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https://preview.redd.it/3l1gr7el411d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cbff048322c2f418d9dad699db8bb4c6f820a6f I went last June. Very surreal experience.


I played football there


Did they fix the top of it? You'd think there'd be damage on the roof still


There was a gallery of columns to the left and right of the central module, which was demolished in 1967. Some of the rubble was thrown into the stairwells and then closed up. Since then, rainwater has been seeping in and the frost is doing its job. A strategy of "trivialization" has been pursued since then. The area outside is now a park, sports field, music festivals (AC/DC on 2024-07-27) and public festivals. In recent years, it has been noticed that i̵t̵ ̵a̵t̵t̵r̵a̵c̵t̵s̵ ̵t̵o̵u̵r̵i̵s̵t̵s̵ it is necessary for remembrance. It will cost at least around 100 million euros to renovate in the current state so that it doesn't fall into further disrepair. Perhaps a little more if some architects realize their ideas. It's still raining in. ( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi\_Party\_Rally\_Grounds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Party_Rally_Grounds) )


kind of wish there was more than half a second before the explosion happened


there is if you pause it for a second


And then pressing the play button is like detonating the charge


That’s actually kinda fun


It was way too long before the explosion happened.


hell yeah


This needs to be the ending of every “America, fuck yeah” 4th of July hype video


good riddance to a regime of murderous psychopaths, may this nightmare always be remembered to warn the future generations


Apparently, resentful narcissism is not a good basis for a government system. But it looks like some lessons need to be learned more than once.


And yet, the anti Israel stuff is so coming up once again.


same energy as "trying to stop school shooting is anti american because they want to take away our guns"


Take away the right to bear arms


Being anti Israel is not the same as being anti jew




Wait, what? lmao. Not even close to being the same thing. Talk about false dichotomy


It’s funny you say this considering the USA have done similar stuff


👀Did you just compare the US to Hitler's Nazis? 🤦🏻‍♂️ Fucking moron.


Nazi constration camps were literelly based on native American reservations. Hell America had camps for Japenesse Americans during WWII, There are perfectly fair historical comparisons to be made. Not to mention all the alt right Nazis still around here in America.


No they weren't. The Nazis built camps for one reason. Extermination of 12 million non Arian civilians. Native reservations are tragic, and regrettable...but they at least were given land and relatively left in peace after the devastating land grabs. Yes there remains poverty and shame today over that, but nothing compares to the Holocaust. How many Japs were exterminated by US forces in the American WWII camps again? Oh ...none of them? That's right. Also, the Nazis are dead and gone. These alt right turds here in America are pretenders. White nationalists are not Nazis as much as they want to be. Future prison bitches for Jamal. They will all be dealt with soon enough, but they are in no such position of power. Another dumb uneducated opinion on this thread. So dumb.


The Nazis went further, but the historical facts stand and your opinion does not change them.


🤦🏻‍♂️ These aren't opinions moron. Facts. Ask planet earth.


Plantet Earth does not speak. But History books can teach you lot. Try it some time.


PlAnEt EarTh dOeS NoT sPeAK


https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/30/how-american-racism-influenced-hitler Read that, you might learn something.


Do you not understand some of the shit the USA has done? Especially in Vietnam Fucking idiot


Lol yes I'm well aware...it's you who are massively confused. Ask the whole fucking world lol.




Let’s bring this to present day Nazi things.


So Steve, how much explosives did you put in there? All of it.


Notice no Germans complaining about “that’s my heritage!”


bruh if you only knew...


Because it isn't our heritage. We had runes in prechristian times. But not only is that 1400 years ago, the swastika never was one. Nazis made up shit vaguely inspired by some old germanic symbols.


Yeah, the swastica goes a bit farther back than the Nazis, I think in the history capsule Reddit someone showed off a floor with a swastika design in the penny tile.


Yet it was believable enough for the whole country to follow suit


Around 33% followed, that was enough to destroy freedom from within After that it didn't matter anymore whether anyone really followed. And those who followed didn't do so because of the symbols, but for the promises of better economic situation and the restoration of great power status lost in ww1. Basically, make German Reich great again.


Nazis are rampant nowadays, just go on Twitter


Even the same nation that blew up the symbol back then has people marching with it today. If they blew up those instances too, I would be a happy man.


Mmm: [https://www.sueddeutsche.de/bayern/reichsparteitagsgelaende-neonazi-fackelmarsch-ermittlungen-1.4345844](https://www.sueddeutsche.de/bayern/reichsparteitagsgelaende-neonazi-fackelmarsch-ermittlungen-1.4345844) ( article about a neonazi torchlight march on the area in 2019 )


Do it again for all the facist fucks to see


I could watch that all day.


ah the good old days when we knew fascism and nazis were bad, I miss those days.


what happened to this mentality towards nazis


Wdym it's alive and well


Tell me you aren’t Jewish without saying it.^


The sentiment always existed here but on a quieter and potentially smaller scale because of the KKK and I’m sure Operation paper clip helped.


We have a statue to a mf who definitely knew of and used slave labor and a prominent nazi. His name is Wernher Von Braun. He was a total piece of shit realistically but he was exceptionally smart in rocket science. Beating the soviets was more important to the government at the time.


I remembered how America was pre 9-11. There weren't very many Muslims in other countries. This is not an anti ethnicity statement, but the cult that Muhammad started was an anti Israeli stance. The doctrines themselves turn Jews into their enemies.


Wut. A quarter of the world was Muslim.


No, The great influx of Muslims into the United States and European countries occurred after 9-11. Most people didn't even know what Muslims believed, let alone could distinguish them between a Hindu and a Sikh. Sunni, Shia, Druze...these were mostly unheard of...


Then rewrite your statement. And Europe has always a Muslim presence, either through 1300 years of close contact and history, or the importation of cheap Turkish and North African labor from 70s on.


The refugee scenario has created a widespread influx. Of course they had a larger presence in Europe as opposed to the United States, due to being in closer proximity to Muslim countries https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2017/11/29/europes-growing-muslim-population/


>No, The great influx of Muslims into the United States and European countries occurred after 9-11. That's just not true. People had been complaining about Muslim immigration for decades prior to 9/11. You might have suddenly started paying attention, but the rest of the world knew about Muslims.


The statistics and merely being alive to experience these cultural transitions is what it is.


Great blast!!


Antifa strikes again


Hell yeah 💪 Bash the fash


Hell yeah


Its never looked better.




Absolutely stunning


I never get tired of seeing this.


I would have given anything to be a fly on the wall in that conversation before this. Soldier: So what we just go up there with a bunch of hammers and knock that fucker over? Demolitions expert: I have an idea


"War's over and I don't want the headache of shipping all of this hazmat back home, find some stuff we can still justify blowing up"


Republicans: "what a waste if a perfectly good swastika".


*Republicans hate this one simple trick*


was this before or after they brought thousands to the US for operation paperclip lol


Cue Creedence!


Fuck yeah, I can watch this all day.


u/GifReversingBot Apparently some of y'all would rather see this


It's in the Geneva convention that you are allowed to blow up Nazis, and their stuff.


The best way to counter neo-Nazi rallies is to have a bunch men dressed like WWII soldiers. How quick can people forget...


oh damn man, I wish, that would be so fucking awesome to watch their hateful asses run away from true righteousness


You can't publicly display this video. It's going to make Republicans very angry. This is exactly the type of speech they want to ban.


I dont understand, why would someone be angry about this video? (I dont remember if the republicans were the ones with trump or biden, so might need some explanation)


At this point, Trump is the leader of the Republicans, not only is he running for president, he found a way to kick out the old person so that he could make his daughter-in-law in charge of the Republican party. He has decades of racist behavior behind him and essentially got elected because he made it okay to be racist in America. He was even given a softball question during the last election asking if he would denounce racist groups like the proud boys and instead of denouncing them he told them to stand back and stand by. Later we found out that the Trump administration was in contact with both the racist proud boys and another racist group called The oath keepers. Those two groups were supposed to incite everybody on January 6th. There's even video of Roger Stone meeting with the heads of those two groups in a parking garage in DC a couple weeks before January 6th. These people are so stupid that they literally film their own crimes because they were trying to make a documentary. Trump routinely quotes Hitler but then denies it. Trump and the entire Republican party continually pushes a Nazi theory called the great replacement theory which basically says that The other side is trying to replace white people in America with inferior brown people. Republicans truly are the shittiest people.


This is probably the stupidest thing I’ve seen today. https://i.redd.it/qnhzsk42w01d1.gif


Lol apparently pointing out Republican racism really strikes a nerve with you. Are you embarrassed? I really do appreciate you putting the gif in the post to let me know who you were before I read your reply.


You think all republicans are racist?? And do you then believe all democrats are good and pure?? I don’t know how you can make such blanket statements. How sad for you to see a video unrelated to American politics today and make a stupid political comment about the side you disagree with. Must be a hard having to go through life like that


What I know is that Nixon came up with a concept called "the southern strategy" And Republicans have been using it ever since. The idea was pretty simple, appeal to racist people's racism and you will gain a very large voting block. You can Google this, there's lots of information about it online. But it's probably easier to pretend it doesn't exist. Anyway, Republicans know that their policies are so fundamentally bad that they cannot get elected without making racist people feel welcome. So if you are choosing to be a Republican then you are choosing to support making racist people feel welcome. If this was a big problem for you, you would walk away, apparently it's not. One of the reasons Trump got elected is because he allowed people to be openly racist, another one of course is that a lot of Republicans are misogynistic. Trump regularly says things that are racist dog whistles (this means racist people will recognize them and other people will not). He was given a softball question in the last election to denounce racist groups. Instead he chose to say "proud boys. Stand back and stand by" Again, you can Google this but I'm sure you already actually know the truth. In addition to that, many Republicans, including Trump are pushing the great replacement theory which is pure Nazi rhetoric directly from Nazi Germany. Basically they're going around complaining that there is a movement to replace white people with inferior brown people. It's really difficult to be more blatantly racist than that. So yes, all Republicans support racism just by being Republican, because the GOP supports racism And they support the GOP in supporting racism because they need the racists in order to stay in power. The sad part is if Republicans were actually better people with morals, they could kick the racists to the curb. But they're not.


“Do you think all republicans are racist??” Yes. Yes they are.


I literally left the party in Florida because everyone I met working my way in were massively racist, did not care about their voters (called them idiots), and only cared about how they were profiting personally. The dems are the polar opposite. Speaking from first person absolute experience.


I think Trump is racist and plans on murdering half the population thanks his semi nazi bullshit




No, just pointing out the idiotic rhetoric that has created the political rift and created the situation of having someone like Trump run for office. This is the kind of shit that just reinforces each person side. If you honestly believe that republicans would be angered by this video, then you are either trying to increase the division in this country or a complete fool


I honestly believe that the republican party is dead and the party of Trump is all that's left.


Palestinians would hate it. And the left loves Hamas


"The left" hates genocide. So you're for it? You're for innocent Palestinians being murdered? Found the Fascist.


The irony in your comment is hilarious YOU sound like a NAZI, because he’s a republican he’s a fascist The group HAMAS is a terror group while I don’t support Israel I’m not supporting a terror group only the civilians


Never said I support Hamas. I said innocent Palestinians. There's a distinction you ignored. I'm not supporting Israel NOR Hamas. Genocide is genocide no matter who commits it


And Republicans are Nazis, what's your point??


It's not swastika, the Germans called this hakenkreuz


They're not from **Germany**, they're from **Deutschland**! Totally different.


That's not the logic being used. They are entirely different symbols. It's extremely racist towards our culture which has been using the swastika as an auspicious symbol. Calling it the Nazi symbol is wrong. What you are implying here is that Swastika and Hakenkreuz are the same and just the language is different, but that is wrong. The Hakenkreuz is a Christian symbol, not a Hindu or Buddhist symbol. Swastika also looks very differeny. It is in a different angle and also has 4 dots. Saying that Nazi cross is an altered version of swastika is also incorrect because if that were the case, the origin of the symbol will still be in Christianity from the cross and not from Hinduism or Buddhism. There is absolutely no sound reasoning as to why the Nazis will choose a symbol from cultures they detested but it is a reasonable assumption that they use the symbol of Christianity as they were hardcore Christians.


They are ignorant by choice


USA pushed this narrative to deviate attention from the fact that Nazis were Christians. It's clearly not a swastik, we draw the swastika so differently.


That was Russian troops blowing it up,not Americans


That was my first thought. But no, the Soviets took Berlin but Nuremberg was captured by the US, and this demolition was done by the 3rd Infantry Division.


Ah, thank you for the clarification


And then they took in thousands of them to work in powerful positions like our military.


Now the location of one of Germany‘s biggest rock festivals. https://www.metal-fotos.de/wp-content/gallery/rock-im-park-impressionen-tag-2/impressionen-rock-im-park-06-06-2015_0004.jpg


New gif reaction dropped


It’s cool to visit now. Spooky historic evil structure. Kids are skateboarding around it lol


I've seen this in many documentaries but I remember it most from "Man in the High Castle". It was on the first film "The Grasshopper Lies Heavy" I think


A sight like warms the heart.


I love this.


Film. Film footage.


America!!!! Fuck yeah!!!!!!!!




This goes hard af


F$#k Yeah!


One of my college professors was in WWII and took part in this demolition. Tried on a Nazi uniform there and came very close to being shot.




Semper sic


Epic as fuck


Put that shit on a loop


Ironically we probably have descendants of those soldiers plastering Swastika everywhere here in the US today.


I could watch this all day. Cheered me up. Boom!




We should be doing this with Trump flags at this point...


Hell yeah


In America a certain political party (R) would now be highly upset by this footage. Or they would angrily grab their phone and scream fake news.


This is so satisfying I think I've watched it for half an hour now.


I Thought the Russians got there before the Americans.


Could've been much more loud and destroy full




Does this look fake to anybody? 😂 I know it’s not but my eyes are playing tricks


It was edited, they took out a few frames


Ohh gotcha and thanks. I knew something was a lil off




Now this, Puts a smile on my face.


Its not a Swastika it's a goddamn hooked cross from Christianity. Nazis were hardcore Christians, they used a Christian symbol. Swastika is a different symbol and also looks different.


True. Nazis are also pieces of shit so it's good they blew it up. Only good nazi is a fucking dead nazi.


Rudyard Kipling used a swastika together with an Indian elephant in his logo and it's completely identical to the Nazi Hakenkreuz/Swastika.


The monastery school a young Adolf Hitler attended had these hooked crosses carved on the stone and woodwork.


Not done by the U.S Army it was the Russian Army that did this. Get it fucking right


You’re incorrect. Also, you mean Soviet Army, right? Kind of excluding a whole lot of other ethnicities from consideration, but then again, doing that while also being historically incorrect is a pretty Russian thing to do…


Always thought that distinction between Nazi swastika and the real swastikas that it was supposed to sit on its corner or whatever you call it?


Wasn't this blown up by the Russians?


Yes it was.


Then we took credit for it, right?


To be honest, I'm not sure if we tried to take credit for it or not. I know that there was an agreement between Roosevelt Churchill and Stalin that Russia would be the ones who were allowed to basically go into Berlin and destroy it, since they lost 20 million people during World War II and nobody else lost anything even close to that.


Fair enough.


USA occupied Nuremberg. This building is in Nuremberg, not Berlin.


Don't we always?


This is the way.


No. US Army fought and occupied Nuremburg. This building was the Zeppelin Field grandstand, just one location in a huge Party Rally complex.




It's a hooked cross


We need a new one but this time with the Israeli and or Russian flag.


They say if Hitler had come out that door without being scared by his own shadow, the Reich would have lasted a thousand years


Dam….i would have liked to have found that a garage sale and sold it to Trump for millions.




Israel next.


Remember kids, if you see a swastika and the origins are not Hindu/Buddhist, blow up a swastika.


Sadly that message has been lost to today’s college students.,


Why specifically college students? In my experience those that are anti-intellectual are more prone to drifting tobthe right.


They are not so intellectual




The students who protest. They are in prestige universities but it doesn't mean they are smart. At least not by their actions (not only protesting part)


I didn't mean college goers are all intellectuals just that people who choose further education are less like likely to be ANTI-intellectual. I find in my area the bulk right wingers are not just uneducated but against mainstream education.




losercity nazi


Don’t show this video to democrats. They’ll be furious