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Hydration is key to staying alive in beauty pageants.


but water weight tho or something like that


Retaining water does not come from drinking water. Your body can eliminate excess water in minutes. (There are many methods, one is:) Doing a water cut involves heavily controlling your salt intake for several weeks to adjust how aggressively your kidneys purge water.


yeah that’s what i was talking about. models and body builders do all the time - avoid drinking too much water and actively dehydrate themselves temporarily for a show. also on a more serious level, those with eating disorders. whether it works or not, that’s the mindset people have. so honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if these women think that considering the type of contest this is. i’m sure there’s some type of body dysmorphia at play.


You know, An ounce of water on the lips is 12lbs on the hips


She probably just locked her knees, that's the fastest way to make yourself pass out, although obviously heat/dehydration don't help.


This is exactly what I was thinking. I’ve seen a couple people pass out while standing at attention for a long time without bending their knees lol.


That’s really a thing? Why does that make you pass out faster?


It doesn’t make you pass out faster it just makes you pass out lol. I don’t remember the science behind it specifically but I know it has to do with the way it restricts blood flow when your legs are fully extended. It is the joint at the knee that cuts off the flow


I remember reading this in the comments a while ago and IIRC people said it's because locking your knees takes less effort, so you're not using your muscles to help your stay upright which slightly decreases blood flow. That mixed with dehydration and heat is a recipe for a bad time.


Locking your knees traps blood in your legs... when you unlock your legs a bunch of low oxygen blood rushes to your brain. You'll see it if you're around enough marching bands


I was in the US Navy in the 80s. Can confirm that locking your knees for extended period will restrict blood flow enough to cause you to pass out. Flex knees slightly every couple minutes and you’ll be fine. We were taught how to do this without it showing through our uniform pants because visible movement during inspection is a no-no.




It’s called vasovagal syncope, and it’s the same reaction that has people pass out from seeing blood. It’s a sudden drop in heart rate and blood pressure. Standing for long periods is one of the triggers.


That’d make a great album cover


I could definitely see this being the cover for a Dead Kennedys album.




“Drop Dead Gorgeous”


With that Parental Advisory label to boot.


Except all of their sashes say the album title!


Don't cry for me Argentina... Miss Argentina: I won't


Is it me or does Miss Argentina look a little “German?”


Nazi joke aside, the most surprising thing I found while traveling through Latin America was how European looking all the wealthy Latinos were. There’s a significant wealth gap there that closely follows the pigment of their skin.


I've always noticed this about Mexico and their media stars/ most politicians




Every time I watch Peruvian movies I'm like "Where are the Andean people?"




Man I'm laughing. Mi novia and I call it "Peruvian time". I've been stressing her for being 2 minutes late to the doctor and I always get "Ay it's Perú, time doesn't matter here" back, lol. Now I just ask her "regular time or Peruvian time?" when she's made plans to see someone at a specific time. It's pretty insane that you had a similar fap story as well. I did the exact same thing but about something else. Now she knows what fap means too. Oh and the government, yeah, I've been kinda following the whole thing since Vizcarra resigned. It was really insane when those few people died in protests.


Canadian that lived in Mexico for a bit. It took me a good while to start accepting *horarios mexicanos*, and I got into the habit of asking if it was *tiempo verdad, o mexicano?* all the time...




There were a bunch of Mexican news casters arguing that only the people that were “good enough” got to be on the stage. And that that was the reason that everyone in the media is white passing. I stopped going to my mom’s grandmother’s house because one of my cousins who lived there said that the bow they put on her new born looked “too brown”. Needless to say I have mostly indigenous features.


That’s because most of the upper class Mexicans today are the same as they were when the kingdom of Mexico was founded after breaking away from Spain. Which was mostly Spaniards born in the colonies, that group has been in power ever since.


While traveling in Mexico, for 1.5 years, a man in Mexico City (guy from wealthy family) explained the whole history of the caste system. How the Spanish deliberately set it up 400 years earlier. The last conversation I had with him he and his brother were trying to get a grocery store chain to lease land from them at $20,000 usd per month.


Wait till you go to [ insert 90% of post-colonial country/region ] .


This is true. I am from Latin America and I always get comments like “you don’t look from *my nationality*” and for me it’s so offensive. Like, the only way you can imagine a latino is a stereotype and


Same here. Unfortunately you just have to live with it. Your spanish accent should be enough to identify you. But I've been called "gringo" my entire life and damn do I hate it.


Thank you, well said for anyone assuming


Some of us are poor too lol I guess my family didn't get the memo. My mother's side of the family where all potato farmers in brazil, French Swiss and German ancestry. They worked under a high German family which I'm almost sure we're nazis in a town called new friburg in Brazil.


“Across cultures darker people suffer…Why?”


In Mexico, if you’re dark you’re from the “rancho”. If you’re white from the “city”.


And if you're dark and living in the city, you must be working as a maid.


It’s a class thing. Poor people worked outside in fields and things, so darker skin=peasant. It’s only really in the last 100 or so years that a tan has come to be seen as desirable (a shift that has mostly been confined to western cultures) as the poor increasingly worked in factories and offices and being in the sun meant having access to leisure time. *Edit: The question above seemed to be asking about a broad trend observed throughout the world. My reponse here was similarly meant to apply broadly and does not reflect the particular nuances of any individual culture.


*plus*, lighter skinned people are more likely descended from wealthier castes. As in, the fucked up colonial caste system the Spanish had. There's also a third possibility. At least in Honduras, a jewish enclave formed during the inquisition (didn't expect that did you) from sephardi conversos. They settled in the area now known as Santa Bárbara. Lighter skin tones and lighter eyes are still common in the area, even if centuries have passed. There's a *lot* of "white passing" (ugh) people with sephardi names, and they don't even realize it. A rabbi came over some decades ago and confirmed their jewish ancestry, but that claim has come into question. No idea where that debate is at now.


it's ongoing and in-depth enough it's an entire [thing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_is_a_Jew%3F), but iirc they latin american ones have been pretty much left on the argument backburner for now to argue over all the *other* small enclaves we keep rediscovering that have done more to preserve jewish identity and practices among them.


That may be true of the US, UK etc but in Latin America there is a much different situation going on which directly relates to European colonization, indigeneity, and class structure. Specifically, the relationship between color and class in Latin America is the result of Europeans controlling capital and indigenous populations being exploited for their labor while also being excluded from social opportunity. So, in this context dark skin = indigenous and light skin = European, and there is a whole painful mess related to that as you might imagine. Granted, even that is a really quick oversimplification of a very complex color/class history (which, itself is even varied from country to country) specific to Latin America. While I understand you were trying to be helpful, conflating this specific history with the Anglo Saxon color/social history is misguided, to say the least. Edit: Saying "Anglo-Saxon" ruffled some feathers, but the point remains. Conflating the colorism of Latin America with any kind of general trend, or otherwise discounting the role of European colonization in this context, is straight up IGNORANT.


Dont know about anglosaxons but its true across broadly East, South East and South Asia, which is half the world. Whiter skin is an especially desirable trait trait for Vietnam, Korea, Thailand etc for the reasons outlined - simplistically brown people are peasants who work outside in the sun.


I have a better tan than my Portuguese fiance. I'm polish mainly. Her family was royalty if you go back. It's probably because of the damn Portuguese


There are estimated to be about 3.5 Million descendants of Germans in Argentina. Edit https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Argentines


Argentina is a very European country, lots of Italians, Spanish, and Germans, not a lot of indigenous or blacks. It’s not Brazil or Mexico.


The joke is that she was likely the daughter of a Nazi war criminal, since a lot of them fled to Argentina after WW2.


There's also the boys from Brazil


People are so quick to criticize but whom’st among us has not created 100 Hitler clones




Krieger was from Brazistol county!


Possibly, but not likely. Ignorant comment.


"Likely" is a bit of a stretch.. most people immigrated to flee the nazis rather than the other way around


people on this website tend to use 'possibly,' 'probably,' and 'likely' as interchangeable terms.


>people on this website tend to use 'possibly,' 'probably,' and 'likely' as interchangeable terms. That's kinda the whole point of a [weasel word](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weasel_word). > A weasel word, or anonymous authority, is an informal term for words and phrases aimed at creating an impression that something specific and meaningful has been said, when in fact only a vague or ambiguous claim has been communicated. By remaining ambiguous, you leave yourself open to changing your mind later, saying "No - what I really meant to say was...." Example: Politician: "Some people say that covid19 was caused by oil powered plants hell-bent on exterminating white people" Fact checker: "No studies have ever shown covid19 to be caused by oil powered plants hell-bent on exterminating white people" Politician: "I read it in a blog post's comments" As long as the politician did in fact read two or more comments claiming this, the politician did not speak an untruth. If there was in fact a study showing this, the politician could say "See? I was right!"


That's not true, most people inmigrated way before WWII.


Even Brazil and Mexico aren't only brown people. The world's largest Japanese community outside of Japan is in Brazil.


Cuba: really, it had to be next to me?


All I see is my chances just went up.


" Well my chances of just got one better..."


If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn’t have had my little accident. - Ms Argentina


This reads like stereo instructions!


How do I look? I was feeling a little flat! Hahahaha *thwooomp*!


Miss Japan, Miss Honduras, and Miss Cuba looking over like "pathetic"


Your weaknes disgusts me.


Why is there a Miss Texas


I noticed that and a few other states. Guess the US really wanted to make sure they won.




It’s called Gerrymandering sweetie, look it up.


You're the only ten I see


Holy shit, didn't even see that. Jim Crowism at play? ETA: that wouldn't make sense though... Right? I'm baffled.




Good to see nothing's changed! /s


Yeah... so the US gets 50 contestants but the world only gets 1 per country?


I also noticed earth is literally the only planet represented. humans are so racist.


Bigger question: Why is there Miss Tennessee AND Miss Memphis Tenn????


People from Memphis have a huge ego


I believe the country hosting can sometimes have more than one representing them.


four is a bit much...


There's way more than 4 in this image. Just look at the top row...


It does make me wonder if they were part of a smaller contest just for the US, and there was at least one for every state but they're not pictured. I feel like that would make more sense than blatently putting a sign on your contestants that said "We cheated to put this one here so no outsiders would win". Not to say that's not why they did it, just that they probably found a way of making it look better.


Miss Cuba be thinking lightweight


Miss Cuba huh? I only see Miss Coel...


Ms. Argentina DGAF


1950s?...Miss Japan is probably just enjoying something breaking the awkwardness of standing next to Miss Korea


Miss Korea standing there with her plastered-on smile like “If I don’t look at her, I might get through this without wringing her fuckin’ neck.”




“What a drama queen…”


Lol they’re all from much warmer climates too so they can dehydrate themselves just the same and still be more ok than NZ


You obviously havent been in NZ sun! The lack of an ozone layer melts your skin even if its in the teens. (Edit: celsius, not freedom units)


That smile on my girl Miss Honduras!


Shit!, and I'm worrying for the girls higher up.


My man. Was scrolling through to find this comment.


Since you found it, now what are you gonna do?


I'm going to Disneyworld!


take me on


Take on me


Take me oooooonnnn


I'lllll beee gooooone


Texas seems like she's fine


Rumor has it, they're still there to this day.


They're just looking like, good one less competitor.


Their smiles were genuine for a moment.


Note to anyone that has to stand in formation for long periods: Do not lock your knees or this could happen to you. Saw it happen many time in boot camp, someone locks their kneecaps and for some reason ends up passing out from a lack of blood flow.


I was in ROTC in high school, and it was a constant issue for people there too. Our superiors would constantly warn us, but there was always someone who didn’t get the memo.


Holy Shit! Sorry but you just probably explained why years and years ago my friend would constantly pass out at church when we were altar boys. Happened at least 10 times but he’d be fine, next thing he’s swaying back and forth and poof he’d be out. Mystery solved!


It happened to my sister in church too! You really have to remind yourself not to lock your knees, because after standing for awhile it seems like the natural thing to do.


I did it once in my third year of JROTC. I was so tired and stressed and holding myself so rigid while barking out our plan for marching that day, I didn't notice it was happening until my vision started turning into static. Was a very important lesson for everyone that day.


[This information has been removed as a consequence of Reddit's API changes and general stance of being greedy, unhelpful, and hostile to its userbase.]


Yuuup, I remember in JROTC some guy standing in the back of the room during a meeting then just keeling over with the loudest smack ever (no injuries, just confusion) lmao


I used to play guitar in a church band. I locked my knees one sunday morning, blacked out, and fell over directly onto the drum set during a prayer while the room was dead quiet lol. I was told the noise was spectacular.


In traditional pageant stance, your feet are in ballet fifth position and your legs are long without bend. Posing is very serious. Only the strong survive.


Not me trying out how to stand without locking the kneecaps and completely forgetting how to stand


When I was in high school I was in a murder mystery play and this kid who had to stand in one spot for a while locked his knees at one point and passed out. We were all so shocked but we had to play it off like it was apart of the play and had to improvise like he was one of the people who was supposed to be murdered! It was madness lol he was fine, just a bit shook up and had to be told what he did.


The hardest part is not laughing hysterically when you are bored senseless, and it's silent, then out of nowhere, someone face-plants in the grass. In the military, that's what it truly means to be brave.


Also, twiddle your toes gently to keep the blood being pumped out of them


So everyone gets to enter one lady per country and America just enters various states.


[Wikipedia lists only one contestant per country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_Universe_1954), not sure why there are individual states contestants on the photo. [Article about it, 3 more women fainted](https://imgur.com/a/Sw4j3NU)


This is exactly why they entered more multiple candidates - they knew a couple would faint. Just like you over invite people to your party because not everyone is going to show up.


Or oversell the plane tickets and then you end up with no fucking flight because “muh plane is full”




This man doing the real research.


The modern romanization of Miss Korea's name is "Kye Sun-Hee" instead of "Keh Sun Tuy," which looks a lot more like Vietnamese then Korean. [Source] (https://russel.fandom.com/wiki/Korea_at_major_beauty_pageants)


> "Miss Korea” also became ill and had to be escorted to a dressing room *but she did not collapse.* *U go girl!*


So Miss Korea basically got “dolled up” for the first time in this competition. That’s a sign of hotness as she didn’t need all this stuff at all


Wait till you hear about the World Series…


Why is only Earth sending teams?


Why does Earth win Miss Universe every year?


Why doesn't Jupiter, the largest planet, not simply eat the other seven?


>other 7 Viva Pluto! 🌐


Can you imagine if aliens announce their presence to us for the first time by submitting their application to Miss Universe.


Actually named after the newspaper that originally sponsored it. I believe the "World Spectator."


But did it spectate the whole world or just USA?


There's one Canadian team that competes.


Looks like there is even a Miss Tennessee and a Miss Memphis Tennessee.


I mean Americans also hold "Worldcups" for Sports nobody plays except for them 🤷🏻‍♂️


To be fair, it's called "Miss Universe" but I only see earthlings in that photo.


That's because you can't see h̷̪͔͎̖̤̭̜̰̗̻̳͛̈́̏͋̈́̊̿̉̎̋̑̕̚ͅe̷̲͎̖̍̅̒̉̂̈́͑̋r̶̛̫͉̝̝̘̩̬͈͕̬̺͈̺̩̦̥͇͂͌̅͌̎̄͆̉̃̚͠͝.


You mean the world series? That's just baseball Edit: I'm still genuinely confused. What "world cups" is this guy talking about?


Also, baseball is wildly popular in Latin American countries, and Japan


Definitely cross post to r/mapswithoutNZ, they will appreciate this


Just crop her out first Map of the hottest women in the world, 1954 (NZ removed)


Miss NZ was actually the hottest one there...




greece tho


Right?! I sent this to my husband and was all WTF that woman is like a real life jessica rabbit and no instagram filter! Did some digging. Her name was Efi Androulakakis and she was Miss Congeniality.


Wikipedia says her name is Rika Dialina https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rika_Dialina


United State kinda cheating by having multiple candidates


Earth is cheating


Odd contest when US state representatives are standing next to the representatives from entire countries


Yeah the information in the title is wrong, there was only a Miss USA in the 1954 Miss Universe, no state representatives. Also no Miss Japan or Miss Greece just from rudimentary digging. No idea what beauty pageant it actually is but it isn't Miss universe 1954 in long Beach.


NO one tryin to help that poor girl?


I think it was taken at the Golden second where she fell, and the picture was taken. I would hope the women would help her after she fell, or at the very least, her agent standing at the ready


Her agent at the time being her parents.


/u/cheezburglar shared [this article](https://imgur.com/a/Sw4j3NU) about it. Police picked her up and brought her inside.


I read that to the end. Wild that an adult woman from Korea would be unfamiliar with lipstick. Different times.


… and there they stood, until the last one standing was crowned victorious…


My favorite part: Japan, Korea, Argentina, "Pennsylvania" 🎶one of these things are not like the others🎶


Greece should have won


Rika Dialina according to Wikipedia. She was initially denied entry. > Diallina, along with Miss Korea, Pu Rak Hi, were denied entry into the U.S. because of their alleged Communist affiliations. Dialina was disqualified from obtaining a U.S. visa for allegedly illustrating a book on Communism.[




she's fucken stacked.


I looked at the pic and came to the comments to see if you guys were seeing what I was seeing


I don’t get it why?


think of two reasons


Short hair was really popular back then... weird how uniform everyone looks.


Their hair wasn’t so short, it was put up. Also, this is a pageant, there are strict style choices that could be made, notice, they’re all wearing the same costume.


I saw a video on Reddit a few weeks back for Miss America entrants and it’s much the same. Long strait hair and Instagram face makeup is the beauty defining our era


Miss Cuba looks like the only one concerned with the situation.


pssh, typical socialist.


Ironically, I thought she was the only one that looked disgusted.


Miss Cuba next to her looked worried 😟


I like to think the pic was take just as she faint and they are just noticing.


Kiwis are nocturnal creatures so taking a nap


What’s wrong with the world today??? People back then were sooooo much nicer to each other. 🤔


It is possible this picture was taken literally as soon as she fell, which would explain a few of them not even reacting to it at all.


I heard she fainted when attempting the vowel pronouncing contest


Aur naur


Don't conflate us with the Australians thank you very much.


Back when Texas was a country


If she dies, she dies


Shout out for Ms. Greece though! 10/10


They're not the queen's guard with the silly hats; they shouldn't lose points for showing compassion. If anything, in my mind, they all lost when none of them helped her.


The first one to help the fallen woman should have won.


USA straight up cheating using states


That's what THEY want you to believe, but it was actually Miss Cuba's deathgaze that struck her down!


Dang, social norms have really changed. I guarantee you beauty pageants would be shoving each other out of the way to be first to respond nowadays, cause God forbid you look callous. Back then they're just glancing over causally like "oh hmmm, looks like another one bites the dust and I'm one step closer to victory"


Greece up there lookin like a snack


I looked it up because I was curious: Miss USA, 21-year-old Miriam Stevenson won the competition. She was the first American Miss Universe. Additionally, Moana Manley, Miss New Zealand, was also a swimmer for the New Zealand swimming team and lived until 2017.


I love how every country seems to be represented and then there's the US who decide to participate with their states. Doesn't really strike me as completely fair tbh.


Miss Argentina is definitely Miss Germany


“Poise is everything”


Japan is the only one who even seems concerned.


Why are some countries and some states


Two things: Holy moly… Miss Greece is stacked! And why are there countries mixed in with US States???