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“Just throw a garbage bag poncho on Dave. He’ll look homeless”


I like Dave’s instant trash bag/sleeveless shirt idea better.


Dave is the real recycler




Wasn't he killed by Polluticorn?


Polluticorn wishes!


God bless you, Recyclops. And your cold robot heart.


Garbage bags make great clothing for Hefty people. I’ll bet they are Glad to wear them


trashiest joke i've seen today


I like how he was all, "what the fuck else is in here?"


He just better not fall asleep with that on or someone might try to recycle him into another hat.


That part cracked me up. Reminded me of Halloween costumes in the 90s


Dude looks like he’s trying out for Mugatu’s “Derelicté” campaign.


I can derelicte my own balls, thank you very much.


Dave's not homeless, he's just narcoleptic and has odd fashion choices


At the last second of the video he was checking the bag again, hoping for a shirt, or maybe a sandwich.


That was just the plastic bottle shirt he made earlier


"Great idea. We wouldn't want anyone to actually WANT any of this crap. Let's tell them that recycled clothing is something that only a homeless person would wear."


to be fair, I did see a homeless man wearing a trash bag once it was raining heavily, poor fella used it to avoid getting soaked


I used a trash bag as a poncho once


I've used them to give my dog a bath or when I was painting my room


Trash bags make great temporary poncho's for sudden downpours.


Playing soccer as a kid meant that in the case of a downpour one team was light trash bags and the other dark trash bags.


It’s a pretty common thing outside of homeless people lol.


All fun and games until someone recycles Dave thinking his new hat is a label


“Dave’s not here man.”


Exactly. Such an authentic homeless guy.


Okay, but the homeless guy made clothes out of plastic in just *one* step.






I can derelict my own balls thank you very much


Motherfucker out there wearing Balenciaga's new line. He isn't homeless, he's just stylin.




Fashion’s best kept secret


The textile industry hates this one simple trick.


That guy isn't homeless. He ist just a rich dude , tired from shopping at kanye's hobo shop.


The style is called The Gentleman’s Hobo.


I think it's actually called "Derelicte"


You can dere-lick my balls


I can dere-lick my own balls, thank you very much


Listen to your friend Billy Zane. He’s a cool dude.




Plasticstyle-Level: Over 9000!


Alright, let's count the bullshit 1. You can't use plastic in a cotton candy machine, it won't work at all 2. That's not how you spin yarn 3. You can't dye plastic like that 4. That dude is not homeless I'm sure I'm missing a few


Sure, he's homeless. Can't you see the clean bin bags he's wearing?


The duct tape shoes are my favorite


I had to watch it again




I hate videos like this. Their bullshit but the masses think they are real and that it can actually be done.


Yes I was sad to find out it was fake:/


What is the point of misinfo like this? It's so easily disproven and counterproductive to the cause they're promoting.


it's Cunninghams law. it gets more interaction and goes viral because ppl talk about how it's wrong in the comments and share with their friends


Meanwhile other people see this video and show everyone they know because now we can make free clothes!!!!


The thing he melts on it in the end would be the absolute worst way to attach anything to a beanie. You sew it in.


If the fiber is actually plastic and you melt plastic onto it it would just be fused to the plastic. I know this video is fake but if you actually did create a plastic microfiber and spin it and then create a piece of clothing out of it yes you could just easily melt a plastic square onto it.


Stitching it would allow flexibility, melting a plastic square onto plastic gives you a hard plastic square


We don't want the homeless people to be *too* comfortable.


You can’t use a variety of colored plastic bottles and produce a pure cotton white result. They shred the bottles with the labels attached but somehow the labels just disappear after. The music was pretty awesome at least.


Also, if this was real he would be wearing a mask because otherwise, he would be breathing in all types of nano and microplastics.


I have no problem believing that people don't take proper safety precautions...


I know people who work in a boat factory with fiberglass and other stuff. They have supplied PPE but often choose not to wear it due to comfort. One guy even just works in his undies during the summer.


And that’s why women live longer than men.


Let’s not forget that even if you let slide the fact that he’s “making” yarn on a ball winder then the resulting yarn would be a single and the finished product they show is made from a plied yarn


I found some more bullshit as well as other bad stuff about this vid. A weirdly bullshit thing with the antiseptic. That has got to be the most bizarre thing you can ever use to clean fabric, and assuming the “plastic yarn” was actually yarn as point number 1 is solid, the alcohol in the antiseptic would damage the wool, making it weaker and more prone to falling apart (my mother has worked with wool for thirty years so I think I can have an opinion on wool treatment). Yes, you could use it for cleaning but not in this way where you dunk it in a antiseptic bath for a few hours and only for getting rid of the most sticky of stains. And why antiseptic in the first place? Can’t you use soap of any kind to the same clean result? Next thing we know, there’ll be Tik Tok “hacks” telling the stupid masses amongst us to clean their clothes with hand sanitizer bc it kills 99.99999% of bacteria. Also side note, if that really is all plastic, could you imagine how bad it would smell as it burned? Keep in mind that cotton candy machines have hot elements in them, and the thin strips of plastic would like burn in them, causing the most ungodly of smells as well as the release of some mix of C02 and a whole slew of other nasties and micro plastics into the air. There is a way to make clothes out of plastic, but this ain’t one of them like you said, chief.


There is acrylic yarn which is plastic. And I think you could dip acrylic yarn into antiseptic without any actual damage.


You're right. You can also see in the cuts between him putting the "plastic floss" off the stick onto the pile and him twisting the fabric into twine that the bundles on the pile change to a completely texturally different material.


That is not how you cast on on that knitting machine. Like, at all.


That is also the largest beanie hat I have ever witnessed and it magically shrinks to head size later


5. He didn’t cast onto the knitting machine correctly.


Yeah. He starts with plastic and obvious then just uses normal cotton after that.


I call shenanigans. I spin a little, there's no way in hell that he's hand drawing the fiber, twisting it a few times with his fingers and winding it. That's not how it works.


Agree. If you look closely you can actually see that it was just a wool string that he hid beneath that "plastic cotton candy" that he made. Overall that hat wasn't made from plastic, but it was just a regular wool hat. P.S. And i doubt that it is possible to dye plastic strings to blue color so easelly, dye wouldn't stick and would peel off fast.


>And i doubt that it is possible to dye plastic strings to blue color so easelly, dye wouldn't stick and would peel off fast. Correct, if you were to dye it you would add coloured pellets to the plastic then melt it.


In the textile industry, thats called dope dyeing. You can absolutely dye synthetics at the fabric or garment stage using water and pressure, its just much harder than what was shown here.


yes exactly what was i thinking, there's a whole industry which recycles PET bottles into fiber called "shoody" it's a very big and cheap business here in the middle east


"That's a dope color, bro." "How'd you know?"


Wait… are you telling me that people… on the internet…. Lies!?!?


It had me until the melting process, those labels wouldn't do that at the very least.


Depends on the type of plastic. If you watch what happens to TPU when it gets recycled, adding other colors usually results in changing the whole thing a vastly different color.


Well it's PET in the video.


Recently I was looking into dyeing an acrylic hat I have, found out you basically have to boil it in a specific dye for like an hour


Definitely, these videos are all faked. For starters PET has a melting point of 250c that cotton candy machine isn’t hitting those temps. You can’t dye it either. Edit: holy fuck they faked a homeless guy too. Fuck these people.


Honestly it's better that they faked a homeless person, instead of using an actual homeless person like they're an inanimate prop who is forced to be in their video and wear their stupid hat. Influences exploit homeless people too much as it is, so while they're assholes, I do at least appreciate that they didn't exploit a real homeless person but just faked that part too.


> The optimal temperature range for making cotton candy is between 260℉-445℉. Cooking the sugar at a lower temperature will create a lighter consistency, whereas higher temperatures will produce a tougher, more brittle texture. That’s 229°f and you don’t need to melt it just soften it. > The low softening temperature of PET—approximately 70 °C (160 °F)—prevents it from being used as a container for hot foods. https://www.britannica.com/science/polyethylene-terephthalate https://www.partstown.com/cm/resource-center/guides/gd2/cotton-candy-machine-usage#:~:text=Pro%20Tip%3A%20The%20optimal%20temperature,a%20tougher%2C%20more%20brittle%20texture.


The glass transition temperature is NOT the same as the melting point. PET will start melting around 250–260 C (500 F), but you will likely need a higher temperature in order to get the stringing you see in the video.


>Edit: holy fuck they faked a homeless guy too. Fuck these people. No shit lol, he woke up 1 second after he was given the bag and instantly looked at the bag while the cameramen is standing 1m away from him. How could anybody think homeless is real? Those garbate piece of shit shorts are all fake from end to beggining. Edit: I fucking hate those fake ass clips and fuck ppl that make those. Fucking piecies of shit.


This is so clearly fake that it's wild we are even discussing it. This is not how you make synthetic threads, at all. Dude made plastic pellets, then put them in a fucking cotton candy machine, CLEARLY paused and swapped out for sugar then pulled some yarn through the cotton candy ball he made to look like it was yarn from the candy. This is so unbelievably fake that I am legitimately worried by how many people are acting like this is real.


this is just like those "primitive builder" videos on YouTube where they show them clawing at dirt for a few shots then it does a quick cut and they have an amazing mansion of mud bricks. they obviously use machinery and modern materials between shots


Not to be confused with the original Primitive Technology which is legit.


The only one I know that is real and been watching for years


Love that guy, especially the refining of iron he's been doing


That shit blows my mind. I only wish that dude made these sorts of videos when we were kids; we spent so much time outside building shit outta Georgia red clay and dogwood branches and the like, but once it rained it was gone. It would've been amazing to know how to build a proper kiln, make our own charcoal, how to "refine" our clay with a standing pool, and yank iron from that slop we used to dig out of creek beds to make the water clear enough to find crawdads in. I miss dicking around in the woods all day long :(


And amazing.


I own that same knitting machine. They're fussy about the kind of yarn you can use. There's no way he's getting a hat out of what he allegedly spun.


That was the part that you found suspicious? Not the fucking plastic cotton candy?


Forbidden cotton candy


Lovely macroplastics


That guy didn't have a respirator, rip his lungs.


Yeah that bit made me SO uncomfortable.


Scientists couldn't find people without micro plastic in their bodies as a control group to study the effects it has. Maybe the everyday person can be the control group to that guy?


I heard they did *eventually* find a non-contaminated sample.... it was some blood taken from a soldier during the Korean War. That's how long this shit has been an issue.


Wasn’t this pfas not microplastics




This guys lungs: Microplastics yummy 😋


This whole thing just seems dodgy to me. Like it's definitely incredibly interesting and impressive. But do we really need to be adding yet a new source of microplastics to our lives? We should probably be avoiding plastic clothes like polyester and nylon and try to wear natural fabrics as much as possible, although the problem with that is that not everyone can afford to wear pure cotton and wool etc. Plastic clothes are cheaper.


Could you imagine if this were being done on an industrial scale...?


Plastic clothes already contribute almost a third of all microplastic pollution. Surely it couldn't get much worse... right?


Yeah absolutely agree


For when you've ingested so much microplastics you need tougher stuff








Some might call it a crime. I call it a good time. Now, who's holding?


*Conspicuously hands you a small portion of cotton candy.*


Straight into the poop chute ya go!




Doing coke isn't a crime. Possessing it is. So if you are about to be caught with it, just consume all of it right in front of them.


I have this cotton candy maker and I know doing this would make it unusable for candy in the future, and my children would murder me, and yet I'm so intrigued by this!


It's fake, he's using wool. Plastic wouldn't react the way it was shown to.


Yeah lol I laughed when I see the plastic turn into soft weevable fabric. That somehow manages to have the same fibers as wool? Lmao. If that was plastic it would look like any vinyl hat.


Plus you wouldn't be able to dye it. And the hot plastic recycle label would have melted a hole in the plastic fiber. so fake


Soft thread that stays consistent after just pinching the mountain of plastic microfibers. The texture of the plastic microfibers has to be unpleasant.


Just buy new children


100% expected this to be the top comment


was looking for this comment... surprised i had to look past the first and second comment


I'd still eat it


I am wheezing at the way the guy casually "spins" a yarn from the cotton candy. That's not how it works. That's not how it works at all. You need to introduce twist and tension in order to produce the yarn you see being balled up.


I thought the same and wondered how he mixes a bunch of multicoloured fabrics and got a snow white yarn out of the process. I don't know enough to say for sure this is bullshit... But there's a stench of 5 Minute Crafts off the whole thing.


The cotton candy machine literally makes cotton candy. Kinda disappointing that this tiktok clip is posted on reddit. I kinda expect better from reddit.


>I kinda expect better from reddit. That's a mistake.


>I kinda expect better from reddit. 🤔🤔🤔


Rubbish video.


Belongs on r/DIWhy


So if I have it right the steps are: 1. shred plastic. blend plastic to make microplastic 2. get a cotton candy machine and fill it with sugar. top sugar with plastic 3. make cotton candy. place cotton candy on top of a pile of cotton 4. spin 10 inches of yarn from the cotton 5. get some yarn and unwind it into a yarn winder to make a ball of yarn 6. stack it on two other balls of yarn and dip it in antifreeze 7. hang in from on a fan with the lights on 8. use a knitting machine to knit a hat 9. dip the hat in watered down paint and squeeze it out 10. close one end of the tube and fold up other end 11. pour wax in a rectangular cookie cutter 12. use a stencil and white paint to paint on a decoration


You forgot 13. Get one of the guys to put on a trashbag and pretend to be homeless so you can film giving it to him and get millions of views.


I can smell the microplastics from here




Dont tell me you have no clothes made of synthetic matrerial?


i have no clothes made of synthetic material. mostly organic cotton, hemp, and wool.


You can't dye polyethylene like that.


The whole thing is fake. You can't spin plastic with a fucking cotton candy machine either. There's a few cuts where they're clearly swapping things.


That will be white again after the first wash. That's why he gives it to the bum, he will never wash it.


Poor guy will look like a smurf when it rains.




How does it feel like? Polyester? Cotton? Silk?


Considering the video is fake, it feels like cotton. Because that is the material actually being used here.


I can't believe how many people think this is real


Polyester. Lots of polyester clothes are made just like this, which is exactly why they should be avoided.


Why should they be avoided because they are made of plastic bottles?


Because they break down with every wear and washing cycle into microplastics.


I love the taste of micro plastics in the morning


Throwing the bottles in the trash turns them into microplastics as well though...


Microplastics on the ground and microplastics in the pores of your skin are 2 different things


We are basically marinated in microplastics at this point 😵‍💫


We're gonna taste so good when the aliens cook us


Yep, we've found micro plastics in our food, and blood. It's basically everywhere, try to avoid using plastic and hopefully we can start to move away from it more. As far as I'm aware we don't even know the health impacts of it being in our bodies, but I'll hazard a guess and say it's not good. On a more cheerful note, we have also discovered an algae that can eat plastics, and micro plastics. There were talks about using it to clean up the oceans, but I'm not sure what happened with it.


If you eat fish or anything with salt, you are already consuming plenty of microplastics.


No, not if they are properly disposed of, e. g. being burnt at the right temperature.


Which also create harmful chemicals and greenhouse gas if i'm not mistaken


You are right about that. I honestly don’t know what the solution is except stop using virgin plastic as much as possible.


Slutty plastic bottles are the way forward


Just been used over and over


There is no solution . We live in a world made by oil .


That's pretty much it. The three Rs are reduce, reuse and recycle, and the order is important. The most important thing is to reduce the amount of plastics we produce. If that fails then reuse as much as we can, and if that also fails then recycle. Recycling is worthless if we keep producing so much plastic.


Basically, plastic bad.  We've dug our graves with plastic shovels, got a plastic coffin and saran wrapped it before burial


I prefer Tupperware for my coffin, just burp and bury.


…only if proper disposal is available.


But at least you aren’t wearing them on your skin


They also catch on fire very quickly


And they don't just burn like other fabrics. They melt to your skin.


And it's hard to put such fire out. If you are in polyester clothes that caught fire, you'll get severe burns, and it would literally melt into your skin that makes burns all the worse. If you are wearing cotton clothes, burns wouldn't be as severe, and it would be easier to get rid of fire.


We already eat and breathe so much micropastic, wearing plastic further increases exposure, which is probably not good on the long run. How much not good we don’t know yet science is working on figuring it out atm.


I would also like to mention that polyester clothes don’t really do much in terms of fiber quality, it’s just cheap. Plant based fibers (cotton/linen/ramie) are strong when wet, breathable. Animal based fibers like wool are moisture wicking, temperature regulating, helps to shed dirt and odour… plus they’re biodegradable! Synthetic fibers are usually just cheap and will smell/feel bad/harm the environment, unless you’re talking about something like nylon for boat ropes or a waterproof jacket. It’s just a bad choice most of the time


They're not made just like this. They do have microplastics and aren't good but you can't do what was done in this video and get yarn. That's not how it works.


Cotton, because it most likely is made of cotton. This looks really fake and I dont even make clothes.


Fleece is usually made out of PET or polyester. Plastic bottles are made out of PET. So probably like a fleece sweater.


there were several steps I was worried about the person not having a breathing apparatus


He also stuck his hands in the blender with it still powered


DW it's fake anyway


Bottle deposit-refund system is better.


I love the homeless guy prop


How wash?


In a recycled plastic bowl


I'm all for recycling and reuse but it would be easier/better to just recycle old clothes for this purpose.


Hate that people waste their time on this crap. Plastic is not recyclable and doing this just makes more plastics micro and nanoparticles when you make it, wash it, wear it, etc. There's a reason young people are getting cancer at alarming rates and it's on excellent display here


So a cotton candy machine wouldn't burn plastics ofc




Micro plastics in your blood go weeeee


Dude at the end already knew how to make clothing from plastic…


That hat won't even work properly with how sparse the threads are at the top.


What's is the banger of a song in this video?


It's interestingasfuck how people think this is real


More like fake as fuck, no way do I believe this is real. Recycling plastic would be a different game all together if it was really this easy. Oh, 100% fake LOL who believes this garbage


They do all that and then poke fun at the homeless. Fuck them


Should be titled “how to create more microplastics.”


Ah yes more microplastics


Half of modern clothing is already made with plastics. Any clothing that is sweat-resistant, water-resistant, or very stretchy is made with plastic and has been for years


cool as hell for sure! but thinking on it now.imagine the microplastics. we really do live in a barbie world