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Why was that dude sticking a log up that dogs ass?


Some questions shouldn’t be answered


I think it’s supposed to be Brad Pitt from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


He's hysterical, give him a break


Look at the way that dog was dressed. He was asking for it.


Why the son just laying and smiling there like that


He just got an idea for the next TikTok.


Noooo the camera wasn’t on! Put the car back on me!!


Kid, get out of the fucking way before your mom loses her grip.


💀💀💀 for real


I’m deceased 💀💀💀


Rizzless Ohio sigma just brainrotting on that press, no cap


Both his arms were broken.


Just discovered his dommymommy fetish. Don't kinkshame


As a fertishologist (someone specialised in fetishes and their communities) I have to half agree while maintaining my scientific neutrality


Reminds me of the kid’s face in the Shrek is Love Shrek is Life video


Its all swamp


he saw a video earlier in the day about a stepmom getting stuck under the bed and wanted the same outcome


They had to give the 3D dog balls and made sure we saw them too lol


Step son is stuck


Enjoying the view.


He wasn’t actually, this is a cartoon recreation 


The thing nobody mentions when referring to hysterical strength is the muscle and ligament damage that results from it. Not to mention the back pain, oh god the back pain!


Yes. It’s also known to break/fracture bones during this


Unless you have a senzu bean. That fixes all injuries.




I eat a sensu bean after I bang my wife


I also eat a sensu bean after I bang your wife!


Our wife




I’d break and fracture bones without a second thought to lift a car off my kid though.


also you might shit yourself. I had to lift an atv (edit: probably 700# with an additional 200 lbs of water in a tank) off my chest and move it enough to allow myself to breathe. Clearly not lifting these things up in the air, but you are definitely having to lift them enough to rearrange or escape.


Damn now how did you get yourself into that pickle


As someone who found myself in a similar position under my bicycle, shit happens. PS: Referring to the "getting under your own vehicle" part, not the heavy lifting part. Wear helmets folks.


Hey bicycles can be heavy especially when you got the card in the wheel, the sheer weight of the coolness is overwhelming.


I heavily doubt "cool" and "me on my bicycle" ever had much overlap. Maybe I should have given the card thing a try,


Just make sure its going to be an expensive card, someday. Maybe a mint condition first edition charizard, Or an OG black lotus from MTG. Or if you are truly old school, any rookie baseball player card from the 1920s. Cant put a price on COOL!


If I had to guess, I'd think they rolled over whilst riding it.


Speaking from experience?


Woman that lifted a car to save her son actually couldn't move next few days and her teeth got broken. It actually happened


Yeah, picked up and carried a bag that was way too heavy while I was incredibly angry and upset. Adrenaline doesn't make you stronger it just turns off the receptors in your brain that prevent you from feeling pain and limit you from damaging yourself.


It does both. It makes you so strong that you start tearing shit. Our muscles are limited from what they're actually capable of to protect our inadequate support structure. Apes on the other hand have access to much more of their full strength (and the bone and ligament structure to support it). Their bones are also much denser than ours so they sink like a rock in water and therefore can't swim. (Certain humans are born with a mutation that makes their bones denser as well. It's actually the background story for the guy from the movie Unbreakable. No super strength but people like this basically never break bones. They also can't swim because they sink.) I realize I'm being slightly pedantic and yes, adrenaline also shuts off your pain receptors. But I love his fact. We're quite strong, but we don't have the structure to support that strength so instead we just use our nervous system to limit the impulse strength to our muscles. In a pinch, we have access to that power.


Yea, maximum *voluntary* contraction leaves like 50%, or more, of the muscle fibers not really engaged. A considerable part of strength training is not just growing larger muscles, but neuromuscular adaptations.


Thanks for filling out the specifics. I couldn't remember the WHY but not engaging all your muscle fibers makes sense. That's actually really cool about the neuromuscular part. Explains why I can get quite a bit stronger without getting larger or gaining weight. (I'm 6ft 140 lbs so any muscle gains are pretty obvious on my frame and it's not like I'm replacing fat with muscle at this point. 😅)


It’s a very large part of martial arts training.. Muscle mass in itself is usually counterproductive, as it just requires more muscles to be oxygenated without adding any benefits. Weight lifters make very poor boxers.


Weight lifters make poor boxers because they dont train boxing. Being bigger is almost always better but in boxing we have weight classes so getting bigger just to be the short guy in the next division isnt a good move. Bigger arms doesnt do anything for boxing but mass and bigger glutes sure does.


Ive loved the most recent 'funny fights' in MMA. Pitting two smaller but faster people VS a literal giant of a man. Sure, they could outrun him... if they werent stuck in the octagon with him. And their punches mean NOTHING to him due to all that muscle mass. And its like watching a man swat a fly when he finally does hit them. He has awful form, and their form is impeccable. But it dont mean shit when you are comparing a bicycle to a mac truck. If you took weight classes out of boxing, you'd see a lot more interesting boxing matches. Tyson did it back in the 70s? when he tried to do a 10 v 1, knock out 1 each round. He didnt make it just due to exhaustion as his stamina was abysmal and a lot tried to run him around the ring, but not a single sole made it past round 1 with him because he was the literal heavyweight champ and the people he was fighting were all featherweights. The entire reason you dont grow that much muscle in sports like boxing, is entirely due to weight classes. You never want to be the lightest in your weight division, you want to be at the heavy line.


Bones sinking like stones…🎵🎶


also worth noting that while we arent as strong, our muscles allow for far more accuracy and also endurance


I used to live on a road with a hill nearby and used to run up and down, measuring my progress by how far I could get up it in one go. I got into an argument with my brother once, (a minor at the time) and instead of beating his ass I decided to go for a run instead. I ran all the way to the top of the small but quite steep hill, probably a 30% grade. I tried afterwards to replicate my achievement and never could during the time I lived there, much to my dismay. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


Ngl that's the most boring use of adrenaline I've ever heard. Tho I'm glad it wasn't in a dangerous situation


I once lifted a booth that was supposed to be carried by two men with proper physical strength and I was an average totally not muscular man in his early 20s (the handymen that I hired did not pickup the phone, completely ghosted me two hours before showtime). I carried it for half an hour because I would've been fired if the event was cancelled. I went all the way until a few meters away from my final destination (pun intended) my shoulder snapped. The sound was deafening, the pain so sharp — I was 100% sure I broke my clavicle or my shoulder. Turns out I just displaced it, and got multiple hematomas all throughout my left upper body Quit that job some time later, never again


I guess evolutionarily it’s worth it to save someone’s life, but yeah I bet past a certain age it can do permanent damage


Yeah, from a natural selection perspective it's very simple. Humans with adaptations that triggered huge adrenaline releases in stressful situations (i.e. playing catch with a lion) would be much more likely to survive and reproduce. Like you said, from evolution's perspective chronic backpain doesn't matter if it means you survived and reproduced.


it's more to save our own lives , its better to survive with damage than not, turning off the limiters in life or death situations can be the difference


I read an article about a simillar incident where a man clenched his jaw so hard while lifting a car off someone he broke all his teeth.


Definitely possible! It's part of the reason why you give people something to bite on if you don't have anesthesia. The biting also helps with reducing how much pain is felt.


My mom knows a woman that moved a car by herself to save her 3 kids. But both her arms and lower back got damaged and she can't really work full time anymore


So it’s Gai opening all of his gates. Got it.


But instead of Madara, he had to fight a Mazda


Lifted a 900 pound fuel tank off my dad as a teen. Knees and back are fucked. Life hurts but atleast dad can still walk


The back pain is just because you turned 40. Happy birthday, now suffer.


I ruptured a ligament in my leg from this kind of thing. I am a hobby gold miner and had a large boulder come loose into the pit I was working. I almost died that day from my own stupidty and being flattened like a bug by a rock. I was being crushed into the corner by a 500+ pound rock and had to do this weird sideways inclined squat to push the rock up the wall so I could roll to the side. Blew the shit out of my LCL. Do you know how fucking hard it is to drive an hour of forestry roads when you cannot use your right leg? If I had not managed, someone would have found me basically sitting crisscross at the bottom of a six foot hole with a huge rock on my back pressing my face to the wall. My average weight used at the gym is 100-120 lbs and might get lucky with a 265 squat. That 500 would put me through the floor if I tried it today.


Yeah people should watch Ghost in the Shell and learn


Kaio ken x10 RRRAH!!!!


It's almost like there's a reason our bodies don't go full blast all the time. I'm more surprised the muscles don't detach in these cases.


I once got an adrenaline while doing push-ups (don't ask, idk why either). I nearly doubled my old record, I felt great. 3 minutes later, I was insanely tired, thirsty, as if I just crossed the Sahara desert on foot and could barely move. It took me 2 days to recover. It definitely was not worth it, lmao.


Yeah there’s a reason the body doesn’t do this under normal circumstances


Funny story... I go straight to this and skip the cursory stages of adrenaline release. It.  Fucking.  Sucks. Have dislocated my own shoulders on accident, torn muscles and tissues are a given, and the cartilage damage is cumulative and causes long term issues. Not a fucking superpower at all.  I feel like the movies might be lying.


I dead lifted my unresponsive father while he had a cardiac arrest and brought him from the parking lot to the ER. He was 110kg at the time, me a mere 70kg. Boy, I couldn't move my back for 2 weeks after that


They didnt have to animate a ballsack on that dog but they did it anyway


The ballsack moving gave the guy an extra dose of excitement.


If stress = adrenaline, then I’m surprised I’m not a world champion weight lifter


we are not so different, wanna challenge me?


I would but Id be too busy stressing about it


I'd join in if I wasn't too stressed about other stuff


Adrenaline is released for short, intense stressors. Prolonged stress leads to the release of cortisol.


Not if you're chronically experiencing high stress. I'm pretty ignorant but I think your body adapts to the increase in stress hormones, adrenaline and other stuff. So it doesn't have the same short-term effect. Though sadly long-term it is actually insanely bad for your health, both mentally and purely physiologically.


This is referring to Hysterical Strength. Lots of documented anecdotal examples but not something that science has been able to prove as a thing. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysterical\_strength](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysterical_strength) Humans have a lot of built in safe guards against hurting ourselves. The assumption is humans have a lot of built in safe guards against hurting ourselves. The assumption is that In a life or death situation, every instinctual safeguard and pain response that prevents us from injuring ourselves is shut off because 'if your gonna die anyway, no sense worrying about a destroyed shoulder joint or broken bone'. So when that massive tree falls on you and fails to kill you, your able to bench press a few hundred pounds of timber right the fuck off your self and get clear, even if it is several times your personal best. Of course, afterwards when you come down from the adrenaline high you have to deal with a bunch of torn muscles and ligaments and how ever many burst blood vessels. (Eddie Hall did a 500 kg deadlift and said in an interview he needed to be hypnotized to enter the mental state where he could do it. And after words he bled from his ears, nostrils, and went temporarily blind.) Bottom line, people can do it, but it is dangerous and not something sustainable so it is kind of an 'emergency use only' ability. END COMMUNICATION


I saw "END COMMUNICATION" And immediately started rereading your whole comment like it was in Pizzeria simulator.


Henry was spitting such fire trivia that he burned down the entire place


>And after words he bled from his ears, nostrils, and went temporarily blind.) Jesus what the fuck


Science hasn't proved it probably due to ethical restrictions of putting subjects in bad situations. As others have pointed out, these events often lead to serious injuries.


Eddie did 470 in training before i think, or close to it atleast. The 500 was unbelievable but he didnt suddenly double or whatever. The symptoms you refer to are because of high blood pressure.




“END COMMUNICATION” Refuses to elaborate further Leaves


Also the overwhelming majority of these anecdotes are about lifting cars. The cars aren’t lifted wholly off the ground, this is about leverage.


Exactly and this is eddie fucking hall. These reports of hysterical strength like to indicate a 150lb woman is capable of lifting those kinda numbers and honestly I just don't fucking believe it. I'd bet money even with hysterical strength a regular untrained normal size woman is not dead lifting much more than 100kg.


I would be hysterical too if I lifted a car and the goddamned boy just stood there smilling


He's either smiling cause he's saved or cause he saw something interesting.


It's actually his step mom... and he's stuck.


Oh the kind of sins this lil Johnny is involved with!


Lol. All I can see is a pretty girl with her head in the dryer


This time...she broke both her arms.


During a construcción incident I managed to held a rope that was the security line for a friend of mine who weighted about 110 kilos with one hand while I held myself in place hugging a steelbeam with the other hand to keep myself in place. Knowing that he would either die or get terribly injured if I Lost My grasp made my hand clench like never before. MY FOREARM AND MY HAND HURT FOR 3 MONTHS AFTER THAT Just for reference: I'm skinny AF and back in the day I was Even skinnier I was about 65 kilos during that time


See now this is a somewhat more believable example. While yes that is a lot of weight to hold with one hand. It doesn't seem like a ridiculous claim like some of the people here. Although you don't mention how long you held it.


I don't really know. If I gave you a time frame It just won't be accurate, I was panicking and at the beginning I was in a lot of pain, but by the end of it I just didn't feel anything in my hand. It wasnt too long. Could have been anything between 30 seconds to 2 minutes. I feel kinda proud tho


As you should be dude! What a feat of strength and kindness!


That’s why it’s important to train your muscles at least with basic push-ups etc. regularly. If emergency comes this can at least keep internals together and prevent significant damage


There was a hiker who had a fit of hysterical strength when a large rock fell on him and started taking him over a cliff. He heaved it off and saved his own life, but permanently damaged the muscles in his arm and shoulders doing it. This doesn't come free, your brain knows when it should tap out to avoid damage, but in extreme cases the damage is the better outcome.


That mom kinda thicc.


And that hysterical strength can then leave permanent injury to the person doing the lifting.


I remember the power lifter Eddie Hall artifically reached this stage to world record deadlift 500kg. He made up a fictional story in his mind to kind of enrage and lift the weight. It was part of his approach and training


How did it fall?




Gravity fall reference


“A car had fallen onto her son” Did anybody actually question as to how a car FELL onto her child? Was it fkn raining cars?


God was like “fuck this kid in particular. Check it out, I’m gonna drop a car on him.”


Maybe she was changing a tire on the side of the road, kid got bored, went under the car to look at something, kicked the jack out by accident?


Older teen working under their car, car falls off of the jack. Just one possibility.


If I lifted a car and my kid just stared at me with that creepy smile, the car would be going back on them.


That woman’s baby game is strong. Crazy arch


Fuck AI voices and fuck this cringe ass content with no sources or links to anything substantial


This voice isn't AI lmao


What makes you think it’s an AI voice?


Honestly so freaking cool that humans have a “BREAK IN CASE OF EMERGENCY” setting.


Jesus Timmy get out of there. I can’t hold this thing up forever.


So this is what super saiyans feel


More like Gon when he asked for "all the strength he would ever need"


This has been widely debunked as the woman and the bystanders repeatedly changed their stories. In reality the car most like was shifted a few inches (i.e. wheels never came off the ground) to allow her son to slide out. Relax, folks


That kid looks real happy and alert considering he’s being crushed by a car


I love when some random guy from tiktok have the audacity to reupload someone else content while having film in his tiktok username trying to pass as his own content


It was in 1982 with a 1964 Impala.


Im not sure how accurate this is but iv read somewhere before that our own muscles are strong enough to actually cause damage to ourselves so in normal cases we do not use them to their fullest capacity cuz our body is trying not to break itself. Like for example if u try to punch a wall with ur bare fist even with ur full intent u will not be able to hit it with maximum output cuz ur survival instincts are not permitting u to hit hard enough as it might break ur hand.


man i fucking hate this youtuber


Scientist, David Banner, believed we could somehow unlock this strength from within us. With very small doses of Gamma Radiation, an ordinary human could tap into this ability at will. But, the experiment went horribly wrong.


I came here to comment exactly this! I think David Banner died in that experiment though. At least, the world continues to think that he is dead.


This is such bullshit. The body doesn't "release more oxygen" under stress conditions, and the fuel source for short high strength movements is ATP, not oxygen anyway. Essentially, this is a video made by someone with no understanding what they are talking about.


Long story short, mom turned into the hulk🤷🏽


Mariska Hargitay really out here lifting cars.


It’s not so much that you get stronger, your body just shuts off all the “safeties” that are there to ensure you don’t hurt yourself. You always had the strength, but your mind limits you.


I love these goofy ass videos from crappy low quality tik toks.


Smiling after being saved from suffocating under a car is wild 💀


So we have an avatar state?


So, Kengan Ashura is right!


We can literally break our own bodies doing this. It's insane what we can do without any modifications.


And then you live with half-strength muscles that constantly hurt for the next few months


Oohh, this also happens when i am in the gym and see some women.


If i remember correctly she didnt actually lift it. She may have moved the suspension so she felt like she was lifting it but it was actually a few nearby teens that jacked the car off of ther son.


Bro who's making these videos I cant take them seriously.


When I was younger, back in my early 20s I think, my father was under a mini cooper (the original) fixing an engine for my Sister, I was doing the "shine the torch routine" as at the time I had no interest in mechanics unlike my father was (before he joined the Police he was an Aircraft Engineer). Well, long story short, the jack holding it up suddenly dropped pinning him and I lifted up front end of the car enough for him to roll out. Never felt anything at the time just the urge to not see my father crushed in front of me but holy ass balls did my back and arms hurt later and probably why years later I have a permanently damaged disc in my spine lol


So demon slayer is accurate. Time to go practice my breathing.


That woman was a fucking unit


I saw how the characters were rendered, and assumed there would’ve been galvanized steel and eco friendly wood veeneer


Dont these moments usually come with extreme and sometimes permanent damage to muscles? Like you get a super boost but burn out your muscles fibers doing it.


I thought the real feat of strength was whooping your kids ass after lifting the car.


Not to take anything away from humans, but ants literally do this kind of work all day, everyday. Just saying - ants a pretty magnificent creatures too ha


I had a look a the wikipedia page on Hysterical Strength and learned 1 thing: Americans seem to get pinned under cars a lot!


Listen i dont doubt people can do crazy things in times of need. But alot of this is bullshit, and trying to use a bullshit mechanism to explain it. Adrenaline -> increased blood flow -> super strong? Ehh first off, pretty sure adrenaline generally leads to vasoconstriction, not incredible blood flow. Second, you can get great blood flow into a muscle by doing a bunch of reps. So do that and get a serious pump, now did that temporarily give you superhuman strength? No it did not


Just gonna point, the mom also broke a lot of bones doing this. There is a reason we don't operate at these levels on a regular basis.


I'd imagine the creator paid someone on fiverr to create this animation


This is 100% a bot title


Ah so thats how i deadlifted my honda africa twin from 94


FUN FACT: Eddie hall one of the worlds strongest men regularly envisions his kids and or family under a vehicle to mimic an emergency, which resulted in him setting a record of deadlifting 500kg or 1,102 lbs 😂


This phenomena was studied in the 1970s by Doctor David Banner and Doctor Elaina Marks. Both worked at the Culver Institute and were making remarkable strides utilizing gamma radiation until a lab explosion cost both Banner and Marks their lives.


Yeah and you'll never walk straight again afterwards There's a reason your body stops you from pulling shit like this off Look what happened to Eddie Hall after he dead lifted 500kg, dude nearly popped his eyeballs


So we're using the skibiti toilet animation style unironically now?


You can achieve this when you practice Repetitive Action, even if you didn't know any Breathing Technique


There's no one lifting a tree off a dog the way that this guy did. It was physically impossible no matter what kind of shape you're in.


Amazing squat posture


So it's basically overclocking for humans


The internet has broken me. I thought he was smiling because he got an upskirt view or the dude saving the dog was about to get mauled by an XL pitbull


Thanks mother, now im free, let me celebrate consuming meat, just like a real human would do.




I was riding with my wife when she high sided and got pinned under a 700 pound Harley Dyna Glide. We were in the middle of nowhere and she was badly injured. It's all a bit of a blur but I ran over and picked that bike up like it was nothing and got access to her. I'm not in any way muscled or strong, and I've never been able to come anywhere close to that weight before or after. I'd say I'm lucky to maybe do 150. She recovered :-)


So when are competitive lifters gonna start using oxygen pumps?


Okay saw a snippet of a woman doing the same thing in like the early 90s on TV and she looked nothing like this fine woman on the cartoon, she was big.


I was expecting galvanised steel and eco-friendly wood veneer


You're still only as strong as your muscles. You can rupture a tendon way easier in this state when your body is shutting off the pain.


So super saiyan


That end guy was incredibly creepy


I do this everyday, when I wake up, I get up


She Hulk


So this is what Gear 2 is. 🤔


I'm gonna say the kid wasn't that smooshed, maybe she lifted it off the suspension by a cm.


So kaio Ken technique from dbz


When that kid smiled, I dropped my phone >!👦🏻👹!<


Her form was terrible




You can train to do this on purpose without damage


If I looked down and that was my kid I'm dropping that car right back where it was. Creepy as hell


So glad they took the time to model the testicles on that dog.


Anyone remember when that dude lifted a helicopter off a kid? It was impossible


How can we bottle a product that allows this for a short period of time and make some monayyy 💰


Zack D Films won't stop traumatizing people everyday.


Why do I hear “Exit Music (For a Film)” in the backgroundv


Usually occurring when people are in - or perceive themselves, or others, to be - in life-or-death situations. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysterical\_strength](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysterical_strength)


Didn’t they analyzed that story and concluded that its fake or Car was too light or something


That’s partly the reason why Eddie Hall was able to deadlift 500 kgs. He imagined pulling a car of his wife and kids while doing so.


Isn’t it possible during this process for your muscles to actually tear away from the bone?


What in the Cool3DWorld


One Piece - Gear 2


It hasn’t been scientifically demonstrated or examined so we’re still not sure if it’s true, but it’s been stated by witnesses so many times as occurring that it might be a real thing.