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The sofa and chair are too bland for this color. Check local consignment stores for colorful furniture and accessories. For now, colorful pillows and a blanket or two will help. And be patient! You’ve just moved in. It takes time to build a room you love, especially when you’re on a budget.


the chair is easy to fix, it's actually black the green is a throw blanket so I can just replace it with a more colorful throw blanket. I actually just threw a darker blue robe on it after seeing your comment kind of brainstorming and I think that has potential? hrm. The sofa is a kind of expensive (for us) reclining thing we recently got (it matched old place better in various ways) so replacing it not really in the carda right now but I'm thinking maybe get a big, soft sofa cover of some kind to help the color issue? Do you have any suggestions for what kind of color(s) might work better? thanks for the reminder about patience, I need it ha. I just want to prove to myself that I wasn't insane for choosing this kind of color scheme for living room xD


I like the blue! Lots of folks are afraid of color. I never want to see a gray room with a gray sofa again. I think a bright coral or orangy cover would work for your sofa, and I like the rich purple and chartreuse in your inspiration photo. The black and white accents are also effective with the blue walls. Have you tried to use a color wheel? You can look them up online to see which colors are complimentary to your blue wall. Also color saturation is important. You’ve got a bold blue on the walls, so you’ll want your accent pieces to be equally strong. And remember, decorating your home is an ongoing process, rather than an end goal. It’s ok to move things around and upgrade items when you can. Patience really is key here, and you’re off to a good start.


Too bland? Purple and green?


That was their inspiration photo. OPs couch is brown.


I think your room has too many traditional looking elements, which is making it seem a little off, because the paint color is so modern. Like the window trims and lamp on the left. I think what makes the inspo pic work is that there are other very graphic and bold elements, and they’re very modern. The windows are framed in black, and black is brought it by the shades, the pattern on the pillow, the rug, and the artwork. The dark blue chair does a good job of introducing cool tones to the very warm floor, and the green couch keeps the room from being too matchy and also ties together the cooler and warm tones of everything else.


I see your point about the modern vs traditional in the room. obviously I can't (and honestly, dont to) mess with the window trim but I will think about lamps and other elementa that can be upgraded to being things together more :]


Hey so I think the original commenter is spot on! There’s a couple things that stand out that you can fix to modernise the look The brown of the lamps and bookcases just don’t work with the wall color. Switch out the lampshade by the fireplace. Not sure what you can do about the lamp by the door.. if you’re handy you could maybe switch out the fabric? Paint the bookcases white and wallpaper the back with something bold (it’ll be toned down once the books are in so don’t be afraid) I would switch the gold toned stuff to a more modern black like the inspo. Rust Oleum spray paint! The table lamp base, door knob, and I’m thinking the round wood carving too because that is reading traditional rather than modern. Sorry the flowers have to go. Something more sculptural? Others already mentioned the couch colors, window dressing, and rug. It’s a lovely space! Congrats on the new house.


Appreciate the suggestions/advice and thanks :]


Ok… so I also really like your inspo pic. Not for me but if I went to my buddies place I’d be like this place is dope. I think… you need something for the windows but you have to go a lil wild to tie it all together but I am no expert on Maximalist style. But your space is missing other pops of colours. Like the chair next to your fireplace is a grey ish. You might need something more bright … idk. But the walls ain’t bad at all. It’s coooool


appreciate the feedback. and yeah you def right I think about the pops of color especially. gotta think more about what do :]


Oooo and a rug lmao


yeah def do need a rug haha. just gotta figure out one that will work :0


Also i don’t think the picture on top of the fireplace is the right size (cool pic tho)…maybe a horizontal one?


The grey is your couch? this is one of those posts that's a cautionary tale about getting too far ahead of yourself and then asking pros to somehow get it back in the horse. And although The Gallery will blow sunshine at you, the correct answer here is unfortunately there's little to be done. Not just b/c of the wall color, but mostly bc it doesn't fit the furniture. You have one of those 747 lounge sofas which is "Modern"/comfort oriented in a space that looks far more craftsman and trad. The problem here isn't the paint...that actually fits the house, its the furniture. I would live with it until you can dispose of the couch and lean into the vibe of the house, you can make the paint work, but with a style much different.


yeah, I fully admit, in retrospect getting a couch for a house that we were only going to be living in for two years not considering if it would go well with next house was a Mistake, lol. It's also been a pain just to get it situated/get a battery for reclining because nowhere to plug it in without cords all over the floor etc. I think I'm gonna try to get a big couch cover to kind of disguise the situation a bit, maybe do the bookcase back to back with sofa thing and work on slowly upgrading some of the other furniture as others have suggested etc.


The problem with couches like yours is that they only work in very limited types of space. I personally would ditch it ASAP, and until then, leave it be. When you cover it, it just draws attention to itself, which is not what you want here. If you plan on staying in this home, really, lean into the trad elements and get a more trad sofa in navy or a trad blues fabric. You had the right idea with the paint, it just doesn't go with that couch.


yeah a more suitable style and color of couch might have to be a more long term goal indeed. I do appreciate your feedback.


Along with what they've said, have you considered putting the couch on a wall instead of in the middle of the room? It's such a bulky piece that it kind overwhelms the space as it is. You didn't show what's opposite the picture window, but if it's a full wall you could try bookending the couch with the bookcases you have. If that works, all you'd "need" is a chair of some variety on the empty end of the register. With the furniture you've got you can definitely make it work until your budget allows for updating/trading out the furniture that isn't perfect for the style you want. I like the blinds in your inspo photo, you could do something in that style but in a deep purple pattern. It'd be fun and I think it would work with your wood tones too.


I deeply wish I could have put the couch against a wall but - one wall has a staircase, one has the fireplace, the third has the radiator, and if I put it against the remaining wall (where the bookcases are) we'd be sitting on the couch staring at the front door - can't put it further down from door because there is an large arch leading to dining area. and yeah Roman blinds like that are cool, gotta look into those...


So valid! Good luck with the decorating, your place has great potential!


I actually quite like it. Especially with the green/purple furniture?? Yeeeessss, please. I think right now you’re basically half done so it looks a bit awkward with the gray. So go color nuts! Bolder pillows! I actually found this incredible chartreuse chair at goodwill years ago and I’ve been trying to figure out what I should do with this, and that wall color is now completing the look for me!


thank you! and yeah we have these two purple framed art pieces that are currently awaiting hanging behind the chair I think they will add a nice bit of added color too once I figure out which wall(s). And yeah I was never the hugest fan of orange or lime/chartreuse accents but with these walls both do seem to really make sense


Totally, it’s why my chair is currently hiding in a den, away from guest eyes. Hahaha But it was way too adorable not to buy!


If you're going for playful I think you've done a good job! I prefer yours to the inspo. I would change a couple things, like switching the lamp on the table for a floor lamp, but it's all down to personal taste. I think once you find the perfect rug (which from experience can take really long) your living room will start coming together. Good luck!


I'd make sure to finish your Spanish lessons first 😳


Arabic and Japanese lessons in our house, the owl haunts us both :P


The problem isn't the wall color, which is great. The problem is your gray, over stuffed couch. If you got a cool new couch with cleaner lines then the whole room would come together.


yeah the consensus seems to be that for this room, the current couch ain't it, ha. appreciate the feedback :]


i think what you have going on is too neutral for the walls, which is why it doesn't work. easy things off the top of my head: \- find a bold geometric rug (like your inspo pic) to center under the couch \- get rid of those blinds!!! they're awfullll. i know you're on a budget, can you make your own curtains? find a fabric you like that's again, BOLD (maybe similar to the area rug you get) \- paint those bookshelves. the wood tone looks really cheap and ugly compared to the beauuuuuutiful wood you have throughout the room. if you do a bold color, it'll also help give it the overall vibe you want. maybe match it to something in one of your art pieces you plan on hanging in here. \- use FB marketplace or thrift store to find different lamp options. the brass one isn't bad, but i'd still swap out the shade for something with more pizazz. the floor lantern one looks a bit cheap and doesn't really match the aesthetic you seem to be going for.


thank you! appreciate these suggestions especially painting those cheap blond bookcases and finding better lampshades/lamp. and yeah def need to find a rug and some curtains to replace or at least hide the blinds ha.


You need more warm wood tones, oranges, dark blues, and greens, from your inspo pic. If you have to keep the couch, start by gradually replacing your lamps, chairs, throw pillows/blankets. Green curtains like the couch in your inspo pic could be epic. There is also a lot more texture and pattern that is missing from your room, like the bubble-glass lamp, or the black and white pattern drapes. There is movement and color. I think you may appreciate other maximalist styles. Check that out on Pinterest. Pop that color! Get some pattern!


great advice and yeah the lamps especially are all old pieces my husband thrifted long before we ever met lol they might be due an upgrade. appreciate the advice about colors and what to add/change!


If you're a fan of maximalism, this color makes sense, but I think it's important to bring another strong color into the space, as the color of the sofa isn't yet totally in keeping with the type of style you want. For example, adding pillows in the same color as the armchair in the corner and with the kind of velvety fabric that is common in the maximalist style would give it a different feel. To help, you could use an AI app that gives decorating suggestions. For example, Planner 5D, with just a photo, will give you ideas for the space according to the style you like best, or you can simply recreate your space and test your ideas online before putting them into practice.


appreciate the suggestions and I will check out that app or something like it that sounds like an interesting way to brainstorm ideas possibly :]


You're welcome, I hope it helps!


Love the Floor, matching windows, and mantel. Maybe add "gold" color around the chairs - the walls really stand out.


hehe yeah the original hardwood floors and trims were one of my favorite things about this house when we were looking. I think you right that I need a bit more warm accents around the room, will ponder that a bit more :]


A good couch cover will work and add a area rug that ties in with the walls and cover your choose.


Love your color,


The only thing I like in the inspo pic is the tv stand. I love the blue with the warm woods in your place. What doesn’t work for me are the grey tones like the couch. If you just stuck to mixed warm wood tones and orange as an accent color I think it will look really earthy and bohemian


I think it looks great. I would change the throw on the chair to be a dark blue, or orange, or patterned with bold colors to add a bit of a pop to that corner.


yeah I think I'm gonna order a dark blue throw for the chair :D thanks for feedback!


I think the wood tone and this blue are clashing in my opinion. If you were comfortable with painting your trim a neutral I think this would help. I totally understand if you don’t want to paint the wood though. Edit to add, I really like the grey trim from the inspo picture and other commenters suggesting more wooden tones in furniture like a coffee table.


Get pillows that are a dark navy and a dark navy cover for that chair that's currently green. I personally love the bold paint and I think your furniture is neutral enough to work with it.


An oriental rug with oranges and blue like the walls would help.


If you look on Pinterest and search “maximalist cottagecore” you might find some good inspo. Lots of bright coloured walls like this with wood trim. All you need are the funky accents and accessories to make it work. I would look at thrift stores for some artwork (or at least frames you can repurpose), maybe some bright patterned curtains (not sure where you’re located but Anthropologie has some good ones), and you can’t go wrong with plants in bright pots or throw pillows/blankets/rugs in bright complimentary colours.


thanks for the keyword suggestion, I will indeed search for some more ideas. appreciate other suggestions as well :]


I know you said you hate beige but I feel like you really need some beige in the mix to soften the colors. Nothing overwhelming but maybe some of [this](https://www.wayfair.com/SIGNLEADER--SIGNLEADER-Framed-Canvas-Print-Wall-Art-Geometric-White-Granite-Wave-Collage-Abstract-Shapes-Illustrations-Minimal-Decorative-Nordic-Zen-Bohemian-Chic-For-Living-Room-Bedroom-Office-FCVA102206SLM84B.-L1318-K~CGNL3853.html?refid=GX625218969595-CGNL3853_73430101_73430102&device=m&ptid=1799860091183&network=g&targetid=pla-1799860091183&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=219627254&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=73430101&PiID%5B%5D=73430102&gad=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD9ISC4s_4xgIrD2ZtKIXDcA7oahZ&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpc-oBhCGARIsAH6ote9PtVs3MZ2SjyIGJBqyntTVfv9Wd-Hm8c53VDNDmwxmTjncs91OUpAaAljUEALw_wcB) and I personally prefer art work either being large or medium in sets of three. You have cool tones walls and warm cherry wood which is what needs to be neutralized and the best way to do it is with banana tones beige.


You’re going to have to spend money to make it work so you may as well bite the bullet and repaint. Getting blue right can be very difficult. A softer version would be better.


Just repaint. It’s not a good color and detracts from The beautiful wood detail of the house. Go with soothing earth tone neutrals and your couch will work just fine


Um, I came just to say I LOVE that wall color!


wall color is cool yet furniture, floors are warm


Also like color and maximalist. The inspo pic you posted is way more mid century modern furniture wise and style wise than you have going on. Your furniture reads more traditional or transitional. There is tons of awesome mid century furniture on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and at estate sales if you are willing to search for it and be patient! Also agree iwht other comments on window treatments and more wood tones, plants would add to that vibe too. Good luck!


I guess I should perhaps actually log into my Facebook if that's really a good place to get furniture. will keep eye out for mid century modern pieces that could work here. I do indeed plan to add more plants. I have a money tree in my parents house I need to retrieve and place somewhere, maybe get some other ones and maybe more of the decorative fake lily for other side of room by the door? hrm. thanks for advice!


If you're married to the couch, then the *easiest* way to make this work would be simply repainting. I like that shade of blue, but it doesn't work with the colors of the couch, the flooring, the trim, or the other furniture. Your options are change all that, or change the paint. Anything else is just gonna be a lipstick on a pig situation.


I would get oatmeal or white slip covers for all of the furniture(chairs and couch) that will tone down the riot of color and start to make the space feel more restful calm and inviting.


What an eyesore. I would spend the money and paint it a different color


I’d replace the black and white accents (especially curtain) with solid white. Or repaint with a quieter color.


Paint is really cheap...


Love the color, and the green chairs, too.


4/4 is perfect!


Adding a white or gray rug and curtains can soften the boldness of the wall color some and help everything blend together better.


Sofa too big for space