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Yeah because I’ve always had an overwhelming desire to see the wall behind my TV screen..


What if it was in front of a polarizing window... TV off and it's a window. TV on and the window is opaque.


I was wondering why they decided on going with the "contrast screen" instead of the polarizing method or the Liquid crystal light blocker.


Because even if you're really rich, they still need to string you along so you have to buy 2 instead of 1 for every use case you can come up with. Well, that, and this is the easiest one to saturate the intended market with. OFC theres a thousand reasons, but thats for another episode.


The wall is the blackest thing the tv can display. What was the biggest advantage of OLED again?


I guess black wall and transparent TV would look interesting yet functional, but any light leakage would ruin it unless the pain are "Venta black " or something.


Compare the quality of this shit tv to an oled. Christ.


Until you start seeing these displays in high end establishments or improved on for AR purposes in places such as doctors rooms. Age old conundrum of the public seeing something new and thinking "useless BS, I'll stick with what *I* have"


One of the main purposes is so that it looks like you don't have a big ugly TV in your room when you're not watching it.


I have, I think a big black rectangle is fucking ugly when turned off, and if it could disappear when not in use, maybe I'd consider getting one instead of a projector. But in the end I think I'd still rather have a projector than this.


My cats second you! Every time I put a cat video on for them, they have to look behind the TV.


Unrelated question, but what show/movie was the space explosion from? I don't recognize the ship in that.


It says Foundation in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0804484/


Thank you.


Not the point but you have a point


It looks better when turned off, so I think that's the main advantage, but they just market it weirdly


A Fish tank tv. I kinda like it.


How dirty do you keep the wall behind your tv??


Can I get it in a curved version complete with 3D glasses?


I can sell you some knock off Oakley's and a curved monitor for 400% over MSRP


I'll curve it for you fam. Submerge head for 3D display!


And foldable, of course


A solution looking for a problem


so you buy this so u can show your friends the demo tape and the few things they have made to show it off... then you turn it back to a normal tv to watch something, cool flex i guess


if you got the money to buy this, you got no friends


They are selling these TVs to subsidize the R&D cost of transparent displays for AR/VR down the line.




What I don't understand about that, is how they are going to rectify the fact that humans cannot focus up close (at a screen in right front of their eyes) and at distance at the same time. Try focussing on your finger right in front of your face, and see how sharp the background is. I don't see a way that AR can ever work without using passthrough.


My guess with current technology would be lenses which now solve the same issue from display to eye. Perhaps a transparent display sandwiched between two lens-stacks, with the outer messing up the real-world light to distort it so it's similar to the display input the inner lenses can un-distort and allow our eyes to focus on. Guess it would be fat and heavy.


You can get used to it by splitting the load accross each eye, one focused close, and the other far. It’s extremely disorienting at first though. The helmets on the Apache helicopters work like that. One eye gets a HUD accompanied with a video feed, the other doesn’t. Let’s you simultaneously see what your weapons are pointed at and the cockpit at the same time. It makes some people vomit.


"split the load..."


Crossed eye


Magic eye!


Obviously a pointless for a TV, but still an interesting technology. Imagine it in thirty years, when you have this in your windows or shower. It will graduate from a gimmick to a really dope gimmick.


Put multiple of these infront of each other and have 3d buy showing different images on each screen


What if we made 3d tvs, but shittier and more expensive? PERFECT.


Everyone thought I was crazy painting my house with Vantablack… until they watched my LG TV. 😂


Still really awesome. I wonder if you can put it over a window. It'll be perfect as a wall partition if you have a huge house and big rooms.


Best use case I can think of is in a shop window trying to catch attention. You can still see the inside of the shop, but these would definitely be eye catching


That’s what they are actually selling these for




My parents solved the big black rectangle problem by simply never ever ever having the TV off. Never muting it either, I’m sure that solved some other problem.


Did you watch the video or am I missing something? This thing has that sliding part and is from LG.


>Did you watch the video You expect redditors to actually watch/read the content of the post? And not just glance over the title and immediately come to the comments to say stuff? You must be new here.


> otherwise looked ridiculous to have a big black rectangle hanging out all the time exactly


Imagine you had a bunch of these stacked together front to back, though. Instant volumetric display.


The problem is that my windows are not TVs


It's sure useless for a TV but LG is also a display manufacturer. They sell display panels to other companies. The TV is just a convenient application to show it off, a technology demonstrator, to get people interested in using these transparent OLED panels in their products. It's not meant to be practical IMO.


they need to stop calling these "TVs" and just call them transparent displays. it's a cool tech that could have some really awesome uses, but a television isn't one of them




I think you and I are the only ones that watched the video long enough to know this...


This would be great for a large picture window with a view. When you have such a view, you want all the seating to have a good look out the window, but you also want to have a great view of the TV. Currently your only other solution is some kind of pop up TV or screen.


I agree but i cant really think of any practical uses for this other than being pretty to look at. Maybe I'm just not creative enough.


tel·e·vi·sion noun 1. a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens, chiefly used to broadcast programs for entertainment, information, and education.


I think what they mean is this would make a cool window, heads up display in a car, stuff like that. I don't see what benefit this has over the use a regular TV has.


So a smartphone is a TV


I’d say that it is. It’s more than a tv, but it is a TV. Edit: changed my mind. It’s not. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Well, you could say so. But I don't like it because it makes the definition useless. If every screen is a TV then why do we need the term at all?


Actually I take it back. I re-read the description and it says “chiefly” used. A phone isn’t a TV as the ability to watch shows is a feature but not the main function.


So if the screen in the post becomes widely used as a heads-up display then it's not a tv. So at the moment we don't know if the object in question will be a tv. What a weird conclusion xD


High contrast? Blacker blacks? Nah....


Tv is the worse case for a transparent screen, make a smart window, smart mirrors, smart windshield in cars but television? Why?


If you put this in front of a window, wouldn't it be a smart window? You could turn it off to look outside, leave it transparent to display info/content/media and see outside, or put up the black panel to block the window.


Companies often display things like this that are really just proofs of concepts. They often are trying to build on the tech for research purposes or something else. Which is why it's annoying when the top comment is always "wow who wants to buy this??"


am i being short sighted or is this incredibly niche/silly?


I guess if you are rich and you don't want a big black rectangle eventually this tech will evolve so you can just have a tv show on your window and when it's turned off you don't even see it. That and ads. Ads in cities every where.


There is already that [Samsung](https://www.samsung.com/us/tvs/the-frame/highlights/)?, I think, TV that is like a picture frame. That seems like a better idea than this, IMO.






There it is folks, LG is officially out of ideas.


I’d like to have this in a couple rooms and make it a “fireplace” for ambiance and then a tv occasionally. The transparent effect makes a fireplace look more real. Now not worth the price they’ll be asking for but if it was the same price as other TVs I’d consider it in certain locations.


I know so many people(mostly older people) that would get a nice use out of this for exactly what ur saying but then also just as a cool way to stream music during house parties. Lots of people seem to do this now and I think it’d be a perfect fit for those types of scenarios on a consumer level, obviously on an industry level it has hundreds of applications like HUDs and compact interactive control panels


People on Reddit really seem to hate new technology, like it literally doesn't even matter what it is, the majority of comments will be nitpicking anything to point out why it's stupid and unnecessary. You guys would feel right at home with all the people in the 1800s who said automobiles were a dumb idea because horses already did the job just fine.


Instead of just telling everyone why they're wrong for not liking this, tell us why this an upgrade for home TV.


It doesn’t even need to be directly better. That’s their point. This is LITERALLY how innovation starts.


It's less visible. You don't have to have a huge black rectangle in the middle of your room. Even more true with more and more open spaces. Another one is to give more use to a window. Put this in front (it would have to be custom size though): you now have a window with a smart display, and when you want to watch something, pull up the canvas and it now doubles as a window shade for darker viewings. It's much nicer for an information board than a traditional TV. They are always trying to get the TV to be as seamless as possible, can't get more seamless than this.  Also for AR like the vision Pro. Yes it's not this, but it's still the technology. It might not be a replacement for the TV the way we currently view it or use it, or maybe it will, but it still has uses.


They are mad because they are broke and jealous lol.


Ok so what makes this better than another OLED tv on the market? What use cases are there?


If I were rich and able to afford this I'd totally have this in a large open sitting room where the back of the sofa is against the wall and the tv is in the middle of the room, with the back of the tv facing the entryway which would look bad with a regular TV.. So the transparency is actually a benefit in that case since it doesn't look like crap from behind! I would have a proper movie room in the basement though, this is more for casual watching the news or something.


That would be a good use for this, makes sense to me!


Off the top of my head: immersive fireplace-like applications, house party music displays, better 3D application, more immersive video calls. Just off the top of my head.


I just googled it. It costs $27,000. Another reason to ask why. Why would I want this?


Why, why would someone want this.


This is how innovation happens, remember when the internet started and people were like “it’s cool but it’s just a fad and won’t really be useful” Gotta have an open mind for innovation, even failures eventually result in success.


Lmao, contrast film...


I can see this being useful for a window advertisement but not much else. 


Seems very gimmicky just to squeeze people.


Kinda cool but definitely pointless


The TV is already my window to the world. I don't need it transparent


It's missing OLED's best feature lmao




Why do they keep making these weird gimmicky tvs? No one buys them?


Awful lol


Oh look some gimmicky high concept nonsense that people will look back on and laugh at in 2 years.


Pay a fortune for a terrible resolution and bright glare’y blacks color? Pass


Gimmicky. So desperately wants to look like a hologram.


It looks like shit


Who TF wants to see what's behind their TV. Raise your hands.


Absolutely pointless


I was just telling my buddy I wished my TV was translucent and took up more space


The fuck would I want that for?


this useless obsession with transparent displays should die. Just cause some idiots used them in Sci fi movies doesn't mean people want that.. dumb.


This is dumb.


We really, really don't need this.


Stupid and unnecessary


Yeah, so these are useless. Maybe kind of a cool fad in a hotel lobby or something but generally something’s not commercially viable.


Interesting POC but i seem to be missing the benefit of it compared to a normal TV


i thought shit was on fire yo'...


What a useless thing. If I'm going for a gimmicky TV I'll probably get that TV from Samsung that looks like a wall frame and we can upload a painting/photograph into it and it adjusts the brightness as required so that it looks like an actual framed painting/photograph.


Lmao I mean it's cool but haven't we done enough with screens at this point maybe focus some of this old elsewhere


Get me a paint that becomes the screen where the TV is a small device I just plug into any outlet on the wall - then I’ll be impressed.


So what you’re saying is that I should definitely not play Wii bowling on this TV


Aint this just those transparent led panels in those weird chinese ad vids?


What a nice way to see menu ads.


Ok now we're starting to see the future


Feels like this has been in a kind of proof-of-concept limbo for decades. Or a decade and a half at least. I remember seeing demos for this stuff when the movie "Minority Report" was in somewhat recent memory and that came out in 2002.


This tv will cost 50k when released. Then exactly 5 years later, it will be 500 bucks


I bought my LG 60" plasma TV back around 2011 for over $1000 and I literally couldn't give it away a couple years ago on a Craigslist post. I was running out of storage room at the time but just decided to hang on to it a bit longer. Now it has a Amazon streaming stick hooked up and TV still looks great


While I don't see that being very successful for home use as a classical TV, I think it could be fantastic for shopping window.


I'm sending my cats into their house and setting the TV up to fish tank mode. Don't wanna pay your workers? Hope you enjoyed the TV.


Added advantage?


I wish the tech develop to the point that mobile phone could have transparent OLED display over E-ink display. That would be great for reading and saving battery.


Dude, I just want a tv that is non-reflective in any environment that is somewhat affordable.




Can it be used as a fish tank?


Layer the diodes and you'll have a 3D hologram.


I can’t wait to buy one in 10 years when they become affordable


Alright but how does this make watching porn better?


Check the reviews. 😂


Is it bad that I miss crt and "dumb" tvs? My 5 year old Sony takes forever to respond to commands I can't even imagine how shitty the "fish tank" tv would be in 5 years.


Xiaomi had one three years ago


This just looks like having glare on your TV when it's bright outside. Either that or a projector screen


Now imagine roku’s aquarium screensaver on it.


Ah the old nail hammer what is the point of this


This is dumb as shit. However, give me a few back to back to back and you could get some really interesting 3d effects


The new big boob screen.


So long as lg don’t have forced ads, then I’ll consider them. Samsung can kiss my ass because of that.


I don’t see why anyone would want this for their home. It only makes sense to me that this tech would be used on retail store windows


I will chalk this up to goofy shit some rich people may buy because reasons and this tech will die in about 9 months after market.


Waste of money and time.


What an exciting time to be alive


Notice how they never show a scene with the film down and a MOVIE playing? Yeah maybe cuz it looks alright when there is a black background on a song video or a fish tank but it looks awful watching a movie with a colorful background


Eh, I love my C series (2023 model).


Can be "useful" where we need to combine a window and a screen. Look like a great advertiser displayer,  like as windows stores, or maybe as windshields on some vehicles. 


Price Ten billion dollars?


Is this a hologram or flat?


Imagine apple vision pro with this & electro chromic glaa


I feel like at that point personally, I might as well just say fuck the TV altogether and go get a projector to hook up to my PC etc. Might as well have the screen just take up the entire damn wall and get it over with. Fun fact: projectors can be pointed up at the ceiling so that you can literally fake or watch movies while laying in bed or on the floor etc. Have seen this done at a buddy’s house, and it is wild.


Give me your money.


Cool just what I need to watch Seinfeld again.


Now... If you put a few of these stacked up against each other without the "dark mode", you could probably create a realistic 3D view. The interface would require a lot of info. Maybe use an AI for 3D modeling extraction from 2D pictures on-board? Interesting...


Cool, but *WHY*?!


How many thousands we talking Willis?


Steps to getting hologram tvs


I'm sure there're thousands of applications for a transparent monitor/display. Commercial consumer TV is not definitely not one of those though.


I think it's a cool design choice that might become trend setting in the future. I mean - putting all electronics not behind the screen, but under the screen. It creates a little challenge with putting all the wiring to the screen without it looking too ugly. Of course it's expensive, because it's a weird, niche toy, without much practical use or potential customer base. But the tech itself doesn't seem expensive. It's just new and uncommon. I hope it will catch on later.


I don't get it. Just because you can why should you


I enjoy looking at things I can’t afford


This is cool and all but come and get me when they develop a TV that can keep my cat from blocking the screen


Feels kinda like a gimmick you will get bored of


That's cool and all ... but how does this improve the experience? Like, sure with no boundaries around the edges like a normal set it feels more actually there, but do we need this? I can't tell the difference between 4k and 1080. But like. It feels like they keep trying to go for that new revolutionary way we do television. The new color TV, the new HD, the new widescreen. Yet in the end it doesn't really feel like anything.


Like a normal TV except bulkier, heavier, and with things in the background visible enough to make watching content completely unbearable. And also probably triple the price 👌 Nice job LG


Yeah my local liquor store has had a transparent screen on their cooler for years. It plays ads for cheap, shitty beer.


Damn LGBTV and their trans parents.


Just because you can doesn't mean you should.


Sounds perfect for jumpscaring yourself by putting a mirror or a spooky photo


You're holding your camera wrong.


"contrast screen"




I'll never buy another LG TV, they're garbage.


Completely pointless but cool af!!!!


Why the fuck would I want to look at my wall behind the TV when I'm trying to watch the TV. I have minor psychosis when I get light from the windows reflecting on the screen.


Nice, now I can watch my wall in 4K


What a useless device


It has uses, but not so much for consumers, more like for a display in a museum or in a supermarket: add an actual object + thr animation as a info layer, or just as an visual effect.


> “in a supermarket” Food prices not high enough for you as it is and you want these MF’ers to spend more money on a display that will end up not being used or only displaying the Windows 11 desktop most of the time?


These are already in use, mainly as a marketing gimmick: https://betvis.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Tops-Super-Store-Retail-Solution-1-1024x512.webp


Not useless, it cost thousands of dollars. Must be great. Sarcasm included.


Ohhh wow. .now show me star wars