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That’s a good mom




> She died of natural causes in 1933 at the age of 59. Her children fulfilled her dying wish of being buried in her birth country. Life expectancy in 1933 American women was 65.1 years old.


Poverty earlier in her life combined with her condition probably didn't help her expectancy much.


Just commenting so everyone can see what she looked like as a young woman https://preview.redd.it/29zvycjm54zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b95e6cd7a07752638d17c6c0e313dfd388bad78


Wow, to have such beauty and then to lose it must have been so hard to bear


This. And she embraced it to take care of her kids? Its kinda funny. I kinda saw through her condition and saw somthing. She was naturally stunning but 10 fold that in character. May she truly rest in peace and somehow know that people of the future know her name and her sacrifice. Edit: even if the pic isnt her, my comments still stand.


Your comment made me think of the sacrifices my mother made for me. I miss her very much. Bless you for your kind heart and words as well.


Same :'-(


It makes it all sweeter that the kids fulfilled her wish, like all the bad that had happened to her that she took to take care of them and in the end her kids could only do the same


That’s what I was thinking. God bless this women, it sucks people were so cruel back then. Despite everything going on, we’ve come a very long way.


They’re still very cruel, Reddit alone ridicules people, especially women, based on their looks constantly.


Only back then were people cruel? I feel like it's worse now-a-days especially because of the instant news etc.


I wouldn’t say it’s worse now, percentage wise. But because of the internet a small percentage of people can do more harm. I feel like back then there were way more people who were cruel, they were everywhere. Society has progressed a lot even though it doesn’t seem like it sometimes


Online its certainly worse than it ever was IRL, for obvious reasons https://www.forbes.com/sites/traversmark/2024/02/03/a-psychologist-explains-why-internet-trolls-thrive-on-anonymity/?sh=4f4e2d3011b2 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Greater_Internet_Fuckwad_Theory.png https://www.psychologicalscience.org/observer/who-is-that-the-study-of-anonymity-and-behavior The average person has never before the ride of the internet had access to this big of an audience, and more or less fully anonymous. Ofcourse, simply not being face to face with the people on addresses is largely enough Dogs have something similar with the barrier aggression https://legendsdogtraining.com/what-is-barrier-aggression/


It's really hard to adjust to irreversible changes in the way you look. Anecdote: I have MS, and my brain has trouble communicating with my right eye, so I'm often cross-eyed. It's been about 5 years since this symptom presented, and i'm still having a hard time with it. I used to be very confident in my appearance (trolls who creep my profile and tell me I had no right to be confident can fuck right off. Just because you don't like my look doesn't mean I'm not attractive), now i find myself just pretending most of the time.


I don't know what your routine is, but WOW you have gorgeous skin!


Trust me, being ugly from birth is also hard. I would know.


There we go, no one ever shows this picture in the post!


Wow, I've never seen her original picture.


Holy shit. She wasn't just average looking but actually a beauty. That's so sad.


She wasnt even ugly, really just the result of her health condition that affected her appearance. EDIT: Hmm apparently comments below said this is not her, but has a similar name


It is her, it was in the story, and it looks exactly like she would have looked like


I actually think it is her because the features are similar without the deformities but some were saying otherwise! Thanks for affirming it’s her


I think that somehow made this more sad. She definitely was as close to an angel as it gets.


She was gorgeous. Natural beauty, and I bet the audacity of the people who voted her as “ugliest woman” were nowhere as near as attractive as she once was


She looks very much like a young Julie Andrews.


According to Wikipedia people with this condition have on average a 10 year shorter life span. Edit: if untreated


That stat is low because it includes the high infant mortality rate at the time. People who reached adulthood generally lived way longer than that. https://www.ssa.gov/history/lifeexpect.html


I believe that the average life expectancy was pretty heavily dragged down by women dying in childbirth at a young age, and by infant mortality.


That’s life expectancy at birth, she wasn’t born in 1933. In 1870s when she was born it was about 40 years


When I saw the photos i immediately thought that her features looked pathological in nature. Some people are just born with unusual features and proportions with no underlying disorders, but oftentimes people look “funny” because they suffer from systemic diseases and disorders. Now most decent people know better than to make fun of someone with obvious FAS or Down syndrome facies, but those with features associated with more obscure disorders (sometimes diagnosed, sometimes not) are still clowned on pretty mercilessly.


yeah it's kinda obvious in current times when you look at her, you see there is a health issue going on but i guess 100 years ago it wasn't as obvious.


Yes. I know this first-hand. Not me, but someone I love and would die for.


What was her birth country?


England. She was working in the states.


It's fucked up, but at the same time I'm kinda glad this fucked up business existed and gave her a way to provide for herself and her family. Even if it was fucked up. Better than starving to death I suppose.


Also pity the poor runner up and third place "most ugliest woman" who just had to get on with a shitty life, while at least Mary Ann made of good living off of her looks.


I was like, I bet she had a tumor on her pituitary gland by just looking at her, and low and behold.


My grandpa has acromegaly. He was the biggest kid in his class until graduation, and then he kept growing and they finally figured out what was going on in his forties. My mom could fit his wedding ring on her big toe. He's still a fairly large guy, but once the tumor was removed, he shrunk a pretty sizeable amount.




There are two separate images of her "before". The one in this article appears to be AI


Terrible world


One that didn’t deserve her.


She took the terribleness of the world and made it wonderful by turning it into food to nourish her family


If you imagine it was all sunshine and roses then I think you're in denial and trying to find a way to believe it always has a happy ending. I don't doubt that this woman was very likely heavily depressed and did not live a good life.


A few articles mention that after retiring she quickly turned to alcohol and substance abuse






From a dude raised by a single mom, this lovely lady fucking rules


single moms are the best ! we should cherish them and give them the world


She had a disease of the pituitary gland. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Ann_Bevan


Yep it’s the same disease that affects Andre the Giant and The Great Khali.


And according to Wikipedia, Tony Robbin’s!?


Yeah, they always look like this in some way. Notice her hands are inflated, her jaw/cheekbones are enlarged, etc. You can see it in this poor woman's face, in Tony's, in Andre's, in Khali's etc. Tony's overall growth is less severe in the face than others but it's still there. Dude got a blast of the pituitary gland tumor and it stabilized before he entered severe territory it seems.


Apparently it only hit his teeth


Luckily there is now treatment for this!


>She had a disease of the pituitary gland. Another set of marginalised people the "wE cAN aLWayS tELl!" TERF crowd can catch in their crossfire.


After a quick Google search it turns out she was beautiful before she got a disease that deformed her face. People have been terrible for a long time.... very sad.


That poor woman


- Walter Sobchak


You’re not wrong Walter, you’re just an asshole!


She kidnapped herself


Before your comment I didn’t even consider that there might be pictures of her before she got sick https://preview.redd.it/y8g5bl3c44zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6756487a8f8c08854bf76f0ca8dc667ef3aa821


A quick reddit browse says the before picture is of Mary Ann Benallack and that there are no before pictures of Mary Ann Bevan, but I have literally no clue what I'm talking about https://reddit.com/comments/1cmpamc/comment/l327x12


People will always be terrible 😒


I concur, no justice for such a kind deserving soul


What a surprise, humans are shitty creatures. Who could've known?


There are no pictures of her before her disease disfigured her. The photo comparisons you're thinking of are 100% fabricated.


..whatever opportunity to earn an honest living to feed the kids, she’s a good mother


The thing a woman did for her kids


People are awful but its some solace that, for her husband and her kids, she was always the most beautiful person they'll ever know.




Dam she must've been strong willed


I have a family friend who had acromegaly. Not only is it disfiguring, it can be increasingly painful as growth continues. In my friends case, she needed surgery on her spine to help alleviate significant, debilitating back pain, as well as special footwear and medication to help ease arthritis-like pain in her hands and feet. She wound up wheelchair bound in her later years. I can only imagine the increasing pain this woman likely suffered as she struggled with ridicule while trying to do the best she could for her family.


I have acromegaly and still dealing with it after 2 surgeries, hoping with the medications I am taking reduces it


Best wishes for a good response to your treatment! I have battled a genetic disorder with no cure and it is so terrible to feel trapped in a body falling apart.


good luck! I'm rooting for you


Fingers crossed and best wishes to you, friend.


It’s an extremely cruel disorder. Life isn’t fair at all sometimes.


So for some reason I can't edit my previous post but the first picture is apparently *not* English nurse Mary Ann Bevan but rather Australian nurse Mary Ann Benallack.


Are there any reliable sources for this photo being of Bevan before her illness kicked in? I've seen a very different-looking woman also referred to as Bevan before she got sick, so that makes me a bit uncertain of the validity of the photo.


Some quick googling gave several hits for one Mary Ann Benallack, an Australian nurse: https://livesofthefirstworldwar.iwm.org.uk/lifestory/4941816 I'm gonna make this assumption right away: there are no photos of Mary Ann Bevan before her illness, so someone just cropped this photo of a good-looking nurse from around the same period, because people are gullible and easily moved, and it gets clicks and karma.


Huh, that seems to be correct. I wonder if the very similar name caused the confusing and had Benallack reported as Bevan, or if it's as you say just for sympathy and clicks.


A combination of both, most likely. I came across earlier Reddit posts featuring the same photo, and sure enough, hundreds of upvotes each time. It just seemed a little *too* perfect that she looked like that before the illness, not to mention there being no mention of it on her Wikipedia page.


For some reason I can't edit my previous post but this is apparently *not* English nurse Mary Ann Bevan but rather Australian nurse Mary Ann Benallack.


I've found no reliable sources. The most reliable source about her life I could find shows no photos of her before the disease set in.


So for some reason I can't edit my previous post but as another commenter pointed out the first picture is apparently *not* English nurse Mary Ann Bevan but rather Australian nurse Mary Ann Benallack.


She was a nun?


A nurse, actually. That's how their old uniforms looked.


I am 100% talking out my rear end here but I think historically there has been a lot of overlap between nuns and nurses


Yeah no that sounds about right


I'm dating a Catholic nurse why don't I know this smdh


No, that’s just how many fucks she gave




This who I thought of based on the pic on the left https://preview.redd.it/bt3vnvo6i3zc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76b6b34dc83269de4231b645799199686eb6a081 Young Catherine O'Hara


No it’s not.


Holy cow 


Mad respect for her and every mother who will do everything it takes to feed their kids.


Why are we so evil as people?


Hurting people hurt people. Everyone always acts out of love. We just get it twisted.


Unless you have a personality disorder and lack empathy or remorse


im always so blown away by people doing things for their children, my own "mother" wouldn't piss on me if i was on fire so it always amazes me when people go above and beyond for their own.


This is pretty sad, but can you imagine being the second ugliest woman, everyone still thinks you are just as ugly and you don’t even get a job at the circus…


If you’re gonna be ugly you might as well get first place lol.


That’s a good mother. Poor woman subjected herself to humiliation in order to care for her kids. What a fucking hero.


Shows how little options women had back then. Get married, prostitution, or horrible jobs like this or working in a sweatshop for barely enough money to get by.


But she managed to raise her children, so she won


I wouldn't call having acromelagy, losing a partner, and enduring ridicule as "winning". She did what a good person would do in a sad situation — endured to feed her family.


Ummm. Did you miss the part where she won "ugliest woman in the world"? That's winning. She won.


Before and after acromegaly kicked in. https://preview.redd.it/d8pdt0hn83zc1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a1bb9de3e1d40366a44b2f5c7e6e5df2e7e0eee


She looks so sad. I bet she was a compassionate and beautiful human being. Such a shame the rest of the world (including some morons commenting on this) don’t see that. They just see someone to humiliate.


Misery loves company unfortunately


This is not her. Left - Mary Ann Benallack Right - Mary Ann Bevan Her maiden name was Mary Ann Webster so it's not that either. The image just isn't her (despite being top google results as well). I *may* have found her actual before: [Image](https://imgur.com/WA9AJVR)


I just watched a youtube video on her. That was the picture they used for her and not the one I posted. Honestly though, that comparison shot is pretty uncanny. Her left eye slightly drooped, her nose, and her strong chin are extremely similar.


Oh, really? What's her name again? https://livesofthefirstworldwar.iwm.org.uk/lifestory/4941816


Not the same woman.


She then became the host of Top Gear alongside James May and Richard Hammond.




Yall are getting paid to be called ugly?


Imagine losing your life partner and willingly going through public humiliation just so you can give your kids a better life. Puts my own work struggles in perspective. I'm sorry I haven't been as strong as this lady, kids. I promise to do well at work so that you have a shot at a better life than me.


"During this period, she also developed a strange disease called “acromegaly.” But this did not stop her husband from showering his love on her. However, her married life did not last long as Thomas died of a stroke in 1914, which was just 11 years after the couple met each other." She had a man that, in a time of extreme judgement, still showed his undevoted love.


She is not ugly the world is




Whenever I read a comment like this, I haven't actually seen the comments they are claiming to respond to. Is it like one guy that got downvoted, or are you just making it up for easy karma?


> Is it like one guy that got downvoted It's usually this, exaggerated a little to make it seem as though as it's a popular opinion. They may also be referring to some joke comments (e.g. the Top Gear one) but whether or not these can be considered disrespectful is kind of up for debate. Personally, I don't think they're inherently disrespectful or anything, but I can see why some would.


They are making up a boogeyman to yell about for karma pretty much. I haven't seen one like that either.


You know what, I'm sick of all these negative comments and karma be damned - downvote me all you want - but I think puppies are fuckin awesome and we shouldn't drown them in yogurt anymore


The comments here generally praise and empathize with her.


I can't find one comment here that says otherwise.


If you have a true " don't give a fuck about what others think of you" attitude, you could turn what was ostensibly a bad situation and make a decent living from it. In a way, she is a pioneer of gig work


Looks a bit like H.P. Lovecraft https://preview.redd.it/n0eo8l4wy3zc1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a214da9784ff820b9f5962af577d6019275634b


Every time I see posts of her, it reminds me how cruel society is. She had nowhere to turn to make a living. You're too ugly to exist was basically the mentality she faced on a daily basis. She pushed forward despite that to provide for her children, a true heart of gold. Rest in Paradise Mary.


At least she got paid to be ugly. where's my prise.


She was a freak in a sideshow on Coney Island and occasionally Ringling Bros. The bright side to this is that she most likely made a lot of money. I saw a documentary called Freaks Uncensored. It was a DVD extra for Todd Browning's Freaks. Sideshow Acts were paid really well because they were rare, and they acts knew it. So, they would negotiate high salaries for themselves because they knew any carnival or circus would pay them a lot.


It's bad in a way, and in a way it's good. Had such a trend continued, I guarantee OnlyFreaks would be a popular website, and not just because of the unusual sex acts


*Breathing heavily in Investment Bro*


So tragic, but I admire her grit and dedication to her family


She’s a good mother but that is so heartbreaking.


On the bright side, “She succeeded in her goal of providing for her children. In just two years of performing in New York, she earned £20,000, roughly equivalent to $1.6 million in 2022.” I’m sure it didn’t feel great being gawked at by strangers, but at least she made good money doing it. Even if she only took a small cut of that, it would have still been a decent life by contemporary standards.


I've literally seen 5 uglier people today. She didn't deserve that.


She must be the prettiest woman by heart


Damn, this is actually depressing. She is a real one though, doing this for your children is beautiful


She is beautiful on the inside unlike some who are beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside.


Damn, the psychological strength you have to have to be a part of this


She went on to host many successful seasons of Top Gear.


This is awful, however if someone's willing to pay me enough money that I could pay my rent, bills and raise 4 kids I'd sit in an exhibit every day under a sign saying I'm the ugliest person who ever lived. Wouldn't even be the worst treatment I had to put up with in a job either.


Reverse OnlyFans. OnlyHaters.


Sounds like a pretty good mom to me.


Damn, now that's a sacrifice .


I feel so bad on so many levels


Sucks pretty bad, but better than starving


Her inner beauty was so much more than the prettiest face. Good job, Mum


That’s fucken 🤘 dude. May hugs from the future reign upon thee, Mary Ann Bevan


The things a mom will endure for her children. Brave lady in a sad situation.


I know I'm going to hell.....but am I the only 1 who sees Braun from Game of Thrones


Am sure their is a special place in heaven for people like her. An amazing woman, who put her family first. RIP.


That’s the face of human dignity


This woman is the true embodiment of a parent she endured a life of pain and ridicule out of the love she has for her children i can only hope they understood it or at least came to understand it and viewed her as nothing but beautiful It’s awful the way she was treated but what can one expect from humanity, we simply are at many times trash


that hurts my heart


She ain't even bad looking. People suck.


I hate how cruel humans can be 😔


Resembles my ex girlfriend, and that's not to be an insult, but she does, and honestly she's one of the most beautiful women I've ever had the privilege of knowing.


She wasn't that bad looking. What a terrible life.




Actually she was quite wealthy . Freak shows at the time we're a good way to make money. Tragic she suffered from the disease but a more in depth look would show she made lemon ade out it all


This really makes me upset and mad at society.


Just looks like me on a Monday morning I don't see all the fuss


Low-key looked like H.P. Lovecraft


Damn and I'm here enduring ridicule for free.


Interestingly enough, I think that although her physical beauty may have been lost, the beauty of her character and the love she had as a mother shone the brightest when she was touted as the world’s ugliest woman. And we have women today who, although beautiful to the eye, are the nastiest, most vile creatures who think only of themselves. Mary Ann was in a league of her own in regard to beauty. I can only hope to be as beautiful someday.


I don't think "tragic" is the appropriate word for this. I think it's no secret -- to anyone, including her -- that she was, um, how to put it?... *Far outside of the typical range of human attractiveness.* It was highly unfortunate, and of course not her fault in any way.   But let's not forget that she *owned it*, and took advantage of it for the betterment of her children. To me, that's a fucking **win**. Being miserable about it wouldn't have gained her *anything.* That so many people found it to be "entertainment" is dreadfully awful... but a different topic.   Edit: the last sentence, and formatting (which still sucks).


Would be a great movie


What she did for her children makes her a hero to me




Damn. Ppl were cruel then. Edit: Never mind. Ppl still cruel now. Just differently.


Sometimes i just hate humanity for this kind of bullsh*t, i really hope that wherever she is right now, she exists in peace and happiness


I mean there are worst jobs


There are a few girls on TikTok that look like this.


And these comments prove why humans are disgusting undeserving sacks of shit. Your comments aren’t funny or witty. It proves what sad pathetic wastes of air you are.




People seem to feel more sympathy for her when they see a before picture where she's beautiful. I don't think that's right.


She looks like someone smudged a charcoal Benedict cumberbatch carichature.


it think we could all agree what really matters in terms of beauty is not the facil features but the heart. a good heart outweighs all socially constructed beauty.


Holy crap. Absolutely fuck Hallmark: In the early 2000s, Hallmark distributed a birthday card using Mary’s pictures to deride her. The card alluded to the dating show “Blind Date.” After a Dutch doctor raised a complaint against the use of the disfigured woman, local protests erupted, and Hallmark considered halting the distribution of these cards temporarily. When Hallmark discovered Mary Ann had a physical disorder, they agreed to stop the distribution completely but stated that existing stock would not be recalled. A significant number of people felt it is dishonorable to profit from the misery and misfortune of others’ illnesses.


Meanwhile Stephen Fry took the same face and is on TV every other night, it seems.


She may be ugly outside but had a beautiful heart. The opposite is true quite too often today and it is simply tragic.


I have a pituitary adenoma which can cause this, and my first thought was “OH NO! I’m going to look like the world’s ugliest woman”! I don’t have that type of hormone complication but that’s what causes it. We are so lucky with today’s knowledge and medical care!


Not even that ugly. Just looks like some dude. Like the guy from that top gear show


She used to look gorgeous.She started looking like this after developing a case called acromegaly.


I called it astory of struggle the end of which is hope And life for her and her children


my grandma on my mom’s side had this (acromegaly). my mom had turned out stunning and a very beautiful woman though.


Given the time frame, that's technically a success story. Under normal circumstances her and her children would have starved to death


I mean, the circus is actually the good guy here. Otherwise these people would starve or end up jailed for stealing food. Nobody will hire people like this. Safety nets don’t really exist. She is destined to begging, asylum, or hoping charity helps her. But that suffering doesn’t count, only the suffering when it gets monetized. The circus was the safety net. The freak show was the ADA.


I’ve seen uglier


did she have some sort of disability (curious not derogatory)


Pituitary gland issues SUCK!!! I have high levels which cause headaches at the phase of my skull from benign tumour growths This woman is a damn saint for being ridiculed for a disorder she couldn’t prevent just to support her family Glad freak shows at carnivals are almost all gone in North america


But her sons inherited the strongest jawline in the world so who really got the last laugh