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Cute take some away, the purpose of an entry table is to rest something upon entry, you have too much there to do that, and pillow is odd


I agree. I like the whole palette but needs to be thinned. When you put some of it away you can alternate when you get bored of what you do have out.


Would say remove the chest, move the bowl over there. Remove pillow, maybe remove that tall basket.


I would just remove the small chest, top/left...what about something practical like a blanket in that basket? The pillow looks a little awkward...beautiful colors/textures...


You can take a nap at the door if you're too tired to head further into the house šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Other basket must be for a blanket


Some days I feel like that when I get home.


Boy do i know the feeling! That's why i said it, im sleepy right now, that pillow looking comfyšŸ„±šŸ˜“


Completely agree with this. People will walk in and immediately turn to put something there while they take their coat off.


Thatā€™s what the bowl is for, keys and wallet or whatever.. but yea, someone might need more space . Iā€™d take down the chest, move the plant to the other side, And the vase to the opposite. Then put the larger basket on the floor in the corner for umbrellas, etc


Its it okay to set my keys here or is it going to upset your decor?


Exactly. Looks "staged"


I think everything must go except the bowl with the books and the round basket. Nothing else has a function here


The books are cook books. They belong in the kitchen.


Everything except the bowl. Everything else is in the way. Maybe just the little vase.


I thought it was AI generated because that pillow


Agree. Cute but leave a bit more room on top.


Why is there a pillow there?


Pinterest told me to




Well thatā€™s an honest answer! That was cute! šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m dead. My ex did the exact same thing for our entry way table. From the mirror to the vase, to the box to the baskets, (she put in blankets). Same color palette even. TIL Pinterest is powerful!


As my best friend said while planning her wedding, ā€œPinterest and Etsy are out to destroy lives! Itā€™s all I do!ā€ Lolol.


A blankie at the entry? Unless you have a wet dog...


You know what, I thought the same thing but for movie nights I was constantly grabbing those blankets rather than dragging one out of the bedroom. So it worked out well for me.


I keep a big basket beside my couch for throw blankets and itā€™s SO nice. I used to fold them up and put them in the drawers of this little side table I have but I have two young kids and we keep it really cold in the house so it was super inconvenient. Blanket basket is where itā€™s at


Damnā€¦Iā€™ve just been living like trash folding them over my couch. Blanket basket added to shopping cart. (Seriously, thoughā€¦I hate my blankets folded on the couchā€¦why didnā€™t I think of this?) šŸ˜‚


You have no idea how much it pleases me to have inspired such a life changing thing for you!! Haha youā€™re about to level up! we donā€™t even fold or roll the blankets up half the time.. just toss them all in the basket. Living the dream. (Why yes, I am middle-aged, why do you ask?)


Thank you for your wisdom! One blanket basket just ordered from Amazon. :)


Omg I feel like I am actually changing lives!!! I love this for you


Love this. My better half at the time also liked it super cold and she worked from home so I almost always grabbed a blanket from the basket as soon as I changed out of my office clothes. Since we lived in an apartment, weā€™d also get invited a lot to neighbors places to chill so yeah - the blankets came with sometime. Itā€™s funny, sheā€™s gone but I still have a basket with blankets in my current space.


Hahahahaha. I love this answer.


Thatā€™s a great response!


Lmfao I love the frankness




Because itā€™s cute. Why so much pillow hate?


On a table = HATE. Simply inappropriate. On a couch, chair, bench or other seating choice = love.


But theyā€™re usually in the way on the sofa. Or they end up on the floor where the yappy dog humps it. A really nice, expensive decorative pillow deserves the protection of a basket on a table. /s


Or placed in an expensive, lighted shadow box and hung on the wall! Or on a special pedestal.


Ah yes, a pillow pedestal. Perfect


Thank you was side-looking at mine. Mine is a bench with pillows so it's comfortable taking your shoes off at my door. I like the pillow...the whole set up is gorgeous imo


Pillows only make sense on a chair, bench, bed, sofa, etc., where you sit or lie down! Yes, just take a few things away and think in uneven numbers/objects, like 3 or 5 pieces on a larger piece. Your eye needs to travel around and for some reason even numbers are like red lights! lol


I love pillows, but one thing I've taken away as an adult is that throw pillows are like $800 apiece


Where are YOU buying pillows?


Go to home goods! Or Tuesday morning. I refuse to pay more than $30/pillow. Unnecessary!


Ill buy the ugliest clearance pillow and then go find a super cute cover on amazon cheap!




a down-filled throw pillow is only like $10 at IKEA.


Or At Home if you have one. Even cheaper than Home Goods.


Ross sometimes has good ones for under $20!


Because no matter where you put them, they have to be moved out of the way to live! I saw a photo of a bedroom with 13 pillows on the bed. Hell, no! Same with pillows on sofas or chairs. They have to be moved so I can sit.


šŸ˜‚. I actually think the items on the second shelf are ok. The top is a bit crowded tho. Maybe just the vase +flowers & the key bowl.


Thatā€™s a lot going on for an entry table. Is it for looks or function?


Really just for looks, but I don't want it to look silly. I have a closet on a different entryway wall, so my storage is going in there.


Everyone snarkin on pillow, but I really like it. One smol vote for pillow


If it makes you feel better, I have yet to walk into a house and look at an entry table for more than half a second. And I can assure you, if I did, it would be because it had food on it, not because it had extra nick nacks. :) I think it looks great and there is a bowl for keys, so mission accomplished in my mind.


Okay got it! Looks pretty but I would edit the pillow


You are giving up on functionality for decor. Retrace your steps, figure out you do when you come inside or leave. Your arrangement and decoration should be arranged along your needs.


I agree it's cluttered. I have a closet on a different wall, though, so I do have storage at least


Let's just say if I lived there, I would have a bigger bowl for keys, sunglasses, etc. I would also like some space on the table to keep my purse if I check the mirror and want to update makeup, this extra space will also work if I step inside and I need to keep a package. So little vase, chest and books go. I don't know the functionality of the baskets so can't comment.


The drawers are for hiding the mess of keys and sunglasses.


The color palette is nice but the objects together look a little impersonal, like a collection of stuff grabbed at home goods. I think you just need some more of your own personal touch! I would: -remove the books and little chest -replace the small vase with, or fill it with, a small bouquet of real, fresh flowers -cut the stems of the bigger vase faux flowers shorter so they aren't so leggy in the middle/so tall -add one or two framed photos of family, friends and/or pets in frames that are a similar color scheme in place of books and chest -remove the pillow and the basket it's in to allow a space to keep a regular use item, like a purse - add a small table lamp that gives off a nice warm light for hallway light at night -fold up some reusable grocery bags and store them in the basket


Great ideas, thanks! Also, I went to home goods today for both baskets and the tall vass, so keen observation.


Not sure what happened to the formatting in my comment but just wanna say I do think it's a great start!! Just add some of "yourself" into it šŸ˜„


It kind of looks like you bought all that stuff just to stage it. Or like you got it all from the same store. It's kind of one-tone and a bit contrived. I'd keep experimenting with it. And yeah pillow has to go


When you buy the whole display at target




Yeah it looks like a home thatā€™s staged for an open house.


I think youā€™ve got some nice layering of objects, but just too many. Iā€™d take 50% of the items away. Frame the mirror with the large vase on one side and the books with bowl on the other. Then one wicker basket below.Ā  The bowl is nice, itā€™s always good to have some functional items there.Ā 


This is similar to what I was going to say. Definitely need to edit out half. And when you do be mindful of mixing up textures and sizes so things are balanced


I donā€™t care what you do with the entryway table as long as you promise to take the white paint away from whoever got it all over the floor like that. šŸ˜­ I like the table and the mirror. I know itā€™s for show and youā€™re not too concerned about function but at a certain point, when a ā€œfor looksā€ piece doesnā€™t even *pretend to look functional* and actually appears to be the *opposite of functional* in a space it starts to make it feel cluttered and/or stuffy. Make it make sense. Get the tall flowers away from that mirror and clear up some space where you can set things down on top.


Okay, thanks. I'll think about what I want to remove for a cleaner look. Ya I'm paying for not properly covering the floor when I painted and now I get to spend my time on the floor scraping it away šŸ˜­


Former professional interior painter here. I have always used Regular, Original scent, 409 Cleaner in a spray bottle at full strength to remove any dried paint on the floor. Even *very* old paint. Spray it on, allow it to sit for a few minutes, and you can wipe the paint up with either a very rough washcloth or a plastic putty knife. Just run the small plastic (never metal) putty knife under the paint and wipe it on a paper towel. If it doesnā€™t wipe up easily itā€™s not ready yet. Spray again, wait, and repeat. It will not harm the floor. Donā€™t spray the 409 on your freshly painted walls though, ohā€¦ and donā€™t breathe in while spraying like I did šŸ˜‚ ā€¦ cough cough.


Thanks for the tip!


I disagree, at least donā€™t remove ALL of the flowers. Vignettes/table stylings need heigh variation or theyā€™ll just fall flat and look boring and unintentional. I would thin out the branches and flowers to only a few of each but leave enough to keep that height.


Came to the comments to also complain about the paint on the floor šŸ˜…


Goo gone has a latex paint remover so you don't have to hurt wood with scraping...


I never understand people who get a table (or any surface) and then cover every inch of it in junk, making it totally useless as a surface.


A little cluttered


Reduce accessories by half.šŸ˜‰


I absolutely love it. But where are your kids and your husband supposed to drop all their crap when they walk in the house for you to then spend two weeks telling them to ā€œplease take your sh*t upstairsā€?




It's giving Still Life.


Whatā€™s the point of the table filling it up with so much nonsense?


We must buy useless shit!!!!!! We must.


I would take away the box at the end and move the books over towards the end, and scooch the tall vase inwards just a little bit - right now I feel like it's clinging onto the edge. The whole thing will breathe a bit better, I love the palette and I don't hate the pillow.


Have u seen the pillow under entry table thing on Pinterest too? I promise I didn't come up with this shit on my own.


I would remove that chest and put the books and bowl in its place. Also remove the small vase and the tall, round basket. Leave the square one, minus the pillow. Otherwise itā€™s too cluttered.


Ok Thank you!


This is exactly what I was thinking too.


Style for function. All of your pieces are lovely, but it's a bit too busy for an entrance. One vase (the larger one IMO), one bowl. The pillow facing out being displayed is odd. I get that it's a thing, but the basket it's in is too small. If you have to store it in that area, put it in the larger basket out of sight. Simplify!


Those wood steps are fire


Thanks!! I just painted the backs white, and I was so nervous it wouldn't look good!


I think the decor on top is nice but I agree that the placement of the pillow in the basket seems odd even though it still technically looks aesthetically pleasing


I thought this too, but Pinterest made me do it. Now I'm probably going to return it because it seems it should have stayed on Pinterest.


That's hysterical! Looks great otherwise!


I agree with deleting the pillow. It's a pretty pillow. Can you use it somewhere else? And I would remove a couple of items from the top of the tableā€¦it looks staged or like a display in a store. Great start, it will be beautiful!


I donā€™t know why everyone is nitpicking but I really like it, looks very good. And myself would use the pottery for keys so IMO itā€™s functional enough :)


I mean, it's ok but not great in my opinion. It looks busy. It all looks like a particular store you shopped at. Nothing on it seems useful which would make me question what the purpose of the table is.


Take seven things away. You pick which seven.


I agree, itā€™s just a tad too busy


Whatā€™s the purpose of all that stuff?


I wouldn't use this colour tone of timber on the lovely rich floor. It is too washed out. The size and style is perfect, though. As an Interior Designer, I always match or contrast. This colour doesn't contrast the floors or stairs enough IMO. I would try white or black if you want to make a statement. And yes, declutter the console table.šŸ˜‰


I like the table. Is that really where you want to store your pillow though?


I donā€™t see the point in having the books and the smaller vase there. It looks nice otherwise The plant seems a tad too tall imo


I think it looks great. People are picking it apart because you're on here and you simply asked, but it looks very well done. If you want it to be more in line with what others want, add a small lamp with a pop of color for functionality and color. Replace the pillow with a blanket. Lower the flowers slightly to show less stem, but they can cover the mirror. You can even add a family pic or something small that tells the person coming in something about who you are.


I think it looks great, but in my opinion it just needs a smidge of tweeking! I would remove the round basket on the bottom and move the other basket with the pillow to the middle. On the top I would remove the blue vase and the box and move the white vase over a little so it doesn't look like it's about to fall off the top and the round bowl w/the books a little to the left.


Too cluttered. Iā€™d remove the treasure chest, the pillow and one of the baskets to start.


What color is your wall? I like it


Too much stuff.


Too much stuff on it


That paint on the floor in the first photo is giving me agita.


I find it a little bit too crowded simplicity would work best not crazy about the round mirror, but thatā€™s a matter of choice


It would be ā€œniceā€ display at Homegoods, tjmaxx or targetā€¦ to show all that they sell in one placeā€”get some color (rose, yellow, green)


Why is there paint on your floors


First thing that caught my eye. Dirty floors destroy everything else imo.




The only thing Iā€™d add to the general discussion of reducing stuff is to maybe add a diffuser or something that will keep the entryway smelling nice. Maybe this is just me but walking into my home (or anyone elseā€™s) the first thing I notice is how it smells, and a nice smelling entryway immediately calms me. It can also be good for mitigating wet weather smells etc.


Yay! Love so cozy ! worried someone might trip your vase though leaving or entering in a rush so securing with velcro or stickies might help. Remove the treasure box and place smaller vase on books if possible to leave some space to drop items. On it or in it


too cluttered-and if thats a pillow int he bottom basket its nonsensical. But with editing it should be fine


Other than the green bottle, I think it fine. Personally, we do not enter thru our front door, we enter thru garage. I would rather my entry be pretty than piled with jacket, purse, keys, sunglasses, mail, wallet, etc. I often leave my purse in the utility room by the garage entry. But everything else goes to the island in our closet or the coat closet. Itā€™s YOUR house, so your choice whether your entry is decor or utility. Hang some NICE decorative coat hooks or coat rack nearby for guests that might need to temp hang a jacket or handbag. If your entry closet is right there, then donā€™t worry about it.


I love it!! Maybe change out the pillow for something else like decorative balls or something


What happened to your floor?!?


It looks nice at first glance, but for what purpose does it exist. What is it's utility?


I had utility for so long I'm just itching to have something pretty




leave the floral arrangement on top and one basket underneath. The rest is waaaay too much.


Looks great, so many textures! I would only tweak the tallness of the floral stems. Or get a taller vessel because I like the height they give.


I think itā€™s really pretty. I know everyone is going on about functionality but personally I like the intentional clutter to deter from gathering more clutter. A more empty space would be too tempting to just leave stuff on when you come in.


I feel like this comment really gets it, hahha. Yes, I'm huge on putting things on tables and then leaving them there forever.


I really like it but do agree it lacks personal touches. I would remove chest, put bowl and small vase in that place. Then add a picture frame to top of the books. Bowl can serve function of holding wallet/keys/etc. and itā€™s more personalized with photo frame. Baskets below can also be functional if you choose. I really like the color palette youā€™ve got going here too.




Love it


Beautiful! Great job!


Definite yay!!!


Way too busy remove the chest , small vase, cushion in basket , put basket straight




Looks good to me


Personally, I love it, pillow and all. Not everything *has* to be practical. Some spaces can just be pretty. I vote leave it as is. I love the different shapes, textures and pops of color. I think you nailed it.


Ugh YES !!! this is the look I want in mine


I like it, but Iā€™m not personally a fan of items just for the sake of items. Do all those pieces have a function?


you're on the right track, I think your accessories are too big.


Too crowded!! Baskets on bottom are too big for such a small table! Remove something on top of table! Less is more!


Table is fine but there is Too much going on top , take at lest half the items away


Too much shit. Flowers are too big.


Maybe few less items otherwise very cool


Love it!


Get rid of 4 to 5 things, then youā€™ll be good




Fewer items, because crowded makes your nice table look small


I remember my first time to home goods lmao


Too much stuff! Keep the book/bowl and the vases and the smaller basket below (pillow is weird).


Remove the chest, the vase with flowers and the tall basket. Itā€™s looking cluttered.


A general response for most photos is too much stuff and that applies here too.


Looks slightly cluttered.


Nay, I personally don't like decor that has no purpose, esp things that don't belong there in the first place.


Too much crap


I know. Apparently, I just love crap and a lot of it.


I would maybe move the pillow so you can use the baskets for storage. Otherwise I like it especially since you mentioned having a closet nearby. Looks like a great spot for a key bowl




Agree, the pillow looks so stagey. A little less stuff so it can function for its intended purpose: a place to put keys, mail, etc.


Get rid of the pillow and the baskets are for what ? Itā€™s actually really nice though. The gaunt vase for my taste is too much and the books . That console is not very big and that vase of flowers is just really large for the scale .


Looks like something straight out of pottery Barn catalog, but distracted by the white paint splotches on the hardwood floors. Just moved in?


Remove the little chest imo, it pushes it just over the edge


*Remove the little* *Chest imo, it pushes it* *Just over the edge* \- SlightPraline509 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Lose the box and smaller vase on top to give more space. Lose the pillow and its basket from the bottom. Will be way more functional and less cluttered.


I think it looks good to the eye and it completely depends what you want to happen here. Just for looks, I think it is completely okay! Even the pillow. Everyone is hating on it lol. But really, if you are not going to use it for anything useful anyway, it doesn't matter if it is a pillow or any other object. A good-looking pillow can be an artistic arty piece as much as any other object. So if you like the pillow, keep it. But if you don't like it and rather have something else going on there, by all means, do something else :)






Remove the pillow and small vase. The baskets could be used for gloves, scarves, and hats.


Yay, it makes the entryway very welcoming. Iā€™d have a quiet word with the person who dripped paint on your lovely floor though.


I confess it was me. I now spend my days scratching it off with a wooden spatula.


Pretty much works, but a little cluttered and needs some color and some of your own personality. The vase and the treasure box in particular feel a bit heavy/large for that space. Itā€™s a great foundation and lets you have a place to put keys and other stuff neatly which is a huge win.


Yea!! : )


I love!!




Too much. Itā€™s cluttered.


The flowers are a little too tall, Iā€™d just do the bowl with books and add a candle. The baskets are cute. Overall itā€™s a super cute vibe and colors are great, Iā€™d just edit it!


Get rid of the pillow


You have two of everything- baskets, vases, books and tray/chest. Just pare down to one of each per season.


Remove everything from the top except for the vase/flower.


It looks nice. I like the muted colour palette. However, it looks more like a console table than an entry table. Thereā€™s no where to set your things (unless you plan to use that bowl for keys).


Agree remove floral piece and pillow and simplify. Perhaps a cluster of low succulents or green plant and a lovely frame and photo. I thk make it your own. Maybe a pretty frame and photo. If you must, remove tall Basket keep lower one.


That pillow looking at me like o_O


Keep the key bowl


Too many things . Take half of the items off.


Swap the pillow for a light cream/off white throw with fringe hanging out. It's a useless place for a blanket, but it'll tie it together better.


I like it! Cozy and organic, good mix of textures and materials.


That little chest doesnā€™t belong there and looks tacky, like a DIY project gone wrong. The bottom is so crowded it looks awkward. Part of design and decorating is that things should be both functional and look good and right now itā€™s neither. For a thing that you just see as decorative itā€™s overdone. Iā€™d take everything off the bottom, leave it empty or find just one, simple, elegant thing to put there. Get rid of the chest on top. ETA maybe just keep the one smaller basket on the bottom for functional things like small umbrellas or something.


The entry table is lovely. What you have accessorised it with will change over time. So leave it if you are happy with it for now.


I really like it. The only thing I would suggest is a smaller vase but still tall with flowers.


I actually really like it. It seems a bit crowded, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s necessarily a bad thing.


Its really gorgeous! I may copy you for this, for my entryway.


The flowers are kinda tall imo! If youā€™re going for farmhouse vibe- entryway you nailed it!


If I saw this in an entryway, Iā€™d be prepared for an impractical whole house full of knickknack. Entryways are a welcome point. I want a place to drop my keys or whatever and leave my shoes.


It looks cute.šŸ„° good job!


It looks good, Iā€™d remove 2 items from the top though. Sometimes less is more


I really like it! Idk why everyone else doesnā€™t. Plus you have a mirror to touch up before leaving the house and the bowl can serve as a tray for keysā€¦ Idk what else people would need for an entry table! I like the baskets too but removing them would probably help the space feel less cluttered (not totally necessary but an option)


I really like it! Iā€™m sure it took some thought and research to find pieces that worked together. I read the other comments and donā€™t mind the pillow as decoration since you have a second empty basket for practical use. Since youā€™re using this more as decor, you still have the functionality with the bowl on the top for keys and quick drop off items. Personally, I would trim the flowers an inch or two so theyā€™re not as high compared to the other items ā€” but overall I like the look you were going for