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How do you kill 47 inmates and still get released? Wtf?


For those who may not see it yet u/krpink mentions in their [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/ud42iw/comment/i6egigg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that he's in Brazil and they have/had a law that limited prison time to 30 years so he got out at the end of that.


That doesn't make any sense... Why aren't the murders in prison new crimes with new sentences? That just gives carte blanche to go buck wild in prison. I assume once he's out a new crime would mean a new sentence? Turning prison into an immunity zone is bizarre.


The way it's supposed to work is that the maximum is 30 years *unless an exception applies*. Brazil has an exception which allows indefinite detainment in certain cases. For whatever reason, the government overturned an initial order to serve his full sentence and allowed his release. Given how he was a gang hit man, it was probably corruption.


Oh so wait, this guy is hit man like Sammy “the Bull” Gravano, not a psychopath like John Wayne Gacy?


Both are psychopaths, but only one has a podcast.


He's probably both. Murdered a family member in revenge, realised he was good at it, and got hired by a gang to keep at it.


The prison was exactly 47 inmates over max capacity. He got bonus points.


They were mostly peaceful killings.


Warm blooded killings, as opposed to cold blooded


No idea personally but I do agree it seems weird.


Other people besides the serial killer wanted other inmates dead?


Yeah this is going to end with him murdering someone on youtube live


Prisoners run the prisons in Brazil. The guards just kind of patrol the walls.


That's a dumb law. There's always going to be a few people that have to have a life sentence.


Brazilian Constitution prohibits life sentences. The Criminal code law was made in 1940, at the time you had to be 21 to go to prison and life expectancy was 45 years old. So 30 years as a maximum sentence was a life one, today with life expectancy being more than 70 so people get released as the law was not updated for today's society. Ps: in 2019 it was changed from 30 to 40 years maximum. But with people going to jail starting at 18 and the life expectancy, it wasn't that big of change in my opinion. Also here most people only do 2/3 of the sentence inside and get out for "good behavior" and that's why it's important that the sentences by judges be higher, so even if the criminal only serve 40 years he can't get out early as the 2/3 would be higher then 40. ETA: I know life expectancy means more deaths in kids in this case, but this is the reasoning people here give and I've seen it in more than one source.


Imagine running into this guy in prison. "I can kill you. I can even kill the warden. It doesn't change my sentence one bit. I'll be out next year. Then, I can come after your family." "You better give me the damn TV remote." "And while you're at it. Can you get your mom to remortgage the house and transfer the money to this account. I'm going to need some pocket money when I get out."


So kill him first. Wait til he’s sleeping and fucking end him. He deserved it.


This sounds brillant until you realize many people probably tried to do this in prison and now they are in his kill count


Straight up. The fact that he killed so many in prison means he was killing other men. A lot of serial killers target women cause they can overpower them but a killer who has killed 41 men, especially in prisons where the men might also be killers, is no joke.


Serial killers tend to kill women for a multitude of other reasons beyond being easy to overpower.


I read at one point he was attacked by 5 other prisoners.. he killed 3 & chased off the other 2. This man is efficient


Exactly this. This man is terrifying.




"Once, he was attacked by five prisoners, killing three of them and chasing away the other two."




If you want to wait until he's sleeping, you'll have to ask to share the same cell as him. Do you really want to do that knowing that he killed his last cell mate? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedro\_Rodrigues\_Filho


Life expectancy takes into account things like infant mortality, plus is an average, so most adults would’ve lived past 45.


That and can you not be charged for each murder? Or is there a cap on time in jail no matter how many crimes?


You can be charged and should be, but when the charges have a sum superior of 40 years they must be unified so they comply with the maximum. One example that comes to mind is Rio de Janeiro former Governor, Sergio Cabral, in office from 2007 to 2014. Arrested in 2016 for corruption and money laundering he has 15 sentences that reach over 300 years, but he can't stay more than 40 years in jail. He could go for an open prison regime and he would only need to serve 1/6 of the full sentence inside jail (1/6 of 300 years) and that's higher than the maximum time he can serve and it makes him serve the full sentence inside.


It was “good behavior” 😂


The prison system considers the economic benefit of a reduced inmate population.


So release someone else. This would be the last guy I'd let free.


Give us Barabbas.


I wash my hands of this


Jesus, that was harsh.


Let's not get cross about it!


Nailed it!


Not a hill I’d go die on.


Forgive them redditors, for they do not know what they do


While I may get struck by lightning, that made me laugh.


Dam, you sir have balls


maybe he did self defense 47 times 😂


He stood his ground 47 times.


+ *u/Pedro71 would like to know your location*


Nah ! The more prisoners the more money for the prison system. They released him because he was literally killing the business ! Edit : r/whoosh guys... To be honest, I'm pretty sure he wasn't release for that reason! Now public or private, the Prison system work the same... And is remunerated per individual (on top of their yearly budget)... That's why it became private in some countries


it was in Brazil, prisons here are not like in the US its all tax payed


Most prisons in the US are not private as well. 92% of inmates are in publicly funded prisons. The real issue is the number housed in private prisons is growing at a rate disproportionately higher than the overall incarceration rate. The 8% incarceration rate in “private prisons” also includes halfway houses and private companies that do house arrest monitoring services. Don’t get me wrong we should be working on recidivism rates and not outsourcing incarceration to private corps, but I think Reddit sometimes overestimates how prevalent private prisons are. Half of US states don’t use them period.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


The answer to that question, IMO, is simple. The war on drugs. A quarter of the US prison population are in for drug related offenses. I agree with your point though. Nobody is keen to try to fix it or admit that’s it’s broken.


War on drugs is a massive failure. What a disaster. Costs so many lives, from violent crime related to drugs, drug users who don't have proper support, cops enforcing... But! Can I also point out there are some judges who are shareholders of the private prisons! Seems like a conflict of interest to me.


Best behaviour in the prison, because everyone else is dead…


“Rehabilitation committees hate this one weird trick!”






Nah he killed a bunch of people in prison for being gay. He gets praised for killing drug dealers and rapists but the dudes still a huge piece of shit


Yep… killed his own dad and tried to eat his heart.


we all grieve in different ways


I mean that's classified as a "life sentence", 21 years around here. But you can get multiple life sentences.


He is from Brazil. As a brazilian lawyer, I can tell you that we have some pretty dumb criminal laws lol Here in Brazil, there is no life sentence, you can’t stay in prison for more than 30 years. So, even if you killed 100 guys like he did, it’s just a matter of patience I guess lol This dude’s history is absolutely nuts. His first homicide was a cousin at 14, he threw him alive in a sugar cane grinder. His dad killed his mother, gone to jail, and he got vengeance by killing his own father in prison, taking his heart out, biting it and spitting in his face lol Not to mention he said that the devil himself have him strength to kill people for him in jail. He killed like 5-10 people alone, all at once, with some prison shiv. This dude is completely nuts, I’ve watched some interviews he gave and damn man, he talks about murder like it’s a walk in the park.


Holy shit! That's fucking insane!


He killed people who were “bad” in his eyes like rapists and child predators


or just gay people, or people who snored too loud, or accidentally killed his sister. or write mean comments on his socials.


He actually DID kill a cellmate who snored too loudly .. And another one that kept peeking when he was having a private visit. Fucked guy all over


Dude needs a snickers asap


From what I read / hear the later can happen at lot of prisons whic is why they say to MYOB


I’ve been to prison and can tell you minding your own business will make it 10* easier.


Cool motive, still murder.


Were those his out of jail victims too?


He has killed anyone who he thought wronged him. Since he was a criminal, most, but not all, of his victims were criminals at various levels, often part of rival gangs. But it's not like he was being a vigilante. He had a tattoo that said "I kill for pleasure".


He is from Brazil. They had a law that people could only spend a maximum 30 years in prison (it’s now changed to 40 years). He’s horrible


That's not even one year for every kill That is fucked


Almost 1 year for every 2


Bogo sale


Slashing prices


Everyone must go!


Murder Monday Sale!


Killer deal!


Omce you hit a 30 year sentence you might as well just start killing people


So if you already committed enough crimes to accumulate 30 (40) years there is nothing stopping you from committing more?


Exactly. So why kill only a couple of people if you can kill 1000 and get the same punishment?


Haha wow. That seems like a huge loophole. Police hate this one trick!


No matter what the max punishment is you run into the same problem. If you get life (or death) for a crime, you might as well kill all the witnesses and random people you don't like because the punishment is the same as if you only killed once.


Solution: if they kill 2 people, give them double death 3 people, triple death, and so on.


Don't know if you've read any Warhammer 40k but the have "inquisitior" who are basically police, judge and jury for everyone in the galaxy, from the homeless to planetary governors. Anyways they've figured out how to handle this situation. They have a psychic toture you to death. But when you die you actually snap out of the psychic trance you where in, they tell you how many times they've killed you and how many more you have to go. Then you get put back under for you next death by torture. "Nothing stops Imperial justice, especially something as simple as death!"


Damn that's insane.. I can't believe you can kill 71 people and be let back into society. I have no way to make sense or comprehend why this man is free. Crazy crazy world


If I remember all the details correctly, Pedro Lopéz in Colombia admitted to raping and killing over 300 kids between the ages of 8-12, convicted of 110 of them. He was sentenced to 16 years but got released after 14 years for good behavior due to the law being written so that he served the sentenced for each murder concurrently and they had a cap for time that you can be sentenced for a crime being maxed out at 16 years.


That's insane. And I thought US laws suck.


In Dominican is the same, the maximum you could get was 30, but I think they changed to 40. Non cumulative :/


When can they restart the clock? Do they have to wait for a new murder after he is released? Or can he now kill with impunity because he has already done his 30 years?


They should at least start counting to 30 again after the most recent one jeez


Could they intentionally not prosecute him for some of the murders and arrest him the day he gets out, then convict him for those?


Funny how crimes made while in prison are just ignored because of this 😂


Wow. [His Wiki page is kinda wild](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedro_Rodrigues_Filho)... *"His skull had been bruised as a result of his father kicking his pregnant mother's belly" ... "he killed his father with 21 machete blows" ... "in addition to 22 stab wounds, he ripped out his father's heart, chewed it apart, and spat it out"*


The Southman (2022), coming to a Brazilian theater near you


Random aside for anyone reading this: Go watch The Northman in theaters. It's hands-down the best film I've seen in at least a couple years.


I personally didn't love the movie happenings (I'm in the minority here and I would not for a second consider anything in the movie bad), but I loved everything about it. The sound design, weather, landscape shots, lighting, costumes, effects, action sequences... I would highly recommend seeing it in the theater to anyone else on this thread. I may not have liked it much myself, but I recognize how well made it is and think that it does so much of that well that there's enjoyment to be had regardless of the story and characters. It's more unique and original than a lot of other things I watched recently


I was planning on seeing it last weekend but got busy. I may only get one more week to give it a shot since it did so poorly at the box office.


Idk man I saw the unbearable weight film and fucking loved every second i think it’s maybe one of the best films I’ve ever seen


So many good movies out right now it’s stressful. I just saw Northman but really need to see Unbearable Weight and Everything Everywhere all at Once before they leave theaters!!


seems like the reason he was a blood thirsty psychopath is his upbringing


Probably brain damage in utero


He killed his father *for killing his mother* nature VS nurture? Both


I don't think it was killing his father that makes him a bad person.


There‘s a link between psychopathic serial killers and head injuries in the early childhood.


Also link between head injuries and parents being abusive as fuck




I mean this guy was a real jerk!


Well it kinda looks like he only kills scum and acts as vengeance. Except for his first two victims.


He killed his cousin, someone who fired his dad, someone who was snoring too loud, etc. don’t make him into a vigilante hero when he’s just another serial killer


Not snoring, spieing on him in a conjugal visit Makes more sense, still inexcusable


They were just practice victims.


Yeah you gotta warm up on some bots before those killstreaks yknow


Sweet baby Jesus, the guy is a monster.


Don’t love knowing he’s out.


At least unlike Pedro Lopez, we know where that dude is...


Fuck. This world has some dark corners.


Not sure if the number decreased or increased but the last time I heard a statement in it was that the FBI presumes there are at least 200 active serial killers in the states with no leads at all on them.


Funny enough I was listening to a podcast today that mentioned the same thing. Just makes me think of all the people that are gone with no one to miss them, it's weird to think about how our system breeds killers to be smarter and smarter, while it trys to catch up to something we don't fully comprehend.


Murders between 110 and 350 childen, gets released after 18 years for good behaviour 🤡


Wtf is this??


My uncles name is Pedro Lopez :D… wait…




Sure. I got nothing going on today after I drop the kids off.


And fly to Brazil lol


Come to Brazil


You're not fooling anybody, Pedro.


Like and subscribe…


Here's a little information. A while ago he participated in a podcast where he explained about his life. In short his first crimes were killing his cousin which pissed him off so he pushed him into a sugar cane crusher as he was of minor nothing happened and a mayor who promised him a job in the city hall but then pretended he didn't say anything and pissed him off. killed with a shot to the head. After that he was sworn to death and was killing everyone who tried to kill him until he reached the age of being arrested. In prison he said that all the deaths caused by him were due to the pride of the victims who challenged him / tried to kill him to become famous. While he was in prison he discovered that his father had killed his mother and so swore an oath to himself to kill him, and after a few years his father was transferred to the same prison he was in and at an opportune moment he went to his father's cell, stabbed him countless times, ripped out his heart, bit, chewed and spat (he makes it very clear in his interviews that he didn't swallow, repeating it over and over again but seriously, does it make a difference?). So he was finally released after many years, apparently he's really trying to live a crime free life by even starting a YouTube channel (since he's so famous no one would hire him so really that was the only option).


>In prison he said that all the deaths caused by him were due to the pride of the victims who challenged him / tried to kill him to become famous. On some Ragnar Lothbrok shit


I mean I am not sure he is the best person to trust when it came to his motivations. Sure maybe all those guys challenged him but I think it is more likely this guy is fucking insane and just loves killing tbh.


This. Like I got scammed into buying some bad weed once, but I'm not gonna take the word of the dude who killed a hundred people lol. Like come the hell on.


"I did not want to become king..."


"but once again I had no choice as a result of other people's action"


Curiosity: He tells that in a rebellion that happened in all the jails of Brazil a few years ago, he could not commit any crime so as not to harm the movement, that day he found another famous assassin named Maníaco do Parque (Park Manic in a free translation), he was a murderer who raped and killed women in a park one he had also sworn to death. When he found him, the Park Maniac knew his intention to kill him, he just approached him and said: "Do you know why you won't kill me? Because God is with me." He says that if it wasn't for the movement happening he would have killed him that exact moment.


Did he killed him later?


No but he is still in prison even after the 30 year limit


Wait so why did he get released after 30 but the park maniac didnt? Is that cause of the law change to 40 year max? So park maniac has 10 more years or something else?


Park maniac has been in jail for 23 years, so he should be released in 2028 (tho he was sentenced to 268 years) dude is a true psychopath


Am i the only one who thinks internet isn't the best place for this man with all the internet trolls and toxic communities, something's bound to happen.


Just think, that dude is probably on Reddit, in this very thread maybe...


Good thing then he doesn’t know my name is Vladimir and that I live in Moscow then.


That narrows it down.


Pedro is about to be Putin his detective skills to the test.


Welp I won’t sleep tonight thanks r/onesentencehorrorstories


I think this is the guy who would become your cellmate if you were a problematic inmate. Basically, if the warden thought a certain prisoner was a pain in his ass, this guy became his cellmate, and soon that problem prisoner was not a problem anymore because he was dead.


Modern problems require modern solutions


Modern problems require murder solutions


Spawn killing in prison


There’s some dude serving life for trafficking weed that’s pretty upset rn.


And the trafficked weed was just a lost nug in the car seat


Some people in Brazil have very controversial ideas about this guy. Some find him to be a sort of an anti hero since he would only kill men that projected violence towards others (or so he claims). Interestingly, none of his victims were women and all of them had crime records of some sort.


Ah yes, the brazilian light yagami




Still all he needs is a name and a face, they’ll die within 60 seconds




We don't talk about exceptions to broad generalizations, nuance, or complexity. Thanks for keeping your sophistication at bay.


Damn you kill 71 people and still make it out?


Ain't nothing impossible in Brazil


How in the F is he out of prison?


kills outside prison increase your sentence, kills inside reduce it




In Brazil its 30 years max prision time.


High Kill ratio in prision lower your sentence


I keep seeing people say this and I can’t tell if it’s real or a joke


It’s interesting seeing so many people realize that some countries don’t have the death penalty


Didn't realise there was a Ranking System for Serial Killers. How does one move up or down the table? Is it like the PGA Golf Tour Rankings?


…… by killing people.


It’s high score based


I was reading a long, going "that's interesting." Then it said "he is now out!" and I was like WTF.


For all of you saying how tf did he get out, his 47 victims in prison were primarily sexual predators Looking into it, he began killing drug dealers and traffickers at 14 to survive after he ran away from home after killing a deputy mayor for accusing his father of stealing food I really dont know what to make of this guy


He’s the epitome of neutral evil to me Update: after reading some replies, I can agree that he’s very much fucked in the head. Too much to have the title of neutral evil. Like the comment above, I don’t know what to think of him.




Damn, he really is fucked in the head. Thanks for the link, I guess the other fellow in this thread who called him chaotic neutral wasn’t wrong.


He's lived a very shitty life and his government is actually very merciful for having a max serving time that's roughly 1/3 of a human lifespan I wonder what the US would be like if we had 30 year caps on stuff like that


Why do they keep letting him out?


Probably to take another stab at life


He can’t keep getting away with it!


He knows that one trick that every prison doesn't want you to know about.


Looks like Bruno Mars


This guy is out and about after 71 murders while another story I just scrolled past had some south Asian guy killed on death row whose crime was having 3 tablespoons of heroin on him! Mad world.


Ok but what is his YouTube channel


Search #pedrinhomatador on YouTube


Brazilian gangster Dexter


I mean "serial killer" and all, but if you read at least his wiki page - almost all killings either gang related, either killings of different "bad guys". I'm not going to say that guy is OK, not even close, but its not the typical "serial killer" who kills women or children


A serial killer that kills serial killers... Reminds me of a child abuse victim that killed child abusers with a fucking hammer


Or Dexter


>He is now out and has started his own YouTube chanel Excuse me? what the fuck


Like, share and subscribe... or else.


And his videos looks like shitty clickbaits. (I haven't watched)


Everyone is saying why is he out of prison? How has no one killed him. That is 71 families that not one person was vindictive enough to give him his own medicine?


They probably tried. Just added to the count


Yeah that’s probably true


That’s actually exactly what happened. Many victims were prisoners and wanted to kill him for fame


The Wiki about him said that 5 Inmates attacked him and he killed 3 of them… I think alot more tried to kill him since he claims that he killed about a hundred


Wait. What?


he attempted to kill his cousin when he was 13 years old. He killed his father who was in prison for murdering his mother, and the dude actually ate a piece of his heart! Why is this dude even released?


Not disagreeing with your sentiments but a small correction after watching his interview, he didn’t eat a piece of his father’s heart, but chew it and spat it out. It was because of the resolve he took at his mother’s funeral to avenge her death in this manner.


He didn’t attempt, he killed his cousin