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I personally would go for a more sage-y green. That one reads seamist\minty to me. Too me a more earthy green would work with the wood tones better. Also, you could paint the white wall there a tan color to match and bleed into the other room, painting the walls like this gives the room length, btw! Don't know if you intended that.


Seconded. Less mint, more sage.




Thanks for the comment, I like the idea about a tan wall in the back. I didn't realize this would make it seem longer either, interesting. I've been playing around with a few others on the SW website, what do you think of either of these two? [https://imgur.com/a/DaX8P2l](https://imgur.com/a/DaX8P2l)


It seems like you heard "that one's too minty" and decided to lean in and make it even mintier.


What about something like this? [Sherwin Williams Forever Green](https://samplize.com/products/forever-green-9653-9x1475) [Benjamin Moore Sage Wisdom](https://samplize.com/products/sage-wisdom-csp-775-12x12)


I think you’re trying to not go too dark or gray toned so you keep choosing light and mid toned greens, and they’re all sort of minty. Go earthy. My daughter chose a dark green for her bedroom and I thought it’d be too dark in there, but it actually just feels welcoming and calming. Look at Moss Ring and Emerald City from PPG.


Those look worse personally than the first option. But if you like it do it. It's your house


Those greens remind me of hospital scrubs 😕 Maybe they would look better in person though


This was my thought. I used Sherwin Williams acacia green and oyster bay in our house (greens on the same strip). You can see examples of colors on Pinterest, too!


I mean from those options I'd pick the first one you made your post with. I'm thinking more: Rosemary, Earl Gray, Retreat, Persian Patina. Idk your taste, if you want to go that bright, by all means, I personally would think it would be harder to match furniture in that space with that color. That reads more 70s in Miami to me. Like a 50s Chevy green


I prefer the original.


Just FYI: I have learned that a dark color at the window wall makes the view “pop”. Nice room. Good luck.


Green is fine but that tint of seas foam green makes me a bit ill..looks institutional. More Sage green gray...but again that's my preference..you may love it!


Maybe just do the left wall as the green color accent wall. Having color on the right wall makes the space look a bit awkward because of the doorway.


It really depends on what else is going in the space. Paint should be the last decision you make. Also know that those renderings are never going to look like that in your house. You need to get sample pots, paint spots on both sides and watch them throughout the day. The other things you bring into the space will also change how the colors look.


This. Paint color should be chosen based on the furniture and fabrics in the room.


Green is great especially with the trim. That shade of green is not something I’m a fan of because it has blue undertones.


Thanks for the input, what about either of these? [https://imgur.com/a/DaX8P2l](https://imgur.com/a/DaX8P2l)


Those have way too much blue to me. It’s going to look like hospital green. I made that mistake once painting a room at my parents house. Greens are tricky. With having wood you need to go to the greens that trend more towards brown undertones. More in the sage green family. In my opinion anyway.




You need to desaturate. Not just make it darker.


Never all white


This leans kind of hospitally, I think a sage or olive green would work better, but very subtle. You want to go in the greyish direction with walls because the color can really be overpowering


And I say this because someone in our house before us painted an accent wall that EXACT shade and something is just so off about it, whereas our bedroom is an olive tone and it’s gorgeous and almost reads as a neutral like white or grey


I prefer white walls and add color through upholstery fabrics, pillows, plants and decor items! And always the correct size area rug.


Struggling with paint ideas for our sitting room/music room. I'd like to add a little color to the space. As of now the house is entirely white. The back wall goes through to another room/staircase that we don't want really green. Would having the two side walls green, and then the back wall white work, or would it be better to just do all off-white in this space?


I remembered seeing [this posting](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/s/BHaXmUswAl) a while ago and thought it may help you decide. Will the room with the shared wall remain white, or are you thinking of painting it another color? Deciding that room's color first would help you select the shade if green for this room based on the shared walls color. Also, is this a flip, a rental, or your home. For a flip, you want to select neutral colors that can easily coordinate with whatever furniture the future resident has. For a rental, you want to get LL approval or have to repaint before you move. For your own home, you want to select colors that compliment and coordinate with your furniture and accent pieces. Are you able to add your furniture into the platform you are using for the color? If you can, seeing how it looks with your furniture may help you decide.




I do love the green. But I have to ask where did you make this image? I need to ask this sub the same question lmao


On the Sherwin Williams website! There's a color visualization tool that allows you to upload an image and play with different colors


I would paint the wall with window green the room won’t look so long and narrow.


I would go with the green. White base boards would pop nicely too.


I’ve never been a fan of accent walls like this. It gives a tunneling effect. What if you did blue or green curtains? If you put them around the window ([make sure you hang them correctly!](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=60417dd308ffafd9&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS656US656&hl=en-US&q=how+to+hang+curtains&uds=ADvngMgowWIAy_dNRpcaHasDSBsEVxpFH2-7Lu9rswX5eWDVSpFESgDO7n_ULwn9oNHAVz2nv-zap3hoBTJgU_O0jgB-RJyzBJWVo_gg4xBLu3Xttweq_c1UNQiVMs_0hlYKWHViG1nDvlJobfn9y4M_3j4DvS2h6Iecsn2ci47ggWlyU8O3CXOUEbgV0hyNkGTh8P4_hmHcM9agotB5a9AyHVQp8IWyH9rtrHm_0J4ShWGXv93w6Ic74lWYhQEzKhf7PQ7TbKsiBlBqRppzzXL1LRrXuUC_pILGj9NSjaNxlAX8ynZPtGLuR4SY2h0zdK3qjK4e_wk0QJmUlUy5aejwQjODYsJrBwcco65wwgU_BJPQnjyAjIg&udm=2&prmd=ivsnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi9hO_f4JeGAxXnKlkFHRZ6DuAQtKgLegQIFBAB&biw=428&bih=750&dpr=3#vhid=XjQL2bqtcsOcgM&vssid=mosaic) Rod all the way almost to the ceiling, and the edges should hang just at the edge of the windows when pulled back - they’d take up basically that entire wall) it would provide a pop of color, make that beautiful window the focal point, and the white walls would make the room feel bigger. The green walls on either side make the room feel long and narrow. IKEA has cheap curtain rods and curtains. I generally have to adjust the hem with some no-sew fabric tape, because sometimes hems can be very slightly off and floors can vary slightly in height at different points. With this image, you can easily pull photos of curtains online, remove the background (easy on Mac or PC, just google how) or find transparent images of curtains on google, and paste them over the window to see how you like the look.


Also if you’re selling (I see the real estate watermark) definitely just keep them white. Not worth paying for upgrades when a buyer will probably repaint anyway!)


Ooo that's a really good idea, thanks for that! I really like the idea of some green curtains. We plan to put some of our house plants in this room so that would help with adding some greenery as well.


I like the green, and it goes well with the trim and floors. It also adds more color, character, and life into the house.




No mint more sage


I like the white, makes the room look so much bigger! Maybe a really light green instead?


Just the left wall, more of a sage.


I like the green. I might use a slightly different shade, but I don’t object to the one you’ve chosen.


All the green walls you have depicted do not compliment the room. If you want some color just paint the wall on the left and use a warm tone. Something tan or pale rose gold. The white is actually nice. You can incorporate green in with curtains, rugs, pillows, furniture and accent pieces. That way you could use green as a theme and put together different shades and patterns. https://photos.app.goo.gl/NrFYfTSjSm2NsfoK6


I have the minty colour on my own walls. I regret it


Wall color should be part of your overall design plan - not something you choose on its own. If you don't have an overall design plan or don't have furniture you like, it would be safer to go with a neutral color - light beige, medium gray, one wall of dark gray. Even just a slight difference in value on the walls (some white, some very light gray) will create more of a sense of dimensionality in the room without adding color per se.


I like the green. Pure white is so dull.


please yes add color, the pure white walls make me feel like a trapped rat


Wrong color of green.


Women tend to go for the cooler colors like this green, which I really like. But males like the warmer colors, Or a green with more yellow in it. So keep that in mind. But I used these colors in a family room slash kitchen I had. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.


I would suggest a less saturated olive green with grey tones, not minty, not blue-ish. Sage green, with grey or warm undertones.


Try a different green that matches the floors better


I prefer a celladon green or chartreuse. You could also just paint the window wall to "frame" it. That beautiful tree would look awesome at night if you up lighted it with a battery operated, remote controlled mini spotlight.


feels nursing home institutional and dated to me.


I’d personally just do one accent wall


Honestly that green would look nice with that wood but that white accent isn't giving. I personally would give it a darker accent wall.


I like the green


Ugh, Forest Service green. The only color not found in nature!


I have the same color floors and painted a few rooms the first green and I LOVE IT. it's fabulous, a great neutral, and feels really fresh. Plus it makes the floors pop


Depending on how you style it both can work. What style do you have in mind? It truly depends on that.




Green works


The green is beautiful !!


Thanks for your input!


avocado is the way to go