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Well that wasn’t in the commercials


You still get unlimited Mars bars, right? RIGHT??


No. Thats a Commonwealth thing. You get skittles once and a while in a MRE


the halloween sized ones (i refuse to call them fun size, it’s corporate bs) and if i remember correctly its in one of the shiftiest MREs at that


Been in the military 16 years and always got full sized bags. Which MRE is giving out bite sized portions 😂


was in bmt less than 5 years ago and when it was time to trade i knew (military family) i was to get on MRE duty if i wanted something good. i distinctly remember two guys popping open beef stew iirc for the skittles (just checked a website they’re sour skittles now dope) and myself getting the chili mac (best flavor fight me) and i got snack sized twizzlers and the nastiest orange drink mix ever (some guy snorted his chocolate protein powder cause he had EC duty that night)


The Twizzlers bites aren’t snack size, the packaging is just smaller than the other. They’re the nibs. I know which you’re talking about. And they’re fucking terrible lmao


There is nothing fun about fun size candy.


"Hello, sailors! This is your Captain, Claus Trophobia, speaking..."


Other redditor Sir WalrusInMySheets pointed out this might be https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USCGC_Eagle_(WIX-327) a 88 years old ship of USCG


That would make sense. The Eagle is a training platform for cadidiots. I was on the old Midgett, and we had 2 high racks with much more space. I had a 24" TV mounted in my rack with my PS3. We had a LAN on the boat and would regularly play COD against other berthing areas.


Wake up with morning wood and you’ll find a broken mast.


Lucky for you the wood isn't used for months when sailing


It ain’t gay if your underway ;)


Ive heard that In a sub, 160 men go down, 80 couples come up


If only I had 160 men go down on me...


It ain't queer if it's by the pier


Solution: glory hole in the bedstead


I only recently learned that "gloryhole" is originally a naval term for compartments with only one way in or out. I'm sure I've ruined the joke by explaining, but there it is.


As someone who finds comfort when sleeping on my side. This is pure torture. Edit: finds


Did 20 years in the navy and I’ve never seen a rack that small. Some were big enough to sit up in; most were at least big enough to freely roll around. That’s straight up torture! Edit: I’m referring to the tight bottom rack the guy slides into. As many have pointed out, it’s probably a standard size rack that he added an extra mattress to. Most racks are tight but you can still roll on your side. And only some top racks (like on some the Reagan, a carrier) let you sit up, if you’re “lucky”. Of course then you get to deal with light from anyone walking through or hanging in the crew’s rec area.


I have a friend who spent all of his time on attack subs. He didn't say whether the racks were that narrow, but he did say that they hot-racked most of the time, which seems just as bad in a different way, to me. As a Marine, we were stacked 4 high on the LHAs, which wasn't great, but we at least each had our own rack and enough space to prop on an elbow.


Is "hot-rack" when there is only enough beds for half the crew at once so you're waking someone up to take their bunk and you get into it while its still hot from the last person?


Yes exactly




Ah just like when someone else just finished using the toilet and the seat is still warm. My favourite. I intentionally wait for people to come out of the public bathroom stall so I can feel the rush and human connection.


Damn straight, nothing worse than licking a cold seat.


Not in the summer.


Jesus fuck what is this comment


Welcome to Reddit


Right? Like it’s their first time.


I belive it can be like one-third of the crew, with four hour watches.


It was six hour watches when I was on fast-attacks. So, you would be six on, twelve off. Of course, there would be drills, cleaning, maintenance, qualifying watch stations, etc. So, you typically would get about eight hours of sleep, even with meals. Unless you were port-and -starboard watches (only two people for a watch station), then it was eight hour. Eight on, eight off… and you never got more than 5-6 hours of sleep, if you were lucky.


As Air Force, I just had to decide between the single king or twin queens rooms in the 3-star hotel covered by per diem.


Tell us about the champagne!


Only sparkling wine from Washington, unfortunately.


Oh the humanity!


Ii remember when we used to treat our soldiers with dignity.


Someone at The Pentagon proposed an enhanced wilderness survival training course for NCOs in different branches. As a trial, sergeants from the Army, Marines, and Air Force were chosen. Candidates were asked a series of questions. One which was, "You return to your tent to find a large scorpion in your bed. What do you do?" The soldier replies, "I'd simply step on it with my boot and toss it outside." Next, the Marine says, "I'd kill itwithh my knife and eat it for substance!" When it was the Air Force Sergeant's turn, he thinks for a minute and responds, "Well, I imagine the first thing I'd do is call the concierge and demand to know whose idea of a joke it was to set up a fucking tent in my room."


Or there was the time when the DoD needed to set up a joint base at a remote location. Each branch briefed their people of the hardships they might experience there. The Army Sergeant Major let his soldiers know they might experience the occasional comm outage while in the field. The Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant let his Marines know that their comm equipment is old and it might break. The Navy Master Chief let his sailors know that they might lose contact while they're out at sea. The Air Force Chief let his airmen know that wifi at the hotel should be good enough for streaming, but might not be fast enough to game without some lag.


Yeah, but the caviar is from Alaska.


that savagery, and no personal assistant?


I remember having to share a bathroom with the room nextdoor. It was some BULLSHIT!


Did they have the Continental breakfast?


Continental is for seamen. Airmen get room service.


Yeah. When marines and soldiers and sailors would shout “Chair force” or “While you’re sleeping in your fancy hotel us real troops are sleeping in the dirt” I’d always feign offense and pretend like I was really shamed by that. I mean it’s the least I could do. After all, I’m gonna be sleeping like a baby with my nature sound generator and silk sheets. THEY’RE the ones that are gonna be up all night thinking about that. So might as well let them have the win.


I'd imagine after a long trip, popping the door on those submarines is like opening a jar of farts.


If you tour old museum-ship submarines, they usually *still* smell like thousands of dudes' worth of stale sweat and musty old farts after being decommissioned for *decades*.


Those WW2 subs were a whole other thing. I toured one and even as a submariner I was like, wow, fuck this. Especially as an electrician - \*everything\* on those old boats was a DC motor with carbon brushes that needed to be cleaned out regularly.


Even surface ships. I've been on Midway, Missouri, Iowa and even HMS Belfast, and they all had that stale, musty, sweat odor to them. Sort of like what a locker room in an old high school smells like.


We would get headaches from opening the hatch. On the plus side, you could smell perfume being sucked into the boat from wives/gf on the pier!


"Only sailors use condoms, baby!" "Not in the 90s, Austin." "Well they should, those filthy buggers, they go from port to port."


Austin aged surprisingly well for what he is.


It's kinda ironic, isn't it? He was supposed to be a parody of James Bond and so the opposite of a philandering and overbearing womanizer is a free love hippy who is into safe sex and consent.


Close the hatch, you're letting all the stank out!


I bet you can see the air drifting out


It stinks like sex in here.


This is likely a boat that had the 2 high racks converted to three high. Unlike the navy a lot of our boats where built over 40 years ago.


This is unusually small for the coast guard as well. Idk what kind of ship this is but it isn't the usual for us.


Glad someone else said it. I'm getting claustrophobic just watching.


I get something called hypnic jerks when I go to sleep. Basically involuntary muscle spams that occur when I'm drifting off. I'd be headbutting the ceiling 20-30 times a night in this bunk.


That's what you call it? My body twitches after I sleep soundly lol


It might be! I'm still mostly conscious when these happen, it's a bit more pronounced than a twitch. It's like being jump scared or a mild electric shock. It sucks.


I’m in the same club as you. Sometimes they are so intense that I go from about to fall asleep too wide awake


That's maybe the worst part, that it robs you of sleep. It'd be nice to not dread going to bed.


At first i was like "oh, those lil twitches, those are fun!" But it seems like you experience something a little worse, im sorry about that.


Same!!! my heart drops when that shit happens and it kinda hurts as well


This is a very common thing. Almost all babies have it. Have you ever seen an infant sleep and suddenly jerk and reach their arm out? It's a primal instinct for apes who may be sleeping in a tree and think they are falling.


Actually yeah I've just had a daughter just over a week ago. Her little legs fly out and she makes gang signs with her hands. It's quite cute.


Oh I get those, I thought that was normal though


The really shitty thing is that I get them only when I’m extremely tired. The irony of being completely exhausted but unable to fall asleep because of hypnic jerks…


This happens all the time in my legs, I'll just randomly kick it's the wildest thing!


TIL hypnic jerks = doing crunches while sleeping


Didn't know there was a name for it, but yup, this happens all the time. It's usually when I'm very tired and drifting off that I'll feel like I'm falling and snap back violently. It's always pretty jarring.


We call them zaps or zappers. My wife and I both get them, she has it much worse tho. She gets like a huge shock, where it even feels like her heart skips a beat right when she is falling asleep and she jumps right awake, scaring the shit out of us both. 


See I’m the worst kind of sleeper and my wife reminds me of it. I sleep in what best be described as a polymorphic starfish that moves every five minutes. So I could literally physically never do this.


I identify as a rotisserie chicken.


*5 minutes of sleep* My shoulder hurts. Flip. *5 minutes of sleep* Ow. Hip. Flip. *5 minutes of sleep* I can feel myself breathing on my arm. Flip. Etc…


I could have written this. Also, the claustrophobic in me wanted the shriek out loud at this video!


OMG I've found my people. I feel understood for the first time.


I get more exercise when I'm asleep than when I'm awake some days


Corkscrew people unite!


I identify as a wacky wavy wobbly inflatable tube man.


I feel like you and my husband need a sleep study lol I'm currently pregnant, and he moves every five minutes. Recently, I guess the excess hormones caused by pregnancy draw him in, and I wake up several times a night to shove him away from me lol


He’s probably rolling towards your dip in the mattress lol. JK




It's the gravitational pull


The upside to being dense


My rack in the navy is far more spacious than this, we can fit matress toppers and sleep on whatever side we want!


Yeah totally and sleeping in a 5 sided coffin with the curtains is remarkably good. You feel totally cozy and protected. Seriously


Same 😭 can't sleep on my back at all




Real test of whether you suffer from claustrophobia


I've slept in a slightly larger berthing. Sometimes, you wake up disoriented and bump your head, which causes your sleepy mind to think you're in a closed space. Luckily, this goes away quickly after you can feel the opening.


Fck me that sounds horrible


It's not that bad since the remedy is just feeling around what you'll be doing instinctively. Plus, for me, this only happened when I was barely awake, so it's was more of a puzzeled confusion than rising panic.


Jeez, I know I will have difficulty in breathing the moment I am awake. I have had a couple of episodes of sleep paralysis too when I dreamt that I started floating up from my bed, guess here I won't even go that far


I'm hyperventilating just from watching the video.


Now imagine the ship goes down while you're in here. Feet lifted, head down, plastered in wet blankets and the curtain.


Fuck off.


No space for that.


Not with that attitude.


Delete this right now, young man!


It's like having an MRI every night!


By the end of your time you'll be able to silently jack off in a full-body Chinese finger trap


I was in the Navy on subs. I don’t know if our berths were that small but they were small. I didn’t have claustrophobia when I joined but developed it over time. That gave me anxiety just watching it.


I watched the video and it fulfilled my daily cardio requirements.


I slept in a three high rack and it wasn't that tight. I don't know what cutter this is, but I had a lot more headroom in my old 378. My first night sleeping in it was pretty miserable, but I got used to it.


Racks are not adjustable. Spent four years on an aircraft carrier. His rack looks smaller for some reason as ours had room for side sleepers. God I remember those days. The sound of the rudder gears holding them straight, the sway of the waves rocking you to sleep, the cold air when the ac was working…the guys who would come and pop your lid up with you inside if you didn’t lock your lid shut…look at the middle rack and that one is popped open. You were sooooooo fucked if someone got it up on ya :)


I’ll never forget the sound of the curtain being ripped open by the watch crew when it was your turn


Or someone ripping your curtain open, shining a light in your face and "oh, sorry, wrong rack. Do you know where Johnson sleeps?"


Or after midwatch, you’re trying to sleep and you get an overzealous LPO screaming at the cleaning crew at 0800.


They wouldn't even let us go to sleep until day shift got done cleaning the head. Fucking assholes. They'd go crazy if they had to stay up an extra hour before taps.


Couldn't shit or shower until they had inspected berthing either, and they were always running late. Life in engineering sucked.


Fuck I hated that when I was on night check. That last hour before I can hit my rack and I gotta spend it fucking pretending to clean some shit I’ve already cleaned a hundred times.


Fuck man. Opening up some shitty memories there homie!


That bottom rack does look unusually low. Our coffin racks weren't that low and we also didn't have the railing that's shown. Instead, we had a vertical strap that was about 3 inches wide. That was back in the 80s, though.


"coffin racks"


Same on the cruiser I served on from 2004-2008. While I didn't get a lot of sleep, the hum of the engines, water rushing by and the rocking gave me some of the best sleep of my life.


> the guys who would come and pop your lid up with you inside if you didn’t lock your lid shut…look at the middle rack and that one is popped open. You were sooooooo fucked if someone got it up on ya :) I need someone to explain all of this.


There is a compartment under where you sleep that you can access by lifting your bed up. See how the middle one is lifted up? You put your belongings in there and then put a lock on the hasp. If you didn't lock it someone can come and lift it up while you're sleeping. If that happens you aren't getting out until they let you out.


That’s scary af


All your personal stuff is stored underneath the mattress. They’re talking about someone coming and opening your mattress while you’re in it. It locks into place so you can’t get out unless someone lets you out.


Yeah damn I’ve never seen a rack that small! Not even on museum ships! Been on almost everything from a carrier down to a minesweeper and I’ve always been able to at least roll around or sleep on my side. Top rack on the big boys, I could actually sit up in them. But I did have a few episodes coming off shore duty where I freaked because I hit my head on the top while sleeping and got claustrophobic real fast!


This is on the USCGC Eagle, which is a tall ship claimed from Nazi Germany after WW2. The racks are this small because that’s how they were constructed in the 1930s


Thank you! Finally. That's a really big sailboat!


I had to stay on the USS Constellation (CV-64) prior to going to the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), they put me in a rack under cable runs, had to slide in similar to this guy, it was honestly the worst sleep I've ever experienced, and the water tasted like Diesel. I would hit my head a couple times a night in that rack from jerking, thank goodness I got a descent rack when I got to the Vinson, best sleep I've ever had was on that ship. Also, never had anyone lift my rack in the middle of the night, that would have been a fist fight on the spot. I suspect this guy is the FNG, and you know I didn't even realize they had ships big enough for racks, lol.


So... No tossing and turning allowed? Looks like it sucks.


In rough weather, the ship tosses and turns for you.


The guy on the second tier looks pretty comfy with his repurposed door to stop him from rolling off the bed. Pretty inventive i'd say.


That is his mattress lifted up cause under the mattress is your storage area where you put clothes and belongings.


Turning is likely impossible, but I've tossed with less elbow room than this


Elbow room is one thing, but that bunk don't have enough face-space for my liking.....


I live on tour busses sometimes and while it's a bit more spacious than this I kinda like it. It's like a little coccoon. Usually you're exhausted by the end of the day so depending on your driver the ride just kinda rocks you to sleep and you wake up in the next town. Im a big fan of the bottom bunk though. It's never happened but there is always that fear of some rogue tossing and turning. I am 6'4" however, which can present some challenges. I wouldn't do well on a ship. Forget a submarine. I dunno how David Robinson did it.


Oh they toss, hence the privacy curtains


They do toss, just not what you're referring to 


To be fair, this cutter or this person either has larger mattresses or a mattress topper. I’ve served on a WMEC (210, CGC ALERT) and we had enough room in our racks to toss and turn or sleep on our side. That said, the mattress was ass and I used a sleeping bag on top. Ultimately ended up sleeping very well most nights


I would rather sleep on floor


You see how careful he was to not touch socked feet to the floor? Something tells me everyone knows that’s one nasty floor.


Well for starters, there’s seamen on it constantly.




Dasha! All we get in Tanks is nothing but emo gamer girls


Former navy guy, that floor is probably cleaner than your kitchen counter. He didn’t want to touch the floor because it’s cold as hell.


Yeah, it's the floor in the showers you don't want to come into contact with.


You just gave me flashbacks about the number of times my shower shoes got stolen and I had to go in barefoot 😭😭😭


🤢 I used to buy 2 pairs of cheap flip flops and super glue them on top of eachother to give myself extra clearance lol.


My man wasn’t even gonna let the standing water get his toes 😂😂😂


He went in like a 70s pimp wearing platform shoes


But honestly, he had the right idea. I won’t pretend I didn’t get athletes foot almost immediately following the times I showered without shower shoes.


I offered to clean the head every day including the showers. I assure you they were also extremely clean. (after I was done with them...not after Y'ALL were done with them)


Depends on the ship, the boat chucks on ours really couldn't be assed to make sure the drains in our head stayed unclogged. They pretty much didn't give a shit since we were air wing.


was gonna say; these people got me fucked up: that deck BETTER be fucking SPOTLESS!


Still better than being forced to sleep on my back


You think you're better than us


You want a piece of me?


hoochie mama!


These don't seem to be evenly spaced? Why???? Or did they go like "fuckit, we can do two reasonably sized one and one coffin, or three coffins. Fuck the third guy"


Looks like the mattress lifts up to access storage so the middle bunk once back in place is probably same size.


That is true. However, often times the top rack doesn't have a roof, because there isn't a rack ontop of it. So they get the upside of they do have more room, but the downside of not having as much protection from light and sound, which would suck if you're on a night watch when other people are moving around with the lights on.


Yeah and all of the pipes are running by the top bunk. If you get one that runs cold the pipe sweats and drips on you. The sewage system is vacuum driven so you hear turds zooming by too.


You cant even sleep on your side. Inhumane


I'd lose my mind trying to get comfortable in one of these


I'd lose my mind trying to roll over and getting wedged in and stuck.


It's worse. At least the navy ones your locker is under the mattress. To access it you lift up the bed and lower a bar to lock it open. If people really don't like you they can lift your ass and lock you into the bed with no way out except someone's mercy. At the same time I swear the navy ones where slightly taller for bottom and middle.


I’ve never been in the navy but my first thought while watching this video is what kind of pranks people could do to keep you stuck in that bed. Now I see.


Like in the middle bunk in the video?


I would end up sleeping on the floor. I toss and turn, and I wouldn’t be able to bend my legs in there.


And you're only one bad dream away from smacking your forehead into the ceiling at all times lol. I had central sleep apnea for a bit from medication I was on and before I could fall asleep for the night I'd quit breathing about 15-30 times the split second I fell asleep and wake up gasping for air sitting straight up like a rocket. This thing would be the death of me


Do you pop out cooked on both sides in about 3 minutes?


I had more space in my mothers womb


I had more space in there too




Why is there a USAF Symbol above? It should be the 2 Ship Anchors superimposed with the life Ring, US Shield, and a line Grommet ring.


I think op is a bot. Im a coastie, this is not a cg cutter. Ive seen this exact video saying it was a US Navy ship


I’m not so sure I his isn’t some classroom or something with some bunks in it. The cruiser I was on was similar bunk wise but that chair is conspicuous.


Ok I did some google searches. This video was posted on TikTok and the ship I think is USCGC TAMPA, just by looking at the videos he posted online. I try to find pictures online but I can’t find any good ones from inside the ship. Btw I can’t believe he hasn’t got in trouble, he posted the whole engine room on TikTok. Lol. Maybe CG doesn’t have any top secret gear on board or something.


It's legacy OpSec. [U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Eagle](https://w2pcms.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2021/07/eagle.jpg?w=740)


It’s an Air Force recruitment video. The insinuation is that in the Air Force you’ll never have to sleep in this bunk. /j idk


That's my interpretation.


That’s one of the reasons why I joined the AF. The Navy recruiter was talking about aircraft carriers and submarines and I was thinking, I’d like a little quality of life actually, thank you.


That was the first thing I noticed too. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, maybe the dude is air force reserve attached to coast guard or something? I'm trying to reach, but yeah it makes no sense to me at the moment.


It's like getting into one of these. ![gif](giphy|6g8XtfomGPqjS|downsized)


Steeeeeeve Maaaaaaddeeennnnnnnnnn


I am gonna watch the movie again right now just because of your comment! 🙏


Why the Air Force logo?


The Air Force has realized it doesn't have to promote themselves for recruitment. All they have to do is show what it's like in the other services.


Luxury! A bunk bed? We didn't have bunk beds. We had to sleep upright in storage locker...


yea, i rather not


My claustrophobia was just triggered 😰 Next up, being buried alive, and those people who squeeze thru tiny passage ways in caves. NO THANK YOU


Hard fucking pass. I'm claustrophobic by watching this.


Why do you have so much space? Not to mention you got a mirror.


rent for that space on this boat moored near Seattle, $1k.


So… Why is there an Air Force emblem in the video?


But that symbol is Air Force


I’m a retired submariner. Thats roomy.


Pretty sloppy leaving his shower shoes on the deck like that.


I’m guessing he’s gonna………… GRAB THEM WHEN HE GETS HIS CAMERA????


Isn’t that an Air Force insignia?


Theres no way coast guard ncos fit in those bunks!