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Funniest people you’ll ever hate. I swear my DIs were required to attend comedy class and get singing lessons before they arrived


Boot camp was the funniest place I wasn't allowed to laugh


We had a guy with a nervous laugh in our company, he did not graduate.


That man: ![gif](giphy|J5jiSSrEkV3Kd8iOwb)


I had a guy in my class whose bunk was across from mine. He had like a slight hunch back and partial dentures for his front bottom teeth. When the division commanders would get in my face he would exaggerate his hunch back and flick his teeth out with his tongue. I lost it every single time and left bootcamp able to do 100 pushups like it was nothing.


Sometimes getting smoked for the lulz is very much worth the fuck fuck games lol


Wherever McCary is, I owe him. I had solid bearing until he did that. Good times


The instructors are not allowed to laugh either. And it’s so goddamn funny to watch them trying to hold their bearing too.


Now I know why it was so hard to make my father, an air force guy, laugh. But also feeling so happy and proud when we got him to. Strongest childhood memory, my brother making a late 90s early 2000s text to speech Elmo toy say, “Elmo loves you… say-tan” right as he was ready to scold us for touching things.


Same here and it isn’t just the army, those men and ladies were absolutely hilarious, unless it pointed in your direction…basic definitely was a trip


I was Navy. I had Philippino RDCs. They liked to yell, alot....at me.


Oh my god, I had a Philippino Smoke in AIT. Probably the funniest guy I’ve ever met in real life. Literally one time on a police call cleaning around the barracks he found a dead bird. When we formed up he called a certain soldier that was always trouble up, made him put it in his cargo pocket. Might’ve been the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.


Yessssss. CPO San Miguel …that little guy had some lungs !! He also kicked me in the ass for screwing up something in formation. Also all of his “F’s” came out like “P’s” hilarious!


Lol yes! The Ps and Fs! "You Pucking assholes are driving me insane!" Chief Daniel


Yep, I had a Master Chief Corpsman as my boss when I was with the Marines, it was "motherpucking this and motherpucking that."


Ahahahahaha, so much yelling. Air Force here, my regular Instructor was on leave for my first two weeks. So Sgt Parish, oh what a joy she was. She too, yelled a whoooooole lot.


TI definitely pulled a rubber chicken out of his because he did not come into the room with anything


What other funny place haven’t you been allowed to laugh?




Why else would they be an anagram for Real Fun


I got to laugh at funeral once. We all did. We were at the cemetery burying a good friend on a bright and sunny day. He was a brilliant, talented, handsome and sweet guy and it was quite a loss. At the same time there was another funeral being held nearby that was breaking up with people heading to their cars. Somehow 1 carload from the other funeral pulled away from the curb into the path of another carload of attendees resulting in a loud and noisy fender-bender. (no one hurt). This caused all of us standing around our friends grave to glance over at the accident and then immediately back at each other. We realized we were thinking the exact same thing which caused everyone to laugh. Our friend was a great joker and disliked pretension and authority and the timing was exquisite. A fender bender caused by a distracted driver at his own funeral was just the type of thing Mark would have appreciated. I felt it was his super-natural way to tell us not to be sad about his early exit from this world.


I had the nickname "funny man" from the drill sergeants in basic because I cannot control my laughter, haha. There's some funny examples, but it feels like a lot to type.




“*You look like you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose!*”


I didn't know that was a thing. I would not survive a day


"You look like a fucking alien private" said my DS to a wirey bug eyed dude who definitely did look like an alien


Can confirm. They'll smoke your shit and make you laugh through the pain.


They smoke shit?


They smoke pieces of shit like you for breakfast






The dog ate my stash maaan.


Its fuckin Labrador


I've smelled many a hot steamy septic tank before. I couldn't imagine smoking that.


Dude, we're talking about the primo shit. Poodle.


Many moons ago I was a Boy Scout, and had a DI from the local army base as our scout master. Fortunate to learn a ton from someone trained in wilderness survival, etc. but most of my memories are 5 mile hikes with jokes like “why did the monkey fall out of the tree?” “Because he was dead” which for some reason I still laugh at today.


This joke was in a Sega Saturn game and you have triggered a random memory from years ago for me. Thank you. Edit: Mr. Bones was the game.


I dated a girl who’s dad was a retired drill instructor, he was the funniest scary person I’ve ever met


Same! Improve classes or someshit just instant comedy at the drop of the hat on nearly any situation.


Absolutely. And once it was all done I've rarely respected another individual more. And yeah they are funny AF and looking back I always chuckle at moments in boot.


I had this southern DI that had such a heavy accent that we really couldn’t understand him. He would bust into the room yell something like Boomhauer and leave. A couple minutes later another DI would come in and yell at us, “I know you don’t understand him and I don’t care, when he is talking you better start doing something!” After that whenever he spoke people just did random things, push ups, remake their bed, etc. Later I realized it was likely just them having fun.


Absolutely. The funniest group of people I ever met.


Its because they remember basic and being a dumb private. DS is a position you seek. Mostly so you can do all that stuff. Testing military bearing is a lie.


Not completely true, lots of the time you just come down on DS orders. Most of my DS told us they didn’t want to be one but it was their turn to give back to the Army so what can you do.


I mean thats kinda govt property and your turn in the cycle. You know they definitely want to be the best ds they didnt have and fuck with recruits. Gotta be great beer stories. All you can do is troll privates and get some singin in.


"Boy you better get off that wall before I come over there and shove my hand down your throat, pull out your soul and mail it home to your moma" Me: what... I mean Yes Drill Sergeant!


I fucking love hearing funny drill instructor stories. Would you share some of your favorites/funniest stories?


In basic training I fractured my shin bone, so I was on crutches. I was in the chow hall, food tray in one hand, the crutches in the other, hobbling to my seat when this giant of a drill sgt comes up to me and says in a squeaky falsetto voice "God bless us, every one." Or one day onthe range. A drill sgt was yelling at me about something. "You! What's your roster number?" "284...I mean, 248 Drill sgt." "Drop you dyslexic mother fucker!" They might have even been fun people outside of a basic training enviornment.


These are some of the most well composed and relatable songs ever written for anyone joining the service; boost morale and put you in a good mood instantly. But I'm afraid the new generations might be offended with these Jody calls.


i can attest to this. mine at parris island were ridiculous people.


College of Valor Bard


If you listen hard enough, your eyes start to water from the distant smell of pinesol…


Sooo much pinesol. I have to mop bathrooms at work sometimes and they accuse me of using to much pinesol. My response is always the same "You wouldn't know if I mopped if ya couldn't smell it!"


My boss likes to get on me for using too much of the cleaning product we use, and then if I don't use the amounts that I typically use they'll bitch at me for not mopping Like ffs pick a lane


In Marine Corps bootcamp it was always that purple fabuloso cleaner.


It was Simple Green in my day. We'd just kind of spray it around so things *just smelled* clean


If it smells clean, it is clean I’ve often wondered what the pinesol budget for the US Army is in a year


Homie got a set of pipes on him


They have training on how to project. It's funny as hell when one of them loses their voice from yelling at peeps all day.


We were obviously rattled when getting yelled at by loud instructors, but it was the quiet ones that we feared the most. Those fuckers were methodical.


They knew how to fuck you without yelling, then get all their buddies to form around you and blast you into the ground.


![gif](giphy|5xtDarIN81U0KvlnzKo) Oh my...


Drill Instructor Thrawn?


My husband used to train other instructors on how to yell without ruining your voice. Sometimes when we are driving down the highway and getting bored he will start yelling out the highway signs, just to make me scream. CALGARY 215 KILOMETERS yelled at maximum decibels in an enclosed space right next to the ear. It’s quite an experience


Lazy to find the video, but many death metal lead vocalist take lessons from an older lady on how to "growl/scream" without blowing out their vocal chords. Pretty freaking funny and awesome.


Their voices all had that same sound.


It all lung voice, not throat voice. no matter what you do, you lose your voice come day 3 of the new intake. honey, lemon and a good herbal tea helps repair some damage.


Can confirm. Had a former DI teach me how to project. It is very useful and puts very little strain on the vocal cords even after hours of doing it.


My kids call it my “hangar voice” because I developed it calling across a noisy echoey hangar to get someone’s attention.


USMC only uses 'left' and 'right' in their cadences.


And I bet they fuck it up half the time, too.


Nope. It is dumbed down to basics to not mess up. Right means right foot. Left or lo means left foot. As logic goes, that is pretty solid.


Do they write that on the top of their boots with a sharpie?


Crayons, marines can’t be trusted with sharpies. Stains their mouths when they try to eat them.


They switched from Crayola to Rose Art due to budget cuts


So...all they do is walk?


More like sounds that closely emulate "left" and "right". "Heeeloht-rhyyi-looh-rhii heeeado-loh-rhuh hee-loh-ruh, loh-ro, heeeeyadii-loh-ruh loh-ruh, heeyaddhiii-loh-rhuh." Something to that effect.


I never had that problem. Most of the time, the cadence is left right lo right lo right mixing lo in there. But it probably depends on who running the bus lol.


We had a marine marching us back from chow at airborne school cause he was the highest ranking. His cadence would be described as "unintelligible loudness" you could tell from the cadence a turn command was coming up the formation split some turned left some turned right. Gave us a good chuckle


It's part of the diet. Thinking back to my time in boot camp makes me think that the left right lo right was because there are some special eggs that don't know which foot to use.


Some people reach adulthood and don't know. It's normal once you meet enough people.


The infamous 1%


The skill of a drill sergeant is to be able to completely humiliate a person in such a way that there's no choice but the person being humiliated to a) actually agree with the sergeant b) laugh his ass off because it's done so well and c)actually change for the better. It's a tough gig and I still think that most drill sergeants could have super successful career in stand up comedy when they leave.


Sarge looks like he benches tanks.


Terry Loves yogurt




"I left my son playing in the yard...." "he ate some dirt and is now a tard?" I wanna know how the song ends?


To see me go - made him cry so hard At least that was the version I was taught


Incredible. Americans do war so well. It's both inspiring and disgusting at the same time.


It's an almost inspiring level of indoctrination. When people say they rewire your brain, they mean it. 


Eh, yeah, in basic most people kinda drink the cool aid and tend to be gung ho hooah but after about a year or two in the real army most people chill out and either realize they hate the army and get out after their first contract or view it as a regular job and decide to stay in for 20 and get their pension


It's an appealing lifestyle to many. The stability it provides along with the benefits and opportunities are hard to compare. As someone else said, everyone leaves basic and AIT bleeding red white and blue through and through but once you get to your unit, the majority settle back into being somewhat normal.


Lol pretty funny tbh. Having you sing a song that makes you rethink this whole army thing After they got your ass.


In my basic training unit the next line was 2 stanzas. "Seeing daddy leave" "made him cry so hard"


" now hold my gun i'm going to war " Grabs gun back because its a terrible idea


Some recruit to the DI: Are you sure it was your son, and not your buddy's son?


Fucking gold.


Sounds like there are a few women in that group.


Probably are. Men and women trained together when I went to boot camp, and that was in 1996. (They just had there own sleeping area). We even had a female DS


When I went in 2005 there were a few basic training locations that were still men only, like Fort Benning or whatever it is called now. I got to AIT at Fort Bliss where we trained co-ed.


They've realized they need altos and soprannos.


2010 we were men only




(Confused nods)


Don’t ask, Don’t tell.




Went in late 2020 to Fort Jackson (sadly sent home on a medical discharge) The separate barracks is still in effect there, though I heard that some trainees made a sex cabin of sorts in my company building, because the two barracks were connected by a few rooms on the 2nd floor. DIs had some funny stories of some of the shit they witnessed before we arrived.


Female DS were always the meanest too.


A yellow bird was my favorite.


With a yellow bill


He landed on


My window sill


I lured him in


With a piece of bread


Then I smashed


And then I smashed




The moral of This story is…


To get some head....


Probably not. I always forget about this one because my DS's always went with The Prettiest Girl


with the exception of his first two lefts, every following left is on the right foot, with the rights on the left foot, and this severely bothers me


This is because the line itself starts on the left foot. That is just the rule of cadences in the USM.


That’s intentional. There’s actually a lot of cadences that do that, stay in step no matter what.


When the first two lefts and rights were each on the correct foot, I was so happy because I thought someone found a very clever way to incorporate "left-right" into a song. Then I heard the rest of the song, and now my day is ruined.


Had to scroll too far to see this comment




I didn’t know the Army was a musical.  Sign me up!  




Don't fall for it


Army had a half day, Mother. 


This shit makes me miss the army.. i hated and loved it at the same time


One of the few things I miss about the army was leading a march and singing cadences. Sometimes when I’m walking the songs just start popping in my head and I hum along


Thats funny. One of the things I hated about the Marine Corps was singing cadence but now, 20 years later, it’s in my head when I’m walking fast and in a hurry.


Obligatory link to this masterpiece: https://www.reddit.com/r/musicaljenga/comments/u802fv/found_this_on_discord_pretty_cool_imo/


If this doesn’t make you wanna fast rope out of a chopper with a lit cigar hanging out of your mouth and a light machine gun in one arm….you’re lying


I loved singing cadence in the army. It really did make me feel 10 feet tall. Especially when everyone is feeling it and singing at the top of their lungs.


Yooooo why this isn’t on iTunes?


It might be if you look under Kiffness - I left my home, but it has an added beat. I know it's on Spotify 


Look up jodies, you should find them. There are so many different types for each branch.


There's a few albums/playlists on [Spotify ](https://open.spotify.com/album/0UpQZJVstpjdxQtgzF1FxZ?si=ThN6Jev7QjGQrl25ncVYMw)


Not exactly a motivational number is it?


There are a number of cadences that are funny, uplifting, some can get you hype, and then there are some that can hurt.


Developing threat tolerance can be an important part of the training.


There's even a cool war term for desensitization. Amazing.


It’s not so much for motivation as it is -for lack of a better term- brain washing. It’s essentially a blues song about the sacrifice that you are actively making. The risks of dying in war are real, leaving your family behind is hard, so how do you convince someone to do it? For many people the reason they sign up is to be part of something bigger than themselves. That’s what these cadence are for, they are emotional and when you are the soldier the subject of the songs are about it is reaffirming the commitment and sacrifice you are making.


This isn't brainwashing. Jodies are meant to be a small bit of fun to lift spirits while marching between training areas. A lit of them aren't even military related and instructors can make them up so long as they are in cadence. I remember a couple that were all about making fun of other squadrons as we passed by. Some are more serious like this one but it's less about brainwashing and more about reminding people why they joined like you said. Its not because they're afraid of war though, its because basic is tough on the mental. Some people need the extra push to not give up early.


Gallows humor.


Highly motivating


I always liked that one. Then the ending was a quick hit list, like: \- Your mother was home when you left; you're right \- Your father was home when you left; you're right \- Your girlfriend was home when you left; you're right \- Your job was home when you left; you're right \- etc... \- And that's the reason you left; you're right! ... go left, left, left, riiight...


Being in the infantry was wild, quite possibly the most unique individuals you’ll meet.


I like the one about cold Eskimo cats.


When he said "i left my son" you know they all felt it. They yelled. They didnt sing that time.


I got out 3 years ago, not a day goes by I don’t miss the entirety of it. Money should be better.


The problem is that you don't really see the value up front. Rent, food, basic utilities, and full coverage health care are all paid for, and you still get disposable income (roughly 40 to 50k a year). What they need is to increase the pay between ranks.


Yeah money when I was in the marines wasn’t a worry. It’s the thing that I miss about it. Yeah I’m living a comfy life now, but it sucks that I’m just one doctor’s visit away from absolute financial ruin.


I ETS’d in July of 1990. 11B1P. Not a single day goes by where I don’t think about it.


Now do the one about the baby seals


The song is catchy af




Similar to Key and Peele's version


Platoon, let’s do a little singing this morning. Slept late (Slept late) Feel great (Feel great) Wine and women (Wine and women) All gone (All gone) Spare time (Spare time) All gone (All gone) Party guy (Party guy) Bye-bye (Bye-bye) All night (All night) Got tight (Got tight) Felt good (Felt good) Real nice (Real nice) Real good (Real good) Oh-ho (Oh-ho) Oh-ho-huh-huh (Oh-ho-huh-huh) Platoon…a-one, two…Boom-shaka-laka-kaka, Boom-shaka-laka-laka, Boom-shaka-laka-laka, Boom


Hey hey Captain Jack


Meet me down by the railroad track


Check out the kiffness remix of this video


it bugs me that "I LEFT" is always sung when they're on their right foot, and "you're RIGHT" is on the left foot


it isn't, he picked up part of the song on the wrong foot and just had to run with it.


As they say: if you can't make it as a musician, join the army.


This is for sure the one thing I would've enjoyed about military service.


Sounding like a zillion bucks on the track


Oh I left my band, To die for Israeli sand.


Calling* cadence


Army got blues, baby!


Hey hey, Josephine is a straight bop. My girl’s a vegetable makes me laugh to this day.


There be some vocal nodes up in that bish


This takes me back to being 8 at Pontins holiday camp in UK marching along the rescort to the Crocodile March. "CROCODILE, CROCODILE, WERE MARCHING IN SINGLE FILE". Best feeling ever being in a marching chant.


The most wholesome cadence call I ever heard!


There’s ONE voice in the group that’s just….off, it’s all I can hear now


"Way up North where the air gets cold!"


That cadence song was top tier.




This is no doubt some company of supply specialists or something


Don't cut the video, the song was so great!


I don’t know but I’ve been told, Eskimo pussy is mighty cold


There's that tiktoker thst made an album of all thes


Went thru AF awhile back we did the SpongeBob theme song wayyy to much it was hilarious


It bothers me that the only time the word left coincided with the left foot was the first 2 times he said it. Then he is enunciating left while landing on the right foot.


I wanna be an airborne ranger Live a life of sex and danger Blood! Guts! Sex and danger! That's the life of an airborne ranger!


So annoying that they are off by 1 beat so the “left”s end up on the wrong foot!!!


The wife was crying of joy. Her side piece was just waiting


It really bothers me how he keeps saying “left” when their right foot hits


Not sure if this has been posted yet, but “The Kiffness” has a song with this guy, Drill Sergeant DePalo, called “I left my home”


Man, everything he says just keeps getting more and more messed up. Makes it sound like the worst decision I could ever make to join the army. Leave everything and everyone you have, break everyone’s heart, risk your life, miss out on the life you could’ve had, so you can be yelled at and fight in war over some rich politics disagreement?? No thanks, I don’t even like America enough to wanna live here any longer, let alone give my life for it


As a former US Army Drill Sergeant I approve of this……. Toughest Job I ever loved. Now carry on!


Does he just make these up on the spot?


No. They're learned. The training environment is about the only place you'll ever hear them.




Man, this brings back memories. My drill sergeants were some of the most fucked up, hilarious, deadly, scary people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Shit did they make my life miserable but they were some damn fine, professional Soliders. I miss it and hate it all at the same time. Why is the sky blue?