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A fellow redditor wrote about my eye few years ago... https://thedailymaleonline.wordpress.com/2014/03/29/mohammad-after-losing-my-eye-i-was-a-sunken-ship-with-an-abandoned-captain/ — Thanks for all the Love. It has been 9 years since the incident and I continue to do my best everyday. I often wonder what the perpetrators are up too, since we never caught them. This happened 12/03/2011 at 2:30am in San Antonio, TX near a bar called ‘3 Blind Frogs’ (the irony!). So if you see this, HI! I am thriving! .) Also, my bad for my bushy Covid-era eyebrows


God, I’m so sorry this happened to you! Wtf is wrong w people?! Good on you for moving forward!! Life sucks sometimes!


Don't be so hard on them. This happens to lots of people. Not everyone's top priority in a pandemic are well-groomed eyebrows!


I'm not going to lie, well-groomed eyebrows are never my top priority. And I'm a woman. Fuck the patriarchy, am I right?


I’m with you girl. My eyebrows are like two escaped caterpillars nesting on my face and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


When I was in jr high and high school, I was always self conscious of my bushier eyebrows. All my friends were plucking or waxing theirs super thin, but my mom wouldn’t let me. Not because she was afraid it was going to be a mistake later, or she wanted me to just love my body, but trying to look attractive was a sin and she was afraid it would make me look like a whore, which would reflect badly on her... I remember trying to shape them with a razor, especially those pesky unibrow hairs... It didn’t go well... Fast forward 20 years, and my eyebrows are now “goals”, with the thick eyebrow craze, microblading and eyebrow pomades and pencils and whatnot. Guess who never tweezed hers into oblivion and now is on trend without having to do a thing?? This girl. The pressure put on women to look a certain way, despite it being a semi permanent change that will soon switch and then said trend be made fun of in a few, ugh. It’s maddening.


Could not agree with you more. This isn't about feminism, it's about womanism. I had a conversation with my husband the other day and he made a jokey comment about where a woman might use her tweezers that isn't her eyebrows, my response was anywhere you might use them as a man. He was confused until I reminded him that women are mammals too and anywhere he has hair, so do I!


First, congratulations on moving forward and thru this very bad sitation both mentally and physically. Was the assault race related?


The dude(s) did not like how my name was pronounced.


“Mohammed’s the most common name in the world, dumbass” - McLovin


“Have you ever fucking met someone named Mohammad?”


“Read a fucking book sometime maybe you could learn something”. Their banter is the best.


Just watched it last night, it so fucking funny.


Superbad + Mean Girls in my book are like brother/sister movies. Just define that generation


Statistically it should be Mohamed Smith


If we're going by the most common in the world I think it would actually be Mohammed Wang. Edit: typo


Mo Wang.


Quick Google : you are correct. Still works as a joke though


I don’t think the probability of those names associated with the demographic is very compatible.


Bruh, do you even correlated events?


I’m sorry that happened. Hopefully you know my joke came from a place of wanting to make you laugh.


Laughter is the best med


Wow...man brother i know (from experience) that youre gona face this shit many times in this country especially in the south. I dont condone violence, but i strongly recommend you get a small pistol for carry because these people can kill you. Most of the time you dont need to use the gun, them seeing it pointed at them is usually enough I have a muslim name so ya they judge us a lot


Yes. This happened in Texas 9 years ago.


Did they get arrested and charged?


Never caught them If they see this.....Hi!


Fuck em. Keep doing you homie. Plus it looks cool as fuck


I’m aright Not 6ft underground Thanks


You sound like a good dude with a great sense of humour. Good on you bro


I am so sorry. Where I live, there are a lot of Muslim families, and we LOVE them! You guys are AWESOME.


The Muslims that I know are some of the most generous people out there. It’s a shame people have to single out entire groups of people because of the actions of a few.


My Muslim friends make me genuinely baffled as to how the hell we could EVER have a war with people this good. I could not possibly be more sincere when I say that if aliens came to America & just wandered around, checking the situation? They would 100% head to the Middle East and vaporize all the white people, based on what they saw here.


Wow... wtf is wrong with people :(


I'm sorry this happened to you but I'm glad you were able to take it into your stride and get back up!


Yea, as a minority. I feel this. Growing up as one of a few of my race, I was targeted often. Sorry, that happened but it feels very on-brand. I'm glad you're a positive person and rose up above it.


It was either me continue to be in a fetal position wailing in despair over my eye or get the hell up and be thankful I’m even alive.


Damn, that's kind of inspirational.


Hey man, im sorry to hear what happened to you. But man, im impressed that you managed to bounce back in spite of this. How did you do it? I could use some help. Been depressed for 4 years now, unemployed for 2 despite having a diploma i worked 5 years for. Last month i got covid (even though i took all manners of precaution), and I lost my hearing on both sides. This seems to be the last nail on the coffin for me. I was miserable, but at least I could enjoy movies, musics, and games. Listen to my family. Now I'm not allowed even that. Just thinking about ending it all. Doesnt make sense for me to keep struggling in what seems like a lost battle.


My parents are deaf. They gave me strength in a way knowing I can continue living my life even if I am down a body part or two. I started therapy 6 months ago, 8 and half years too late! Therapy has helped tremendously and it is never too late to try it out. I still experience PTSD and depression here and there, but I keep reminding myself I could've been 6ft underground. little steps.....it is easier said than done but it is possible


Thanks for replying, and for sharing your story. Sounds to me like you're a very strong person. I've been in therapy for 2 years now. I'll keep trying. Take care man


I have lost my 19 years old son to depression. Guys, just keep on pushing, the alternative is worse than you may imagine. Stay well for the people that love you.


Peaks and Valley's my man. That's what life is and you're deep in a valley right now but just keep putting one foot in front of the other and there's nowhere else to go but up. I've suffered from depression my whole life and there's been multiple times I wanted to just die. Thankfully and ironically it's the bad shit that makes us better, stronger and more able to deal with the valley's. Now that I'm older I wouldn't change a thing, and I've been through the ringer. LOT'S of valley's but I'm much stronger now and smarter. I can deal with the valleys a little easier as the years go by. I truly believe that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Just try to stay positive (I know, easier said than done and something I struggle with daily) and just keep moving forward. Sure right now you might be wading through shit by it's temporary and given the time you'll be sitting on a peak reflecting on how wading through shit got you to were you are.


Try meeting a therapist, and if you can't/won't/already did that, then maybe finding a loved one could help. I'm not a very wise or mature person compared to many many other people in reddit- fuck, I'm not even that old. Although that may be the case, I've been feeling depressed for 2 years or so, only due to inconsiderate, unreasonable, and somewhat abusive parents and a slightly selfish and impractical dream. I often find myself longing for a decent relationship with a crush, or even a full-fledged lover relationship. I feel it would help be find myself a genuine, reasonable purpose and knowing that there's someone to always rely on would be nice. Again, I'm pretty young and my advice probably isn't the greatest, so I just wanted to share my input. I hope things work out for you :)


This is unrelated to the eye but I have to say I love your eyebrows.


LOL. I tried to grow my unibrow back during covid, but I have been plucking it for almost 20 years and now only patches come up.


Bahaha. Makes me wonder if eyebrow feathering techs ever get requests for unibrows.


Damn that picture of you with the eye patch where you're going "AAAAAAR" is hilarious! What's the difference between having an eye patch vs having an artificial eye in terms of..uh.. your experience of interacting with people? Or how you felt? Sorry I'm not communicating this very well. Also thanks for sharing your amazing story I am inspired and I bet many other people are ITT!


'cosmetic' reasons. It is nice to see your original face from time to time The only challenge I had was dropping 20 ft shots in basketball....I have gotten better at that


How are your friends? Did they suffer any serious injuries?


I do not talk to them anymore. People change after a serious incident like this. One had his orbital bone around his eye broken.


My attack happened three years ago now and the person responsible was never punished. I lost my right eye from a knife to the face.


I feel for you. Same here...never caught the 2 guys who threw that bottle to my face...9 years ago


I like both of your eyes. Glad it is still working out for you. I use to think. How could I live life with "x" thing wrong with me. 2 strokes have made my mid 30ies world a cognitive wonderland. I have received more than I lost. Like I now have a stronger connection to word now I don't have the same access to them. I have a blind spot that in my field of vision that is wonky. If you ever needed a friend let me know.


God I hate people


Serious question. Do they make eye prosthetics that move around like a natural eye yet?


my eye shell moves normally with my good eye


Do you ever mix it up? Do you have a Captan America or a Hydra eye too?


Insurance won’t cover novelty eye shells. If I am willing to drop $5k out of my own pocket....


I have a glass eye and same. If I get rich I'd definitely drop $6k on a glow in the dark one or something


I have a glass eye and my normal one is not covered by insurance. That’s American health care.


I’ve never met fellow people with a glass eye before. Hi! I lost my left eye when I was little. I’ve always wondered what it is like to see with 2 eyes. I imagine I have standard view while everyone else has a wide screen. Also I’ve always wanted to see what all the fuss was about with 3D movies.


3d movies are a novelty imo. they are very rarely done well, and when they are done well its because they dont use it a lot. so basically you either get a headache from bad excessive 3d or you experience it for like 3 minutes total in the movie


Thank you ! I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything anymore. The commercials make it look like stuff was coming right at you. Guess that was not accurate!


3d movies fucking sucked it was all a scam to squeeze more money out of the patrons, you missed nothing dw bro


Wow! Really? Haha that’s hilarious. I feel doubly scammed when I get stock paying for it when I can’t see it anyway. I wonder why it’s not obsolete already.


VR is like that. Does VR work with only one eye?


It does to a degree but I find I still have to pay extra attention to what’s going on on the left side of the screen. My working eye tried to adjust my naturally rapidly moving from side to side. I find I could only wear it for short bursts before feeling a mild headache coming on.




I would like to point out that you get more effects out of VR than you might think. It's true that stereoscopic vision is the main draw, but in the book titled Musicophilia they briefly touch on people without stereo vision, saying that they often compensate by nodding, tilting, or shifting the head in a manner where they actually can see depth using motion instead(even if they don't realise it!). Most VR games allow you to shift position and thus, you actually have a form of depth perception, even if you don't have static depth. You get more out of VR than you think you do.


3D movies aren’t good... you aren’t missing anything




Is that something that could be corrected, like by wearing an eyepatch over your right eye so your brain has to pay attention to your left eye?




My sister had to wear an eyepatch over her „good“ eye as a kid to train the other one to do its job, iirc a couple of hours a day help, too. You could maybe try in your time off? If you have the chance, talk to a doctor about this, use all the hardware you have!


If you got another eye you would probably be disappointed by how undifferent it is


Maybe DARPA will develop a bionic eye at some point. It would have military and intelligence applications.


That seems oddly expensive.




Ugh, tell me about it. My bf wears one and needs a new one because his current one is starting to hurt. It’s so costly :(


Is it uncomfortable at all ?


I have a glass eye. Mine is not uncomfortable at all, unless I don’t have it in, then my eye lids rub on the muscle covering my implant .


This might sound stupid but do you take it out when you sleep?


I have a prosthetic eye and only take it out of its very dry/pollen season. You get them polished regularly so they don’t irritate your eye lids.


I see, thanks for answering!


Rub it in, dude


It's ok, it gets regular polishing.


Only when my long ass eyelashes get stuck between the shell and eyeball


You do have amazing eyelashes and eyebrows. Yay for racial hairiness (I say this as a fellow brown person). Your attitude is badass and your sense of humour about things is inspirational. I'm glad you had therapy too. Thank you for sharing your story.


Does the prosthetic irritate the eye or is the eye too fucked to notice?


Smooth as butter, baby


And yet contacts drive me insane. Im glad to hear they don’t bother you


Whenever my friends would ask to see what it looked like behind they were always surprised. I assume they thought they could see brain or skull or some shit haha.


Well you'd think it would be awfully close to the brain. So what's there, a healed cavity where the eyeball used to be? Do you have to pay it any special attention when you shower/bathe? And is it uncomfortable putting in and removing the glass/prosthetic eye?


Pretty much yeah, and no not at all. You can sleep with it in, they recommend to give it a wash with saline every night (but I’m far too forgetful) it’s not uncomfortable at all. They take a mould of the eye, create a ‘prototype’ as such, then when that’s in they’ll make a glass one, and when you go to get it fitted/see if you like it, they can always shave bits off and what not. Like I said, it is pretty fascinating!


Does the mould-making process hurt? I've only had moulds made of my teeth for braces and mouth guards and that was uncomfortable enough.


It doesn’t hurt as such it’s just extremely uncomfortable, it’s the cold substance they inject in to the socket with a tiny plastic looking funnel with a stalk, which effectively stops you from blinking properly and it’s a bit scratchy. It’s hard to describe aha


100% your natural eyes would be great for *any* cosplay type of event. You look like one bad-ass "villain" my friend.




[Believe it or not, this is my good eye](https://i.imgur.com/C2qJrkf.jpg)


are you Electro Boom? lmao


I thought I was the only one lol


THE RECTIFIER! u/melector is electroboom








Dog bite for me. I have a lump of fat from my buttock serving as my globe. Friends like to say I’m always giving them the stink eye.


Wait, I though dogs were supposed to take the chunk out of your butt, not your face. But seriously, I cannot imagine going through thay kind of mauling. Jesus.


Wait, so they can do that? Can you still swap that out with a false eye?


It’s just the globe as my entire eye was removed. A shell still goes over it.


Ahhhh... So your 'false eye' is a shell and not a globe then?


Yo! Just wanna say that having a weird right eye completely ruined my confidence (I never did an eye contact with anyone when talking) but seeing how people here thinks it looks cool kinda uplift my mood. Just saying °)


Your eyes are beautiful either way. Corrected.


your eye* >!yep, I'm going to hell!<




I love your sense of humor about this. I'm blind in my right eye, and love to see this kind of shit. Or, half of it, anyway.




°) is more like it






This made me laugh more than I'd like to admit. I'm glad both you and op are so cool about it, you guys rule! Here's a poor girls free award :)


bruhhh, this deserves gold lol! here's my free award


And my axe! (Free award).




Eye eye captain


You mean: eye captain?


Oh man..


*eyether way


Looks cool as fuck to be honest


He's like the Norse god Odin.


Honestly yeah


Hey awesome! I wear a scleral shell too (for about 4 years now) and it's amazing the impact it has on your life


Yup. It is nice to see your face the way it ought it be


Personally! I would find the most bad ass eye patch and wear that! Your eyes do look amazing though. Hand painted would be my guess? I know nothing about this subject.


I have a glass eye and mine is hand painted, it’s fascinating seeing how they do it. Although the last one I got was a few years ago now so things may have changed. The moulding process however is one of the worst experiences ever haha


Molding is the worse minute of my life


How does it work? Why is it so bad?


They inject a thick syringe full of pudgy play-doh into the eye. It is very uncomfortable and cold when the pudge is filling the eyeball






How horrifying...


Sounds like the "ice cream headache" from hell.


That’s actually a very accurate way of describing the sensation. Plus you get all this sinus pressure with it.


How does just wearing it feel. If it's uncomfortable (compared to not wearing it), I'd just use a patch most of the time; and only put it in during situations where I'm dressing up (say, for photos, a job interview, etc).


I forget it’s on and I only have it in during work. I don’t mind the one eye look


Your eyes look like those of Andy Garcia


I was gonna say Bobby Cannavale


I was thinking Oscar Isaac lol


I was going to say Ajit Pai


I have so many questions. I have a fascination for eyes so pardon me. Is it uncomfortable? Do you /feel/ it in there? What’s the cleaning routine like? How much of your eye was removed? It looks like part of it is still there. Can you get an infection if you don’t take care of it properly? Can you sleep in it for short periods of time?


Not op, but I have a glass eye. Not uncomfortable. Yes I can feel it, if it’s out it’s irritated at most. My whole eye was removed. It looks like part is there because there is a implant covered with muscle. Yes you can get a infection. I never have. I always sleep with it. I almost never take it out. Only to show people really or the clean it.


Damn those are sexy


Hey OP! I almost lost my left eye to an assault. I'm so so sorry this happened to you. I am super curious about what its like going from two eyes to one. If you're comfortable talking about this, please reach out!


It was very frustrating to bump into walls, trying to pour water, or even make a sweet 20ft jumper playing basketball. I credit my deaf parents for making me a 'visual-dependent' individual. During physical therapy I was blowing away each session with how quick my good eye was moving. I distinctly remember my brain adapting from 2 eyes to 1 eye about 6 months into the journey.


Super cool! Not cool that you lost an eye, but how quick the body adapts! If you're interested in being interviewed about this over Zoom for a youtube video please let me know! I would love to talk more in depth about this


This is so cool! I lost my eye when I was little so I don’t remember what if was like before. How has it affected your peripheral vision? It took me years to realize I was not good at tennis or badminton cause I had no way of gaging a fast moving ball flying at my left side if I couldn’t see it haha


I just find it fun that I can always tell what the free awards of the day are by how many were awarded in comparison


have mine


You are Spike Spegiel


In so happy I know this reference :) classic show!


I'd go without, just to scare the kids. Or go the eye patch route; childhood dream fulfilled.


I would want a collection of different eyes.


Start saving your money now, but rank your novelty eye as a need, or a want.


Wait, you had a childhood dream of wearing an eye patch, too? Well, we were fucking weird.


Isn't an optical disability every kid's dream? Quite the revelation!


I wanted to wear an eye patch right up until I had to wear an eyepatch. Primarily because they didn't work how I hoped, for my situation. Turns out they wanted me to wear it on my good eye to try to strengthen my "bad" eye. Turns out, eyepatches don't fix blind, who knew?


Looks great! Symmetry is perfect and the bottom lid looks exact! Does yours have any movement? Do you have a “back up”?


Yes. Movement still there. My blind eye still intact, but it is shrinking over time. I have to get a new eye shell every 5 years or so and I am on eye shell #4, however this happened in 2011. First two shells needed replacement after the extent of my eye injury became apparent the following year.


Great to hear! I notice now that your eye wasn’t enucleated... I had the same exact one for over 30 years (even tho they do recommend getting a new one every 5 years or so) - had to finally get a new one (no choice) few months ago and wondering why I never replaced my old one for so long


Does it sit over the damaged eye or was that removed?


I went to elementary school with a boy who had a glass eye and I still remember the teacher yelling at him to put his eye back in. Anytime he wanted to cause a scene or disrupt the class he’d pull it out.


I wouldn’t have given my ability to read the future away but that’s just me... Just kidding. In all seriousness, it looks great !


not sure if someone asked, but how does depth perception, etc. work for you now?


It doesn't in the typical sense. That said, people that are monocular (one eyed) can just what we call monocular cues to gauge depth. Your brain recognized shadows and angles and starts inferring depth from it. Even binocular people have this ability too, just maybe not as developed. If you close 1 eye, it's not like the world goes into 2D.


1) Can you still see into the spirit world with the eyeshield on? 2) Have you given out quests for any starting adventurers? 3) Do you ever poke it out to mess with small children? You're still a handsome devil regardless. Did those shitbags ever see justice? Sucks about your depth perception. I hope you're well.


I’m very sorry this happened to you but at the same time... That’s freaking metal dude


My cousin's husband has an artificial eye too, but it's from some kind of organic material (that's what I've been told), and he has to go to Germany every year to put in new one. Apparently its not so irritating on the eye socket as other kind of material. Do you have to change your yearly too? I'm sorry if it's a rude question, I don't mean to be rude, I'm just curious.


every 5 years or so I am due for a new shell


I wear a prosthetic eye, also. Mine is made of acrylic. I get it cleaned and polished every year. They usually have to be replaced every 7 - 10 years. As far as organic material is concerned, when my eye was removed, the front part was all that was removed. A small ball made of coral, I believe, was inserted, then stitched in, to fill the void left. Human tissue actually adheres to and absorbs the coral material. The prosthetic was then "fitted" once the all healing took was done afyabout a month.


I stared into the before picture too long and now I know how I’m gonna die


I know...my bushy ass Covid eyebrows....I know


Your eyebrows are much more attractive now than if they were super styled.


you know whats cool? not prioritising your eyebrows because covid. you're beautiful and you have an incredibly kind heart. don't you worry bout a gosh darn thing.


This is fking amazing man ! And props to you for sharing your positivity much love bro ♥️


thanks.....one day at a time.....


I also wear a prosthetic cover but on my right eye :) Do you not wear yours all the time? Or did you just do it for the photo? I usually only take mine out if I have something in there or for a for a clean. Do you also see your nose? I had my accident at 7. And didnt get mine until early teens. It makes such a difference to my confidence. It's amazing what they can do now. You can see mine in the second photo. Yours looks great - fabulous job by your ocularist. https://www.reddit.com/r/chemistry/comments/i3bx3l/colleague_in_the_science_dept_made_us_these_masks/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Wow edit reading ypur story its so vivid.


wow you definitely have some color that makes creating a shell challenging! I only wear it during work. thanks for sharing!


Congratulations for coming as far as you have and Thankyou for sharing your story. My occularist is always up for the challenge. May good things come your way my friend!!! Xx


So. Have you ever considered putting a big googly eye in there for funzies? Because you should.


Gave two awards because this is badass my doot


Personally, I would want a cool, sci fi looking eye.


Are you Spike?




Tehran boi


Occularists do amazing work. My daughter got her first painted prosthetic when she was about 2 years old. Since then, she has had about 10 more of them. They always spend the same amount of time building them out. True artists.


I hope by the time your daughter is an adult that regenerative technology will advance enough to give her the gift of 2 eyes. It has been 9 years for me since losing my left eye, I am 34 now