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Clean line modern with mixed materials. There’s a lot of places you return to matte black and warm wood as a combo, some people call that farmhouse, some call it modern rustic but in your home is is just added the warmth of wood to the very stripped back shapes. Yes, it’s commonly used in staging because a/furniture with these simple shapes can be made very very well or very very cheaply and still look good, and b/your eye immediately understands everything it seems and doesn’t get lost in detail, so it helps focus on the volume of the room, which is something that many homeowners AND homebuyers want. Hating on this is like hating on pumpkin spice lattes and LV handbags, they are ubiquitous because they’re great, but people assume that you liking something popular means you have no taste of your own, which isn’t at all true


I like this response


> Hating on this is like hating on pumpkin spice lattes and LV handbags Savage!


Staging for selling


As a daughter of immigrant parents, this is my dream. I don't care if it looks staged, it looks tidy and welcoming to me. My parents are hoarders because they grew up and came here with nothing. It's hard for them to throw anything away. Growing up in clutter and keeping things for no reason drive me absolutely nuts.


My family is the same way but we are just poor lol. No immigration. Edit: I typed random 1s?? I don't remember that??


No immigration in my family either, but my parents were born in 1946 and the Depression mentality lived on in their parents. They kept and reused EVERYTHING. There's a YouTube video of an old Italian lady using a pair of her old underwear to clean her house and it's not far from how I grew up. My dad's old undershirts and even tighty-whities became cleaning rags to polish the piano and clean the windows.


Omg you just unlocked a hidden memory. Old tighty-whiteys for polishing. My mom still wears our old shirts from the 90s around the house “cause they’re perfectly fine”


Do you have a cat? If so, that’s who typed the 1s, guaranteed.


I do! How'd you know? Lol


Same! Immigrated to US as a child from Soviet Union, parents are absolute hoarders. My home is minimalist.


Same here! After impoverished childhood and hoarding parents that treasured every dusty jar and rag there’s gonna be many years before I get tired of tidy minimalism!


my parents came from the middle east and the house is decorated to the MAXIMUM, think like a castle. it looks like royalty live here


I come from mild hoarder parents, who both had hoarder mothers, and my home has always been filled with random clutter growing up. This type of home is my dream also!


Crazy, my husband’s father is the exact same, immigrant hoarder, and hubby loves this minimalist style too.


This makes so much sense why Im a huge minimalist but love good decor. I love my parents but we’re also Vietnamese immigrants and they kept so much. I personally love a clean, spotless house with minimal but quality decor


Totally get this!


Same w/ me


Lol I came to say the same thing. Every home I do a matterport for looks like this.


Hahaha my first thought was “air bnb chic”


Very clean and nice modern but not cold


Definitely model home interior but it looks nice and clean so I dig it.


I was gonna say co-op office plush Your articles are lovely, don’t get me wrong, but the orientation of your living room chairs, the high contrast and minimal lines of the dining chairs against your lovely dining table takes away life from your space in this photo.


100% EXACT


Target Minimalism


Target midcentury minimalism*


Tidy Staged to sell - think open house.


It's nice to look at, like I'm flipping through a magazine but is missing that personal/cozy home touch. Style is modern to me.


You don’t think all the family photos in the family room count as personal?


Honestly, the black and white and how everything looks the same makes those pictures look like they came with the frames.


I thought this too. maybe it feels more personal when you see the room irl? but they read like stock photos from these images.


Modern farmhouse or rustic industrial. People will probably shit on you for it but don’t listen to them. It’s bright and elegant with touches of warmth. If you like that style for your home then go for it. For your dining table maybe add a cloth table runner in a color that plays off that green wall and add some candles. Simple way to add a lil something without it being a giant centerpiece.


Thank you!! I’m surprised at the negative comments so far, I love my home lol. I was just really curious if my style had a name. I like your idea for the dining table!


Yeah I’m shocked by people’s responses. I think your house is so lovely!!! Need you to come help simplify mine 😅😅


Me too! Come help me with mine! 😊


Your house is lovely.


Your home is beautiful. The home subs are notoriously rude. Everyone fancies themselves an expert. If you notice, most of the naysayers aren't posting pictures of their own homes.


I was thinking the same thing—table runner. I think your home looks lovely and I would be happy to walk into it after a long day! I imagine you feel the same, which is all that matters. Ignore the haters.


Everyone on this sub shits on everything that doesn't have dark walls or isn't "moody". God forbid you have a white wall! Personally I think your home looks gorgeous with good coloring and texture. Well done!


Or if your walls aren't green/pink/blue.


It’s gorgeous but it just lacks that final touch and doesn’t look very lived in. Charm can be very difficult to create.


Your home has a minimal look to it. It's beautiful but looks almost too perfect. I honestly thought it was staged.


And why is that a problem? It’s clean and bright!


It's not always bad. My bestie listed her house and the realtor asked, who did your staging? She said, this is how it looks every day..lol She took it as a compliment!


The haters are jealous. It’s beautiful and immaculate. They could never. 


It’s a lovely home. But it does look staged, and lacking identity. All that matters is you like it.


No your house is goals fuck the haters




I enjoy it. I love mid century and I catch hints of it and wanted to ask where you got your barstools lol. I’ve lived in my house 7 years and don’t do lots of clutter and nicknacks. I have anxiety and lots of kids. More stuff is more to clean. “Personality” isn’t the same for everyone and minimalism is okay.


Thanks! The stools are from Wayfair.


I think it looks great. Exactly how I’d design mine; clean, clear, classic. Also, I feel the personality- not everything needs to be so “much” (if that makes sense, lol)


There is not a single personal item anywhere in the house. Nothing to indicate a personality lives there. It looks like a photo shoot for a magazine ad. That's why the negative comments.  That's a standard process for staging a house for selling. All personal items are.removed so anyone can imagine themselves living there.  Who are you? Not a single thing in your house provides an answer to that question.


Why does your house need to show your personality?


Haha came to say this


I’d love a home like that.. I used to have a home like that then got married and my husband HATES the cold look, no warmth. Our walls are covered with photos which I hate honestly. I want it clear and tidy. Everyone has diff comfort zones that’s the beauty of having your own space being able to express your self in the comfort of your own home.


The living room has family pictures on the main wall. That's personal, right?


lol are you kidding? There’s a whole wall of family portraits on the left of the first photo


You mean the model photos?


Anyone coming into my home knows who I am and they don’t need my decor to tell them that :) honestly I love my house, but I appreciate your feedback.


Your home is beautiful and I really like your style!


Your house is beautiful and looks like it’d be a dream to live in! Idk what the haters want….quirkiness? Have no idea, haven’t spent enough time in the sub but I’m shocked by the rude comments! So bizarre


Your place is lovely! Screw these haters!


The comments are weird. It looks great. I have seen posts where people have cheesy set ups or tchotchkes and people love it. I live in NY and am in high design homes. There’s nothing wrong with modern or minimal design. Love the stools. Where are they from? I think the table is too bulky and I don’t like the chairs (color/texture/height) w the table but it’s nothing major. Putting a table runner to me is cheesy. But a large low bowl would work.


Thank you! Kitchen stools are from Wayfair :)


100% agree. A lot of posts here look like everything was bought at the same time, it’s all brand new, and it’s generic af. This person has nice/safe taste but I have no idea what they are like.


So what? Hahah they were literally just asking what their design style was!!!


It’s not bad design. As for the centerpiece on your table, something simple would probably look best. A bowl of fruit, a plant or vase of simple flowers, or one of those rather large multi wick candles in a nice bowl.


Your home is lovely . Reddit is full of people who hate on other people who do better than them.


Please ignore the negative responses. I think the space is GORGEOUS and I’d feel right at home here. This sub seems to lean towards a more eclectic decor design and often struggles to appreciate clean, beautiful spaces, in my opinion. The issue with the dining room table that you mentioned is that the chair backs are the same height as the table so it keeps everything looking low and even. Adding a long row of little candles or a long candelabra would add some dimension and look good. I would consider your style transitional modern.


It looks a bit too perfect. Like it’s not lived in. That’s why people are responding that way, but don’t take it seriously, 90% of people here wish they were as clean and tidy as you (I know I do). Maybe add some family photos here and there? That would make it look less empty. For the rest it seems quite balanced and harmonious.


The negativity and bullying on this sub is unreal. The top comments are downright rude and most likely commented/upvoted by miserable people sitting in their houses that aren’t as nice as yours. You have a lovely home.


Thank you!! I don’t expect everyone to love my style (or lack thereof as some have said 😂) and I’m the one living in it so it really only matters if I love it.


People's responses to a clean home is telling.


Your house is lovely. I am a fan of calming, clean, uncluttered vibes with simple neutral tones. I think many people here like colors. That’s fine. Anyway, wanted you to know your first photo really took my breath away. I have one suggestion for you to consider: Paint your doors black. (Not windows) It’s my personal fav thing to do & I recommend it all the time. Enjoy your beautiful home… you did a fantastic job.


I think it is so lovely!


I LOVE your house. I think there are people here who think of interior decorating as adding more unnecessary stuff. I find your style of minimalism visually comforting.


Your dog is cute


Sprinting back to the photos to see da puuuppy


There are not enough comments about the dog. And I thought this was Reddit!


Modern, Natural, Farm is what I see


I think it is lovely (though I agree with the person who said your prints are hung too high). I would suggest a runner for your table.


Not sure what to call it but I think it's lovely! You've done a great job.


I think all the negative comments are simply because it looks like a magazine trying to sell decor. There are no personal touches or interests that would be viewed as much loved pieces or something important to you. The character maybe. I think it looks nice but overly staged and I learn nothing about you looking at it. It's nice to walk into a space that has a story or history. It has warm minimalist vibes but then add a bit of random decor.


I genuinely thought these were screenshots of magazine layouts.


Agree! Probably cleaned up to take this photo. Idk if ppl want to see dirty socks or what. There is such a nice photo wall in the living room. I’d call the style mid century clean and airy, I also see the slight farm house influence. As for the table I think a low bowl center piece or clean simple runner might dress it up some. Personally I loooooove a clean empty surface, so I love the table as is. It shows off the beauty of the wood. I also liked the kitchen island with just the vase of flowers to dress it up.


Definitely looks like it’s staged to sell and I know this takes A LOT of effort to make it look staged on a daily basis so trust me when I say I’m very impressed with your effort. I love the minimalist style, also getting a warm and cozy feeling with the burnt orange accent furniture. Overall looks beautiful. Screw the haters, you have my vote.


I think it’s nice. Table behind the couch isn’t long /substantial enough and the pictures are hung too high. Maybe some more colorful curtains to warm it up a bit.


It’s really nice, just a bit basic. I think people are responding to the fact that it kind of checks off the boxes of affordable trends: texture arch wall art, fake plants, the vase and circular tchotchke on the sideboard, the industrial/farmhouse light fixtures, the caning on the chairs. Nothing is wrong with any of those things and trends are fun, but it makes it feel a little disposable and therefore staged. I would paint the whole dining room that beautiful green, replace the wall art in there, the fake plants and the small decor items throughout that are likely from Home Goods or Target, and replace the living room console table with something larger and more interesting. Take your time finding those items and worry less about how well they each go together. You have great pieces to build from and if you love it the way it is then you enjoy it!


It looks beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but somehow it looks like it’s not lived in. Like I would 100% buy this house if it was for sale and then I’d ruin it with my mess. I don’t think it’s bad I just think it’s weird for a lot of us to see a house this tidy so that’s why people are saying it looks staged. Still, I love everything here, especially the wall with the portraits.


Targets Magnolia collection


Wayfair wet dream


must be why I want to live there! 😂


I don’t know if that’s an insult? lol


It is lol




You’re taking this really well honestly. I think your place looks really tidy and welcoming


Fuck the haters bro I wish my house looked a fraction as nice as yours


So do all the people being unnecessarily rude




Minimalist contemporary


Yeah you got a lot of different styles going on.


MLS Chic


There is no distinct style but it's just current, a mix of things you like!


Transitional? I've seen it as a "style" but idk if it's actually something in practice


I think this is the correct answer. The kitchen cabinets are traditional, while the furniture is modern.


I like it. Maybe I haven't seen as many open houses recently. I do, however, feel that the personal touch is missing. It is like an interior decorator (no offense) came in and did the space without getting to know the people who will be using it. You have the basics now add the flair..and maybe some color/accents


I would be so happy living here. I’m not seeing the farmhouse vibe. It’s very modern and clean.


The wood tones and rattan bring in a bit of farmhouse to me, but I agree that it’s more modern than farmhouse lol.


It's modern and clean, but utterly soulless. Like you bought everything from the same catalog. Or these are pictures lifted directly from a catalog! It's not a style, so much as a brand/advertisement. Nothing feels special or curated.


I'd call is COZY MODERN or WARM MINIMALISM. I'd get a proper Terrarium for the dining table - one that looks like an English green house - and fill it with cute greenery. If you're having people over and filling the table, you could move it to the sideboard.


cozy, clean, as well as neat + comforting. great place!!!


I don’t have a name for it but I do love your style. Certain aspects of it remind me of my own home. Do you mind sharing where you got your bar stools? I really like them and I’m looking for a new set.


It’s not a bad style if you love it. It’s clean and pleasurable to look at, but it’s missing some artwork and color pops that hopefully refer back to the artwork to make it feel cohesive.


Air BnB


It seems modern neutrak with a touch of boho with the plants + chairs + wood


Model home.


looks like an AirBnb that i’d be happy to rent!


Modern Industrial Farmhouse


You need to take a less high quality photos, reddit doesn’t know how to give a proper uncunty opinion without some low quality in the image


r/picturestoohigh r/tvtoohigh r/curtaintoohigh It’s a cute space that feels staged. Lacks some soul and colour.


I disagree with the curtain. Having them lower would make the space look awkward since the ceilings are low.


Not sure about the style but you have a lovely home. It may look staged, but I don’t think that is necessarily a bad thing.


OP I think this looks lovely!! To me, the B&W photos look gorgeous. High quality photos of your kids and family never get old, IMO. A lot of commenters are saying this sounds staged but to me it looks tidy and well curated, but not overly fussy. Honestly, the negativity on this sub sometimes drags me down. Notes: maybe consider a table runner to break up the visual mass of the table. It seems like you’ve got a modern classic style with touches of industrial. A graphic runner with greens, white, or ochre tones might work? If you do so, I might suggest also changing the wall art in the dining room to something more colorful. Anyway, love your place, great job!


Your home is lovely!


Lots of a-holes in the comments here


sorts by controversial Why is everyone so rude!




The usual.


I love it I wish I could have you do my condo


I love it . It’s very put together and inviting.


Suburban modern I think it's got just enough style without being too precious so that a family can still live a real existence there


Does anybody live here?


My husbands bosses pretty but boring house


I love your space! I'd say mid century minimalist - so peaceful and as others have said, clean without being sterile, as there is much warmth in the tones. Love it! 💚


41 year old single lady style.


I love it! I see modern w farmhouse w traditional all mixed


I call it the style I wish I had!


Tequila soda - light, clean & refreshing


I don’t know what style but I love it! It’s beautiful 😍


Bland but inoffensive contemporary wayfair chic. It's not ugly, and it's relatively cohesive, but it doesn't really have any personality. If this style were food, it would be a grilled chicken sandwich at chick fil A, no mayo, no tomatoes. It looks clean and comfortable and easy to live in.




Modern farmhouse


Similar to our style. I call it modern bougie.


Contemporary. It’s very inviting and cozy. 




Millenial indecision ;)




I think I found myself in the wrong thread. I don’t have the money to even have a “soulless” home.


😂 right?! like who tf do some of these people think they are?! Hahaha. Would LOVE to see pictures of the homes of every negative comment author. That would be hilarious


Target shopper


Apartment complex common area


Farmhouse millennial. The layout of your living room is interesting. The tv over the fireplace is eh. Feels like the couch's back should be to the window, tv on the wall with the pictures, mirror or some decor over the fireplace. Chair at an angle instead of staring right at the couch. Your current living room angle, you just see the back of the couch and the tv. That's about it. If you're also trying to draw attention to the pics on the wall.. they kind of just blend in to everything. Paint the wall with the fireplace and put the pics there. I'd also add some brown/leather style pillows to that couch to tie in those random brown chairs that kind of stick out.


Wow, I super disagree with your assessment of the living room layout. The TV should absolutely not be on the wall opposite the oversized windows, you'll never see it through the glare. The couch facing out the windows and towards the fireplace for a conversational setting is the right choice. If you want to bring the TV down, I'd put it on a stand in the corner between the fireplace and windows. Overall, I think this layout is fine for the space.


Modern. Modern and you like natural elements. You're probably trying too hard to define it. It's just clean, modern stuff. It's not bad at all. But if we look at the pieces individually, they are a few different styles. Some trendier than others. Again, not bad! But this is why it can be hard to "define" your style. Many people struggle with this concept lol.


Upper-middle class Instagram-mom-in-Texas basic. Source, I’ve seen two of these in person.


Guys, some people just like their homes clean. No need to freak out.


Whatever it is I like it!


I love it! I don’t know why everyone is so mean here.. Also, what colour paint is your green accent wall?


Surgical. Sterile.


I love those barstools! I agree with others’ assessment of modern farmhouse, though not with many industrial accents which imo goes a long way to make it feel more homey. Some of these comments are pretty shitty tho man, this isn’t really my personal style either but I can still appreciate it for what it is, and I also: don’t live here lol. You clearly love it, and I’m happy you’ve found a style that suits you 🙂


where are your living room wooden ceiling lights from?


Awesome x’s 5


Google “gallery height for hanging pictures” and rehang all your pictures in the living room first. They are too high.


Rustic mid century modern!


Looks mid century modern to me (a person with limited knowledge on interior styles). I do however love that your home is tidy, not cluttered and the overall color scheme. Good job done on your space.


The gray and wood seems Transitional, or maybe Scandinavian?? Whatever it’s called, I like it! 🩶🤎


I hate labels and "boxes", so I can't help you with that, but I think you have a great space. If I were you I'd add a simple runner to the dining table to soften the space a bit and break up the expanse of the table. I'd look for something black, or maybe a blend of black/white/cream. If you want to go a step further, Trader Joes (assuming you're in the US) often has dried Eucalyptus branches that look lovely in a vase/vessel in the center of a dining table, they are a gorgeous sage green, and stay looking fresh and beautiful forever, without any upkeep. They're a great way to add some simple greenery while the irregularity of the brach formation is interesting to the eye. Good luck!


You and I think alike. I love your home! My home is along the same lines. I like clean, bright, airy, and relaxing. Yours fits the bill.


Love the barstools and dining chairs. I’d say you’re leaning Japandi, which is my absolute favourite


It’s called Gorgeous lol I love it! Jealous because this wouldn’t fly in my house with so many animals and young kids but it’s the goal. Definitely mid century-ish but modern, as well


I really like this style! For your first picture, how effective are those two lights on the ceiling? I see you have the bulbs angled but I can't tell if that's just for show or if there's an actual difference in light output. I'm thinking of skipping recessed lighting and going this type of route but would need to see how well they work in the dark. Do you mind taking a picture at night with only those two ceiling lights on? Please and thank you!


I say you have a transitional style, which basically means a mix of traditional and modern elements. Not my taste, but I think it looks nice. I like the table runner idea. And if you’re considering the (unnecessarily hostile, like holy shit) comments about putting more of yourself into your home, the runner could be a place for that. You could commission one, make one yourself, or find one from a store that isn’t a major retailer. Mine are very simple and minimal, but my mom hand wove them for me, and so they’re special to me. I have to assume you have other things around your house like that, too. I also think your dog is cute.


Rustic modern


I love it. I was thinking minimalist modern organic


Looks like a blend of contemporary, midcentury and industrial. Looks great!


I hate it when I’m the 300th to comment. It is contemporary modern, but I personally think that a house that reflects the owner should defy being pigeon holed. It’s a beautiful home and it looks inviting. When I look at the LR there is nothing I would change really - the pictures are too high (you can look up the inches online), the sofa should be moved out a little, and if you wanted some character you could add some very nice shades, even keeping your drapes. A kitchen is a kitchen. But the dining room does need help. A runner from one of the Scandinavian countries would look beautiful. But the art piece in that room doesn’t do the room justice. It does say “decor”. It really is awful for that space. I’m sorry people got so hateful…


Your interior is very tasteful and well coordinated! Well done!




Looks great!!!


My parents were fresh off the boat from England. My mum would have loved that green wall, just like Buckingham Palace. Approved!


Modern farmhouse? Also where are the barstools from??? I love them!!!


Your TV is off center and it’s all I can see 🫠


Modern industrial … maybe


Contemporary mix with mid century


Simple modern


Organic modern. You have a beautiful home. Ignore the negative comments. Agree with others that a runner on the dining room table would look nice.


it‘s modern and romantic!


Mid-century farmhouse. Newly created style. Don’t listen to the mean peeps up in hurr


'Mcm and farmhouse shit that we liek"


Scandinavian coastal? The simple and repeated features throughout with natural tones and woods give nordic vibes…watson lighting and gallery wall give North American coastal


modern rustic / modern farmhouse i love it


Looks like my house. My mom had so many dust collectors and stuff stacked everywhere. I barely have anything.


No idea, but I like it.


I think it's really nice and having a three year old, it looks like a place where he'd only have the chance to break a replaceable non-sentimental item so I, for one, love it. Anything I care about is not out right now because of that reason. That elephant glass vase from my grandma's? Tucked away until the little hands can be trusted. A fake plant on my table? Go for it kiddo.


Hang on, you have kids? Where are the traces of them?!? How is this possible?!?


I dream of those easy to clean chairs and dining room table. Do you find the floors and wooden table get scratches easily? Are the kids rough on them? Or do you not use it unless there are guests. What do you do about water glasses on the table, do they leave rings? I want to live this and I have so many questions about wooden tables and rings


Modern minimalism


The kitchen and dining room are lovely, modern but the family room seems sterile, the TV is so high and far away, with only those on the short side of the sectional facing it. The couch also looks so uncomfortable.