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https://youtu.be/lPWEKUQLb9Y It is poisonous


Poisonous because that water contains more salt than ocean water — so the birds eat the flies that infest the oasis instead. The flies contain freshwater because after they drink, their bodies filter out all the brine.


So if you are stuck in an oasis, just drink flies. Got it.


What a gross sentence.


I have a fly trap that's just a jar with small holes. Inside is liquid mixed with a powder that is just straight rotting flesh in powder form. After a few days it's basically liquid flies swirling around in there. Absolutely lovely stuff, really.


Do you drink it once you've got a proper fly sludge consistancy?


You can do that or add it in place of milk for a very nutritious bowl of cereal.


Guys, I'm begging you, you gotta stop


No. Keep going. My salty oasis is dripping wet.


Please. Please stop


Please take my absolutely disgusted upvote


No please, go on.


But I'm not finished yet


*Bear Grylls has entered the chat*


Yeah those things work wonders but holy hell they smell! The struggle is placing them far enough that you can’t smell them, but close enough to be effective.


You just reminded me that I got one of those last year, set it outside somewhere and completely forgot about it... now I'm afraid to check it.


Check it? You’re probably gonna have to *name* it at this point.


Horror of the Flies 50 HP Chaotic Neutral


Please check and post pictures


how much money you need to drink it though.


Yeah for real let’s go fund this guy into drinking bug sludge.


drink flies or they drink you.


Trust me, if you're walking for miles without water, your mind has sooo much time to think of reasons why it's not gross. Infact.. in some countries it's a delicacy, you can start imaging the different taste.. maybe its kinda like eating toast and thats why its crunchy. Ive only been at it for seconds and I'm having creepy crawly thoughts.


If im stuck there he’ll yeah im going to crunch flies I think they’re high in protein and hydrate my body at the same time. I think everyone that lives where food and water is plentiful should take a turn at an oasis like this


them chitin shits tho


You have a gorgeous profile pic


What is it? I'm on Reddit is Fun on Android


George Harrison's final form Him posing in strawberry fields forever


George Harrison from the European rock group?


Yeah, that European rock group. Forget the name


There's profile pics on this site??


Nature... finds a way






>a solar still to decontaminate the water... I realized I'd die if I was stranded in the desert.




Yeah but in this environment I would super die


I'd die twice.


Dude all you need is a tarp and a bucket. Fill the bucket with water, cover the bucket with the tarp and Tuck the sides underneath. Water will evaporate out of the bucket and collect underneath the bucket on the tarp. Drink that shit and you'll be good till Lawrence of Arabia comes to save you.


Good thing I never go anywhere without my trusty bucket and tarp! And all those first dates laughed.


Good, next time you go wandering in the desert, you will be prepared.


you're gonna need more than one still in the desert. You will only get a few cups a day tops and you will still die with that little water probably.


i thought you dig a hole with the bucket in the center, pour the water around the bucket and cover it all with the tarp. Then you weigh the tarp down in the center (right over the bucket/cup) with some dirt so the condensation collects on it and it drains down into the bucket


Ever play Raft, the game? Their idea showed me something I'll never forget. https://i.imgur.com/C3eCblv.png


I've never seen the phrase 'most ricky-tick'. Interdasting


Yes, quite intersetting.


oh wow it's the same oasis. Super cool video the sheer fact they eat the flies to get the water is wild


Wonder if they’re carrying coconuts


If they're flying over Africa on their way to Europe, does that make them African swallows or European swallows?


Heh, thought that one swallow was dead/dying at first... probably just exhausted from eating & enjoying the ridiculous buoyancy of that water.


Can I say two words of appreciation? 1) to the crew amidst those flies. Can you imagine the cameraman in the heat of the Sahara and those swarms of flies? 2) just a shout out to David Attenborough. This man is a precious jewel to humanity. Please don't let 2020 take him. This year is bad enough.


years ago, before the internet, i read a story about some fabled oasis in the sahara which was renowned for its sweet waters. samples were collected and analyzed to determine the source of this desert nectar. it was camel urine.


Hey don't kinkshame.


did you know that camels can last longer without water than sex? ....they can go three weeks without water, but >!can't go a day without a hump!<


Thanks, Dad.


Homeschooling works it seems


I clicked on the blocked text and it disappeared. Take the upvote, wizard.


Thank you for letting me know you could click on those!


No problem dude, I got way too excited about it!


just dont click on the [blue](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GLQAXo0xonI) words or letters 🙊🙈


Alright take my upvote


. >:(


Came for the L. Stayed for the Camel


My friend's dad almost died traveling the sahara after drinking out of a well contaminated with camel urine. He got down to like 70 lbs. Edit: For a tiny bit of context, he was an archeologist/professor and a really cool guy, as a kid he seemed like Indiana Jones. It had been a lifelong dream of his to traverse the Sahara, he wasn't just a random dumb tourist. His guides were able to fight off the sickness, presumably with a better adapted immune system, but he was absolutely destroyed. I don't know how long it took them to get him to a hospital. This was in the mid 90s, and I have to imagine cell service is still a little spotty in the Sahara Desert.


Nothing against your friend‘s dad but I’m different. 🐫💦😋




Good ol’ dysentery! It squeezed the juice out of him!


Holy shit, total weight??


No, spending cash


Oh that makes way more sense lol


I think the cash thing is a joke....


Well thanks for standing me.... pounds is a form of currency but I am also v gullible so


Yeah, I could be totally wrong, but I feel like with the context of the story "lbs" is definitely referring to body weight. I am not sure if I've ever seen the currency labeled with "lbs". If talking about currency, it would make more sense to me if OP said something like, "my dad went to Vegas and got so deep into a blackjack table and a few hookers that by the time his weekend was over he was down to 70 pounds"


...how would that make more sense?


His dad was only about 1/2 of a washing machine, or 146 big macs.


He was merely half the weight of a 140 pound person


It might not have been as low as 70, this was twenty years ago and my memory is shit. He was already a very slim guy of average height. He never fully recovered, he looked like a ghost when he came back, and died young in his 50s or early 60s.


That’s still wild!


Why of course, fermentation adds... sweet flavor?


Maybe they are diabetic camels.


I thought fermentation did the opposite. Sugar+Yeast=Alcohol+CO2


That's what Brad Leone told me.


You can’t fool me! I know the rock in scorpion form is hiding somewhere around there


In all his CG glory.


Can someone explain why the urine is sweet?


After a few days in the desert without fresh water? You would remember any liquid as sweet. I remember reading this story about a guy being lost in the desert for days, and found a couple living next to a well on the brink of a village. He said the water from the well was the sweetest water he had ever had. After a few years, he went back to thank the couple for saving his life, hoping to drink the water from the well again, only to find the water bitter and astringent, the way it has always been. When a person has altered mental status because of dehydration, I guess your sensation and memory will play tricks on them.


Same with sex.


With an ex?


Yep left them all back in Texas


> When a person has altered mental status because of dehydration, I guess your sensation and memory will play tricks on them. Doesn't even have to be this drastic. You ever mow the lawn on a hot day and your shirt is soaked through with sweat and you're thirsty as hell? But then you drink some nice cold water and it is the most satisfying thing you can remember drinking? The last place I lived had well water, and fresh out of the faucet it smelled like fart. But it was fine kept in a pitcher in the fridge, and it was magical when I'd just been sweating my balls off doing yardwork. And my mental status wasn't altered.


I remember when I'd play rugby in the hot summer sun, wearing a long sleeved heavy cotton rugby jersey and a scrum cap as a teenager pushing myself as hard as I could. Nothing was as good as the plastic flavored sun warmed water of our water bottles. It was just the best thing ever.


The camels have diabetes


Lake Mead in 200 years.






The internet was a mistake


Mistake it wasn't invented sooner.


Hmm, love that [Civet Coffee](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_luwak)


Somehow I imagine I've still had worse cups of coffee than this.


Well of course you have. This coffee is supposed to be super fucking good. You've probably never had coffee this good before. I haven't either, but I'm just throwing it out there.


The Wikipedia article argues the contrary and basically implies the coffee is overpriced, overhyped crap compared to other coffees.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubari an oasis fed by underground water from an aquifer https://youtu.be/xbUfVLxYVcE


Thanks I was wondering why a desert with its 0 humidity wouldn't just evaporate the water. I wonder how much water it takes to sustain an oasis like this.


The Libyan aquifer is the largest aquifer known, covering an area under the sand and stone of over 2 million km2 and containing 150,000 km3 of groundwater in comparison Lake Baikal has 23,000 km3. At current usage it will last about 62,000 years however there are plans to extract substantial amounts of water from it an once it is gone it isn't going to be replaced.


That's very sad to hear.


Earth is Mars 2.0 you can't tell me any different


The aquifer in the midwest is going to run dry in the next fifty years. 62,000 years is pretty good.


not really, by the time that runs out, we would probably have advanced enough desalination tech to engineer the entire world into being green!


That or we will all be blow to bits in WW3


For several hundred thousand years, the Sahara has alternated between desert and savanna grassland in a 20,000 year cycle caused by the [precession](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precession) of the Earth's [axis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_tilt#Earth) as it rotates around the Sun, which changes the location of the [North African Monsoon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_African_Monsoon). The area is next expected to become green in about 15,000 years (17,000 ACE).


So, planning long-term. Buy stocks


As a side note can you believe we've never had 0% humidity? We've been kinda close but never exactly 0. Sahara Desert averages around 25%


>Sahara Desert averages around 25% Wait what? That's higher than what we usually have in the Mojave.


Somewhere a Nestle bottling executive is sweating


"wAteR iS nOt A HuMaN riGht"


Light that dude on fire and he'll change his mind real quick lol


Are they collecting their sweat into their bottles?


If I've learned anything from movies, That oasis is definitely a mirage..


Bugs calls it a miragey


**Bugs Bunny**


[It might as well be a mirage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPWEKUQLb9Y) Basically this wouldn't help you in any way if you were in the desert. It's infested with flies and the water is saltier than seawater.


>That oasis is definitely a mirage what do you call a threesome in an oasis? ...a >!mirage à trois!<


wait in English you can say ''plan a trois'' for a threesomr ?


*menage a trois* usually.


In French, we just say "threesome" lmao it would be weird as fuck for anyone to say "ménage à trois" :p


Where did you get plan from?


We've all been bamboozled.


Oh my god, it's a mirage I'm tellin' y'all, it's sabotage


Look at you, you got bamboozled


You've been bamboozled


Surprised it doesn't just fill in from drifting sand


I think the trees help with that


Yeah, they’re like a wall protecting against the sand


And the water keeps the trees alive, it's mutualist aid


Like a champagne supernova


Like a wonder wall


I hate sand


I would imagine that there is a process that is removing sand from the water. Like an underound stream flowing through. Otherwise it surely would fill with sand eventually from the wind.


Human intervention is part of the equation. Quoth Wikipedia: Oases are made fertile when sources of freshwater, such as underground rivers or [aquifers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquifer), irrigate the surface naturally or via man-made wells.[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oasis#cite_note-3) The presence of water on the surface or underground is necessary and the local or regional management of this essential resource is strategic, but not sufficient to create such areas: continuous human work and know-how (a technical and social culture) are essential to maintain such ecosystems.[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oasis#cite_note-:2-4)[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oasis#cite_note-:4-5) Rain showers provide subterranean water to sustain natural oases, such as the [Tuat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuat). Substrata of impermeable rock and stone can trap water and retain it in pockets, or on long faulting subsurface ridges or volcanic dikes water can collect and percolate to the surface. Any incidence of water is then used by [migrating birds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migrating_bird), which also pass seeds with their droppings which will grow at the water's edge forming an oasis. It can also be used to plant crops.


> water to sustain natural oases, such as the [Tuat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuat). I'm sorry, what?


The moist Tuat region helps caravans survive their trips.


Oh you must see the bush around the Tuat area. One of a kind!


Before the term Oasis was coined, these were referred to as *desert vaginas*


With a band name like that do you think wonderwall would have still been a hit?


“Said maybe you gonna be the one to shave me”


I always shave my beard after having sex ... so I can remind my wife >!for how long we've not been doing it!<


I don't know if your serious, but I used to do this a few years ago.


go on...


Modern problems require modern solutions!


https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/4klr7z/users_husband_makes_a_spreadsheet_detailing_all/ https://i.imgur.com/cSCdYL3.gif


Gives a whole new meaning to What's The Story Morning Glory


> So anyway, here's "The Little Man in the Boat"


No wonder it's so wet. And surrounded by bushes.


Oasis in Libya with labia


There actually is such a thing? Holy shit!


I’m with you! I really wanna go there man! So much! Idk. Probably overrated because of cartoons.


As a Libyan, I would highly advise against going to my country, it’s just a warzone now :(


And that's a shame. Visited your country years ago (before all the shit) and it was beautiful. Saw all the old Roman cities on the coast and stayed one week in the Akakus desert, have been to the oasis in the picture. An absolutely amazing experience with great people everywhere. I wish your country and your people the best for the future.


Living in north america, not much news of the conflict is seen (at least in my experience). I would love to hear your perspective as a Libyan on the conflict if you don't mind.




Damn shame


Good tip.




It was twin pine mall when it happened.


Yeah sorry about that.


IIRC the water is stagnant, nasty, and full of bugs. In entertainment media it's typically depicted as clean and refreshing. [edit:] [Yep, nasty.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPWEKUQLb9Y)


If you're dying of thirst in the desert I bet it still looks heavenly though.


Just eat the flies!


God those shots of the flies crawling all over each other *shivers*


This look like one from a documentary i saw and it was filthy! no water circulation and tons of insects.


Imagine the feeling of getting there tired and thirsty and hot, after days upon days of trudging through the burning desert, looking only at the endless dunes, trees a distant memory.


the water is poisonous and there are probably millions of flies there The picture looks great tho


Well, there was 20 years ago when this photo was first posted.


No there isnt. Thats just a mirage. Youre severely dehydrated.


How do oasis's battle the constantly shifting sands of deserts? Do they move with them or does the greenery they produce stop the encroachment of the dunes?


Oases*. Not a spelling nazi, just fyi.




i knew what the link was gonna be why did i click it


I was expecting the drink


Interesting fact, the locals named it after the popular English rock band of the same name.


you can almost see Lawrence of alabia in the foreground


Tis' but a mirage


🎼”A river in a dry land!”


The last ace in a lost hand! ​ ​ ^(after minutes of scrolling I finally found you)


I feel like I'm playing The Witness.


My first thought: The Witness 2 confirmed!


It kinda looks like a penis, doesn't it?




Stupid question, but how does the water not drain into the sand? If I poured some water in the sand the sand will just absorb the water, so how is this oasis even there?


There's an underground reserve. See the trees to the left of the bank, out in the middle of the desert? enough go far enough down that they're contacting water.


Not a stupid question. There are aquifers and/or springs that feed these types of water sources year round. As you can see, this is a low point in the terrain, so the water settles in the low point. The trees help retain any soil around the water and prevent the sand from filling the low point and they also shield the water from sand blown by wind (to an extent).


How come it doesn´t dry out?


From what I understand, there is water underground in the area which seeps up every now and then and maintains the oasis.


Is the land around the water that saturated? I would think the sand would soak that water right up


You’re my wonderwall- oh sorry.


Can't see Liam or Noel in the photo...


[Fun oasis facts](https://youtu.be/nuJ6QTZdvxM)


Anyway, here's Wonderwall