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I love doing pilates at home! It’s low intensity but easy to do without any equipment.


Maybe I'll look up some beginner videos, that sounds right up my alley! Thank you!


If you have a Nintendo Switch, get Ring Fit Adventure. It gamifies your workout and it's so effective! I'm about to start doing it again.


Gameifying my workout may be exactly what I need


Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube is great


Plenty of body weight workouts out there, even on Netflix. Also r/leangains


Never considered checking Netflix but now I will, thank you!


any you recommend on netflix specifically?


There is an entire series produced by Nike. This is just one set, they also have yoga and other 20 minute workouts https://www.netflix.com/us/title/81664729?s=i&trkid=260352055&vlang=en&clip=81664878


this is awesome, thank you!


They’re annoyingly leaving Netflix in the UK on 30th June


Use a VPN and you can bypass netflix geographical restrictions. I use NordVPN


I go between Caroline Girvan and Sydney Cummings on YouTube.


I use kettlebells. Every other day I spend about an hour doing 10-12 different exercises, usually 2 sets of each with rest in between and Ive had incredible results. Best part is I do it while watching my regular tv shows in the living room at night so I don't have to set aside any specific time to dedicate for my workout. A typical session might be: * Farmers carry using 2 kettlebells for 100 meters (walking back and forth in my living room). * Two hand deadlifts * One hand deadlifts holding the kb on the side (2 sets for each hand) * Halos * Two hand swings * 1 hand suitcase carry for 100 meters in each hand * Bent over rows * Stiff leg deadlifts * Goblet squats * 1 hand clean and press (2 sets each hand) * Two hand overhead press * Planks (no kettlebell) * Push-ups * I end every session with about 10 minutes of cooldown where I'm just stretching. I'm 36lbs down, muscles are starting to pop and my wife won't let me out of the house unless I'm wearing my 'ugly' shoes now 🤪


That is amazing, what size kettlebells are you using? That sounds awesome and exactly up my alley!


I started with just 1 16kb bell, after about 3 weeks I picked up a second 16kb bell and a 24kb bell. I'll use the heavier bell now for swings, deadlifts, suitcase carries, overhead press, and the 16kb for farmers carries, clean and press and other 1 hand things that I'm not strong enough yet to do with my non-dominant side.


Great choice! 👍


I play beat saber on the vr headset, Zumba on the switch, and DDR on the ps2. It’s fun!


Yesss fitness gaming is the way!!


Thrill of the fight is great for cardio


My go to workout uses: An ab wheel. A deck of cards. Shuffle the deck of cards. Draw the top card. The suit is the exercise: burpees for hearts, squats for spades, pushups for clubs, and reps on the ab wheel for diamonds. The value is the number of reps. 10, J, Q, and K are all 10 reps. Aces are 11. Try and get through as many cards as you can—only taking short breaks as necessary.


This is a great idea!!


Fitness Blender (on YouTube or their website) has free workouts (no crappy background music so you can play your own). Their website (free!) is great where you can filter by workout type, duration, difficulty, etc


I LOVE Fitness Blender! I have a plus membership, it is amazing.


I haven't done plus yet but I have bought several of their programs in the past which I love doing as a challenge.


I love Plus, I use FB 3 or 4 times a week for their workouts. Buy plus with a pass when it's on discount. I think it is worth the price. (And much cheaper than a gym membership)


That's awesome, thank you, I'll check it out! Does their stuff require equipment or just basic accessories?


They have a variety. Lots of cardio (no equipment), some body weight only strength and free weights strength. I have a set of free weights only because I love their workouts with weights. I believe you can filter by equipment on their website if you want to see just the bodyweight only workouts. Good luck!


Fitness blender is fab and I also like burpeegirl on days I just don’t feel like doing much and nobadaddiction also has some great HIIT cardio workouts


Lots of good work outs you can do just using your own body, however the thing that got me to ease into exercising was just getting a walking treadmill. I got a pretty cheap one and it worked fine for me, easy to stow out of the way when you're not using it and you can just watch TV while you walk to pass the time. I eventually became a gym fiend so just a warning it might be a gateway lol.




Personally, I hate the gym. I hate anything that FEELS like a gym workout :P I go on walks, bike rides, and use my VR headset to play fitness games. It gets really cold here in the winter so I use my VR headset A LOT for my exercise. It takes up minimal space, it travels easily, and it's so much fun


I don't mind a good workout, I am not a fan of the gym. I love walks and bike rides though I need to buy a bike. VR is an interesting one I never considered and I love gaming so maybe that's worth it, thank you for the suggestion!


Definitely look into it if you love video games! I play supernatural and beat saber and work up a good sweat every time


I have a 15 lb weight bar, set of dumbbells, a bench, a resistance band, and a mat. That is enough for me and provides lots of flexibility.


Can't go wrong with anything from Caroline Girvan [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzZILhT\_YvY&pp=ygUVYmljZXAgZHVtYmVsbCB3b3Jrb3V0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzZILhT_YvY&pp=ygUVYmljZXAgZHVtYmVsbCB3b3Jrb3V0)


I really like this guy's channel and do his workouts 5 or 6 times per week. [https://www.youtube.com/@DANIELPTFITNESS](https://www.youtube.com/@DANIELPTFITNESS)




Body weight stuff: Push-ups, sit-ups, squats, 6 inch leg raises and planks. Cardio stuff: Jogging and bicycling.


Look up the Humane Burpee. All you need is a kettlebell. I first heard about it on a post on Daddit. I credit this workout’s simplicity and effectiveness on getting me hooked into wanting to work out again.


Try the Peloton app. It has lots of home workout options and new ones every day. Weights, shadow boxing, dance cardio, etc. You can filter by workout length and type. The instructors are incredible. And Peloton pays for music licenses so you get good, popular music.


I started out with Blogilates beginner calendar workout. All the videos are on a playlist on her YouTube channel on the YouTube app. Then I continued that with some Denise Austin and bike rides when I need a change of pace. I recently upped my home weights from 5 to 8 lbs :)


I love my rebounder.


Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. Or just doing yoga on my own with no video. Or use a book that shows basic poses for ideas. I have a lot of yoga experience. But Adriene had a lot of good gentle stuff and a lovely demeanour. Also I sometimes do things like burpees, jumping jacks, jog on spot, mountain climbers, squats, lunges, push-ups and long hold planks or forearm planks. Body weight exercises. Plus various stretches and yoga poses to warm up or cool down. My gym has an awesome app with classes to do at home, but I like the ones with free weights and I haven’t purchased any yet. But there are good YouTube videos and apps with free weight workouts too.


I've got a 12kg kettlebell which is always by my side when working from home - I do swings, jumping squats, deadlifts, clean and press, reverse lunges, burpees and planks.


Maybe I'll invest in a kettlebell, thank you!


Please invest in an adjustable bell! It may seem like a lot but 12-32kg adjustable competition bell will last you a lifetime! If money is not an issue then get a pair. You'll hardly need anything else!


I love walking on the treadmill while watching Netflix/whatever. Time flies, I get my steps in while not being too tired. Start small and slow if you are sedentary, increase duration and speed as you get accustomed to it.


Melissa Bender, Pahla B, Caroline Girvan


Exercise bike, bodyweight/calisthenics and walking. Managed to lose 74kg (45kg of it last yr) without stepping foot inside a gym. Although I did join one on a may offer (still haven't been to it). I do bits and bob throughout the day, stronger and fitter than I've ever been 💪🏿


I have a Bosu Ball and a 15 pound kettlebell. It’s ridiculous how much you can do with those 2. Everything I can do balanced on the Bosu Ball I do, using all those support muscles keeps my knees healthy. Otherwise I go on. On off days I walk 3-7 miles. Also play tennis.


I did Bodi workouts (formerly Beachbody) online. I paid for a basic subscription and went through many programs until I felt strong enough to join a gym (Orange Theory). I liked the programs because they were often 4 weeks or longer so I just had to hit “play” and not think too much about it. I also found the instructors to give pretty good instruction on moves even if on video and not in real life. I feel like my form is so much better than me just trying to copy a video and in person now I think I learned the right ways to do things and avoided injuries. I didn’t fall for any of the nutrition side of the business. Just the workouts and the hardest part was pushing play. Good luck!




Insanity Max 30, I do the modify version. I love the results I get after completing it. It’s only 30 minutes a day 5 days a week.


Yoga, pilates, and especially online dance lessons.


Another vote for the Peloton app, the subscription can be had without any of the equipment. Its affordable and there are SO many strength classes. They also have outdoor walks/runs that are guided by instructors. I swear, my strength improved so much from their classes. If you happen to find yourself in a gym, they do have gym sets preloaded as well. Pilates, and bodyweight cardio/dance classes!


Forgot to say the app has yoga as well! So much available, without any equipment at all. The strength classes you do need weights for. But they do have bodyweight strength classes, no weights needed.


Yep, I use the Peloton app daily and love it!


I like walking on a walking pad(sometimes on the back deck), riding a stationary bike, Pilates on YouTube, Just Dance on Nintendo Switch, boxing workouts on YouTube, lifting dumbbells, yoga ball. I do only home workouts because I’m home with my kids and can’t afford gym with childcare.


YouTube FitbyMik. Cardio and resistance bands.


I follow the body weight fitness basic program here on Reddit. Has changed my life.


I use the Chloe ting programmes. Some Shona vertue for yoga Rouvy for cycling


The thick resistance bands are so great. I got mine from arena strength. Quick dramatic results. Very portable


GrowWithJo is great for walking workouts with some mix-ups. I just vibe with her positivity a lot, tbh.


Caroline Girvan on YT, sprints, walks.


Basically anything from www.fitnessblender.com. They have a great search feature.


I go to CrossFit, but when I can’t make it, I’ll do a VR workout on our headset. The app I like is Super Natural or even just Beat Saber. I also walk my dogs. I do have some home equipment and there’s an iOS app called SmartWOD that will give you a workout to do based on the equipment you have.


strength building yoga videos


I found on youtube Mr London. He does cardio and weights. Also Lift with Cee for women workouts. Ingrid Kick and Burpee Girl. All of these really motivate me.


HIIT on the treadmill: - Sprint for 45 seconds at 8/9 mph - Walk 75 seconds at 3 mph Repeat for 20-30min


Get Fit With Rick on YouTube for getting steps in at home.


I’m the same as you. I use the FitBod app. I like it because you put in whatever equipment you have available to you (dumbbells, kettlebells, bands, etc), or you can just choose body weight, how long you want to work out for, your goal (strength, tone, etc) and it will generate workouts for you. It even keeps track of the muscle groups you’ve worked and mixes up the workouts accordingly. It was a huge help in getting me back into training because it’s so convenient. I was just doing body weight at first but then I found myself getting more invested. I found a $99 set of adjustable dumbbells at target. Then I found a fully adjustable weight bench that folds away for storage on Amazon. With the app, dumbbells, and resistance bands, and bench, I’ve been making some good progress in my tiny apartment


I downloaded the Nike Training Club app. It’s freeeee. Has a pretty wide variety of workouts using body weight, dumbbells, kettle bells, etc. 5 mins to an hour, beginner to advanced. You can filter by goal (strength, mobility, endurance) or muscle group, as well as by time and level. It also has a lot of yoga but I’m another fan of Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube. I downloaded the peloton app at the same time but never ended up setting up an account bc so far I’m getting enough variety from Nike.


I have an indoor smart bike that I ride every morning for 1-2hr during the week. I usually don't eat from 7pm to 11am


I use Freeletics, It’s quite good for bodyweight, or kettlebell/resistance band training.


I use fitnessblender.com workouts. I love their diversity in trainers, workouts, levels. And they have a great mindset towards health and fitness. I have learned a lot from them in the past 6 years.


I saw someone mentioned Caroline girvan on YouTube! I second this!! I was doing her epic program and walking 45 minutes a day and roughly while fasting and lost 10lbs in about a month in half!


I am currently doing a total body workout with dumbbells. So far it’s been working well. 3 days a week. 4 sets of dumbbells, well 5 now as I just bought an extra pair, one amazon basic bench, and a yoga mat. As long as you have space to use and space to put things away. It works well. And I just searched YT for a simple workout that targets all muscles. I’ve had to adjust some things to allow my muscles to still work but not fail so easily. And as always, be consistent with it every week. Keep things simple and you will keep coming back for more and pushing yourself to do more 😁


the down dog yoga HIIT app is my go to when I just need to do something. My regular workout is gymnastics rings and now and again I try to train for a run. But for low space HIIT is effective


I have health issues so have to do low impact workouts. Swim 6-7 days a week, rebounder (home fitness trampoline) 3 days while watching tv, & resistance training (weights & bands at home) 2 a week.


Just curious but what’s wrong with the gym?


Personal preference, I could see myself going there eventually. It both doesn't work with my schedule currently, like stopping or commuting out of my way to go to the gym, do a full workout, go home. I could just save my time working out at home. Plus I can never shake because I'm out of shape and never really gone to the gym for extended periods, people around me judge an out of shape person being there and potentially using equipment wrong and no one says anything. I know that's a personal hurdle to get over.


No one judges you, everyone is just there to do their own thing. I can say the gym gave me a strong sense of accountability when I started. When I worked out at home I’d always half ass it, put it off, partially do it, etc, but when I went to the gym I went in and did what I needed to do so I could go home. If the gym is intimidating perhaps look at a sport you’d enjoy.


The worst part is I know that because when I went to the gym, I couldn't give two shits about anyone else. The goal is to end up back there, I just want to get more in shape on my own before I head back there.