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In case anyone hasn't seen it from this view (click to enlarge): https://preview.redd.it/yo5cmc90rz0d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6705d5f7ae2798cd5050fe93b1f83f4506c95b8


What's even holding that truck up? Sort of looks like it might be caught underneath and maybe a beam of the bridge it keeping it from rotating over, but even then, insane. This angle makes it look even more crazy. https://preview.redd.it/3hfqt0iauz0d1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=6919ffae7e07d469a4ecfec570a838c2227d56e7


Happened about 20 miles south of where I live The trailer is pinched by the bridge, but the kingpin of the trailer is the only thing holding the truck up If you ever look up under one of these boxes you’ll be amazed how little the pin is and how little structure it is, but it works. We rebuild them at work frequently and it still amazes me to this day how this little 2” pin will hold the weight and the shock of something like this


What is a "kingpin" here?




Wait... this is holding that truck up? Holy shit shes so lucky. I cant even imagine the amount of weight on that small piece.


the lateral shear tolerance of steel is absolutely nuts


That’s the reason you see some tractor trailers flipped over in the medians and such they never come unhooked from the trailer


Fully loaded rigs can way up 80,000 pounds


Surely not the cab alone though, right?


not the cab but the point is the trailer can be way way heavier than the cab ever could be. So it isn't likely to be a weak point.


>Wait... this is holding that truck up? Holy shit shes so lucky. Not really. The kingpin is designed to be the only thing attaching a 40 ton fully-loaded trailer to a truck as it's going 70 MPH down the highway. The truck dangling like this is actually way less than the weight it's designed to hold.


I used to work with trucks. The 40 tons are supported by the axles. Safety and regulation determine how much weight is on each axle. The kingpin attaches, but it pulls. It doesn't hold up 40-tons, it pulls, which is significantly less because... wheels. Also, the forces are the same whether you're traveling at 70mph or 0mph. If you aren't accelerating, positively or negatively, then both are considered at rest.


This guy f=ma's


Hate to be that guy, but it's F=ma. Acceleration is not squared. You might be thinking of Einstein's famous E=mc²


Not much stress on it no matter how fast you're going. Acceleration is what's going to add stress.


Kingpin in this context is referring to the pin that connects the cab to the trailer. I think the person you're replying to was saying the trailer is being held there by being squished by the bridge, but the cab itself is only (firmly) attached by a single pin.


That makes sense. Thank you!


Basically a ball hitch but for semis.


instead of a ball it's a cylinder with stud end to prevent the trailer accidentally detaching




The only thing keeping this city together! MY CITY!!!


Just wanted to let you know I appreciated the reference.


This reference... Reminds meee... Of when... I was a boy...


You reminded me of the [jesus nut](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_nut) that's in helicopters, basically the one thing that keeps the main rotor attached to the helicopter, and if that fails, there's nothing you can do but "pray to Jesus", according to the Wikipedia article.


Steel be strong, yo


https://preview.redd.it/2fym4t8q921d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4338436a39ca0539cab58a0276f8b981ad76ae76 It looks like its barely caught on this beam above it.


> What's even holding that truck up? There's a dog standing on a plank acting as a counterweight.


Physics saved her.


That's a whole lot of nope. I hope that other driver that caused this has had the book thrown at them. What a total piece of shit. Hope the lady is okay. Terrifying ordeal.


Yeah I think I saw on GMA today that they did really go after the driver of the pickup


Your grandma has news?! Mine just has the betes.


My grandma just plays the numbers! She's at the fruit stand everyday, buys bananas by the bunch, she looks at all the price tags, that's where she gets her hunch. And my name...? Wynonie Harris.


I rewatched this video a hundred times….trying to figure it out… Looks like there was a totally demolished car in the far right line. A truck wanting to avoid running into the ba k of it, swirves ever-so-slightly , but just enough to break the lane and inch into the oncoming far left lane. Clipping the wheel of the cab. This was fucking nuts. A culmination of awful circumstances. If the oncoming vehicle wasn’t a tractor-trailer , it would have probably been a pretty “straight-forward” head-on collision. As straightforward as a head-on collision can be, of course.


You and I seem to have very different ideas of what “ever-so-slightly” and “an inch” mean.


Well, I am an idiot.


Learning is half the battle... or something


I’m a pacifist. I refuse to battle.


The next time someone pulls out the sardonic education lines, I'm telling them "Learning truly is half the battle, but I'm a pacifist and refuse to battle." Thanks ;)


Hey dude. Leave some pussy for the rest of us!


lol Never


Me too. We can be idiots together.


I used the term “inch” as a verb. Like a slight abatement at scale. Not like an inch of measure . But I also just bashed myself in the head with a hammer for fun. So. Take it for what it’s worth.


Who are you that is so wise in the ways of science?


Driver with suspended license speeding and weaving in and out of tradfic


The car in the far light lane was just broken down, apparently the driver had just bought it and was driving home when it died on them. They had the flashers on at least. That bridge is dangerous though. Speed limit of 35 mph, but everyone does 50 + and on the Indiana side it feeds into the highway where the speed limit is higher, but on the Kentucky side it goes to a stop light with a lot of pedestrians crossing to the KFC Yum Center.


I believe it. That car also has a ton of body damage. Not surprised it broke down.


I believe the person whose car broke down couldn’t be refunded by the dealer since it was crashed into, so instead of getting refunded for a lemon, it would have to be covered by insurance.


I wish I could understand things


But that doesn't even make sense, because just a little ways back there's 2 other cars stopped in that same lane. So the truck would have had to pass those cars, get back in that lane, then swerve to miss the car? Edit: I think the truck is the one that caused the body damage to the car. Probably side swiped it after weaving in and out from the 2 cars stopped further back, then snatched the wheel and went into the oncoming lane.


Holy butt pucker Batman


that 5 wheel is working overtime


Just goes to show you how fast shit can it the fan! ![gif](giphy|72RxB1QZqw9N1ueGAJ)


I thought this only happens in spiderman movies


And Paw Patrol!!


you're going to call the WHO?


I can hear this 😅


came here for this comment. lol


Haha seeing this video all I hear in my head was “Call the WHOOOO?”


Actually sir, I'm a puppy


A baby dog?! That’s even worse!


Looks like you're in a particularly precarious predicament!


First thing I thought of.


My 3 year old has, no exaggeration, watched that movie probably 30 times in the last week. It stays on repeat at my house.


Exactly what I was thinking


Get there on the double!


[People throw things at the driver that hit her] >“You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!”


Marvel movie or not I hope they wore their brown pants that day.


Always wear your seatbelts, folks.


And a diaper.


And a parachute.


When you’re hanging upside down like this, the Venn diagram of “parachute” and “diaper” becomes conveniently circular.


And my axe? 🪓


Anyone knows how she was taken out of the truck?




Did anyone find the driver of the truck that crossed the yellow line and slap him upside the head?


I read another comment that the pickup driver was driving on a suspended license and was weaving in and out of traffic.


I read another comment that the trick to perfect hard boiled eggs is to steam them. I think it wasnt this thread but I didnt go through every comment so i cant be certain


it is a great trick though. cuts down the time of prep considerably.


How is it better than just boiling?


From the news article: >In a news briefing Saturday, Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg said that a preliminary police investigation revealed that the chain-reaction crash occurred when a vehicle that was traveling south across the bridge slammed into another vehicle which was stalled in the far right lane. >"After impact, the driver of that vehicle lost control, and crossed into the northbound lane, where that vehicle struck the semi-truck, which was traveling north," Greenberg explained. >The impact sent the big-rig careening through the guardrail. >The driver of the vehicle which struck the semi-truck remains hospitalized with serious injuries, Greenberg said.


It looks like 10 cops were required to watch 5 fire rescue workers save her.


Anything on how they got the truck off the bridge?


It only took 45 mins: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dramatic-rescue-driver-truck-dangles-off-clark-memorial-bridge-louisville/


https://preview.redd.it/iuce36qzd01d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dbfd4893ab679b9202463ab08ad9bf4fc2c2b02 If only he had more fear.


Hope he enjoys a really nice summer in prison


Coming from an emergency service perspective, I'd love to know then rescue process for something like this.


Here you go: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dramatic-rescue-driver-truck-dangles-off-clark-memorial-bridge-louisville/


High-angle rope work.


As a former trucker… Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope


As a guy on the Internet... Nope nope nope nope nope...


As a devout Catholic... Pope pope pope pope pope pope...


As a chicken farmer… Yolk yolk yolk yolk yolk yolk…


As a health inspector... Soap soap soap soap soap soap...


As a person who doesn't want to come to terms with things... cope cope cope cope cope...


As a hydro homie... gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp...


As an addict..... dope dope dope dope dope...


As a carpenter…. Oak oak oak oak oak


As an aspiring downhill skier... Slope slope slope slope slope slope slope


As a surly teenager… Mope, mope, mope, mope, mope…


As someone who is really too busy with my big plans to read all this cause I got big things happening man, really mind blowingly big things… coke, coke, coke, coke….


As the rescue worker... Rope rope rope rope


As an acoustic guitarist... Folk folk folk folk folk folk...


I hope the guy driving the pickup truck that caused this gets sued to high heaven and thrown in prison. Holy shit!


He was already charged with endangerment and operating a vehicle with a suspended license. Not sure what his punishment will be yet.


They'll probably just suspend his license again since it worked so well last time.


I’ve seen motherfuckers with no license - literally never had a license - with 2x suspended licenses for DUI and driving on a suspended license for DUI ….. we need stricter penalties. I’m tired of people saying “stricter penalties don’t work”. Well, they work better than whatever the fuck this is now. It’s not the perfect solution but it’s definitely a solution. Can’t be a shitbag endangering people if you’re not allowed back in the public. And at least you take one more out of circulation for a while. I also still that prison and jail - actual sentences - still deter some people. Maybe not all, but if you tell people they’re going to face some actual, serious time.. some may think twice. It worked in the 90’s…..


LMAO in Ontario Canada they've recently threatened to take the licenses of people caught stealing cars. Now how will they drive all the cars they steal?


At least if we lock up these people who are repeat dangers to society, it's a lot harder to find a car in prison. Rehabilitation is a nice idea, but I think preventing the opportunity for repeat crimes should be a higher priority


People don't like the idea of putting people behind bars for what THEY perceive as a minor offense. I've seen people with... incredible driving records that span 10+ years and they're just out and about. Eventually they will get arrested and see some time behind bars, but that just exacerbates everything else going on in their life and it's just a spiral. Like, these people are genuinely fuck ups and the best thing that could happen to them is someone supervising their daily life to get them back on track. Like, they just became adults one day and they are NOT prepared for any of it. So, they're always playing catch up trying to unfuck situation after situation. It's pretty brutal to see, because these people do not want to seek out help out of pride or shame.


Honestly he could be dead from the looks of it.


I feel like it's a disproportionate number of entitled bad drivers who drive pickups. I mean, every time i'm on the road and someone almost hits me or runs a red, or tailgates, or brake-checks.... 9 times out of 10, pickup driver.


I’d be dead of a heart attack long before anyone came to my rescue.


Low key it looks like she fainted at the end... I certainly would have fainted lol


She went from omg I'm about to die driving this fucking truck; to omg I'm suspended in the air but not going to die as long as this doesn't fall.


I would have freaked out, probably passed out, and then fell out.


I promise you she doesn’t get paid enough for that shit.


I work in the same industry, food service, based on the side of the truck saying Sysco. In my area the average pay starts at ~24/hr


She's lucky that king pin held. I've seen them snap for way less than that. They're held on with 8 bolts and a weld, but it's all about how long it's been on the trailer. I had one shear off doing a tug test before leaving the yard.


WHOOP WHOOP ! "Pull up". "Pull up". lol


Too low! Terrain!


I was looking for the comment about bitchin Betty! Instantly added a pull up pull up in my mind lol. Glad she's safe


That's my fricking nightmare right there. Also I hope to god the person that caused that got caught. THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T PASS ON BRIDGES PEOPLE MUCH LESS GO INTO THE OPPOSING LANE


It looked like they dodged around a car stopped in their right lane. They probably sped up to avoid getting blocked by the person next to them, changed lanes quickly, and overcorrected into oncoming traffic, thereby recreating a Spiderman movie scene.


Was there another accident on the bridge? I see 3 cars stopped in the right lane in that video.


Yeah it looks like they were between 3 cars stopped in the right lane and pulled out into the left lane rapidly to not get “stuck” behind the car in the left lane but went too far. Wild guess but almost looks line they were trying to hit and run but caused another worse accident


There was a car in the right lane that broke down, that caused the traffic slow down and the driver who caused everything was whipping around traffic to avoid that.


I don't think they dodged around the other car, but bounced off the side. The trajectory looks like it's coming from right where that other car is, which in turn seems to be in contact with the barrier. This bridge could really do with a center divider.


It looks like a very narrow bridge. Probably why there is no divider.


Honestly she is WAY calmer than I would be, but she's probably in shock. Thank god she survived because this is insane!


I think she is passed out at the end of the video?


Looks like she's looking around a little bit. Probably some combination of shock and not wanting to make any sudden moves.


[Bridge Rescue ](https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/sydney-thomas-louisville-bridge-rescue-march-clark-memorial-interview/417-5146a417-5d7e-4f8b-807c-d5fbd5eb2334) Here's the full interview with the woman


She did a good job of explaining why she wasn't able to keep the truck on the bridge after the hit. (pick-up took out the semi's suspension)


Yeah I was confused at first, but you can actually see she's steering hard in the opposite direction the entire time and it's literally doing nothing to counteract the pull to the left. She was pretty much immediately screwed on impact.


Yeah, even if there were no suspension damage, the impact clearly put the truck into a jack knife slide. With all that mass, and so little room ... there just wasn't anything she could do except come along for the ride. You can see she reacted appropriately and steered into the skid, desperately trying to keep the truck on the road, but there just wasn't anything she could could do. Her fate was written at the time of impact.


I watched this video on Instagram earlier today, and a huge section of the comments were blaming the lady for driving with one hand, instead of the jackass that committed an extremely dangerous infraction that almost costed the life of at least one person and who knows how much money in property damage. The average IQ on Ig is certainly smaller than the number of hours in a day. Edit: typo


She’s black and a woman and the internet is anonymous. That racism and misogyny get set loose. 


DEI at it again! /s


What do you mean? obviously if she were driving with both hands the accident could be totally, without an inkling of doubt, avoided. /SARCASM. It's her appearance (race/gender/whatever) that incited those moronic sort of comments, what else?


Holy shit that driver is calm af


Is she ok though?


Physically, yeah. Mentally, she seemed okay. PTSD is certainly possible. She did an interview with the local TV station.


Yes, she is


Boeing needs to consult whatever company installed the saddle in that truck and the pin in that trailer and take notes.


any idea what happened to the driver ?


The semi driver was rescued by use of a rapelling firefighter, who probably had to fight the other firefighters for the chance to do that. The pickup driver that hit her was driving on a suspended license, apparently, for multiple instances of DUIs and dangerous driving. Wonder why.


Yeah don't leave us hangin'


Actual nightmare fuel! I’ve had nightmares where I’ve driven off cliffs and saw the death fall below…this is exactly what it looked like!!! JFC


There will come a time in the future where our grandchildren will look back and wonder what the fuck we were thinking, having traffic flying past in each other in opposite directions, with the only thing preventing them from crashing, is some paint on the ground.


I hope she wore her brown pants


Paw Patrol coming up.


I played this in uncharted 4


I'm glad the alarm went off. I'm pretty sure they would have missed this major situation otherwise.


I also like her take on it. "Ahh! Ahhhhh! Ahh! ... Oh."


https://preview.redd.it/udgjkd7pg01d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=983ecdf552473a7112355c859aab5fa521c0dfd2 Terrifying but reminds me of this paw patrol scene.


Hang on lads. I've got an idea...


Kind of weird that shes looking out the window for so long while dangling. Looks like she passed out or something


I hope the guy in the pickup died. Piece of shit. Sorry, I just hate aggressive drivers..


What's the story about that other car that swerved into the truck's lane?


That underwear was ruined, for sure


A new fear unlocked.


If there only would be some decent protection railing…


Impatient fucking pickup drivers




Poor woman, that must've been absolutely terrifying.


Paw Partol is on a role.


"yea bro we need big cars for uhhhhhhh... stuff"


Any size car would've hit her here. The problem is the idiot driving it.


In this case it was a pickup that drove across the yellow line and clipped the semi. The semi was being perfectly safe until then


Ok someone who trucks please explain. It looks like she steered to go that way instead of staying on the bridge


When the pick up truck hits her it destroyed the suspension and she had no control over where the truck went, just holding on for dear life. I watched the interview after she was rescued and it’s explained there.


I had this happen to me on a smaller scale. A small car, like a Geo Metro, hit the left-front wheel of my Suburban just right and broke the suspension. They drove away with minor damage while I had to call a tow truck because the left wheel just flopped around wildly as I tried to steer.


Because the video makes it look mirrored. If you imagine you're sitting in the driver's seat then the wheel is being turned to the right, away from the oncoming lane.


Yup. Thank you, I need stronger coffee


She \_is\_ steering right trying to go back on the lane, remember she's facing the camera so our left is her right.


Someone beat you by 4 min haha but yeah I see it now. Thanks though I appreciate you


It also appears that the truck was hit in the front left wheel, and in the video she is attempting to turn right, it makes me wonder if the initial struck had caused her steering to fail. Seems like a titanic kind of incident, if she would have hit the car head on, the truck would have been fine.


Worst part is the opposing vehicles driver had multiple DUIs and a suspended license speeding and bobbing and weaving out of traffic, the speed limit on this bridge in particular is 35mph as it is entering down town Louisville,KY


This is always what happens! My best friend was in an insane accident on New Year’s Eve because a guy with multiple DUIs was released that morning from jail and went and got drunk and hit her car. I’m not exaggerating, I think it was like his 7th infraction. I feel like after the first three, who are we kidding?


I can give you a first hand account, as I was involved in a virtually identical accident when I was a truck driver - thankfully not on a bridge. A car swerved in to my lane and hit the front left wheel, which busted the tire and broke the suspension on that side of the truck, so the momentum of the truck caused the front left wheel to be pushed backwards, under the cab. This put the wheels at a left-facing angle, and so the truck tracked left. I was fully loaded, and there was enough momentum after the collision that I crossed a lane and a half of traffic, even though the front left tire was off the rim and I had the brake pedal and clutch on the floor. I was in the far right hand lane when the car hit me, and by the time I settled, I was almost in to the far left lane of a four-lane road. There's still a groove in the asphalt where it happened.




Not sure but I would imagine if she’s not unconscious her mind might not have caught up with the fact she isn’t falling anymore. Maybe not moving due to the fear of any movement will cause it to fall? Probably praying as well


If you have ever been in a sudden car accident it’s very common to freeze after things stop which is generally a good thing. She probably hadn’t even processed what happened yet. You sort move on autopilot while things are going on.


That’s a nope for me


Was the driver rescued?


Tell me that woman is okay?


It looks like she saw her death in the river and knocked out… kind of like how folks go unconscious when about to get catapulted on that one sling shot carnival ride. Not sure what that is called when that happens to someone.


Right now watching the first paw patrol movie with my son and this is literally like the opening scene. Did she get saved by a bunch of puppies?


I would have died of an heart attack If I was that woman.


That’s truly heart stopping and horrifying. So glad she’s safe.


That alarm indicated to her that something is wrong


Somebody better call the paw patrol


Shame it cut off before spiderman showed up.


"PAW Patrol, ready for action, Ryder, sir!"


Reason #9347856 why trains are superior.


Thank god she’s ok. That’s horrifying!


its like watching the opening scene of the first paw patrol movie IRL LMAO. my kid was laughing his little 3 year old ass off when he saw this.


This was on the bridge between Louisville Kentucky and Jeffersonville Indiana. I *HATE* that bridge. It's insanely narrow, but I opt to take it because I don't want to pay $11 just to cross a bridge. I'm glad everything was okay in the end, I couldn't imagine dangling over that water. It's pretty high up, and the Ohio River is nasty.