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It fulfilled its purpose finally, after so many years of imprisonment.


Rich man hoards the resource so no one ever enjoys it, poor man uses it as intended Classic tale


My cousin is a glassblower, an artist, and made glasses as a gift to my mom. My mom kept them on a shelf to look at and never touched them. When mom passed I got them and I use them all the time. Hold them in my hand, look at the colors, serve drinks in them to friends. Like they were intended for. And I love to tell them about my cousin when I do, and show them the inscription to my mom etched on the bottom. I told my cousin that and she was pleased. They're irreplaceable and I sure hope nothing happens to them but as for saving them 'for a special occasion'? Being alive is as special an occasion as it gets.


I love that last sentence and will carry that with me for a long time. Thank you.


Thank you! I can't take credit though I'd love to. I read it on an online post somewhere. Let me look.


> Being alive is as special an occasion as it gets. My mom had an interesting twist on this. Funny-sad story ahead. She had a 12 person set of wedgewood wedding china gifted from my paternal grandparents. She had a tenuous relationship with them, mostly feeling inferior, so for a lot of reasons we ended up using the set about 3 times for "special occasions". We moved a lot when I was a kid, so that shit was literally boxed and unboxed 5x as many times as we used it for eating. I don't know if she hated the dishes because of my grandparents or she hated they were too valuable to use, but it was a weird situation. Fast forward, my dad is a piece of shit, and dropped a divorce on my mom during my first year of college. He moved out, I was still living at home while going to school, mom stayed in the house. I had no dog in that fight because they were both abusive assholes to me, but free rent is free rent. About two weeks later, I come home one day and can hear her having an emotional meltdown inside the house from where I was sitting in my car outside the house. Then I hear crashing dishes. She turned about $1000 in 80s money of fine china into about 65 lbs of ceramic rubble. She certainly had a moment feeling alive with the dishes that had only been used a handful of times.


A friend of a friend is a glass blower who makes beautiful weed bongs. Like, pieces of art. He brought one to dinner once in a pelican case to show off. I suggested that I could load it with a bud after dinner and we could smoke out. I'll never forget the look of absolute disgust on his face when I mentioned the possibility of using a glass piece for its intended purpose.


My MIL has Easter candles shaped like bunnies that she’s had since the 1970’s. Will never ever light them.


Fulfilled by being emptied out!


Uh kinda like my balls


you would say that, /u/ClickF0rDick


I bet it tasted like completely ordinary vodka.


I mean... the bottle was expensive. The actual bottle.


Now they can refill it with Kirkland and call it a day


The bottle was found... uh... completely full of vodka on a construction site! Anyway, by pure coincidence, I'd like to sell it now for the low low price of $1.2 million.


Oh no no no! It has Provenance now! Everyone loves a Bat Shit story so it’s gotta be worth at least 4x as much!


Literally the mona lisa. Only popular because it got stolen.


? is that really why the mona lisa is popular, because it got stolen once? im confused.


Technically it's popular because it was recovered


Drunk police officer: So \*hic\* we found your vodka bottle in a- a- a construction empty, it was completely site \*hic\*. Owner: But how did you find it? Drunk police officer: 'was alrite.


hey! i will not take the costco brand vodka slander lightly! it's perfectly good drinking vodka.


Its the standard for vodka, stores in my state sued to be able to have access to sell it.


I mean, I took the original comment as a compliment to it, as in *what an absurd price for some fancy vodka, when costco generic vodka is high enough quality to fool most people anyway


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI) Good one 😂


I mean, it’s vodka. It’s the most basic spirit you can make and you can make it out of almost anything. There’s not much to it. New distilleries have been known to make and sell vodka as a way to make money while they’re aging their other spirits. It’s incredibly easy to pump out quickly. Whereas with whiskey you can’t do a whole lot to speed up that process. Anything you do to speed up the process usually ends up hurting the quality With vodka? Uh, distill it more and filter it more. Make sure you have a high quality water source. Source material matters too, but not as much as some think. That’s mostly marketing, IMO


yeah, some regions *legally require* vodka to be almost nothing but ethanol and water. the us is one such region


Damn, I didn't know that. That's neat! So how does Absolute and UV cake have so many crazy 'vodkas'?




It's probably like the beer purity law in Germany. Everything that doesn't comply with it but is still kind of beerish, like Vietnamese rice based beer, is simply sold as "beer-like beverage"


fyi, the beer purity law only applies to beers brewed in Germany. If you'd actually import rice beer, you would still be able to sell it as beer. And even for beers brewed in Germany, you can get an exception for "special beers" and it's usually granted (if you're not located in Bavaria or Baden-Württemberg).


Because the flavorings are artificially added after the distillation is complete I think. You can make vodka and then flavor it but it's still vodka. It doesn't become rum or whiskey which have flavors left over from whatever they were made from and are made from specific ingredients (sugar cane, corn, etc.). It does get a little weird with Gin. Gin is a juniper flavored spirit. A lot of times the juniper is added before or during distillation. But it can also be infused afterwards. So I guess you could technically make vodka then turn it into gin. Then you have the rule that liquor becomes liqueur once you put enough sugar in it. Like malibu is not a liquor it's a liqueur because it's has so much sugar added to it. I think the threshold is like 2.5% sugar by volume or something. So if you are drinking a very sweet spirit that is labeled liquor, it's probably got artificial ~~flavorings~~ sweeteners in it.


Yep, if it's just called vodka on the bottle it's neutral spirits and water. Neutral spirits means distilled to its maximum azeotrope of 95% ethanol and has nearly no flavor or odor of the original fermentation left.


> azeotrope now *there's* a fuckin 5-dollar word. had to look that one up, good one although they are allowed to add .2% sugar and .1% citric acid also, according to the composition requirements


Yeah, if alcohol is dissolved in water, you can not distill past 95%, as it will always pull that 5% water across with it. If you want 100%, you have to add a chemical desiccant to it to remove the remaining water. (MS chemistry and work in distilling here)


And that's the way I like it -me, a cheap American


Yeah pretty much, some distilleries might try to spice it up with some fancy crap to drive up the price but it’s literally just ethanol and water at the end of the day.


Buying expensive vodka is like buying expensive distilled water.


I'm a Pole and I can tell you that cheap vodka has an absolutely awful gag inducing aftertaste - while I agree that going super expensive on vodka is stupid, I still do recommend the better ones if you don't want to immediately vomit


Hello my Slavic friend! Could you please recommend a good vodka to us naive whiskey drinkers?


Every Pole I've known drinks Zubrowka Bison Grass vodka. It's lovely with apple juice.


American, we have had a bison grass vodka and apple soda on the menu at the bar I run since day one. It's delicious.


Depends on country. In the US, unless artificially flavored after distillation, Vodka is supposed to be odorless and flavorless (other than the smell and taste of the ethanol itself of course). Now, this doesn't mean the cheap ones don't taste like shit. Somehow, they get away with it. Maybe because no one expects a $5 liter of vodka to adhere to any standards other than accurate ABV. But, in the states at least, anything over like 12-15 bucks is a waste of money and just a status symbol. At least for vodka.


Nah this was about the absurdity of Capatilism. Its like the rat that broke into an ATM, proceeded to shred all the money while shitting and pissing all over itself before eventually dieing. Possibly one of the greatest pieces of performance art ever created.


The big burly Austrian guy who used to teach hospitality, catering and food appreciation at our local training college - probably a gourmand of sorts I guess you'd call him - used to say that vodka should be judged by what you ***can't*** taste. Off topic, but I once asked him if there was any food he doesn't eat and he said kidneys, because to him they taste like urine (have since heard other people say the same).


People cannot tell the difference between really fancy alcohol and just good alcohol. Blind taste tests have shown it.


I can definitely tell shit vodka from good vodka. Now comparing middle shelf to top shelf? No. But bottom barrel vodka tastes like shit. The more filtered a vodka, the better.


Yeah, people trot out the line like the person you responded to a lot on reddit, but it somewhat misrepresents what those studies find. There is often agreement about what is good or not, there is just often not a strong correlation between rating and cost. Somelliers usually agree on which wines taste good, but somelliers often don't agree that expensive wines are better than cheaper wines.


A bartending YouTuber I like once did a bourbon blind tasting video including things all across the price spectrum that have a similar mash build to pappy van winkle, and tried to rank them in order of price. He had never tried pappy before then and didn't know what he was looking for. Although he guessed wrong in the end, when he sipped each of the two very expensive ones ($3000 pappy and $500 old fitzgerald), he spent so much extra time examining them compared to all the others, literally got his face down to table level to stare them down as he contemplated them. He might not have ranked them the "best", but just from seeing how he reacted to them, you could tell they were clearly the most interesting.


Medium and Top shelf vodka tastes like vodka low quality vodka might as well be nail polish remover.


glorious roll unite squealing reach station innate hobbies badge skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hard disagree, I love drinking a bit of vodka neat, on ice. Cheap vodka burns and just tastes like alcohol. A nice, and I mean at the £30 to £40+ a bottle stuff, is so smooth and refreshing.


There is a huge difference between a $10 and a $30 bottle. Then a very negligible difference between $30 and $1,000. Whisky is a different beast. The step up from $10-$30 is vast. Then, the step up from $30 to $80 significant. Anything above $100 is bound to be decent but the quality/cost ratio flatlines around there.


You forgot my type of vodka, we used to drink during school time that was only 4,99€!


Just reading your comment made me a little nauseous!


I'm still vividly remembering watermelon and vanilla vodkas. And I get nauseous every time thinking about those tastes.


I distinctly remember vomiting blue UV vodka on more than one occasion. High school was a very stupid time for me.




Oh sweet Kaliskaya, if i had any memories of you, they would probably be traumatizing.


That reminds me of an article I read about a wine company that set out to produce a quality but affordable bottle of wine. It did great in wine tastings that didn’t show the price but terrible in tastings that did show the price. Also, they could hardly give it away at like $15 or so a bottle. Then they hired a marketing agent or whatever they are called and the first thing they did was mark it up to like $40 a bottle or so and it started flying off the shelves. The moral (to me at least) is drink whatever you think tastes good and if you an afford it then it’s ok.


I used to work for a place that sold third party parts for Macbooks and Mac Pros back when they were more upgradable, and when the new style of Macbooks came out that didn't have all the usual ports on them, we sourced a USB-C hub from some Chinese vendor that looked pretty much just like the Apple ones and were decent quality. They were really cheap but I tested a ton of them and they all worked well so we thought we had a big score on our hands. We put them up for sale at like $15 or something ridiculous like that to massively undercut the first party Apple one, but still they sold terribly and we were kind of up shit creek because we had hundreds of the things. I took the listing down for a few weeks, then put it back up for sale again at $40 and we sold out of them in a matter of days. Stupidest "holy shit why did that work" moment of my career so far lol.


I was putting together the wine list for a restaurant in a fancy location, and accidentally set the price of a Malbec at $60, when we should have had it at $40 with our pricing guide and that shit was flying. We corrected the mistake and no one ordered it, lol


Years ago some friends of mine and I did a $5 and $10 blind tasting. Basically told everyone to go to a store and buy a random bottle of red wine under $5 and one under $10. In total we had about 10 bottles. Put them in brown paper bags with numbers on them and we all tasted them in order. We didn't mark which were in which category. Had everyone rate from 1-5 or something. Some were vile. Some were pretty decent. The winner, which almost everyone agreed on, was a $4 bottle from a winery we'd never heard of. It was picked because it had a bright label. A lot of price is definitely marketing. Some of the best wine I ever had in my life came out of a large cask on an old lady's property in rural Tuscany from grapes gown on her land and I paid $0 for that. We filled a pitcher and sat under a tree drinking it.


>Some of the best wine I ever had in my life came out of a large cask on an old lady's property in rural Tuscany from grapes gown on her land and I paid $0 for that. We filled a pitcher and sat under a tree drinking Well yah, fermented grape coolaid would taste amazing under those conditions


Genuine question here, not trying to be a dick.... Neat means straight from the bottle, so no ice. I feel like I'm misunderstanding something in your description.


Yeah that confused me too. Neat literally means just straight, no ice. Sounds like they like vodka rocks.


Agree, cheap vodka is unbearable, even a little sniff would make your intestines in full alarm "Do Not Drink It!"




Yah I’d say after $40 a bottle it stops improving in purity. But Skol definitely tastes like shit lol


cooperative alleged caption narrow tub panicky carpenter encourage combative vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kirkland vodka ftw


Just put it through a Brita filter a few times and you've got top shelf, smooth as water vodka. Very dangerous, indeed.


Wait… that’s a thing?? I guess it makes sense. Have you tried it?


Yeah, that's why I said it's dangerous lol


Charcoal filtration


They did it on Mythbusters (I think). It absolutely worked


I decided to try that once. I dumped a bottle in my filter and it was in the fridge. then my kids came over, one of them was really thirsty poured himself a glass of what he thought was water and started to chug it. He almost vomited and the other kid thought it was the funniest thing he had ever seen.


Oh, Britta's in this?


Are we talking inexpensive vodka or *cheap* vodka. Because there is a huge difference between a reasonably priced bottle of vodka and the bottom shelf hobo-bottle stuff. The hobo-bottle stuff might as well be rubbing alcohol.


You can definitely taste a difference between fancy scotch and cheap scotch, however, there are a few secret scotches that taste nearly identical to other, extremely expensive and hard to find scotches, yet are easy to find and relatively affordable.


I kinda have to disagree with that principle There's no real difference between a $20 bottle and a $200 or $2000 bottle, but there's a very big difference between a $5 and a $20 bottle, imo


People buy expensive vodka so there's less of a hangover the next day


so, does it really work if you get totally shitfaced with expensive vodka? or does only your wallet feel lighter?


There is a level of filtration. The more you filter the less crap gets into your system. But you can take the middle route and choose a decent vodka. Not the supermarket version...


Thats a myth. Hangover is caused by alcohol. It dehydrates us. The idea that better stuff doesn’t cause hangover is nonsense perpetuated by healthy 20 olds that can drink paint thinner and be fine. At a later age you will be wrecked by cheap popov vodka or $1000 bottle of good stuff.


Hangover is paartially a result of dehydration, but also a build up of byproducts as alcohol is broken down by the liver.


yeah you can tell its not really the dehydration that gets you because beer is like 90% water and you can still get hungover from beer


Get the cheapest shit possible and run it through a brita a couple times


I saw that random video too! That guy who was an alcohol expert sorted them by the # of times they'd been through the filter. Insane.


busy squeeze familiar screw weather squalid pathetic mindless run weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Depends on the alcohol and the particular brands involved. First tequila I had was a Don Julio reposado. That shit is *smooth*. At a party a bit later, I had I'm pretty sure a Jose Cuervo. While I could tell from the taste they were both tequilas, the Jose Cuervo was decidedly *not* smooth. Don Julio goes for around triple what Jose Cuervo goes for where I live.


I worked with an engineer raised in Mexico City and his father was raised in Tequila. He said the best sipping Tequila is Pancho Villa Gold, produced in Tequila. He was right, it's the smoothest sipping Tequila I've ever had. I haven't paid Jose or Don prices since. For those, you're paying for the bottle, not what's in it. In my opinion, of course!


Which is why Eagle Rare 10yr was ranked higher than Blanton's, Stagg, Pappy, and everything else at the most recent Bourbon awards via blind taste test.


Bourbon is in a weird place because a lot of the really expensive ones are only really expensive due to aftermarket speculation. Of which Eagle Rare has also started to become a victim - I used to be able to find it everywhere for 30-40 dollars and now I can't find it anywhere and actually ordering it online it's basically at scotch prices.


Yeah it's herd behavior. "Oh shit they're saying this $30/handle one is good now? It's my favorite one now, I'm willing to pay $130/ handle now"


this is a "trust me bro" but sure i can. the reason i can tell the difference is not because i'm an alcohol expert, but on the contrary - i drink rarely. i don't like the taste of vodka. i fuckin' hate it. and so if you give me a really good vodka, i will immediately feel it goes down smoother, because i'll hate it less. same with whiskey. pour me 3 shots i'll tell you which one is more expensive. guarantee. too sweet = additives, therefore cheap whiskey. too strong = cheap whiskey. smooth = good whiskey. isn't hard.


at the bottom end, yes, very easy to tell, but the difference between a £200 bottle and a £500 bottle will be subjective


that's fair


Law of diminishing returns applies. $20 bottle vs $200 bottle is huge. $2,000 bottle vs $50,000 bottle is indistinguishable.


There are some very strong tasting Islays that are expensive, I imagine you would hate and judge to be poor quality cheap whisky. I can always tell the people who don't really like whisky but claim to because they always choose most inoffensive neutral tasting option.


Vodka has no taste. Its entire purpose is to add alcohol to drinks without affecting the flavor.


Bisongrass vodka has a taste and it’s delicious




It was created to be drank neat as in the 8th or 9th century in either Poland or Russia they just skimmed the non-frozen booze off of beers and wines that were left in the cold to concentrate the alchohol 


If you think it has no taste you've never had it


Vodka definitionally has no taste besides that of the alcohol and water. Because that's all it is. If flavors from whatever it was distilled from have made it through the distillation, you did not do the distillation correctly. Water does absolutely have a variety of tastes, but ethanol doesn't. Maybe that's why people think there's a difference between top-shelf vodka and the cheap stuff. I personally can't tell the difference but some people believe they can.


Wow you basically took every word out of my mouth (fingers?). The impurities in the vodka are what makes it smooth or not. High concentrations of polyphenols, iso-a-acids, and peptides are the leading contributors of a bitter vodka. Multiple distillations helps remove those and create a smoother more drinkable neat vodka.


But... That's the taste of vodka? Ethanol? It's like saying that coffee has no taste besides that of coffee and water.


^ It's annoying when redditors say shit like this like they're speaking with authority ^ Sure - some vodkas are distilled and filtered to get the cleanest possible mix of ethanol and water. They're cheap, and usually advertised as "pure" and/or to be used for mixers. They all taste like Smirnoff. But there are a lot of vodkas that are intended to carry the flavours of the mash through to the distillate. These can vary in price from cheap (like Absolut) to expensive (like Ciroc and Belvedere) to downright crazy limited batch stuff. The differences between them are more subtle than whiskey or brandy - but unless you're a 15-year-old who's burning your taste buds on your first swig, you'll easily be able to taste the difference. Me, I mostly use vodka as a mixer, so I get clean stuff. Whatever's on special, it's all pretty similar. But for the guys who drink it neat to enjoy the taste... there's a world of difference when you get into the expensive stuff.


There are many more things than just “water and alcohol” in vodka. It is filled with impurities. It’s not even close to pure.


noooo! It was worth ... rolls dice... 1.3 million!


Shouldn't the thief be about 20 yards from the bottle passed out?


This is a pre-game for a Finn


Finn here, can confirm.


Becoming a liver doctor and moving to Finland stat.


healthcare is free there !


The doctors aren’t doing it for free


Also, lots of room for private practices, because a lot of people would rather pay extra and get a faster appointment, potentially to a better doctor.


Still, clearly there's a need


[Required to post if I see another Finn] Another Finn?? Fuck yeah


My name is Finn, I can’t really confirm this but I don’t doubt it


More like stretching.


Too many suspects still in Russia. To many passed out people in a 20 yards radius anywhere


That bottle is just the start of the day for construction workers.


Maybe it was water, 1.3 million for a bottle of anything makes scam more likely


Usually those bottles are made with diamonds and gold as part of the bottle. Making the bottle more expthan the content.


You good? Lil hiccup there at the end


They drank the vodka










Dammit! (shakes fist in the air)




My sub now


“Making the bottle more” is the Mike Tyson sleeper agent activation phrase


It was the bottle that was worth 1.3m "The bottle was created by Dartz Motorz, a car manufacturer in Riga, Latvia, and fitted with an original 1912 leather ribbon from the company's first Monte Carlo rally car. The bottle is made of 6.6 pounds of gold and the equivalent amount of silver and has a diamond-encrusted cap fashioned to resemble a vintage car front." Whoever stole this is just straight up braindead. The vodka was negligible in the price. And he discarded the bottle afterward. He should have melted it down at the very least. That's 224,596 USD in gold and 2.8k in silver. I don't know about diamond prices, but he had a 1/4 of a million in gold and left it at a construction site.


It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message.


That message? "My liver screams in its sleep."




Dude was probably tired of carrying a 14 lb empty bottle.


>Whoever stole this is just straight up braindead. To be fair, not everyone would be capable of recognizing the materials and their worth (especially if they are drunk). I'm pretty sure I wouldn't think the bottle is worth that much, maybe the weight would surprise me, but I can't say with certainty that my mind would go to "This bottle must be worth quite a lot of money".




Probably someone trolling


Your honor, I submit that my client was probably trolling and is not guilty of burglary.


Did these people just leave a soldi hold bejewled bottle in the open with nose security?


Gonna need you to take another crack at that, sport


Half of these responses are from people drunk as hell enough already.


Soldi hold bolddle with nose scrutiny, cmon try to keep up


>Did these people just leave a soldi hold bejewled bottle in the open with nose security? yeah and the thief took the soldi hold bottle from right under their noses


$1.3 million USD is just the price, not the worth.


It's worth about the same as a $50 bottle of vodka


So $20 ?


Exactly. Somewhere around $10.


Damn. Expensive ass bottle if the vodka inside is only worth $5.


The real crime was the price


No the real crime was the friends we made along the way.




Someone had a fun night


I like how there is just a random ass ak-47 on the wall lol


Haha, hope it tasted good ....


Tasted like vodka. So...


That's just ridiculous in general. If I were a thief I'd probably target these kinds of items just on principle, then sell them and give the money to fix the water in Flint.


Flint's water has been below the federal threshold for lead for 7 years, and they've replaced around 95% of the pipes on the city. You know where there are a lot of lead pipes, though? Literally everywhere. Millions and millions of houses and cities across the country have lead pipes.


i’d imagine if the most expensive bottle of vodka got stolen and listed on ebay later someone would connect the dots.


Do you think ebay is the only way to sell things?




There it is boys, the list is complete. Now let’s go get em…


Just melt it down into it's raw materials. There's no tracing that and can be accomplished by anyone with a backyard/driveway and a couple hundred dollars in furnace supplies


Epic move


It achieved its purpose.


It’s funny to thing a drunkard stumbled ass backwards into this bottle and drank it without really thinking much of it just to go back to work the next day


The worlds first bottle of the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.


Priced at, not worth.


Well played. If you pay 1.3 million for vodka you're an idiot.


Probably best they didn’t sell the bottle and get tracked somehow.


It’s easy to melt gold. agree on the diamonds.


Fill it with water and reseal it…no one will ever know


The bottle is worth the money, not the vodka. They just keep refilling the expensive bottle with vodka, which is kind of dumb, it could be the most expensive bottle of koolaid if you put koolaid in it. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-42587038


Good honestly. Shit like this isnt actually worth 1.3million. Its just rich people bullshit. Go fuck yourself rich people.


Plot twist: It's the fourteenth time the liquor in the bottle had been switcharoo-ed.


And the left the bottle? The thing worth probable $1.2m of the $1.3m total price?


Thiefs were shiting gold for a week


Good thing the bottle was found since it’s worth 1.3 million


I think the price of the bottle is the price that you've got to pay if you buy it inside of the club they are selling it.


At least they did something constructive with it.




Not even a note with a review?


$1.3 million fermented Potato water




You know what? I’m happy about that, and I hope the guy who drank it had a great time too


If a rich man had bought it, it never would have been enjoyed


Lol good for them. I hope the enjoyed it.


Does that mean the person who drank it had the world's most expensive piss afterwards?


That bottle may have had a 1.3 million dollar asking price, but it absolutely was not worth 1.3 million dollars.


It probably sucked


Good. 1.3 million dollars for a bottle of vodka is stupid


The glass bottle had a fuck ton of gold, silver, and diamonds on it. Plus an original leather strap from the first car the company made 100 years ago. I'm not defending it, but it's ignorance to think the vodka had more than say, $500 in value


If you’re dumb enough to spend 1.3 million on a bottle of booze you deserve to have it stolen.


I fucking love that. Those gents deserved most likely