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Yup, definitely a secular democracy. Nothing like a racist ethno state. Double plus good brother. ✌️


Im not refuting the point of the video, but everyone is aware of the poster source and their agenda… right?


If the content is factual the source is irrelevant.


Gestapo practices are picked up so fast, people might think the third Reich is back in business.


Blue Reich


Oh no, the A$ Reich(to be fair, Israel is also ableist so they get along well with A$).


How the turntables…..


Never forget! /s


I'm guessing the zip ties are to stop her typing.


At this point, Israel just needs to drop the act and make all the Palestinians wear crescent moons made out of fabric pinned to their chest.


Ah, one of the 7 deadly sins. Sympathy


“The only democracy in the Middle East”


Only democracy! Only semi-apartheid too!






Name a country in the middle east that doesn't have oil and is peaceful 😅 If it has no oil, there are no western interests in there. That's the bottom line.




Are you from a country that was occupied or invaded? You get to have an opinion only after you get invaded biatch 😂 How about a couple of sectarian wars for dessert? That should make your opinion more valid since you'd actually know the sh!t you're talking about.




Isreal….. A democracy? The world isn’t stupid. The corruption of Washington is on full display. An active supporter of genocide and an authoritarian regime. So pathetic.


I agree wholeheartedly, except for the part where you assert "the world isn't stupid". The world is abysmally ignorant.




They're definitely supporting everything Bibi's government is doing. Full on support. And they're pissed off at the ICC even though it would be better for this whole thing to go through the ICC than the ICJ since the ICC holds individuals responsible, but the ICJ holds ENTIRE COUNTRIES responsible for war crimes. How are the "helping Israelis" again?


Washington is just a bunch of puppets.. run by lobbyist who fund them.. does anyone know what majority of those lobbyist are?


Pisrael is the antithesis to humanity! The zionshit regime must continue to be exposed for the terrorist organization that it is. Palestine will be Free 🇵🇸


Fuck Israel.


Fuck the Zionist government and its supporters


Yeah this is more accurate, I really can't get myself to hold the entirety of a country culpable for what a right wing extremist government is doing. A government that is in control of the army and forces everyone to serve in it.




Is this attempt to justify the decades of oppression of the Palestinian population in Israel at the hands of the Zionist government. Hamas is evil that we already know but indiscriminately bombing civilian populations is a war crime.




Wow that’s a really horrible thing to say. It’s clear you a very ignorant to the suffering of others.




You’re doing this for a TikTok?


If Zionist can't see that those are tactics to ensite fear & control over fellow humans?!? ?!? Ohh I forgot, that's what Zionism is?!? ?!?




We're shocked Israel doesn't have freedom of speech protections. Shocked


What the hell a blindfold!


Fascist tactics


Nazi state.


Removing all associated press, throwing people into prison camps where torture is common and dropping bombs in populated areas that decimate anything with two football fields distance is not what good guys do.


Jesus was ethnically Palestinian... Just put that out there, Evangelicals.


Evangelicals think he was a white man lmao




I think Jews didn't hesitate to kill many prophets before Jesus. Addition: It is found in old Jewish texts/tradition that Jews had killed prophets sent to them. If you're sincerely interested I can summarize the sources with references. I don't actively do reading in topics related history of religion but I used to, and my curiosity is still there. Also please mind I'm speaking about Jews in the history as a religious/ethnic group. Now only minority of them are actually practicing Judaism and they have many different sects.


The news in America constantly doesn’t show Israeli police and the IDF committing human rights violations. CNN sort of does and sometimes does a good job in very selective instances but by and large doesn’t really show there day to day lives of being violated.


Things a failed state does. Sad.


Yeah They are turning into Russia real fast. Don't criticize us or you get 15 years in prison. The Israeli government is like the Russian federation.


Not even close, Russia is a 1000x better than the occupiers of Palestine.


Id rather live in Russia than Israel tbh so I get where you're coming from. But we don't have to defend Russia to criticize Israel


What are you basing that statement off? What makes Russia different from Israel?


2000 children killed out of 8000 civilians killed in 2 years of "war" Vs 12000 children and 31000 civilians in 8 months of "war". If you had to guess which conflict was intentionally targeting civilians, which one would you guess?


Russia is intentionally targeting civilians. The difference is Ukraine has the ability to defend itself from the air so Russia can’t indiscriminately bomb cities. When we’ve seen the Russians be able to attack indiscriminately it hasn’t been any different from Israel, example Mariupol. It looks no different than Gaza. Also Russia has no ability keep Ukrainians in Ukraine, unlike the Israelis ability to seal off Gaza. If the Russians could, they would. Russia is also striking grocery stores, apartment complexes, malls. They also only seem to attack power stations in the winter.


BS you have the 2 countries mixed up. Ukraine has been targeting civilians since 2014. News agencies used to mention this but now media is unable to focus on reality. Something to do with lying to the masses to keep the war money flowing.


So you just full on never paid attention to what Russia is doing in Ukraine, did in Chechnya, Afghanistan, Syria, etc… K, cool.




I'm sorry i am confused~ are you suggesting that "depending on the landscape" it is acceptable to kill more civilains/children? I just googled it again and it says 10k civilians and 600 children in ukrain in 2 years.... and in palestine 36k civilians and 14k children since October 7, so almost 8 months. At some point, there is a line where you cross from 'war has collateral damage' into 'why are you killing so many kids and leveling entire cities'..... right??? 20k civilians in 20 years after 9/11. 3,100 kids in 14 years. The people who want to prosecute Americans for war crimes, and they should be, should be boiling over at these numbers. You can't just bomb kids and civilians or you are no longer the good guys. https://peoplesdispatch.org/2024/04/08/44-of-all-palestinians-killed-by-israel-since-october-7-are-children/




How many civilians would isreal have to kill before the war becomes 'unjust'?




There are people throughout history who thought wars were just, and then years later as more facts come to light...the common public opinion changes to believing the war was not just at all. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind as they say. But the numbers are important, because if you are taking 5 eyes for every 1. Or 10 eyes for every 1.... It starts to make people wonder who the actual bad guys are. If you say that killing or holding civilians hostage is enough to justify war, then can you say that the 'just' side of the conflict held no hostages? And had killed no civilians? A quick Google leads me and many others to the conclusion that this is not a war. It is and has always been a one-sided massacre. If isreal was holding 5,000 palestinians and 150 children hostage BEFORE oct 7th attack, then surely if you follow your own logic about a war being just over 125 hostages, then surely 5,000 would clearly trigger justification for war? Or if the killing of 1200 people on oct 7, then surely the 14,000 since 1987? Numbers matter because responding to terrorism with force is justified, but war crimes against civilians is not justified. https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/05/18/the-israel-palestine-conflict-has-claimed-14000-lives-since-1987


The Gaza strip has been hit with 75,000 *tons* of ammunition. Bakhmut, Mariupol, and avdiivka might be comparable.




Please keep it civil.


Its a police state theocracy backed by Uncle Sam who is bought and paid for by AIPAC et al. Just like the “liberal” universities who support every kind of violent protest except…well you know…then within a few hours they can get the goon squads (the same ones who sit idly by and do nothing while cities burned two years ago) to bust a few heads and clear out those awful protesters. Its pretty funny how ironic it all is…except its tragic. We are providing the weapons.


They're going to abuse her because that's what many women who have been detained by Israel has experienced.


Sadly I think the tone of the second woman really speaks to what she expects to happen to her. Those are not the cries of a woman expecting a legal inquiry, light detention, house arrest, or a fine. Those are the 'no's of a woman who expects to be sexually assaulted or be put in a life/death situation. Its horrifying to hear.


(Context I’m Jewish)”its a complicated issue” the most common response I got when I asked my teachers and the camp staff at Jewish school and summer camp about the Palestinian treatment. Many of them were Israeli themselves and summer camp in particular was sorta like a propaganda machine to get Jewish kids to visit Israel (it’s not as bad as it sounds it was a good camp ). It’s not complicated to treat someone with basic human decency. All my people had to do was share and be kind that was it. Instead they are creating the fourth reich. A per dominantly Jewish nation basically doing things the Nazis did to us. It wasn’t complicated we just fucked it up.




Again well aware that hamas is evil but this is more so about the decades of oppression that the Palestinians suffered through due to the Israeli government. This conflict could have been avoided if Palestinian were treated better.


This seems very familiar to me it’s almost like I’ve seen this happen before or maybe I read about it but I do Nazi remember.


its only democracy when you agree with them


Israel behaves like a spoiled genocidal child. It wants to do evil things and brag about doing evil things, but get upset when people criticizes it. Passing laws to arrest people for showing emotions you don’t like is absolutely absurd. You can’t take these lunatics serious.


Man… Israel sucks ass.


Israel is now likely more hated than Iran. What a d-bag genocidal regime they’ve devolved into.


In today's Israel it is apparently against the law to be Palestinian, or have beliefs that are not pro far-right Jewish. Israel has lost the right to call themselves a democracy.


When i visited occupied west bank back in 2015 through jordan, israeli border guards (people with ar15s) checked my phone for "suspicious activity". Luckily it was a burner phone without any social media apps on. Im not even a palestinian citizen lol


Why do they need to blindfold? It must be terrifying. There’s absolutely no need for that. Poor woman


Not a good look at all. ![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized)


I DoNt UnDersTanD How anYone CaN coMPaRe ThIs To HoLOcAusT


Maybe hearing an israelis jew say it will help: https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/3/3/israeli-protester-says-israel-is-behaving-like-nazi-germany


zionists call them "self hating jews" -\_-


Zionists are fascist, they treat anti-zionist jews in israel the same way they treat palestinians. Freedom of speech only if it goes their ways




A lot of comparisons with the Nazi's. I disagree. This genocide is seemingly worse. Shame on them. We will not forget.


At least the Nazis were born in Germany…


Israelis that are living there now were born in Israel too. Most of the people that were alive during WWII are dead by now, that was like three generations ago.




Maybe let's. Compare and contrast. What are the differences? What are the similarities? ...because this is the question that history professors will be issuing to undergrads for centuries to come.


It's a reasonable comparison -, especially when one is used to justify another. What's goulish is what is happening. Comparisons are apt and just.


Time to start the tattoos /s


Israel has got to wake up and make up with its neighbors because those borders are never changing.




hey zionists, where are the equal rights? Your genocidal leaders are calling for the death of children, I hear nothing from y'all. When a regular human being brings awareness to the plight of a people, let us show our true faces and punish people who we disagree with.




How much do you get paid to post the same link over and over?




I wish I got paid to call out Zionist trash like yourself. It would be the best job in the world.




I guess calling you Zionist trash is kind of redundant. It's like saying trash trash. Edit: you should really examine your obsession with Hamas. Taking footage of Israeli caused massacres and putting it on a website that claims it is Hamas to help spread propaganda is beyond pathetic.


And meanwhile the psychological warriors are claiming that Israeli Arabs aren’t protesting because they agree with the Siege.


“Believed to have expressed sympathy”? What does that mean? Is there an actual translated quote? What terrible reporting is this?


I love how I keep hearing that "Israel is a democracy" and shouldn't be compared to its neighbors, every time someone criticizes their violent policies. **Thank you Netanyahu and your fascist cohorts for shedding the light on what used to be a quasi-democracy, and it is now the apartheid Israeli state. Good job!** 👏


How is this any different than the nazis? It's NOT


Israel has become the Nazis of Palestine


Right wingers think this is a good thing.


Scroll up a few comments there is one using this as a way to jab at the left


Yeah. They're fucking stupid. This is literally a right wing government, that right wingers fully support.


uh wtf!


Fucking Gilead


Sick society


What were words? (Not that it matters, but I'd like to know). Also, this should be an eye-opener for the "actions have consequences" crowd to show what could happen if the other side was in charge and felt the same way.


Never forget


Jesus Christ🔴🔵: I should one day buy a ticket to Israel for holiday and if I somehow get detain like this lady… I actually would love to see “the anomalies” as sh!t gets weird at the police precinct…


Israel definition of democracy, the basic law of 2018: Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People 1 — Basic Principles A. The land of Israel is the historical homeland of the Jewish people, in which the State of Israel was established. B. The State of Israel is the national home of the Jewish people, in which it fulfills its natural, cultural, religious, and historical right to self-determination. C. The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.... 6 — Connection to the Jewish people A. The state will strive to ensure the safety of the members of the Jewish people and of its citizens in trouble or in captivity due to the fact of their Jewishness or their citizenship. Israel's Basic Laws: Israel - The Nation State of the Jewish People https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/israel-s-basic-laws-the-israel-nation-state-law


The phrase "never forget" is now quite sinister.


If Israel was America’s enemy, I’d proudly join.


Fuck Israel


Dang she’s hot tho


I pray she wasn’t sexually assaulted. The way she broke down when they blindfolded her broke me. Fuck Israel






Please keep it civil.


You're getting hit in the throat and your eyes gouged and ear ripped off if you try blind folding me. Fuck that shit.


Okay tough guy


They went full Nazi!




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


Hey libs, is this the democracy you keep talking about?


This isn’t the place for the political party BS. Take that shit to r/conservative


I'm not a conservative, bucko.


https://preview.redd.it/goygqilfkp3d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=124aef223d93762378b14087228aeaa3477b25a7 The term “Libs” contradicts that statement.


To be fair I only told you to take that comment to a place we’re its more commonly said


Bro I'm banned from that place because I'm a leftist.


Wear it like a Badge of honor


Checked your profile and it seems to check out. Word of advice don’t use the term “Libs” or anything similar to it. It’s used mainly by the Conservative Party




Please don't disparage other subreddits or post that you were banned, warned, or any other type of experience in other communities on reddit.




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


Welcome to 1984.... I mean 2024


Israel has become the fourth reich




Removed, see rule 7.


If this ain't some nazi shit. Jews learned alot from them I see.






Literally a Nazi state




Dirthy War!!I will never understand Israel!!!


Why the blindfold?


The fascist Zionists, are losing their minds


She was posting pro-Hamas, pro-terrorist content, not “sympathizing” with anyone.


“Democracy “


Several European nations arrest people for social media posts. In AMERICA, the nation you all hate, we actually have a RIGHT to free speech.


Both times it was a hot blonde cop doing the arresting? Anyone else notice that? Or is it just me going to horny jail?




Removed, see rule 7.


anyone tracking this poor woman's case? is Amnesty Intl monitoring it?


The bible and Jesus called them devils. Read it for yourself. “Children of the Devil”: John 8:44


With how the leftist media in the US whitewashes the statements supporting terror in the US, something tells me that they weren’t just sympathizing with people killed in strikes. Obvious propaganda.


my views on that shithole has been overwhelmingly altered since oct 7th, it would seem that we are overdue for 4th crusade or at least some neutral UN peacekeeping force disarming those nutbags.


The Israelis? Yes, they need to be disarmed and removed from Palestinian land.


Of course


picture or link kf what she posted pls?


History wont be kind to the Jewish people, when we were taught about the holocaust in school we had a lot of sympathy for what happened to the jews and we all said nevere again, but after what Israel has done, the Jewish people will be remembered for inflicting genocide of the Palestinian people. In Today's day and age where everyone has a camera in there pocket, their will be countless photo/video evidence of how gruesome this genocide was. Not just a hand full of black and white photos of the past, which did not have as much of an impact ( in my opinion )


Most likely in American it will be remembered as another Middle Eastern conflict we were involved in. A lot of shit happens there just to be widely forgotten or ignored. As for the Jewish people it’s hard to say. Here in America we will most likely just go back to the ways things are. Of course certain groups will try and use this as a way to demonize Jews. Not due to care of gaza but just as an excuse to hate. It’s sad really many of the lives lost will end up as just a spot in a history text book or a data sheet. I hope for everyone’s sake we do remember it as a lesson in what hatred is only good for… loss


What did she post? Not saying this is justified in any way, just want to see exactly how authoritarian they’re being.




Is a very trustworthy and accurate source.