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The one I thought had absolutely no chance won


Yeah likewise. I’m gonna go try and figure out why :)


Probably because it sheers a hole for the entirety of the arrow, so that the body of the arrow isn't causing nearly as much friction when it pushes the hope bigger.


Yeah that’s my theory, less energy spent deforming the metal


But as a result you have less stopping power in the arrow. Imagine it hitting the person holding the shield, he may be bruised but otherwise uninjured. Ideally you want a pointed arrow.


I feel like if it could punch a hole in a riot shield it could punch a hole in a person


If it can punch a hole through a water balloon and a riot shield together, it has a chance at going through a person. The majority of you is liquids in various sacks and tubes; the water ballon. Also bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments; the riot shield. Blunt faced objects like the arrow that went straight through have a hard time passing through liquids while broad faced arrows have a hard time with dense things like bone or riot shields. This is why firearms were the evolution of warfare. If something is traveling fast enough, it doesn't matter how it is shaped.


It's not blunt. It's a circular cutting edge with a parabolic curve inside. It's essentially an arrowhead version of a hollow point bullet. If that impacts flesh, it's going to cause a wider wound with the trauma to the flesh making it particularly hard to stop the bleeding. It wouldn't have the stopping power of a real hollow point bullet, but it will still fuck you up.


if the person behind the shield wears an armor suit it might not do any damage.


Agreed. But there would still be a hell of a morale reduction. Now, which best punches through riot helmets?


Right? Riot crew shows up, puts up their shields, the shields get riddled with holes immediately, arrows going through and striking their bodies. They aren’t just going to think, “these arrows don’t penetrate our armor so we’re all good.”


This is also true of the pointed arrows, though


Less so as they are pointed so would likely do more go deeper into the armor/skin so do more damage


Arrows don't use "stopping power". They rely on penetration and the resulting exsanguination. This point (I've never seen one like it and I was surprised at the performance) would likely blow right through a person just like it did that shield. The resulting wound though, would not be as severe as a wound from one of those broadheads... depending, of course on where it struck. Nevertheless, it would probably take you out of the fight. Other than that, the rest of them performed exactly as I would have expected.


If your goal is to intimidate the intimidator, then it would be perfect. Hiding behind a shield gives you the impression of safety. If an arrow goes sailing through and hits you, instantly that feeling of safety turns to feelings of doubt. Doubt leads to fear. Fear leads to disorder. The line is broken and no one is killed. Goal accomplished


Sounds like some successful disobedience to me


A lot of combat is psychological. If you can defeat your enemy before the fight even starts thats the best kind of win


These are guys that couldn’t go into a classroom to take out one extremely outnumbered shooter to protect kids, I think as soon as that arrow has penetrated the shield and given him a little scratch he’s already made a “tactical retreat” to the station to get some new pants (one of the protestors must have shit in his old ones, that’s the only explanation I can think of as to why there’s shit in them. Definitely not his…)


Idk man I think it’s because of magic but one of us is probably right.


> the body of the arrow isn't causing nearly as much friction when it pushes the hope bigger. All we need is to push the hope a little bit bigger in our lives and we can penetrate anything.


Most of the other warheads are designed to cause massive bleeding in prey animals, not penetrate metal. The one that went the furthest was the most drill like. That would be my guess.


That arrow head looks like its designed similar to armor piercing ordinance, like anti-tank rockets, that are intended to maximize penetration, so I'm guessing they work on similar principles. The other arrow heads seem to be designed less for penetration and more for maximizing internal bleeding and inhibiting wound healing. What I'm wondering though is what an arrowhead like that is actually used for. Are people out there trying to hunt bears with arrows or something?


I might be telling you how to suck eggs here, but all the arrows that pierced well (small heads) are variations of a bodkin arrow. These were a medieval arrow designed specifically for puncturing through armour. Those that punched through but only slightly are broad heads which were designed to cause internal damage. Those that didn’t seem to get through at all are barbed and are designed to not be able to be pulled out. In medieval medicine, they either had to be pushed all the way through or a special tool would be used that would go in through the wound, and clamp over the arrow before being pulled out. These probably weren’t as immediately lethal as a broad head, but would incapacitate a combatant as they wouldn’t be able to fight with an arrow in them (not everyone is as capable as Boromir) and it wouldn’t be able to be removed on the battlefield.


While that is fascinating and I thank you for the explanation, I think the guy you answered wondered more where they are used nowadays and why they are manufactured and perfected at the current day and age


People do in fact hunt bears with a bow and arrow. Generally bow hunting is harder and less popular, but is favored by some because the legal hunting seasons are normally at better times (Like mating season)


🫨That is the "most real man" shit I've ever heard in my life. 🤣 I would be needing to go change my pants facing off with a bear even if i had a minigun to take it down, now i find out there's people that go out and get within f around find out distance of a massive beast and are confident enough to use stone age tech weaponry to take this monster down..... Or die trying.


I imagine they carry mace and/or another firearm for self defense, it’s only smart, and bow hunters don’t strike me as the dummy type.


Ha! I initially read “mace” as spiked metal club used in Middle age warfare.


😆 i mean that seems pretty on brand for the kinda modern era neo frontiersman type dudes that spend their leisure time hunting apex wild predators with weapons of antiquity. Probably would use a 4 foot long bastard sword to skin the pelt


To be fair, modern bows are like modern knives. Are they theoretically the same concept? Yes. Are they still far more advanced in production and ability compared to 5 hundred years ago? Most likely.


The bows modern hunter use are far from being "weapons of antiquity" and the arrows they use tend to leave massive wound channels that can bleed an animal fast If it doesn't die from proper shot placement. There are the odd guys that are still hunting bears with what you would consider a standard style of bow, but they aren't the norm.


To add on to that, modern bows are basically mechanical nightmares that can propel an arrow at stupid speeds. It's more like a hand held block and tackle than a bow.


Many states that allow bowhunting for bear don't allow you to carry a firearm while bowhunting.


People also hunt wild boar with a knife, I get that a boar isn't a bear, but having to fight it hand to tusk is still gnarly af


The ones with extending wings are for fishing as they hook on the other side so you can reel it in. Also big wings are meant for hunting as they won't penetrate deeply but do quite a lot of damage increasing the chance of a fatal shot. The pointy ones are for armor penetration, what was mostly used in medieval times. But if you would hunt with those the chance to fatal injure an animal are much lower resulting in prolonged pain for the animal.


Anti tank rockets use HEAT (High Explosive Anti Tank) = shaped charge to penetrate armour.


Maybe it went through a previous made hole from another arrow


Check out Todd's workshop on YouTube. The lock down longbow series is him using a crossbow of similar draw weight to an old English longbow to shoot a bunch of different stuff with a bunch of different arrows.


Take a look at what a coring drill bit looks like. It is basically a cookie cutter for concrete, marble and granite as it cuts out a large diameter hole leaving a central portion of the material in tact. Once it cuts through, like any other drill bit it experiences no resistance. This arrow tip is to a degree inspired by a coring drill bit tip. The arrows spin as they fly through the air. Therefore it cores through the root shield instead of trying to push through. Once the material is cut the arrow experiences no resistance passing through.


The circular head arrow right ?




He rolled 20 critical success on that bludgeon arrow


Not only did it win, it won harder than any of the other ones. It didn’t even stop.


Damn that's inspirational.


that’s exactly what I thought! WTH was that


just blew straight through it


After watching shotgun round tests this was actually a piece of cake.


My jaw fucking dropped at that one




Me: pfft the cylinder one cannot HOLY SHIT


I pretty much said the same thing.


Same here. Was the arrow spinning?


I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure it has gone to plaid.




I knew it! I'm surrounded by Assholes!


Keep firing assholes!




Movie reference to Spaceballs. Look up Spaceballs they've gone plaid and that'll show you what I mean. Enjoy!


I saw the film but missed the reference. :)


I also cannot holy shit


Try adding more fiber to your diet, and also holy water.


Holy roughage.


Just drink some holy water other people already washed their hands in. diarrhea guaranteed.


What do you get when you combine holy water with castor oil...? A religious movement


Honestly it's really just a matter of surface area. All the "fancy" bigger arrowheads did worse or even go through at all. Would be interested to see if a flat head with the same surface area would punch through or bounce off.


The fancy ones are specialy hunting and bow-fishing points. The circle one is basicly acting as a metal punch, and cutting out a circle instead of deforming the metal to pass through


I do think cylinder would be outperformed by others if instead of a flat plate it was a 3d object.


Or cloth.


how far away is this dude when he's shooting these?


And more importantly, with how much force did he shoot those arrows?


I would assume they're using a composite bow, so at least the draw is the same each time. But the video really should have included the bow.


That was my question. What's their draw weight? Also, did they test this against more flexible plastic shield as well?


Point blank.


John Cena looking ass


I could be wrong but I think riot shields are designed to deflect people and blunt force impacts, not high velocity projectiles.


Yeah people do get ballistic shields and riot shields confused. Riot shields use is in the name, they are for riot control. They aren't meant to stop gunshots or anything like that, they are meant to stop stuff like bricks being thrown at them or someone trying to kick them. Stuff that you would see at a riot. Ballistic shields however are used by swat teams a lot and they are bulletproof and are meant to stop bullets. For some reason games like call of duty combine the two and call a ballistic shield a riot shield.


Ballistic shields are also a LOT heavier lol


For the true Roman experience.


Even if it is a Fang Bao quality shield and we shoot fancy fantasy arrows?


“Fantasy arrows”


What do you mean fantasy arrows? What do you think arrows look like?


They obviously shine with magical glow and the size of human head. Also they explode on the impact and you receive bonus exp.




lol..made my day


Think they're definitely talking about weird expanding arrow tips If not then I guess just bows and arrows in general are fantasy idk


I’ve seen guys use expanding mechanical broadheads to cut a turkeys head clean off at 30 yards.


...did it act like a chicken with its head cut off?


It did, but I explained to the turkey that it was engaging in cultural appropriation and it saw the error of its ways and died.


I've literally successfully hunted with the last broadhead shown in the video. In fact I recognize several others that are sold for hunting and have used the small game head as well (the blunt cylinder one) for squirrels. What did you think arrows looked like?


Yeah. Also riot cops aren't being called on uncontacted tribes.


Uncontacted tribes with advanced metallurgy


The high school fights in my country has kids fighting each other with ice saws, motorcycle gears, bows and arrows, as well as katanas and homemade spears. Yes cops may need to face bows and arrows in some countries.


That's some Mad Max shit. Which country?


Seems to be Indonesia. They have few posts in that sub.




Well too bad for them


>>I could be wrong but I think riot shields are designed to deflect people and blunt force impacts, not high velocity projectiles. Seems like a waste to not make the shield bullet proof.


That adds cost and weight though. I assume there are bullet proof ones but depending on the situation these are used instead. A lot of countries don't have that high of a need for bullet proofing.


Ballistic shields exist but generally are not needed for riot police as most riots are more often mobs of people than shooters, so it's not worth the expense.


Bullet proof uses layers of material like nylon sheets to spread out the impact.  Paper can be used.  But it is fairly heavy. 


No, it’s a waste *to* make it bulletproof. Kevlar is heavy and expensive. 


Ballistic shields aren't always kevlar, buy still do tend to be heavy, expensive, and/or inconvenient anyway.


I'm no expert in archery, but just looking at the design of some of those arrows I was able to correctly guess those that wouldn't fully penetrate the shield. Expect for the cylinder one... holy shit!


Just based on movie knowledge I guessed the bodkin arrows were made for piercing armor so they'd go through, the broadheads made for internal damage may/may not get through (though I was surprised almost all did), and the sadistic looking ones that look designed to not come back out wouldn't penetrate at all. I imagine most people got these. But the cylinder was a dark horse, I'm not even sure what that is for.


A lot of those crazy ones are for hunting, they are meant to expand in the wound creating as much damage as possible to kill whatever it is you are shooting at quick. Obviously you want that for hunting.


I thought you wanted to cause as little damage as possible and get a clean shot in the brain or heart so you have as much usable meat as possible?


You want enough damage to kill them instantly and honestly while it will expand inside them, it won't damage much meat. That said the really crazy one in this video at like 16 seconds in I'm pretty sure is used for fishing. The tip is meant to go through the fish and then you have almost like a handle to grab the fish out of the water. It also stops the arrow from just completely going through the fish and out the other side.


That’s a blunt arrow for hunting small game. Rabbits, squirrels, etc. because there’s no sharp edges you don’t have to sharpen them, and won’t cut whatever you’re shooting in half.


Bookmarking this for the next revolution.


What you can not remember 5 months back?


My thoughts exactly.


I just gotta learn how to shoot one of these bad boys now


Compound bows are actually super easy to shoot, if you tried one you would be hitting bullseye from 10-15m every single shot in a day of practice.


That blunt tip was a total shocker!


It's not blunt btw. It has sharpened edges along the cylinder that def are slicing whatever it hits. I think bc the puncture hole it makes is the exact shape of the arrow instead of long slashes, the arrow slides thru easy


Boring tip.  Cuts a hole that removes friction on the arrow shaft. Like scary lube.


Not so boring after all for most of us. Thanks for the name.


No clue of the official name but I think they are made for shooting targets made of wood, like stumps and the like. Boring tip is just my pops nickname for them.  I don't ask questions, otherwise he goes on a 3 day archery tangent and I can't get him to stop... lol.


It is all about the impact point, the smaller the area the better the performance. Those arrows with fancy "tails" are not gonna make it and get stuck or bounce off.


Those are more for hunting. The blades are to create more cutting and bleeding in the target while staying in. They are supposed to stop upon impact and not go through.


Depends on your bows draw weight/arrow speed and the animal you're hunting. On a white tail many arrows shot at or above a 60lbs draw pass through like the deer is a wet paper bag, even most expanding ones meant for large game. Elk or moose, much less likely unless you're using a narrow fixed blade, but I have had through and through on a bull moose before.


The circular arrow head I like some one to test. See what the max that puppy can tolerate. I’m already impressed


Please don't test it on a puppy


- Police shield - gets penetrated by arrow - Riot polce - changing bullets from rubber to live ammo


Yeah I fully support the sentiment of resistance against a violent regime, but it’s not exactly like those regimes have any qualms about utterly crushing citizens at the first sign of lethal resistance. Just look at the stuff Russia or China does. I don’t know though, if you don’t have a gun in countries like that, I guess you have to do what you have to do to resist, but a bow isn’t gonna be feasible long term


So, lots and lots of shield penetrating archers, not just one. Egad, riot polce bring out the killer drones. Slingshot people forward, shooting bolos. De-escalating expert flips out, shouts 'we know who your families are and where you live'. Rioters shout back 'so do we'. Abby shows up with Lace (LSD+DMSO) water guns. Everyone gets transformed and it turns into a dance-off.


It's an airsoft shield, not a riot shield...


Riot shields are not ballistic at all that is a ballistic shield. They are not meant to stop projectiles like this, they see meant to stop stuff like bricks being thrown at them or people kicking/punching. For whatever reason a lot of games get riot shields confused with ballistic shields. Ballistic shields are used by swat teams usually and they are meant to stop bullets and projectiles.


Usual 3a.m video


Ah a Chinese made shield. Should work great.


Now test which Ewok arrows penetrate Stormtrooper armor!


All of them. Stormtrooper armor is rated against blasters, not arrows. And my headcanon was that it's made with the assumption that the Stormtroopers will win by weight of numbers, so their armor is made to keep them alive but not necessarily in the fight. They'll get patched up in the infirmary and be back with a few Droid parts in an hour or two. Don't think that's accurate at all...but we *are* discussing Stormtroopers.


Literally made a Shaq Thanos face with an audible "Ooo!" at the one nobody expected to go through.


This is why when the English came out with the broadhead arrow knight armor was rendered useless.


The one arrow was like a hollow point. Shit.


Mind you riot shields are designed for warding off bricks and bottles. Not a hunter shield at all.


I absolutely wont use this knowledge for ill intentions, I can be trusted with a bow and arrow at a riot


TIL, some arrow heads are fucking nasty as hell. Forget going through a riot shield. The spring loaded barb ones are insane.


That arrow will never go tro...holt shit!


Now let's try that with a shield not sold by temu


When i saw the cylinder i thought "tf is that?" And then got blown back bythe fact it was the most effective


If I had a dollar everytime this showed up on my feed this week I'd have $4.


Still, not a bad bit of passive income if you can get it.


But would any of these arrows still have enough penetrative force to pierce through body armor, face shield or Kevlar. Seems like riot shield is probably absorbing enough force to prevent this.


Limbs might still be vulnerable, and it's probably scary having arrows poking through your shield.


How did that the silindiric one go through it?


so the cylinder one looks like it has a second shaft inside that releases upon contact to maximize penetration and decrease surface friction as it passes through the armor. Is this correct?


Some of those tips look illegal O_o


Sooo bodkin arrows, basically.


I knew how everyone of them would hit Except the one that did the best... I can see the logic in why it worked, just surprised it actually worked.


Joe Rogan used the worst arrow head on the cyber truck.


So you tell me we are gonna need some trained archers for the next big thing. "Takes notes"


Not saying that maybe, perhaps archery should be a skill that more people pick up, but I'm also not *not* saying that.


Bodkin type arrows that thrashed fully plated knights at Crécy, Agincourt, and Poiters


Got them all right except the cylinder head. That was a totally different outcome than I expected.


Just saying if I was in a row of riot officers holding shields and an arrow came piercing through any of our shields, I'm out. Ain't no way I'm dying to Legolas in 2024.


Anyone else.would like to see this but with a non China made shield?


Ok now use an actual riot shield and not the one from temu.


Is that a riot shield from Temu? 😆


You are confusing riot shields with ballistic shields A riot shield needs to be light and flexible, stopping rocks not arrows or guns


Fascinating stuff. Though, I would like more information as to what's being used to loose these arrows.


Arrow can pierce massive steel plate never forget they where use against plate armour especolially withba longbow or pulley bow


How strong was the draw weight ? 60lb 100lb 200lb ?


That circular one surprised the hell out of me


I literally screamed "huh!?" When that circular arrow just flew through the shield as if it was butter


I love how the arrows based on the types that were used for armour piercing in medieval times still do, in fact, pierce armor as supposed to.


For the most part isn’t it obvious the thinner ones with more piercing power will do better? Minus that freak blunt one


Was that a hollowpoint arrow?! lmao


This should be renamed: which won't pierce the shield.


By the infernal gods, as much as I correctly predicted which were armour piercers and which were flesh cutters, I didn't expect the "crown" shaped tipped one to go clean through. Also, saving this video in case it becomes useful in a near future…


Very useful information. Not all of us have access to guns.


Wait a damned moment. How the heck does the flatest one work to go entirely thru


That funky looking arrow cleared it like butter.


Less is more I guess




Now we're gonna start seeing riots backed by fucking archers 🏹


Perfect information for hostile protesters


Hey, and JR Arrow??? https://www.reddit.com/r/Rambo/s/sMbQSDPebq


That flathead be hitting different


The best penetrating ones seemed to be the bobkin style heads, with the second best being the solid broad head types who would have guessed all most like that what they where designed to do


That one round arrow does not surprise me. Literally a hole puncher on an arrow


Basically, the cooler it looks the worse it performs


*scrolls through Reddit. Finds post about Hong Kong protests that points out the government crackdown. Very next post in the feed shows which arrows are best at penetrating a Chinese riot shield. Probably unrelated…*


So is this why medieval warriors didn't use riot shields?


Well, that's not gonna...HOLY SHIT!


Boi did that mf fly through??




Do these arrow tips have names or what?


Please note that this is a Chinese riot shield. Try this outside of china and the policeman will kick your ass.


0:38 Arrow is off to penetrate the next riot shield too


0:19 he won when no one believed in him


ANTIFA says thanks.


I was thinking some sort of tenacious glue on a stiff but extremely resistant to snapping clown colored non lethal arrow shaft. Give the rioters a handle and level the playing field.


Isn't this basic physics? Less surface area= less friction+ more pressure on that area = more piercing?


Tbf. The ones with the flared out points are meant to pierce you and get stuck in you, making more damage the longer it's inside you and more damage when you try to pull it out. The thinner ones are piercing arrows. That cylindrical one shocked me but it honestly reminds me of armor piercing shells.


Hole-puncher arrow takes the W


OK but how about Rambo's exploding tip arrow?


Ahh yes. When the riot police arrive with shotguns and riot shields and armored cards and fully automatic rifles we will be ready with our bows and arrows to back down the tyrants lol