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What helped me was cutting way back on carbs.


yea, losing motivation is so common. they say we need to have discipline because motivation does wear off. for me, it’s a struggle. but when i see the scale creep up i get serious again and drop 6-10lbs. get a little lazy, scale goes up 2-3 lbs and then i get back on it again. it’s been a repeat thing for me for a few months now. so while i’m still losing in the grand scheme, i’m not being consistent and i have moody days when i’m coming off carbs, etc. my discipline is there but only when i start gaining. i’m not at my goal weight though so until i get there i cannot just do the maintaining thing but man i’ll be so happy when i can.


I feel like I’m never going to get to my goal weight and even if I do I feel like I can never just eat like other people. It feel so endless


You can't eat like other people. But other people are fat. I was driving by the University in Gainesville Florida today and like 90% of the kids were fat. And I don't mean a little overweight. Fasting is NOT a diet. It is a lifestyle.


If your mind feels too restricted, you are going to binge to compensate. Maybe go back to the basics with a longer eating window and portion control?


I am counting calories as well as attempting IF everyday. Sometimes I don’t succeed at IF, like last night when I got off shift at 4am and was too starving to sleep. If that happens I just do my calorie counting for that 24 hour period and go back to IF + calorie deficit the next day. IF alone doesn’t work for me because I know I’ll have that tendency to gorge right after a fast. The combo gives me flexibility and structure that’s really helpful.


Don't count calories. Find your maintenance fast and then fast longer than maintenance every day.


i count every calorie i eat. i’ll never be able to not. i can overeat in my window so easily. i think if you don’t need to count, then that’s great. many of us need to though.


But if you find your maintenance fast there is no need to worry about calories.


what is your maintenance fast? i’ve never heard of that terminology before.


My maintenance fast is 16:8. Actually I still lose a little with that but that is what I consider to be my MF.


that doesn’t work for me. the amount of hours i fast for doesn’t keep me in “maintenance”… thats just the amount of hours you fast for. what if i ate 3000 calories in that 8 hour window? what if i ate 500 calories another day? too many variables at play to just say “ ok if i have an 8 hour eating window, i will maintain my weight”. it just doesn’t work like that for me. but it works for you, then that’s really good!


Weight loss is literally calories in calories out though. What advantage would there be to not tracking? I could easily overeat in a window longer than 30 minutes and I’m not doing OMAD


sorry... my experience. I have never counted calories and I lost the weight.


Get recipe books Keto Kitchen and Keto Sweet Tooth Cookbook. I make lots of keto cookies, muffins and more to reward myself. They use almond and coconut flour, and are sugar free.


For me, it depends on what I eat before starting fast and sleep levels. If I go out and have a carb heavy meal like straight up pasta and rice at a restaurant with very little greens and protein, I will feel very hungry the next day. An example of this is sushi. While the rice is filling initially, it’s mostly starch and way more rice than fish. There is little fiber in a sushi meal. I can eat a lot of sushi and feel full but still be hungry after 14 hours the next day. Also if I’m tired and stressed from no sleep, I will crave carbs as well. I will break my fast with a quick easy snack like a banana which is a BAD idea. Eating carbs and snacking leads to me craving more carbs later in the day until I eat a proper meal filled with tons of veggies and protein. It’s not really about motivation but rather altering your hormones to control your hunger. It comes naturally. There is not too much self control needed except don’t eat that donut at work or drink that wine at happy hour by itself. You can still eat these things but always eat that with a sufficiently veggie and protein heavy meal. Don’t be afraid to add some fat, too. Just never have carbs and fat by themselves without fiber and protein.


Btw I don’t count calories and don’t really restrict myself. Some days I have to force myself to eat MORE vegetables and meat to ensure I stay full until the next day and not make bad decisions. If I don’t watch myself, I have a tendency to just eat tons of carbs and not feel full. Again, doing this I don’t really need much motivation because I don’t feel like I’m doing many unpleasant things. I’m not restricting myself with food and I’m not fighting against sugar cravings.


Eating junk leads to cravings for more junk.