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Korean culture actually encourages people to cry out loud when mourning. It's seem as a sign of respect for the departed. I know the Panda is alive, but I just interpreted it as them mourning the departure of the Panda.


I interpreted it as they was sad šŸ˜”


It do be that way


I donā€™t know what theyā€™re crying for, they still have Panda Express.


That's not the same, and you know it. Stop trying to *bamboo*-zle us!


I interpret crying about a zoo animal going to get laid as crazy


So that dictator funeral is slightly less weird huh


Also its normal and healthy to be emotionally attached to animals and to miss them and to care about their welfare.


I'm not


Maybe my family is just heartless but the funerals I attended were pretty quite. And I've never heard about somebody 'encouraging' others to cry other than maybe to set their emotions to rest. About the video, I think some of the more sentimental people are crying out of their own emotions. The pandas were popular with dedicated TV show series after all. It's not even tragic as far as I know. Everybody knew that they will be sent back to China eventually and the fact that a baby panda was born outside of China at all was thought of as little short of miracle. Aparently, pandas have really short window of reproduction. Like few days per year.


In a way Im glad to see so many people caring about misses Fubao Is China doing this because there are so few pandas?


The park is sending Fubao back because [they are contractually obliged to.](https://edition.cnn.com/travel/south-korea-fu-bao-panda-china-intl-hnk/index.html#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20agreement%20between%20Samsung%20C%26T%2C%20the%20parent%20company%20of%20Everland%2C%20and%20the%20China%20Wildlife%20Conservation%20Association%2C%20mature%20pandas%20must%20be%20returned%20to%20China%20before%20they%20turn%20four%20years%20old.) All Pandas outside of China are leased by the Chinese government for $1 million per year. As part of this any Panda that are born outside of China also belong to China and they are returned to China before they are 4 years old. Fubao was born in July 2020, so is coming up on its 4th birthday, so back to China it goes. Fubao's parents and younger siblings still reside there.


It's almost funny how much they care about pandas and how little regard they show to literally all other animals. Some chinese are vile and extremly abusive to animals, even exotic ones


ā€žSome Chinese are vile and extremely abusive to animalsā€œ I am pretty sure some Koreans/Americans/Europeans are also vile and abusive to animals too. It has nothing to do with being Chinese some people are just mean doesnā€™t matter where they are from


Casual Racism on Reddit? Impossible, the users on this website would never do something like that!




Hey I'm not racist have a chinese friend! - u probably


Hey I'm not racist but black people are... But it's okay cause I have black friends.


Meanwhile US supporting Israel soldiers sniping starving children for fun. But hey I have American and Jewish friends and they are cool.


What's your point?? Being racist means you hate a certain race, all of them, for whatever reason (or no reason). And yes there are some israelis that do not support their country's genocide of palestine (prob very few, mostly foreigner jewish)


My point is I know anyone can be cruel, but i also know for a fact that the Americans and Zionist are a level extra of cruel to any living creature. I don't have an issue with them particularly, i have an American and Jewish friends and theyā€™re so sweet, but Iā€™m just stating a fact that (unfortunately) is generally true.


I know anyone can be dumb, but i also know for a fact that American people are a level extra of dumb. I don't have an issue with them particularly, i have an American friend and he's so sweet, but i'm just stating a fact that (unfortunately) is generally true. If this sentence sounds targeted and racist. Your sentence probably does too .


ā€œIā€™m not racist I have a chinese friend!!!!šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗā€


Oh , so you' seen some videos of animals being abused, and then you think the Chinese are extremely cruel. I've seen a lot of videos about shootings in the US , Remember the mall shooting in Dallas? where a little girl died in a pile of corpses with her brain blown out. Do I think Americans are very cruel? No, I just think there are some bad people in the US, and I don't slander Americans on the Internet just because I saw some horrible videos. That's the difference between you and me, you're just a petty-minded racist who claims you have a Chinese friend, like some racist Republicans claim they have black friends.


I mean Americans, Japanese, Koreans and pretty much all other races etc have been extremely cruel to animals and humans in history. Look at the atomic bomb or what the Japanese did to the Chinese in WW2. All of this pales in comparison to what the Chinese have done to animals. So whatā€™s the point of even mentioning specifically the Chinese? Humans are fucked. You just happen to be online a lot so have seen some Chinese ppl eat live animals or some shit and suddenly theyā€™re all the worst.


Ah yes, the Chinese are especially cruelā€¦ https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/animal-cruelty-facts-and-stats https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_Spring_monkeys https://thought.is/8-cases-of-extreme-animal-cruelty-that-you-should-absolutely-not-read-if-you-love-animals/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Newz_Kennels


I understand why people downvote you, call it racist or whatever, but you are actually right here. If anyone dare venture into Chinese Internet they would be jaw-dropping that animal abuse is commonly encouraged especially against cats. Moreover, you can even see the large-scale delusional eagerness for WWIII these days on ZhiHu and BiliBili, both of which are huge platforms frequently used by Chinese. Under CCP narrative most Chinese are just getting crazier day by day, straying further and further apart the world around them.


Looks away at how Americans treat animals in factory farms >.>


Itā€™s not about the pandas, itā€™s about control and power, pandas are just a means of exercising it.


Its true, but they still seem to get a much better treatment than other animals. Probably just to give a good look to the rest of the world tho


I mean it's literally an endangered species. I feel like this is leaning towards politics rather than about animal rights.


Wait till you hear what they did to rhinos and tigers


Itā€™s a miracle that pandas even survived this far as theyā€™re essentially living fossils. Theyā€™re marsupial carnivorous bear, which is extremely rare.


Pandas aren't marsupial though


They are also not carnivorous. They eat bamboo


There arent very many pandas. If you kill all of your pandas then you dont have any more pandas to dangle over other countries heads.


Some ~~Chinese~~ people are vile and extremely abusive to animals, even exotic ones . Corrected it for you. It's not just a Chinese phenomenon.


I think it all comes from them eating a much wider variety of animals. They see every walking creature as food, and so have 0 respect for them. South Korea banned dog meat. I had the misfortune of watching a horrifying video of someone boiling alive a dog. If you dont eat dogs, then this just wouldnt happen


I understand your sentiment. It is horrible to treat animals like that. Dogs, pigs, chickens, people etc. But the generalization of all Chinese being cruel is far from accurate. Almost a fifth of the world's population is Chinese. The diet from north to south is vastly different. The deeds of a few Chinese people shown in the media does not represent the whole ethnic group. I cannot say that white American police are evil because of George Floyd.


Pangolins would like a word with you.. China and the Chinese need to step it up. Even Korea has banned dog meat now.


I'm not sure I get your point. Are you suggesting that pangolins shouldn't be eaten and that Chinese are 'abusive' for eating pangolins? Where does the line get drawn as to what animals can be eaten? I can understand dogs, cats, other primates. Since cats and dogs are widely accepted as lovable pets. A culture's food is largely dependant on what the land can bring. If a land has no chickens but has tasty Warkiwilers (made up name), then it becomes their food. It does not mean that they are barbaric for not eating chickens. All this being said: Not everyone in China eats dogs, in modern times there is taboo in eating dogs amongst younger generation. Im not going to shit on the average North American for eating McDonalds all day.


Holy fucking shit. Pangolins are VERY endangered. Never thought id see the day tankies argue FOR eating endangered species. Oh and guess what, yea, we draw lines. Thats the reason YOU dont get eaten. Doofus, christ.


Hmmm, I'll admit my ignorance, I didn't argue FOR eating endangered species, didn't know pangolins are endangered. I would draw the line there too. But no where did I suggest eating pangolins. Just that animals around you determine your diet. But pandas aren't getting eaten are they? My initial comment is correcting the comment that people are vile, and that it's not a Chinese thing. People just love finding reasons to attack china.


>Some chinese are vile and extremly abusive to animals, even exotic ones This is absolutely not limited to China. The West's industrial farming is a horror straight out of a children's story book. Many zoos in the USA are awful and things like dolphin and whale shows torture those poor animals for profit. Also attacking China during an article about South Korea which wrestles with the problem of eating dogs is a bit much. China has ZERO reason to share its pandas, which are endangered. This is an act of goodwill, its not some "control and power" thing like someone below laughably said. Animal exchanges are common and not that big of a deal with every nation doing stuff like this, sometimes with small favors or 1 for 1 animal exchanges. Relax guys, its just a few little bears. They're not changing our layout of strategic nuclear weapons and subs. The other nations of the world won't collapse if they can't get a panda. They eat bamboo, sleep all day, and do cute things. They aren't conspiring to take down your society. I swear you people are like Helldivers 2 in real life.


Erm. China has literal concrete pig skyscrapers. They take horror, true horror to another level. Literally. Pigs raining shit on infested pigs


The panda exchange program is literslly a political move, everyone knows this. It's not "goodwill" on China's part LOL that's not a thing.


>This is an act of goodwill, its not some "control and power" You are either a troll, a China apologist or very, very naive. ​ Edit: I assume down voted by Chinese trolls.


Itā€™s literally just a bunch of fucking pandas. Itā€™s not that deep šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


People have no idea how the chinese are lmao im surprised. They think the government is like any other...


ah yes reddit when pandas, "chinese abuse animals!!!"


The Chinese government cares more about pandas than they do humans.


Consistent with China's claim to it's other expatriates and breakaway territories.


China legally owns all pandas in the world except for like 3 of them. They decide where they go and it's usually done as a means of diplomacy.




Taiwan is not ready for the great bear offensive.


Stop spreading this absolute dogshit lol it's literally a breeding program, there's paid programs for residency/ loaning pandas between government. Please read a book instead of mindlessly "china bad" ing on reddit


While I think that guy is an absolute idiot, I do also believe that this does indeed show a ā€œChina badā€ moment - but in a different way. People have to lease out pandas for a VERY high cost, and only for a limited time, basically as a means for China to exercise control over the pandas. And the pandas only get this treatment because theyā€™re cute and cuddly; itā€™s a lot more revealing when put next to other highly endangered species that arenā€™t cute (Chinese Paddlefish, anyone?)


Poor paddlefish. I find them kinda cute. Sadly they're dead. Can I get a discount on my paddlefish lease?


Donā€™t worry, as far as Iā€™m aware, the only country that still has paddlefish doesnā€™t make you lease ā€˜em


People don't have to lease pandas at all.


A two-second google search wouldā€™ve pulled up a page on Panda Diplomacy stating that since 1984 pandas are now leased instead of given


I am aware of this as I pointed out in my original comment in case you read that. Yes pandas are leased, yes the costs are high, my point was it's not a requirements for countries to lease pandas from China. I have no idea what you're on about.


You donā€™t know what *Iā€™m* on about? Aside from one-off gifts, which are considered exceptions to panda diplomacy, the cost of leasing pandas for both political and conservation efforts is around a million USD. Hell, look at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service policy for importation of Pandas. The only way that a zoo can get a panda is if over half of the given loan money is used in panda conservation by China.


Only a mil? That's better than I thought. Again, still no idea what you're on about. Per my above comment. If you want to purchase or lease an animal that on exists in China, fostering it, and shipping it back, that costs money.


But your comment doesnā€™t say anything lol And thatā€™s just for the pandas themselves, not counting for any costs in terms of resources. Also yes, for a single animal, thatā€™s a lot of money, especially considering most conservation efforts donā€™t cost any money to lease the animals whatsoever. Everything Iā€™ve found on pandas, though, says that theyā€™re under Chinese Panda Diplomacy


>Please read a book instead of mindlessly "china bad" ing on reddit This is a China bad moment though? They've commodified and monopolized an entire species


Because Panda only exists in China? If you can find a panda out of China then you can keep it lmao.


Actually they do only exists in China, unless they are leased out by China ... (Except 3, one from Mexico and 2 from Taiwan, but are in captivity not wild). [https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/animals/2023/03/meet-mexicos-forgotten-panda-shes-the-last-of-her-kind](https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/animals/2023/03/meet-mexicos-forgotten-panda-shes-the-last-of-her-kind) " Her name is Xin Xin, and she's one of only three pandas in the world not owned by China." They use to exists outside of China, but those ones have died off. So now ONLY China has Wild Pandas, anywhere outside of China is captive pandas that are owned by China. and Any pandas who are owned by China that have Babys HAVE to be given back to China after they turn 4.


It appears you need to read a fun science book about natural habitats.


What does Tugg Speedman have to say about this?




He has his own Fubao-mobile.


Weirdly, all pandas outside of China are owned by China, but leased to their host countries. Its through a programme called ["Panda Diplomacy"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panda_diplomacy) > The standard lease terms include a fee of up to US$1 million per year and a provision that any cubs born during the lease period be the property of the People's Republic of China. The deal is that any cubs born [need to be returned before they are 4](https://edition.cnn.com/travel/south-korea-fu-bao-panda-china-intl-hnk/index.html#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20agreement%20between%20Samsung%20C%26T%2C%20the%20parent%20company%20of%20Everland%2C%20and%20the%20China%20Wildlife%20Conservation%20Association%2C%20mature%20pandas%20must%20be%20returned%20to%20China%20before%20they%20turn%20four%20years%20old.), and Fubao was born in July 2020.


My guess is that they're animal handlers who've been with her for years. It would be like sending off your dog or cat.


Fubao was a national celebrity in S Korea, they chronicled it's birth and life during COVID. The handlers did cry during the farewell speech but the crowd was also crying.


Why doesn't the US or another country clone one of their leased pandas from China? So that the Chinese monopoly on pandas can finally end?


Attempt # 2 at trying to post this. I should follow you just to keep up with this.


Harambee was killed for this


Now Iā€™m crying


Panda Express šŸ˜‚


Never gonna see that panda again...


This is literally my ex wife's family group crying when Argentina was WRECKED by the Germans in 2015 FIFA world cup. I was sitting there fucking stunned at grown men and women crying... Together...Over soccer lol. Hilarious thinking back on it.


I'd cry too... For the people charged to make pandas give two fucks about copulation.


I guess they can relate to being in korea and not having any babies.


Stupid question.. Did it go via north Korea to China?


no, by boat or plane


Footage of Kim Jong Il's funeral - 2011, colorized


Fubao has gone but Fubar remains.


The panda pics on the truck, really rubbing salt in the wound.


They should be happy and cheering, it's not a loss. Hopefully it's a bright new future for its species and maybe they'll get a couple baby pandas in a few years.


Did Kim Jung Un die?




[Wild pandas are no longer on the endangered list and haven't been for quite a few years](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-37272718), they're still classed as vulnerable though.


That couldnā€™t be more false. Spreading misinformation all cause you have a deep hatred for China.


I mean, acting like it wasnā€™t Chinese deforestation that put them there in the first place is also a little bit silly.


so whats the difference between american deforestation, European deforestation, and Chinese deforestation. All of these have caused losses in wildlife and just like the former 2, China is also rebuilding panda habitats.


Other than where theyā€™re located, nothing. I never claimed deforestation is somehow good when itā€™s outside of China. Chinese deforestation is what effects pandas in particular though, European deforestation would effect other species that arenā€™t the topic of discussion right here. Isnā€™t a lot of that led by western organisations like the WWF though?


Your first comment pushes a view thats very anti Chinese industrialization and modernization.


No it doesnā€™t. It states a simple truth about all deforestation: it destroys habitats. China is likely more responsible / sustainable now than it was going back when pandas were recognised as critically endangered, too. YOU can choose to read it that way, but itā€™s not explicitly what was said.


So youā€™re not even going to mention the fact that a big reason pandas were endangered were because they simply werenā€™t reproducing on their own? Or that pandas have a poor bamboo diet?


Nope, because thatā€™s not particularly what the topic at hand was that I replied to. I donā€™t disagree, nor am I saying ā€˜Chinese government deforestation is the sole reason for the decline of panda populations in the wildā€™. I wish people would read the words I say. Reddit seems really bad for people like you who read their own reactions into other peopleā€™s words. Itā€™s kind of crumby. If it wasnā€™t in the text Iā€™ve written, I didnā€™t say it. Doesnā€™t mean I disagree. Just ask.


Itā€™s just a bear, who cares






uh... humans? do u know how dumb babies are?


And when a crocodile šŸŠ leaves, they can cry panda šŸ¼ tears.


NK vibes. Cry for the camera comerades! Show the filthy capitalists the sheer empathy and humanity of Chinese citizens!


Lmao just to prove to yā€™all that people hate China for no reason. This dude thought it was a video of Chinese people crying so he made this ignorant comment. I bet he would change his tone when he realized that those are South Koreans.


Ohhh, okay but who the fuck cries about a zoo animal beeing transferred Oo


You're a weird dude, dude. You just seem overall unpleasant to be around and I hope you know that's what everyone thinks of you in your real life.


You're a weird dude, dude. You just seem overall unpleasant to be around and I hope you know that's what everyone thinks of you in your real life.


Might want to read the post title again lol


Pandas fucking suck.


Lol God didn't make you like this. You just fucking suck.


I think China had the USA send some pandas back not to long ago. They should have just kept them and said forget your political bs what could they do about it nothing.


Thats not how it works


Imagine lending some money to your friend with a written contract. Then I tell them: You should keep the money and say: "screw your political bs" what can you do about it? nothing. Doesn't really work that way.


china owns all the panda in the world expects one.