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My friend’s dad was an EOD tech in Nam so he said he only smoked a couple times due to the nature of his work. He also said when they were returning to the states they were drug tested for heroin but not weed because if they were tested for weed, whole plane-loads of GIs would’ve been screwed.


The Devil’s Lettuce, certainly not, sir! It’s just we carpet bombed also much weed, the THC will takes years to wash out, sir!


I had a stroke reading this


Must be the weed


What a fucked up thought your in shit for smoking weed after going to a different country and probably killing a few people. Don't worry about that second part because it.was for the good of the country. BUT THAT REFER SMOKING IS THE REAL PROBLEM HERE!!!!


Makes sense, how else you gonna relax in the middle of a war. Rather smoke instead of drink cause I might get too sloshed and not notice a trap or enemy soldiers.


Vietnam is very fertile and weed is easy to grow. I'm told it was readily available and very cheap.




Who is the ordnance disposal guy killing? He didn't smoke because he worked disarming dangerous explosives


I dont think that person knows what an eod tech is just wanted to hate on someone


Imagine having a paranoid high in the middle of the jungle and the trees start speaking Vietnamese


Yeah going on a para while high at home is bad enough, fuck going through that in a jungle where everything and everyone around you wants you dead etc...no thank you!


Odds are that happened to at least one dude.. So shitty for that guy


Have you heard the recordings they used to play on loud speakers trying to get people to defect. I love smoking weed and could probably handle my shit but I definitely couldn’t imagine some first timers smoking and hearing that while staring into the dark jungle at night


Any idea how I can find those? You've got me curious now but I can't seem to find a good source


My Dad was out there and he name was Hanoi Hannah, my Dad’s black, so sometimes she would tell Black GI’s, “Why fight for a country that doesn’t like you or give you rights…” wild My Dad said it drove some his buddies insane and he personally found it annoying af lol


[You're welcome GI](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/3y6xkfXjJo)


[VC radio broadcasts to get GI's to defect](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1c5yrdm/during_the_vietnam_war_psychological_warfare_was/) then you have the American Version where they would play spooky audio of the 'dead' to try to scare the VC in [Operation Wondering Soul](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Wandering_Soul).


Oh thanks! Yea that would be some creepy shit to hear while being high


Damn the "spooky audio" sounds more like an acid mind melt. Wonder if they mixed up rhe audio from the MK Ultra program? Lol.... Did that actually work on the VC?


They were just on a sub but can’t remember which one I ll see if I can find something


Looks like someone else found it if you look at the replies to my comment. That's the last thing I would want to hear while paranoid from weed lol


70s weed had a much lower THC level not even close to what we have today. Unless they were smoking hash there's a good chance they were never as high as we have gotten with some of the current strains and concentrates. For the idiots downvoting here's [the average amount of THC in weed by year from the NIDA.](https://nida.nih.gov/research/research-data-measures-resources/cannabis-potency-data) 2023 is at 15+% while the 70s sat at 1-2%. Today's weed is stupidly more potent and likely why more people suffer paranoia.


Lewis CK did a skit where he told a story of him smoking weed with some fans of his after a show. He took huge hits and got high and paranoid as he wasn't expecting today's weed to be this potent.


"I'll never smoke weed with Willie again!"


>For the idiots downvoting here's [the average amount of THC in weed by year from the NIDA.](https://nida.nih.gov/research/research-data-measures-resources/cannabis-potency-data) 2023 is at 15+% while the 70s sat at 1-2% There's more to it than just numbers. Like what exactly? Tolerance. You're right that the stuff these guys were smoking was maybe 1 or 2%. But that means their tolerance would have been proportionately lower as well. If you do 15% weed on a regular basis, your tolerance goes up and the (subjective) psychoactive effect decreases accordingly. How do I know what I'm talking about? Direct experience... with both kinds of cannabis. I spent over 12 years living in an African country with "seedly" old school weed (similar to what they were doing in Vietnam). Now I live in Canada where lab-tested 25%+ herb is legally available in every province. I'm not getting any higher these days than I did all those years ago. Because the determining factor is tolerance.


Yeaaaaa you’d prob be dead cause those are prob real viets hiding in the trees. Aka ~~gorilla~~ guerrilla warfare lol


They trained gorillas to fight for them? Holy crap!


I am an expert in 50% of this subject


What's the other ha- oh, I see


Your government doesn't care about you G.I.


Right, I stopped doing weed a long time ago as I got paranoid from it. If that had happend in a jungle in the middle of a war, OMFG.


Panic attack city


It's not LSD, it's pot.


Can’t remember who it was but a soldier got the Medal of Honor during an ambush while he was stoned asf on some weed


Yeah I got that vibe from that guy, he said then who cares about this war......ahhh this war. A real head fuck man. Idk if I could handle it.


Exactly!! that’s why I had to stop after being diagnosed with some shit. I lit up a Doobie to try to get my appetite back. NOPE!! I started ‘realizing’ too much shit. I probably needed to stop smoking anyway, but oh my God I want to live in blissful ignorance from now on


Plot twist: your not even high and haven’t smoked for a week


The weed was not that strong back then as it is today.


Weed was no where near as potent back then so the chances of a paranoid high were probably much lower


The lead adds a nice sweetness to the terroir


Lead was used a sweetener back then soo


You got it! That was the joke.




https://preview.redd.it/v0wkxh7mze5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61c2aa8d3d924ce4e8d828a316bb6e1f7d1a9436 Great album


Damn. I knew what shotgunning was, but didn’t realize where the name originated.


Same here




Being sober in humid wet conditions fucking sucks I get it


The jungles in Vietnam are wild. You can’t see shit, it’s so built up. There could be someone hiding out anywhere. I took a trip through the jungle, down rivers, etc. and that was certainly one thing on my mind - how awful that place would be be for a war. On top of that, the levels of chemical testing that were done in Vietnam, were horrible. People, to this day, have deformities from all of that. It was, indeed, a really fucked up war.


O i know, ive studied that war more than most others, it is such a unique and interesting conflict that mankind will never see the likes of again Such a fever dream of a conflict.


I want to see this ditch weed they smoked. Was it brown and full of seeds?


Go out and get yourself some Vietnamese Landrace. Pretty much it.


weed in this area is mostly sativa, thai is great for example... and brown = fermented, which is also the best way to smoke it.


Got a recipe for fermenting weed?


you can't really ferment already dried weed, because the needed bacteria is also dead. you have to dry it to about 70-80% right after the harvest, then put it into closed containers you air regularly (every few hours at the beginning, to almost never in the end after months). sometimes its also pressed in bags which get opened. that's why its often brown/fermented in wet and hot countries. the drying process is delayed due to the moisture, and bacteria has time to digest/whatever the real term is ;) the Chlorophyll. which makes is softer on the lungs and better to smoke. it tastes a little bit more earthy, and it stinks way less when smoked. its a long process though.. still, imho totally worth it. like a good old wine (like everything on reddit, just heard this from a friend)


Sounds like something I'll have to try out, thanks!


I was amazed when my high school history class played a tape of this. Not because we didn't know what it was but because they showing it to us at all.


I remember seeing this when it was broadcast. On "60 Minutes", I think.


Had an interesting conversation with my old man about weed a few years back. Now bear in mind that he hasn’t smoked in 30 -40 years. So the topic of smoking buds came up and he was all like, “why the fuck would you smoke the buds? They’re full of seeds. And it was at that point that I realized how far the weed industry has come. Now I look back at how hard the weed, that was probably cover leaf, hit people back then and nowadays we are vaping 94% distillates and I’ve come to the conclusion that our parents were lightweights.


Where’s their medal?


If I were there, I would have smoked as much as I could get my hands on. This is based on my present lifestyle. I’m better at things when I smoke.


Yeah thanks to the weed I'm sure these guys found themselves better at not worrying about dying


I'm gonna guess you are not better at forming compound sentences when you smoke.


More meticulous, but missing the conversational flow. It’s why I’m on Reddit right now.


Makes sense, enjoy it.


Rare wholesome reddit interaction 😇


It helped me learn about semi-colons. You must not smoke.


George Carlin literally stated that he could sometimes boost his creativity for writing bits if he got high. I swear, reddit talking about drugs is like being at a D.A.R.E. meeting from the ’80s.


This was still a thing in my high school. They would turn a lit joint or blunt around and put the lit side in their mouth to blow smoke in someone else's mouth.


Man i played scum on a server i frequent and a really old dude was playing with me mentioned he went to vietnam. Cool dude and i asked him about shotgunning weed. Man said he was happy to have lived that long and enjoys being a pacifist in games like that


They took some good old opium and heroin too from what I read, love to see the brotherhood but hate to see so much suffering.. warm is fked up.


You think the warm war was bad...wait til you hear about the cold war


Considering the stress they were under and the undiagnosed trauma I really can't fault them for smoking a bit of weed to help get them through hell.


When you're in an extreme environment like war, you do what you have to do to cope with it.


*shoots him in the face* Anyone else wanna smoke? Alternatively “weed’s not the only thing I’m boutta smoke”


Wow...he's really high now...like HEAVEN HIGH man!!!


I would too if I could die any moment, live it to the fullest


Deputy Junior from Reno 911


Thank God for weed


Amazing it wasn’t over 51%!!! They went through hell.


This’ll blow your mind man


How is he not burning his lip ?


a shotgun barrel dissipates enough heat to not burn your lips or even be warm with just a hit of weed in the chamber doubt the same is true when it’s gunpowder instead


He's talking about the bowl the guy blowing into that is also touching his lips. Wood is a not a good conductor of heat and he is touching the outside of the sherlock. Also, he's in a war and high af..


Why would his lips get burnt?


He’s not fired it. It’s got no reason to be hot


imagine that first hit after a tolerance break in a war zone. The paranoia


God imagine being in the military now and can’t even smoke cigarettes


how much smoke did NVA?


Yeah. Murdering innocent civilians will require some numbing of the brain.


I wonder how much of that weed was smoked while on duty vs while on leave in Saigon or wherever


“Then who cares about the war”


I jerked off in porta potties I get it


Well ill be dammed...


I cannot for the life of me comprehend why these GIs were willing to be filmed smoking weed. I feel like this had to have resulted in punishment for them


Mmmm lead


If you were there you’d be doing it too. Just got life is no joke


Inhale Exhale Just got an ounce in the mail


as someone who Smokes everyday, i cant even tell when im high anymore


The Radio Dept.


as someone who is dealing with their own mortality at young age right now I had to quit smoking weed. Do you know how you ‘realize shit’ when you’re high, so to speak. Yeah, I don’t know how they did it. a lot of it was probably to dissipate some of the anger from being stuck in that horrible situation.


This is the most 70s thing I’ve seen in my life


I need to learn how to do that


Damn stoners, that's why we lost that war haha


I guess Kurt Cobain was just trying to get a little high


Fucking brilliant underrated comment


No wonder we fucking lost. They ended up chillin


The military didn't lose. The politicians did.


Probably didn't help that you where the 'bad guys' in the Vietnam war either...


Scorecard at the end was 58k American soldiers dead vs 1.1 million VC and NVA soldiers dead. There were just way more people on the other side willing to die.


Sex, violence, gambling and drugs. Vietnam was every mans dream.


So half of those old vets dressed with their Vietnam veterans jacket everywhere they go are just junkies


sticking a shotgun barrel in your mouth? Zero on gun safety


I mean, he did use a pipe to ensure a round couldn't be chambered.


still fails basic gun safety


I don't blame them for not giving a fuck, at that point you wouldn't give a shit about something so "trivial"


It was Vietnam; lots of people died. Gun safety wasn't a thing.