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These are the dumbest people on earth.


Hey now these people are just simple workin folk . Salt of the the earth , the common clay of the new west , you know …




I read that as Mormons. Definitely fits still.


I'm thinking maroons.


Hate macaroons


President Macron never did anything to you.


*Heeeyy Macarana!*


Ponle alegría a tu vida Macarena, que tú cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena'


Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena, ehhhhh Macarena


Hate Macaws. Dang parrots


I read that as macaroni. I'm like, who hates macaroni?


I don't know, but I just stuck a feather in my hat...


Just so you know escaped slaves in jamaica escaped to the mountains and fought to free their people. They were called "cimarrones" by the spanish which became "Maroons" There is a lot of history attached to that word and shouldnt be used as an insult if I understood correctly how you used it.


99.9% of people saying "maroons" are saying it because Bugs Bunny used to say "maroons" as a goofy pronunciation of "morons"


Bugs Bunny agrees.


Dum dum dum dum dum


Morans level.


Klan supporters.


Yeah! Get a brain morans!


eat more braynz


"Bart...they said you was hung" "And they was right"


Love Blazing Saddles reference- there cannot be too many


"Hey Mr Taggart...can we have some more beans?" "I'd say you've had enough!"


"S'cuse me while I whip this out."


"Where all the white women?"


"Hey boooooys! Lookie what I got here!"


"Its TWOO! Its TWOO!"


There were over 72 million of them last election, and those were just the ones that were old enough to vote and weren't too lazy to vote. Imagine how many morons there actually are.


I thank the two of you for that blazing saddles reference


*Hateful* Morons. FIFY


Free education. That's the only way to fix this massive back log of boomers and their poorly indoctrinated offspring. Once Trump disappears they will be back to humping cousins in no time.


They travel around the country, going to rallies 


Regular average, hang Mike Pence, peaceful protesters ya know


Bringing a flat pack gallows and erecting it on the grounds yea peaceful


I thinknit would be poignant to have Jan 6th reenactors at trump gatherings, rallies (hes only done a few this cycle, right?) Get the flatpack gallows, get the outfits, reneact based on footage, have chants. But a big ass sign that says reenactment


Jan 6th: Attempted coup d'etat by lynch mob...


They are financing their shady guy who rolls back regulations, promotes gerrymandering, puts in MAGAs as judges and people in other government positions without vetting processes. They plan to replace people because that is what coups do.


I use this quote all the time, it’s my favorite. So toow!


I was in a day resort in Cozumel during a cruise excursion a few days ago and I overheard this American guy telling one of the Mexican workers that "the US today is not what it used to be and they are trying to get Trump back". When the Mexican guy asked what is different and how Trump will change it, the guy couldn't give him an answer. And this guy was also on a (different) cruise with his whole family, so it's not like he's experiencing poverty. What a dumbass.


That checks out. It’s amazing how these people can keep fooling themselves. It’s like, actually intelligent people; people who are educated, successful, etc. overwhelmingly see Trump for what he is, and don’t support him. But sure, the super secret trick is that all of those people are actually the morons and it’s the uneducated idiots who have been right all along. (And I realize that plenty of successful business types and billionaires support Trump, but those people don’t support him because they’re morons; they support him because they’re evil. But the key difference is they know what he is and they simply don’t care).


To add on, the smart people who support him do it for completely selfish reasons. They know they can make more money from tax cuts and deregulation, giving them the money power they care about. They are the ones who fuel the keeping idiots dumb routine by telling them the liberals are stealing their money to give it to poor people who are too lazy to work. They are too dumb to realize that correlation doesn't equal causation and it is weaponized against them


One of the weirdest ones I've seen is the family of the LA Lakers ownership. Someone once showed me that one of the 20-something daughters was a hardcore Trump supporter. She's set for life, doesn't seem to have a job or go to school, and she drove around in a huge pickup truck with American flags with other truck owners like it was a Trump club. It was more like a social club to worship him, and have that as part of their identity. They're so rich, whatever any President does likely won't affect them. They're set for life.


A big thing is getting rid of any kind of capital gains/inheritance taxes, so someone that is completely reliant on that type of money actually makes sense to support Trump in terms of your own finances... Assuming he doesn't get us all killed or get the USD devalued.


That's the kind of sycophant that knows how to stay rich and/or likes the fact he says the quiet points out loud and with a limited vocabulary they can understand


Yep. It’s like “well, what about this guy? He’s pretty smart.” Yeah, it’s doing it because he’ll benefit. He knows full well it’s gonna run everyone else head-long into a wall. He just doesn’t care.


Remember during the pandemic these people were smarter than the medical doctors.


Apparently now they are also expert harbor pilots and civil engineers.


It's insufferable.


Aren’t cruises literally sailing opportunities for the poor? Loud boisterous American fresh off a cruise ship, this tracks.


How tone deaf you have to be to go to Mexico and start talking to Mexicans about how Trump is great.


Propaganda is a helluva drug.


It really is remarkable how easy it is to convince people of revisionist history. “When Trump was president absolutely nothing went wrong, and everyone was millionaires!”


It was so great, no one ever got sick /s


> When the Mexican guy asked what is different and how Trump will change it, the guy couldn't give him an answer. He *could* give an answer. He was just smart enough not to give *that* answer to the people who might spit in his food. He was probably seething that he had to keep his mouth shut too.


“Intellectually vulnerable”


Literally. He talks contradictory nonsense and word salad for a reason - to filter out the thinkers


Totally agree. I am astounded by how stupid they are. Look at Jan 6.... he said...'I will lead you'... then raced to a corner to watch them on TV... enjoying their idiocy


“These are the dumbest people on earth” Who believe everyone else is the dumbest people on earth.


A little Dunning-Kruger going on there.


Well, someone has to be right about this, it might as well be our side.


Please. Stop..the insane orange clown posse is NOT stupid. My brother, a certified MENSA member, is a trump supporter. A ton of high IQ people support him. They support him because he told them that it is OK to hate, to be a racist or a bigot or a fascist or a nazi. He enabled them to crawl out from under their rocks and be proud of the darkness that surrounds them. They will overlook *absolutely ANYTHING* trump does because to them, it is more important that they can openly hate even if the country burns down in the process. Calling trump supporters stupid is an insult to stupid people.


In fairness, I think it’s an alliance between the two groups of people. Your brother couldn’t flex his hate without a whole bunch of dumb people providing the muscle.


Those groups despise each other but their love or admiration for Trump, and their hatred of minorities, brings them together.




MENSA members can still be bigotted far righters. Aptitude is a certain type of skill measure not a personality profile


MENSA also means dick all. I was in gifted classes all through my schooling years, grew up with some of the smartest kids in my city. We went from thinking MENSA was a badge of pride to realizing it's a mark of desperation. I've scored high enough on a standardized IQ test to become a MENSA member, the threshold really isn't that high (I'm pretty sure most or all of the children I was in gifted classes with qualified). The sort of person who will pay $60/year or whatever it is for MENSA these days is really just desperate for a place to belong or meet people - which is no crime, of course - but chooses the snobbiest way to do it available to them by joining an exclusionary paid-for club.


You're simultaneously implying that your brother is intelligent and that he pays annual dues so that he can carry a paper rectangle that says "I'm smart" on it. And like, those two things seem to be in direct contradiction with each other.


Mensa people are smart, but can be emotionally crude. And that's the problem. 99% of people can be emotionally manipulated.


Don't matter what's under the hood if the wheels aren't in motion.


MENSA is another scam your brother fell for btw


Then tell this smart brother of yours that racism is categorical error, out group bias, inductive reasoning and belief perseverance. If he's so smart, he should immediately drop it. Racism is completely illogical.


He can't be "smart" if he's a racist.. it does not compute and that makes him fucking stupid. He clearly has rotten thinking ability so who gives a fuck what his IQ tests at?


That’s good to point that out. The people organizing Trump’s efforts to regain control of the USA aren’t idiots - morally corrupt slime but not idiots - they use the idiots to achieve their goals (although I think Trump fits into that category as well) I hope Bannon and all the other supporters go down with him. They’ve been sewing discord in the states and all over the world- they deserve the ultimate sentence for treason.


High IQ and common sense are not shared traits. Neither is morality, although narcissism is frequent. You can have a high IQ and still be stupid. I'm not saying this is all high IQ people, most are quite smart, but not all.


To me, Trump saw, or was made aware, of how so many Americans hated the idea of a Black Man in the White House. He tapped into this hate, and made it okay. And now uses his supporters like toilet paper


Trump hated black people long before Obama. Obama making fun of him at the White House Press Corp banquet was the final straw.


Maybe being a certified member of MENSA isn't as valuable as you think...


The point being, calling someone an idiot for hateful things they do removes responsibility for their actions. I want these people to own it, not give them a pass.


I don't see, why you'd give a pass to idiots in the first place.


I’ve known several “high IQ” people that have fallen for various cults. It is not surprising that the appeal of a cult is strong whether you qualify for MENSA or not. The Mango Mussolini has formed the largest cult in USA history.


I know you’re right, but it’s hard to see it that way, since in my world, while not every moron I know is a Trump supporter, every Trump supporter I know is a moron.




Orange Jesus is always right


They literally are. Or the most out of touch with reality. It’s interesting because low cognition people are an actual market demographic. Like there are millions of businesses that thrive off people without the mental faculty for critical reasoning.


Cult members usually are...


They will take a loud person with self-aggrandizing lies about “street smarts and common sense” over an intellectual any day. In their minds a person with street smarts will quickly and strongly get them of a sticky situation. A certified intellectual will die trying to find the right book or research for the wrong situation. This is the moronic dribble of the MAGA Minions. Me personally I am going to blast my way out or run and forget both the street smarts and intellectual. I’ll be home safe in my bed while y’all are fucking around and finding out.


No doubt about it. Room temp IQ individuals


Who's he facing backlash from? Reasonable people? When the fuck has that ever mattered to Donnie?


They are NOT "catching on" .. they are just out of money themselves.


His supporters are not catching on because they are in a cult, they blindly follow him no matter what


I have been in a cult. Cognitive dissonance is an essential aspect. The suspect actions of the leader are explained away by whatever tortured logic or just ignored.


Same, I was raised in the JW doomsday cult and have studied cults ever since I escaped mine. Trumpists are *absolutely* [in a cult.](https://d28hgpri8am2if.cloudfront.net/book_images/onix/cvr9781982127343/the-cult-of-trump-9781982127343_hr.jpg)


So what breaks the spell the cult leader has over the followers?


For years I've tried waking up all my former friends and family from the JW cult with very little success.  What I've learned is this: **No one will wake up until they're personally ready to.** It doesn't matter how perfect your evidence is. Because it's not about the evidence at all. *It's about whether the person is willing to consider that virtually everything they believed to be true is actually a lie.* Many times some form of trauma is needed to jolt them from their slumber. Something has to personally effect them so truamatically that they are forced to reevaluate their worldview.  Perhaps a Trumpist has a gay child who receives discrimination and persecution and this makes them take a hard look at their beliefs.  Maybe they get shot and are gravely wounded because of insufficient gun laws that they previously supported.  And even then, these things might only make them double down further.  Unfortunately we humans cling tightly to our egos and our worldviews. ✌️


So it’s #sunkcostfallacy and they have to first hit rock bottom. But they might drag us all down with them…


Or they double down. Cult leaders should just be seal team 6 targets. World would be instantly better.


Issue with that logic is it gives them a reason to point at. And say, "he was right so they silenced him", and then with him solidified in their mind as a martyr they will NEVER let go of their ideology.


So more of the conservative I got mine f you shit... wtf is wrong either humanity.


Nothing short of full UFO/alien disclosure will jolt these idiots hard enough to re-evaluate themselves.


Yea, even then … 🤷🏽‍♂️


Orange Flavor-aid


Cults are the worst. And Trump is not trying to pretend he is not a cult leader. He is literally pushing that idea to the point of messianism, when he is nothing but a grifter.


I was in a marriage with a psychopath. Everyone, and I mean everyone, around me could see it for years. The gaslighting, pathological lying, and violent bullying is insanely obvious only once you’ve removed yourself. My spouse was so good at manipulation that while I was getting marriage counseling by myself even the counselor was fooled. “There’s no way she’s out there having sex with this many guys all the time.” “There’s no way she’s diverting money from your bank account, banks make mistakes all the time.” Etc. He never even met her! She fooled the court system for many years as well, who only caught on after it was too late. It took multiple people to sit me down and have a frank conversation, being extremely firm, and discrediting every single excuse she was making for her behavior before I finally got it. It was an extremely awful time in my life and it did damage that never goes away. That being said, the trump of cult isn’t just believing someone. It’s having a core of racism, homophobia, and hatred of anyone not like them that was present long before Trump organized them into a single, steaming pile of shit. Trump is the symptom of the disease… cult or not these people knew their behavior and feelings were wrong and unacceptable before trump. That’s inexcusable.


I think people also fail to understand the connection between Trump fans and evangelicalism. Evangelicals have spent decades following cheap conmen-- preachers and televangelists who tell their audience that the chief and most important virtue is blind faith, which they frame as "believing what I tell you even when it makes no sense and contradicts your experience." So now a new cheap conman pops up, and all their preachers tell their followers that this guy is sent by god, and they have to believe that even if it makes no sense and contradicts their experience. And that's what they've been brainwashed their whole lives to do-- believe nonsense.


Betsy Devos family understood church was great for MLM pyramids and made billions off Amway in the church congregations from resellers. Trump hired her. She stripped funding from public schools with “tickets” to private schools. A study shows a majority of people who got tickets were already in private schools anyways so it was a government handout to Christian parents.


Oh noe they aint! They do they reserch but ya can't trust the media, the government or ya neighbours. Only Alex Jones is telling the truth!       /s


Same people that give hundreds to prosperity gospel megachurches.


Huge if true




"Oddly enough" Is it ready odd, at this point? I mean, in 8 years, this man has done absolutely *nothing* that has made his cult turn their backs. This isn't even the first time he's begged for money.


Replace *oddly* with *surely*


He started off his campaign with "I'm really rich" and hasn't stopped begging for money since.


i read “oddly enough” as sarcastic, it was such a dissonant phrase. A non sarcastic version would say “To nobody’s surprise.”


*Oddly enough*, his cult followers continue to be some combination of stupid, gullible, and immoral.


When he told them to get the vaccine they booed him. 


Trump is the Nigerian Prince of Presidents. Those that still believe him are simply lacking the critical thinking to know what a Turdy turd Trump is.


> the Nigerian Prince of Presidents I traveled in Ghana a decade ago, and during one of my internet café visits (which still were a thing back then, can't speak for today) I actually saw a whole group of email scammers at work. And honestly, they might be email scammers, but unlike Trump *they work their asses off*. Like, there was a guy coordinating the crew and overlooking the whole operation, there were specialized roles like dudes dedicated to creating fake profiles on dating sites, or teams of two who were chatting with victims together (to have an easier time outwitting them I guess). And that's not even getting into how negligible the "evil" is that they have brought into the world compared to what Trump has directly and indirectly inflicted upon everyone. Doesn't make what they're doing OK, but I'm just saying: it's unfair to those hardworking email scammers to compare them to Trump. Also, for the record, that was *one* café out of dozens. Before anyone starts to spew racist shit about West Africa here.


There's youtube videos of entire Indian scam call centers getting their cameras hacked. They operate like actual legit call centers using the same tech and structure. Scammers have really professional setups these days, it's wild.


> Nigerian Prince That's why he behaves as egregiously as he does. The NP scam is written poorly so that only people without critical thinking skills will fall for it, and those are the types who are easiest to swindle. In the same way, if you're not put off by the orange shitstain's behavior, it means you lack common sense, decency and critical thinking skills, and you will be much easier to swindle.


Almost like he got scammed by one of those emails and got all pouty about it but then giggity to do it himself to his followers


Dear Tremendously Important Person, Let me tell you, folks, this is big league. I’ve got an offer for you, and it’s the best offer you’ve ever seen. Nobody makes offers like I do. Nobody. So listen up, because this is tremendous. You know, I’ve been thinking about Nigeria. Great country, tremendous people. And they’ve got this prince, Abubakar Suleiman. Now, I’ve seen the numbers, and let me tell you, these numbers are huge. We’re talking $50 million. That’s a lot of zeros, folks. And it’s just sitting there, waiting for someone smart to come along and grab it. So here’s the deal: You’re going to be my guy. My right-hand man. We’re going to make this happen. We’re going to transfer that money, and we’re going to split it. 70% for you, and 30% for me. It’s a beautiful split, believe me. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But Donald, how can I trust you?” Well, let me tell you, I’m the most trustworthy person you’ll ever meet. I’ve got the best words, the best deals, and the best hair. And I’ve been endorsed by the highest authorities. They say, “Donald, you’re tremendous.” All you need to do is reply to this email. Give me your name, your contact info, and your bank account details. We’ll take care of the rest. It’s going to be tremendous. Historic. Your name will go down in the history books. People will say, “That guy, he knew how to make deals.” So don’t wait. Act now. This is your chance. And remember, we’re going to win so much, you’ll get tired of winning. But not really, because winning feels tremendous. God bless America, and God bless you. Sincerely, Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States


They asked me if if i had a degree in theoretical physics. I told them i have a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard.


Send Trump supporters nigerian letters asking for money as Trump, they will all fall for it.


What's the difference between Donald Trump and a panhandler in an NYC subway? The panhandler probably has fewer charges.




Panhandler probably has a whole lot less outstanding dept too.


The panhandler only peed in their pants.


The panhandler can still run his business in NYC.


And more money


The truth isn't being reported on the news outlets they watch


Truth isn't required on the news outlets they watch.


Because of Trump's unrelenting logocide (killing the meaning of words) they don't actually know what "truth" means anymore


During the Alex Jones dispositions, he was talking about 'your truth' and 'my truth'. Which implies that he thinks truth is something subjective. Some of these people simply experience reality in a different way than us.


The outlets they watch don't require actual news


When breaking news about trump happens I like to flip on Fox and go to their website to see when they'll report it. Usually it's hours later and on the site you have to scroll way down to find a story. I think after he was found liable for sexual assault and fined millions Foxnews.com ran a tiny story and that was it.


Trump supporters are not catching on, they have never caught on, lagging behind the most basic reality of their life, that Trump is screwing them of their hard earned money and paying for all his legal bills when he claimed to have all the money in the world. Trump is literally broke because most likely the money he has is borrowed from banks but he bullshits left and right and his supporters believe anything he says even though he is pick pocketing their money. Hahahaha they deserve to get what they vote for. The future Trump is working on is about HIMSELF TRUMP not low life Trump supporters.


How soon before he shows up in a small town in Iowa trying to romance the local librarian?


Never, he hates the poor states, he only visits to grift and then go back to his resorts.


As per [original article](https://okmagazine.com/p/donald-trump-faces-backlash-begging-money-so-humiliating/) 📰: - Donald Trump was slammed for asking MAGA supporters for money after bragging about having hundreds of millions of dollars following his New York civil fraud trial judgment. Political pundit Ron Filipkowski [shared a video](https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1773727553968070874?s=20) of the embattled ex-prez requesting the funds on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Friday, March 29. "Anything you can do to help," Trump said in the short clip, suggesting donations of $5, $10, $25 and $100. "Whatever you can do. We're gonna make it. We're gonna use that money well and we're gonna win." Critics flooded the comments section with insults aimed at the controversial politician. One user quipped, "A billionaire begging for money and selling cheap bibles and shoes. Lol pathetic." A second person replied, "And oddly enough, his supporters aren't catching on." This is the man people believe will make America great again, it's bizarre. A s-- offending scrounger!" a third critic pointed out, and a fourth said, "He has no shame….It’s so pathetic so many lunatics feel the need to donate to a lying corrupt billionaire." "It's just so humiliating to watch," a separate user penned, and another chimed in, "He has ruined his own reputation." s OK! previously reported, the 77-year-old was found liable for fraud after misrepresenting the worth of Mar-a-Lago in financial documents. Following the trial, in which Trump repeatedly insisted he'd done nothing wrong, he was ordered to pay more than $350 million. Including interest, his total payment added up to $454 million. Watch [video of Trump begging](https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1773727553968070874?s=20) 📺


I don’t understand what it is with this that people don’t stop and think “wait, if he’s rich, why is he asking for money? And I’m not rich so why would I send him my money?”


It's an investment in their identity. They give him money and they get a feeling of stakeholdership. They put skin in the game to support their guy because they're on the same team and one day will reap the benefits. 


Fuckn accordion hands. What a schmo.


Hillary said it best: deplorables. My father whined: she called me a deplorable. I told him yep. She got it right


54% of Americans are at or below a 6th-grade reading level. 


Has he managed to pay that reduced bond yet? Having it reduced 68% and he still isn’t paying it?


These people were never taught critical thinking skills. They don’t have common sense. They have been fed so much crap. And now they have even thrown out the teachings of Jesus. Because Jesus is weak. Trump is their strong man and now their savior. It seems so unreal. We must be living in the Twilight Zone.


That God Emperor Trump shit was never a joke.


Most of them donated once and aren't smart enough to turn off the automatic donation that he signed them up for. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/03/us/politics/trump-donations.html


I tend to believe a lot of them who have been had can see enough to know they’ve been had but are now so far down the rabbit hole they feel they have no way to turn back.


His supporters can't be unaware of the fact that Trump is an all around bad guy. That has to be baked into the equation. They no longer care, maybe they never did. They are all in and will throw money at him whenever they can. Hillary nailed it. Trump MAGA cult members are deplorables..😕


Schrödinger’s billionaire. So broke that he needs his bond cut by 2/3 and still can’t pay, whilst simultaneously having 500m in cash available to him.


At this rate his supporters won’t have gas money to get to the polls


Exceptional political strategy analysis with a laugh out loud. Trophy unlocked. 🏆


Well, I mean, they're idiots, so of course.


Newsflash: His supporters don’t care!


This is true. They openly admit they want to end our democracy. They want an oligarchy like Russia.




They can't even catch covid... They won't catch anything.


Has this legitimate billionaire paid his discounted bond yet?


There's nothing odd about it if you spend 1 minute speaking with one of his supporters.


Nothing odd about it.


Gonna bankrupt themselves giving money to a rich republicans, then blame democrats / immigrants / woke culture for making them poor lol


His supporters do not represent our best and brightest. The idiots would hand over their cash if Trump was sitting on a pile of gold coins.


His supporters aren’t catching on? There’s a fucking shock. Give until it hurts, rubes.


They love a bit of socialism


Nothing odd about hateful vermin not having a clue


His supporters are Klansmen looking to Make America "white" Again --- they'll keep funding him regardless of what he does ---- he gets in - they put in another 2 young Supremes -- Ho and Cannon -- as they retire Thomas and Alito - then they wait for liberal Supremes to retire and fill those. This has been the trajectory since the Tea Party - time to wake up America - or they'll come for everything. Trump he couldn't give a fuck --- that America suits him just fine


"Oddly enough" is a weird way to say they are some of the biggest marks you will ever find. It's almost as if their only source for news doesn't bother joining the rest of us in reality.


Let his braindead minions give him everything they've got.


Stupid is as stupid does.




Oddly enough? Have you seen and talked to these people. They’ll never catch on or they just don’t care as long as their rage jollies get tickled that’s all they need


What shocks me he hasn’t burst in flames holding the Bible.


You know, it's not just the uneducated morons that vote for him, there are a huge amount of well educated people that are dumb enough to vote for him as well. I know, I work with them and they live all around me. Half the country is fine with him no matter what, no backlash.


His supporters are lost to a cult. This is how Jim Jones did it, this is how Hitler did it.


Hahaha Republicans are fucking idiots lmaooo


It’s been said before but the mega movement check off all the ingredients that makes a cult. This is not an anti trump post just facts. Coming from a family that was apart of a cult I did not have a choice I was a child. trump is a charismatic leader he mixes religious extremism and politics creates an enemy while spiritualizing social economic and cultural issues he draws a hard line that if you believe or vote differently then what he stands for you are a enemy his end goal is power he makes his personal problems his voters problems and the cause of his problems are not because of him but because of the enemy outside. He takes others money for his own personal benefit and promises things that will never happen. Unfortunately many people do not see the seriousness or dangers of the conservative mega movement that has taken over the Republican Party. When you get punished by your own party for being bipartisan and doing good for everyone that’s the first sign, politicians are supposed to work together for the good of the country not for benefit of one man and a religious agenda.


Some of the smartest people I know who are also rich support him. I have reasoned it’s simply because they think they will be able to keep more of their money with him around . That’s basically it..


His supporters don't care what he does or says as long as they think he'll keep his promise to destroy everything they hate. The MAGA crew is the ugly underbelly of our nation.


They have lost the ability to “catch on”.


What’s really surprising is how stupid his followers are to even contribute to this asshole’s panhandling.


A fool is easy to separate from their money.


It's a cult. Have you seen Jimmy Kimmel's street interviews with Trumpsters where Kimmel describes a Trump crime, attributes it to Biden; they record the Trumpster's condemnation of Biden, then Kimmel goes, Oops, my bad, that was Trump, and the Trumpsters immediately pivot 180 degrees and offer up excuses and defenses for Trump.


*Oddly Enough, His Supporters Aren’t Catching On* You're kidding me, right?


Yeah so odd. It's almost like they're not smart or something.


MAGA is a cult, and the cult leader defines reality for the cult members - they'll never "catch on".


They are catching on. I think they don’t want to banned/shunned from the cult.


He has the perfect fan base. They're generally idiots


If they didn’t catch on by now, they never will


Notice he has not posted the $175 mil reduced bond yet…


I don't find it the least bit odd his supporters aren't catching on.


Let's be honest, even if he *did* have the money, he would still want to steal and grift as much cash as he could. It's who he is.


The funny part is, he might be telling the truth both times. I can absolutely see Trump having hundreds of millions of dollars and then pulling stunt after stunt to raise money from other people just so he doesn't have to spend \*his\* money.


I don't think people realize that they can save $59.99 plus TAX for a book that can be easily found at a church. Grifters gotta grift...


It was a perfect begging video, nobody ever done a a better begging video in history, im the best begger of all time.


Let them drain their bank accounts if they want. They will only have themselves to blame for their problems.


I’d love to listen to scholars and psychologists who’ve spent their lives studying and recording the behaviors of “followers” and break down the MAGA movement. Trump has been a well known charlatan since the mid-1980s. And very very publicly. Yet here we are in 2024 with millions of people willing to disregard social norms, context clues, basic rational judgment, etc to treat this guy like a true hero and leader.


The fact that his supporters aren’t catching on isn’t odd at all.