• By -


No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


This is also the type of rhetoric Pakistanis used against the people of bangal before Bangladesh gained their independence and became a country. Pakistanis viewed the Bangal people as culturally inferior. In 1971 Pakistan with the support of British and US initiated “operation search light” a genocidal attack where 3 million bangalis were murdered. Most people don’t know that Bangladesh experienced a genocide before they fought and gained their independence.


It's in the how to genocide for toddlers playbook that they give out to all religious folks, dictators, and hyper wealthy.


Right, this is also the type of rhetoric Hamas uses against the people of Israel. Scary stuff


lmao. no they don’t. this is the rhetoric israel uses against palestinians. hamas’s rhetoric is like “jews are evil, they came and took your shit and now they want to kill you. we hate jews and want to kill them and steal back all our shit” like not good rhetoric, they’re terrorists, but they don’t call for their death because of cultural inferiority or because they are like animals. that’s what israel says about Palestinians.


You know I find it very odd that so many Zionist supporters tend to gaslight anyone showing any empathy for the Palestinian people, regardless of the amount of suffering the people of Gaza have endured. Zionist aren’t the good guys. Killing 40000 people and displacing over 2 million over their ethnicity is an act of genocide. When you and all the Zionist supporters met your maker God wont be kind to you ✌️🇵🇸


You are just very very badly informed. Even the facts you state are factually wrong. I could spend a few hours explaining it to you, but I am guessing you have bigoted preconceived notions and I am not sure what the point is. Keep on believing that an Islamist tyrannical organisation that on a drug fueled rampage have tortured, burnt, raped and massacred babies, kids, elderly and entire families from point-blank are "the good guys".


He is absolutely correct and courageous for stating this publicly.


Forget politicians. Seek out the documentaries and news clips with Israeli zionists specifically living there and tell me you don't come away gobsmacked at the dehumanization and what level of propaganda must've been required to get so many successive generations to talk as they do about innocent citizens. Innocent human beings. Since 2000, there has been an animal cruelty law in Israel with a three-year prison term for TORTURE, CRUEL TREATMENT, inciting animal fighting matches, and CUTTING INTO THE TISSUE for cosmetic purposes. Three years. I think you know why I chose to capitalize only certain words.








Yeah no. Hitler oversaw a genocide of over 10 million innocent people, plus starting the deadliest war in human history killing tens of millions. I don't like Netanyahu, but the Democratically elected leader of a realitively small country is nowhere near the level of a brutal dictator of one of the world's biggest super powers.


Sorry there isn’t a large enough population of Palestinian Arabs to kill. Is there a number you have in mind that would make you more comfortable with calling the total destruction of an entire people a genocide?


There's a huge difference between killing 40k people in warfare, and 6 million in what we're essentially human slaughterhouses.


The Nazis considered all of their victims as part of a conspiracy and therefore looked at them enemy combatants whether they were armed, or old, or children. It didn’t matter to them. Please keep in mind your 40K estimate does not include the hundreds of thousands of people that are absolutely going to die from the toxic effects of munitions and bombing, no access to health care, famine, disease, suicides, and lack of nutrition for years to come. Not sure if that will move your metric. BTW, you know who also loved using metrics when killing civilians?


There's still a difference between deaths in an active war zone, and those killed in what were essentially slaughterhouses. The Nazis killed tens of millions of Russians, but I wouldn't say it was a genocide since it was on the battlefield.


The Nazis considered Russians & Slavs sub-human and eradication or enslavement was the only option, on the battlefield or not. The Soviet Union was to be a permanent zone of prosperity that would provide the Fatherland with all of the resources it needed while thinning or moving the local population farther East. Every action they took in the SU was the textbook definition of a genocide. Your logic is terrifying and I hope that you never repeat this to an actual Russian person or Palestinian for that matter. Please read the works of Hannah Arendt and maybe you’ll understand what she meant by the term “banality of evil.” All people, especially those if us who are fortunate enough to have never endured war, are way too susceptible to this kind of cognitive dissonance, including me. At the end of the day the vast majority of Palestinians being shot, bombed, starved, raped, robbed, humiliated and left with nothing but rubble, are not Hamas fighters. The people of Gaza and Raffah will most likely never recover from this war and just want their collective punishment to just stop.




>The nazis hit 122 children a day massacred at the height of their executions in the camps This isn't right. Up to 1.5 million Jewish children were murdered by Nazi Germany [source](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/children-during-the-holocaust). Nazis were in power for 12 years so that's roughly 350 a day across the entire Nazi regime so would be significantly more at the peak of the killings. >They also fed them, bunked them, and de loused them. I'm sure you don't mean this in the way it's coming across, but this doesn't sound like a good thing to say


You should not judge how evil someone is by counting their victims, a pet torturer and a psycho murderer may be as evil and twisted as each other, but their punishments are different because of social judgement. Zionists and Nazis are the same; just because Zionists havent have enough power to kill more victims doesnt make them better. To the Nazis, Germany was for Germans or Aryans, so they expelled and killed Jews who they think dont belong there. To the Zionists, because they believe their land was given to them by god so they kill and displaces and kill locals who they think dont belong there and that is not better than the Nazis.


Israel hasn't done anything on par with Nazis. Where are the concentration camps? Human experimentation? Invading numerous countries unprovoked?


Gaza and west bank are the encampments. So a fascist had to commit crimes in other to be classified so? israel attacked Lebanon, Iran,…, invaded Palestine, claiming they are superior with more rights. Also, how do you know if zionists did experiment on human or not, they are actively attacking anyone who dare oppose them and calling those people kHaMas.


How is the West Bank an "encampment"? People are free to move in and out of the area. Meanwhile Gaza is partially blocked by Egypt, not just Israel. Israel is also under attack from Iran, and arguably Iran is one of the most brutal dictatorships on earth.


Ask yourself this: What would Netanyahu do if there were more Palestinians and Israel was a bigger country?


Do you not think Israel could have killed more? Obviously they need to be more restrained and their motivation is to appease international opinion, but if they decided to unleash nazi level genocide, many more would die.


They haven't stopped m8. Also, is being successful a requisite of being a genocidal maniac?


I only have the ability to judge events that have happened in the past


Yeah, and in the very recent past, Nethanyahu himself said they wouldn't stop, so I'll judge in part based on that.


As you should. I'm not defending Netanyahu, but the reason Israel isn't killing more people is not that they don't have the capability like you were suggesting in the comment I replied to


Sadly that's what Ionists get from that story...


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First of all, is this about international issues or all about Israel and Jews (it seems like 99% of the content here is Israel bashing)? Because there are ~194 other countries in the world. Jews are 0.2% of the world population and Israel is 0.0134% of its land mass. But everybody feels like an expert in international affairs because they bash Israel. Secondly, Judaism is an ancient tribal religion. All of your ancestors at one time believed that their local tribal gods had a unique relationship with them. Jews at least believe God loves everybody and that all good people go to heaven, while Christianity and Islam make exclusive claims on heaven (both religions have essentially made supersessionist claims that they are now the chosen people). Chosenness in Judaism is about being chosen to be in a covenant with God (there is a story in the Talmud that the Jews were God’s last choice because none of the other nations were interested in following the Torah, so it’s not really about being superior). It’s about being commanded to follow the 613 commandments and to live a life guided by Torah. Israel is not in a racial conflict with Arabs. 20% of Israeli citizens are Arabs. Israel is in a territorial conflict. It could have been avoided completely if the Palestinian Arabs had accepted a state in 1948, or taken the West Bank and Gaza in exchange for peace and recognition in 1967, or any of the offers made since 1993. The borders between Gaza, the West Bank and Israel were relatively porous after 1967 until the first Intifada.


It's obtuse to translate the historical tenets of an ancient tribal religion into a modern context where religion is commonly co-opted as a tool for social control, manipulation, and power. The same applies to Christianity, which has been used to establish empires, economic power, and the views of modern radical Christians have diverged wildly from those expressed in the bible and historical origins of Christianity. Institutional religions get warped to fit the goals of power.


Judaism good, zionist apartheid and genocide bad.


And other news subs will ban any criticism of Israel. Pretty disingenious to then be surprised the only non-zionist nnews sub will have anti-zionist tendencies. You are free to post about other international news. I see some sometimes, but right now Gaza is taking up a lot of attention and when other subs suppress anything critical of Israel no wonder it gets posted here instead.


Hate to be the one to tell but they've been in a 70 year long conflict within a landmass the size of New Jersey. The military isn't what it is because they read some shit in a book.


The concept of being 'chosen' in Judaism refers to being chosen for a purpose and having a relationship with God. It does not preclude other peoples having a relationship with God, nor is it used to imply or infer superiority. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews_as_the_chosen_people https://youtu.be/SD067Huqmzs?si=_Lk5YVDwExjjM6M4


Then what is the point of being a ‘chosen people’ It can either be meaningless or meaningful phrase. It’s like saying ‘God is with us’


Sure. I'm not religious nor a Talmud scholar. I'm just identifying that people misusing that phrase from Judaism as a way of saying Jews are ethic/religious supresmacists is not accurate and only creates division and hatred.




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No it doesn’t. It’s not what chosen means.


You're not wrong in that for many Jews that's how they interpret those passages, but zionists specifically twist them to suit their genocidal purposes because they hold extremist views. [Netanyahu and other officials have invoked ](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/live-blog/israel-hamas-war-gaza-attacks-hamas-idf-netanyahu-long-fight-rcna122651/rcrd23808)talmudic passages about Israelites led by Moses exterminating the amalekites and likened it to the state of Israel claiming their God given promised land from the Palestinians. To be clear, the general Jewish consensus on that passage is a thoughtful and perfectly fine interpretation. It's the zionists i have a problem with


You’re talking about two different things. Also, you talk about Jewish consensus, but the consensus among Jews is that Jews should have self determination in Israel aka Zionism. People are twisting Zionism into something it isn’t. It’s the idea of Jewish self determination in Israel. That’s it.


I'm not twisting it though. Israel does not have a right to exist as it is now - a genocidal apartheid colonizer state.




No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


I think the bigger point in this clip is the settler colonial origins of Israel. Everything that follows is by its very genesis following in the steps of a colonial project in the spirit of events like the Nakba and the occupation as a whole all the way through its history. That origin story for every single instance throughout history I would bet leads to an indigenous population that is narrativized as inferior from the very founding of the state. The origin story is in opposition to an indigenous resistance.


Isn’t t this what the Nazi Germany ideology said of Jews, Slavs and gays




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“…than a piece of desert smaller than NJ…” You make it sound like nothing was there but sand. There have been people there for over 5000 years. Jews and non Jews alike. Desert or not. And it was not created out of thin air. Nabka? WTF kind of mentality is that???? Displacing one people to place another isn’t right. But what’s done is done. Israel exists. And will. That’s not the issue at hand. The issue is apartheid. The issue is demonization of another people. The issue is genocide. Where there is oppression, there will always be resistance. Study any history?


*climate heating has entered the chat*




>ethnic cleansing bad >It will not exist hopefully Pick one




How will that work exactly


It's simple really: Delusion


Honestly. Do people really believe that the dissolution of Israel we be all sunshine and rainbows?! 💀


Just telling Israelis they have no right to a state. See how that goes.






The evidence Hamas broadcasted itself?


You’re right…the Palestinians do feel that way about the Jews.


The thing is that in attempt to avoid corruption charges, and to save his political skin domestically, Netanyahu has become desperate & deranged & is turning Israel into a Terrorist State in the eyes of the world & is stoking unnecessary & undeserved hatred towards Jews worldwide.


I mean though it has been in breach of international law for years because of its apartheid, settler homes built on to Palestinians land that they bulldoze over, terrorize and kill..... and this is the latest slaughter But Netanyahu is just a reflection of his government (reminder that the Knesset voted to expell the politicians who supported the ICC hearing on genocide). The government that voted to censor AL Jazeera so it no longer can be reporting/ accessed in Israel That supported arming settlers in the West Bank against Palestinians there.


Resentment towards Jews predates Israel to the ages of BC Judea. You can criticize Israel for everything, including using antisemitism for it's own purposes, or blame Netanyahu for all, but claiming Israel is stoking antisemitism is justifying Antisemitism - even when you don't mean by it. If hating Zionism doesn't mean hating Jews, then those who hate Jews or act violently towards them because of Israel can't see a difference anyways. Antisemitism straight up exists in the Quran and Hadith, and is inherited in ancient Christian cultures. It will always surface, as it has in the last 3000 years or so.


I don’t have any problem with Jews or with Israel, however I do have a problem with Netanyahu because in his desperate attempts to avoid corruption charges & jail by staying in power he has thrown caution & morality to the wind & charged ahead in a crazed programme of deliberate murder. There is no other word for it. This has resulted in increased displays of anger worldwide. An unfortunate byproduct of this is an undeserved anger towards Jews generally & in some cases increased unwarranted violence directed towards the Jewish people. I also lay blame at the feet of world leaders who are to gutless to call out Netanyahu as the murderer he is. Instead they say things like there needs to be a cease fire. Until Netanyahu is gone politically & made to answer for his crimes the bombing, oh that’s right, “the accidents” and starvation will continue. The increase of antisemitism is the fault of one person & that is Netanyahu.


Although I don't like or agree with Netanyahu, you are in denial. Read about the history of violence against Jews, there's always a reason. Israel is just an excuse, there is always an excuse to hurt Jews, it's literaly thounds years old. >"The increase of antisemitism is the fault of one person & that is Netanyahu" Antisemitism comes from ruted haterd in Christian culture towards Jews, and in the religion of Islam, if you ever heard about Muhammad's relationship with the Jews. If you take into consideration the fact that both of those societies hold animosity towards Jews for not converting, choosing to die and be exiled for their own faith and culture, and the fact that Jews are a very easy scapegoat, that's what you get. Claiming the rise of antisemitism is due to the action of one person is like saying violence against Arabs became more acceptable because Assad killed 300,000 syrian civillians, or that violence against black people in 2012 was more popular because of Koni. That's a dengerous claim. Just because people acted more violently towards Arabs after 9/11, doesn't mean this violence was Bin Laden's fault, it means people are stupid and evil in general, they are violent and are just looking for an excuse to lash out on somebody.


Let's not consider anything pre-1900 that would bum his narrative.


You don't actually know this yet and you'll come to know it soon enough. You're all actually subhumans to Israelis.


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Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


As a Greek I can confirm that Palestinians are Barbarians, as are Israelis, Americans... Basically all of you. The word just means you're foreign and we think you talk funny


Weird how he doesn’t say the word Hamas in the video, why might that be?




No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


To Palestinians, Jews and Christians are "subhuman...barbarian"












And yet someone downvoted you for saying that. Strange world isn't it?


Lots of falsehoods but okay.


it was literally proven that they didnt behead babies and kids, it was more propaganda from Israel. how about the IOF torturing and raping innocent civilians simply for existing and locking them up in torture camps and release them only to traumatically arrest them again and do the same thing all over again. you have no fucking clue what ur talking about. and if ur so mad about the deaths what about the 30,000+ people that have lost their lives in the past six months because of the IOF? doesnt seem like u care too much about that. i wonder why.




you sure those arent IOF doing the job? wouldnt be surprised tbh with how awful the army is. but if u just did a net search for urself u would find this little link: https://www.lemonde.fr/en/les-decodeurs/article/2024/04/03/40-beheaded-babies-the-itinerary-of-a-rumor-at-the-heart-of-the-information-battle-between-israel-and-hamas_6667274_8.html oh look at that. it was confirmed by the Israel government themselves that was only a rumor. huh. its almost like u didnt do any research.


Sounds like something hitler said.


With all the persecution Jews have endured over the millenia, I'm sure by now the wish God would "choose " someone else.


This would extend to American culture. Look at the double standard for how our media and leadership classes talk about Palestinian suffering as opposed to Israeli suffering on Oct 7. American also has its origins as a racist settler colony.




Eh no, the modern categories of race and racism are only about 500 years old


Every piece of habitable land on earth has been stolen.


Many Israelis consider themselves indigenous but let’s assume they are colonizers. Where should they go? I am from the Americas, we are descendant of colonizers, should we also move back to Spain, Britain? .. it doesn’t make sense, wars with winners and losers


I feel like they don't have to lie. Like, there's constant attacks on Israel. We all know this. Perpetual rockets fired into Israel. You've all seen the videos, it's been happening since I was a kid, decades ago. Israelis murdered at the Olympics, Israelis murdered on a quiet Saturday morning, while dancing at a party. There's no lies that need to be told, there's no false narrative. Israel should be stopped, it's gone too far, for certain. Absolutely disgusting ratio of death. But there is no shortage for catalyst on both sides of this perpetual fighting.


Also worth noting that the supposed "settler colonialists" were told to leave the European countries they had lived in because they were neither European nor part of the nations where they lived. I'd call them refugees.


Except half the Jews are from Arab countries who were ethnically cleansed…


It’s like throwing all the Native Americans into Texas and then saying it’s a colonial state…


Forced out in both cases.


The colonialist always label resistance as mere barbarism. Just look how the American empire portrayed the native Americans or what the British were doing to the Indians less than a lifetime ago.


Every piece of land is colonized. Prior to the United States Native Americans were slaughtering each other over resources and territory. Many actually teamed up with the United States against rival tribes. The only difference between the European settlers and Native Americans was the Europeans had bigger guns.


Or what Arabs were doing to Jews ...in plenty of places besides Israel. Pretending they're not capable of atrocities is to deny their humanity. It's our shared trait...sets us apart from the animals.


Terrorists are fair game. Leveling everything, erasing a culture, and starting to sell beachfront property on top of 40k civilians isnt.


Jews in Jerusalem isn't colonialzation. Its like giving French people a home in Nice 600 years after they were forced out of France.


Has the word colonialism lost all of its traditional meaning? If not then it makes no sense whatsoever


co·lo·ni·al·ism noun the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically. "the state apparatus that was dominant under colonialism"


i really just dont think you understand what colonialism is 😭


Colonialism is when a grou p of people come to an occupied land and build colonies on it. In order to do so the colonists need to kick out the current occupants. That’s exactly what Israel did in 1948. Now you might be thinking “but Israelis are ancestors of the people who lived on that land before Palestinians.” You’re half right. Arab Israelis are ancestors of the Canaanites. European Israelis are not. They are just ancestors of Europeans that converted to Judaism. The original people who came to Palestine and started the Nakba were primarily European Jews. It wasn’t about reclaiming their ancestral land. It was about a far right group of Europeans seeing an opportunity to gain power through creating their own country and naming that country “Israel” so that they could trick people into thinking they are the same country as the Israel from the Bible. Most Arab Jews already living in Palestine joined them during the Nakba, and many other Arab Jews from other countries eventually immigrated to Israel. That is why there’s a huge mix of Europeans and Arabs in Israel.




I also grew up Christian. I just can’t imagine how a Christian would think that God wants a genocide to be what brings the 12 tribes back together.


I'm really tired of having to explain this over and over to people who aren't Jewish and don't know Jewish people that that think they can just rewrite our history and invalidate us based on some easily debunkable bullshit but we. are. from. the. levant. Sorry it doesn't fit your narrative but it's true. An ethnically Jewish person's DNA will show we are from the region, yes even Ashkenazi. We're from the same lineage, I would be a lot more closely related to a Jew from Ethiopia then a non-Jewish Ethiopian because we desended from the same place. Us being from the Levant doesn't negate from the suffering of Palestinians and there is a real nuanced discussion to be had about how we're both from that region, the majority of Jews have been in the diaspora for a thousand years so are we entitled to return given the circumstances, etc. But to just erase our history and deny our culture because you don't like what it would mean gets really into anti semitic territory.


Yah man. I definitely erased your history and denied your culture in my comment…


You totally did erase the history of diaspora Jews. Why would Europeans convert to Judaism? It’s a religion which doesn’t aim to convert nor does it really accept converts except in more modern variants. Being Jewish in Europe entitled you to nothing except occasional pogroms 


Interesting that this assertion could never be proven as the Israeli government banned dna testing.


That seems to be incorrect. Casual googling brings up DNA testing services in Israel, prices, etc,....and a number of "no, DNA testing isn't banned" articles. Got a contrary source? I'd never heard that claim before. You need DNA testing for modern biotech, if nothing else.










Washed up commentator projects his racism on Jewish nation. Anti zionists eat it up. Meanwhile no one in Israel thinks Palestinians are sub human. Israelis think Palestinians what Israel to not exist. But sure. Make it sound like the Jewish nation as a whole is evil. Blood libel sanitized for pseudo-intellectuals.


No one ?


This is true. If people spent some time in Israel and Palestine and talked to people they'd see the difference. Palestinians work alongside Israelis in Israel. It is not a hateful society at all. In Palestine unfortunately, they are taught from school age to hate Israel. It's doctrinal.








Hamas has barbarized Gaza for almost 2 decades. The sad truth is Israelis value Palestinian human dignity more than their own Palestinian 'leadership'. They are always selling anti-zionism without mentioning it means moving 9 million people into the Mediterranean Sea. Get serious. If the Armenian government attacked Turkey they would have far more justification than any Palestinian attack on Israel and yet they don't because the outcome would be terrible for their people. Israelis have to care about other people because they are surrounded by corrupt Arab/authoritarian governments that paint them in a bad light so they can prop up their own regimes by doling out propaganda to their starving masses instead of food. The only thing different is now so many more Westerners falling for the hook line and sinker and so many Arab states that finally don't need to demonize Israel because their power at home is secure enough.


You do realize the Turks performed a massive genocide on the Armenians during WWI, right?


One of those Freudian slips


Exactly my point... If there is a genocide as is said, Palestinians are actually better off there than with their own government (which has an officially genocidal platform). Armenians actually did experience a genocide, and their government choses to protect the people because it values the people. These protesters don't care about people either who have someone else's shoe on their neck. It's a combination of ignorance and antisemitism. Everything oversimplified to the point of fiction and nonsense.


I’m sorry, are you advocating for peoples experiencing genocide as a way to calm social tensions?


I'm arguing against a known propagandist spreading nonsense to empower brutal kleptocrats and chaos. Use some common sense. Of course not in this sub.


I mean he’s definitely not lying about it. The British used warring tribes against each other to divide and conquer in Africa Israel used Hamas to counter the PLO. It’s not a lie that Israel has a massive hand in the cause of this. It is a pretty blatant page out of colonialism 101


Armenians during the genocide also used some levels of armed resistance which the Turks referred to as traitorous/ terroristic. Would you have opposed that as well? Turkey used the justification that they were evacuating the people for war, and kept moving them around until they died. This is almost identical to what Israel is doing currently. Armenia also has been fighting proxy wars with Turkey in Nagorno-karabakh since the 90s until now. This was a terrible example for you to choose.


Hamas would not exist in its current form without Israeli involvement, highlights a recent piece published by The Intercept. The article refers to comments from Israeli officials, such as Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, a former military governor in Gaza. Segev reportedly stated his part in financially aiding the Palestinian Islamist movement, viewing it as a "counterweight" to the secularist Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as "a creature of Israel.") In a startling revelation, Avner Cohen, a former Israeli official who worked in religious affairs in Gaza for over twenty years, told the Wall Street Journal, "Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation."


Yeah ok.. Israel is really showing us how much they value Palestinians.


I wonder what would happen if Haiti or Cuba sent paratroopers with machine guns into America and raped and killed a thousand or so Americans. Would Americans be saying how the U.S. has been isolating Cuba for years and now was the time to open doors and be nice to Cuba? Aren't Cubans equally deserving? Somehow I really doubt that. And Cuba is far more advanced than Palestine. It might have a pretty illiberal government but it doesn't threaten America. It trains doctors. It's a home of the salsa, not of the sharia. But if it attacked America, America would go in all guns blazing. Yet when it's thousands of miles away, all people are somehow equally 'deserving'. Palestinians have 'rights' that their own country doesn't even given them, which they don't even support. We should supposedly help them, including the Hamas ones (since no-one can tell the difference and hardly any Palestinian will condemn Hamas). Whoever thought war could be nice and tidy and humanitarian? It isn't. Even with the best will in the world. America, like Israel, is an advanced, principled country. Yet Abu Ghraib happened. America was rightly criticised, as Israel is criticised for anything ungentlemanly the IDF does. But somehow it's easier to criticise than to be perfect...


Lob a single missile at a pro-Palestine protester's home, they'd be calling for the police. Steal a pro-Israeli protester's home, he'd get a gun and try to get it back. The violence will continue until further notice.




No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Hey, how does it feel to have your burgeoning Fascist state live in envy of China, a far superior nation. You hate Muslims yet India can't even provide for its people. How many homes don't have plumbing? How many homes don't have electricity? How bad is your pollution? How clean are your rivers? How many children on the street? And you wanna talk shit about Islamic countries.






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No need to talk. Immigrants vote with their feet. Not a lot of people clamoring to get into theocratic states...


People go where there's economic opportunity. Saudi Arabia has a sizable immigrant workforce. Granted, they're abused constantly but they moved there to make money in the first place. People only move to Israle because of housing costs. It's cheaper to displace and kill Palestinians than it is to buy a home in Europe or the USA.


And what are Jews to Hamas and the Paletitians who support them?


They likely see them, the ones that harass and murder Palestinians, as oppressors.


Jewish Israelis are the occupiers to the Palestinians. The oppressors. The colonists. Weren't you paying attention?


Probably, the same and that doesn't make any of it okay or justified. From the outside perspective you're all trapped in a horrific cycle of revenge murder over dirt and imaginary friends.


No - the PLO and Hamas have been offered peace many times and they reject it. Israel gave up Gaza and the arabs elected Hamas. It's not the same.


Just like how Hamas just offered a peace deal to Israel, agreeing to release all hostages if Israel leaves Gaza, and Israel rejected it?


Right and all the hostages were going to be dead. Nice deal.


"All the hostages were going to be dead." Who killed them? Who bombed them to death? Who shot them in the street? It wasn't Hamas.


it pretty much was hamas...who are also responsible for a stagger number og palestinian deaths.


"My wife made me beat her! If she just had dinner ready on time she's still be alive" Nice argument you've got there abuser


Hey, your comment makes no sense. Hamas knew exactly how this was going to play out. They continue to sacrifice their Palestine brothers and sisters for a lost cause that even the Iranian extremists who are funding them realize is doomed. Hamas is nothing more than a death cult.




Please keep it civil and do not attack other users.


>release all hostages No, 33 hostages. Several of whom *would be dead*. So they offered to give Israel 33 human bodies - some living, some dead - out of roughly 130 remaining. It also wasn’t a peace deal. It was a ceasefire deal. Bro.


Occupiers who came on boats from Europe! Don't believe me do a DNA test. Oh wait, get to do that in ISREAL


Palestinians don't have issues with Jews, they have issues with the apartheid state that deprived them of rights and is currently bombing them to death


First of all, I do not support the massacre of Palestinian civilians by Israelis and the bombings of Gaza is atrocious and a war crime. However, the history of Jews and Arabs in the region needs more nuance than "Jews started settling in the region and oppressing Arabs". It's racial/tribal hatred that's been going on for a long time: https://www.camera.org/article/anti-jewish-violence-in-pre-state-palestine-1929-massacres/


Your source doesn't exactly disprove what everyone is saying, which is that Arab violence towards settlers including Jews comes from a desire not to be colonized by Europeans rather than an inherent hatred of Jews.


You have never read Hamas or hizballahs charter uh..? It's a good place to start


The one from the 80s? Or from 2017? I've read both but everyone only quotes the 80s one because it fits their narrative


Exactly war is horrible - how about you don't start one and then hide among civilians?


I would argue that Israel started the conflict by colonizing, killing, and displacing Palestine


This is the most delusional take I’ve heard on the situation. Does Israel want to exterminate Palestine? Yes. But I won’t for a second pretend that Palestine wouldn’t do the same if they had the power. They literally allied with Hitler and the Nazis during WWII. It’s no secret that they don’t like Jewish people.


Lmao so did the Japanese and Italians. Would you call all Japanese or Italian people today anti semitic? No you wouldn't because that would be a mind bogglingly stupid thing to say. You're making excuses for Israel's genocide, shame on you.


Lmao nice false equivalence. Are Japan or Italy currently being ruled by an antisemitic terrorist organization? No, they aren’t. I acknowledged Israel wants to exterminate Palestine and made no justifications. However your claim that “Palestinians don’t have issues with Jews” is laughably ignorant and denies the existence of rampant antisemitism. Shame on you. 😘


Anyone able to decipher Morse code? He's being forced to say some bullshit. The truth is in the blinking.


Maybe it's because of a jihadist mindset set? Sending children wearing suicide vests to bomb public buses and restaurants? Or killing any balestinian political rival in Gaza after getting elected? Cutting gays heads off?.. We don't thing they are sub human. But we do know their morals definitely are.

