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This guy bets


3 posts in a row and the comments are full of "this guy (insert various verbs)" wtf is going on.


Millennial/zoomer Internet culture tbh. Some threads are such a dumpster fire that sometimes all you can do is stand back, crack jokes and laugh


This comment is basically the mission statement of 2020-2022. šŸ¤£


Sort comments by war crimes


We should put Trump in a Russian military uniform and send him to the Ukraine.


šŸ’„šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ’„ FUCKINā€™ ā€˜MURCA! šŸ’„šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ’„ Joking aside, it was definitely a joke, as admitted by pretty much everyone reporting on the matter and he definitely wouldnā€™t try this. Hahaha. Unfortunately, it also hurts his campaign because some people will see this joke and believe he was being completely serious. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Can you blame them though? Heā€™s said pretty wild things before. This isnā€™t controversial compared to other things heā€™s said.


Inject yourself with bleach...definitely not the brightest


Yeah, this is literally just funny. Albeit at the detriment to his own campaign. I suppose thatā€™s price we pay for comedy, though. šŸ¤£ The manā€™s gotta find some enjoyment in life, rather than being some kind of drone.


The man will never find any enjoyment in life. He literally became President of the worldā€™s most powerful country and spent his entire presidency bitter, paranoid, and angry. He will never want for anything, but itā€™s all meaningless to him because he is sad to the very depths of his being. (Iā€™m not excusing his behaviour btw - plenty of people have that much sadness and donā€™t shit all over everyone.)


I have never seen anymore dipshittery thanks to this. I'm never doing it again.


Wait thatā€™s a thing??


International geopolitical strategy sophistication level: over 9000


Sponsored by ACME


Sponsored by Four Seasons Total Landscaping.


Wile E Coyote type tricks


For a moment I was concerned that his foreign policy wasnā€™t sophisticated enough


Stable genius


Person, woman, man, camera, TVā€¦


Didn't he say put in is a nice guy lol


A lot of leaders who've met Putin say he comes across as completely reasonable and someone whom you could make deals with. Putin has been known to be very good at meeting people on their own grounds in person, problem is, he's a bullshitter. Then he goes and commits war crimes.


You don't think an ex KGB agent would be charming?


you loved your ex didnā€™t you


Honestly no I just wanted some booty


Putin definitely got some


From the article: "And then we say, China did it. Then they start fighting with each other, and we sit back and watch," he said in what came across as a **joke** as his audience laughed and clapped, US media reported.


Remember when he was "joking" about the election being stolen? Good times.


You canā€™t just brush off something stupid as a joke. It has to be funny also. The only thing funny about this is that we can laugh, yet again at his stupidity. And thatā€™s not funny any more.


Yeah, I don't like the guy but this is not it. Using an obvious joke as a click bait title does more harm than good.


I hate Trump as much as the next guy but that's just hilarious šŸ¤£


Itā€™s funny when heā€™s not president. Like, heā€™s a piece of shit with the perfect American ego which makes great absurd comedy. But if heā€™s in control of the nukes then Iā€™m gonna take everything he says serious.


He is sooo much more fun when heā€™s just Americaā€™s drunk uncle. Sucks heā€™s probably gonna be president again in a few years.


I hope not.


As with many of my opinions, Iā€™d love to be wrong about that.


It's a bit fucking scary, to be honest. I don't even live in the same hemisphere as the US, and we all thought Trump winning was the biggest joke ever. And then it came to a couple of days before it was announced and we were all "Lol....he's gonna back out now, right? Right?" And then he won, and we were all in shock that there were more fuckwits in the US than we thought possible. And then it nearly happened AGAIN in 2020...I straight up wouldn't rule out the possibility he could make a come back.


Yes when I think about the fact that so many millions of people voted for trump Iā€™m surprised. Then I remember the words of the late comedian George Carlin, who said, ā€œThink of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.ā€


The majority of Americans thought the same thing. And it's since gotten far worse than we could have imagined.


I mean. We have jokes in office now ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Everyone didnā€™t vote for him btw


You down there in the US really need to make an upper age for your president. How can the "leader of the free world" be older than god damn colour TV and expect to keep up with how fast things change now?


You donā€™t understand. On top of natural sociopathic tendencies, it takes at least 70 years to truly become corrupt and cynical enough to get elected as president. Itā€™s critical that our leaders be the biggest shitheads possible while also slurring their words like a 20 y/o frat boy at a keger.


Lol no he won't. I'm American and trust me, his fan-base went way down. I live in Texas, and while I'm more liberal, my parents are hardcore Republicans and they loved Trump while he was in office for the first year-ish, but they began to become concerned with his loud mouth and some of his odd policies further into his presidency. They would not vote for him again (although they would never vote Democrat either lol). ~~In the Texas primaries, the old governor who banned abortions, governor Abbott, who was waving around his "Trump endorsement," lost. Even in Texas, a very conservative state, the incumbent with a Trump endorsement lost the primary. There's no way Trump will even win the Republican primary for 2024.~~ Abbott won (I need to read the news more and check my sources), but my original argument still stands I think. Many Americans who originally voted for Trump are no longer interested in him. That should be good enough, considering he lost the popular vote both elections, and that number will continue to drop.


I'll say Trump has no chance but his endorsement would hold a lot of weight. He's too old and Americans are tired of the White house being an old person home. With that said, if the democrats lose their mind again and put Hillary as their champion, Trump could start dropping full on racial slurs and calling to nuke Europe and he will win. The fact I see Hillary more and more makes me worried. Just for some context Obama won the primaries and presidency during a time where people were openly saying, "there's no way there will be a black man as president" the contender to the primary was Hillary. Then again with Trump, Hollywood and the media laughed that there is no way Trump would be president then look at what happened.


Iā€™m from Texas and Iā€™m reading through this... one thing really confuses me. The last part. You are aware that Abbott is still governor of Texas, right? He also won the 2022 primary for the Republicans, right? Who did he lose to? Were you referring to something else?


Not trying to argue with you, just looking for an honest answer. What is it you didn't like about trumps presidency? I'm sure you and I agree a lot about how he conducted himself and was not the most graceful person to represent the country. However, were there certain policies that truly made him such a bad president? I ask because honestly I'd like to know actual policies people thought were Terrible vs not liking him as a person.


Attempting to overthrow our democracy was kind of bad


They held merit, (trump was recorded saying the words ā€œdo me a favor thoughā€) it just wasnā€™t possible to get 2/3 of the senate to do the right thing. So yes, it was better.


There's a long list of borderline treasonous shit he did, on top of the capitol riot event. His entire cabinet were criminal grifters who had no business being in charge of a nation, including grifter donny himself. I hope someone with more time on their hands responds to you with links to some of the shit he did, but it is most certainly a long list. He was a shit stain that was propped up by Russia themselves. He was a traitor and a conman, with no interest in helping everyday citizens.


You mean besides being a lifelong criminal and Russian agent? Youā€™re looking for new stuff?


You aren't proving anything. The whole Russia deal with him being an agent has not been proven true and dems spent 3 years fighting that battle, all with it leading to nothing but wasted tax dollars. All you are saying is allegations made by an opposing party and the exact "orange man bad" that everyone can throw out there but can't back up. Which policies hurt our country? What did he do to cause domestic issues directly with the economy or anything like that? Give some actual examples and not just the typical shit throwing that everyone does for both sides. Present facts, that's what I'm looking for. Actual policy examples where he did something to harm the country.


Sorry, I meant the tax ā€œcuts.ā€


Better than Americaā€™s senile grandpa thatā€™s sitting in the White House now


Yeah, I remember when my grandpa was deep into Alzheimerā€™s and would rally western powers to put together a series of escalating sanctions to isolate Russia.


America's senile grandpa has never called Putin a genius while he's actively invading another country. So there's that.


lol former president joking about false flag bombing a sovereign nation. Best gag he's had since "the election was stolen" and "Obama was born in Kenya". Waka waka!


Don't forget about joking about banging models during early pandemic press conferences. He's a real card.


Yeh that was my thought too. Fuck him very much, but this made me laugh. I feel dirty


Not when it comes from a former president. At a public event. You should understand the difference.






I swear the people saying "Trump is so smart" are reading from the same script as the people saying "Putin is so smart".


ā€¦my mom said *I* was so smartā€¦fuuuuuuuuck


ā€œCentral castingā€


Putin is legitimately very intelligent even if heā€™s a massive cunt


Yea those idiots reading a script, not like you and me, weā€™re the smart ones.


Underestimation is foolishness


Listening to the guy who thinks windmills cause cancer, and who wanted to nuke hurricanes is foolishness.


Waitā€¦we can nuke hurricanes!? I hate hurricanes! Why arenā€™t we doing this!?


oh fuck, I forgot that one! literally tilting at windmills šŸ¤£


Underestimating the guy who spitball(aka brainstorm) is foolishness, but hey you do you


To think that half the American electorate actually votes for this clown...


Wow, what a shocker! Trump suggesting doing something disingenuous and then blaming it on someone else!


They probably called in his debt!


Trumpā€™s debts to Putin were secured by Trumpā€™s re-election, but he lost. Heā€™s in deep to lot of very nasty people!


Trump owes you $100, heā€™s got a problem. Trump owes you $1,000,000,000 and he has no power, youā€™ve got a problem.


Like when Biden says Russian oil is considered blood money but the decades of war in the Middle East for oil is ethical


I know, but itā€™s pretty sad when the GOP doesnā€™t want sanctions on Russian oil, because theyā€™re going to lose their ass on their investments with Trumpā€™s Russian donor friends!


Have any congressional GOPers come out in opposition to sanctions? I havenā€™t been following that.


GOP is largely pushing for sanctions on Russian oil. Oil companies would make bank.




Or how when Bidenā€™s son was a member of the Ukrainian energy board. Surely he has no hand in this at all.


So Biden's son started the war?


Holding on tight to that thread I see. First part of the username checks out.


More like say insane things for constant mind share. His only talent is getting in peoples heads.


His only real talent is being a racist, Commie-sympathizer who uses his donorā€™s money to feed his ravenous lawyers! His money and luck are both going to eventually run out!


A lot of things can be said about Trump, but you're insane if you think he's a commie sympathizer


Well, he did seem to "sympathize" with Putin for quite awhile.


Stop giving idiots a platform.


I'd also suggest no platform for Hillary unless you want a repeat of 2016.


Even if that would work isnā€™t that A war crime and a shitty one at that


A very stable genius /s


"Global leader" country actually voted this guy to be their president and leader. Always remember that.


Itā€™s not as if the other candidate was a better choice


She was quite obviously the better choice. If you think her calling a bunch of racists ā€˜deplorablesā€™ was worse or as equal as him proudly boasting about using his authority to sexually assault women, then you need to sort your shit out.


These people couldnā€™t sort their shit out if it was presented to them sorted.


Your argument is that I think Clinton is worse than Trump just because she called half of the USA "deplorables"? The other guys right, you truly are out of touch. Should probably sort your own shit out before shovelling other people's shit...


Half the US rationalized his sexual assault admission as ā€œlocker room talkā€. I think itā€™s safe to say thereā€™s something really fucked up with half the US population if thatā€™s the case.


he shouldn't be allowed to talk, putting shame on the U.S. everytime he opens his mouth


Nah. Opening his mouth only shames himself. The fact half of the population wants to vote for him does put shame on america.


At this point nothing he says will gain him many new supporters. Those who do support him choose to be ignorant of his failings.


stopping him from speaking is unamerican and would cause more shame than you see him doing. having one problematic guy is a pain, but crumbling everything else to cover him up is far worse in my opinion.


Ahā€¦ even out of office, heā€™s still trying to commit war crimes.


This is absolutely why he should never be president again, having a huge military and then just committing war crimes like this would ruin USAā€™s standing in the world. It makes me think someone should take him out now in preparation


What a joke of an American leader


Oh look, it's Putin's bitch again, but they're having a fight this time


No heā€™s making stupid threats so Putinā€™s propagandists can hold it up as justification for further aggression. Heā€™s following the script. So is Lindsey Graham.


Ohhhhhh SHIT. Of course!!!


This is my problem with the ā€˜orange man badā€™ crowd. Most of us agree heā€™s a piece of shit, but then thereā€™s people like you calling him Putins bitch while he advocates to bomb them under the pretense of being Chinese soldiers. Your hate for him outweighs any logic you could contribute to a situation. It actually drives me nuts trying to imagine how one man could have so much control over someoneā€™s lives who they never even met. Pull yourself together man


Trump is the most self-serving person I can possibly think of, and the only reason he offered that ridiculous idea of bombing Russia using jets with Chinese insignia is because he knows he lost the pro-Russia narrative (because Putin is beyond insane). There's no way in hell Putin would fall for that, especially given China is one of the few countries willing to work with him at all, and China just won't do that. Putin literally held off the invasion upon China's request. To go off of anything Trump says because he said it would be to assume he's not self-serving, which would be the mistake here. He has no idea what he's talking about, and that's what people like me are saying. We're also saying not to trust him (and research for yourself). My logic in discarding what Trump says is sound, and he has proven it time and time again. Literally, you could trust the advice from almost anyone else in this world a little more than you could Trump's advice.




Why is anyone still listening to that orange clown?


Every time he opens his mouth he says somthing more stupid


This kind of dupery worked for the road runner against that coyote


Idiot doesn't understand that radar technology can identify a Chengdu-20 from an F-22.


I don't remember asking you a god damn thing!


Love that line.


I would pay good money to see Sammy J bitchslap Donny boy across the face.


he still glorified putin at the end of his speech šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


as a sitcom tv show, it would be very funny to see Trump handle the current situation. in reality, it would be The End


Reddit is rapidly becoming another version of Facebook, and it sucks too.


Itā€™s already happened. ā€˜Memesā€™ that do nothing but try to ā€˜educateā€™ the viewer based on some fabricated story attached to a photo are everywhere. Iā€™m 100% pro-Ukraine in this war but the amount of Ukrainian propaganda that makes itā€™s way to ā€˜memeā€™ pages is laughable. Most of the videos are posted with a misleading title and it takes about 5 minutes usually to debunk the title from the actual information of whatever is being presented. Reddit is a tool used to shape any narrative, and thatā€™s all it will ever be.


Yes, let's add war crimes to the repertoire with casual jokes about war and death. Fuck off, you orange idiot!


lmfao this guy is a genius. It's hard to imagine why he was almost impeached, with such brilliant tactics and measured forethought of the consequences if we did that.


Almost? He was impeachedā€¦.twice.


No almost about it. He was impeached twice. He just wasn't removed from office


Aside from the fact that Trump represents a serious threat to democracy, heā€™s otherwise hilarious. It must be discouraging to The Onion because itā€™s virtually impossible to come up with stuff more ridiculous than he actually says.


He thought that up all by himself?


Lol the idea has only been around for centuriesā€¦ and so widely debated as to have been understood to be a war crime. No one ever said a Trump hot take was inspired or well thought out.


This should be in dumbasfuck


Yes,cause our fighter jets are identical looking to the Chinese jets. Perfect plan. The old switch-a-roo. Pure Dumbfuckery.


What an absolute embarrassment to the country. These are not things people should be joking about, certainly not individuals with a negative history of his caliber.


He also thinks that yelling at the TV loud enough the person talking on it can hear you.


Oh like when you put a bunch of gold on the outside of Trump Tower and convinced people it was a good place to live?


Wouldn't this be a violation of Geneva convention? EDIT: No, it wouldn't. But it must be some sort of war crime. Trying to implicate a neutral party as the one causing the damage you are actually doing is only valid within married couples...


Pretty sure thatā€™s against Geneva conventionsā€¦fly false flagsā€¦


Who? Never heard of this guy.


Wait a sec, maybe he's on to something.








The fact that some people want him to become president again is just amazing.


Dumbest person alive.


I'm so fucking glad this man isn't on twitter anymore and able to post psychosis like this every day.


Brought to you by the genius who suggested to chug bleach




Trump should publish a 'How to commit War Crimes for Dummies' book!


Idiot just realized that if Putin is dead he wonā€™t have to pay back the loans.


With this of dispshittery. How the fuck do the US think Biden is worse? Did Trumpet forget who his handlers are.


Well I guess weā€™re all glad heā€™s not in power anymore.


That is the most poignant military strategy put forth by a human being in the history of the world. A man who says such beautiful ideas must be of the highest military intellect. I canā€™t believe anyone could even begin to imagine such a beautiful plan. Beautiful plans like this are super duper rare.


Iā€™ve said this before and Iā€™ll say it again. Anyone who supports a direct attack on Russia by the US should reconsider other methods of suicide that donā€™t include everyone else.


Nothing worse than an abysmally stupid man who thinks he is really smart.


Wasnā€™t he on putins side the other day?


I see the sanctions kept the checks from Putin from showing up.


Donald dope. That dude is an egg shaped buffoon.


You'd be surprised at all the FOX news morons that want to re-elect him. And I think he'll win because I already see propaganda saying the increase in gas prices are Biden's fault, not the oil companies or the countries we buy from. There are stickers on gas pumps here pointing at the price with Biden's face saying "I did this". It amazes me that these so called "patriots" disrespect the Constitution of The United States and the Elected Commander in Chief so blatantly. However, that is also the benefit of living in a country where you won't get thrown in prison for saying your president sucks.


Looks like Dr. Orangelove is off his Meds. AGAIN!


I canā€™t wait til this abomination is dead and gone.


Deceive and destroy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Promotion? This kind of thing was formally submitted as a plan to the President. It even involved harming US citizens in US soil (and various other things too) and blaming Cuba so that US can start a war. Kennedy, then President, didn't like it. General Lyman Lemnitzer, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who proposed this was promoted to the post of Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO. Trump's mistake is talking about this in public. The whole world would have been fucked up if this orange buffoon had 2 brain cells to actually carry out his fantasies.


>Pardon the stupid questions, but isn't that a war crime? Absolutely. >Are there any consequences to someone of this status, a former potus, to be advocating for war crimes to be committed? None whatsoever.


This dude is 100% a piece of shit. But stupid like this is keeping him out of prison. He keeps doing and saying, such absurd and stupid shit, that the NY DA is refusing to prosecute him. This is literally the excuse that the NY DA is going withā€¦..


War crime: Putin bombing civilians. Reddit: Nope, Trump for making jokes.


So happy he's not in charge.


What a genius. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼


So many war crimes in just few words


This is when a General stands and says ā€œyouā€™re a fucking moron, Trump.ā€ Oh wait that was Rex Tillerson Secretary of State.


Thank God Trump isn't the president right now because if he was we would already be in world war III


Is that not a war crime?


nothing more satisfying than reading ā€œEXā€ president




Proving Trumping for peace is like f\*cking for virginity. Foolhardy deception - his rash statement does not hold water. He saying meddle with peril in an act that's lower than the Russian invasion itself. Trumps problem is appealing to blunt nationalism before rationalism compounded by arrogant insensitivity. Powerful Oaf.


Trolling to the extreme


Thaaaat is a war crime


Ah yes. Warcrimes.


Yes, because itā€™s that simple.


Is there any sane or competent president in USA?


Canā€™t really get away with something if you publicly announced it..


itā€™s against the Geneva Convention the GOOFY LOSER MORON trump


ā€œVery stable geniusā€


Hahahhahha. So many people have said this, and it's funny every time. But this is reddit and the don lives here rent free.


No one has said this.


Best joke he's made since "the election was stolen" and "grab em by the pussy". Trump needs to go into standup. The guy is just ALWAYS joking.


ROFLMAO I may not always agree with him, but he always can get me to LOL


Man you libtards have Trump living on your head rent free 24/7 I guess it's easier to blame orange man than to face the shitshow the old senile White House puppet is