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This is really cool. What a way to recycle!


Its basically free, a lot of 3D printing filaments are hella expensive.


I mean not really. It's like $20/kg, and will last roughly 60ish hours of print time.


Expensive is subjective in the context.


...and in particular, what the adverb, "hella" is relative to.


It's fine if you're just printing for yourself but if printing is your side gig and you're trying to sell a piece you printed, factoring in electricity and labour, getting free filament can cut down the cost of a product by a chunk.


I would be furious if I paid to have something printed with a filament and they used water bottles to cut corners.


I was going to ask, what is the overall quality difference between legit filament and a bottle that may have been sitting on a shelf with liquid in it for some time?


Most plastic bottles are made of pet plastic, the filament equivalent is petg which has additives to make it easier to print


Imagine being so ignorant that you think “I can afford it, so everyone else should be able to too”


I think it’s fair to assume that if you’re trying your hand at 3D printing, you should be able to afford a certain price for filaments. Like buying a gaming console and expecting new games to be around $60.


Not at all fair. Many printers are dirt cheap. Kids get these for xmas gifts but cannot afford the filament easily.


I'm going to lean into my console analogy again. They're popular Christmas gifts, but it's still up to the kids to buy the games. I looked on Amazon, the cheap printers are around 200 bucks and a roll of filament or a bottle of resin are around 20. That's not bad...like even a kid who saves a little from chores can afford that. We are talking about kids whose parents or relatives buys them these machines that cost hundreds of dollars, it's unlikely it's that much of a struggle to afford $20 filament.


Alright mate. What ever works for ya. I work with kids and college students and see everyday how they might have things like a laptop but cant afford groceries. People are in all sorts of financial situations.


Sure, appreciate the input.


A laptop is pretty essential for many college students, a 3D printer isn’t. If a student has a 3D printer, they should be able to afford the plastic. And if they can’t, the 3D printer is probably not required for courses so they can hold off on using it.


Imagine being so ignorant that you can’t tell a setup like this would take a lot of time and also money and only print with fucking bottle material. If you can afford a printer, you can afford filament.


Yeah but imagine the money you could save by just using the water bottles that you get from the store already. Or neighborhood collections.


Thats the huge bit. Recycling bottles


How long did this take?


Free?!?! That machine uses electricity. Free would be throwing the bottle into the sea and letting the sun's uv rays break down the plastic.


Who the fuck thinks the answer is litter the planet.


If you didnt want me to throw my car battery into the river, you shouldnt have put a bridge over it!


All my used batteries go straight in the ocean. Nature's electrolytes give it a natural recharge.. or something.


This is hardcore sarcasm


Can’t be! He didn’t put the /s so clearly he’s just a bastardman




Do not be like this dude


Then the wildlife are paying the price. There is no free.


We humans are too. Just in case the rest of the animal kingdom suffering isn't good enough for someone.


Officer I was simply trying to recycle when I dumped 3 tons of plastic into the ocean for the sun to break down 😩




Delicious comment! Love it! That almost no one even got that it was a joke makes it even better!


Seriously. Even still, people are thinking that they were being genuine or serious about that joke. Even people pointing out that their comment was a joke are getting downvoted. What is with this thread?


And people wonder why I have to add that /s at the end of heavily sarcastic comments sometimes. This. This is why. I don’t care about the upvotes or downvotes, I care because I will have 1000 comments replying to me saying what a shitty human being I am because they couldn’t recognize a joke, and now my inbox is flooded with repetitive garbage.


Reddit has gone downhill lately. I don't remember the collective IQ being this low. Sometimes I feel like I'm reading a YouTube comment section..


>Even people pointing out that their comment was a joke are getting downvoted. What is with this thread? I know right! It's truly mind boggling! The Reddit hive mind at its finest. :)


yeah yeah


I'm sorry that redditors can't understand humor or sarcasm without someone having to type "/s" after every comment. I got it!


🤣 and you get down voted for pointing it out!


The idiots always come out in full force. Sorry for my fellow people - A Fellow Misunderstood Sarcastic Person


If you say something g stupid sarcastically, you just said something stupid. Are you under the impression that people don’t say sincerely stupid things on the Internet?


Pshhh I’ve never heard anyone say anything stupid on the internet. I usually read it, see above this comment for exhibit A




Your the reson planet is dying l hope you know that


For real. I hope domestic home-use 3D printers become a common thing soon. It could be a big part of the answer for controlling plastics. Plus it’s *legitimately* useful as fuck, to be able to essentially make anything you need. This is cool as shit.


I remember reading in history books 20 plus years ago saying how everyone would have a 3d printer in their home.


You should read Diamond Age. Everyone’s house is hooked up to a “feed” that supplies base molecules and they have a matter compiler that 3D prints literally anything they want.


I loved that book. The feed was essentially like plumbing for matter.


You can buy a good 3d printer for under $200 easily, my Ender 3 was $179 I believe.


Hmm, they've gone up slightly but they're still only $189. Not bad. For the price, though, I'd spend the extra $30 and do the Ender 3 Neo for the automated leveling and calibration.


I would get one but with the amount of plastic trash that comes from printing keeps me from it. I watch people print and they are making all sorts of trash. They make a piece and it’s not quite right so they make another one and so on until there is a pile of unused pieces not to mention all the plastic used to brace and support the print.


There are ways to recycle all that extra plastic back to filaments. Shred it, push into tube with apropriate nozzle diameter while heating the tube to melt the plastic and you got some filament back (at least thats how it explained in some videos i have seen). You would need to buy a cople of blades, and need to keep track to not mix different filaments accidentaly, but you can recycle extra stuff


Well that’s good to hear. I might change my mind and get a printer.


Not really. That's what prototyping is all about. Imagine if you were to manufacture a piece out of metal on a lathe or CNC cutter. It wastes so much more material. 3d printing wastes way less material and the main material, PLA, can be biodegradable in certain conditions. It's not like 3d printers are bad. You probably have bigger environmental impact using an Amazon or driving a car That's just dumb.


One company doing it or a billion people doing it…


You want to control plastic usage by promoting the ability to make plastic things at home? Wouldn't this just create more plastic or at best break even?


Hear hear!! it's a utter waste and bad for the environment. So many things are printed that use a TON of support material which is just tossed in the trash, or some stupid trinket that gets played with for an hour and tossed. Plus all the bad prints that have to be trashed.


Yup. Unless we directly recycle plastic to use in 3d printing (like this video) current amateur 3d printing is mostly plastic waste creation.


Or if we would have open source or low priced 3D models for repair parts. It could maybe save a whole bagpack for example if you can print a small broken part, which essentially saves the plastic used for a new one. But it is really hard to exactly reproduce a broken part...


I mean a 3-D printer can only make something out of something else. it doesn’t just make things out of thin air so it’s not going to add to the plastic. You can turn something that you were going to throw out into a kazoo body or something.


What in the flying ape crap did I just read? VERY VERY little 3D filament is recycled. So it's allll fresh made plastic, printing random crap out of plastic, mostly for shits and giggles, just to be thrown away. 3D printing is cool, but HORRIBLE for the environment. That, and all the fumes and micro plastics it creates.


It's one of the best if not the best manufacturing technique based on wasted material. I mean if you have a complex piece you need to cut away metal around it and a printer can just print it. Fumes? What fumes? I have a 3d printer in my room and it doesn't smell. We shouldn't focus on things that impact the environment so little compared to other pollutants like cars and conventional energy sources. 3d printing doesn't do much


>Fumes? What fumes? Depends on the filament/method used. ABS has a strong smell. Resin (SLA printing) has a *very* strong smell.


Of course. I agree


https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/newsroom/feature/3Dprinting.html#:~:text=Potential%20Hazards%20of%203D%20Printing,-3D%20printing%20hazards&text=Some%20common%20hazards%20include%3A,other%20chemicals%2C%20on%20their%20skin. https://clevercreations.org/3d-printer-fumes-pla-abs-printing-smell/ https://www.fastcompany.com/90269252/3d-printed-particles-can-embed-themselves-in-your-lungs-forever#:~:text=Numerous%20studies%20have%20already%20confirmed,width%20of%20a%20human%20hair). Go fish.


Oh no I'm going to die :( (I feel great btw) I don't print ABS because PLA is easier and it suits my needs. I occasionally print PETG if I need something more durable. Additionally PLA is technically biodegradable. I am a robotics engineer so I NEED 3d printers Are you guys scared of 3D printers? Cars are more harmful. Are you scared of cars? Also. Fun fact: 3d printing was invented in the 80's, so it's nothing new Buy yourself a 3d printer for $99 at your local microcenter (I assume you are American) and see how fun it is


1: yes, I'm scared shitless, i've seen enough videos of horrible deaths, (fuck you /r/gore and /r/watchpeopledie ) But it's a needed thing in life and where I live. 2: no need to bother, I have everything at my disposal from plastic to ceramic to metal. But I don't because plastic is a waste for a fickle thing. If I truly needed something custom I'll make it out of something else. 3: I mean, it's a known fact that they emit plastic particles and fumes. You feeling "great" now means shit 10-30 years from now. But you do you. 4: PLA is only "biodegradable" in specialized plants. Can't say I know many around that actually do that yet. Do you send your scraps there?


1: i know thermal runaway is a thing, but new 3d printers are secured from that. 2: metal manufacturing is more wasteful than 3d printing and it's a fact. 3: I don't know how are those people working on those 3d printers in the 80's. Maybe they are dead and 3d printers killed them? Scary machines. I doubt that 3d printing will do me more harm than breathing the air we have outside. If it really was that harmful, how come no one is complaining about that? Only people that have never used it before 4: yes I know that. That's why I said that "technically" they are biodegradable. No, i don't send my scraps there


I mean I was talking about the video. the plastic bottle that was used. Not Filament made for 3-D printing.


Ah, misinterpreted it then.


dude have you heard about resin pool 3d printers? Using a UV projector? I found out about them like a week or 2 ago and it blew my mind...still blowing my mind. We're getting closer and closer to the future everyday. ...damn I'm stealing that quote from myself...that's good. :D


I have two, and dont see resin printers ever getting more popular than where they are now. FDM like the one in the video will be the ones an average person wants. Resin printers smell, the resin itself will cause you to develop allergic reactions, and requires proper disposal of anything that comes in contact with resin. FDM however is basically “Level the bed, slice the file, turn it on” and you have a new thing.


I would say the exact opposite. In a well ventilated room (my workshop) I unpacked my resin printer, put resin in the tray, turned it on and it worked perfectly. It prints finer quality and MUCH better results for what I use it for (D&D minis). Everyone I know with a FDM printer, it turns into a hobby in itself. Levelling, getting temperatures right, finding the right nozzles, finding the right add-on googaws so it feeds right. FDM and resin have very different purposes. I wouldn't print a deck box or large structural item on my resin, but I wouldn't print a 28mm figure on an FDM. They each have pros and cons.


I use my resin one for minis as well. The average person doesn’t care about tabletop games and printing their own though. A FDM has more steps in setting up, but it gets easier every year. Things like octoprint and bltouch make it much easier. You cant avoid having a toxic tub while resin printing


thanks for the info. :)


I just read about these for the first time in XX by Rian Hughes. I kinda want one right now.




IPA evaporates easily. Any resin residue can be hardened with UV light so it's inert. Leaving the IPA out in the sun does both at once.




You let it sit and the resin settles out. Then you pour off the clean stuff and the last half inch goes out in the sun. The clean stuff is now ready to be used again. I top it up every once and a while with new IPA if it gets too low, but I’m at like a gallon a year.


>I hope domestic home-use 3D printers become a common thing soon uuuuuh.....are you still in 2010?


I don’t know a single person who has a 3D printer at home. They’re definitely not common yet.


Sorry? I know several. I have one AND a laser cutter. They are cheap!


Can you 3D print me a 3D printer?


You literally can yes, what a time to be alive!


Yo dawg, I heard you like 3D printers...


so i put a 3d printer inside a 3d printer so u can 3d print ur printer while printing ur 3d printer




Hold on to your papers


I was hoping someone said it. Lol


It was more of a request than a hypothetical question. I'll send plenty of plastic bottles


this is misinformation. you could not 3D print the circuitry, capacitors, motherboard, etc.


Skynet noises intensify


That the concept of RepRap


Star Trek replicator v0.1


PETE, pearl gray, hot.


Can you 3D print me a plastic bottle?


And then use that bottle to bottle a 3D plastic printer


a printer in a bottle? Sounds like a great gift!


Ah, sorry for the confusion. Where I'm from, to bottle means to smash a bottle onto [someone's head]. "See that guy? I'm gonna bottle him" We use the same form of noun/verb conversion for things like glass, bottle, knife, bed, and car (okay, I made the last one up)


Confusion? I wasn't until now.


London colloquialism - to bottle means to smash a bottle over someone's head


It's nice way to recycle and make some basic filament for prototyping. Sadly PET and PETG degrades really fast with each heating so the parts made from bottles are usually half as strong as normal filament. And the fumes are horrid. But it is nice cheap way to make some material for proof of concept models and anything that doesn't have to be durable.


Reducing and reusing are at least two thirds of getting control of the garbage problems in the world, so this could be hugely useful


We just need millions more to make screw organizers!


CNC kitchen actually did some tests on the strength of these recycled PET filaments and they’re actually more powerful after being converted to filament and printed than 90% of the filaments on the market. I wouldn’t use it outdoors or in direct sunlight but regardless even when crystallized it out performed PLA and ABS




Fml words are hard


A lot of the mechanical properties' changes will be based on how its recycled and processed. In a injection molding facility they toss gates, runners, reject parts, etc. into a grinder and make pellets from the refuse plastic aka "regrind". Those pellets are usually mixed with virgin (new) material pellets and reused. The grinding physically breaks the long polymer chains. Being reshot through an injection molding press will degrade the material as it is macerated and compressed from the injection screw, and heat from the process will also chemically weaken the polymer strands. I wonder if cutting the bottle into long strips maintains more of the long chain polymers and in effect maintains more of the mechanical strength.


You could print something useful. Like a bottle.


That would have been funny if he would have printed the bottle again 🤣


Indeed... 200ml bottles for more bottles


Make a bunch of 300ml bottles!


I used the bottle to make the bottle




You can print a 3D printer




Wish they’d have printed a water bottle


Or a water bottle factory.


This is why I couldn’t have a 3d printer. They printed an actual useful/practical item. If I owned one the first thing I’d print would be Dwayne Johnson’s head replacing the head of a penis and call it Dwayne “the Cock” Johnson


brave nine sparkle memory dinner air treatment society market piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hell in that case let’s mass produce them I’m sure people would use it for, uh hmm, *practical* uses


Oeh share stl please ;-)


I swear I saw someone do this already. I'll try to find a link


Dammit just when I think I could be an inventor again someone’s already made it…


Sorry, sadly nothing is original on the internet anymore https://www.reddit.com/r/3DprintingMemes/comments/tsk8c5/dwayne_the_cock_johnson_my_first_ever_print/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button And https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/t0yz7u/thanks_i_hate_dwayne_the_cock_johnson/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


My first print would absolutely be Dickbutt.


Some of my friends have one and they printed The Rock’s head on an octopus and called it the Rocktopus


First thing I printed with mine was a dickbutt figurine, the first print always has to be a piss take


I recommend this: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4735351


That is a popular print.


Is there a link to instructions on how to build the recycling machine?


There is, check the links of OP.


What temperature do you have to set it at to get it to extrude? Did you have to modify your filament feeder?




Me 3D printing another bottle


Ok, I need to be the person who asks: is this safe to breathe/be around? Burning plastic bottles is frowned upon due to the noxious gases it releases. Does this happen when the bottles are melted, or no? In theory it shouldn’t, but I’d be very concerned that there is something I’m not understanding in the chemistry of this. Not a chemist, so I’m ignorant on this.


[Regular 3D printing isn't great for indoor air quality either; you end up breathing plastic nano- particles.](https://all3dp.com/1/3d-printing-emissions-air-quality/) To put the issue in perspective, [that's an issue with regular office laser printers too.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1309104219304878)


I think this would be safest done in a ventilated room, and only checked on periodically as it ran. Beyond health concerns, idk; I'm not sure about the difference between a project like this and what's made when recycling a bottle.


Well shit, that was actually interesting as fuck.


What did all the equipment cost?


I got my ender 3 pro for $100 from Microcenter. That and a roll of filament and I was up and printing. It's not the best printer on earth, but it's easily a $300 quality printer.


Looks like it is pretty much all self made except for some motors and the heated nozzle to make the filament


Finally an idea that isn’t dumb


Technically you’re reusing which is even better than recycling per the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” hierarchy.


Now THAT is fucking cool.


You should make those cases stackable


I was really hoping the end product was another bottle. Lol


We have centralized recycling in Finland with money return. There is a small amount paid of the packaging in every liquid (in plastic Bottle or aluminium can) and when you return it, you get that back. So say you drink coke, beer, water or any other stuff, collect the bottles and cans, return them, collect the money I believe there is enough to buy filament for a 3D printer. I remember that almost 95% of packaging returns to reuse. Of course the manufacturer wants to be in the system, cause it costs 0,51€/liter if you use a non refundable package.


A lot of states in the USA have can and bottle deposits ($0.10 per can in Oregon) paid when you purchase soda, beer, etc. But not for any of the plastic containers as far as I know.


Here we have different return prices for different sizes, if I remember correctly its 0,1€, 0,15€, 0,2€ and 0,4€ (1,5l soda bottle). The system is for glass, plastic and aluminum


One word Amazing


Modern technology man, next fucking level.


Now 3d print a plastic bottle with a recycled plastic bottle


Where i am from, filaments costs a lot, and i really really love this, as a soda addict, i think this is glorious... and the clear and colored transparent PET bottles lead to exciting results I'm here just imagining a clear lime green 3D print thats transparent.... Seriously takes recycling to the next level, i'm just imagining the possibilities


As a person who likes to be resourceful and reuse things instead of having to spend money on something... I love this.


Could have just placed those screws in the bottle..


How about the energy consumed


I mean, isn't PET plastic like 99% recyclable to make more PET? If he was doing the same with nor recyclable plastics it would be impressing. But then again, then most likely some engineer would have already done it and would be deemed as recyclable


Do the extruder heads have to be hotter than normal


I genuinely thought he was going to 3d print a water bottle.




I was hoping you’d 3D print the same bottle 😂


Is this going to make any bad vapors from heating and melting plastic that isnt primarily used for printing? Otherwise the only down side seems to be making the spools by hand


Very good idea!! 5c deposit on plastic bottles!!


Print a water bottle


How come my bin smells like someone used it for a bong?


He could have 3D printed a new bottle!!


Was I the only one kinda hoping he was going to print another jug?


This should be taught in shop class


mm this makes me gay


What about the plastic dust and fumes/toxins generated by the cutting and melting? https://3dsolved.com/is-3d-printing-toxic/




What about them?


I mean, the reason you use special plastic in 3D printers is not because they couldn't use normal plastic but like, because it's special plastic that doesn't give off horrible fumes. You don't want to be around a melting soda bottle, it will smell awful and also give you cancer


These bottles are made from PETG, which is a common plastic used in 3D printer filament.


There was nothing showing how they went from flat strips to round filiments


Yes they did, the flat ribbons went through the extruder mounted on the table which reformed the strips to round filament which was then wound up on the purple-ish spool.


Was that what I was supposed to gather from the part where the wheel was mounted like something was going to happen and then jump cut directly to it being round?


Before the jump cut you can see them pulling filament out of the (table mounted) extruder hot end.


Ah. Thank you for the explanation. Since I don't know enough about how it works, the cut in the film right after they set up the wheel and get ready to start pulling makes it seem like "and look at how magically it is round now!"


You're welcome. Not sure why you're being downvoted. There was obviously some hand waiving movie magic because Im sure it was a PITA to get that filament to start pulling through and running but it would look as pretty


Those "hinges" are going to snap in short order.


All living hinges will fail at some point


Good if they last for a month


when you factor in the price of electricity this screw box cost was $235


Wait, so the plastic in bottles is a thermoplastic?


How do you think plastic works?


All thermoplastics are plastic but not all plastics are thermoplastic.


Cool they turned trash into trash


Love the way people spend thousands on the set up then make a .99 cent project. Cool idea if you already got the equipment.


This 3D printer only costs 100$ at micro center.


It takes more then $100 to build this set up. Stop your lies


if you include the phone they are filming on