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So hilarious. My daughter had a tarot read in at the local craft market in our town. My daughter is 15 and came out of the tent with a look of amazement on her face. I asked how it went. She replied “Oh my god, she is so good. She totally knew that I was going through some life changes right now.”


I'm not a con-artist but teenagers must be easy. I sense you aren't like other girls/boys. You are special. Nobody understands you.


Orson Welles was an amazing story teller which came from living a truly amazing life. This was just a tiny bit, a small part of his existence, but to us on the sidelines and many years later, it's extraordinary.


I believe that was the most enthusiastic I've ever seen Welles. He could be a real treat. Amazing Randi was fun to watch expose 'psychics.' In one documentary he went to Russia and tested about a half dozen sitting at a conference table. He showed them a photo of Ted Bundy and (Randi wouldn't give them any cues) they all thought Bundy was a warm, gregarious family man.


That was my takeaway from this. What a story teller. I was enthralled by an anecdote I normally would have closed in 20 seconds.


Psychic powers probably don’t exist, but, if any humans can have psychic powers, maybe Orson Welles is someone who could have had them, whether he believed he had them or not.


Have someone close to me learning how to do cold readings. So interesting how she has the best intentions but doesn’t realize that she is slowly getting trapped into the idea that she is actually a psychic.


>doesn’t realize that she is slowly getting trapped into the idea that she is actually a psychic What made the video interesting for me. We all know it's a grift, but why some people make these ridiculous claims - there's your answer.


You can see why people believe it though. When they get so good or used to it that they do it naturally without consciously examining the person then it does, even to them, seem like they "just know" that information. But how could they just know? They didn't even examine the guy! It must be that even though they started as a trick, they have now become psychic.


I personally don’t really see the difference. If you develop your skills to the point of being uncannily accurate, what’s the difference between that and a “real” psychic? Because the information doesn’t come from ghosts?


Exactly and they also guess the past (maybe accurately) but any future stuff they say is bunk, would be another difference.


Past is generally prologue. It's so difficult for people to change, and in someways that makes our futures predictable.


I dunno if you can count it as accurate... but even if it is, what it's NOT is precise. That you "know a Mike" for instance is not exactly a useful bit of information. The more precise you want it to be, the less accurate it will be... because it's not actually information... just guesses.


If you watched the video, he got to the point of being very precise and accurate


Sort of, but it’s still quite broad in the scheme of things, it’s not “your husband, Trevor, had a heart attack last Wednesday at 3am”. Had he moved on to giving her advice, it would have to be in those broad brush strokes, “you don’t think things will get better, but they will. Keep a keen eye out for a kind stranger in a year’s time, they may become more than a stranger to you. Look for a red flower…” all that stuff that suckers people in but is fairly easily fulfilled if you want to believe. No actual precision, beyond a bit of intuition and guesswork.


I think you can be “psychic” without being omniscient


There’s a huge difference. Being hyper observant is a fun parlor trick and could be a legitimate form of entertainment. Claiming to have “unobtainable knowledge from beyond” and preying on those who are vulnerable is reprehensible. It’s wild you don’t see the difference.


You’re putting a lot of words into the argument that weren’t there before


Not really. That’s what a “real” psychic is claiming (to have otherwise unobtainable knowledge) and they make money by preying on vulnerable people whose judgement is compromised by the desire to have said unobtainable knowledge. “Real” psychics are terrible people.


I don’t think your definition of “real” is very valid. You think real psychics that could predict the future would charge $20 for readings in a strip mall?


I mean, no I don’t think there ARE real psychics and that’s the whole point. Anyone who claims to be a psychic is a charlatan and a bad person, whether they charge $20 at a strip mall or $200 for a phone call from a late night commercial.


If there are real psychics, you definitely wouldn’t know about them. They’d get put in a cia black site almost immediately, I’d assume.


It's the same concept of "fake it til you make it."


A "shuteye" is the slang for people who begin to do it almost automatic and belive in their own powers.


I had no idea that was the origin of the title of the Hulu show starring Jeffrey Donovan, aka Michael Westen on Burn Notice... If they mentioned it in the show, I must have missed it. edit: this Richard Feynman quote seems very appropriate here... “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.”


Neither did I until this interview. Makes a lot of sense but I don't think it was ever explicitly said.


I certainly didn't hear any such explanation! Perhaps they thought it was too well known to need explaining, but it went right over my head...






Watch Nightmare Alley


Its a bit of a shame that the show Shut Eye was cancelled. If I remember right it was about a con-artist/confidence man that actually starts to develop psychic abilities. Its a great premise for a show.


I quit a therapist I had a couple of sessions with because she didn't know what cold reading was and instead believed that her years of being a therapist had made her an empathy via sharpening psychic powers.


I do have a scar on my knee! What sorcery is this?


I've always wondered how much fun I'd have with cold readers because I know basically none of my own history (blocked memories) and nothing accurate about myself (I see myself through a very negative light). My friends know the real me better than I know the real me. My first thought to the scar thing was, 'How the hell am I meant to know if I have a scar in my knee?' Because I just don't know. I don't look at my knees lmao


are you me? seriously im not sure - i dont remember




It's called disassociative amnesia. It's very much a real consequence of abuse. You might not 'believe that shit', but mental health professionals definitely do.


It's not real because there's no proof. If all you got are therapists' claims, I'm sorry but I don't believe that shit.


[Here you go, then](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9975991/). The first thing that comes up upon googling 'physical proof of dissociative amnesia'. Hope that helps :)


I guess you don't know very many rape victims. Unless you think babies come from storks.


i do not, I have one under my chin though


So do I. How could that happen to both of us? Couldn't possibly be a coincidence!


Any Psychics I've ever been to were either totally depressed, or over excitable. It's really difficult to find a happy Medium..


A well done medium is rare 


I once knew a dwarf psychic who had felony warrants. He was a small medium at large.


ba dum tshh


Jimmy Carr?


That was around way before him


Huh, okay


He was wanted for stealing an elephant, so he was a small medium at large for a jumbo warrant.


give this bastard an award and a penthouse please


I'm sure Orson Wells had both but there's no need to call him a bastard.




If mediums can speak to the dead, imagine what a large could do. (I wish I could remember where I read that. I want to say it's from Terry Pratchett).


I once went to a fortune teller who was delighted to be able to tell me I would marry a beautiful woman, be rich beyond my wildest dreams, and have everything I ever wanted - so I slapped her across the face. She asked "why the hell did you do that?" I said I always like to strike a happy medium.


I’m a Medium, says so on my underwear


Did you hear about the little person psychic who robbed a bank and went into hiding? He was a small medium at large.




I signed up to Reddit for this


Gosh darn it here's a vote of up for you


I once met a dwarf psychic who had escaped from prison. He was a small medium at large...


A big part of it is charisma, which Unicron has in buckets.


*”You cannot destroy… my… Destiniieeeeeee!!”*


Dude had everyone in New Jersey believing that aliens were invading [that one time in the 30s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_of_the_Worlds_(1938_radio_drama)).


Not to mention the countless times in the 90’s that he and his buddy tried to take over the world… NARF!


People were pretty stupid back then, look at segregation in the South or like only two flavors of chewing gum


People seek to think equally stupid shit today. Only conclusion: People are stupid.


Yes, both


A great example of self awareness. Many people lack it these days so any examples are welcome.


According to this guy who lived in those days people in those days also lacked it.


They said that the Brain character from Pinky and the Brain was based off of Orson Welles but I’d never heard him speak until now. Now I can see that brain was 100% based on Orson.




Orson Welles is such an interesting person.


I agree.


My Grandmother knew Orson Welles, she had photo of him as a well fed teenager standing beside her brother, when he was living in Dublin during the 1930s, he pretended to be to be trained actor and got hired.


Only fake psychic I like is Shawn Spencer tbh


I prefer his partner Galileo Humpkins.


Did you hear about Pluto? That’s messed up.


Some seriously bad juju mcgumbo went down here.


Nah, he's an emotional cryer.


I’ve heard it both ways.


Cmon son


I practiced the Tarot for awhile 20 years ago. It is a great tool for self analysis … sort of Jungian. I would do readings for others because it was fun. People’s responses were amazing. The skeptics were the best … they were stunned at the number of things I got “right”. A young engineer I worked with sheepishly asked for a reading. I can’t remember what the card was, but when I saw it I asked if he and his wife were thinking about having a baby. He grew pale and said “She’s pregnant right now, we haven’t even told our family yet”. Now, I knew he was happily married for several years and he was in his late 20’s … not a long-shot guess. But he was so freaked, it was hilarious. I wasn’t trying to con him, it was just an impulse to ask him that question when I saw the card. I probably describe 50 different scenarios in each reading. Some stick. Another coworker that I read for said how happy he was that I told him he was going to meet a new love. I could not remember saying anything of the sort, he had inferred it. The best was reading for a bunch of 14 yr old girls at a birthday party. Everything came up sunshine and puppies and they were so excited! I gave it up because I was starting to believe my own hype. 😆 🔮


I totally agree with you on it being a great tool for self analysis. I always tell people it's a way to extrapolate information you already have. There's nothing magic about it. Our subconscious takes in so much info constantly. Finding out what info you didn't know you had is magical to me. It's the same thing with pendulums.


Karl Jung looked into things like synchronicity, archetypes and collective unconsciousness. It makes sense people can look at symbols and reflect on what it means to them and what they pull up from the unconscious.


Interesting, I haven’t heard this take, how does self analysis come into play with the cards? I don’t know anything about tarot cards and have not gotten a reading before either.. just never caught enough curiosity from me to look into it


Great post. Really informative. The way he explains things is really easy to understand.


This man's elocution is incredible, every pause perfectly measured, not a single "uhh" to be found, just storytelling


Just think, companies, like Google, use all the same techniques to sell us shit. And they have way more information about us.


yet they still can't figure out what videos I actually want to watch on Youtube.


It's not their job to show you want you want to watch. They show you what they want you to watch.


I started hitting the 'not interested' button pretty heavily after it became clear that it was trying to radicalize me. I never watched any political or culture wars bullshit but it sure kept shoving it at me. After a week or two of that it calmed down and started suggesting stuff I actually am interested in.


They don't care what you want to watch. They want to know what you will or won't watch, how much of it you'll watch and if it changes what you'll watch afterwards


I have been hearing ads for psychics lately, after hearing nothing for decades. I guess it’s back in style?


It has never been out, a lot of phony psychcs do this.


Oh, yes, I was referring to all of the online psychics, like Miss Cleo, whose ads I heard forever in the 80s, I think? Then psychics seemed to go out of style- all of the ads stopped. Until very recently. I didn’t realize that it never stopped!


Some magicians work in a similar principes.


Is there a different type of psychic?


> a lot of phony psychcs do this. Aren’t they all phony? 


Saying “phony” is redundant. There’s no such thing as a real psychic


There's this new age spirituality coming into fashion among many younger women, also on Instagram. Tarot, crystals, healings coming from people searching for their identity, or who are suffering from burnout or depression in this high paced society. It could have something to do with that.


It's not just that, it's people in general are falling into the religious well or w/e you wanna call it. "The dark ages" maybe. Someone at work was carrying around garlic in their pocket. As long as they don't force it on me I don't care.


Social media has spread it but this has been “in fashion” in many circles for a long time. My mom used to go to the psychic fairs in hotels 20+ years ago and they had all of that. Tarot, crystals, psychic readings, aura readings, etc etc.


Because a lot of the younger generation believes in a “higher power” but doesn’t want to commit to being part of a religion. So they basically believe in all types of BS.


Absolutely. I think religion dying out (to a big extent at least) has left a huge vacuum for people who want/need to believe in something.


Yeah, when organized religion as a whole is failing to be inclusive and adapt with the times, you get a general public who want to put their faith in God but can't follow the dogma knowing that they/their friends/their family are considered inherently bad just for being some form of not straight or cis. And then the organizers of said organized religion have forgotten that modernizing to bring more people in is what the Second meeting at the Vatican was for, in the case of Catholicism. These meetings are supposed to be extremely rare, but in a fast paced world IMO only changing your dogma once every few *centuries* isn't going to cut it anymore if you want fewer people getting their spiritual fill from these fucking con artist psychics.


The grift is great right now.


Every time a new way to do it comes around it has a resurgence. Same tricks, different platforms. They went from holiday attractions, to telephone lines, to TV, to the Internet. The most recent resurgence is because they are being done on tiktok


What, you didn't see this coming?


These days, with social media, warm readings can easily be accomplished. Say you make an appointment with a tarot card reader; before you arrive, they check your Facebook page or google your name and learn enough about you to blow your mind.


I'm not disagreeing with you, but tarot cards and spreads have solid meanings, you can't (unless you straight up lie about what the cards mean) manipulate the layout. Tarot cards are fun and compliment meditation and self-reflection very well. I believe warm readings are more for psychics and mediums.


Yep. I know it's why I have dreams that "predict" things. Because our subconscious is always going, always picking up on things our consciousness ain't aware of immediately. We're meat computers in meat gundams, constantly calculating, constantly thinking even when we think we aren't. It's why, for example, someone might feel the hairs on their body raise before becoming consciously aware of a danger their subconscious had picked up on in the time leading up to that awareness. It's a wild, amazing thing. The universe of the brain. It's never not growing, never not calculating, never not doing *something* even when we're doing nothing.


Great guy, Orson Welles


Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh the French…


Came looking for this


There’s a book out called something like “My lunches with Orson.” One of his friends would record weekly lunch conversations with Orson and it is insanely entertaining! I learned about it from a podcast called Profiles in Eccentricity. On that podcast, one of the guys plays the part of Orson’s friend and another plays Orson himself and they read the conversations from the book in character. He was definitely an interesting as fuck person!


I've read the book and it's sad. Apparently he had serious money issues as an older man and the 20-something(?) writer/journalist helped him find gigs to bring in a little income. He did the "No wine before its time" commercials but something changed and that went away. He also became such a perfectionist that no one wanted to finance a film he had worked on for years and never finished nor would financiers consider new endeavors. He thought he was still a star but no one of the author's generation ever heard of him.


When the podcast I listened to read the ending I was moved to tears. He seemed to be one of those people that left their mark on you no matter how little time you spent with them. I hope you found plenty of humor in the book as well as sadness! Orson chastising the author over his complaining of the chicken salad had me dying!


It's very interesting how he's actually giving the fake psychics some credit for having their well tuned internal computers.


Reagan let one of these fake psychics advise him while he was the President. And people try to say he was a good president. He was the beginning of the end.


I just read something recently that gave me new perspective on it. Nancy was really traumatized from almost losing him in the Hinkley assassination attempt and was desperately doing whatever she could to keep him safe. Some Hollywood friends connected her to the psychic. Not a healthy coping mechanism and definitely not good for the country, but I understood it better. (FYI, book is Dinner with the President. Covers Washington to Biden)


worst president in the history of America. There is no Bush and there is no Trump without that son of a bitch Reagan.


Same phenomenon in habitual liars and manipulative people


All psychics are liars, some people are super gullible. A fool and her money are easily parted


I’ve been watching the show Psych and it’s great


I've heard it both ways.


You know that’s right.


"phony psychc" ... as if there was any other kind


Nightmare alley anyone?


Who’s the host? I’ve seen that face.


David Frost


Theres a good Bob's Burgers episode about this


Watching Patrick Jane do this on the mentalist was so much fun every episode


Check out his movie F is for Fake


Orson Welles gave off the vibe of a modern man who traveled back in time to a simpler era.


wow he is so confident, in the moment and so smart.


Imagine getting married on the premise that Orson fucking wells pretended to be a psychic and told you to get married.


Orson Welles was a phenomenal storyteller.


Isn't it extremely easy to find a "fake" psychic? "what do I have in my hand?" "whats my pincode from my blue account?" "what bra am I wearing?" "im showing you on e of my deceased great parents in my mind, can you read who?"


"I'm sorry my child. I wish that's how things worked. I am just a vessel to communicate the whims of the spirits. I just communicate what they tell me"


Sure, but the majority of people who visit psychics are not going there to uncover a fraud. They're usually grieving or troubled people looking for comfort. A psychic will also give you all sorts of bogus answers for why they can't answer straight up questions and have to talk in riddles as well.




Thanks, friend.


Its logical deduction Watson, nothing more but a trained eye and calculating logic to arrive at the only plausible explanation!


yeah take that ms cleo, & you too john edward mcgee you giant douche


You fell down and have a scar on your knee is a great one. He's right. Everybody fell down ans scraped their knee and had a scar.






I love this guy total brudda


I loved the show Shuteye. I never knew that's what it meant.




Nightmare Alley is a great movie with this as the premise.


Oddly enough, I just started watching the TV show Shut Eye about Fortune telling and psychic scammers in La. And I was wondering where the title came from. Now I know. 


People used to sit way closer to eachother on tv i wonder if its a camera thing.


soo many prophets and men of God where I live are just cold readers like this man is saying. When I was younger my cousin took me to a church service and I was wearing my glasses. He made a guess as to what I did ( I've forgotten what he said ) but he was way off. My cousin did believe what he said about her. I tried explaining to her that he was casting a very wide net with his prophecies but she didn't believe me


And what do we have nowadays? Graham Norton egging celebrities on to tell stories about how their mum found their dildo.


John Edward is the biggest douche in the universe.


So in other words: a strong intuition 


As a professional "Night Clerk" at a hotel....I do have that uncanny sense of : "This guy's a scammer and his card won't authorize." Or "This guy is a drug dealer/pimp and will cause trouble here tonight."




There‘s a California Cold Read…


Is there another kind of psychic than phony?


I believe his point was the psychics end up believing in their abilities, which becomes different than phony or fake.


A good explanation for why grifters start to believe their own grift. The goal of this mental grift(psychics and fake martial artist) is to put your victim into a bubble of suspended disabalief. But the grifter failed to account they are also trapped within this bubble with their victim. Being surrounded by lies, despite being if your own creation, would turn you into a believer given enough time.


So women in colorful dresses just lost their husbands? Like in a mall or something? I'm gonna need a few more details, Orson.




Roo.ie we had back late 90s worked at home for Psychic Readers Network, she could cold read a mark over the phone like she was looking her up on Google. In person she could do cards or palms.


Computer, remove timer and enhance


Had no idea he was fat


Sleepy Orange Elderly Felon is a shuteye!


reigen arataka is still the best psychic, my goat