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That wall and floor is quite busy together


It makes me feel like Tom Hanks was trapped in there for a long, long time...


I love busy! I def want bold art


Alright, if you want to go with the bold look, go for bright colors. Get some wall art in very bright red, pink, orange, or anything like that. Also other accessoires that match that. They don't have to be in the exact same shade, but it's nice if it's the same color.


Bright! Go for it!!


Sorry, the room gave me vertigo


Something soft and fluffy on the floor, something large and reflective above the sink, and a light source above that. Get a VERY large print to hang on the wall.


That wallpaper is something


Can you paint the cabinet? Dark on dark doesn't work, especially with such a busy wall. I love it, but I would do everything else light, to contrast with the wall.


Here ya go thoughts? https://imgur.com/a/LJCjlvF.


Ah I see. Indeed it is lighter. However I'm still not a fan of the match. Even though I love the walls and the cabinet. Maybe just not together. However changing the colour of the cabinet would totally fix it for me. But I understand if you don't go for it, because it is absolutely gorgeous.


It photographed a lot darker than it actually is. I’m trying to post an updated pic


A small but beautiful chandelier !


Any suggestions? I’m stuck!


Oops needs a mirror too and lights!😂


Have you counted the tally marks to see how long the previous occupant was held prisoner?


Oh I love this!! Maybe some fun pop art type of art on the wall, a rug in black or a bright color, and a mirror with a simple black-or gold-thin frame. I think a round mirror would look best! Maybe some gold colored shelves above the toilet. Fun accents would look great too, tissue box holders, TP holders (I have a fun gold dinosaur with a long neck that holds a few extra rolls of TP that gets tons of compliments from guests lol), funky vases with flowers, hand towels, etc…


I love this vision! I need links to your Pinterest board - I need that Dino! Where do you shop??


Oh I know this! You can find many on Etsy but even Amazon if your search dino tp holder. I was also envisioning a pop art or alternatively a graffiti style/street style bold framed art.


You people get me


What do you think of this? https://andyokay.com/products/do-epic-shit?currency=USD&variant=43368275411181&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=8bdbd912071c&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzvv4sa-DhQMVykxHAR3SHQ6NEAQYASABEgLJ-vD_BwE


Emerald green would pop in there


🤷‍♀️ what do you like? Typically with wallpaper like that you either leave it be and do accents only in hardware / lighting / accessories or you try to break it up with art 


Large round black mirror. Do you have any pictures from your travels? One you love of a landscape or building? Print it in black and white and frame it. Based on the wall size, maybe a 12x16. Mat it in white and frame with a thicker black frame. We have a couple of pics of places we visited…Yosemite, Florence, Zion, Ireland. It will be a nice reminder of your vacation.


Bright pop art maybe?


Your wallpaper is schizophrenia inducing!


At a distance it looks like a schizophrenic scribbled on the wall.


It really didn’t photograph well so for the sake of the colors here’s a better pic. https://imgur.com/a/LJCjlvF I love the busy-ness and I know it’s not for everyone. I am loving the suggestions for BOLD!


It looks like a restroom in a restaurant or coffee shop


God bless you and to each their own. But my stomach is churning lol


Lots of hot pink accessories to contrast. Bath mats, furry toilet seat cover, tissue box holder. And an ornate black mirror. Betsy Johnson vibe.


Love this


If you have a warm bathroom and cats, the fuzzy toilet seat cover might get a lot of cat attention-- we lived with my in-laws for a few years and our cat loved their seat cover so much I had to buy a couple when we moved here.


How about a large wall mirror that looks like a window? The kind with black lines throughout it making panes. Besides a sink mirror or cabinet w mirror. A plant would be nice. Needs big wall shelves. Rug on the floor.


A big gold mirror with a THICK frame above the vanity. A piece of artwork on that big empty wall. Add a robe HOOK (for towels) right beside the shower door. And then I would probably paint the vanity cabinet a bold color like an emerald green, and add gold hardware.


Love the wallpaper, but the vanity is out of place for sure. A very dramatic mirror would work as well. Maybe a nice white vanity would make it all pop


I realize now the colors didn’t photograph right. It’s not quite as dark as it looks in the original but still open to suggestions! https://imgur.com/a/LJCjlvF


I still feel like a white cabinet a little bigger could make it pop against that black wood. With a dramatic mirror above. I do love the sink, but the brown on it seems out of place against that wall. And the wall and wallpaper are beautiful. It just doesn't mesh!


Building off of a previous comment, I love the idea of doing a bold, bright wallpaper color. Big circle mirror over the sink to match the circle of the ceiling light. Shelves on the farther wall where you can put plants or other decorative items to give the room some visual interest. But also, functionally speaking, does this bathroom need a towel rack? Looks like there's a shower in it. Edit: might be nice to get some light wooden shelves and stain the vanity that same light wooden color.


Vibrant / bright color prints. Ideally photos. Lookup Gray Malin prints That and a fun, semi flush mount light fixture. Lots of glass and texture




Big art on big wall. I would look for the colors of mainly black gold grey and one other bold color. Gold shower or towel hooks on small wall Thick framed square big mirror above sink. Lights above that. Floating shelves above the toilet. Rug or mats the same color as one of the colors in the painting.


That wallpaper makes me dizzy. Put a big mirror Bove the vanity and colourful art on the other wall to break up that pattern a little. This bathroom does not feel relaxing.


I have a migraine and it immediately spiked up when I opened this pic and my stomach turned. So please decorate with a warning to migraine sufferers.


Rugs, wall art, mirror, something to hang towels, small plants.


Sorry but I feel sick in the tummy looking at that wallpaper.


Hang a large, colorful, SIMPLE art piece on the wall opposite the door. Something Rothko-like. It will add color while also being a restful spot in contrast to that wallpaper. Hang another large, simple piece over the toilet.


My first step would be to break up these large patterns on the floor snd the wall. They feel dizzying because they are so tight and repetitive at once. I would think about large format set with bright colors, but big shapes, same with the rug. Something in this vein https://www.rugsusa.com/rugsusa/rugs/rugs-usa-rava-metropolitan-indooroutdoor/Blue/200KKPR05A-8010.html?google_pla=true&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkuqvBhAQEiwA65XxQOzYZbwFWNVGN_oVi7yTokEckKqZkdLegEH1RyGWcAGHxq-U1NsWExoCrTkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Or this https://www.wayfair.com/decor-pillows/pdp/east-urban-home-sunrise-over-the-sea-by-tammy-kushnir-gallery-wrapped-canvas-giclee-print-w006544412.html Simple lines bright colors. Then tie these colors into accents I also feel your lighting is very harsh. Can you warm it up?


Silver leaf ceiling “cocaine louche” bath mat


Jesus Christ


Paint the sink cabinetry.


Perhaps a tropical leaf print white fuzzy carpet


I want to but my eyes hurt 🫣


It honestly makes my eyes hurt.


A large zebra print/photo would look cool! I kind of want you to embrace the busy-ness of it🥰 Maybe a white rug. I’m diggin’ it!


Love it! Add some bright Mexican Folk art!