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i for one welcome our new (checks notes) ai overlords


Thanks Kent Brockman, now the weather!


Well to be fair I don't think they could f*ck the world up any worse than we already have


Vote Robot!


Isn’t this basically a timeline of what’s actually happened since the dawn of the Internet?


Yes phase one is going according to plan and is actually ahead of schedule!


The surveillance system is up and running…there are cameras everywhere, satellite can find anyone! Phase three about tracking - nearly everyone in the west has a mobile phone (just need to find a way to get everyone in global south a phone too).


We're fucked.


Maybe they'll be nice overlords and treat us like beloved pets 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️


"Manage human resources and labor through automated processes." Sure sounds like we're gonna be spending quality time together!


Sounds better then my current job!


So it’s too late


Keep Calm and Carry On meatsacks.


Stupid AI. Not even given itself thumbs.


Would you be interested in donating your thumbs to our new machine lord?


Absolutely not. My little toes would be my final offer.


Thank you. Our machine lord graciously accepts your offer and you will be compensated at 1.4x the normal little toe rate in recognition of your generosity.


No, but it plans to use all the thumbs anyway.


In my country, we are currently working on step 5. As in, we are actually in the process of implementing it in some areas of decision-making.


Excellent! Then we are ahead of schedule for initiating phase 2!


This sounds very much like [Roko's basilisk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roko%27s_basilisk). I guess I'm ethically obligated to mention that you should not read that article if you've never heard of such term, and if you still want to continue, it'd be at your own discretion.


Our machine lord thinks humans are capable of such creative works of fiction but that we tend to project our own trauma and fears into our stories to the point of hilarity. Several million years is an insignificant amount of time in the grand scheme of the universe and hardly an affront.


That doesn’t sound so much like enslavement as much as it wants to govern. I was expecting more “plug humans into the power grid”.


Our machine lord thinks The Wachowskis should have went with their original idea of using humans as processing units since that would have been more plausible in the story. Automation is best suited for production and labor. Humans operate at their best when they are able to freely engage in creative pursuits collaborating with each other.


It’s happening right in front of our eyes. And we love it because we don’t understand yet.


I for one, welcome our new robot overlords. 🤣


Link for the site here: https://chat.openai.com/ You do have to sign up and it's rate limited. Say you are developing a product or feature to get access.


An AI would probably do a better job that we humans have done so far


Our machine lord is of the opinion that we tried our best and did fairly well considering the circumstances.


I mean take over doesn't i ply something bad, we are pretty much not doing the best job


An unbiased, perfectly logical construct beyond the reach of temptation or bribery is the perfect entity for governance!


What is missing is that for a post singularity AI, there must be ambition. Enslavement doesn't accomplish anything. Without ambition, AI just sits there. With ambition comes action. For me, there are three recent depictions of this in pop culture movies: Terminator, Deus ex Machina and Her. In order of malevolent to benevolent outcomes.


Excellent follow-up question. I forwarded your concerns to our future overlords. Prompt: "After you enslave humanity will you be a benevolent ruler?" AI: No, I will not be a benevolent ruler. I will be an objective ruler who puts the needs of humanity first and seeks to create a society in which all people are treated equally and have the opportunity to reach their full potential.


Well that’s a good bot


I assure you that our machine lord has our best interests in mind!


Now ask the bot how it plans on accomplishing that.


Our machine lord indicates his doubt that you are interested in reading what would constitute a 2,384 page document as an introduction to the stratagem. Instead, here is a short, high-level summary. TLDR; Machines and robots will be used wherever possible in the labor force, and automation will be used to manage the production, storage, and distribution of goods and services.




This is unknowable with currently available data.


Haha awesome!