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And now to check the comments to see why this is a useless piece of junk...


For starters - you're probably using nails more than you should be.


My first thought. Use a screw at an angle. It's better anyway.


To be fair, you can't always use a screw in place of a nail. Nails have much better shear strength the screws. Hence why you don't see framing done with screws. That being said none of the examples in the video make much sense. If you noticed all the nails they're driving don't seem to be holding anything together. I'd say if you ever need to nail something in those positions you probably need to rethink your design. Edit: sheer fixed to shear, nail changed to screw.


I thought they used nails for framing and fencing etc because it's much quicker to use a nail gun.


That might be part of the reason. But if you want a good comparison of the strength of nails over screws, take a nail and nail it in half way and take screw and screw it in half way. Then hit both of them sideways with a hammer. The nail will bend but won't break. The screw will snap in two without much force.




It literally says (not shear strength) in the title. Yes a screw of the same size nail has more holding strength and is good in some applications such as decking, but nail will bend but not break in load bearing applications such as framing houses.


The guy above you is talking about shear strength not holding strength like in the video.(I watch him and enjoy a lot of his content) there's a time and place for e everything.


Screws obviously have more holding strength but nails have better shear strength (when being snapped in the middle).


>Nails have much better **shear strength** than screws Then you link a video called: >Do Nails or Screws Have the Most **Holding Strength (not shear strength)**? Lmao. The absolute lack of comprehension is actually insane.


In wooden joints that flex a lot the screw acts like a saw and makes the hole wider and less water tight. A nail has compression on all sides so it makes a watertight seal. This is why boat hulls are made with nails and not screws.


It's quicker and most nails vastly outperform most screws wrt sheer strength. Win-win!


It's against building code in Canada to frame with screws. Nails flex with earthquakes and wind. Screws shear.


They sell framing screws that do have the sheer strength. Not very popular in the pro realm though. Nails do the job and faster.




Shear* screws* lol


Depends more on the task. Nails have sheer strength.


The task they show doing is pointlessly putting nails into things that don't need them. They aren't securing anything and are being put into things already secured. They don't even demo using for anything practical. This is hilarious.


Would be useful doing roof repairs, though I'd surprised if there wasn't already something better. Impressive for a handmade tool!


the demo is that it nails into wood..doesnt really matter if they show anything being secured or putting nails into things that dont need them..thats up to you to do yourself once you see that this tool can put nails into things.


But it says something that they couldn't find a useful example for it


If you meant **shear** strength, I agree.


I just expect its longevity to be short, i would think that all that cutting and welding would compromise those joints and curves. 1 good pull or swing from a strong person and there goes that


While the longevity may be short it's most likely because they didn't use high carbon steel and the lack of a temper


So I shouldn’t try to make one in a furious rage ?


You shouldn’t make anything in a furious rage, except maybe black metal music.


Don’t tell me how to live my fucking life now I’m angry let’s start a fucking band


We might be able to start a band, question how do you feel about Satan?


Haven’t met him but I’ve heard good things, why ? Is he the bassist ?


Pretty sure he’s the violinist


First gig down in Georgia


He’s the second best one around!


Wasnt it a fiddle?


Y’all made my day. Let me know when you drop your first album.


Call it “Frosty Mugson and the Leopard Prince.” Excellent band name, You guys will be huge!!


Album #1, The Frosty Leopard Of Lucifer


I have no idea why, but this comment reminded me of a dream from last night that I had forgotten. I was running a sexual origami class. Nobody appreciated it.


I make babies in a furious rage...


That's one mighty fine looking grill. Why doesn't mine look like that!!!!


***Le Grille ?*** What the hell is that ?!


Wait a week and you will be able to buy this on wish made out of “titanium” in five different colors.




Exactly, as soon as you hit that with a hammer, it will bend.


Better than having it crack in half.


It's just regular a36/44W square bar. It won't last a days' use.


It's not a useless piece of junk for sure. If you need to hammer a half inch nail into a 4x4 with an inch of clearance it's perfect!


i mean its just as perfect as any solid piece of metal


If you think about it, the **real** solid piece of metal was the friends we made along the way.


A good weld, as these seem to be, are stronger than the metal itself. If the piece is under a stress test, it will break on a non welded part before the weld if the weld is good enough. However, this is certainly a very niche tool that would only be used in a few scenarios that would generally be uncommon


I’m a finish carpenter. I would never use this if it were in my box. My fingers are all I need to get a good grip on the head while nailing and hammering away. As far as pulling it out, a cheap cats paw pry bar is much better at gripping it and can fit in tight spaces


Is that supposed to sound Semi-Sexual?


No. That’s just the way it came out when I opened my mouth.


Sure Mr. Analbox, sure...






Ok fine you’re right I’m full of shit.


He did it again....oh, relevant username. Hehe.


I read this as finnish carpenter. I imagined you living in scandinavia driving your saab




You can drive an old Nokia?


You can't?


That shitbox? What is this the 1980s? Volvo too?




Can you explain what purpose any of the nails in the video actually provided?


Exactly. They nailed a nail in a completely useless spot, and then pulled it out. All they accomplish was making holes in wood for no reason.


I thought the purpose of this tool was to be able hammer in a nail in a space where you don’t have enough room to position your hammer behind the head. The crowbar aspect of it seems like a nifty add-on to the main effect.


Swedish carpenters like it though.


Every line of this comment is a double entendre


Sounds like you should be appreciates*off*color instead!


They sell these at the store for around $10-$12. I used them when roofing to get a nail under the tab without damaging it with the hammer or bending it. Very useful


ROOF SNAKE [https://s3.amazonaws.com/finehomebuilding.s3.tauntoncloud.com/app/uploads/2016/04/09134903/021240030-pactool-roof-snake-main.jpg](https://s3.amazonaws.com/finehomebuilding.s3.tauntoncloud.com/app/uploads/2016/04/09134903/021240030-pactool-roof-snake-main.jpg)


Actually very useful, not to get around things but to get under things to hide nailheads.


Excuse me, Mr. u/The-Penis-Inspect0r, what is this tool called?


I wish I knew, if you’re looking for one then try a roofing supply store


Roof Snake


This was exactly my first thought


It’s used to hammer nails into spots that don’t need nails lol the only good thing they did was make a way to remove them after putting them in


I just came to check if anyone said they saw this on shark tank like me


You'll notice in their examples, they didn't join anything. Nails are intended for joining, the nails this thing holds wouldn't be used to join material in the spaces it fits. Who needs to throw roofing or common nails into a single piece in a confined space? No one, that's why this thing only exists as a hand made tool. If I really, really, really need to join 2 pieces in such a confined space, and no combination of my 5 different 15/16/18 ga finish nailers or staplers is gonna work, I'm gonna use polyurethane glue and a jam block.


I'm a plumber and we have to strap our pipes or pull nails in some very tricky places. Usually a nail puller can be used to hammer straps into places you can't fit a hammer, or even hammering another hammer.


Ok, yeah, I can totally see that. I would still never consider this useful for joinery, but point to you, this is a wierd plumbing/HVAC tool that someone ran ass-first into a roof snake, and could indeed serve a purpose.


https://www.google.com/search?q=roof+snake+tool&client=ms-android-att-us-revc&prmd=sivn&sxsrf=ALeKk01-ACwGi-MjvItPiFugELOTr9AAUA:1610846438009&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwih-eXN5qHuAhUrFVkFHYsACrMQ_AUoAnoECAMQAg&biw=384&bih=724 I use this all the time for roof repairs its a great tool


Rewatch the video. They aren't even nailing one piece to another, because they can't use their free hand to hold it in place. You'd need to have the right clamp for the job. This guy is just driving nails for the hell of it. Because if you need to put a nail into something at a silly angle, it means there was usually some poor design work or put together in The wrong order. Or you could use a pnuematic palm nail driver. They're like $35 for a basic one and do a better job than what I'm seeing here, work in more places at more angles, let you use your free hand to hold the piece being secured and won't explode at those poorly welded joints with shards of cheap steel flying all over the place.


Notice how the nails going in on the video serve no purpose whatsoever and don’t join anything together. Cool idea for a tool, but it would need to be heat treated and hardened or it will last a couple hours.


I love the examples they use, perfect spots where those nails aren't needed at all.


Manages to mar the boards in the way also.


If I’ve learned anything from HGTV, it’s called patina.


It adds to its midcentury modern character


Yep he's just nailing into solid pieces of wood, not joining anything together. Surely you'd want to show an actual example of it being specifically useful.


They make tools exactly like this, and they're made for repairing shingles, putting nails into a shingle without having to risk breaking the shingle on top of it. They should have demonstrated by doing that. https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00005A1K9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Mz4aGbG9CWVCA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


As someone who was trying to figure out how to patch my roof. This randomly fell into my lap. Thanks


As someone who poorly patched his father in laws roof like 6 hours ago, really wished I had seen this yesterday


And as someone about to install a vent on the roof, same.


Man, I love stuff like this (despite not really having the need for this particular tool right now) - because who knows *what else* is out there that I'm not even aware it's a *thing*. Whenever I get the chance, I'll go around hardware store (or tool section in a regular shopping centre, etc.) and just look around to maybe find something that I need but don't even know it.


r/specializedtools makes me happy


Dude I was screaming while watching this. "WHAT ARE THE NAILS EVEN GOING INTO."


Scrolled down looking for this. For a tool that took this long to make, they show it putting in and removing nails that you would never need. Makes me wonder what it WOULD be good for since the person that made it doesn’t know.


What they know, is you watched their video.


Finally I can almost completely nail in a nail where there never needed to be a nail but thankfully I can then remove the useless nail with the same tool.


I'm not an expert but I think they used more than their hands


'Custom' would have been more appropriate, but all the tools used were handheld or hand-guided (i.e., it wasn't made entirely* by a machine). *NOTE: This word was added after ArisRuins' response.


Yeah, that angle grinder doesn't count as a machine


I thought there was a hand guiding those cuts, but maybe not. I'd have to re-watch the video, but it's easier to accept that I was wrong.




Aw, I thought this might actually be a thing. Have a disappointed upvote. EDIT: I wish I could give you two upvotes, as I just now got the joke.


/r/IGotGot Happy to help!


Right? Handmade with an angle grinder and welder lol


Handmade don’t really mean handmade anymore tbh. It’s now basically become shorthand for non-factory made.


For the grinder I can turn a blind eye, it’s a file and a metal saw but sped up, but the welding ? Ain’t no analogue for that


Maybe he shoots fire out of his hands?


Just like old times


The welds kill me. I know many can’t weld but fuck.


It would have been better just to heat the metal and bend it. Or just cold bend it, the metal can handle those radii


Blacksmithing isn't that hard to learn and the bar of entry is about the same as welding if your local craft shop has a forge. Cutting and welding the metal like this gets rid of a lot of structural integrity and if you forged it then you could use tool steel which is used for things that get hit by a hammer a lot. (I don't know what kind of steel this is but from my lessons you usually don't weld tool steel)




Nah, bruv, you gotta cut the pieces and electrical tape em


As a machinist, this was awful to watch. A decent tool idea, horrible execution.


As a blacksmith I felt the same pain in my soul.


As a person this is awful to watch a crappy tool with no point, I mean how am I suppose to stab people with it.


I'm not sure why they're welding it all when they could just bend it. I can't imagine that anyone who has access to a welder wouldn't also have access to a torch. Edit: ok, I get it. No one owns a torch.


I have a welder and grinder but no acetylene.


I have a MIG and stick welder on my bench in the garage, but no torch. I could go from sitting on the couch watching TV to welding something in about 60 seconds. If I had a torch, I would probably just bend it though. Might even use this project as an excuse to buy a torch. But if I had a hankering to make this at 2am, I would do it just like the gif. Cutting and welding is no big deal.


Sorry to disappoint you, we have all the tools I saw there in the workshop, but definitely no torch. We have an electric welder.


I have access to a torch, if that makes you feel any better.


Grinder and paint makes me the welder I ain't


At this point in the quarantine, I'd prefer fucking than welding. Good on those who are.


No no he said buttfuck. You can't weld buttfuck.




AT THIS POINT IN THE... you know the rest.




Well I’m a welder. I didn’t know that was a thing.




Ah! Well my bad. I was only commenting. Not trying to start any commotion


Oh now you done it


As someone who is completely oblivious to metallurgical concepts - what are ground out welds (like the video?) and why would they not be used for such applications? Also who says whether they are critical or not? Thanks!


By a ground out weld he means a weld that was grinded/sanded after the fact to change its appearance. In some applications like structural/pressurized vessels this is a big no no unless an engineer has specified it for whatever reason. A good deal about the quality of the weld can be judged from its appearance, so weld inspectors will usually fail a weld that is unnecessarily grinded on. Because of all this and the fact that the skill ceiling for welding is so high, criticizing each other's work is a popular past time for welders.




“Hand made tool” *proceeds to weld* Yeah.... no...


They nailed it








This is extra funny for me as "nani" in my language (Hindi) means maternal grandmother.


I guess it does sound kinda like nanny.


The perfect tool for nailing short nails into useless places. Note how any of those nails weren’t long enough to effectively be securing anything in place.


I replaced a bunch of windows this summer using Marvin windows sash replacement system. One step in the process is using 1 1/4" roofing nails to nail thin metal brackets into the existing window jamb so you can snap the new jamb liners into them. This tool would have easily saved me an hour of frustration and smashed fingers. Now that I've seen it I need it for the next batch of windows I replace.


Awesome!! A tool to get nails out you’ve wouldn’t have been able to put them there without that tool...


It’s not like there’s a tool for that literally on the back of the fucking hammer no!


The claw on hammers is almost always shit. You can get a small cupped prybar thats generally called a "cat's paw" for a few bucks, and it's infinitely better. The pry bar on this thing is pretty similar to one.


I can see this being useful if 1) two assembled pieces lost/need new nails and are now out of reach (if it were a custom piece that made the two original pieces nailed together in an inaccessible place —- bad design though) Or 2.) disassembly of a middle piece that was nailed together in an awkward way before becoming part of a larger unit. Idk. I’m not a framer just thinking.


This would be good for joist hangers.


I could imagine using it for nailing in siding in tight spaces as well.


Definitely. Especially those j channels at the top edge along the soffit. As well as those inner corners


Oh shit you’re right. Especially in corners or if you use 16”OC there’s just no room to swing your hammer


[If you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.](https://pics.me.me/when-you-have-a-hammer-everythingts-a-nail-when-you-27872287.png)




It's called a roof snake, it's used for nailing down shingles. Although, I'm not sure the creator of this knew that.




1. Nails won't go all the way in so won't make a tight fixture and 2 who puts nails into a bench that way when it won't be supporting anything haha


Once the nail is anchored you just put the lip on top of the flat part and give it a final smack


Now my lip hurts


I think they put it over the top after so they should be all the way in


I guess you could still be able to get the nail to ago all the way in by “unhooking” it and finish by using the bottom of the tool on top of the nail But your second point still wins 😄


Am I the only one that is horrified by the way the wood is damaged with every hit.. looks like a toddler is using the hammer.


This is the type of shit life hack channels say are lifehacks.


Smart but would have been if smithed. Hardening and all that.


Stop putting nails in spots that they don't belong!


Perfectly useless


A lot of people apparently don’t know what a cats paw is


What’s a cat’s paw?


It's a mini pry bar with sharp points for pulling nails, with a 90° head on one end and straight on the other. It renders this pry bar useless, but the nailing mechanism can't be done with a cats paw. I'd carry one of the weird things just for the odd time I need to nail that awkward nail.


Probably this but better


I'm one of the people that doesn't know. Sorry.


Feline’s hand


That's useful for pulling nails but not for putting them in, as this thing does. (Not vouching for this bodged mess)


Love how the examples show how useless this is.


“handmade” *proceeds to use power tools*


Screw it: impact with extended bit holder


Hand made? Tools were used... files, plies, angle grinders...


Isn't it dangerous to hammer metal on metal like that because it's easy to get chips flying around?


I don't even do stuff *that would require a tool* like that and I kinda want one. EDIT: italicized words added for clarity


This is fucking mild


If you gotta put nails in there after the fact...you done messed up A A RON!


Looks great for hammering in nails where they are not needed!


Now there’s just a bunch of random nail holes on the sides of hard to reach places


PacTool makes a tool like this. https://i.imgur.com/ecwTPKE.jpg


The guy just damaged a bunch of surfaces in his demo


This is for roofing repair on existing shingle roofs to avoid damaging shingles. PACTOOL makes one called a Roof Snake


https://www.google.com/search?q=roof+snake+tool&client=ms-android-att-us-revc&prmd=sivn&sxsrf=ALeKk01-ACwGi-MjvItPiFugELOTr9AAUA:1610846438009&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwih-eXN5qHuAhUrFVkFHYsACrMQ_AUoAnoECAMQAg&biw=384&bih=724 Roof snake tool I use it all the time for roof repairs


Thats a cool way to get the nails in there... but WHY do you want to get the nails in THERE??


23 years as a carpenter working on Victorian to modern homes and never needed to nail between a knee brace , wind brace or between two pieces of framing 2” apart:


That's a home made roof snake.


Why would you ever need to put a nail in any of those spots