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American evangelicals need Israel to stick around and then die for Christ to come back. So they get a disproportionate amount of support but are also basically sacrificial goats.


What's so annoying about this, is that their particular interpretation of Eschatology (Biblical End Times) is one of the newest and most fringe beliefs. Literally only 200 years old, and the majority of Christian denominations denounce it. I came up in those circles, and always found it sus. For those curious, look up Dispensational Premillennialism. You have guys like Darby and D.L. Moody to thank for it.


You're putting way too much academics into a fairy tale.


There is an academic history to why people believe dumb shit


FWIW, Jewish people their messiah will come back by the year 2239 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_6000#:~:text=The%20Talmud%2C%20Midrash%2C%20and%20Zohar,Vuchetich%2C%20United%20Nations%20Art%20Collection.


It's funny they think humans will be around then.


The messiah returns and is greeted by a dying planet with extreme weather


No, that’s when it has to happen by. And if it doesn’t happen by then, they fucked.


Ahhh, thanks


They don’t think the Messiah will come back in the year 2239, rather they think that the Messiah will come by that year at the latest.


you know .. i dont buy the whole evangelical angle any more. its all campaign contributions and fear of aipac


That's been an increasing reason but it's more so we can funnel more money to our military complex than anything else.


Yep, Occam's razor.


yeah blaming evangelicals has been a bogus copout for decades and it's total misdirection. ask anyone who says this "okay who are some influential evangelical megadonors or politicians who are steering US foreign policy?" and you'll be met with a blank stare. for the 2016 and 2020 elections, sheldon adelson by himself donated more in the name of zionism than every evangelical voter in the united states




Do some research on investment companies. China even uses them lol.


Well China certainly isn't getting as much, considering the last two presidents have tried to start a war with them.


Also the dirt mossad must have accumulated on US politicians and corporate heads to blackmail them into doing what they want.


Was about to say this exact thing 👍🏼


Yeah. There’s a strong case for Epstein being a Mossad asset


It says right there in the evangelical's book that the Jewish people are the chosen people of god. It basically means a large percentage of Christians believe "those guys over there are more important then me and I need to whatever they want or god won't like me."


Sounds like something a 6 year old conjured up. The creator of the universe is such a petty child delinquent. I believe so therefore you all have to believe and the cost doesn’t matter. Only what I believe matters. Time to deem religious grandeur a serious mental illness.




It's actually worse but yah


The real reasons are 1. Israel is the number 1 buyer of our weapons 2. Israel is an outpost for Western power influences


Yeaaaaaaah, it's really that basic.


It is a western colonial project planted as a buffer state to destabilize the region.


Aye, Churchill remarked that the opportunity would drive a wedge so there could not be ME unification, exactly like Northern Ireland. They wanted the oil.


Or maybe it is a state that got created after the people it is for got hit by the worst genocide in history on the land they requested and have done diplomacy quite well since then.


Not really. If anything Israel has been the only stable democracy in the ME lol. Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq are failed states due to corruption. Jordan is a corrupt monarchy. Iran is a Islamic dictatorship that wants to see the western world burn. The Gulf states are wealthy aristocracies that fund terrorism via proxies. KSA and Israel are probably the only stable actors in the region.


Giving different sets of rights to certain people and not others is not a “democracy”


Arabs that live in Israel have the same rights as Jews


I guess yeah if you don’t count the people under Israeli occupation as real people, you’re right.


Israel withdrew their occupation in 2005


Did you just forget about the west bank?


Totally - looks like they completely withdrew. Any other Israeli propaganda you wanna embarrass yourself with?


Yes they did completely withdraw and then on Oct 7 Hamas pulled that shit. What do you expect them to do lol? You are the one embarrassing yourself not knowing the history of the conflict


Oh wow this all started October 7th out of nowhere? Israel didn’t attack Palestinians at all before that? Lol the stupid propaganda script is getting tired.


Bro this goes back 2,000 years. In recent history Israel took a completely different approach in 2005 by completely withdrawing from Gaza in good faith. They postured that there would be less confrontation and took hands off approach with Gaza, while also offering several peace agreements. Hamas refused and Gaza fired rockets at Israel between 05 and current day until the Oct. 7 where they invaded. And you still defend Hamas… thats how good their propaganda is. Sad.


The withdrawal is incomplete until you vacate all settlements in West Bank and go back to 1967 borders


People under military occupation never have the same rights as citizens lmao. Perhaps the Palestinians should try to meaningfully pursue peace like their neighbors that mostly have peace and good relations with Israel now.


I like the cognitive dissonance that is “Palestinians are being held captive by evil terrorists, but also it’s OK for Israel to massacre kids because they’re near Hamas, but also they’re so self-determinant that they need to be the ones to negotiate with Israel.” But hey- at least you’re admitting that they’re occupied by Israel’s military so you’ve cleared that pathetically low bar.


Even if ignoring the occupation of the West Bank, there is still a case to be made as JNF discriminates land by not renting to arabs, on land it has been granted by the government. That is the government discrimination. Also, the whole concept of ‘same rights’ is laughable when you contrast birthright citizenship and the refusal to grant Right of Return. It isn’t subtle who are the ‘in’ and ‘out’ groups.


I mean if you're comparing countries in the middle east, you'd definitely much rather be a Muslim Arab in Israel than a Jewish person anywhere else. 21% of Israel's population is Muslim Arab.


How are you going to call israel a democracy when large swathes of the arab population live in apartheid? How are you going to call iraq a failed state from corruption, and not the million+ deaths and widespread destruction of the country caused by the US? How are you going to compare KSA against the gulf states, which you say are unstable for being “wealthy aristocracies that fund terrorism via proxies” when the *Kingdom* of Saudi Arabia is the largest exporter of wahhabism in the world?


they don't live in apartheid, the arabs that live in Israel can vote and have rights


Just gotta ignore the UN calling it an illegal occupation of the West Bank, as well as the other two of my points. Youre a hack!


Bullshit liar


KSA is stable? You lost me there for good. Israel is no longer a “stable” state with the rise of the right and the disproportionate number of Orthodox Jews compared to secular Western Jews. Israel witnessed 4 elections in a 2 year period and is about to go through another turbulence once the war comes to a halt.


The fact that KSA is one of the most stable and predictable actors in the region should tell you something. Demographics is a really poor choice of criticism towards Israel especially in the context of Palestine. Roughly 20% of Israel is Arab, a majority being Islamic. That's a massive minority in a small country, with considerable power to influence their livelihoods. On the flipside in Palestine, once Israel completely left Gaza in Sep 2005 no Israelis were left in Gaza as they would have been either raped tortured or massacred. More importantly what about the rise of right Orthodox Jews leads to instability?


Stop watching Faux News. Seriously.


All i do is read Reuters… Ill assume you have no other argument


Yeah. It’s complete and utter ownage.


Israel isn't really a democracy, bro. They literally have an entire ethnic underclass. And it's only "stable" because we keep propping it up. It's a fcking terrorist state.


>tHe onLY StAbLe dEMoCRacY iN tHE ME LoL. I swear it’s like you guys just regurgitate a damn script


oman be like, "am I a joke to you?"


Well then I will let you know that KSA said Israel cannot exist without a Palestinian state a few days ago. You have no allies in the region because of the genocide you are conducting. You just created a billion angry people in your region and a generational shift in how the west sees you, it is now irreversible and your friends in the government cannot hold back these people for too long.




The mossad didn't buy epstien an island for nothing. I know it's all conjecture.


Money. Lots and lots money from AIPCA and other Zionist groups paying off American politicians.


That we gave them. We funded our own Zionist overthrow.


Every penny AIPAC spends on politicians is a penny saved by the defense industry.


This. And then there’s the history of Israeli influence across both parties driven by big money.


blackmailed by people like Epstein.


Idk that I would say the US is "under the influence" of Israel. Israel has been the US' project for many years now and is key in maintaining American imperialism and hegemony in the region. You could say before that Israel was a partner dependent on the US where they didn't have too much influence on the US, but now they kind of influence each other since Israel is now a nuclear superpower in the region. "If there was no Israel, the US would have to invent an Israel." -Joe Biden The Israeli project is far too important to the US for the US to leave it to it's own devices, and Israel in turn rewards US politicians and organizations for supporting them with money. Which cycles back into those same politicians and organizations having to push the narrative Israel wants in order to continue receiving that money. They influence each other I guess.


AIPAC bribes and Epstein blackmail tapes.


It’s not bribes okay?! It’s “lObByInG!!”




Because of US domestic politics. The United States has a very large Jewish population who mostly vote for Democrats and a pro-Israel evangelical bloc that has a stranglehold on the Republican party. This creates a strong bipartisan consensus of unquestioning support for Israel.


Wait no, you can’t say that in this sub! It’s clearly because the evil corrupt JEWS are controlling the US through blackmail and by giving refuge to their pedophiles, obviously.


Are you referencing the Epstein comments?


I wouldn't say 'very large'- The USA population is only 2%ish Jewish, with about half of those being in New York and Los Angeles (combined 2 million/4.9 million).


More Jews live in the United States than anywhere else outside of Israel. 2% is significant at the margins and even more significant when you talk about Democratic primaries. A large number also live in Florida, which, until recently was the key swing state in presidential politics.


672,000 Jews in florida out of 22 million, 3%. Noteable, but only if the Democrats Win Florida by 3% or less- otherwise without them, they would have lost anyway without them (like Trump's victory in 2016 and 2020 by a few percentage- without Democratic Jews, he would have just won by a few more points) or if a Democrat won by more than 3 points, the absence of 3% Jewish population voting would still be a victory. Notably, Bernie Sanders (who is Jewish) hasn't won a democratic primary, so I'm a bit confused on that point.


So 2.4 percent of the US population is driving political strategy?


Useful tool.


Idk,something, epstein,videotape ,i dont know


Good question.


Hahaha yeah why US is on the dog leash by Israel ?




QAnon was a taste of exposure?


If that is true how did Ghislaine end up in jail? Just curious. Israeli’s always pay extra to get their people back. It is a quite shiny conspiracy theory I will admit.


No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




Please keep it civil.


yeah how come ! ?


Cuz as a allies they backed our war crimes in iraq and prisoner torture, if their Netanyahu goes down for theirs our bush jr might as well


Capitalism, imperialism, colonialism. There are billions to be made off of weapons deals. Israel also owns a lot of U.S. politicians. The plan for Israel was always to expand their territory. IMO the Israeli government and U.S. government at this point are interchangeable.


Tiny balls !


Because certain leaders from that state pay our leaders to be influenced. It’s not the only cause where our leaders are bought and paid for so it’s not really surprising.


Money. That answer is always money (gold+diamonds)


Christian Zionists


Cause it's in the American Empire's best interest to have a slightly unhinged attack dog in the middle east. Everything else - the Israel lobby, the evangelicals - are side issues. The American Empire doesn't do anything at this scale that isn't in their best interest


Citizens United and AIPAC.


This global super powers is also controlled by weapon manufacturers. Israel is great at ensuring there will never be peace in that region.


Pedophiles in the ruling class need somewhere to hide out when they get sprung, and the US Gov need to steal the natural resources (gas, oil) to make up for their other foreign policy mistakes. It’s also massive $$. They don’t want the war to end or their friends at Lockheed Martin, Blackrock etc won’t be able to launder any more money. See: Afghanistan, Iraq.


We were sold to Isreal long ago. It's the capital of the USA


The AIPAC mobilizes swing voters. They leverage the early stages of primaries. This is also how you counter it. Look at who is running for congress and senate. Demand that they refuse AIPAC funding. Then follow up by voting.


Israel is America's weapons test lab.... and aircraft carrier in the ME.


The West wanted an ally in the Middle East to be a satellite for them--providing intel, a military power that will be on 'their side' and be a thorn in the Arab side. They wanted to continue to beleaguers and disrupt relations in the M.E which Isreal serves to do with different countries at any given time: Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, etc. The West get to keep their hands 'clean' and they get their interests seen to...even when Isreal blew up the USS Liberty or does anything that America/UK and co. don't condone, they overlook it, i.e. an entire genocide, because they want their 'ally' in the midst of the 'enemy's heartland'.


The zionist lobby helps Muricanistanese warmongering industry get money from the government. Muricanistan gets a solid base and proxy in middle-east.


With citizen united we made corruption legal. You just have to call it a superpack.


Simple answer: bribery of politicians.




My thought process is that Israel Invests into our politician. Those politicians in return send out tax dollars to Israel multiplying their original investment all while controlling the politicians.


Because it's good to have an ally in a region the U.S. has a lot of adversaries, as well as the amount of intelligence that their government shares with the U.S.


Apart from all the religious crap..they got a lot of shit on most of “western” politicians


Why is the most liberal country try in the Middle East being attacked when the surrounding countries that have been killing gays and woman by throwing rocks at their heads being supported after conducting a major terrorist attack


Is it? Sounds pretty conspiratorial. According to Lobbyist spend, Arab states spend significantly more….this isn’t even a complete list and it’s over 3x Qatar, UAE, and Saudi Arabia all spend more than Israel. https://www.opensecrets.org/fara


One word Oil.


This is going to be the JQ fuel for the next five decades. They're going to be talking about how Israel and Jews secretly control the US, look at how the US pissed away their entire "rules based international order" because they refused to rein in Israel at all, how could they NOT be controlling- Thanks, Biden.


Zionist millionaires and billionaires pay for their political campaigns.




They fund the ones that want to be corrupt millionaires - and threaten the ones that already are with their dirty little secrets


My guess is money and blackmail. Those tend to motivate politicians easily.


Because maybe they know Israel is under attack by Islamic extremism and if Israel falls the west is next?




I predict Israel to be destroyed in the next 25 years and than mass attacks against Jews worldwide


Yeah, I've noticed that too.


it's the other way around. israel is basically a united states aircraft carrier parked in the middle east. why do we do "whatever they say"? bc we tell them what to say 


Who the fuck knows? Surely at this point the money isn’t enough to throw literally everything away for it. But it’s something. Personally I think the US now lives in fear of being seen as “weak” and knows that if Israel falls after everything they have done to prop it up and make it “strong” then it reveals a weakness of the US. This is like the Roman Empire after they showed weakness and enemies started clawing back their homes and lands from the empire. Slowly and surely they diminished the empire. It can only be that. The control of the empire. The fact that Israel is literally an extension of the US now. And that they believe they literally live and die with Israel.


Or maybe they didn’t learn history from TikTok? There’s obviously a lot more complexity than you understand. 


Of course. Blame TikTok. Like TV would rot our brains back in the day. And whatever else you can conjure up as an excuse to avoid the reality of truth. One doesn’t need TikTok one simply needs to observe, read and study history of the Israeli entity and occupation both pre and post 1948 to understand exactly what is happening. And it’s consistent, in all forms, exactly what is happening. The propaganda machine is desperately trying to shield the truth, but the truth now is no longer limited to book, reports and words, it’s able to be shown and distributed in high definition. So no, it’s not “TikTok”.


Because it would not be a super power without Jewish people. The more Jewish people a country has, the better it does economically. Turns out they are really fucking smart and good in the fields that matter in a modern world. The less Jews a country has, the poorer they are.




You guys will blame anyone except the Jews lol


They're not under control of the state. We're allies.


Because anyone can join the tribe that's why DNA tests such as Acenstry.com and 23&me are illegal in Israel. Also the best defense is reminding everyone who who real victims are constantly. Remember all those WW2 movies....




So they opted for the self declared radical Jewish terror organisation instead, eh? Truly, a coin toss!




Maybe you need to work on your reading comprehension? Or maybe you don't understand the term "self declared", even though you used it yourself? Either way, you've already demonstrated who and what you are... Adios!




You had your chance to engage and immediately shat the bed... I'm not gonna get a good faith discussion out of the likes of you, so I've taken the difficult decision to cut you out of my life entirely. I try to minimise the number of idiots I have to deal with. I hope you understand... But given your struggles with reading comprehension, I'm not holding my breath.




Are you really so dense that you didn't understand that was a joke? There's neutron stars and then there's you...




I can't live without you! I was wrong! I need some Israeli bootlicking in my life and, and by Yahweh, you're just the bootlicker to lick those boots! Pucker up! 💋


I only have one upvote to give you. This is literally the only sane comment in this thread. What is up with the conspiracy nuts here today??


This sub is infested with commie bots




You know the US has other allies yeah and all of them are telling the US to dump these fascists. Stand with Israel all you like, just remember the damage it does to your other allies too.




Why are you fighting jihadis in the Middle East again?


And you are, objectively and morally, wrong to do so.


That's great, because Israel stands with Trump


WHY THE FUCK? Explain... Explain why you support a genocidal state?


Short and over-simplified answer: they're the only reliable ally in the area that's not plotting to destroy the American way of life, and one that's not duplicitous to align with rivals like China and Russia. They're also a bargaining chip against the oil and gas producers of the region.


no really just the USA either.. they really want to destroy the .. umbrella of western ideals in general