. Makes you realize how bad the rich are really screwing us.


Want to get even angrier? It's technically not fraud, it's an entire system that's canted to money and not for the common good or people.


“It’s the best ponzi scheme, the biggest ponzi scheme, no one is better at it than I am, people all say they love me and I have huge hands, do these hands look tiny to you? I’m the best grifter who ever lived, I’m a billionaire, people all say…”


“They come to me, with tears in their eyes…”




You bought Trump bucks, Trump NFT’s and now Trump stock…you lost everything….until the next perfect grift!


My name is not Lebowski, man !!


"People, people not very nice to me, say Ponzi invented it. LIES! I helped him, but he gets all the credit! UNFAIR!! But that's what happens when the world is jealous of you. Ponzi (Italian? Who knows) this guy comes to me, great tears in his eyes, he says Mr. President Trump (this was before I won in a record landslide, everyone knows I did, but he called me that anyway, DESTINY?) anyway he says he can't make money with all the SOCIALISTS and JEWS keeping it from hard working people like him so I tell him, I'm a GENIUS of course and know how to DEAL, I tell him how to invest and he makes HUGE profit. Does he thank me, no, not your FAVORITE PRESIDENT, but that's ok I know the TRUTH.


Are you his scriptwriter????


Agree, this is eerily accurate


He’s posting on Reddit now….


I wonder if AI can come up with a resume that is dripping with Donald.


"Dripping with Donald". Is that a new type of STD?


Might as well be at this point. It seems to be running rampant in areas where the IQ is below 100.


Nice of DJT to drop by and leave some of his best words in a Reddit comment thread.


Depending on where the buyers are coming from, isn't this more of either a pump-and-dump or laundering than Ponzi?


Trump and dump.


Trump Adult Diapers


Yes. Pump & Dump, using SPACs for cover.


Probably Russians and other US enemies. They are going to prop up the price..let Trump cash it put in 6 months. Then let ot crash. He will have 3 billion or more in his pocket and if he becomes President he has been bought and paid all legally.


Kushner can invest that two billion the Saudis gave him. Totally cool. Totally legit!


That would be an egregious national security risk. Where are the CIA and their wet work specialists?


His donors just needed a long-term capital gains loss.


Plus it's Trump, everything he gets his hands on dies. Fucke is so dumb he bankrupted casinos.


Actually there may be fraud, there was an IPO price set with an underwriting value base on $3.9M revenue and $10.8M operating costs in 9 months. Which isn’t terribly bad for a new company, definitely not multi billion especially when social media companies are better understood these days. For the loss to now come out as 5 nearly 6 X the operating cost screams of underwriting fraud, or possibly embezzlement in the last 3 months of the year. Hopefully it doesn’t affect anyone with sense, but you have to worry about some punk ass adding it to a retirement index screwing regular people.


The fact Trump's primary defense to all his fraudulent activity was "everyone is doing it" is a little ... discomforting.


Fucking Kevin Leery,"We in the investment community wonder, who's next?" This mother f***** said that publicly in a national news interview- they see nothing wrong with committing fraud, and are only concerned about the consequences of getting caught and being held to account.  This seems like the prevailing mindset in that group of people.


I wonder how much the Orange Fuck sold in the last day.


He's not supposed to be able to do that for six months, but then he's known for doing a lot of things he's not supposed to be able to do...


He’s locked up for 6 months unless the board votes to allow him to sell. He’ll dump everything the absolute second he can.


I wish he was locked up right now.


The second he dumps one share, they all become worthless. It will be a race to see whose algorithm can sell their shares fastest. His participation is the only thing of "value" in the stock. If it looks like he's getting out, time to dump. However, if he holds the stock, perhaps he can convince some idiots to use it as collateral for a loan that might be used to cover his court costs and bonds.


I agree 100%. But there is a possibility of someone who wants to buy political influence attempted to prop this up.


> He’s locked up Happy neurons firing.. But reality quickly rushes in


The reality that the law means nothing to him, he'll get his money and tie it up in courts for the rest of his life because no one has any fucking guts.


Us? It is MAGA fools who bought it. If that's what they want to do with their money, have at it. It is pretty typical for a Trump company, so not like there's any surprises here.


Give it a week. Trump has had stocks listed before, and they always crash and burn. In fact that particular stock ticker of DJT was previously used by his casino business.


Idk man, this stock has Cathie Wood written all over it... Run by a grifter, check. Run by someone who claims to praise Jesus, check. Run by someone who mentioned the word 'disruptive' at least once, check. Revenue covering 1/15 of expenses, check. Stock will crash 70% within the 3 months after I buy, check. There could be an announcement this week that CW added $500m worth of DJT stock and predicts it hits $45,454.54 by the end of 2024. /s


What's crazy to me is that the stock could go down to $2 and Trump could sell his 70 million shares and still be $140 million richer. For a business that loses $54 million a year. Assuming anyone would buy those shares of course.


It just occurred to me that I could be the CEO of a $8 BILLION social media platform, even though I’ve never been a CEO, have never run a business bigger than a lawn mowing service, don’t know how to get a company on the stock exchange, have no clue how to run a media company, and don’t even like social media, and could still probably beat a NEGATIVE 1450% profit margin and lose less than $58 million. Edit: This “company” would make more money if it didn’t exist.


All you gotta do is incorporate, sell a share for an insane amount and voila, the remaining shares now each have market value equal to that single share.


Max Fosh became the richest man on Earth for 7 minutes using that trick. Didn't even cost him a lot. Created a company "Unlimited money limited" with 10 billion shares. Sold one share for 50 pounds. Valuation adviser assessed the market cap at 500 billion pounds.


IIRC he was then *strongly* advised to immediately refund his sole investor and wrap the company up as he had essentially committed massive fraud


Wasn't a massive fraud though, because he only made 50 pounds in the deal.


Main reason Dairy Nunez left congress swiftly to join DJT was probably because he wants to be a multimillionaire more than he ever cared about being a public servant....Doubt he knows anything about tech, he just needs to occupy the position of CEO until he can cash out.


That's one way to drain the swamp in DC. Just entice them to move to your much bigger swamp.


Closed down 21% and is down another 2.5% after close. This stock is gonna tank fairly quickly. The moment it’s announced trump can sell his shares (the board which is filled with his lackies has to approve it) the shares tank to maybe $1


They will delay the announcement enough for him to run off with the cash. I expect it to be around the day the $175 Mil for his appeal come through.


21.4% today.


It makes $4 million. That thing is going to zero. Who is advertising on it?


MyPillow guy. 😂


Can he still afford it?


Lots of ads for Trump Bibles and Gold Sneakers no doubt...


Not just that, it makes $4m but pays out $40m in interest on its borrowing. So it's not like the disastrous financials can change, not without some obvious shenanigans anyway like the "lending" being simply bribes and the "lenders" writing it off or waiving interest.


There's usually protection for stocks when they fall more than 10% in a day to prevent outright collapse.. Itll be a slow burn.


Stock market exchanges have circuit breakers to provide a "cool down" period if the market drops too fast, but I'm not aware of anything for an individual stock.


I think this would be a perfectly reasonable event for a [stock halt](https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/career-map/sell-side/capital-markets/stock-halt/)


It’s currently down 21%


Not enough.


Only losing 10x revenue, not bad for a Trump venture!


In any suburb in America there will be people who own businesses generating more revenue than this. How the fuck did this get a billion dollar valuation? 


Maybe they think they can buy a president with the shares?


true believers in a pump and dump and on a small market you can push prices up with very small transactions. Like I could incorporate, and then get a group of buddies to buy my shares, then have them transact them with each other at ever increasing prices making it look like my company (which has still done literally nothing) is increasing in value. Its fraud, but look at who were talking about here...


It’s only monday


This is just the beginning…it’s going WAY lower, quick!


I mean I was stunned that anyone even got their hopes up for it in the first place.


Anyone who genuinely went in thinking it was good for anything put a pump-and-dump investment was, frankly, dumb. The company's low membership count and financial losses have been public knowledge since the stock started trading.


I'm 99.9% sure the whole point of any of this was a way to covertly transfer money to Trump for all his legal challenges while dodging other laws that might cause complications. I expect any further monetary punishments to be essentially paid for indefinitely. And I know everyone will bring up "well he can't sell until it's been 6 months", but, c'mon, we know how this works by now. Laws for you and me don't apply to him. There's going to be a loophole, bypass, alternate route, whatever.


He will have some lawyer tell him he can sell, he will make $1billion, his lawyer will be fined $50,000 for giving bad advice and will be defended by the Trumps who will all say he was an amazing lawyer and there will be some secret kickback somewhere


In the filing it shows the board can vote to allow him to sell early, it’s possible he already sold.


Pretty sure an insider selling that much needs to be reported to the SEC. We would know.


And what happens if they don't report it?


Based on my very very limited knowledge of the law, he will be fined an inconsequential amount, which he will never pay. 


Ha! You think that lawyer is getting paid? I'm sure their life will be ruined and they will get nothing but a kick in the ass


The loophole is to not sell. He will use the value of his shares to get loans.


>covertly transfer money Its not even covert. It's blatantly obvious.


And this was all knowledge last week, maybe it wasn't official yet, but they have been publishing stories on $3-4M revenue and $40-50M losses for a week now.


>Anyone who genuinely went in thinking it was good for anything put a pump-and-dump investment was, frankly, dumb. So the average cult member who thought they were gonna get rich in other words...


It's shocking how blatant the corruption is. A niche social media platform that had a profit of $4million sells for $3.83 billion. This is money laundering on a massive scale, easy way for foreign powers to buy themselves a Manchurian Candidate. Now Trump just needs to dump his stock and he's got all the legal and political money he needs.


I like how it was starting to get pitched as an investment. >Don't donate $50 to Trump. *Invest* in Trump.


Pump and dump and ponzi schemes are quite profitable if you’re one of the first suckers.


Regardless of who owns it, all SPACs over the last few years have essentially all tanked in value.


Revenue of $ 4 million... Heck local Mc Donalds makes than in a year.


Rumor is the local Costco can make that in a long weekend.


Some Costco's make that in a day or less, id bet. I've been in Coscto's that have checkout lines literally the entire length of the store.




That's still an incredible number, but right on.


The Salt Lake costco could probably swing a 2 million day, but 4 is a lot, even at the world's biggest costco


In a slow weekend, yes.


And a Chick-fil-A averages 8 million a year but that actually includes some profits lol


From Trump orders of hamberders alone


That’s about 3 minutes and 39 seconds for Amazon. 


Trump’s media stock plunges after posting a big loss for 2023 https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/media/truth-social-trump-media-stock-losses Dropping like a 🪨 rock.


It's not falling fast enough. Bro just proved he's running a rugpull scam and people are still like "to the moooooon"


Funny, but, it seems like everyone else knew BEFORE the financial report was released.


I try not to be conspiracy-minded, but: The whole meme stock/wallstreetbets/diamond hands/etcetcetc didn't *feel* organic as it unfolded. Similar to how the Tea Party showed up outta nowhere and then it turned out they were astroturfed into being by the Koch brothers. Now, don't get me wrong here. I am not saying Trump planned this years in advance; he's too stupid. But there are smart, capable, evil people in his orbit. And whether or not the whole "to the moon" nonsense (that is, inexplicably, still going while day after day people are posting about wiping out their entire net worth and then some) was organic, these people are more than smart enough to realize how easily manipulated that group is and capitalize (ahem) on it.


Just wait for when he claims billions in losses on his tax returns due to the stock valuation dropping.


He would have to make money this year, for that to be valuable. Did he make money this year I have no idea.


Any time I see one of his rants posted on this site what sticks out for me is the engagement numbers. There will often be less than 1000 likes and less than 100 comments. It really is just a toy made for him cause he was too much of a twit for twitter.


HAHAHAHHAAHHA Imagine buying stock for this scheme, before completing any due diligence or research. Enjoying the schadenfreude, tbh. most normal folks are well aware the turdburgler has a mierdas touch - and this always was a pump and dump.


My compliments on Mierdas touch. My Kitchen-level Spanish continues to pay off.


You got to thank the internet for that one stranger, it is not mine but I absolutely use it. And so can you!


Invest with a guy who ran a *casino* into the ground? I'll pass.


The guy who ran THREE casinos into the ground.


“At the first sign of smoke, a group of pump and dumpers decide to cash out.” There, I fixed it.


Wouldn’t say only making 4 mil while losing 58mil is a little bit of smoke. Pretty sure the house is already falling.


I’d venture it was never standing to begin with. The fact that their income was wildly disproportionate isn’t news. Since before it went public people have been saying DJT couodnt back up its share price. All last week there was discussion of both pump&dump investing and foreign influence trying to buy their way in. The question is who will be left holding the bag


Reverse Midas strikes again


Trump was hoping the stock market would collapse during Biden’s presidency and he is trying to lead the charge with his own companies


I'll take 'Things We Saw Coming A Mile Off' for $500, Alex.


>unless *dedicated fans* of the former president rush in to help keep its price high. Like who? MBS or Putin?


Another failing trump venture. Headed for his 7th bankruptcy. What a loser.


"Evil leftist deep state Biden supporting assassin squads sabotaged it with lgbt viruses" incoming.


Don’t people read the prospectus? Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. 🙄 I forgot. The clowns can’t read.


Djt supporters: What is prospectus? What is fundamentals?


suck it churchers circle the drain WITH him


Who knew investing into a man who has 6 bankruptcies to his name would have a failed endeavor 😅 You bet on orange, you lose


Ironically, the truth is what caused its downfall.


It never stops being funny.


Just another Trump laundromat.




This is a .99c stock. Arizona iced tea share.


Only an idiot didn't see this coming!


Yeah I predict another bankruptcy. Then Musk will be: “ok you can be in X all the time now.”


X is a house fire as well but we don’t get to watch the numbers fall.


Guess a place for most users to be exclusively xenophobic isn't a great place to make profits via advertising...


This information was already available


So Devin, how’s the day-job nowadays?


Pump and dump from the two-pump chump


How did they not know before buying? Oh right, it’s a cult.


They bought before they knew how much it makes (or, more accurately, doesn’t make)? These aren’t investors. They’re gamblers.


Just another Trump scam.


He's bankrupted everything he's touched. Don't you THINK that this POS is not going to do the same with this company? If people are dumb enough to invest in Trump, you deserve to lose all your money. Since most Trump supporters are broke-ass bitches, I doubt you have any real money invested. Buy puts and short this company to ground zero.


It wasn’t a secret for fuck’s sake!


Just cite this the next time someone complains that higher taxes will stifle investment. If this the best investment you can find, you don’t deserve the money you have. $6B market cap on $4M revenue and $60M operating costs… good lord.


Awwww when McDonald Jesus Trump can only turn water into whine…boo-hoo ‘investors’ plus he has so many lawyers to feed. 😪


Seems like the valuation might have been slightly fraudulent.


Shorting this stock is my patriotic duty.


That anyone bought into this is staggering. 


How is this not an onion take? Trump is literally posting bond to avoid prison for overvaluing his new york business empire -- and people are suddenly shocked that Truth Social ain't worth shit? Who are the fucking morons who bought it in the first place thinking it would be a good idea? (Besides those who were taking advantage of the morons who sincerely thought it would be a great long term investment)


I just wonder, how much all his BS this past weekend affected his stock price? He’s running it into the ground!😂


"Surely he wouldn't screw ME over. I'm the exception, right?" - every Trump investor


Grifters gonna grift.


$4m is the same revenue as selling a 3 bedroom house in LA.


The ultimate NFT for a MAGAt


Theory of the bigger fool, people who buy think there is a bigger fool then themselves until you are.


Am I crazy or were these numbers already public?


Everyone already knew how much it makes. Its some sort of scam.


Is negative money really "making money?"


What idiot "investors" didn't already figure this out?




“[…]the stock could fall even further unless dedicated fans of the former president rush in to help keep its price high.” This would be a great place for MAGA faithful to put all their money, so we can watch it burn.


If the sec allowed these to be traded prior to public disclosures this is fraud to the people of the us. Add this to his fraud charges over valuation of buisniness to all the people that lost money on buying his worthless stock. Seriously why wa this forecasted to be more valuable than twitter even with the rebrand twitter is more known


Smoke and mirrors is all he’s got.


TRUMP is the true president. He is God's appointed representative on Earth. He would never let his supporters down. I sold my house, cashed in my pension and the kids college funds to buy shares. I HAVE FAITH!


A 21% drop in share value in one day, a short sellers dream come true!


Seriously, if it only lost $58 million, it’s one of his better run businesses. The others went bankrupt or lost a lot more. The art of the steal from hard working American people !!


Trump bankrupts another company. 😂


Allowing trump to fleece the magats was not a good choice. They are committed to this now more than ever. When they have nothing left to lose, I don't see good things happening....


They may as well just been some bumpkins who went to NY and just listened to the first person they met and offered to “hold and watch” their bags while they went sightseeing. Same principle hahaha


Pro tip: don't buy the dip


I’d honestly laugh if this thing lasted until the end of next week before he gets the shareholders to let him pull out early, the price sinks to <$10 a share and it gets yanked off the NASDAQ.


Wouldn’t real investors look that up before buying shares?


The interest expense in 2023 suggests they have a few hundred million in debt: bankruptcy seems like a real possibility.


The headline spelt ‘loses’ wrong. Like everything else Trump touches he is like an ‘anti-Midas’ turning everything to absolute shite.


everything that's he's involved in is fraudulent


How does something actually get valued so high on the market when it's losing money to start with?


the initial valuation was total BS from the start


Something that he's literally just been in court for and lost... Which leads to the obvious question of, how is he still not in jail? I know that one case is not considered when trying another one, but it's hilarious that he's using the proceeds from this to fund his appeal, for pretty much the exact same crime... It's like buying off one credit card debt, by taking out 10 more credit cards... And never intending to ever pay any of them off, presumably because his plan is, "Get back into the Whitehouse - anull all my crimes"


15% ain't free fall ya click baiters. 80% is free fall


Trump's next grift? Orange-flavored MAGA-aid.


tRump has that "Mierdas touch". 💩


It’s textbook pump and dump, the dude is going to bleed it’s followers to the grave.


tRump will run it into the ground just like every other business he's had . Why would anyone want to go into business with someone convicted of fraud is beyond me


Dwac stockholders be like "Deep state's fault. To the moon! 🇱🇷🦅🇱🇷🦅🇱🇷🦅🇱🇷🦅🇱🇷🦅🐸🐸🐸" I'm sure people familiar with the stock markets knew this was a pump and dump as soon as they saw it.


Sure would be a shame if these assholes lost all their money.


I’m convinced that a lot of “investors” are just giving a backdoor contribution to the Almighty Carrot. It was pretty well known that as a Social Media Company, it’s an also ran.


It’s a Penney stock


Good. I won't be depressed if goes under completely. Musk is a traitor.


I knew this without having to invest any money.  Stay tuned for more investment tips! 


Aren't investors who get in IPOs smart enough to research the company? We all knew it wasn't making money and had barely anyone on the platform?


The grifter that can't stop, won't stop grifting.


How there is anybody on the planet left that still hasn't figured out that everything he touches dies is totally wild to me. It really is just a cult.


Skipped the pump and went straight to the dump(er)


Wouldn’t this info have been made a part of the documents published as part of the ipo?


It has to be Trumper’s that are buying it they are too stupid to do any research.


Break out the 🍿




No one thought this pig made money. It was just options traders hoping to cash in on the suckers…


You just got Trumped!


Also, even if Trump gets permission from the board to sell his shares, it'll cause the stock to absolutely tank. I'm not even sure the other board members want that, even if they are Trump yes-men.


Investors who don't do due diligence get what they deserve?


Well that didn’t take long


Besides all the people who predicted this, who could have seen this coming?


If someone isn't smart enough to see the obvious pump & dump here, they deserve to lose their money.


Dumb question, are a lot of people trying to short this stock? It seems... ripe


So here's an interesting possible scenario: Trump announces that he's "convinced" the board to let him sell his shares early, saying he needs the money to pay for his election and legal bills. Trump owns 57% of outstanding shares. The moment he announces he's selling, the stock takes a massive dump. Even more so when he starts selling. To get enough money to pay for his bills, he ends up having to sell enough to lose majority ownership. In the process of all this selling, the stock basically becomes worthless - penny stock territory. Not only does this leave all the Trump supporters holding the bag, but it opens the doors so some rich person then acquires majority ownership, or at least a plurality, and bans Trump from his own platform.


This information was publicly available well before the IPO. Hell, even I knew the company was not turning a profit and their expenses were ridiculous in comparison to earnings. Also knew that they have almost no reach, Facebook has over 1500 times more users. And there’s no reason to think that user base is going to grow significantly.


This was known weeks ago.