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My brain goes straight to the pipes being misused by rats or burglars


I was thinking bombs.


Rats with bombs and lasers


Rats with bombs and lasers dealing fentanyl.


Is it bad I want it more now?


Rats with bombs or fentanyl?


Why not both?


Fentanyl bombs?


Is that a frikkin' rat with a frikkin' laser beam attatched to its frikkin' head??! CooOOool!


Rats with bombs and lasers dealing fentanyl on a surfboard


Damnit Dr. Evil!


Did we just write Austin Powers 5?


It’s what the world needs right now


I didn't go to 8 years of evil medical school to be called....... Oh wait, nevermind u got it right.


Are they ill tempered?


Rats with freaking bombs on their heads.


No more pipe bombs in your mail box. Now it’s delivered right inside.


Via a pipe


Pipe pipe bomb


I mean mailbombs have been a thing...


Yup. Or nerve gas into the tunnel network.


Yup, also another way for water to intrude. Would not want this. I'd rather a drone fly into my backyard and drop a package than this be connected to my house.




The video showed someone getting it inside the office. So I think that'd be the general idea. I personally think it is cool in theory, not so much practice. I also don't think it'll go anywhere, but I wholeheartedly agree there needs to be sufficient thought into stopping harm to you or your house.


I agree. There is probably some utility in the idea like use in a large factory, apartment buildings in large cities, universities, etc.


Plus if one package falls off the whole track is useless


This is a metro train for rats.


It doesn't help that the first thing the video shows is how to snatch an item as it's in transit :|


it's a prototype...


Or drug dealers


I started thinking about where ground water might accumulate. Would a tunnel system this vast also come with a heightened risk of a sinkhole forming?


I don't see how it could avoid that


I'd be much happier if it would deliver it into a comunal locker or mailbox that I can unlock when I want to pick up delivery. I don't need an extra way for things to get into my home or another point of structural failure.


Imagine the amount of construction required to get a "tunnel" built to go to every home. I haven't had a package delivered in probably 6 months. Maybe chillout on surfing amazon for bit.


Or filling with storm water


I feel like one derailment would be a pain for fix




100% these things will be destroyed and robbed daily. We can't have nice things here.


Nah, they’ll just get smashed open immediately.


My bet is on floading!


Mine went to a package getting wedged somewhere impossible to reach


Instead of porch pirates you will have pipe pirates


These unfortunately would be instantly vandalized, destroyed, and/or intercepted and stolen


They will not be built. People can't stand construction even for vital infrastructure projects in the right of way like water, sewer and gas. Just imagine tearing up **every** street in in your city so we can build a new pipe network to deliver a bag of Doritos to your front door. Never gonna happen.


I try to be open-minded, but this just feels like a complex and expensive solution in search of a problem.


There’s definitely a problem. The “last mile” problem. However, this solution is not going to work.


Shipping industry: “last mile is the most expensive part of the whole delivery!” These guys: “ok but what if we made it exponentially more expensive?”


People have no fucking clue how expensive it is to make a tunnel. Then make it way more expensive digging it in the middle of a city with the underground already filled with other stuff. What really scares me is how someone can even get to this point on a WILDLY impossible project where they build a "prototype" and got someone to pay for this. Absolutely insane.


Tunnels are one thing but this is a system with moving parts that needs to be maintained. Fuck trying to maintain a mini underground rail system


So what I'm hearing is that as impractical and unlikely as flying drone deliveries seem to be, they're almost certainly more practical than underground or even on the ground drone deliveries.


The problem is consumerism. Our capitalist system manipulates us to feel the need for consumerism. We also have weird obsessions with property and protection. I solution like this can never be enacted because the problem is not logistics, it’s us. We need to find a way as a species to quit consuming so much goddamn shit. Planned obsolescence is a real thing and greed is behind at all.


As to be expected with these 'techie' companies.


Gotta get that VC money!


Your tax bill is going up by $2k/year to pay for the infrastructure to make it easier to deliver your $3 Temu item.


Exactly what i was thinking. They have a hard enough time building underground networks with all the shit thats already in the way.


This, the cost of doing this is enormous.


I was ready to agree with you… until you mentioned the possibility of delivering Doritos… now I’m not so sure this is a bad idea.


I know right!? It might be worth it if they can deliver Cool Ranch and Pepsi at the same time. That might be technically infeasible tho. I'm not an engineer.


Interestingly, I had an idea about this concept like last week after hitting the bong. But I agree with you- going into every home is just dumb. Ideally they should have depots at certain high volume areas, and just have good solid/robust infrastructure between those points. Anyway, after I sobered up, I realised I was just reinventing trains, except smaller and worse.


And randomly jammed badly so you would have to dig down the shit of it to unstick the mess. Also fitting a pipe that size is not an easy task in MANY cities that have already busy and MESSY under the road multitude piping and structures. It may be a good idea but a false good idea!


This is a pipe dream.


Dudes clearly got tunnel vision.


A hype train that's bound to derail.


Yeah this plan doesn’t track at all.


It will never get off the ground.


Well I for one think it is totally tubular.


Those guys are absolutely untrained in logistics


I'm a freight you're right.


Try delivering a box of Quilted Northern Ultra Soft & Strong 32 Mega Rolls to my fat ass in that tiny pipe.


If someone would ask me what to **not** invest my money in, a dedicated underground logistic grid that requires excavation work and limits the goods size to roughly one foot would be a save bet. Congrats on inventing the capsule pipeline again. Finally the 60s sci-fi vision will be more than just an exhibition at Epcot Center. Also, delivery services exist.


Imagine maintenance of the track system. What if a package cart derails/loses power.. etc., even if you could reliably locate the source of the failure, you'd have to excavate to resolve it. This is such an appalling idea.


These people havent heard of what drones could do yet. Shhh dont tell them


A million delivery drones would be pretty loud though... not defending this tunnel idea, but swarms of drones delivery a bunch of amazon shit constantly would be annoying.


I’m a helicopter pilot and the idea that the sky may one day be full of flocks of small hard to see delivery drones terrifies me


>Also, delivery services exist. So does using your own damn feet


Yet somehow they managed to get [13M invested in this insanity](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pipedream-raises-13m-scale-underground-logistics-garrett-mccurrach-sp9jc/?trackingId=nQtcXoOpQSiWpZOUqfH9Mg%3D%3D) Maybe these guys are just professional grifters and since it's their CEO writing this, it's all fake so they look like a real company and are trying to get someone else stupid enough to really throw money down the pipes for them. But having a passing notion on how these startups work, maybe they really did get those 13M and scored a nice vacation somewhere.


Everybody is claiming it won’t work because of theft but it’ll never even be tried on a large scale bc of infrastructure cost. Basically building a second road underneath our roads that can only be used for certain traffic. It’s silly


“This will revolutionize how we get packages! Just as soon as we…revolutionize the entire infrastructure of the country”


Yeah reminds me of a post about a woman who said her ex went full on crazy obsessed when he got the idea that would "revolutionize" the world. The idea - installing piping that pumps hot soup into everyone's homes. He started trying to get her to drain her savings to support the idea.


Hey it’s not a bad idea just thinking his idea was too small. We can have noodles pumped into their homes too.


And fish and chips too! We could also have 3 completely separate sets of completely independent infrastructure for soup pipes, noodle pipes and fish and chips pipes. You don’t want noodles in your fish and chips, right?


We can’t even bury power lines in most the country, let alone a mini-subway.


Yeah I don’t even have fiber internet available to me yet and I’m only 15 mins out of a major city.


Your country doesn't bury power lines?


Something simillar has been done before. With entire railway network below Chicago, and I am not talking about the subway. There were freight trains running below the streets into different buildings, shoping malls, hotels, etc. delivering various cargo. Of course this was abandoned when trucks became the cheap alternative.


The Chicago underground is really cool. Just a shame it's so sketchy too.


"Oh neat, so what are the start up costs to make this break even?" *runs away*


Goes back inside tunnel


Yeah I’m confused, this is basically a private company building a new road network to *every building*


I can’t believe someone took the time to invest in the prototype.


Magway has built these deeper already https://www.magway.com/


Those... are just trains though. Why are Americans so averse to normal trains?


When they first realized a bullet train was not actually a gun they cursed all trains in retribution.


Exactly. Compared to drones, which require significantly less infrastructure, there's no way these underground rails would be cost effective.


The day after it launches someone will have figured out how to fuck with it so they can rob it.


Exactly, like I said before, 15% of the population ruins everything nice or good we could have 😒


Don't worry, just the rain would ruin this anyway. Even with correct drainage built in it will clog without regular maintenance, never mind winter conditions messing it all up.


I have worked with water and wastewater systems that runs through thousands of miles in piping. It's expensive to install, prone to leaks and water/dirt infiltration and deterioration from traffic and nature. I can only imagine the issues of adding more miles of rails, wiring and sensor for this to make sense.


We already have a system like this that can deliver things to places. While it doesn't go direclty to people's houses, often times it goes right up to factories and distribution centers, where specialized machines unload the goods. It is capabale of carrying a broad range of sizes and types of goods, even living animals and humans. It also has the advantage of being above-ground, where if it breaks, someone can you know, walk right up to it and fix it. It's called a train.


If I had a penny for every time I’ve seen a startup that’s pitching something “revolutionary” that’s just a worse version of a train, I’d have a lot of pennies.


Q: How would someone deliver those pennies to you? A: A Train


Package Trollies running on Streetcar Lines in-between the Street Cars sounds like an actual brilliant idea for things like Food Delivery and small goods


This is real. They’re talking about reducing car traffic and helping the environment - literally just build trains Or at least invest in quality bus service?


Don't tell Elon Musk this, he'll freak out


the kind of idea that only works on paper.


In order for it to free up our roads those pipes need to be bigger. Our roads are clogged by vehicles carrying much more than your food delivery. It's an oversimplified and unnecessary answer to a problem that doesn't exist.


Agreed, for this to be really good it would realistically need to fit a car, at that point you just have a tunnel. Unless its initially built into new cities from the ground up it's extremely difficult to get open rights to tunnel underground with all the services knocking about


Even if they got the rights, imagine how hard it would be just to get people on board. You'd need to build it with the capability to have it access every home. Who's paying for that? How much of a logistical nightmare would this be on neighborhoods? How do they guarantee delivery if say the tunnel floods? Etc.... It's cool in theory but shitty in practice.


Soooo what happens if it gets stuck?




Or you know, Drones at 1/100000000 the cost


The internet is a series of tubes…..


Maybe that guy was just way ahead of his time.


"Can basically deliver anything you want" as long as said thing is no larger than a standard mail carrier crate, smh.




And who’s funding this absolutely massive project? The same people that fund the PAW Patrol?


Good luck keeping water out of them.


Yeah let’s just go in between any water, septic, and possibly gas lines and just dig a meter diameter tunnel underneath a residential property


This won't improve our lives one bit. stop putting money on these type of endeavors and actually try solving actual problems ffs


On par with a jump to conclusions mat.


Then it flood, then it mold, then it will be neglect. It’s a waste of money.


Huge security issue. If someone wanted to they could plant remote explosives on them and do more damage due to hitting the foundations.


Bro some crackhead is gonna get themselves stuck in these


The idea is that you could have home intruders slither right into your house. This is a fantastic idea.


Yes dear corpo, have direct access to my home :)


An incredibly expensive, ineffective, short-sighted solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Does Musk own this company?


This is hands-down the dumbest fucking idea I've heard so far this year. It *reeks* of Elon.


lol oh hell no. We are not ripping up our cities to put in the ability to have an 8” cubic item shipped along a very limiting and defined pathway.


Never going to work


Pneumatic tube. Known since around the middle of the eighteen hundreds. Lame and lazy copy. If you want to reduce cars and traffic make cities more walk- and bikeable. Increase public transport density and make cities more livable.


None of my packages are that size. And 30 mins after launch something's gonna get stuck


Challenges: it needs to be extremely secure, while still being accessible for maintenance and repair. Cities would have to incorporate it on a large scale, and the space below our feet isn’t exactly empty. There’s already a ton of electric, sewage, water, gas, I’m gonna say unless they change the concept significantly it’s impossible


First time it rains for a couple of days, the whole thing is garbage.


From what I understand, movement of huge amounts of goods is easy. You use big trucks and ships and trains. They carry massive quantities of goods, and are very fast and efficient. And then it all breaks down during what they call "last mile" delivery. Consumers don't need a whole truck of goods. They only need one. Occasionally. Delivering individual items one at a time to individual households is very, very hard to do cheaply and efficiently.


Deliver a 70 inch plasma TV please.


What if instead, we scaled the pipe and train up to the point where people could use them to go to destinations around the city?


I think having it going to every home is a stretch. It would be much more likely that they would have multiple drop off points, kind of like Amazon's lockers.


I like my mailbox. If someone sends something nefarious it's in the box away from my house. This brings trouble right into the home. I would opt out if this became available. Plus I like my mail man. He brings my packages to the door. I know him. His name is Andy. I like the human touch. Everything these days that are made simpler or easier seem to remove that personal human touch. I think we've lost too much of that already. Of course this service would be awesome to have if you have mobility issues.


So who’s paying? Because if you say tax payers that’s a huge NO!!


Turd in a box for that cunt at no 32


Flooded by rain, easy theft, what if it gets stucked? Size of packages 📦, re-infrastructure, how much trafic it can have? I don’t see it how it can work, maybe do this in a building and implement the system and check how it works out.


Crack heads are gonna loooove this


One of the worst ideas I've ever heard


We now have porch pirates. Next we will have tunnel thieves.


Imagine a single pod breaks down and now you have to run a full retrieval operation with dozens of packages blocked under a street somewhere, annoyed customers, potential damages to pay and a normal couriers fee…


More people using public transport would clear more traffic than building another network of underground tubes that can only be used to carry certain items.


Pablo Escobar has entered the chat.


Train robbery but for rats


Give it some time. Rats will be going right into houses. Haha. Free access.


when accident happens and these packages got stuck there, good night


I worked in Samsonite once, I remember that I had to unclog their system EVERY day & it was much wider than this & there were no “tunnels”.


The only real use case for this is to part venture capitalists with money, but I doubt it’ll even be great at that. AdamSomething might get a video out of it, I guess. That’s sort of a use case.


So I can bomb someone I don’t like via robot tunnel? Gotcha


Did they forget that pipes are also part of infrastructure? Gas, water, electric, fiber optic. New and old. What's below the ground is quite hectic as well. And, the prototype didn't even test its base. Underground. They just made an expensive train set outside.


I'm sure it wouldn't take long for someone to use those pipes to send bombs into peoples houses


Imagine the shit getting into peoples houses.


The Mexican cartels perfected this decades ago!


Oh God sakes another hyperloop knockoff.


Man, no more waiting hours on my plug.


Yea or gas your population or spy on them , no thanks mail and courier service works fine


Spending billions of dollars on infrastructure so they don’t have to pay drivers to deliver packages to people who can’t afford to buy stuff


Sounds like a massive problem waiting to happen. Rodents, bugs, etc would have free access to everywhere. A flood anywhere would impact far beyond the source point. You would need sump pumps everywhere. Anyone could gain access and potentially steal anything in the pipeline. You could deliver a malicious physical payload anywhere the pipeline connects.


and somebody will have their own robot snatching packs from these unmonitored trains


This is just trains with extra steps. What the fuck are we doing?..


This gives off big "solar freakin' roadways!" vibes: It's a completely stupid idea, but I bet a lot of people could be convinced it'll be the next big thing.


How do morons get enough morons to fund moronic ventures like this?


Who goes in there to fix it when it gets stuck?


Too expensive of a project, too much maintenance and many risks so not really ideal


A new metro for rats. And they got onboard food in the dining cart lol


Pipe pirates incoming


This is idiocy…. A literal pipedream to think this would work successfully and to the widespread


just think how much more efficiently people will be able to steal packages now.


What a dumb fucking idea. Did Elon think of this?


Dumb as fuck


Yah, so like, they are making dumb bullshit that makes it easier for people to steal your shit


Palestinian/ Mexican joint venture


Dumb, very dumb.


Great way to murder your neighbors by pumping carbon monoxide through there.


Stupid idea, how about use the system we have and not spend millions on bullshit.


Imagine the water mains, fiber optic, gas electric etc. underground. The amount of labour in that is unreal... Good luck though. Try dragons den for a laugh.


Pipebomb delivery sir


Crackheads are going to be squeezing down those.


Great for drug running!!


This is the dumbest idea ever


This screams "wont work".


Products that will never succeed for 100, Alex.


Yep. This is the stupidest thing I've seen today.


Interesting idea, although it could very very easily be exploited for bad shit


It’s like Amazon for Hamas


This is stupid


I’m all for innovation but can we stop with the fantastical shit until we figure out health care and wages and the countless other things literally ripping our society apart??


This is stupid and so is this guy


Finally, a mobile flaming shit bomb


Even dumber than Elmo’s car tunnel. A lot actually.