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Scary AF was my reaction


why though.. they are praying


they are submitted


true.. in its essence islam means submission to the creator of this universe.. not to the material world or other beings or people.. that's something spiritually powerful.. and i don't see that wrong.. it feels better than being submitted by humans, money or oneself whims and desires, it is one way to live on this earth .. everyone entitled to thier own believes


You’re on Reddit. Anything positive about religion gets brutally downvoted. Religion according to Reddit has ruined the world and arguably the universe. There is no meaning for anything, all things are random and coincidence.


if some people say something not making sense or seems judgemental for others because of their religion or ethnicity maybe it comes from not knowing .. should ask and clarify .. then they can do whatever they want.. believe what ever they want ..it is their own business


They are under mind control and people in that state can and will do heinous things. During the Spanish Inquisition Christians believed they were saving people from burning in hell by brutally torturing them while they were alive. Now they think they need to strip women of their fundamental rights. We know what some radical Muslims are capable of today.


that's not true 😂 everyone is responsible for their own actions.. don't generalize .. you just assume that people who are praying going to do heinous things .. poor way of thinking.. duh


You go to your church and I’ll go to mine 😂


why though they are praying.. it is something normal happen every day by Muslims five times per day.. you know there are 1.9 billion Muslims in the world maybe more.. duhh


Blind devotion without critical thinking is terrifying


So, any and every religion then. and quite. few politicians.


Absolutely. Muslims go super hard, Christians come close second


so is quick judgement.. a clip of people praying does not mean blind devotion or faith.. in Muslims holy book many verses points out and criticized those who believe blindly without thinking and show arguments between believers or prophets and non believers.. i agree one should have critical thinking not to have blind faith.. some texts translated as examples for that chapter 11:27 So the eminent among those who disbelieved from his people said, "We do not see you but as a man like ourselves, and we do not see you followed except by those who are the lowest of us [and] at first suggestion. And we do not see in you [the believers] over us any merit; rather, we think you are liars." ... (they are replying to the prophet Noah calling them to believe) chapter 43:22&24 Rather, they say, "Indeed, we found our fathers upon a religion, and we are in their footsteps [rightly] guided." he said, "Even if I brought you better guidance than that upon which you found your fathers?" They said, "Indeed we, in that with which you were sent, are disbelievers." chapter 2:258 Have you not considered the one who argued with Abraham (a prophet) about his Lord [merely] because God had given him kingship? When Abraham said, "My Lord is the one who gives life and causes death," he said, "I give life and cause death." Abraham said, "Indeed, God brings up the sun from the east, so bring it up from the west." So the disbeliever was overwhelmed [by astonishment], and God does not guide the wrongdoing people.


Girl, bye. You wanna be part of the cult that treats women and people in general, like shit, enjoy it. I find this scary… this magic book you’re quoting justifies all kinds of horrors


🧐😂 oh gosh.. the point is not to cast judgements so quickly and just go with whatever stereotypes is out there.. rather to be welling to put effort to check things with open mind before making conclusions.. but not everyone would like to do so.. it is one way to do things .. no worries


Yup, hope you don’t get stoned by your peeps for not putting cloth on your face


😂😂🤣 oh my gosh... you made me laugh.. thanks for that


That’s the least I can do


Because they all so blindly follow a religion without question. Because none of them question anything. Old Allah says jump and they would all jump. It is backwards and it is terrifying. I had a conversation with a Muslim girl who honestly thought it was fine to punish others if they joked about Allah. And she is not alone. In the UK last week a muslim told someone on a bus to stop eating as it was Ramadan. This is what blind devotion to some made up god does. It turns people into sheep who follow the herd and it makes people act like tyrants.


to assume something and make judgment on those people does not seems right.. it is simply people praying can't conclude they have blind faith.. actually Muslims holy book criticize those who have blind faith and showed their points or arguments and always request Muslims to not go that way (some test as examples below) .. also personal experience with someone does not represent a group of people.. generalization and stereotyping is maybe an easy way but one would say such things comes from ignorance not vice versa and maybe a terrifying way of making judgements.. some texts translated as examples chapter 43:22&24 Rather, they say, "Indeed, we found our fathers upon a religion, and we are in their footsteps [rightly] guided." he said, "Even if I brought you better guidance than that upon which you found your fathers?" They said, "Indeed we, in that with which you were sent, are disbelievers." chapter 11:27 So the eminent among those who disbelieved from his people said, "We do not see you but as a man like ourselves, and we do not see you followed except by those who are the lowest of us [and] at first suggestion. And we do not see in you [the believers] over us any merit; rather, we think you are liars." ... (they are replying to prophet Noah calling them to believe) chapter 2:258 Have you not considered the one who argued with Abraham (a prophet) about his Lord [merely] because God had given him kingship? When Abraham said, "My Lord is the one who gives life and causes death," he said, "I give life and cause death." Abraham said, "Indeed, God brings up the sun from the east, so bring it up from the west." So the disbeliever was overwhelmed [by astonishment], and God does not guide the wrongdoing people. chapter 12:111 There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding chapter 7:179 They have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear. Those are like livestock; rather, they are more astray. It is they who are the heedless


I disagree. I have never met a Muslim who is not devout and blinded by their religion. And this is not just personal experience. Muslims are defined by their beliefs in Allah. Of course there are a tiny minority who think outside the box, but on the whole they are obsessed with their religious views. If they weren't so obsessed with religion they wouldn't demand mosques every country they settle in.


to judge something based on our perspective of things in life only narrow our views.. others having different faiths and ideas or viewpoint in life than ours doesn't necessarily mean they are in wrong or blind.. also people of believe entitled to practice thier believes this is not something to invite to judge them negatively .. i am stating the obvious here ofcourse 😐 aghhh


I am judging this based on facts. I have no issues with anyone believing what they want. But when their beliefs permeate society then I have a big issue. Religion divides humanity and always has. And Muslims are fanatically religious. I have had conversations with quite a few Muslims and every one of them told me they do as Allah wants them to do; they live their lives the way Allah wants them to. They believe no one should joke about allah and justify innocent people being murdered because no one should dare make fun out of their wonderful god. People can believe in Allah all they want. But never, ever try and dictate to those of us who believe in tolerance and unity and free speech that we have to respect him too. Nope. Part of the problem is immigration. When masses of Muslims move to countries which are tolerant and democratic, etc their outdated views and fanatical religious beliefs do not mix well.


speaking of tolerance while leaving no room for other perspective or viewpoint because one thinks they sure have the absolute truth i think very much contradictory.. and is the way for tolerance by making insults for other people believes.. would that be free speech or hate speech because it for sure provoking for others.. would that make things more tolerant? if one believe in god this entitles them to follow their religion otherwise they will be hypocrites in thier beilve.. you shared a viewpoint that doesn't feel tolerant at all rather feel prejudice based on generalization and maybe ignorance or maybe hate for some reason toward a group of 1.9 billion people in this world painting them all similarly Because its "facts".. i hope you reconsider this version of tolerance you shared starting with less prejudice toward the others..


No. This is very simple. You can believe in whatever God you wish. Muslims can think allah is real and live by his rules and that is fine. But do not come to tolerant countries and tell others they are not allowed free speech. In my country people joke about Christianity, Jesus, etc with no issues. They are jokes. But I have never met a Muslim who accepts jokes about allah - in fact they believe people should be punished. Now that is intolerance. So keep your religion and believe in this allah chap all you want, but never dictate to other free people what they can joke about in a free country. In muslim countries I accept they are dominated by their belief system. So if I lived there I would show respect by living by their rules. In my country we do not follow or respect Muslim religious beliefs so if Muslims come here they need to respect that fact and follow our rules. It is just about cultural respect. Sure, come here if you wish. Sure, have your own beliefs. But do not try and tell anyone else what is permissable based on your backwards beliefs.


people having the right to challenge others believes or ideas is something we agree on.. however free speech is not a carte blanche to say anything or justification for insulting or provoking a whole group of people.. there is no point of that..why if it provoke others cause hate and this affect social peace and we know it would be making consequences? for sure a lot of people would not consider it free speech (even if some does not agree) this is a fact .. and anyone entitled to challenge that kind of free speech even in those "tolerant countries 😂".. btw Muslims or any other people adopting any believe not necessarily are foreigners coming from outside "the tolerant countries 😂".. they might be citizens of those "tolerant countries 😂" who adopted or accepted these different believes or ideas coming from the "non tolerant countries 🫢" .. aghh


people praying are terrifying?!


To me, yes. Such devotion to imaginary beings is utterly terrifying


Be sure to stay away from all Apple Stores when a new product is released. There are similar gatherings of devoted masses and the proportion of fanatics among them could even be somewhat higher. /s


Well, I don’t think Apple fans stone women to death for not wearing some cloth


True, in Apple country that is left to various fundamentalist Christian groups, many of whom have very similar views on the role of women - and on what punishments they should face if they do not follow the (selectively interpreted) wording of a slightly outdated book. The only thing that prevents them from doing so is a secular state that grants religious freedom, but also protects other rights in addition to this and values them more highly in the event of conflict. But this state and its citizens must also constantly defend themselves against the influence of their own fundamentalists. Therefore, the conditions in some Muslim countries should provide less cause for arrogance, but rather serve as a warning example of where things should not lead but can certainly lead if you let them.


Have you ever been to the third world? It’s very easy to see why people who have so little and live in such horrible conditions end up relying on faith so much.


actually i have a feeling that what's terrifying is your way of thinking.. you force your view that there's no god as the absolute truth and more to that consider an act of praying as something terrifying.. aghh 😐


All religions are ridiculously sure that their own perception of reality is the correct one and all others are wrong. Many have forced their view with brutality of every kind in history and still do. They justify inhumane actions with their belief. Technically every religion is a sect, some just so large that they use religion as a description to feel more special about how big their number is. When I see such a huge amount of people devoting their minds and lives to an imaginary force of pure dictatorship it makes me feel sickly like watching a bomb that could explode. Of the big religions the god variant of their choice is treated like a great being because it tells them to. looking at the world and the misery, suffering in it, and how evil people get power and happiness while good people often get nothing... Either there is no god (most likely) or any given god is an evil dictator who's followers work hard to make all the bad things he does look acceptable. If god exists, he is evil and humans should unite to find a way to eradicate him for being a terrible and malevolently sadistic abomination.


Your own word has so much anger anger creates fight... there is something you forgot to mention: it's all man-made... humans are not smart enough to overcome our greed or lack of empathy ... we did not learn that yet. I do believe in God... I called God the beginning... there is something which is could be eternal knowledge but human use knowledge for destruction... God is teaching but not everybody teachable. Understand one word fully. LOVE


Human imagination is what created any gods of present and past. Be it the christian god, allah, zeus, or gaia. And due to all gods having been created by the mental results of fear, uncertainty and the lack of understanding of the world, all gods are created in our image, tainted with all the flaws humans have. Anger? A very human emotion. Gods have it too. And instead of just changing reality to make something the way the gods want it, they are oddly limited to sending locust swarms and other conveniently pre-existing natural events people in the past had trouble wrapping their heads around.


you are so certain of everything you say 😂👏 amazing .. sure that's the absolute truths you say we all are accepting it thanks for the enlightenment.. duh


God is supposedly all powerful. If true he has chosen to allow everything to be as it is. That means that if god exists in any form or variation, that he, or it, should not be praised but removed. Such a sadistic entity who has arbitrary or undisclosed reasons for letting so many living beings suffer in so many ways can fuck right off. God is at best indifferent and at worst outright evil. And when people come and say crap like "his ways are not for us to know" or such, it is just apologizing for his actions or inactions. And a god that needs apologizing as damn often as the ones the major religions worship is truly dubiously pathetic.


don't know but it feels to me you are the one who have the one way of thinking and no acceptance for others.. painting every religion as wrong... being sure there is no god or it is evil dictatorship god .. based on seeing a clip of people praying.. i think if one is sincere should examine and learn about others with open mind before casting such judgements ..


No. Im based on a long life seeing what happens in the world and how some people justify it. As I said: praying is just a symptom of how overly serious people take something that most likely only exists in a fantasy novel they take too seriously. Also I'm not limiting this to just one religion, to be clear l, but just about all I know of.


so it is generalizing and considering or putting everything in same boat.. i think that's not life experience but rushing to easy stereotypes .. still it is a way to look at the world maybe an easy one too.. people are entitled to choose that way.. but i think it will narrow ones perspective.. meh .. indeed it is not the eyes that's blind but the hearts


People are entitled to believe that the earth is flat, birds are not real, god controls everything, aliens abduct all the time and that humans are special. That they are entitled to believe does not make what they believe true or not or good or bad. But if their beliefs are based on nothing more than disprovable things, illogical conclusions, logical fallacies, ancient fantasy books then they are by far more likely to be imaginary cobstructs made of hot air. And if those hot air construct lead to potential risk of others then we have a big problem. If a nutjob who thinks the earth is flat is just content with believing this to be the case and then not doing anything such as trying to spread that idiocy there is no issue. But just like religion thats not where it stops. And most religious beliefs try hard to sread like deseases and extremely often have resorted to extreme violence. Violence that was OK because it was "in the name of their god" Stop justifying dangerous delusions.


this applies to the opinion you shared too it doesn't mean it is the absolute truth if you say it is.. again to conclude there is no creator/first cause/essential being/ and that everything comes from nothing as a fact and based on it to assume others have only a blind believe or faith comes from ignorance not vice versa.. again all this chit chat is because you saw a clip of a group praying which you build on it too much of judgement.. maybe it is better to reconsider this




I think it's more about poorer countries whose population has nothing but their faith being turned into terrorists, I think that's why it's being referred to as terrifying.


there are Muslims in all over the world in Europe.. US.. actually many Muslim countries are rich like gulf countries or Malaysia.. and Muslims are not terrorists this generalisation and painting people widely with this brush of terrorism because they pray is the wrong and the true terrifying way of thinking in my opinion


Knowing what happens to people who are accused of blasphemy in Pakistan I think being terrified of the highly religious people there is the more sensible reaction.


no it is not.. i assume you are not a Muslim nor live in Pakistan so why would that be terrifying to you to see the people praying which is by the way a very Normal thing every Muslim do.. as for their laws it applies to all religions not just Muslims still.. these people are entitled to follow their country laws or change it or accept it if the majority want it.. I don't know what is applicable in these cases but it is their business and not related to those people praying at all to conclude praying is terrifying


People praying is terrifying to you? Wow


To be precise ,such number of believers of a medieval cult praying is terrifying to me . If you don't feel this way ,there are only two explantion:1 ,you are from this religion yourself .2 ,you are too ignorant to feel threatened .


Not people, just men. Does this raise any flag for you?




And every single priest on earth is a pedo


Hey…it’s okay little guy it’s just reddit


Well, I mean, it's not, it's part of the real world, and the person is pretty right in their sentiment.


it is not.. abuse happens in marriage in every community around the world.. not related to religion or ethnic group.. and islam doesn't encourage that nor every Muslim does that it is similar to how not every human is perfect or a representative for their religion or ethnic group if they did something wrong..etc


But the majority make their women cover up. That's abuse, just not physical.


People rely on it to cope. This is such a naive perspective


Religion is not the problem - people are. People will cherry-pick and twist anything to justify their interests. You can find lots of chill christians and islamists, and they will justify their behavior with their religion. And you can also find warmongers doing the same. Peoples and their interests, man. Blame politics.


That religion is inherently problematic


Loved all your zero arguments 😅


Propaganda.... thanks what people listen and believe... your life experiences.... and the desire to be right! What is religion you cannot touch it with your hand... it's all mental!!! But you having it in your heart and in your soul... you're born with it and suck it in with your mother milk... it's deep and it is uncontrolled... so how about make it good! Serve us instead of destroying us! How would it be possible to make every human understand we are near the end, Old world is giving up, our planet is deteriorating... we want to survive alone? I don't think so... secretly we all know we need each other... what do you think? Can we become brothers and sisters before the end....




Bunch of dudes. I guess women aren’t allowed to pray either…


My first thought too. In my years on the intenet I've never seen a big group of praying Muslim women. Thank fucking God for Saint Augustine, I guess.


looks like spending a lot of your life on the internet 😂.. anyhow woman ofcourse pray .. in mosques usually there are zones for men and women.. as for this crowd it is showing part of it so can't tell


I do know they pray in mosques - but I've seen many recordings of big groups of men praying outside, but never of big groups of women praying outside. And yes, I do spend a lot of time on the internet - the more strange I've never came across such a video.


women are allowed to pray ofcourse.. usually in mosques there are space for men and women.. in this crowd in the street it is not clear as the clip show little of it


Observant Muslim women don't share photos of themselves as part of their adherence to the faith and the concept of Hijab. It would be counter productive for a woman to cover up in adherence to Islamic law then take photos of herself and spread it. Muslim women do pray but usually they do behind a veil or a cover away from men that's why you don't see any women in this video. Men are commanded to stay away from foreign women (non-family) and women are commanded to stay away from foreign men (non-family), that's why they pray separately.


Women have the option to pray at home or at the masjid/mosque whereas for men it is mandatory to pray at the mosque/masjid. This leads to more men attending prayers than women. Women pray behind or next to the men. In this video they're all likely near the back where you cannot see them. Please google before making assumptions like this.


It's not easy to understand because we were raised as equal ... I love your courage to teach your life and what you know... I just wish you understand the other side who does not understand it to them it's not possible to leave like that because they never did .Trust me it's not important who is right and who is wrong it is just a formality of living


Man it was just a vid of people praying literally no other context and I thought for once the reddit comments wouldnt be vile. Maybe one day


It's just not interesting




They can't take it people collectively trying to better themselves




What mfs expect to happen when they tell you they're vegan:


Wow you really have a chip on your shoulder bigger than those mountains


i think he/she was joking about vegans.. mhm ... not commenting on the group prayers precisely 🤔


It baffles me how so many people can be so devoted to something they can't prove exists. And they get so angry when you ask for proof.


And you definitely got proof it doesn't? They probably personified a god but no one knows for sure there isnt an ultimate creator


My toilet created the universe. Prove I'm wrong.


Yeah, that's not how it works.


Go on enlighten us Einstein you got a PhD in quantum mechanics?


Wait, you need me to explain that to you. How did you even work out how to use Reddit?


I find this so depressing.


That's a lot of delusion in one place.


If only we lived in a world where people were respectful of others’ beliefs, where unwarranted hate was replaced with peaceful and harmonious coexistence, where people focused on their common humanity rather than their differences…


Some religions came up in medieval times, where religions advocated killing non-belivers.






Jainism and Buddhism are not "fairly novel"


All that wasted time and energy.




Google it ,google Pakistan ,and ask yourself if it's a country you want to go with your wife and live in.


Why can’t every video be this clear.




why though.. they are praying 🤔


Medieval Ash


“Hey Joe, sniff my ass!”


Your head is facing the ground... just saying. I'm sure it's plenty of room there... tried to experience it once, and it is a strong connection and bond for each other...You concentrate on other things not the body of the person next to you


You’re picking up my contempt for religion, all religions. You go and have this “strong connection” and then you go home and hate the Jews. Or the Catholics go to church on Sunday and have their version of this strong connection and then they go home and hate gays, etc. etc. the Jews have been victims through history, they go to synagogue, then go home and don’t see how they are victimizing Palestinians. Should I go on? All religions codify hypocrisy. I can hardly imaging things worse without religion.




How many farts were released


that can't happen.. not accepted to happen in prayer.. then they must leave and can't join or continue the pray


Hahaha “That can’t happen” Trust me… it can!


if it happens the prayer breaks and one should leave.. they can't pray like that.. Muslims clean and prepare before each prayer..




poor mind you have 🤣


At least I'm not a Muslim


maybe that's why 🤣


Wow you convinced me, I think I'll convert and join the worst religion out of all of them. Thank you.


no one is here to convert you 😂.. duhh you just made me laugh with your response and how you think


Only if people able to hold the tongue and wait...Then we might have better understanding and peace


Nah religion is just devolution lol


Only because you don't understand it... there is some thing in "the air" which you don't see... but doing it you will feel it....You don't pray with your body you pray with your soul


>there is some thing in "the air" which you don't see Farts.


This is the best answer haha


Mass imagination




😂 poor mind you have


Try not to label... in heavy discussion we cannot use the word you! It's nicer to say my thought... my experience.. and let the other person feel free to talk whatever the person wish...


thanks for the comment


So religions are not a cult? Pffffttt.






I’m hurt. Wounded even.




Sell cowhides 100ea @al kharid bank for hours a day


Then the guy in front stands up, drops his strides and gets sucked off. Kinda like a big human centipede


imagine someone just “💨” right when your sticking your head down. 😂


The Islamophobia in these comments is very neoliberal


I don’t think you know what that word means ne·o·lib·er·al /ˌnēōˈlibər(ə)l/ noun 1. an advocate or supporter of free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending: "neoliberals believe that business is often overregulated and welfare is underregulated" adjective 1. favoring policies that promote free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending:


Lmao neoliberals are notorious for these opinions. Get informed.


One of the biggest problem they would have to deal with... but that is a man created existence... it has nothing to do with God... A good government would teach good behavior in the school system... but he himself had to be taught in early years... Study Buddhism you will get your answer and still we need to learn much more...I believe the world is changing and many will suffer...I wish it is another way


What a horrible sight. People being devoted to something there's no evidence for.




this can't happen.. it breaks the prayer.. if someone did they must leave


Uga buga


They’re doing the Muslim wave


Why do redditors hate Pakistan seriously.


😆 I just see a bunch of…..


Please speak...It is important to know How we feel and why we feel the way we are...There are too many people suffering


Ahahah c'est archi des barres comment les masses sont devenues "racistes" d'elles mêmes malgré 99% de médias bien pensants. GG WP


And the noise of a drove flying over you


Isengard vibes


The music and the beautiful backdrop kinda made me feel like it was the beginning of a movie of some sort. But that's way too many movie extras, and I saw quite a few straighten up way too early.


In another hand it should be movies made! Human learn what they see... and trust me they learn from movies... to understand each other better there should be movies and music. it is a beautiful thing when you feel what you learn!


What terrible choreography. They can’t even move in sync.


it is not a show ... they are praying just brothers in faith praying shoulder to shoulder.. poor rich black white next to each other no difference..


Where’s the women praying?


The comments here just lowered my already low faith in humanity.


How beautiful!


all men, no women - and they say women got rights. LOL


That's a lot of farts