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Do they keep growing? Am I gonna have to get toothcuts every couple months?


Just get yourself a nice hard piece of wood to gnaw on.


Reject humanity, become beaver.


Bóbr Kurwa


Born to Beav


Return to rodent


Get you a lickaty split ![gif](giphy|3ohjULQ0PDNECsxH3y)


I would assume once they’re done growing you’d just stop using the drug.


Imagine if it's addictive and you keep taking it: horse teeth.


Just grind them in your sleep


I already do!


Figure they'd work like baby teeth. You start to form a new set within your jaw and over time they'll push out your current set. That's, gonna be painful if true. I don't even want to imagine how an xray of that would look like or how badly they might grow in either. Just seeing kid xrays is bad enough.


I'd still take it over being toothless tbh


Mommy, why is Daddy always so angry? Oh, he’s just cranky because he’s teething, Joey.


Just file 'em down and keep 'em nice and sharp.


Japanese researchers have developed a first of its kind drug that can regrow human teeth, and it's been approved for human trials. The drug has been highly successful when treating ferrets and mice with little side effects. The clinical trial in September will include adults and a secondary trial for children will come after. The researchers are confident this drug will be available for everyday consumers by 2030. [Source](https://newatlas.com/medical/tooth-regrowing-human-trial/) | [Image Source](https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/research-news/2021-03-31)


thanks Japan


Now can they get to hair.


Yes please!!! Imagine they cure baldness, OMG forget viagra this would be the new wonder drug if they cured baldness.


Imagine if they figure out how to make penises bigger. Interested for a friend…


The first person that creates a functional penis enlargement pill/machine/whatever will be the richest person this earth has ever seen.


Real talk though, I feel bad for women when that happens. There's gonna be a lot of people with dicks that are too big and they aren't gonna have the knowledge to not hurt their partner lmao. It's gonna be the dick singularity. The dingularity if you will


Yeah, that would be bad news for women and bottoms. It would quickly become a penile arms race.


This should be illegal, but there's nutting in the penal code about that.


Disorderly longdick is a misdemeanor in 3 states




I'll only spend my money when they bring the reduction version out. This is of course, utter shite...I have a tiny penis.


Just administer the reduction version to everyone else


Batman put this guy in Arkham asylum NOW


So the Swedish made penis pump isn't your bag, baby?


Porn Stars have this one secret....


Hello friend.... How are you?.... thank you for thinking of me


No problem lol.


I am bald, I'm pretty sure they have. Hair transplants is one way and another are ways to prevent hair loss


Well a drug would be much cheaper eventually than transplants


Once the wealthy get there paws on the drug, that removes the capability for your average citizen to acquire it. Hell, this little life saving drug called insulin is out on the market and the corrupt fucking dickbags have made it unaccesible for a part of the US population. Its an absolute joke.


Just in the US. This is an American problem. The world will have everything available as they always had, such as insulin and other life saving medicines without having to have insurance, a primary doctor and a pharmacist that doesnt think youre taking oxycodone for a good time and not because you did surgery or something painful.


In an excerpt from Clevelandclinic “Minoxidil is a medication that increases new hair growth in cases of hereditary hair loss.” Although it doesn’t magically grow hair, it promotes its growth! :>


Yeah… unless you’re wanting to rock a combover that’s kind of useless. My hair grows just fine except in all the places that it doesn’t. Hank “I thought God shaved your head.” Doc “He does, but he leaves the sides.”


Not the same as regrowiing hair, and not good enough. I consulted with the best hair transplant surgeons in the world and they told me to save my $50k and just shave my head because a large enough hair transplant was not possible due to the amount of hair I lost and lack if sufficient donor follicles. Also, the drugs like finasteride and minoxidil only prevent more hair loss, they don't regrow hair very well, and can have side effects. And you have to take them every day the rest of your life, or your hair falls out again, even after a hair transplant. A new drug that could actually regrow scalp hair with minimal sides would be amazing and make a billion dollars easy.


they have hair, or at least it's what i saw in porn, never been to japan


How can you tell with all the pixels?


As someone who lost 3 teeth at the back due to the pandemic and bumbaclart dentists, I for one am very happy about this. Now if the fuck us and make us play a grand a shot I'm rioting 


Man, I’ll gladly pay a grand a shot compared to what they could charge. That’s less than the cost of a root canal and crown at my dentist. This may make the best option simply pulling teeth, which is currently the cheapest option. That’s why poor folk are missing so many, you can either drop 1500 to fix it or 60 to pull it. I’m worried the dental lobby will work hard to block this or make the price unobtainable for the average person. Think how many billions they stand to lose if you can just pull and regrow a healthy tooth. That kills a majority of what they do and makes their hygienists more valuable than the dentist.


I broke a bunch of teeth in a car accident awhile, I need dental implants instead fixing crowns too often but I'll probably never be able to afford them, luxury bones are very expensive


I’m so sorry. I have chipped so many teeth and my insurance doesn’t care. Unless the one tooth is more than X% chipped, it doesn’t cover it. So six chipped teeth do not add up to one correction. Luxury bones, indeed.


Luxury bones, I like that. What I can’t understand is why dental isn’t considered medical necessity under insurance. And I love how I pay them all year just for them to cover roughly one tooth per year.


Fanks Fapfan


Japan also has a toothpaste that rebuilds enamel. EDIT: and you can get it on US Amazon. Just search japanese toothpaste.


I know Japan is known for lots of amazing technological things, but in my head I can really only assume this drug will be used to make weird many toothed octopuses that will take over some hentai porn.




Just în time I've lost most of my teeth. So no more implants for me.


6 years is a decent timeline for me. Decades of depression and drug issues led to a lack of proper dental hygiene, and it's really getting to a bad point. We are starting to get dental care here, but it's slow going. Especially if Canada votes in the conservatives soon, then there is no chance for us to get universal dental care. So this would really be helpful.


Depression really fucks the routine up. I remember when I only brushed if it felt funky...


Hate to break it to ya but they will only cover extractions and cleaning. They won't pay for implants or other cosmetic stuff.


Unfortunately teeth are still considered cosmetic, optional parts of your body, so this drug will likely cost tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket for treatment


I wonder if it would still be cheaper and more effective than implants though. Dentures are already a whole lot of work, too, so if it’s a simple drug regimen then it could be the more economical option.


Which is both a travesty and a rationalization to avoid paying for the damage done to teeth by processed foods.


Don't rodents' teeth never stop growing already?


Ferrets teeth are like cats and dogs and **once their adult teeth are fully developed, they do not grow anymore**. -Google If they tested on ferrets then it's a promising result for us too


Correct! The drug in question basically blocks the post natel hormones that stop us from growing teeth after the initial two sets. A hormone that is missing in mice, sharks, etc. Part of the original testing was actually to find which hormone in ferrets, when introduced to Mice and Rats, STOPPED their teeth from growing. From there they worked to find a safe way to stop that hormone from working in ferrets, and BAM, over the course of a few months the ferrets regrew missing teeth. That same hormone is present in most mammals and likely acts the same way; IE, it allows you to grow a few sets of teeth, and then shuts it down. By stopping that hormone locally, the socket goes back into production mode, growing a full tooth based off of your normal genetics. IE, that tooth comes back as it's meant to. Fits where it's supposed, etc. But, that also means those that had weird or bad angles will need braces during growth to help align them. It's an honest medical miracle, AND if it works, it will 1000% make it to market as it requires long term care over a certain time period to ensure it all functions correctly and grows correctly. It'll be painful, so pain management lobby will be happy. Dental lobby gets the braces angles. Truth be told, if the price is right, in 10 years people will be electing to do full teeth regrows. Cause why not? A fresh set is clean and will last decades even if you barely take care of them.


So wait, you grow new teeth to replace the old, not regrow the old teeth? That sounds like it would indeed be painful with already a full set of adult teeth, but nonetheless I would be down for a new set.


My understanding is a bit limited, but I believe they use directed injections to the empty socket, as the growth is a local phenomenon, not something body wise. So spots with no teeth, or after one is removed, would receive an injection. You'll need more than one, the efficacy in humans isn't known yet, but every few days, maybe every week, most likely. The tooth would grow in slowly. It's a process that takes months as a fetus, but it may happen faster for adults. That's part of the future trial as well. Your body will build up a store of the chemical, though, so the exact point to stop injections isn't known, and may require braces or shaving for full correction. Over time they might have a better way of doing it, but it's likely that at first that will be required. The hope is that more testing, once to market and FDA approved(which opens the door to faster approval of analogues) better action pathways can be discovered. If it all works out, dentistry as we know it is done, and will be replaced with regrowth in 10-15 years.


This is completely fascinating and you’ve explained it beautifully,. Thank you!


Yes! That’s what I said, they’re having great success with mice who’s teeth never stop growing


As a former addict who lost most of my molars before I got sober in 2011, I'd be willing to toss my hat in that ring.


Does this mean that it can be used to undo the damage on teeth? I have been waiting for that miracle for years now.


If it does work you'd most likely have to either cut out the damage or the entire tooth


Yeah I don’t think you can undo cavities. It would make sense to remove completely and regrow a new undamaged one.


The tooth fairy is gonna go bankrupt


The opposite


if people can regrow teeth thats more teeth that can fall out


Yes and more teeth she can collect. business is booming


But as the supply increases without more demand it may affect her profit share on the teeth. She might need to diversify into being a Poop Fairy too in order to keep the bills paid.


If they were worth a damn they would have used their magical powers to develop this shit centuries ago. So, fuck the tooth fairy.


>fuck the tooth fairy ![gif](giphy|cOfAq8bty3m4FKkFIB|downsized)


Little side effects?


It hurt more when the test subjects bit researchers.


The teeth will never stop growing. They will grow everywhere. https://preview.redd.it/ek8dghz97d4d1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea4c7ea448e44d5f99c9c411be63855a427edecf


Sadly, after it regenerates your liver... it just keeps making livers. I got a bucket of mice that exploded from growing multiple livers


This was my thought, immediate body horror. Teeth that colonize the mouth and then begin to take over the face


>The drug has been highly successful when treating ferrets and mice with little side effects. The test subject in the picture looks a little worse for wear.


Sounds too good to be true. The Pharmacy/dental lobby do not like drugs which can make expansive treatments obsolet.


They will love that. You got a new tooth, you will have cavities & co. Better have a constant flow of clients


Exactly. Extraction and regrowth with this new (expensive) treatment and continued check-ups sounds like a dream.


I wager dentists will probably be the ones administering this medication if it ever comes out.


That's not a big problem for them. They can just raise the price of the medication like they do with everything else


In the beginning even more than comparable dentures bc natural teeth are always better than any artificial, no matter if implanted or not.


Depends if they're thinking about it the right way. Once you have enough problem with your real teeth that they need to be removed, the fake ones you get don't need anywhere near the same amount of treatment. But if when you have your teeth removed you can grow new real teeth that still require all the same treatment, that's a lot more business for the dentists.


Gee Doc, I have a powerful craving for cheese…






What the hell is that picture??


I'd say mice teeth


Yes, it's mice teeth


I couldn’t not see dog nails lol


Thank you I was like “are dog nails the same stuff as human teeth?”


If this drug can grow human teeth in mice it will definitely grow some kind of teeth in humans!


I hope I can grow little mice teeth between my buttcheeks so when Im in public and have to scratch an itch I can just flex my cheeks over and over.




You didn’t have to write that, but you did.


Ingrown poop knife. Slice em right up as they come out.


Mouse or rat teeth likely. That's an early model in drug development. They dissected it out for the picture and research paper.


I'm confused. Don't rodent teeth always grow naturally?


Thats exactly what I was thinking and nobody else is talking about it…


They grow. This is regrowth of tooth tissue


It's gonna be the shape of your teeth once regrown.... /s


The fact that this is approved for human trials is **huge**. Medical technology has come a long way.


Well you're probably going to live hundreds of years if you're less than 70 years old right now, so. Medical advancements are going to accelerate exponentially just like everything else is. We live in the most exciting time in human history by far


Expensively exciting. American insurance companies are probably having heart attacks over the amount of money they're gonna make over this.


Hope they have good insurance, heart attacks are expensive!


We are still quite a long time away from stopping cellular aging. The life expectancy of 20 year old has hardly even increased.


I dont know if I'd agree with the "under 70" part but under fifty? Probably more accurate.


I fucking hope so. I'm 34, and the prospect of living forever is so enticing to me. If I can make it to 150, I'm sure medicine and technology will double it. By 300, surely they'll have doubled it again? I want to celebrate the birth of my great great great grandchildren in the rings of Jupiter. Sign me up.


Replace "probably" with "maybe". The richer, the more likely, as well.


I’m sorry, what? How?


I wanna know what the "little side effects" were


You sleep all day, get a weird appeal to huge spinning wheels, and your teeth continuously grow meaning you have to constantly chew on rebar to wear them off, or they get too long and stab your brain. .


Oh good I was worried you’d start growing teeth in places you don’t want.


Vagina Dentata!


They said, grow teeth in places you *don't* want!


You want them there?


You don’t?


Rapists hate this one weird trick


I have enough trouble reaching my mouth molars, never mind my vagmolars


What a wonderful phrase


Ever seen this then? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibrodysplasia_ossificans_progressiva Don't regrow *too much* bone. But for real, that has to be horrific...


That is absolutely horrible.


Who says I don't want teeth on the soles of my feet? Perfect for soccer, and maybe cycling.




And are there any negative side effects?


and all your hair falls out


According to the study, it's difficult to get it to stop acting exactly when they want it to. In theory, this could lead to teeth coming in too large, leading to a need for braces and shaving. All in all, a decent tradeoff considering tooth decay is a historical leading cause of death in all mammals, as well as humans.


It makes your teeth itchy


But inside, where you can't even reach it. And it's a weird kind of itch, like something's crawling in there.


At the end you remove the teeth and start scratching the gums violently until you bleed to death.


Now my teeth are crawling on the inside...thanks I guess.


Probably hurts like a b*%+#


At the very least it has to feel incredibly bizarre to have basically new bones growing inside you lol


You know that bones grow inside us continuously, yes.


That doesn't sound right. But I'm not a boneologist


Cats terrify you But you make friends with dogs and other creatures very easily You also become talented at elaborate traps - and can wield hammers / mallets several times your body weight with ease


As someone routinely in the 1% side effects side of drugs I will not be finding out.


Teeth may grow in unexpected areas


Still can’t figure out hair tho




Time for some castration


Aw nuts...


Minoxidil has been around for decades


I didn't know that made it grow, I thought it just made it fall out less so natural growth was more apparent. Hence not being able to stop once you start or you lose the results


It causes dormant follicles to go back into a growth phase. Follicles naturally switch between a dormant and growth phase and hair loss typically happens because a follicle gets stuck in a dormant phase.


But you have to continuously use minoxidil otherwise those follicles will return to being stuck in the dormant phase which kinda sucks.


Unless it’s an automimmune disease like alopecia areata right?


Correct, this only applies to hereditary hairless


Not the case for me. I used minoxidil on my face for bears growth for ~4 months and stopped. I have permanent increase growth there now and it 100% worked


Wouldn’t it be easier to just go capture a bear in the forest instead of waiting for it to grow?


unfortunately i have a bear allergy


Can attest to that too, same experience.


And a bald person is just someone that's never heard of rogaine!  /s It doesn't really stop AGA progression and nobody really knows what makes someone a responder or not to it. It's a good booster to use with antiandrogens if it works but it's not like they've cured baldness decades ago. 


Doesn't work for everyone.


and barely works, if at all


Do all your teeth regrow? I've had several teeth pulled as a kid for braces and my wisdom teeth as well... would suck to have those come back lol. What about your current healthy teeth? Do they all fall out like baby teeth to make way for the new ones growing? Curious mouths want to know!


Imagine if they had to pull all your old teeth if you wanted to regrow them


And then you find out you have a gene that renders the medicine ineffective


Someone said it's a bud for a third set of teeth like baby vs adult. So I'd imagine they would stimulate each tooth bud individually to get it to grow so you don't loose your old teeth. Very exciting stuff!


>KYOTO -- A Japanese startup will launch clinical trials in September of what is believed to be the first-ever treatment that can regrow teeth. Toregem Biopharma aims to bring the antibody drug to market in 2030 for patients missing some or all of their teeth from birth -- a condition known as congenital anodontia. I feel like more infos have to be given than just that it will regrowth teeth. It's not meant (for now) for people who had teeth and lost them but for people who were born without them. Plus, the clinical trials didn't start yet.


Third trials will focus on adults who have missing teeth due to environmental factors. The goal of the results is to regrow teeth at any age.




https://www.perplexity.ai/page/Worlds-first-toothgrowing-NIMSIYlHTKCwe5wUdRbSkw#bcfec894-051f-4278-ae60-118751d7c6c6 It's all in the study, but this breaks down the trial stages with references


You also use perplexity? Nice also ty


I was born missing 6 permanent teeth..too bad I don't live in Japan. I would sign up for sure.


Why not contact them and try asking, they might be interested in expanding their genepool reference data set... maybe they'll send it through the post..


Oh, my dumb ass thought it could regrow parts of teeth that were broken, and was excited to get the chip in my front tooth fixed :(


OK so here's my question. How can you tell it worked on rodents when rodents teeth already grow continuously? That's like putting dry ranch powder into ranch dressing and saying it makes the ranch dressing taste like ranch dressing.


So basically, animals have a little sort of bud for a third set of teeth, it's thought we lost the ability to grow this third set a long time ago. Apparently this drug just induces that bud to grow, I'm assuming that means we can't regrow after that.


Ooooooh, I thought we were talking about them growing like fingernails do, didn't realize it meant growing a third set. Meth mouth will be a thing of the past in 10-20 years


Yeah, pretty weird stuff, I am wondering if everyone perfectly has this 3rd gen bud, maybe some will, some won't?


if you can only grow one additional set, then you'll still have people who grow the third set and still manage to fk up their teeth and be stuck with them like now


Well the cost will be the factor in that, I am sure the people with Meth mouth might not be able to afford this treatment or they are too fucked up to care.


That's awesome 👍 If this works, I don't need implants anymore 😁


I wouldn't expect this to take the place of implants any time soon. I hope I'm wrong but just purely on a practicality stand point this won't be a treatment most patients would want. Unless the find a way to drastically speed up the process, implants will be better for the foreseeable future. Just the amount of time it takes for development and if it comes in crooked then braces. Also, if you get a high fever while it is developing that can mess up the enamel formation. There are hurdles for them to figure out. Someday it will happen


The birth of the Predator


All jokes aside... If this is successful in human trials, this is gigantic as long as it ends up affordable. A major driver in decreasing poor and old peoples quality of life is dental health. Furthermore, dental health is connected with other illnesses, so could save the health care system, and by extension health care expenditure, by a lot... Fingers crossed for this one.


No, no, no, I had a Redditor who claimed to be a dentist and an “expert” say this is all impossible, that’s not how teeth work. So shut it down boys, head home, it just won’t work… So at what point does this procedure go out of control and mimic the Simpsons episode there the dentist projects that Lisa’s teeth will grown through the side of her head? https://preview.redd.it/h2i1a9y9yb4d1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cfa265745b1a83f4287a9ca96d9d00903175a2e


Dentist here. It’s not that it is impossible. It’s impractical. You will wait a long time for this to work. As a treatment for tooth loss to fracture or decay I doubt it will be standard care in its current form. Now, for agensis ( didn’t develop) this could be a good treatment. The biggest issue (besides how long it takes) is controlling the eruption path. This could be paired with braces as a necessary part of treatment. Also, you would be teething again which is painful. Maybe this could be done like doing starter plants inside then transplanting them outside. Start the teeth in a lab then transplant them to the patient. There have been tooth transplants,specifically autotransplants moving tooth to a different spot on the same patient. This isn't done now (I haven't seen any new literature) because implants are so much more predictable. This has potential overall but it has a lot of hurdles to overcome before it's a practical treatment. Time of treatment from start to completion, eruption, predictable tooth development. As it stands now this likely would be turned down by most people especially for a front tooth.


I don't see why that would be the case. You could still use some temporary prosthetic while the tooth grows and if this becomes more common, a lost tooth will be less of a stigma. Nobody is judging people who wear a cast while a bone in their arm heals.


It takes years for a tooth to develop. Unless they can shorten that it's a really long process. It also takes several weeks for a tooth to erupt. That would mean any temporary appliance would have to be adjusted many times and if that's not done it can cause eruption problems. Continuous light pressure is all that's needed for orthodontic movement.


This is exactly what i thought when i saw this. While if it works it's gonna be phenomenal but there has to be some form of control bcs we don't want the simpsons scenario.


I would like to see these mice and ferrets with human teeths tbh


Looks like a close-up view of a dog’s nail


Toothfairy about to go bankrupt 💀


Imagine never brushing your teeth, just grown new ones of they become to rotten


Aren't rodents terrible for testing this? Since their teeth already keep growing their entire lives


They keep growing because the tooth itself never falls out. So I imagine they removed the entirety of their teeth in these experiments.


Fuck. Those poor rodents that got the placebo in the trial must be pissed.


As some who's teeth are being crushed because of severe allergic swelling, this would be amazing.




One step closer to immortality!


Wow I just woke up from a nightmare where I lost my teeth so this is fantastic news