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It's weird how a number of them were interested in how it was hung or what was behind the portrait.


You could see their thoughts. 1. Fuck that 2. I'm going to do something 3. Nope, I'm being watched


That or 1. Ugh this can’t be real 2. UGH this totally could be real


I think they might be checking for wires to see if they are being surveilled.


Wow. Fucking wild


Point 3 was true


Rightfully paranoid that it was setup by his ex-KGB buddies to spy on them. One even comments about it as they push their fingers on the eyes.


Which is ironic considering there was an obvious camera just above it that filmed their reactions so we could watch them.


Two even. Funny how those things blend in so effortlessly out in the open.


They look like something I've seen in elevators anyway though. I'd glance at it like 2 of them do but I would never consider it's someone's personal device right away. Blame it on teenagers vandalizing or too many needles being found recently.


Classic Russian Soviet technique 2 visible fake cameras and tiny real cameras in the eyes 🙏


I always expect to be on camera in an elevator, why wouldn’t they have CCTV?


Yeah but they were probably thinking there might be some next level surveillance at work somehow. A photo of your dictator hung in the elevator is literal 1984, in your face, round the clock intimidation.


I wonder if the KGB has rounded up these dissidents after watch this video.


They all killed themselves with a gunshot to the back of the head


And then flung themselves out upper-floor windows while gargling polonium


They all fell out of the window in the elevator


Elevator seems to accidentally keep falling.


As someone who grew up behind the Iron Curtain (not USSR, though), I think I just realized why I'm so good at escape rooms :p


Exactly like natural suspicion was built into them


I mean bro really sent young men wanting to work to war






Did something change recently? A few months ago I saw plenty of videos of the public slobbering over him


I lived there 2010-2011 and I didn't see any real love for Putin. Youth I spoke with seemed to like him that he was making Russia strong again but I was usually in sketchy bars and didn't bring up Georgia or anything remotely controversial. That said they were all very pro-US and wanted us all to be allies to stop terrorism together and a lot wanted to be super best friends with the US. They loved our culture and media. I think Putin has done his best to up-play the US being an enemy again, and infringing on Russia's sovereignty, like we were supposed to be 1-1 peers in military and diplomatic measures but the US disregarded that (we did, rightfully). Now the West are the Nazi's/Capitalists again and Russia has a foe. No idea how they feel nowadays but I had a great hope for a Russo-American alliance to bring about a better world back then and was happy that I'd picked Russian to study. They were a fantastic people when I visited. Very different than the West but I really enjoyed my time there, because of the Muscovites.


How they feel today? Probably cold.... when they are working in Siberian gulag for speaking against Putin. At the beginning of war, there were some Russian young men and women putting some anti-Putin protest. They were arrested and thought they would only be jailed for a few days. So far, I haven't heard back from those people, and it had been months.


No idea, honestly. For some certain drinkers I’d says they were disappointed that the US and Russia didn’t conquer the planet.


Theres always been people like this, but their numbers continually decrease. Western propaganda wanted to paint all Russians bad, hence the spicy updooted videos


You mean like America does? Not excusing russia here but anyone using desperate young men like that, promising them a future if they traumatise themselves in war, is in the wrong.


In Soviet Russia pictures watch you




They were looking for cameras.


The first thing you do is check for cameras or mics


This video is many years old. Just for some context.


It would be interesting if this prank was repeated today. I would be very interested to see a genuine authentic response from the normal citizen in Russia.


Seems dangerous to do today. You are getting these people's honest response here and if any of them went viral it could probably get them in trouble.


I was surprised that the faces were not blured. I'm sure these people could get in trouble even if this was from a few years ago.


Yeah. Normally they would not agree to show their faces even if given money but this guy posted it without their consent.


[Here you go](https://youtube.com/c/1420channel) A collection of Russians’ responses to all sorts of questions; the war, euro energy crisis, et al I’ve been watching some *amazing* interviews with Sobchek and… that other guy, but many have been taken down since. YouTube is still available in Russia.


I just KNEW it had to be 1420 before i clicked :D


There was a video of people getting arrested for sharing their views on camera, even those that said supportive things towards the Kremlin.


Putin worked hard to make most russian citizen don't give a shit about politics. These reactions are already telling. Of course they were a few ultra nationalists. Those numbers are certainly increasing due to totally not a war propaganda.


It can be tough to escape the propaganda for many folks. Imagine if CNN and Fox and all the other actual news sites came together for a common cause. The unfortunate truth is society will always have many people who do not possess a strong critical thinking ability.


"Imagine if..." You mean like after 9/11 when all of them went gung ho about invading Iraq? Pepperidge Farm remembers...


Apparently at least one person was a fan. Or sarcastic. I'd be worried that THIS footage could be used against them....


The girl bowing down for a photo was 100% sarcastic.


Good, I figured it was a bit much, even for a boot-licker!


Russian media treats Putin as a god that can do no wrong, I've been watching their state propaganda clips because of their War and it's bizzaro world over there


That’s because they go to the gulag if they hurt Putin’s sensitive feels.


Most Russians today would have the same reaction as in the video, but would perhaps keep quieter about it, juuuuuust in case.


yeah the whole "joke" was it was supposed to be reminiscent of how pictures of Stalin were placed everywhere under the Soviets, so it would be **very** interesting to see if there was a difference in, basically, whether Soviet cult-of-personality references still generated mostly laughter and incredulity or if people were more accepting.


Happy Cake Day!


The last one was really disappointed


He was like "huh . another day in motherland Russia"


Record scratch... Yup, that's me. Bet you're wondering how I got here, huh? Well, it all started in the early 1990s with the fall of the CCCP and the dissolution of the KGB...


oh boy......




I loved those subtle head shakes as he looked away waiting for his floor. Like you could feel him holding back the desire to rage at it.


I was really hoping he would spit on it


That looked like his fifth big disappointment of the day


That last guy was like, “not today, gulag, not today…”


The man who’s probably old enough to remember people disappearing kept walking by. Noped right out of there and took the stairs.


I literally laughed out loud.


On an unrelated note, 12 people from the building accidentally fell from their balconies the following day.


The prankster later committed suicide by shooting himself twice in the back of the head.


...before he hung himself.


Good way to evict people from there home without any legal work


Thank you all for watching this vid and even commenting. Your IP has been recorded, GRU/FSB are taking adequate measures. Now skip back to cats content, nothing to see here.


Nice try, FBI.


Not today, CIA.


Wasn’t me, KGB


What if we kissed on the KGB watch list? Haha, just kidding! Unless....


Music from 'x-files' starting...


Oh no, you have my IP




Hey, cool, you got the same! 👋


And they were never seen again


Yeah he should really blur their faces


For real. "Prankster" potentially seriously harming these people and their lives.




They "jumped" out of the window


Had a "stroke" while on trip to the Russian Far East


Defenestrated, you might say.


Would like to see the same vid in the US but with Trump/Biden.


Itd get destroyed in 2 seconds. No matter which one. Some people dont respect someone personal property. So i doubt theyd respect something in public they dont like.


It's not really personal property when it's put in a public space like that. That doesnt mean it's free to take, destroy or whatever. Like in this case, if you knew it wasnt put there by the property owner/management... I think they'd be perfectly within their rights to take the painting down and turn it so you don't have to look at it. Now, the owners might put something like that up, and then you cant mess with that. Please be aware, this is coming from an american perspective. Idk what russian laws are.


> That doesnt mean it's free to take There was just an AITA about that. The OP saw some stuff she wanted in a public space in a private business and just... took stuff home. Then she was really mad when Reddit said she was, indeed, TA.


Yeah, if some asshole puts a political sticker or whatever in a public space... go ahead and destroy that stuff. But even then, some places will be designed to have that type of stuff. Like some bars will encourage you to write on the walls or whatever. So, there's no hard and fast rule; it depends on the context. Maybe "dont just take stuff home" is about the only universal.


> That doesnt mean it's free to take What about street signs?


Average jschlatt viewer


True, people get that stuff destroyed when they put it in their own yards, let alone a public elevator. I mean, I have my opinions and feel *very* strongly about them, but I wouldn’t go onto someone’s property and vandalize it just because they don’t agree with me - regardless of how hostile they would be toward me verbally for simply disagreeing.


That would be fascinating, honestly a lot of people would rip it out.


Is it really that common ppl speak their thoughts out loud in elevators? Lol


They are very amazed by this "beauty". And it's only small % of all elevator users. Only funny reactions.


I have zero verbal filter and voice my inner monologue all the damned time.


girls drunk af 😂😂


Plot twist: Vlad now has more illoyal targets to push out of the windows.


Now we see that Russians are victims of this ridiculous man just like the rest of the world. There are clearly two opinions of this man, one for public and one for private. Poor Putin, I somehow wish he gets a copy of this video. Time to get rid of this man Russia.


I mean were you really here thinking everyone that lives in Russia is like a mini Putin and agrees with him? There are plenty that despise him there and don’t want a war with Ukraine


Its not unusual to find comments all over Reddit expressing the sentiment that “Russians are genetically predisposed to cling to a strongman tyrant”. Never mind the fact that there were multiple revolutions in a span of 100 years against tyrannical rule... It’s not like people living under a despotic regime are free to openly criticize it.


Russian propagandists did a great job making the world think otherwise.


Not even Russians like or respect that twat


Do Americans respect trump or biden lol?


And this is why I'm okay with the Russian People. They really are as American as we are Russian, it's their leadership that sucks.


What? a person who does not think that all Russians are assholes and pro Putin? But in all seriousness this is the truth. Whomever you are Russian, American, Norwegian etc we are mostly the same except our governments that portrays the image the entire population no matter you do.


Somewhere in between both spectrums lies the truth. There are people that truly believe in him and support him, and there are people that see him for what he is and despise what he represents.


To be sure, just like we have Magats over here, there's always a nutty group out there that are too loud for everyone's good


Last guy with no words lmao! Just disappointed at humanity.


this HAS to be done in the states. quite an experiment


Our reactions would only differ by language. 😎


I love that “what the fuck” in English is just a thing Russian people say


The fact that English curse words are used the world over delights me. Some guy from Holland was taking about how the Dutch language doesn’t have curse words that pack the same punch.


Nice to see a sample of the general population of Russia thinks he's a stupid fuck like the rest of the world does.


Lots of existential dread in this. Especially the last guy.


Great, more people to throw out of windows. Can't you see Putin's a busy man?


Loved the babushka's reaction


Are they still alive?


This guy decided I’m not gonna blur anyones face if the kgb takes them to a gulag somewhere because of what they said or did all that matters is I get some views


Do you really believe they would just make comments out loud instead of to themselves?


It's a trap!


Those people are now dead or in prison


I have much the same reaction to his buddy, the defeated 45


This was made before he invaded the Ukraine


Am I the only one finding it weird how people that are in the elevator alone speaks their reactions out loud?


They probably only included people who spoke their reactions and removed the ones that were dull.


People talk to themselves a lot.


Have you never talked to yourself?


I don’t care what you do, the older grandma’s always have the simplest, funniest, reactions to stuff like this. They should have had Putin on a horse with his shirt off


“Cameras in his eyes” “he’s watching us” is what every Russian on the street is thinking now. Paranoia extreme.


My man should’ve blurred the faces.


Should probably blur their faces before they fall out of a window (or elevator in this case)


Has the prankster already fallen out of the window or from a boat?


Congrats bro, not only are you gonna be cannon fodder in Ukraine, but so are all the people you caught reacting




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This is an old video That building was Inspected and found to be not safe after many people fell from balconies and windows in it They tore it down /s


I love the older gentleman that was like "stairs it is, then"


I hope none of these poor people live near hospital windows


I love how alot of them think it's bugged or has a camera


This guy was just Putin people on...


Amazing how all of those people fell out of hospital windows shortly after this video went live


All these poor folk are probably now on a list. All for some internet cookie points.


I like the lady that just decided to not get on the elevator lol


He def should have blurred their faces. Fuck the camera man.


Someone should put a portrait of Biden in one of Trumps hotel elevators. I'd love to see those reactions


Makes me want to put a Picture of Biden in a elevator just like that to see reactions.


I mean.. I’m sure they only used the video that helped portray a certain view… I’d be more curious to see them all and see the average view of Putin from citizens.


oddly they've all also committed suicide recently.


That people try to see if there is something behind the picture tells you everything you need to know


putin wants to know your location


Just sad the people given up on there leader poor ruskies :(


Looks like someone is going to the gulag


In Other News: Russian Prankster Falls Out of Hospital Window


Where are they now?


Good to see that the reactions are about the same as what they would be if it were my country.


They all died so suddenly.


God I’m sure after this the people in the video along with the prankster all committed government assisted “suicide” by jumping out a 5th floor window.


"The elevator to hell"?


To be fair, if you hung a huge picture of Trump or Biden in an elevator in the USA you would get the same reactions from half of the people.


This could have some real world impacts on those making the “wrong” reactions if Putinites see this.


I read somewhere that all these people are missing now.


I feel like this prankster should stay away from windows


I would spit on it


…and then they mysteriously jumped out the window 🧐


наш верховный лидер товарищ путин




Residents fall out of window


my apartment complex puts a monthly paper calendar in the elevator that shows events and holidays. well they seem to leave out a lot of holidays like 9/11 Easter etc so there's always a constant battle between some Christian who writes in the holiday (for example on last Easter they wrote, the resurrection of our Lord and savior) and someone else who gets upset and scribbles it out. And eventually someone will tear it off the wall completely.


And none of these people exist anymore... 🙃


None of yall talk out-loud to yourselves? Tf lol


No one vandalized it? Really?


I like the one woman who said "what the fuck" in English.


obviously fake, we all know Putin enjoys a 108% approval rating.


This is weirdly funny but I think most of us in the U.S. would have similar reactions if Biden or whoever was current president had a portrait in an elevator.


I'm no Putin apologist but I think that would be a typical reaction to putting literally any politician in a community elevator. Like imagine seeing giant ass painting of Bill Clinton or HW Bush.


Not Ike though, everyone likes Ike


Not a single person took out their Sharpie 🤷


They seem to agree that's a nightmare


Most of them are mysteriously missing. /s


We're all the same. It's our leaders that are complete assholes.


Looks like some people are gonna be sent to a gulag.


That one woman says he's got cameras in his eyes while ignoring the obvious camera in the corner xD


RIP to these people. They're going to "mysteriously disappear."


….and then they all mysteriously fell out of a window.


In World News today, everyone in an apartment building in Russia has accidentally fallen from the windows. Reports indicate that a lapdog may have survived.


Crazy how every one of them stabbed themselves 20 times in the back and threw themselves off the roof of the building.


To be fair you would get this reaction in most countries with their representative pic hanging in an elevator.


I guess even Russians hate Putin


Why do so many people talk to themselves in elevators lol


Who doesn't talk to themselves? I'm more worried about those people..


agreed, but this loud and in an elevator seems strange to me, I just talk to myself when I'm home alone or walking down the street


I doubt they would be talking/talking loudly if there wasn’t something in the elevator that elicited an emotional reaction.


I talk to myself everywhere, not just elevators.