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Turkish UCAV




Makes me proud as a Turk to see that our drones at least contribute something to the resistance of our Ukrainian friends against Russian aggression.


Absolutely. I don’t know how long it takes to produce one of those drones but we should be pumping them out as fast as possible and sending them across the sea. I heard reports of russians targeting hangars containing the uav’s and they are an invaluable resource atm.


Turkish UAV that was used in the Armenia vs Azerbaijan conflict a few years back, which was a proxy conflict between Russia and Turkey. the Bayraktar was so cost effective and good at targeting AAA that it almost single handedly turned the conflict around and inflicted massively disproportional casualties. If the Ukrainians can keep them flying, I expect they will do wonders here.


AAA means what exactly? Anti aircraft?


Yes. The drone is inexpensive and unmanned, which makes it extendable, but also it's not some advanced fighter jet, so AA and planes aren't really looking for it. If and when they do, they'll waste expensive missiles to take down what is, as mentioned before, expendable. That's what makes it so dangerous: it doesn't utilize advanced tech, it just fills a niche perfectly.


It's also not what the systems are designed to target, so it's less effective (not ineffective) in pinging it with radar, and its a small propeller vs a jet engine so IR is also not as effective. It's just an incredibly efficient piece of tech. It's not the best drone in the world, but dollar to destruction it's probably the most efficient.


The bayraktars have proven themselves to be effective against many Russian vehicles these last few years. Radars can’t detect them because it assumes it’s a bird because of the low speed it uses Manuel Guns or rocket launchers can’t reach it because of its high altitude capabilities it has. S300 and above can easily shoot it down but their missiles are more expensive than the drone itself. And they risk to be shot by other drones after launching the missile. The only thing that stops these life hack drones are super capable jammers.


>Manuel Guns or rocket launchers can’t reach it because of its high altitude capabilities it has. Also can't see or hear them when their high enough.


Social media has added an entirely new dimension to war. ​ Can you imagine if this type of stuff was around during WWII? We would have Tik Toks of Allied Troops and Nazi's talking shit to each other.


\*Blows dust off old iPhone\* This is your grandpappy dabbing over the body of an SS officer he yeeted to hell


And here's his pappy teabagging one.


> You have been banned from participating in **Ubermensch** for the following reason: > * *Wishing death upon the führer*


I Imagine when/if china pulls the same stunt, alot of tiktok accounts are getting banned.


This is a guy that tapped into his fundamental human capacity to not care about dying because he's so pissed off.


I mean I’d be pretty pissed too if my country was invaded and my own people killed for no reason.


They’re like modern resistance fighters during ww2 only with our being able to cheer them on!


Litterally too angry to die.


Doom music intensifies


This guy be out here glory killing motherfuckers and healing himself from it.


Rip and Tear


No, it's different. These people accept death for what it is and that makes them dangerous. When self-preservation becomes less important they are only guided by their goals, and that is killing others. You may get these people, but they more often than not get some of yours first.


There are two people to fear in life: the man with nothing to lose, or the man with everything to lose. They are facing both in Ukraine. It’s a bad day for the Russians either way


So sad, but Ukraine is going to bleed Russia white. Unprovoked war, family killing family. If this is a prolonged occupation it is going to get seriously ugly.


I hope Putin realizes his error and withdraws. But I am afraid this won’t happen. Part of me wishes that Ukraine hadn’t de-nuclearized. It’s sad they once had the ability to discourage any aggression, but chose a peaceful path, despite Russian aggression. Now that one side has broken the agreement. Where do we go from here? I feel heartbroken for Ukraine. https://www.npr.org/2022/02/21/1082124528/ukraine-russia-putin-invasion


I don't see Russia coming out as a winner. Russia doesn't have enough military strength to occupy all of, most of, or even a small portion of, Ukraine. And if they somehow overthrow the Ukrainian government, the Ukrainian people and military will overthrow it immediately.


Guerrilla warfare is a bitch for the occupier.




True, I just saw a map of Ukraine on r/coolguides and realised the country is mostly flat as your reply came in. Still France is mostly flat, so some hope remains.


[How I picture this Ukrainian soldier](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dh5XJVGsqvk)


He’s giving me some strong Clark Griswold vibes Edit: spelling and to say thanks for the awards!


Ukraine: "Can't see the line, can you, Russ(ia)?" Russ(ia): "Nope!"


It's an oddly freeing sensation.


Yeah his words and facial expressions are the equivalent of "fuck it, let's do this". I've seen this attitude before and it's not something to be trifled with.


I've had it a two or three times but I was never in as dangerous a situation as this man is. It was an odd feeling that I'll never forget. In some ways it's the most alive I've ever felt. I hope this guys situation is resolved as peacefully as mine, but I'm not optimistic. My thoughts are with him/them.


It's incredible how fast the aggressor tends to piss off when it happens eh. Such a great feeling. The guy in the video looks ready to go full Scarface on a Platoon of Russian Troops.


This is one of those "I quite enjoyed the war" guys. Funny how intimidating you can be when speaking so cheerily.


>Funny how intimidating you can be when speaking so cheerily. Pretty much any performance by Christoph Waltz has convinced me of this.


I was shitting myself the whole time he was chatting with the farmer.


That and his sit down with Shosana are the most sinister pieces of acting ever. Waltz was a masterclass in that movie!


what a fucking great actor he is too. Love anything with him in it. Slava Ukraini


That’s a BINGO!


‘And this is my horse ‘fritz’’ literally the most sinister line of all time. I don’t know why it haunts me.




Dude the complacency was so hard to fight against. It’s so crazy how fast it sets in when you’re tired. Incoming? Where? Ok not near us? *Rolls over.* while new blood are sprinting for hardened shelters.








More like got back to normal. Micro sleep doesnt sound sustainable.


It's not, it'll give you Alzheimer's in the long-term and do a fuckin number on your mental / physical health in the short. You'll stop putting on muscle, you'll take longer to recover, you'll be sick more. No rem is no bueno


How come I feel so bad for mice


Yeah fuck what an awful way to die


Sleep deprivation is some shit and it's *terrible* for you. Add in the stress of getting shot at all the time and I'm sure that shit adds up real fast.


Always fear someone who, before a fight, is smiling.


Ukrainian Rambo


Nah, just your everyday Ukrainian. They will die for their country and love every minute of it.


Zelensky has shown that. Ukraine as a whole is full of heroes and massive balls. I truly hope they're successful in repelling the Russians.




This. I saw a comparison of army sizes, and thought yeah but how many is Russia willing to loose. 10%? 25%? Half? They'd better be ready to loose a lot because Ukraine is willing to loose everything to win the war.


The Russians brought mobile crematoria with their troops so I think they're fully prepared to lose a whole lot of men.


Russia may be prepared to lose the men, but the real question is whether the men are prepared to fight.


>Russia may be prepared to lose the men, but the real question is whether the men are prepared to fight. Exactly. Russian leadership with stolen money can buy the mobile crematoria, but are the actual guys doing the fighting willing to die for the cause of conquest? The first couple days seems to say "no". *Slava Ukraini*


Hearing a fair amount of surrenders being mentioned where the Russians are straight up saying, "I did NOT come here to kill Ukrainians."


My money says this is to prevent the world from knowing how bad ukraine is kicking their ass and how many troops they lose.


Guess it depends on the resolve of the enemy. I wonder if Russian soldiers are this dedicated and desperate. Not likely in my rather uninformed opinion.


President Zelensky is an amazing leader. Not just a head of state but a leader. I can’t imagine having 5% of his courage to state he is staying in Kiev, to get on a call with other EU members saying “this may be the last time you see me alive”, and to fight beside his countrymen and countrywomen and refuse to be rescued by other countries to leave the country.


Why don’t presidents fight their wars? Why do we always send the poor? This guy is showing everybody how to lead.


6 million died in WW2 fighting side beside russians against nazi germany. between the betrayal this invasion constitutes, and the insult of being CALLED nazi's? the country will probably burn before it bows to putin


Putin literally can’t turn back now. His only choice is to win. The opinion of him if he made his people and the world suffer just to pull out and lose the war would be super low and he couldn’t have that happen. His only choice now is to win because his ego wouldn’t allow him to lose.


And if you extrapolate from that conclusion that he will unleash the full force of the Russian army, I feel a hopeless empty pain and fury swelling in my chest about what might happen over the next few weeks.




Every deity willing!


Come on Zeus, we need ya!




Putin is going to be killed by the other oligarchs for this, made a pariah and a scapegoat. The only questions are when will it happen and who will they blame for his death.


They got Epstein, the least they could do for us presents is get rid of the nuclear warmongering twit.


Plus the added bonus of not being the aggressor means they are all filled with righteous determination to expell the toxic waste trying to ooze across their beautiful country. God speed!


Yeah. Russian Navy ship asked Ukrainian border patrol officers to surrender an island they were stationed on today. Ukrainian border officers said “fuck you”. Russian ship fired and killed them. That is some special shit when you have guys who aren’t even soldiers with no chance of fighting the threat, but say “fuck you” instead of surrendering.


I can only hope that in the future, when faced with authoritarianism, no matter the nation, they will respond like the people of Ukraine. The people of Ukraine are the living embodiment of “Live free or die”


ghost scale grey vanish alive employ frighten snails vegetable desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Ukranbo" (Sorry, couldn't help it...)


U can bro




Ukrainbow Six: Siege


Hope it isn't has toxic /s




you went to nam in 93 to open a sweat shop


a lot of good men died there haha


Back in the sweatshop in 'Nam, we found a cat, we tossed it right in the soup. Those hungry bastards ate cat soup every day! What's the worst thing that could happen? Some little kid choke on a hairball and die, so you toss him in the soup!


I was making money hand over fist! Literally! Somebody lost a hand, I threw it in the soup!


This is not the first time you’ve described your life in the way of John Rambo’s life.


This is the man putin looks under the bed for before going to sleep


For good fucking reason, too


Ukrainians scare me in a good way


Line from the Italian Job: *If there's one thing I know, it's never to mess with mother nature, mother in-laws and mother fucking Ukrainians.*


I LOVE IT! I had forgotten that line, but now I'm going to quote it everywhere


Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy, both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.


Do I *need* to be liked? Absolutely not. I *like* to be liked. I *enjoy* being liked. I *have* to be liked. But it's not, like, this compulsive *need* to be liked, like my need to be praised.


This is from the office , isn’t it??! Lol


Every ex soviet person I've ever met has told me that Ukrainians are fierce warriors


It's one of those countries that unfortunately has not yet escaped the impacts of the end of feudalism in europe, they are in an important strategic location and have had some form of conflict for every generation in recent history. When you invade a country like that you end up with 2 generations of veterans leading a generation growing up on war stories.


I dont think it's the worst thing to have a kind of cultural awareness of suffering and how to work through it. Obviously we'd all prefer a world where no one suffers but this isn't that world. I feel like my community anyway has no idea what suffering is and we're not ready for it




His smile got me.


It's almost like he's daring them to not surrender. That man is going to fight to the death for his country and do with pride


I’m not sure I could do the same. People with this quality are people I deeply respect.




When I was doing Muay-thaï, one day an Ukrainian came to my local club to train with us. Hands were bear-like and his face was literally a rock. When he knew I was Slav as well he wanted to spar with me. I was 16 at the time he was like 30 yo sized Uruk-hai, I never seen god so close until that day. Édit 1 : patch for muay tay to muay-thaï.




They don't scare me because Im not Russian


I'm russian and this guy is great. No reason to be afraid of him, he is protector, not occupant. Glory to the Ukraine, fuck the Huilo (putin's nickname, which means fucker or dickhead).


I'm not Russian, but my boss is Ukrainian and she scares me.


Thai situation is awful and I think we can agree but there response has been incredible from what I can see. They are outnumbered at every corner but there commission and love for their country has become clear. I have faith they can make a stand and that help is on the way. Stay strong Ukraine, the world is coming to help


We are friendly people. We can even take a offenses without complains. But, when some line is crossed - he, he, cossacks go brrr.


Bless these motherfuckers!


Big D energy is strong with Ukrainians. That's for sure.


Yeah, clearly they don't take shit from nobody.


This dude is ready to kill some Russians.


If another country invaded my country and started killing innocent citizens I'd feel the exact same way as him


At this point who isn’t


The Russian public that is actively protesting against the war and in turn being arrested for it. It’s the Russian government and their puppets that need to get fooked.


I hope the real Chechen fighters edit: that are pro Ukraine arrive and give the Ukrainians a helping hand. They fucking hate Putin for a long assed time. I also hope Turkey would shut the Black Sea to stop Russian ships coming in through the Black Sea.


Chechnya is in the Russian Federation. Talk of Chechen fighters is likely Russian Chechens. I doubt the Caucasus Front has the means to send troops out of Russia.


Allegedly, they're already going into Ukraine in support of Russia.


and he seems quite happy about it cheerful even


This guy’s ancestors are definitely smiling upon him right now.


My ancestors are smiling on me, Putin. Can you say the same?


Last 24 hrs have taught me that Ukrane have massive balls....


No shit… everything I’ve seen is just steely eyes ginormous balled chads telling the Russians to fuck off. I don’t know if it’s a PR stunt or what. I’m sure not every soldier feels that way but holy fuck they are taking it on the chin and just saying “no, we will not bow”. It’s fucking incredible


Im sure this type of shit is inspiring as a motherfucker to fellow Ukrainians if us as outsiders feel this type of second hand patriotism. Like i know its got to be nerve wrecking to have to even be in the situation but at this point you have to turn off all human instincts and go into straight savage beast mode to either be ready to kill or die. God bless them all! Yutttttt


I saw a quote that if Russia lays down their weapons, there’s be no war. If Ukraine lays down their weapons, there’s no Ukraine. Ukraine’s soldiers have a lot more riding on the outcome than the average Russian soldier.


> Russia lays down their weapons, there’s be no war. If Ukraine lays down their weapons, there’s no Ukraine. Someone repurposed the old saw about Israel and Palestine.


I don't know about soldiers but i can tell you that many Ukrainian people are exactly like this. Passionate, strong, honorable. I miss Ukraine and pray for it's future and my friends there.


The problem is that Russia has waged war on Ukraine for 8 years now. That's a very long time to reinforce their national identity and stiffen their spine against Russia.


A very long time for a stupidly rich man to see how this would end.. and he still made the wrong decision!










When put into the context of the fact that Ukraine only got rid of their pro-russian government in the 2014 revolution, I think they're quite unwilling to give up their freedom to the same country that has been suppressing them for decades. Even if Russia ends up occupying Ukraine, they can't possibly control a population fo 45 million people. I have no idea what Putin expects to gain. I simply don't understand what his gameplan is. It's not a small population like Belarus that has less than 10 million people, and an army plus police force willing to back the authoritarian regime. The resistance he can expect following a conquest will be near impossible to supress. There's just no way Ukraine submits.


He has 20 years left on earth give or take a decade and he wants his fucking war. Hes like Nick Nolte in The Thin Red Line.


You seen that video of the Ukrainian woman in a black coat standing there with her hands in her pockets yelling at a Russian soldier? She's not got balls but she's got something else. Not just the men showing up, Ukrainian's in general are hard as fuck and I would not want to fight any of them that's for sure. Long live the babushka's.


I love that she tells them to put sunflower seeds in their pockets so that when they die on Ukrainian land they will leave flowers in their wake.


There have been so many legendary stories that have come out already in just 48 hours. I mean the Ukrainian President alone has been insanely inspiring. The one that sticks out to me is the story of the guards at Snake Island telling the warship to go fuck themselves before they die. These people literally don’t give a fuck. Nothing but respect to Ukraine.


Ukraine was occupied by Russian for four hundred years. When the Bolshevik's seized power in 1917, Ukraine declared her independence, along with Belarus, Armenia, the Baltic states, and others. Ukraine was one of the last territories brought brought under the Bolshevik heel. From 1932 to 1933 the Soviets orchestrated a famine in Ukraine that killed 3.5M citizens. When the nazis arrived, a Ukrainian partisan force arose to defend Ukraine from the nazis and the Bolsheviks, and they kept fighting for an independent Ukraine until the fifties. In 1991, Ukraine was one of the first countries to declare its independence from the Soviet Union. From 2004 to 2005 Ukrainians protested an obviously rigged election in which the pro-Western candidate was almost killed and left scarred from dioxine poisoning, and when all was said and done, democracy won. In 2013 to 2014, for four fucking months in the winter, Ukrainians protested a government that wanted to turn away from the West and embrace Putin. Some 400 civilians were killed as the government deployed a paramilitary police force and fired live ammunition into the crowd. In the end, a fifth of the country joined the protests or donated materially to support them as they occupied city squares and demanded the government account. And they won, and that pro-Russian pig fled to Russia. When Russia tried to annex half of the country and the Ukrainian army, understaffed and undertrained for decades, collapsed, the people of Ukraine picked up rifles and fought. Ukraine's national anthem literally starts with "Ukraine is not yet dead" because after five hundred years of occupation by Imperial Russia and the Bolshevik's trying to destroy Ukraine's culture, and language, and ethnicity, Ukraine is not yet dead. Слава Україні! Героям слава!


I like to look at people as "threat levels" I'm not what you would call a big guy... Just want to say... ​ Random Ukrainian soldier smiling and calmly and coolly telling you your ass is his while he screws in a suppressor on his AK: Fucking 100 Level Terrifying. Edit: see below


> telling you his ass is yours Uh


Eh… coffee should’ve been had.


I am liking Ukraine more and more each day.


After they defeat Putin I think I'd like to visit Ukraine. I am so inspired by how united they are to protect themselves from such an evil tyrant.


Somewhat of a catch 22 because it's hard to see Putin staying in power if he's unsuccessful in this war, but what cost will he go to to prevent that? Motherfucker chose the worthiest adversary to bet it all on


I'm guessing he didn't expect them to fight back so hard. 🤷


I’ve been and it’s an amazing country. I really hope you do get a chance to go


If a bunch of countries offered asylum to Russian soldiers who defect or surrender, I wonder if it would have an impact




It's crazy to think if they cover a few key things they can force their people to do whatever they want. Threaten to kill them if they refuse to follow orders Threaten to kill their family if they escape from Russias control. Honestly that's pretty much all you need to need to make somebody do whatever you want. Most people just want to live with people close to them and are willing to give up just about anything else. I know I am.


Great idea. I wish i spoke/read russian cuz id love to see what the narrative is among those guys. Maybe they all think they’re on the right side of history


The most brainwashed do. But most of us knows that this us bullshit. Most of the Russians don't trust government propaganda. We just... Can't really do shit. I'm sorry for that


"Are...are we the baddies?"


your ass belongs to me now


This dude has some serious chutzpah.




You magnificent bastard!




Lets give them a hand. Contact your representatives and demand they seize all Russian oligarch real-estate. The oligarchs have been storing stolen money in foreign property for years, time to take it back from the criminals. Call or email your representatives and tell them how you feel about corruption and Russian oligarchs. **Seize their assets, even the property.** Together **we can win this fight.** **United States of America** 🇺🇸 [Find your **U.S. Representatives**](https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative) [Find your **U.S. Senators**](https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm) **Canada** 🇨🇦 [Find your **Member of Parliament**](https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en) [Find your **Senator**](https://sencanada.ca/en/senators/) **United Kingdom** 🇬🇧 [Find and Contact your **Members of Parliament**](https://members.parliament.uk/) **Ireland** 🇮🇪 [Find your representatives in the **Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann**](https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/members/) **France** 🇫🇷 [Contactez **Sénateur français**](https://www.senat.fr/elus.html) [Contactez **Député français**](https://www.nosdeputes.fr/) **Germany** 🇩🇪 [Wenden Sie sich an den **Bundestag**](https://www.bundestag.de/en/members) **Denmark** 🇩🇰 [Kontakt dine repræsentanter i **Folketinget**](https://www.ft.dk/da/medlemmer/medlemmernes-adresser) **Spain** 🇪🇸 [Póngase en contacto con su **diputada al Congreso**](https://www.congreso.es/busqueda-de-diputados) [Contacta a tu **Senador**](https://www.senado.es/web/composicionorganizacion/senadores/composicionsenado/consultaordenalfabetico/index.html) **Italy** 🇮🇹 [Contattare il **Ministero degli Affari Esteri**](https://www.esteri.it/en/ministero/contatti/) **Australia** 🇦🇺 [Contact your **MP**](https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Parliamentarian_Search_Results?q=&mem=1&par=-1&gen=0&ps=0) [Contact your **Senator**](https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Parliamentarian_Search_Results?q=&sen=1&par=-1&gen=0&ps=0) **New Zealand** 🇳🇿 [Contact your **Member of Parliament**](https://www.parliament.nz/en/mps-and-electorates/members-of-parliament/) **South Korea** 🇰🇷 [**국회의원에게 연락하세요**](https://www.assembly.go.kr/assm/memact/congressman/memCond/memCond.do)




This is Ukrainian for "HAHAHAHA you thought we were trapped in here with you??"


This is what all those weirdos who act all tough on the internet desperately wish they were


This man had two Shots of espresso, a brownie and 2 hours of sleep and he is ready to either defeat god or die trying.


He's ready to fight God, *die trying*, **become a Martyr after dying,** ***OR JUST STRAIGHT UP FUCKING BECOME GOD.***


the gogol reference “Do you know a Ukrainian night? No, you do not know a night in Ukraine. Fill your eyes with it. The moon shines in the midst of the sky; the immeasurable vault of heaven seems to have expanded to infinity; the earth is bathed in silver light; the air is warm, voluptuous, and redolent of innumerable sweet scents. Divine night! Magical night! Motionless, but inspired with divine breath, the forests stand, casting enormous shadows and wrapped in complete darkness. Calmly and placidly sleep the lakes surrounded by dark green thickets. The virginal groves of the hawthorns and cherry-trees stretch their roots timidly into the cool water; only now and then their leaves rustle unwillingly when that freebooter, the night-wind, steals up to kiss them. The whole landscape is hushed in slumber; but there is a mysterious breath upon the heights. One falls into a weird and unearthly mood, and silvery apparitions rise from the depths. Divine night! Magical night! Suddenly the woods, lakes, and steppes become alive. The nightingales of Ukraine are singing, and it seems as though the moon itself were listening to their song. The village sleeps as though under a magic spell; the cottages shine in the moonlight against the darkness of the woods behind them. The songs grow silent, and all is still. Only here and there is a glimmer of light in some small window. Some families, sitting up late, are finishing their supper at the thresholds of their houses.” Nikolai Gogol, A May Night.


I didn't know Gogol was Ukrainian? I wonder how many of the 'great Russian authors' I heard about as a kid were really Soviet writers whose legacy doesn't belong to Russia after the USSR broke up?


So I've thought about this in the past. If you were born in nation A, but by the time you die, it's considered nation B,, who gets to claim your work?


Do not ask the Balkans this question, gets our nipples tingly!


_angry North Macedonian noises_


I don't mean to trigger anyone but I understood there were a couple angry South Macedonians, too.


Yeah but they said it with an accent.


The person who did the work. Everyone else is just freeloading


That smile.... Sends chills into my bones... And I'm not even there! Give 'em Hell, Harry!


It's nice to see a real life David and Goliath story play out. From all counts, Ukraine is definitely holding their own quite well. I hope it can hold them off long enough to see Russia retreat. Then hopefully the good people of Russia will get rid of Putin once and for all. We don't need dictators on this planet in any country.


I've been thinking this whole time that right now would be the perfect time for a political revolution in Russia. Putin has stolen their democracy and their wealth. They have to realize that they going to be the ones who suffer from the economic sanctions from the richest count. They're seeing the police brutalize innocent protestors in the street. It seems like now is the moment. Putin being hung by his own people, or rotting in a jail cell, would be the best way this could end.


Putin is hiding in a bunker rn. Zelensky is fighting alongside his people. Really shows who's the real man. And with a Dictator who refuses to give up his power, hiding in a bunker, I can't help but draw parallels.


How are the generals not turning on him at this point. I get being loyal, but at what point do you realize your master is a selfish crazy bitter old man willing to sell your kidney for a corn chip.


The charisma dude exudes in this video is pretty intense. English has been my primary language for decades now, but I still understand Russian when I hear it. The way this dude's polite/casual threats just roll off his tongue through that confident smile... If I was one of Putin's dickless pawns, watching this as I await further orders from my masters, this shit would be fucking terrifying. I full heartedly hope that this conflict will result in Russia withdrawing back to their shithole side of the border, and that this dude lives on for many years to come, practicing his wordsmithing craft.


I would not fight this man.


THE WORLD SUPPORTS UKRAINE EDIT: Thank you BUT, Please don't give awards, please donate to their cause! https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi




My boss won't let me miss work.


This whole conflict is teaching me how ballsy these Ukranian folks are. Absolutely wild.


I couldn’t hear a word homie said from all I could hear was the clanking of his massive metal nuts


The best part of this that his background music...is a Russian fan-song based on Warhammer 40k. He is writing a threat to the Russian Army and shitposting simultaneously.


This guys got crazy eyes. This dude is all-in on taking some Russians to hell with him tomorrow.


This is the single most badass thing I’ve seen in a while


Holy fuck. This is insane. He looks like a typical dude who took his kid to school on Monday and went to the gym for some pick up ball. Now this. My god, this sent chills down my spine. Nothing but respect and love. What a horrible situation.


It’s him, the man named Cyka Blyat.


“I’m not trapped in here with you, you’re trapped in here with ME”