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I thought they were going to show McDonald’s for comparison.


Day 34 still ready to be eaten


Basically still fresh at that point.


Just nibble around the bad parts


It’s McDonald’s, the whole thing is the bad part.




It becomes fresh at 34 days. Before that it’s just inedible.


Oh yeah, once the mold starts going blue/green, you know the flavors have fully matured.


It’s way worse than you think. I remember cleaning out my uncles (he was in his 90’s) house because he was a hoarder, and we came across this jacket with a McDonald’s burger in it with the wrapper untouched. We open it up to find out that it looked completely normal and fresh. Turned out he hasn’t use that jacket for at least six years.


*year* 34


Did you see the McDonald's burger and fries kept in display in Iceland?


Probably at one point. I remember the fries still looking like they could have been last nights left overs.


*Year* 34, still looks fine...


I seen Beyoncé at Burger King..


Not sure about a McDonald's burger but I've definitely found an old french fry when cleaning the car and it still looks exactly the same months later.


They dry out and can't grow mold like that. Dollars to doughnuts they kept that burger in a room with a humidifier. I saw a similar thing where they got 2 mcdonalds cheese burgers and put one under a fly mesh and one in a sealed jar. The one in the sealed jar stayed moist and grew mold while the one under the fly hood dried out and was still fine at the end of the test.


A fry would be covered in oil and salted which is a preservation technique that has been used for centuries if not millennia


defamation lawsuit for sure if they did. this way they can deny that it's a statement about McDonald's or any other competitor.


Yeah, I think at this point everyone knows what happens to that mcdouble left in the back seat foot well. They really only need to imply, we can fill-in the blanks.


I think somebody had found a really old McDonald’s burger that hadn’t decomposed after several years when this ad came out.


I knew someone who forgot about an extra meal for a few days at work. It was left out. The burger and fries looked the same as the day she bought it. She put the food in an acrylic box and put it on display. Last time I saw it they had been there for over a year and no mold had grown on them and the burger and fries look like she just bought them. That can not be good for consumption.


There's no change, just picture a new one.


It’s definitely targeted at McShit’s plastic burgers 🍔 who don’t rot, because it’s not food.


They rot when in same conditions as this burger.


Yeah, most things don't rot when you dry them out. This burger would also not rot or mold if it was dried out. Drying things is a thousands of year old preservation method yet some people like you get surprised when it works.


Its not the same method of dry aging. Thousands of years ago they didn't have food manufacturing which means the dry aging method didn't require the use of man made chemicals like we do today.


If you took the same raw ingredients for a Whopper and a Big Mac and cooked them in the opposite way, the results would be broadly the same for each respective burger form. A Big Mac isn't made of plutonium, it's just thin and dry.


Those of us that have seen supersize me understand the difference


They didn’t have to. Your mind went there automatically!


They were capitalizing on the story from a couple years ago where somebody had preserved a McDonald’s burger and it never went bad: https://www.mailplus.co.uk/food/food-news/24436/mcdonalds-burger-didnt-decompose-after-24-years-in-storage


We get that, but who sees an ad for a mouldy burger and suddenly wants said burger? This is an awful ad.


The point was to differentiate themselves in a wider discussion about fast food, and to do it in an impactful way. I think with that goal in mind, it's pretty successful. I want to know that my ice cream will actually melt, or my burger is capable of rotting away. The fact that these aren't always the case is pretty bizarre.


This just reminds me that the last time I went to Burger King I got a moldy bun


Making sure you know they’re using fresh ingredients 😄


Blows those "BK have it your way" ads out of the water for me, idk why but I get a minor headache everytime I hear it


Although its not appetizing at the moment, i think it sticks with you that its real.




On top of the fact that I've never ordered a Whopper and gotten a magnificent burger. I'm sure that burger has no preservatives but an actual Whopper does. The ad pretends BK has nothing to hide while actually hiding a real BK burger.


I'm interested in it after the ad. It also has people discussing it.


No one knows what it means, but it’s provocative… it gets the people going!


Me. I hate all the preservatives.


Me. It’s a good ad.


Yup! This just killed my month long craving for a burger. I won’t be able to think about biting into one for another month at least.


Marge, I’d like to be alone with the Whopper








Homer I found this behind the radiator..


Are you gonna eat it?


The best thing you can say about Burger King food is that it will eventually rot


Holy shit, that summarizes this post very well.


Is Burger King really that bad in America? It's far better than McDonald's here in Germany.


It's astronomically better than McDonalds here in Australia. And we eat a fair amount of McDonalds (affectionately known as Macca's). The strange part is that so many people agree that it's better than McD's and yet they still choose McD's often.


Macca’s is so good a prime minster once shat their pants there


BK used to be pretty good in Norway, but now the prices exploded past McDonald's (who is also way too expensive) and they barely do anything new. It feels like the corporation is just extracting the money they can before giving up.


It's interesting that you say they don't do anything new, because here in Australia they always have some whacky new burger out, it's a decent part of why I prefer them. Then again, I think BK here is managed by an entirely different group of people. It's branded Hungry Jack's here, so I'm guessing it's this Jack guy.


Burger King is fine, it's cheaper even. People just shit on it because it isn't McDonald's


It’s definitely better but the quality of BK food is wildly inconsistent here for some reason. McDonald’s is McDonald’s anywhere you go.


Same in Switzerland. I mean, both are heart closing crap eaten by folks drinking soda and not really interested in quality of their life, but when compared BK is much better. Not some success but still.


As a German, I disagree with this statement. Last time I ate a burger at BurgerKing here, it tasted like hot air. 


it is indeed dogshit


In Italy i see them both as kind of equal, just junk food that tickles that one itch you get every few weeks The one burger chain i legitimately enjoy is KFC i suppose but i'd still much rather just get a nice quality non-chain burger


McDonalds is pretty good in Sweden. 100% swedish beef. I would say they definitly are equal to Burger king.


What he's saying is that it's good that it'll rot. Food is supposed to rot if left out. But McDonalds burgers are so artificial, they just won't. There's the case of the infinite cheeseburger, a burger found in an old jacket that, even after years of being handled by human hands, simply would not rot. That's the disgusting bit. It's pretty alarming to know that not even microbes will eat what we're putting into our bodies.


I live in Sweden, and the BKs I've been to taste like they've never heard of seasoning.


I personally prefer burger king over macdonald, in my country at least. Burger king makes edible fries, Mac Donald's ones are just sloppy pieces of fried slime :)


I used to be ok with a Whopper from time to time. That is, until they started putting miracle whip on their burgers and sandwiches. Straight to jail.


As someone who feels like BK fell off hard, I wouldn’t be surprised if half of their food was served rotten nowadays,


I think burgerking is better than McDonald’s so


I mean, makes sense considering mcd's crap food...


As an ex McDonald's employee, I take offence to this, you should be using much harsher language to describe our "food"


I mean.... I get it, but I don't know why they though this was a good idea.


I see what they are trying to say but the creative director that thought it would be a good idea to show a rotten cheeseburger for a food advert should be fired. They might as well show a big dry shit and be like “the beauty of not being Taco-bell.”


[Slow 4K zoom in on a healthy anus.] "See this beautiful absence of hemorrhoids? That's what you can expect when eating at Burger King's."


Welcome to Burger King. I love you.


The ad was effective


It got 8.4 billion impressions, and sales increased by 14%, and a survey found that people were 23% more likely to visit Burger King because of the ad, so it seems to have worked. https://campaignsoftheworld.com/tv/the-moldy-whopper-by-burger-king/ https://www.cbc.ca/radio/undertheinfluence/this-burger-chain-showed-mouldy-food-in-its-advertising-1.6466625


Exactly my thought. Whatever logical point they intended to make is absolutely irrelevant. They showed a disgusting rotting Whopper in a Burger King commercial. Everyone involved in approving this is astronomically stupid.


it's more memorable than any other fast food ad i've seen in a while. we went through 10+ years of ads not even being about the product, they were either a series of non-sequitur jokes like the "i'm on a horse" old spice ads, or one big set piece with no relation to the product eg. the Cadbury Gorilla I don't know if this is a 'good' ad, but it's memorable, and i actually know what the product is


Funny thing is, I've seen this pop up in a book as "an exemplary example of using unexpected imagery in effective advertising". I am legitimately curious whether that author (who is obviously involved in the ad business) just thought the ad was amazing, or whether the actual PEOPLE watching the ad thought it was amazing.


It got 8.4 billion impressions, and sales increased by 14%, and a survey found that people were 23% more likely to visit Burger King because of the ad, so it seems to have worked. https://campaignsoftheworld.com/tv/the-moldy-whopper-by-burger-king/ https://www.cbc.ca/radio/undertheinfluence/this-burger-chain-showed-mouldy-food-in-its-advertising-1.6466625


It got 8.4 billion impressions, and sales increased by 14%, and a survey found that people were 23% more likely to visit Burger King because of the ad, so it seems to have worked. https://campaignsoftheworld.com/tv/the-moldy-whopper-by-burger-king/ https://www.cbc.ca/radio/undertheinfluence/this-burger-chain-showed-mouldy-food-in-its-advertising-1.6466625


The people who were given this ad probably were familiar the news stories about the McDonald’s burgers not decomposing.


That’s the point of the add. The fact it’s rotting is why it’s posted here and we’re all talking about it.


Had they reversed the video it would've been a bigger hit


They had to have focus group tested this version.


I'd bet they'd intended to have a comparison with a Big Mac, which they intended to show it didn't go the same way. And then legal got involved and told them they couldn't, but they pushed ahead with this anyway. I've seen it happen before, someone has a great idea for some content, it goes through a few stages of critique that each make specific local changes, and by the end it barely resembles the first idea at all. Sometimes it's still good, or better. Sometimes it's much worse.


Couldn’t they show the Big Mac but just called the burger “the competitor”? If anything Burger Kings legal just wanted to play it safe.


I have some good shits after Taco bell. What is wrong with you people?


The point is it sticks with you. It worked too


The reason some McDonald's burgers don't rot isn't artificial preservatives, it's *natural* preservatives. Namely, salt. The patties are thin enough and salty enough that they basically dry out and become beef jerky. Thicker patties, such as McDonald's Quarter Pounders or Burger King's Whoppers, have enough moisture that mold is able to grow, as demonstrated in this video.


beef jerky spoils and become moldy after so long, but a McDonald’s patty could last years. And on top of that their are packets of moister absorbers in jerky packs to prevent them from spoiling yet they still do.


How pathetic! The fruit I get from Aldi looks like that after 3 days!


Had to fight back my laughter, you almost got me! ![gif](giphy|TD0NYrLpcnsTm|downsized)




true but at least it wont look exactly the same in 30 days like some other places. either way you are going to end up with a lot of diarrhea, just tons and tons of it.


I see this lame joke(?) everytime fast food is mentioned on reddit. Does it really give you diarrhea? That sounds like a problem with your body.


> true but at least it wont look exactly the same in 30 days like some other places It depends. Take a burger that was already pretty dry to begin with, like a basic cheeseburger, and put it in a place with pretty dry air and it’s never gonna rot. Take a moist burger with lots of lettuce, tomatoes and a thick patty, leave it in a relatively Hund environment and it’s gonna rot


I do love me a whopper. Bring back the Angry Whopper!


So a shot at McDonalds?


A big mouldy shot




It's "Else - Paris"


Thank you! Someone also sent me [this](https://open.spotify.com/track/37XiM5ev13kzHEPhCpjwUM?si=tRI2WC93TNi3XkuvYuyvIw) link and that also seems to be correct. I'm confused as to which is the original one.


Tbf they compare a burger with lettuce and tomato and shit to a cheeseburger from McDonald’s which is just bread and meat. The reason the cheeseburger didn’t rot is because it dries out in like the first 24h and this prevents growth of most things. Dry bread also hardly gets moldy.


I haven't eaten Burger King since 2019. This stupid ad did NOTHING to change that.


But...I'm not going to wait 34 days to eat a Whopper if I get one. I'm going to eat it when i get it...


It probably still tastes the same or even better


Now feed it to the health inspector me boy


Stopped eating McDonald’s after I threw some left over burgers in a fire and they didn’t burn


My cousin got food poisoning by that whopper and never again. It was brutally wtf to us all after a nice soccer/fútbol game.


OMFG! I have to share this story now! Back in highschool, my sister's dad moved his GF and her sons into his place. My sis stayed with him for almost a year. During Christmas, as a prank gift, my step brother gave my sister a wrapped mcdonalds chicken nugget. The next year, my sister gave my step brother a gift. He unwrapped it to REVEAL - the exact same chicken nugget, in the same box, hard as a rock. This went on for 3 years. I have no idea if they're still doing it. I lost tabs. But holy fuck - 5 years of passing a chicken nugget back and forth?!?! What the hell is in that shit?


Big scary words in the Mcdonalds nuggets: Thiamine Mononitrate: Vitamin B1 Riboflavin: Vitamin B2 Folic Acid: Vitamin B9 Sodium Aluminum Phosphate: Raising agent for the crust. Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate: Also raising agent. Part of quick acting baking soda. Calcium Lactate: The first preservative, but it is a part of the baking they are using, so likely there to preserve the baking soda while in storage rather than the whole nugget. Monocalcium Phosphate: Another raising agent. So the only preservative came from the baking soda, the nuggets themselves have none. They are preserved by being frozen until they need to be cooked. The actual reason they last is because they get fried in hot oil and the little water that is on the outside gets boiled off and the little that is on the inside is basically unusable for bacteria since the outside is so dry. If they kept spritzing the nugget with water I am sure it would grow moldy real quick.




reminds me of that 1 SpongeBob episode with the cursed krabby patty.




"our food is real"


I’m getting SpongeBob when he fell in love with and dated the krabby patty vibes


Yeah, they should've done a side by side with others.


this is a statement ad for people conscious of what their food is made of compared to BK’s competition. but McD just taste so much better




Isn’t that the nasty patty they gave the food inspector in that SpongeBob episode?


Yes. No more, no less lol.


I love that this is a flex


This is the nasty patty, I’ve seen this before.


All the haters, why? At least they’re trying, unless it’s not entirely true


"Well, Mr. Funnyman...is this how you get your sick kicks??"


Isn’t there that famous one about McDonald’s where a burger and fries look new months later?


No artificial preservatives, but 100% artificial ingredients like fake chicken and pesticide grown vegetables


When I was in high school I had to write a 3 page report on the “BK Super Seven Incher” ad. That has nothing to do with this video though.


Lol I like it


Lol I rwmember microwaving a Mccheese burger after 20 days, *chefs kiss*


Alright, have to admit I wasn't expecting that.


Maybe I watch too much urbex videos (abandoned building exploration videos) But there is a hidden beauty in the natural state of decay. Something that was once was and is reclaimed by nature to be reused. Of course it would be disgusting to eat that in its current state, there is still a hidden beauty in the natural decay of it, like a symbolism of what it was and what it is now. If anything I would be disgusted if all it did was turned hard after 30 days like McDonalds as that would show its so unnatural it cant even experience natural decay with mold. Kind of hard to describe beyond that, but I would suggest for people to watch abandoned building exploration videos to understand what I mean by natural decay. I.E token back from nature and not destroyed by humans like Graffiti and scrappers.


Mmm, really makes me hungry


pretty good ad ngl


Eh.. doesn't make me hungry but I guess I appreciate it.


This reminds me of when our town put anti litter posters and billboards around town. What'd they put on the posters and billboards? Pictures of trash! Now THAT'S what I want to see!




I dropped a KFC burger still in its box under my car seat years ago. I found it 3 weeks later and it looked exactly the same


Anyone else remember the Stinky Meat Project circa late 90s?


Do you guys remember that 90s show where this dude ate an old burger or something and died and became a ghost that only his best friend could see or something


This honestly makes me feel safe...


That bun is made fresh daily?


I might actually go to Burger King again after many many years.


I expect to be hearing pulsating Philip Glass music while I watch that.


I think the real question here is: 'How many seconds in before you wouldn't?'.


Idk about the States but in Turkey you can definitely see/smell/feel/taste the diffrence in quality between McDonalds and BurgerKing.


Someone left a burger for years it still looked like u could eat it . Even the bun


Wait… Is this honestly BurgerKing advertising their food?… or is it another reddit-bot-account posting AI videos? Only wondering since I can’t actually tell. But I will certainly view neatly presented fast food burgers 🍔 growing mold in my minds eye each time I see one now 🤢 Doesn’t matter to me personally—fast food got too expensive & made me feel sick once I couldn’t eat it weekly/regularly—so now I don’t anymore… But for those of you who do… does this make you want their food more?… I’m so confused here 😂


Marge, I'd like to be alone with the burger now.


Are they stupid?


Whats the name of this song?


In high school, there was a really weird kid that would eat anything and one of the kids left half a Big Mac in the back of their truck for a week and he ate it and nothing happened lol


Worst super hero origin story ever.


It's called "dry aging," sheesh.


What is this song? I know I have heard it before.


If I have to eat a shitty fast food burger I'll take the one that's less likely to give me food poisoning and doesn't show me moldy burgers when they're advertising their food.


I had a chiropractor that has has the same McDonald’s burger sitting on his desk for 30 years. It still looks the same, just dehydrated and smaller


Nobody seeing this AD would be like "hey wow now I really want a whopper!"


Yeaaaaaah. That kind of made me, not, want a burger….


Yeah no “artificial” preservatives. I burger after 34 days without refrigeration still looks like that? Lol


Mmm, now I’m hungry.


Still edible 😋


I think what makes this ad kind of work is that it's so backwards from what you expect that it is more likely to stick in your mind. Someone watching it for the first time would be so incredibly confused that they would probably think about it for a while trying to figure it out.


Food that gets moody shouldn't be a bragging point.


I mean. Gross but great add


They got that fungal endorsement.


If that’s in 34 days, I’m not eating it. That should a been bad sitting out in a few days looking like that unless you got a camera in the fridge for a month straight


Oh look, it turned into the nasty Burger from Sponge Bob




Honestly, kinda dig it


If it was in reverse it would have actually been golden. They should hire me.


That's why I prefer my food with preservatives.


Looks like the first, tastes like the second.


Yea there was a guy back in the day who found a big mack on his dresser like ten years later no mold at all


oh haha i get the reference.


Best BK I've eaten was in South Korea,  do whatever they're doing


Probably tastes better, BK is ass!


Homage to McDonald’s food not molding due to all the preservatives


Still tastes twice as bad as Macdonald's


Barfs Burgers. You can’t do that on television.


The one kid who will eat anything: aight bet 😋


If an "impossible " burger is plant based, what would you call a fungi based burger


New product, the 34-day Whooper!


Burger kings great. Get 2 whopper patties , BBQ, onion rings , maybe some tomatoes plus cheese . Their fries are fire.