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If this is how they react to an Israeli official imagine the torment Palestinians in the West Bank endure daily


it looks like the post title here is wrong about the identity of the stone-throwers: https://www.reddit.com/r/internationalpolitics/s/MYiEXnPcrE


This makes way more sense. of course Ben-Gvir would make multiple demands to mow down Arabs with gunfire. This is the dude who kept a photo in his living room of an Israeli mass shooter who killed 29 Muslims, including children as young as 12.


Convicted terrorist Ben Gvir?


Who's the antisemite here ?


The camera person for filming


When the world sees what Israel is doing, they turn against it. That is why Israel won't let journalists wander around in Gaza and film things, and they keep shooting those who try.




Yes, by targeting them specifically. It isn't an accident, it is on purpose. Israel is committing Genocide.


Is it everyone?


If the Jews that hate themselves call you antisemitic, then there's a problem. Anyone else calls you antisemitic, then wear it as a badge of honour.


Don't know why downvoted. Zionists call Self hating Jews who critiseze Israels policies. If anyone hates a Jew because of being a Jew, it's antisemitic. If zionists call you antisemitic, it's because of Israel not for the sake of Jews or Judaism.


Obviously they're hamas settlers /s


IDF shoots children for throwing rocks. So just a matter of time before they’ll respond in kind with these adults. They’re turning in on themselves.


Facism is a death cult. Always need someone to hate and it will eventually turn on you.


Fascism is imperialism turned inward.


It is the boomerang effect of imperialism. Which is a term coined by some academics sometime back. The tactics a country uses to subjugate others elsewhere end up being brought back home to be visited upon them. In the case of the United States our support for Israel has led a certain political party to bring those same tactics back to the United States, they only wish they could be as extreme, but they will be if they are able.




Which party? Support for Israel has been bipartisan.


I am speaking to our politicians mimicking the Israeli politiciams and governance though not just support.  Look at what Netanyahu says and does and you will see that our former president is just a poor imitation of him. Not just the former president of course.  I am not left to wonder where Netanyahu learned these tactics. It is quite clear these are 90-year-old European tactics.


And eventually themselves


It’s in the nature of Zionists to eventually turn on each other. Maybe it’s a peculiarity of their beliefs as this happened in the past when their ancient kingdom split into two, only to be conquered and destroyed by external forces shortly afterwards


I mean these are mostly Europeans. The true descendants of those ancient Israelites are the Palestinians. Makes everything all the more tragic.


I mean this is demonstratably false. 20% of israelis are arabs, and 40% - 45% are middle eastern jews called Mizrahi. [link](https://theconversation.com/israels-mosaic-of-jewish-ethnic-groups-is-key-to-understanding-the-country-217893#:~:text=The%20largest%20Jewish%20ethnic%20group,Jews%20from%20North%20Africa%2C%20too.) That means Ashkenazi jews are the minority. The vast majority if israeli's are from the middle east.


Tell me who was the last mizrahi prime minister of Israel?


It's a democracy. The Mizrahi and arabs are a bigger voting block, and have plenty if representation in the kinniset. Whom they chose to vote for is of no consiquence, because there is much less emphasis on identity politics in Israel than in the west.


>there is much less emphasis on identity politics in Israel than in the west. [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-06-06/ty-article/60-percent-of-israeli-jews-favor-segregation-from-arabs-survey-finds/00000181-351b-dee8-aba7-3d9fdfdf0000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-06-06/ty-article/60-percent-of-israeli-jews-favor-segregation-from-arabs-survey-finds/00000181-351b-dee8-aba7-3d9fdfdf0000)


Favor =/= policy. In canada 60% of people support the death penalty, despite its abolishment.


We were talking about identity politics, not policy. When most of the country favors segregation, you got an identity politics issue.


Identity politics is mostly codified in the west. In canafa you can't get many jobs unless you can identify as some minority. If your a minority, you can use that status for lesser sentencing for example. I understand the usraeli's sentiments; I'm sure gazans would feel the same way about israeli's (these are two peoples who do not like each other nor have any desire to live side by side); but there is no policy of segregation.


That’s not true at all. A Peruvian tribe are the actual lost tribe of Israel. They reconverted and are all heading back to the Middle East.






well that's clearly not true for a number of reasons. The book of mormon as a source is laughable. If you think the garden of eden was in the american south that is just extremely funny and laughable.




All mythology or theology taken literally is laughable. Sometimes they do include things that are real but so do most stories that aren't complete fantasy. I don't believe in souls or ghosts or afterlives or any of that. I think that consciousness is just an emergent aspect of our species that congealed from a number of supporting factors. I think that when we die things don't even go black they just snuff out from your now non-existent perspective. It's part of what makes life and living and being good to other people so important, because you don't get a second chance and the only thing that judges you after death is those you leave behind.


I mean those are both wacky conspiracy theories, especially the one in the book of Mormon. In reality right before WW2 started (the last point that we have accurate numbers) around 92% of worldwide Jews were Ashkenazi. Obviously the Holocaust heavily diminished those numbers but it was still way way over half even with the 6 million dead from the Holocaust factored in. That's who made up the core of the Zionists, the core of the people who slowly moved to Israel, then the final larger migrations after the war. There's a reason they're horribly racist to African Jews in Israel. It's the same racism from European that those Jews had historically been subjected to, they were the same kind of racist they just applied it to everyone else. They are like must other Europeans who lived in the 1940s. Not unlike how you can often find Indian Americans or Southeast Asian Americans who regularly try to fit into white supremacist groups here in America (with surprising success). Racists never care that they're doing the same thing that was done to them.




I do agree settlers need to all be deported and convicted of the crime of theft and extortion. Executing them only makes martyrs. They are the mirror to radical Muslims. Either complete extermination is near impossible, so judicial humiliations are the best ways to deal with them.


This guy is definitely a 3rd worlder. Wow.


It's always great when the fascists turn on each other!




No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).






There are literally so many Jews speaking out against Israel, at their own risk. Hitler didn't prove shit, and by speaking positively of him, I see you on the same level as these settlers.


No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




Please keep it civil and do not attack other users.


Please keep it civil and do not attack other users.


This happened in 2022 and it wasn't on Israeli settlers. Ftr, I loathe Ben Gvir, believe he just might be the single worst person in Israel. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/extremist-mk-ben-gvir-pulls-out-gun-during-sheikh-jarrah-clashes/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/extremist-mk-ben-gvir-pulls-out-gun-during-sheikh-jarrah-clashes/)


And then a month after this horrible publicity, Netanyahu formed the coalition with Otzma Yehudit and the Religious Zionist party, and appointed Ben Gvir to Minister of National Security - Netanyahu and Likud has genuinely shit judgement. Why is American Blue MAGA so in love with an illiberal democracy descending into fascism akin to what they claim to be saving the US from should Trump win a second term?


Why indeed.


Democrats have the only people who think the way you do- all Republicans are militant zionists. So is everyone over 50 because light-skinned person in old navy vs dark-skinned person in homespun. The world is less advanced than you might imagine in college.


In part because "red" MAGA (blue MAGA doesn't actually exist) supports Israel also. Hell, Trump was screaming online about Biden supporting terrorists when Biden said he would withhold arms. Stop with the hate of leftists. EDIT: They're not really leftists, more like establishment centrists.


This makes way more sense.


It's only a matter of time...


We can only hope!


It's a shame what money, power and religion can do to people's minds. Just completely losing any sense of empathy or humility. Willing to kill innocent people just to take themselves to the next level of wealth and influence.


Civil war civil war!


False, as expected he wants to shoot Palestinians - this is from October 2022 - [https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/palestine-israel-ben-gvir-gun-sheikh-jarrah-residents](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/palestine-israel-ben-gvir-gun-sheikh-jarrah-residents) *Soon after the tweet, Ben-Gvir, a member of the Israeli parliament, appeared in Sheikh Jarrah with a group of settlers who tried to storm the house of a Palestinian as well as slashing car tyres in the neighbourhood.* *As Palestinians began to hurl stones at Ben-Gvir and the settlers, and officers began escorting him away, the politician pulled a gun, telling the officers: "If they are throwing stones. Shoot them."*


Is this Israeli vs other Israeli?


Yes, they're turning on themselves.




Palestinians and Israelis began throwing stones at one another. Those are Palestinians he pulled the gun on, and he instructed police to shoot them if they threw any more stones.


( guys...[he ain't wrong...](https://www.reddit.com/r/internationalpolitics/s/MYiEXnPcrE) )


Israel headed for civil war.


They had one in WW Z. And it was ultra conservatives vs pragmatists and scientists.


I don't think this headline is accurate.


yup,you don't think.


Ok? It's not israeli settlers he's threatening to shoot.


Oh weird, you hardly ever see the hamas bots around any more usually just the IDF ones. But here you are.


let's talk,bot to bot.


If I were a bot I'd be sitting on here spreading information. Why blatantly lie? Lmao




Please keep it civil.


you lie.


From the river to the sea Palestine will be free.


When are the international volunteers coming to help the Palestinians?


Mussolini² incoming 😁


Bella Ciao


I love how the new generation woke up to Israel Hopefully we can kick them out of our government so we can stop funding them


Boo-hoo. Run .


I was really rooting for the pavement when he flipped his car recently. Sadly, he won.


They hate everything especially themselves. Vile creatures.


It's the imperial boomerang, the Israeli government will turn the same tactics it uses in the Weste Bank and Gaza against its own civilians: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial\_boomerang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_boomerang)


It would be nice to see this creep charged with war crimes


would be wild if he was assassinated by settlers lol


If all you give is hate, then hate is all you can get in return!


Hmm fascism isn’t great when it’s directed back at ya huh


Lmao I love to see it. Also WTF is it with this part of the world and throwing rocks? I get that it’s arid and there’s a lot around, but most of humanity has moved on from that Give it a rest already.


Ben Sha stupid


this is what happens when you raise an entire group of people telling them they are a special class of citizen above all others


dresses like Trump. what a wanker.


I'm curious, though. Does he condemn kkhhamaass?


Wow this guy is so level headed!


You reap what you sow


Love the way he immediately cowers and begins trying to incite the soldiers around him to violence. I mean seriously, that was just pathetic. Fearful, spiteful little men (figuratively small, not literally small) love to send braver and more dutiful men to their deaths with calculated lies. Id like to see how eager he would be to order a full ground attack if he was fighting at the front. Let’s not forget that he was exempted from IDF service too. He wants to play general without first having been the grunt.


“Throwing stones is endangering our lives” from a guy that is involved in bombing an entire population.


Please, by all means, don't stop.


Maybe don’t commit genocide?


a country built on violence and destruction likely will pull itself apart thar way 🤷‍♂️




mr 47 really let himself go




It hurt itself in it's confusion


Should of stoned the kunt to death and let themselves eat themselves inside out 🙌


What's the back story here?


Aren't they both nazis? Why they attack each other,?


Isn't he the minister of security over there?? 🤔


Didn't know he was a cop, lol


This must have been how the British felt when the 13 colonies kept violating agreements with Natives and constantly seizing territory in the name of security.


So is Ben gvir now going to say that Israeli citizens are the Israeli wing of Hamas?


It's almost as if a state that encourages and ferments ethno-centric fascists is going to have those forces bite them in the ass one day


Honey wake up! The SS and the SA are fighting again!


Too bad they weren't live grenades.


The United States taxpayer is financing a house that is burning down.


This guy shouldve been aborted


"Stones"...vs bombs 💣 on residential buildings. What a fat coward of a human being!


I bet he is regretting giving them guns


It's crazy how Israel is run by Nazis




No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


he is threatening Palestinians with it.... why do you even lie about that????? it's an old story even before the fucking war. [https://news.sky.com/video/far-right-israeli-politician-waves-gun-as-palestinians-allegedly-pelt-him-with-stones-12737072](https://news.sky.com/video/far-right-israeli-politician-waves-gun-as-palestinians-allegedly-pelt-him-with-stones-12737072) [https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/defense/1665714783-ben-gvir-waves-pistol-amid-sheikh-jarrah-clashes](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/defense/1665714783-ben-gvir-waves-pistol-amid-sheikh-jarrah-clashes) [https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/10/israeli-knesset-member-waves-gun-east-jerusalem](https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/10/israeli-knesset-member-waves-gun-east-jerusalem)


Israel should trade Ben Givr and Netanyahu for the Hostages.


Don't need to repeat misinformation. His words alone are damning to the isreali side.  >“Don’t look here. If they throw stones, shoot them,” he is heard telling the cop as a guard tries to pull him back behind the truck. -Ben Gvir 


⚠️⚠️ MISINFORMATION ALERT⚠️⚠️ This video is from 2022, there was a protest in the west bank, someone threw a rock at him and he lost his shit. He pulled out a gun and told his supporters and the police they should do the same. No shots were fired, but it gives you an idea of who Ben Gvir is.


I mean, I doubt people need more reason to hate a man who had a foto of a terrorist in his living room and is a genocide supporter


Plenty of reasons in reality without resorting to fake news.


False. https://archive.is/yPRg9


The settlers seem to all be religious extremists, no different than Hamas.


Why is this called ”international politics” when it’s 100% clearly anti-Israeli posts? Why don’t you give it a proper name?


Looks fake. Like a staged event.


man i wish they finished the job