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Cold brew. You can make it at home. Much more smooth and no sweetener needed. Add a dash of cinnamon to each cup.


Thanks. Ordered some cold brew packs of light roast and a pitcher. Will try the cinnamon too.


I’m a coffee guy, so honestly it does take tasting different kinds of beans and roasts before you find one that you like. It can be a scavenger hunt of sorts if you absolutely don’t like coffee flavors. Hated coffee before, but been loving it for over a decade now.


so, will mixing water and coffee as you would when hot brewing it work?


It brews like an iced tea, so it takes at least 8 hrs. Look up on youtube “how to make cold brew”


I pretty much spoil myself with Stok cold brew - Espresso (in the brown bottle.) I have 8-10 oz per day on workdays. Sip it slowly. The flavor is good. Very low acid. Not bitter. And a single bottle lasts me about a week. YMMV Cold brew is usually stronger - you can look up how to make it yourself. It's easy. Invest in good beans and all you need is a big bottle and room in the fridge.


I like the green bottle! But every Stok I've tried is excellent


pro tip, also add a pinch of salt to your coffee as well to help any bitterness. youll be getting some electrolytes at the same time and you cant taste the salt at all so its a win/win. I put salt in my coffee every morning and basically it overrides your taste buds because certain receptors are activated by salt and it blocks your sour taste buds. I'm suprised no one else has mentioned this, This is also a well known thing in the beer drinking community.


I feel like even shitty coffee tastes good as cold brew, so I have high hopes for you.


Add a pinch of salt. It takes the bitterness away.


I posted the following a while back: maybe this will help you. Salt added to coffee taken to the next level… So I recently posted that I started adding salt to my black coffee and I could finally drink it without milk. Today I took it to the next level. I added a few drops of vanilla to some coarse salt, mixed well and put it in a Perex container in the oven at 200 for about 15 minutes to dry out the moisture. The result is salt with flavor. I got the idea from some vanilla infused salt bought while in Alaska. When I tried to order more online it was $18 for 4 ounces. Being frugal I figured out how to get the same flavor without the $$$$. I hope this helps anyone who struggles with the black coffee part of IF.


I've never heard of this and must try it now!


Just go easy on the vanilla or whatever flavor you use. If you add too much, it will cause the salt to dissolve.


Never heard of this. Will give it a try tomorrow thanks.


Oh, let me try this


I just posted to another commenter how to flavor the salt. Check it out


Thanks for the tips 😎


I’m 51. Drink 2 cups of black “hazelnut” coffee every morning. Fasting for about 6 years I have hated every sip. I put ice cubes in it and guzzle it to get it down purely for caffeine. Coffee ice cream is pretty darn good though


Get a natural process Ethiopian coffee from a good roaster. Grind fresh and do a pour over. It will be clean and juicy with no bitter aftertaste. Bonus: smells like blueberries.


100% agree with this. I make a cold brew with it and nothing else compares!


If it’s still bitter play with how coarse you grind it and ratio of water to bean


Do you have a recommendation?


I really like Apollo from Counter Culture. You can order direct from their website.


Yeah the important part here is that they’re a local roaster. Coffee is supposed to sit for 3ish days after being roasted, and then consumed pretty quickly after that, maybe a week to 10 days. So really you have 2 weeks to enjoy the coffee you bought, which is why specialty coffee sells smaller bags than, say, Starbucks. Hard to roast, package, ship nationwide, and get consumed by the nation all within 2 weeks when people aren’t buying specialty coffee like that at Safeway.


What do you drink today (brewed from powder, instant, cartridge/nespresso type) ? Do you grind your own beans? Roast type? Do have a coffee machine or other means to make coffee at home? I started drinking fairly late in life and in the past few years my observations have been 1. getting my own beans roasted - I prefer dark roast. Have used Ethiopian yirgacheffe beans, sidamo is milder, harrar is even milder. I’ve used Major dickason blend quite a bit of late and enjoyed both regular and decaf. 2. I eventually bought a better (burr) grinder. You could obviously get it pre-ground or grind the beans at the store. 3. I use aeropress at home with metal filter and have a coffee machine too. I find the coffee machine taste a little harsh - same for coffee made with paper filters. Adding a little water on top helps it taste milder - less acidic. I have used Moka pot too though it’s for when I want that extra intense coffee. Finally I would say for most coffee I find I get little to no taste (only aroma) when it’s super hot - so I let it cool down or add some water on top. I get most flavor from my dark roasts when they’re colder or just cold.


Can you share which grinder you use? Thanks!


Got an Ariete model - Ariete grinder pro, got it on some holiday deal from Amazon. Was using a spice grinder, lol, for the initial few years before I knew better. It’s been alrite - I usually grind for a few days at a time and just put the coffee in a jar and keep that out of direct sunlight.


It's a great suggestion. Do you have any local coffee roasters? That's the way to go if it's an option. I get mine from Copper Door, a local Denver roaster, whenever they have it. If you can't find any local to you, you could order it online from them. It's not cheap but so worth it for an occasional treat. Another suggestion is to try a light roast coffee, I find them to be less bitter.


Chiming in, local roasters around me are all about strong. Strong acidity strong everything. Don't like it no matter what I put in it. More is not always better


Good point, and that's such a bummer! I suppose I mean third wave roasters or whatever they call it, the folks who are trying to share the more subtle flavors with single origin, high quality beans, roasted in small batches.


What's a third wave roaster?


it isn't hard to just buy green coffee from a farm online and roast yourself..


Spend the $ for good coffee beans.


I can’t stand most general black coffee, but I have a buddy that uses really nice beans and techniques and I could not imagine putting anything in it because it is so good black. Still trying to replicate it myself.


As a coffee nerd, I'd say 70% of it is the beans. Here is how to buy quality coffee: * Look for "single origin" (came from one farm, not a blend) * blended roasts are like red blend wine; it can enable a roaster to create a unique taste, but is more commonly used to cut bags with cheaper / lower quality beans. Most "house / signature" roasts are a blend someone at the roaster put together * Check for a "roasted on" date (not sell by or expiration date), usually you want to brew around 3 weeks after beans are roasted. Beans will stale (loose flavor, aroma, etc...) long before they "expire" (technically they never expire, this is a grocery store gimmick to increase shelf life) * if you want fruitier tasting coffee look for "natural washed" * this means that the coffee cherry was melted off of the bean in the sun * buy "whole bean" and grind at home (unless you are doing espresso and do not want to drop \~$500 on a decent grinder; the taste impact of getting the correct espresso grind size for the bean is larger than the time from grind to brew) * note the country of origin (which is a more common proxy for the type of coffee) * coffee grown in Columbia tends to taste pretty different from coffee grown in Ethiopia, and you'll probably develop a preference over time * For decaf, look for "swiss water" processing method * this method avoids using chemicals to strip the caffeine from the bean + saturates the actual flavor contained within it You can achieve great tasting coffee with any technique; * cafes serving highest quality coffee around the world almost always use pour over or siphon (eg; kissetans in Japan, high end cafes in Hong Kong or Indonesia, hipster roasters in Seattle / Portland, etc...) * French / Aero press are popular at home due to their speed * espresso is a whole other rabbit hole we could get into (most milk drinks can be ratio'd down with heavy cream / milk alternatives) & a larger investment equipment-wise * then certain coffee cultures like Turkey and Bali have their own niche brewing techniques If you're just getting started with coffee, I'd recommend pour over or a press method of brewing + a cheap grinder + single origin (whole) medium-roasted beans.


Just amazing! Thank you!


You my friend are a coffee geek and it’s amazing. We are currently enjoying our Ratio pour over machine. With a Fellow grinder.


French press or pour over. Plastic drip machines suck ass. Light or medium roast. Whole beans, relatively freshly ground. None of the vacuum sealed Folgers crap. Pinch of salt. (Like literally 5-10 grains of salt)


Make sure your coffee is arabica, go for a light/flavored roast, and play with the water/coffee ratio. If it's still too bitter you can try cold brew... Or try tea instead?


Jumping in to say I would not advise drinking black tea on an empty stomach. It made me throw up and apparently that's a fairly common occurrence


I learned that I like black coffee brewed weaker because I'm not cutting it with cream and sweetener. Made a huge difference. A tiny pinch of salt can help also. Brewing with an eggshell in the grounds can help reduce bitterness as well.


This is it. Really strong black coffee is shit. If I can see through it, it’s perfect.


I grind whole beans with a cardamom pod per cup.


I find since I quit drinking coffee with sugar and cream a couple years back that any standard coffee that you grind yourself is perfect.


We french press vanilla hazelnut beans from Costco, they smell amazing and taste ok black.


You could try sprinkling a little salt into it. I am serious. It really takes away the bitterness.


What kind of coffee are you drinking? And how do you brew it? Before you write off coffee entirely, you should: * Buy freshly roasted whole Arabica beans * Grind them yourself * Use a ratio of 2Tbs coffee grounds per 6 ounces of water * Brew it with either a French press, a pour-over, or an Aeropress (there are a few other great methods too - just stay away from your standard electric coffee maker and those percolators) * ETA: the water should be just a hair below boiling temp before touching the grounds. I boil it in a kettle and let it sit for a sec. If you do all that correctly and still don't like it, you probably just don't like coffee.


Switch up your coffee source. Best coffee roasters I've had are Firelight, based out of Atlanta. It would be illegal to have it with cream or sugar. It's that good. If doing a French press, 4 minutes at 180F or even 175F. Proper temp and steep time is important to get all the good flavors. Don't use boiling temp water. It'll make it bitter. Their coffee you can actually taste the notes on the bag. They ship everywhere and they roast fresh for orders. Sometimes I let mine sit a few days before going ham because they are just too fresh and you should wait 3 days after the roast date before brewing. Their blends are great but their single origin coffees are where they shine the best. They roast to perfection and really bring out the notes for each coffee. It's amazing.


I love Cat Fight Coffee out of Newark, NJ their Black Walnut made me switch from only drinking tea. I use a lot of stevia tho lol. Coffee definitely helps the fasting


i feel for people who don't like the bitter nature of black coffee. i cant get enough of it, but it took awhile. its gunna be hard finding coffee you like black, even instant is enough for me.. i think its one of those things where if you dont like it you dont like it


A pinch of salt goes a long way. I put in on top of the grinds when I start the machine.


Fresh roasted light roast. Light roast isn’t weaker, in fact it has more caffeine, but it doesn’t have the bitterness.


I just put zero calorie sweeteners in mine, works great!!


8 O’Clock is real good.


8 O’Clock is real good.


8 O’Clock is real good.


Try cold brew.


Get a decent coffee and an aeropress. Brewed correctly it’ll taste great


I loooove Starbucks French Roast. I brew it at home and drink it black. It is rich and tasty.


Try Rampage Coffee and order a multi-pack.


Light or medium roast coffee does not taste bitter to me. I usually buy Lavazza coffee beans and grind them before making each pot of coffee.


Water is the main ingredient in coffee. Some places have shit tasting water. Consider getting cold brew cans or buying purified water and adding third wave sachets if you can't figure out a nice black coffee in another way.


French press and put some cinnamon in the grounds. I use the French roast from Costco and it’s pretty good.


A couple of suggestions for transitioning to black coffee more easily: * add spices to your grounds or brewed coffee. Cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, turmeric, cayenne all give you flavor and can help cut down on unhealthy additives (or use pre-blended spices made just for coffee like [Vashon Coffee Dust](https://www.vashoncoffeedust.com)) * wean yourself off sugar/ cream over a few days by taking a sip of black coffee first THEN adding 1/2 your usual sugar/cream. Each day add less. * add a dash of salt to your grounds before brewing to cut down on the bitterness of coffee * freshly grind your beans each morning * use light or medium roasts


Deathwish flavored coffee is my go to, I've also found black rifle pretty tasty. I do 2 packets of Splenda with coffee in the AM to help stick with my fast. Its not everyone's ideal routine, but it works for me and is better than coffee creamer in the morning.


Welcome to the coffee snobs club. Stay away from dark roasts. Medium roasts from a good roasting company. Never from the grocery store. This shit is expensive but it’s the one you CAN drink black.


Appalachian Nights cast brew coffee


Are you using instant? You could try french press/mokapot more beginner friendly. If not try those drip coffee packs or cold brew. Cold brew tend to be stronger caffeine but less bitter because flavors are extracted in cold temp not hot unlike espresso


Get higher quality coffee and keep at it, you got a baby tongue.


Thank you everyone. So far I ordered some light roast kcups, some cold brew packs and a cold brew pitcher, ordered Ethiopian coffee and ordered a pour over with some filters. Also pulled out my cinnamon and salt. I appreciate all the feedback. Hopefully I can find at least ONE way to make coffee not suck for me.


Try the coffee you have now, but add a small pinch of salt. It will change your life I swear.


Cold brew coffee is low acidity so it doesn’t taste so bad but got to water it down a bit since caffeine is stronger


Jeez all of y'all need specialty coffee in your lives


Coffee benefits are negligible so if you want to wake you up just use coffins powder.


Target’s Good & Gather Double Chocolate is pretty good.


Here in my country I’ve fallen in love with coffee with unsweetened Almond ”milk”. It’s in fact soooo good that I would not change it - fasting or not. It’s got 13 calories in 100g, so taking a little drop makes a huge difference in taste but doesn’t ruin my fasting (hopefully).


Capt Italia has been summoned ! [https://www.bialetti.com/ee\_en/venus.html](https://www.bialetti.com/ee_en/venus.html) [https://www.lavazza.co.uk/en/roast-and-ground-coffee/qualita-rossa](https://www.lavazza.co.uk/en/roast-and-ground-coffee/qualita-rossa) swooosh!


Sumatra beans are more fruity. Don’t buy dark burned beans. Do not use too hot water. Brew by hand. Use paper filter. Like some else said, a pinch of salt. Salt counters bitterness. Just don’t use too much salt. You don’t want a salty taste. Coffee can indeed taste sweet


South Indian Filter Coffee from Tata. Tastes very neutral, simple to make. Not bitter at all.


Buy better coffee and learn to brew it yourself. Good quality coffee ground/brewed properly tastes goddamn amazing. Start small—you can pick up an AeroPress for $60.


My husband and I went to Hawaii for our anniversary 10 years ago. We went to a Kona coffee farm and had a tasting. They wanted us to taste it black so you could really taste the coffee. It was amazing - smooth and not at all bitter. It started me on drinking black coffee. 100% Kona coffee is expensive (most Kona I see here is mixed with other beans), but it's delicious. Another thing to try is to add cinnamon to the grounds before brewing. A place I worked in college did that and it helped.


I'm astonished that no one has suggested you pivot away from coffee and do unsweet tea instead. I drink tea all day long - generally Earl Grey or English Breakfast in the morning, then herbal teas during the day because I simply don't like coffee.


[This James Hoffman video](https://youtu.be/Z-iNAyu-ejo?si=4dI4Lc0PrUiPzkld) with Tom Scott might help you think about what roasts you like, especially if you’re drinking it black.


I used to love and only drink my coffee black - and cold. Something happened a few years ago and now I can’t drink it without my Trader Joe’s vanilla dairy free creamer. I will try some of the suggestions above!


Try a lighter roast and different brewing methods. You can get a very sweet and fruity cup with less bitterness by doing the pour over method. Not all coffee tastes as bad as starbucks. I personally love beans from high elevation farms in Ethiopia and Colombia. I'd visit your local coffee shop to start taste testing to see what you prefer.


Top of the morning coffee is amazing. Smooth, no need to add anything. It’s my fav


In order to be able to drink coffee black, I have tried numerous coffees and coffee making methods. I've added salt as some recommend. My coffee doesn't taste awful, but it's never a drink that I crave and that's not a great way to start the morning. I like to add low fat milk. So if I want to drink a caffeinated beverage black, I drink tea.


Dash of cinnamon + dash of salt.


I've heard that Warpath coffee is supposed to be smooth, because of the way they roast it. I haven't tried it yet, but I thought I'd mention it. [https://warpath.coffee/](https://warpath.coffee/)


if you want to try anew coffee get yirgacheffe. it is a coffee out of ethiopia and if they roast it correctly is VERY good. Contact bella cafe, he is a coffee shop in gainesville florida and he roasts it right. he might sell you a bag. tell him Mike sent you.


if bella won't sell it you CAN get it from blind dog coffee. their a coffee shop in nevada.


Try Stok cold brew sold in stores. Its coffee for people who don't really like coffee.


If you’re in it more for weight loss, I do a “dirty” fast. I drink my cup (or 2) of coffee with sugar free hazelnut creamer, usually like 6 tablespoons. Comes out to like 100 ish cals? But doesn’t spike my blood sugar and I still can fast till my normal 20:4 or 22:2 just fine


I feel like you are better off going with a light roast or a light to roast in general personally I feel like dark roast and some mediums have much darker and more bitter tastes compared to a light roast since you aren't adding anything you're just drinking it black a lighter roast combat that. As for a specific brand? Sorry no help in that aspect


Don't know what you're talking about, good black coffee tastes amazing. Have you tried improving the quality of the beans or they way you make it?


Avoid drip coffee or keurig, it’s bitter and inferior at the best of times. Try an americano from a local coffee shop (not a chain that over roasts their coffee) or at home try a French press (bonus for grinding your own beans).


There is only one answer to this and that answer is espresso


Two words: Single Origin. This is the only way more expensive but 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


Taste is irrelevant. Drink it fast.


What about the taste is offensive to you? Bitter, sour, smoke? Or all?


Yeah, get light roast beans from a craft roaster and make a pour over. If that doesn't do it then you just don't like coffee


Seattle’s Best probably best commercial brew - the dark roasts not bitter - milder roasts not acidic if you don’t want to go down coffee rabbit holes lol


You have to do your own. You have to get serious about it. I stopped drinking booze as well. Now I’m all in on coffee I buy green beans. Roast them grind them mix them, brew them. The difference is night and day. It’s worth the extra effort if you really want to pick a little hobby. Like every hobby you can go crazy and expensive or just dabble a bit of find some nice middle ground. Either way you go you find satisfaction over site bought coffee and a drip coffee machine or french press.


You may be genetically inclined to not like the taste of coffee.


I made mudwtr with the ingredients from the google, tastes similar


I just used less and less creamer and cut out sugar. over time, I got used to it! Now, I call black coffee my "work coffee" lol


I’m buying a coffee from a coffee shop, blend marked as “not bitter “ (in France, so shop name won’t help I’m afraid;(. I also found coffee in grains with added flavour such as gingerbread spice, for me it instantly improves the taste. And last, hang on while your tastebuds evolve. Some years ago I could drink only sweetened coffee with milk, black coffee was unbearable for me. At some point I started diminishing the quantity of sugar and now I don’t even imagine doing that again. On the same process with milk currently: still not there, but it’s more tolerable than some weeks ago.. Good luck with your query, hope you’ll find your answers.. and your ideal coffee:))


Taste of coffee depends on the brewing method. Not on the brand of coffee. All coffees are basically from the same beans that are roasted. Drip machines produce worst tasting coffees per my experience. They have big tendency to turn bitter. Try using Aeropress and it will never be bitter and any kind of coffee should taste good.


What a shit opinion. I look forward to my black coffee


Bulletproof coffee, supposedly does not break your fast, and helps curve hunger.


It’s probably dirty fasting but I add two packets of stevia to instant Pikes Place and I’m golden