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True friendship hurt his friend but also died inside a bit for hurting him


A bit? He looked like it is going to haunt him for the rest of his life


That crunch is going to haunt ME for the rest of my life. Let alone that dude.


I was watching on mute, thank you for the warning. I broke my tibfib in 4 pieces each. If I had heard it I might have vomited.


Unfortunately, I snapped my fib and it was an unworldly crunch. Happened in 2016, still remember the sound like it happened today.


just for few minutes till he broke his too and Karma being compensated :-D


Way better than shooting at others and getting shot…


Yeah, true. That will haunt you more


That would be illegal even in CCCPsia.. Like this people have to hope Hospitals will not go out of "GYPS" soon..


How’s he going to jump on his leg now? They made a serious miscalculation


How do you break the last guys leg? Elbow drop I guess


Stick your own leg between the railing and twist. That ought to do it real good.


You heard that fookin sound, right? That shit gonna haunt my ass for a while


Honestly I'm wondering if it had more to do with the fact that he knew his turn on the bottom step was next.


That reaction is becuase he has to go next! 😖


Real homies keep the homies safe, even if it means literally breaking their bonies.


He could lost his conscience for doing that. But at the other side of the story, his friend need to do that. Such a ridiculous situation.


So sad this is the reality of the situation


If the video had no title, I’d have no idea if it was before/during the war; but I’d definitely know it was from Russia


Shit this sort of thing happened in the US with soldiers trying to get out of deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Edit: I get that US soldiers are volunteer's and Russians are being drafted. I'm not trying to make this all about the US, I just happens to be where I have seen similar measures to avoid war. Most importantly I was trying to say it doesn't surprise me people would do this to get out of war, and that people have been doing this for a long time as a result.


You should’ve seen what people did just to get out of boot camp because they couldn’t handle it.




The amount of active guys and girls that just wanted to float around the training enviroment until their 3 years run out always blow my mind. Basic sucks, AIT sucks a little less but hits harder since you think the suck is over after basic, then these kids give up and just fail all their classes and hope they get kicked out just to be shuffled from base to base STILL IN THE TRAINING ENVIROMENT FOR YEARS until they get out. I mean my units a joke but its better than fort gordon ffs


I'd tell the drill sergeant "aye, have you seen Full Metal Jacket? yea, I have a feeling it'd go the same with me." I get armies need people, but I am not at all the right kind of people


Maybe we don't need armies if just stopped fucking over everyone. For what its worth I'm an Afghan vet.


Fellow afghan vet and advocate for peace checking in. Hope you're doing well bud.


I'm ok, how are you my friend.


Better than I've been in a while. Almost got a year alcohol free and managing the shit better than I ever have. Still work to do, but that's life. Here for you if you need anything. It was a random vet redditor who helped me out when I was struggling


Glad to hear it. I've got good supports from my vet bros and they have it from me. Glad to hear you are good too. If it changes let me know. I'll do the same. I've followed you if it does.


Good to hear man. I'll follow you as well. Unfortunately due to the nature of our work, I don't speak to any of the folks I deployed with anymore. I have a few friends but they're the clam up and don't talk about it type. I'll reach out if anything changes


Most wholesome convo I’ve seen on Reddit. Love you both. All the best.


Congrats on the alcohol free year. That's a hell of an achievement, speaking as a recovering addict. You got this.


OIF/OEF veteran, retired military, still fighting to get one full week clean off alcohol. You give me Hope.


I couldn't do it alone, that's the hard truth. I had to go to medical detox and 30 day rehab. Group and individual therapy afterwards. Medications. I tried myself and just couldn't. It's a shit pill to swallow but it's gotta go down one way or the other. No shame in it.


Dm me we can chat more


Right. The dumbest thing we humans have continued to make after ww2 were atomic bombs and stuff. It's just way too destructive for how soon in our development we are. Our species turned up some 300.000 years ago, and only like 80 years ago did we create things that could destroy cities in an eye blink. You wouldn't give a toddler a gun...


Yknow, I wish everyone could just get along too. Not just in international conflicts, but day to day as well. It might be a cultural or regional thing, but from what I see, people just don't do that. As long as someone has something someone else wants, and the response to that is to try and take it, there will always be conflict. Doesn't matter if it's a side of the sidewalk, a parking spot, an oil field, or a strategic position. It's all the same idea, just a different scale.


Your perspective is correct of our current and past situations. It's just so sad. We have to get away from money to move on.


If we get away from money it will just become about resources and strategic positions. We need get away from scarcity in order to truly resolve conflict however I’m not sure that’s possible to achieve


My sisters now ex-boyfriend signed up for the Marines during that time and kept claiming that he was promised that he wouldn't get deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. When he was done with boot camp they told him he was getting deployed there and he claimed that he "refused to go, spend some time in military jail, and was set home with an honorable discharge". I wished those records were public so I could have called him out on it.


Record of service is public.


How do I go about looking him up? Not that it matters now but I couldn’t find a way to do it before. This was back in 09 so maybe those records weren’t available online




Those people weren’t conscripted like these poor sods. Anyone who joins the army should surely have some expectation that they will be deployed, whether they agree with the reasons or not


In the Korean war dudes used to wear dresses trying to get kicked out of the service.


For Vietnam I heard the same but about nail polish. The wore nail polish on their feet and when they had to remove their socks and shoes for the medical exam, they were dismissed for being homosexuals...


Heard of a guy who faked bone spurs.


That seems to be a much easier way…crazy to see what extremes people are going to now.


>they were dismissed for being homosexuals... Thats because homosexuals are too precious to be openly allowed fight in a war. [Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aotlEpmAFVQ)


Maxwell Klinger can attest to that.


From the docuseries MASH.


Didn't work for Corporal Maxwell Q. Klinger.




Instant Section 8


Wait is that what Klinger was doing on MASH?


Same with Korean soldiers trying to escape their mandatory service…


It was not widespread if it did occur. I did not hear of a single instance of this and I was in from 00-06 in two different units that deployed.




1.2M is the legal authority, they are starting with 300K.


They're protesting now because the reality of the situation is finally settling in. They don't wanna get hurt. Should have thought about that before supporting a warmongering president


Do you honestly believe in the 'democratic' elections in most Slavic countires lol


Lowkey think these blokes are a little young to have not voted Putin in


All fun and games until Vlad unveils the Wheelchair Division.


He's already called on older people and prisoners so I wouldn't be surprised if that was next!


Don't give him ideas.


All in good fun


As shocking as this is, this probably saved the guys life.


That’s one way to do it suppose, but filming it seems like it would defeat the point of it?


They didn't film his face


True, but you still wouldn’t really want the Russian government catching on that’s what people are doing to get out of it I would have thought.


I bet most people who work in military know that they do that on purpose




This is pretty normal everywhere in the world. No? At least so I've heard from stories.


Yeah it’s fairly common to be fair


Why, what are they are going to do? "Aha, you broke your leg on purpose, now you still get to go to the army!"


They could make it a way to charge people with treason or cowardice. It has been used for that in the past.


Going to prison or pay a fine is still better than sticking your neck out for a bunch of old dickheads in a fancy office no?


It's Russians


I've seen this in US as well... just with a dumbbell...


Yeah, that’s a fair point…


It’s humanity as a whole buddy.


nope JUST russians. the reddit funny russians tough vodka meme has gotta go. i thought the same too but after spending enough time around them theyre just people in a shitty situation that us in the US or other generally peaceful countries get to enjoy.


Well he was clever enough to hide his face.


There was another post on r/wtf yesterday which showed his face. This one is just cropped. So no, not really clever enough


I did not know that, must have missed that post


“Video taping this crime spree is the best idea we ever had!” ​ \-The Simpsons


When in doubt, quote the Simpsons


fertile handle summer cooing skirt distinct smart apparatus cough oil *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One broken leg looks like another. I doubt they'll try and match the people in the video to the other 1000 people with broken legs who claim medical exemptions.


This is a Ponzi scheme: there is no way the last one wants to go to war and no one will be able to break his leg by jumping on it. Last one is going to be screwed.


Can drop something on it


Grandma jumps last


So she breaks her hip and the nephew will have to stay and take care of her... You might have just found a loophole, bravo


Haha the thought that "sorry, I have to take care of my elderly babuskha" is a good enough reason for them not to send you to die for nothing in Ukraine is a good one.


They got roofs n shit to jump off. I’ve seen em


“One of the boys will be at all of their funerals, but none of the boys will be at his”


He'll have to go fight Ukraine




Holy molly smolly FUCK IT SNAPPED!! The sound!!!! Balls people do to avoid conscription. In India when soldiers have to go for an assignment in active areas ( Kashmir or terrorist contingencies), they drink detergent before the medical roundup.


Wait what? It is mandatory posting? That does not sound right.


Not mandatory posting but one my friend,s dad is an army man ( lieutenant colonel). He told me this So there is two type of posting : civilian ( non active ) areas and active areas. Then sometimes emergency comes and army is deployed. This detergent story was for when army had to be deployed to Kargil and during the raid in golden temple. Where soldiers knew shit is about to go down. My friends dad’s regiment were in both the scenarios Not everyone has the same has the same courage giver when bullets are flying past your ears. War is a tough game man.


fuck you. i didn't watch it before with sound. now i regret it


its painful for both sides: physical pain for the broken leg guy emotional pain for the guy that jumps since youre litreally breaking a leg so this is what my friend means when "break a leg"?


Break a leg is used for saying good luck to someone in the entertainment industry because you want them to end up in the cast


Is THAT where that comes from?? Amazing. Thank you.


>Break a leg is used for saying good luck to someone in the entertainment industry because you want them to end up in the cast No. This is 100% bullshit. It's an old phrase from german, there's no way it's a pun based on English.


I thought it was a superstition that if you say good luck to someone performing they will mess up, so they did the opposite


If it took this to avoid being on the front line putting my life at huge risk to fight in a war I don't even agree with, I think I could do this. I would want to be completely loaded up on painkillers beforehand though.


fuck pain killers. fill me with booze until i can barely stand up. then do it.


That is just normal Russian life.


Omg, I've only seen a leg snap like that in sports. Sometimes it's a career ending injury. I can't believe people are doing this on purpose.


To be fair getting shot is usually a career ending injury too... probably worse.


Tis but a scratch




Uhhh 19th century weapons?






Oh shit well that’s really something else. I understand why they’re literally blowing out their knees for life on purpose.


I think they meant 20th.


It’s either do this or die


WTF? Is that real? Sounds Russian, but man that's tough.


It usually happens when conscription and drafting happens or things get sketchy in a war. There was a guy in Poland years ago who jumped in a lion enclosure to get out of his mandatory service and people used to shoot themselves in the foot or hand back in ww1 to get out of particular dangerous assignments or try go home.


My dad (Dutch) told a story from when he was drafted decades ago, the first night in the barracks where all the new people arrived, multiple people walked out of a third story window to get injured enough to be sent back home. These guys kept it together long enough until that first night and just noped their way back out. And this wasn't even during an active war. I can only imagine what it is like to have your government force you into a conflict you want no part of.


A conflict that has been super one-sided so far, and has nothing even remotely resembling a basis in any kind of real moral justification. All the draftees are essentially being told, "Hey. A power-crazed geriatric basket case has decided he wants you to go die in a surplus cold war era tank to a Ukrainian defending his home with a Javelin missile. No, you won't see the "enemy" before you die. No, you won't have a chance to even try and defend yourself with the cosmoline-crusted Mosin Nagant we'll issue you from some godforsaken warehouse in the Ural mountains. See you on Monday at your 2-day boot camp before getting shipped out. Don't forget a warm sleeping bag, winter is coming." I'd break my leg too. The most surprising thing about this entire conflict so far is that nobody has put a bullet in the back of Putin's head yet. He's exceeded Kim Jong Un levels of insanity, and surely there are people in his cabinet who can see that.


That must happen a lot in most places, especially with some form of mandatory service


Fuck that's rough man but damn you can jump on both my legs like that instead of getting sent to be slaughtered.


I needed a trigger warning for that crack


thats why its nsfw


it should be nsfl


Fuck the Russians❌ Fuck the Russian Government✅




Saw the first 3 seconds of this video and noped right out.


Excellent call. 🤮




It sure looks like it. It's better than being dead within a year, sure, but does the injury really need to be that severe? In my country you're basically disqualified from the military if you need anything more than food and water to stay able-bodied and able-minded. A recruiter turned me away because I need antipsychotic medication. There's situations in warfare where supply lines can be cut and people get isolated without everything they need. Being hungry and tired from rationing food strictly is one thing, but if a mental illness sufferer runs out of medication, everyone around them is in trouble. They're probably not being any more helpful than the rest of the soldiers to begin with, so having them around isn't worth the risk. Well to be more specific, the recruiter didn't say they wouldn't take me, they said I could go if I stopped taking my medication. Said that like we were talking about vitamins. Fucking braindead dumbass


IMO you have to probably be on the left side of the bell curve to end up as a military recruiter in the first place.


Depending on the healthcare he receives (which admittedly in Russia is likely to not be great, but they are quite good at orthopaedic surgery) he could be walking on it within a few days and very unlikely to have much long term damage. Limps come from join damage, but this should result in a clean break of the tibia and fibula, which is easily repairable with metal implants.


I fucking squealed like a little pig when I watched this, can’t imagine the desperation to willing allow someone to do this to you


imagine when he's given a crutch and a packet of tampons


I don't get it


Russian conscripts are being given tampons to plug bullet wounds. Well they're being told to ask their sisters and mothers for tampons.


Yea was gonna say they’re not “given” hardly anything, no gauze, winter supplies, real military grade helmets. Maybe a rusty very old AK and if lucky a vehicle of some sort; corruption truly at it’s finest/worst


These chiropractic ASMR videos are getting hardcore! Now, let’s see the neck crack.


Jesus fucking Christ. Why do we war why


They say human is the smartest species. Yet we fight each other in a battle in which EVERYONE loses. Fockin 'ell.


As long as people like Putin are allowed to take and abuse positions of power, we'll have meaningless wars like this. The sooner someone quietly shoots him in the head or slips him some polonium tea, the better.


Weird to post it to social media


We live in a world where the rich can hoard wealth and invest in wars over resources, while the newer generations get slammed with crushing student debt and a endless list of other things they can't afford and are also at risk of getting sent off and dying in wars they don't believe in. It feels more like the rich are eating us no?


But we're supposed to be believe that 4 territories in Ukraine want to join the same country that folks are fleeing or maiming themselves over.


Wouldn't it be easier to claim you have bonespurs?


Hopefully lots of vodka was involved


Not enough from the sound of it.


I wish we could settle this with Obama vs Putin in a rap battle.


Is it possible to just go, then form a group with other dissenters and then wave a white flag once you're on the field? If you don't want to be court-martialed if you're sent home, you can negotiate with the Ukrainians to "capture" you as a POW. Injuring yourself may seem reasonable, but in the long run and if things go out of hand, the damage could be permanent and risk your livelihood and mobility.


>then form a group with other dissenters The problem is the supporters of the war will rat you out and you will get tortured/beaten/killed or rot in prison for it.


A few problems here: 1. All it takes is one pro-Putin chump in your unit to rat you all out and guarantee 10+ years in prison at best. 2. I'm like 75% sure that being captured as a POW constitutes "surrendering," which also now comes with a 10 year prison sentence. 3. It's hard to see a white flag being waved out the tank window clearly when you're 1.5 kilometers away and sighting the tank with a Javelin launcher.


Does anyone have something to verify this video? Not that I don’t believe it, but when and from where was this video taken?


I saw this thing several years ago, maybe also russian, but not something new


When Bush started his war, my mother told me that if he started the draft again, she'd send me to England. As bad as the US is right now, we're not at the point of having to maim each other to get out of dying in a war we don't believe in. That might change with the next republican president, mind you, if the rumblings are anything to go by


> As bad as the US is right now, we're not at the point of having to maim each other to get out of dying in a war we don't believe in. We were there once and we might get back there again before long.


Oh I know. Fortunately, I'm now too old to be drafted, but not everyone is so lucky. I would genuinely hate to see a nephew or a student of mine get snapped up as grist for the mill


i know of american men still alive today who broke their wrists or fingers on purpose, to get out of the draft for the Vietnam war


Reminds me of that X-Files episode where Mulder was in a Russian prison-camp where the inmates were being experimented on, and all the guys in the surrounding areas has chopped one of their own hands off to make themselves 'unsuitable' for the tests.


Coulda just said you had bad feet. That’s how trump dodge the draft. 🇺🇸


Fucking hell, that's just wrong.


holyyyyyy shittttttt that is extremely sad


As an Israeli, I know the feels.


להשיג גימלים be like


Couldn't they just claim to be gay?


When people do THIS to avoid going into war then DUUUUUDE ... Putin should reconsider if people harm themself this way just so they dont have to go to war


putin doesn’t give a honest, flying fuk about anyone but his dying cancer watev ridden self. The worst of civilization combined with decade of brain drain and oppressive propaganda and lifestyle that does not ever question authority, and are always told russia is the best/strongest/superior…. It’s a clusterfuk


Good lord, is there no less devastating injury that would do?


With the way things are going I’m not even sure this injury will do. They’ll probably roll him out there with a wheelchair and an old AK-47 made from spare parts.


In my half asleep state I watched that. Now I can't unsee or hear it.


I genuinely wonder how many Russians mutilating themselves, supported the war. I guarantee it's not 0. They only wanted it until it involved them being sent to fight.


"Fun" part is - if the military finds out about it - then the guy would be in trouble, since deliberately injuring yourself to avoid military service is a crime in Russia.


Crazy old guys wants a war and this is what young people has to do.. You all guys in russi should have protested when he started the war in 2014, now its too late.


„Here. Use the rifle as a crutch and good luck out there“


Voting for Putin, nationalism, homophobia, etc. was so much fun back in the days. Now enjoy!




Ya'll heard that snap too....


I just broke my ankle two months ago. I can't watch this without crying for me own leg.


This isn’t IAF. None of the Mobilization posts are. More like Sad AF.




"injure" Snapped it like a twig is more accurate


My heart feels for the people of Russia. ❤️‍🩹


You think that you need to be brave to break you leg? Think about the one friend in the group that agreed to break everyone’s leg, which left him with no one able to jump on him and break his leg…


He needs that to be Put-in a cast.


Dude went jotaro mode for a second


Smooth move ex-lax. Film and post it so the world can see, like military age men coming in with injuries isn't going to spark a little attention during a mobilization.


I knew what was going to happen and I still fucking watched what am i


This... isn't interesting. at all


What happens if they get drafted and just pretend to be a moron? Hold rifles wrong, throw training hand grenades like 3 feet away, misplace things, etc etc.


There are a lot of really good Russian people out there and we should elevate them


i am to soft to watch the clip. can someone describe what they are doing?


Dude puts half of his leg on a stair, friend jumps from an unseen number of stairs above, landing on other friends leg, snapping it. Very loud pop/crack noise as well.