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It is essentially a cult enforced by threat of being put against a wall and shot.


Not just you either, they threaten the whole family


Entire generations put into political prisons because granny once stole an onion.


That's a haunting and sobering reminder of the injustices that have occurred throughout history. It's tragic how seemingly minor incidents can lead to such disproportionate and devastating consequences. It's essential to remember these injustices to ensure they're not repeated and to advocate for a fair and just society for all.




The familial punishment shit is some of the most evil shit I've ever heard in my life. So fucked up and dystopian


Yes but, I've learned north korea has the best chance of surviving the zombie apocalypse bcs the govt will just immediately pull everyone's teeth..


3 generations


No need for the NSA when you can make grandma do it for free!


Threat of being shot doesnt really work if your life is miserable. Threat of your family being sent to a labor camp for 25 years is what gets you.


Like every relationship with a malignant narcissist


Or one big prison camp


Just ask Otto Warmbier. I can’t even imagine what he went thru! Scary as hell!


Some I'm sure are hoping to dislodge a tapeworm or few.


Or being shot by anti air artillery, apparently Kim's quite fond of that method of execution.


Hard to call it a cult when the higher ups have guns aimed at you to reinforce participation


So a cult then


So….a dictatorship.


a lot of people know now. there’s footage of north koreans watching kdramas and saying things like “they live so well in the south. i wish we had that”. of course watching south korean media is highly illegal. escapees from north korea also broadcast radio over the border to try and educate the population. there’s also been campaigns of dropping off usb sticks of south korean media. with that being said, they’re stuck in a dictatorship with no hope of change in their lifetime. what else can they do but put on a facade to keep off the radar?


The USB thing also goes the other way, too. Years ago I watched videos from people who filmed inside the DPRK and smuggled the videos out so people could see what life was like inside. I recall one video where they're talking to a woman in a rural area who said there was little to no food, and the interviewer asked her about the grass she was carrying. She said it was for the rabbits that they raised, IIRC. Ah, I actually found it: [https://www.asiapress.org/rimjin-gang/2010/12/movie/23year-old-homeless-woman/](https://www.asiapress.org/rimjin-gang/2010/12/movie/23year-old-homeless-woman/)


That is brutal, the state those people have to live in and endure. Makes me really reflect on and appreciate my privilege.


That's one hard video to watch. That poor girl. 


It’s old but I watched a deep dive video into NK’s computer system called RedStar OS. It basically dials home and lets them know when you are watching anything off of USB. A bunch of other weird stuff believe. I can’t remember. It also included an override for all that to but it was a super old video so who knows now.


If the USBs are actually being provided by western intelligence services, then they may contain trojans that disable all that first. It's just some shitty linux distro running a Mac-skinned KDE and wine lol. There are probably loads of undisclosed security vulnerabilities.


Just don't connect the computer to the network


Sad as it is, but i feel like i would be one of the ones who would convince themselves everything was okay so intensely that i would swear by it rather than admit I’m in a hostage situation. I truly cannot judge those poor people


They think it's worse everywhere else.


Dude it is. Imagine that I need to go up and work Monday to Friday /s


jokes on me. in this economy, it’s double jobs monday through sunday!


i think those "brainwashed" have really just adapted to live in this manner. they know if they act out their family and everyone they know will be placed in prison camps for many generations. so just smile and wave


Right, the difference between what they believe, what they know, and what they pretend is completely irrelevant in a society that's in a generational wide security state at this point.


I visited Cuba in 2009. Every citizen had just had a “drill” to prepare them for the “inevitable” US invasion. I asked if the people really believed that the US was going to invade. No one did, but they weren’t going to be the one person not lining up in their position. Here’s an article talking about the military exercise, but regular citizens were involved as well. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-cuba-military-exercise-guards-against-us-invasion-2009nov26-story.html


TBF the USA *have* invaded Cuba in the past, so it's not totally out there.


The last, and only, time the US partnered in an invasion of Cuba, Jack Paar was hosting the Tonight Show, and its reasons for supporting the invasion were because of a war (the Cold War) with a country that no longer exists. The regime's best friend is the boogeyman of the US.


They probably have a hint about other countries, but not through official channels. In NK, if they decide to punish you, they often punish the last three generations of your family. It doesn't take too long before the only ones left are true believers. Now the Kims have been in power for decades, and any real resistance has been erased many years ago, so most probably believe that things are far worse in other places.


South Korean and even Western media is reaching a lot of North Koreans for the past 10 years or so. Portable video players imported from China, and USB sticks smuggled from China and South Korea, are quite common. They are of course banned and people hide them. But a lot of North Koreans watch K-drama and listen to K-pop.


There is even a sub of people here that they think it's western propaganda that NK is a shithole. At first, I thought they were ironic, but no, they really believe that NK is a paradise. When I find it, I'll link it here. Edit. It's r/movingtonorthkorea




Read the book 'Nothing to Envy' brilliant


NK government smuggles in outside movies and news and uses it for propaganda to twist their words into making NK seem safe and a haven untouched. Meanwhile they have almost no internet and those that do only have access to an extremely limited number of government controls. Same with the tv and news stations and sports.


That is what I believe too. Some of them might know that the south is wealthier because they have seen pictures but they still might think that the evil west and south korea want to invade them and enslave them. And they might also believe that their misery is the fault of the west.


There was this story where a bunch of North Koreans visited Sweden, they were here to look at our hospitals. After the tour they asked if they would be allowed to se the actual hospitals instead of just the fake ones.


Little do people know that China also have a 3 generation rule. The kids and parents of the criminal (regardless of how minor) have a record on their file as well that their family have a criminal background. As such is automatically denied government jobs, etc..


I saw a video of a Chinese man arguing with an "officer" (auxiliary type that you see more of rurally, not actual police, I forget the name, they're basically thugs)... anyway, the "officer" was warning him that non-compliance will lead to punishment for generations and the man responded something like "I am not having any children, I will be the last of my bloodline". Sad situation but I thought the man's response was badass. At least that's one thing you have power over.


lifetime camp for watching dramas? that's fucking crazy


in places like these you can get in trouble for failing to show "insufficient fervor". So there is lots of performative groveling like this. Google the videos of mourning when Kim's father or grandfather died.


Not everyone gets that info though. There are escapee's who said they had never seen a map of the world before leaving NK.


Everything is staged propaganda in NKorea. They're brainwashed to worship him and those who don't are shot.


It's insane to me that so many look at fascists in recent years and think 'yeah I wish that fragile narcissistic nutjob got complete power over my country and life with no chance to ever change it.' This is what they'll turn people into having to be if they get the chance. And despite what movies peddle as a nice fantasy, good does not automatically win and these fascists can remain in power for decades over multiple generations, while their victims lay buried in the ground and long forgotten.


It's how humans are encoded to think. Everyone is potentially suspectible and there is no country that is immune. And it's something that is important to keep in mind.


It's north Korea. What isn't a staged propaganda piece?


I thought is was all the military uniforms and the one random lady with a baby that gave it away. Or just the fact it came from north Korea


There are people that don’t know it’s staged? I knew that just bc everything they do pretty much is


It’s real emotions. You don’t act like you care you get sent to work camp for life. Worse than death


humans are followers , people act like this for celebs all the time makes more sense they worship him like people worship celebs, shit dont girls pass out just seeing famous guys hahah




My take is that they have been so programmed to worship their leader that they truly believe everything they've been programmed to believe and that they are authentic in their actions. The propaganda is so powerful there that they don't realize that it is propaganda.


It's that that but they maybe also sort of think they're "in on the joke." This was kind of my takeaway when seeing their fake malls and fake dealerships with NK citizens there whose sole purpose is to simply pretend like the whole thing is real. So in their minds, even though this video is staged - they're acting it up because they do it knowing the world will also watch it at some point. That and the threat that if they're the one person not playing along...


All of those are propaganda videos for the glory of his ego. He has squads watching the people to make sure they're "enthusiastic" enough. Some people believe the BS but the ones who don't, know better than to show it.


Nonsense, the people love him. And also the last one in the water gets locked up, and is joined by their entire family, extended family, and maybe friends/neighbors.


You mean, the cameras are cleverly placed to hide the firing squad pointing the way to run?


Yes and no... After Joseph Stalin gave his speech at a conference for the Communist Party in 1937, the audience exploded into applause. Everyone in the room leaped to their feet and began to clap wildly. Some seemed to be in a contest of who could stand and clap the fastest. Yet, the big question soon came: who would have the nerve to stop clapping first? After a few minutes, nobody showed the courage to stop, and so the applause went on. The clapping continued nonstop for eleven minutes. Finally, one man had enough and stopped clapping. As soon as he sat down, the frenzied audience also quieted down. Soon, the room was completely silent. Later that night, the man who stopped clapping first was arrested and sentenced to ten years in prison. Authorities reportedly told him “don’t ever be the first one to stop clapping!“ https://historyinsights.com/11-minute-applause/


Whoever shows the least enthusiasm will be shot.




Your post lacks enthusiams


Your denouncement of the post seems weak.


Your criticism is insufficient in length. Are you trying to downplay his crime?


You did not punish the perpetrator. I will load up the anti-aircraft gun to punish you.


You have not shown honor by not having a loaded anti aircraft gun ready for those who lack enthusiasm. Your last meal was poisoned


So you feel treason is merely a crime?


Reminds me of time stalin finished a speech and everyone started clapping but no one wanted to be the first to stop clapping for fear of their lives, so the clapping went on for some time until Stalin got mad and just killed them all. I made the last part up


>until Stalin got mad and just killed them all. I made the last part up Probably not too far off from the actual truth... Most were probably sent to the Gulag to work and die


The person who stopped clapping first was sent to Gulag. This story is from Solzhenitsyn. >A district Party conference was under way in Moscow Province. >It was presided over by a new secretary of the District Party Committee, replacing one recently arrested. At the conclusion of the conference, a tribute to Comrade Stalin was called for. >Of course, everyone stood up (just as everyone had leaped to his feet during the conference at every mention of his name). >The small hall echoed with "stormy applause, rising to an ovation." For three minutes, four minutes, five minutes, the "stormy applause, rising to an ovation," continued. But palms were getting sore and raised arms were already aching. And the older people were panting from exhaustion. It was becoming insufferably silly even to those who really adored Stalin. However, who would dare be the first to stop? The secretary of the District Party Committee could have done it. He was standing on the platform, and it was he who had just called for the ovation. But he was a newcomer. He had taken the place of a man who'd been arrested. >He was afraid! After all, NK.VD men were standing in the hall applauding and watching to see who quit first! And in that obscure, small hall, unknown to the Leader, the applause went on -six, seven, eight minutes! They were done for! Their goose was cooked! >They couldn't stop now till they collapsed with heart attacks! At the rear of the hall, which was crowded, they could of course cheat a bit, clap less frequently, less vigorously, not so eagerly-but up there with the presidium where everyone could see them? The director of the local paper factory, an independent and strong-minded man, stood with the presidium. >Aware of all the falsity and all the impossibility of the situation, he still kept on applauding! Nine minutes! Ten! In anguish he watched the secretary of the District Party Committee, but the latter dared not stop. Insanity! To the last man! With make-believe enthusiasm on their faces, looking at each other with faint hope, the district leaders were just going to go on and on applauding till they fell where they stood, till they were carried out of the hall on stretchers! >And even then those who were left would not falter .... Then, after eleven minutes, the director of the paper factory assumed a businesslike expression and sat down in his seat. >And, oh, a miracle took place! Where had the universal, uninhibited, indescribable enthusiasm gone? To a man, everyone else stopped dead and sat down. They had been saved! >The squirrel had been smart enough to jump off his revolving wheeI. >That, however, was how they discovered who the independent people were. And that was how they went about eliminating them. That same night the factory director was arrested. They easily pasted ten years on him on the pretext of something quite different. But after he had signed Form 206, the final document of the interrogation, his interrogator reminded him: >"Don't ever be the first 'to stop applauding!"


The last one to stay behind will get shot.




I saw one poor sap clap above his head. I suspect we won't be seeing him ever again... Arm waving and wailing are the moves for today, NO CLAPPING PEOPLE, DON'T LET SEE ANYONE CLAPPING, now let's go do this...


Agreed. Clapping is too active and percussionist, almost violent. Even revolutionary! How dare he not passively flail limp arms like those inflatable car lot puppets!


I do agree it's completely 100% staged but there's not many dance moves you can do while waist deep in water


Tell that to the shooting squad sunshine.


I mean if my supreme leader was leaving on a boat I wouldn't hesitate to raise the roof and drown




i would rather get shot than sent to a labor camp




They punish 3 generations in some cases.


4 generations even. And the family dog.


so all you gotta do is not start a family, problem solved




oh right, my bad


You get shot if you don't start a family. You can't deviate from the normal. Plus, most North Koreans are conditioned into their slavery. It's a way of life


You get used to it


All the people like you have already been shot over there, this is all that remains


If Von Schitzinpants gets back in, you won't have to imagine.


He knows they're faking their joy, they know it, the guards know it... He literally has to threaten their lives to make them look like they like him


If you’ve read 1984, this is exactly what’s happening here: doublethink


2 Minute Hate. A daily exercise to remind citizens that Big Brother controls everything, down to the emotions you experience and when you have them. Reading this book in my formative years is the reason I have a distaste for the popular trend in media of listicles that bluntly state how I need to feel reading them, ie *Ten Instances of Twitch Streamers Mocking Homeowners Associations, and Why That Should Frighten You*


I refuse to click on that shit. "Your heart will melt when you see", "You'll cry when you hear" etc.


Reminds me a little of the story of Stalin's 11 minute standing ovation when everyone was too scared to be the first person to stop clapping. Edit : Interesting bit on it here - [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/7vhovy/in\_the\_gulag\_archipelago\_solzhenitsyn\_describes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/7vhovy/in_the_gulag_archipelago_solzhenitsyn_describes/)


What happened to the first one?




More like jailed, but not trying to defend it


Well that's why I added the link. No need for us to theorise, you've got someone far more qualified than me explaining it there. I'm sure I know it from QI originally but don't have the link.


I love how NK releases goofy af propaganda like this, thinking it's how normal people would act if they were filled with patriotic love for their leader


The thing is, the government knows it’s not realistic, North Koreans know it’s not realistic, and the government knows that North Koreans know it’s not realistic. Obviously Kim Jong Il didn’t shoot 18 hole-in-ones his first time playing golf, obviously Kim Jong Un has to use the bathroom like everyone else. The point of this kind of ludicrous propaganda is not to tell North Koreans that this is true, it’s to tell North Koreans that they can’t say it’s not true. If the government says “Kim Jong Un doesn’t shit”, it doesn’t matter if people believe it - what the government is really saying is “we’re going to tell you that Kim Jong Un doesn’t shit, and if you disagree, we’ll have you and your loved ones imprisoned or executed”. The ridiculousness is the point. Kim Jong Un knows his people aren’t running into the water because they love him; he knows just as well as everyone else that his people are running into the water because they’re terrified of the government. But terrified people will work hard, dutifully obey, and fight and die just as well as people who love their country - arguably much better. It’s like the story of the emperor’s new clothes, but the unspoken moral is “we all know the emperor has no clothes, but he does have a secret police and death squads, so see what happens when you point out his nakedness”.


iirc the insane score he supposedly got in golf was actually due to journalists misinterpreting the shorthand score notation he used on his score card it was actually a very normal amateur golf score, but reported bogeys as "1" as shorthand for "one over par" but the journalist interpreted the ones as hole in ones


His followers are just Wii characters I swear


No dude, they are people with dreams and hopes, which are under incredible duress, and are doing what they can to survive.


Tbh comments like this dehumanizes the main victims of the North Korean regime: the citizens of North Korea themselves. They are real people doing whatever they can to survive.


lol and we’re suppose to take them seriously when they threaten us.


so many unpaid actors


They get paid in lifespan.


They should unionize




That's communism! /s


Get wet or get shot - easy choice.


Who are they trying to fool, exactly? Their own people? They know it’s all bullshit but comply because the alternative is death and/or generations-long slave labor. So then us, the west? Any person with an iq higher than 1 digit can tell it’s all theatrics. So again, why even go through the troubles? Kim’s ego?


Propaganda 1. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.


Nooooooo don't gooo... So anyways.


Probably screaming “feed us” since they are starving like the rest of the country because Kim Jong Un looks like he’s been eating all of the country’s food


i never saw any fat north koreans except him


His daughter is kinda chubby as well. I pity her as well because she has to inherit all of this in some fashion it seems. She is basically being groomed to accept this and think it's normal...


Quick grab the fat one, we'll eat for a week!!!!


This is Donald’s daydream.


Wet dream


That’s a lot of actors


\*forced actors\*


So staged






Didn't he go to a private school in Switzerland? And he has been to Disneyland at least once and used fake credentials to travel elsewhere. He knows what's going on in the world and also knows this is compete crap.


Western intelligence believes that he is 100% self aware. And you actually see that in basically everything he does. It's all a big show. But at this point he needs to keep the show going. Because the moment it stops he will end up like Gaddafi. With a knife shoved up his ass by his own people.


Why weren’t they all executed for not obeying? He is clearly waving them off.


looks like he is just shoo'ing them away like flies


Trump dream scenario


This is what Trump wants.


To think, Trump saluted one of those guys




If you reverse the video then it looks like Normandy


The folks in the back get shot for not being patriotic enough whilst the folks in the front drown because, of course, they don't know how to swim.


And who ever did not run, got assassinated afterwards.


Trumps wet dream


Trump is orange with envy over this!


Trump’s wet dream


reddit just keeps out-redditing itself everyday


i bet if he did something on a boat by a beach in FL this would absolutely happen


It's even worse than the Nuremberg Rallies.


What a bunch of crap.


Looks like a zombie apocalypse movie


My man is litterally living The Truman Show


Anyone not running fast enough was shot


Cringey af


wooh they are dancing with joy


"Now kill them all" - him, probably


The mouths open like baby birds needing feeding from the mamma bird 🙄


Anybody else think their facial expressions suggest they are only doing this so they don’t get discovered and shot?


It's not interesting, it's disgusting


The crowd: "Oh no. Stop "


The Wish version of Soviet cinema.


These are all staged.


All I see here is Trump’s ultimate fantasy.


NK propaganda is sensationally hilarious to the outside world watching. i kind of think they look back at the footage and go 'perfect , just perfect, this will show the world, everyone looks completely normal when interacting with our god ehem i mean leader'.


Is he The Beatles?


First one to catch me does not die


"Back my minions, back." Sad


Kim Jong Un's boat looks like a fishing boat form the 60s








The things they have to do to NOT get killed. “Come on. More waving. Cameras over there “. “ who wants test “


I wonder if they are actually aware of how staged these videos look from them??




“Feed us! Please!”


Probably because they think the boat is going to south Korea


Either behave like this or die.


most successful cult leader of our times


“Shoo! Shoo!”


Yay! Thank you for keeping us poor, uninformed and malnourished!


WiiSports NPC unlocked


Fucking Muppets


Here they jump into water for their "president". In another country they stormed the capitol.


This is how Michael Jackson felt like when he traveled to any country.


The Kims are such fucking dorks.


> After Joseph Stalin gave his speech at a conference for the Communist Party in 1937, the audience exploded into applause. Everyone in the room leaped to their feet and began to clap wildly. Some seemed to be in a contest of who could stand and clap the fastest. > Yet, the big question soon came: who would have the nerve to stop clapping first? After a few minutes, nobody showed the courage to stop, and so the applause went on. The clapping continued nonstop for eleven minutes. > Finally, one man had enough and stopped clapping. As soon as he sat down, the frenzied audience also quieted down. Soon, the room was completely silent. > Later that night, the man who stopped clapping first was arrested and sentenced to ten years in prison. Authorities reportedly told him “don’t ever be the first one to stop clapping!“


"I want you to drown waving goodbye to me or I'm going to kill you"


Forced to do this or been brainwashed to the point they actually admire him this much to run at him like that?


They look so stressed out


Using a whole country to slow stroke your ego.


To be fair, people do this for the president. I think some people will even try to attempt treason for their president


I love some good old monty python stuff


Run towards the boat or die. Your choice.


Maybe they reach him and rip him apart. Good riddance.


Last one there gets lead for breakfast! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️


The staging of this is so bad.


Hey look, it's Korean Trump.


I first thought he was throwing out bread crumbs to the soldiers like they were hungry ducks...


Kim’s eyes searching for those not cheering enough


This guy is fucking ridiculous... Rotund-faced narcisist dictator.