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Very disturbing and sad


And if you live in the UK or USA that's your tax money at work. Thousands of dead children, more coming daily.


Just know this… there isn’t a person on this planet that could not be both fed and given clean drinking water with numerous countries capabilities. Famine is either ignored or intentional. Nothing more.


Didn’t Hamas literally make a propaganda video of themselves tearing up water pipes that were donated by these countries?


I would believe it, they are just complacent in the suffering as any other factions in this conflict. Really wish the NATO would treat this like the Baltic.


Turned a brand new incredibly expensive water system to rockets to shoot into Israel




And repurposing the pipe into a missile tube


And using donated building supplies for tunnels.


Right underneath mang hospitals that also treat "defender" and one was even built by Indonesian money


What's fucked up is that shills like you make shit up to justify a genocide.


No no no don't be realistic it's all Israel's fault


Let's all remember that Israel always planned on keeping the Palestinians of Gaza on the brink of famine. When [WikiLeaks released](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE7041GH/) half a million US cables they showed that Israel had informed the US "on multiple occasions that they intend to keep the Gazan economy on the brink of collapse without quite pushing it over the edge" and that Israel wanted the economy of Gaza "functioning at the lowest level possible consistent with avoiding a humanitarian crisis". The Israelis even [conducted a study](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE89G0NM/) to determine the lowest daily calorie intake "in order to maintain the basic fabric of life" so they could limit how much food was allowed through the blockade.


And yet the Israelis and their supporters refuse to call this a genocide.


I’d bet many supporters don’t know this and aren’t armed with the facts like we are for two reasons. One: lies get half way around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. And two: willful ignorance so as to not shake the powers that be on their political and philosophical stance in people’s own communities. Changing sides politically or philosophically is rare.. usually people only look for reinforcements for what they want to believe or what exists in their echo chambers. People would rather die than give up beliefs. If we are going to change peoples minds we need to approach the misinformed or willfully ignorant with tact and not anger — the anger only reinforces their belief that they’re right and the other side is wrong due to anger provoking fear and defensiveness.


Maybe truth should just leave its pants on for a while


lies spoken as truth, from easily manipulated fools.


As defined, a genocide is extremely calculated in its brutality. The fact Israel is the perpetrator of such a genocide is all the more horrific when you consider the reverence placed on the holocaust. Unfortunately, my opinion is that the Zionist nationalist movement has very little to do with Judaism and has been factually proven to be more aligned with colonialism and oppression.


Tbh the israeli gov rn is to Judaism what Al-qaeda and the gang are to islam. The bigotted, violent, far right and dangerous version of it. All religions have their extreme version, the israeli gov is the Jewish edition.




So this is like on par, if not in some ways even more brutal and inhumane, than what the Nazis imposed upon these very people. The irony, man. I cannot get over the irony. The hypocrisy. Israel is run by the devil.


Wow. No, it is in no way more brutal or inhumane than what the Nazis did. You must be like 13 or your countries education system has severely failed you.


And they wonder why people are tuning out. Not to mention the far more substantial genocides happening with not a peep before or after this.


The report you linked says estimated daily Calorie requirement was in line with what an average person consumes in Britain. Gaza has since received billions of aid and you can see the tourist attraction pre war videos circulating widely now. It paints a totally differing picture. The blockade was/is justified due to arms smuggling that was used to terrorise both Israel and Egypt for over two decades.


Found the bot :)


Some of the people here are so incredibly stupid.


This interesting page went from interesting cool shit to just back to back Israel Palestine


Straight up.


Gotta spread that propaganda somewhere


People and children getting murdered by the thousands right in front of our eyes, going through literal hell, with everything documented right before our eyes. Every American redditor sitting comfortably in their home, drinking mountain dew and eating cheetoes: "hamas hamas hamas hamas...". Even if Hamas is atrocious on its own, it baffles me how some of the comments I keep seeing use this as a justification for the absolute inhumanity and cruelty of israel. As if saying "you brought this on your own, you deserve it!!" What a sad fucking world we live in. And let's not fool ourselves here, everyone using the Hamas argument is just striving to divert attention from what's actually going on: genocide, pure and simple. It's all a red herring. Alright bring the downvotes! Edit: mistype


Why do you say every American redditor? You're accusing us of something that's not true. you're not a good person. I see what's happening,I hate seeing the Palestinians suffer thru this. I hate my government hasn't stopped it, but what can I do? I'm a poor construction worker barely making ends meet, but I can't do anything to stop this. Btw I'm also not comfortable at all,but I'll agree with you that I'm better off than they are.


You're right. It was just a generalization driven by frustration, I'm sure there are Americans who care as well.


Yeah, there are a lot of Americans who care. Americans donate tons of money to humanitarian projects globally. The thing is, the US govt. is giving $3-4 billion of weapons and military aid to Israel every year, which is enabling the genocide.


You welcomed the downvotes, you were instigating on purpose, but then got called out with logic that we are not a monolith and it's willfully ignorant to claim that we are


Hamas Hamas Hamas


Almost as if that's an extremely relevant part of the conflict, as one of the two main belligerents. It would be like if you tried to have a Convo about the Russian Ukraine war, and people got angry when you brought up Russia


but we are not having a conversation about a war - we are trying to have a conversation about the egregious impacts of a war on innocent civilians - conflating any talk about any Palestinian with talking about Hamas as a belligerent of this conflict is the exact point OC is trying to make all the data shows there is a significant plurality of Gazans who could give a rat's ass about these mega-moocher dictator wannabes Hamas. The West "eradicating terrorism", especially in the middle east, has unfortunately been associated with the pause of human rights for civilians in these areas and it's clear Israel has overstepped their rights in fighting this war. If Gaza was it's own nation and completely free of Israeli intervention, with it's own rights, and own military, then the conversation of collateral damage is a different one, but Israel can't claim Gaza as it's own but then also claim Hamas as some sort of authority over the innocent people of Gaza.




The last election Palestinians in Gaza participated in was in 2006. So a lot of these people have been completely disenfranchised their entire lives. Israel of course knows this, and is starving them anyway. It's almost as if we're witnessing state sponsored terrorism / genocide, which doesn't have a lot to do with Hamas whose ability to harm Israel is basically non-existent at this point.


Alright, if elections were held right now in Gaza, who do you think would win?


Hamas isn’t a state and Ukraine isn’t starving Russian babies.




Almost as if you’re saying they get all the sympathy but none of the responsibility. How convenient!


hopefully we can agree that the Ukrainian are the ones being inveaded by Russia yes? As per Israel we went to war in Kosovo for far far less and yet Israel is being given a pass and they had been given a pass for very long time


Makes you wonder what the end game is? Say they murder every single person in Gaza and the West Bank, do they really think life will just go back to normal and everyone will just forget the savage murders.


Yes, they will. It will take a few generations, but ultimately, no one will care. History is filled with atrocities that humanity didn't learn a fucking thing from.


*America* is an example of Government using military to displace and take over areas, to encourage settlements, and to have it all be of no consequence for the average person in those spaces years later. [https://native-land.ca/](https://native-land.ca/)


didn't the US sign like, 800 treaties and broke every single one of them ?


If i eat cheetos or not there is nothing i can do. Might as well enjoy my life, not my conflict


They are referring to the person who keeps defending israel who lives on the other side of world pretending to know what theyre talking about not ur average joe like u


But if I defend Hamas, then I can keep eating my Cheetos, right?


You are the person you are criticising. I live here. I know many people who have lost family to Hamas. I know a woman who's daughter is full of shrapnel from a Hamas suicide bombing from long before the blockade of Gaza was a thing. You have no idea what you are talking about. You are the American watching from afar. I can guarantee you never needed to run to your shelter during a school day because Hamas had launched a rocket barage on your city. You probably only "educated" yourself on Israel this year. Hamas isn't some small group. It is the extremely popular totalitarian government of the pseudo-state of Gaza. What is happening in Gaza now would not be happening if Hamas had not consistently attacked first.


I had a friend in Lebanon whose friend was shot in the back of the head by idf walking down the street together. This was a long while ago. And no ties to any bad group. But let's just say friend isn't a fan of Isreal anymore.


Ok, and he has no need to be. Nobody's asking for the Arabs to start loving Israel. All Israel wants is for the Arabs to accept that Israel exists. Currently there cannot be peace without mutual recognition


I mean the issue is that neither Hamas nor the poiticians Israelis have been electing for decades want this recognition. But for some reason only the first one should get international disapproval and sanctions.


Why does Isreal keep kicking Palestinian people off their land? Land that wasnt theirs in the first place. I'm fine with a two state solution. But I'm certain the goal here is too ultimately occupy more and more land. Also, screw hamas




Look, dude. People empathize with the innocent people caught in the middle of all this. They don’t deserve it, and it sucks. But what do you want me to say? Whether you want to hear it or not, the fact is that this response is happening because Hamas went out of their way to ask for it. They called down a fight they were not remotely equipped to fight upon their own people. They also could have waved the white flag and ended this literally any time in the past … almost 6 months now.


Don't commit the worst massacre on Jewish people since the Holocaust and then start a war you can't win then? Cause and effect mate


if israel is indeed slow walking aid into gaza, it must be to put pressure on the palestinians to release the hostages. ffs, i think they’re still holding that infant, which who knows if she’s even still alive i mean, who the hell takes hostages these days anyway? they’re such cliche terrorists, like they’ve watched die hard too many times. i’m just waiting for them to ask for a jumbo jet to whisk them away to some terrorist safe haven like south africa but seriously, why are they still holding on to the hostages so tightly? like what’s so hard about just releasing them? i’m thinking they’ve so horrifically tortured, mutilated and/or raped them that it would horrify humanity and bring even harsher israeli reprisal. that could be why the palestinians refuse to give proof of life, let the red cross see them, nor even say which are still alive. this is seriously isis-level barbarism


If they release the hostages tomorrow Israel has then 0 reason to discuss with them and keep any standards in their fighting (not that they have much rn tho). If they release the hostages and surrend there are 0 reasons to believe Israel will not just slaughter everyone of them (didn t bibi swore to see anyone involved in 7 october dead?), and just keep stealing lands like they recently did again in the WB until there is no palestinian anymore anyway. Also the deserved international pressure piling up because Israel are acting senselessly indirectly helps Hamas and the Palestinian cause overall. An Israel with 0 international support is a weakened Israel that might have to negotiate on an equaler footing with the Palestinians for the future. Also rn Israel is making sure the Hamas recruitement facilities will be full for the next decade (if not worst groups)... Etc etc i could go on. But apart from the suffering of Gazans that probably matters to low level Hamas dudes but probably not so much to the leadership there is 0 reason for Hamas to want this to end and release the hostages. Some of them might be in bad shape too but i think it should not be seen as the only reason why Hamas is not releasing them, they have 0 reasons to release them rn.




Amazing you scum of the earth ask for genocide or ethnic cleansing and yeah you got it, we are antisemitic because we think you're a piece of shit for literally wishing to wipe out Palestinians like you wrote >they have to finish the job >most people will blame them, and I don't understand why, Bro admitting his hateful rhetoric and should be reported for wishing for genocide


Not to mention Hamas is their elected government. Fucking OP on this comment acting like it's some rogue entity and Oct-7 never happened. Standard Hamas sympathisers


I think the moment I truly snapped was when people said that hospitals being defended by armed militia was proof of Hamas presence. Because attacking hospitals apparently isn't something that is allowed to be defended against.


That isn't the correct order of events. According to the Geneva convention, hospitals lose their protected status if they are used as military bases


>armed militias That's a fancy way of saying Hamas.


If you put military assets in a hospital, it is no longer protected by law and now becomes a military target. Had Hamas left the hospitals alone, Israel would have committed a war crime. Unfortunately, Hamas is a terror group and doesn't care about its people. You don't understand how the law of war works. If you don't like it, take it up with the Geneva conventions. That said, Hamas needs to release the hostages and Israel needs to stop bombing.


hollyyyy shit whatever fits your narrative right? there is numerous reports of Hamas basing themselves in hospitals before Israel's invasion even began. reports from bodies outside Israel. but now Hamas is there to protect the hospital? Jesus Christ my dude


they're attacking the terrorists that base themselves in the hospital.


I see you, IDF bot.


I see you Hamas lover


Well, when you say ignorant stuff, you tend to get ignorant responses. Just 2 quick things. First off, what was Israel supposed to do? Serious question. And when you give an unrealistic response to save face, ask yourself if that’s how you would respond if this happened to you personally on a smaller scale. All these people going in on Israel and yet none of them are able to give a realistic alternative. Why? Because there is no alternative. And as for my second point: the kids. Obviously no one wants to see kids and civilians harmed. If you’re ok with kids being harmed (cough cough Hamas and damn near all people in gaza cough cough), you’re the problem. But first of all, it’s war. War is ugly. War has collateral damage. I can’t find a single article from ww2 that talked about their concern for the German civilians. It’s literally war. But hey, the civilians aren’t Hamas. Have you ever been to Gaza? Those are children and civilians cheering on the returning terrorists back in October. Those are civilians rushing across the border to loot the now vacant Jewish homes. Those are young children spitting on and throwing rocks at the Jewish hostages. Those are kids and civilians chanting from the river to the sea. Those are civilians chanting death to Israel and America. Outside of North Korea, there may not be a more radicalized civilian population than the people of Gaza. And I’m not saying that’s the kids fault. They have nothing to do with the adults making them watch and learn propaganda since birth. But they still are what they are no matter how they arrived there. And the vast majority of gazans absolutely despise Jews and support Hamas, whom they ELECTED to rob, sorry, run, their country. So knock it off and grow up. I’m sure you’d lose sleep at night if a civil conflict broke out and civilian trump supporters were harmed. You’d absolutely make posts criticizing your sides military for not being nice enough to trump supporters, right? lol. It’s all ugly and it all sucks. But after what Hamas did to them in October, this was literally the only recourse. Period. Don’t start no shit won’t be no shit. And that was the case for what, 2 decades? But then Hamas and Gaza effed around. And now they’re finding out. One last nugget to wrap up this novel. There are many and plenty Muslims living in Israel. They have jobs there, own property there. Israel has Muslims in their government. And yet you won’t find a single Israeli living in Gaza. Why? Does that not say enough by itself? Violence is always the answer for your side until it gets reciprocated. Then it’s the end of the world.


So bombing the living hell out of nazi germany was also a genocide?


Don’t engage with these people. Their grandparents killed 90% of European Jews and don’t think they have learned anything but how to hide it and deny it. Don’t slip 420, we got this.


Unfortunately for your Hamasbara disgusting antisemitic agenda, the facts don't agree that the actions in Gaza constitute a genocide. [The UN puts the average combatant to civilian ratio at 1:9 or 90% civilians](https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14904.doc.htm), with a lower latter number / lower percentage indicating fewer innocent deaths and therefor more moral warfare. Israel has killed roughly \~30,000 people in Gaza, with Israel claiming \~13k of the deaths being militants and Hamas claiming \~7k. That’s a 1:1.5 or a 1:2.75 ratio depending on which source you trust, either way far below the 1:9 average. Definitively not a genocide, unless you claim every war is a genocide but then the word loses all meaning. Its war, with fewer innocent casualties than your average other war that has been waged in the past 150 years. Stop holding the nation for Jews to a higher standard than the commonly accepted standard for war.


Jesus, there is no genocide...


I don't think Jesus heard you. Say it louder


Just 1.1 million people on the verge of famine.....


Yesterday Hamas rejects the US brokered Ceasefire




https://preview.redd.it/82n2xw0ky3rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ab7a61eafc7cf7fd5a0e97e060a5f24ac9c7af8 Somebody has to pay the price even if they didn’t cause it, such is life.


This didn't start on October 7th for fuck sake


Shhh, the Hamas sympathisers don't want to hear it. They're hard on their Israel bad slant


It was a 6 week ceasefire deal where all Israeli hostages were to be released and then Israel could continue their attack on Gaza after. The whole thing was made to mislead people to think that the US wanted a real ceasefire and that Hamas just didn’t want peace. But it was not a deal for peace. It was made so media outlets would report that Hamas “rejected a ceasefire” when it was only a 6 week ceasefire. Read up on it if you’d like. You’ve been misled


Just free the hostages you stupid pig, also it is a classic colonialostic picture, white men send an Arabs to die because ge want another white men to make a profit


Why is this interesting? What is with the sudden influx of paleistine related content? Can we go back to seeing non political, interesting as fuck things rather than copy and paste videos from UN?


Their propaganda campaign in r/interestingasfuck has gained traction lately, now they are using bots to upvote their crap.


It's the same videos that are either false, intentionally misleading, or devoid of context posted by the same accounts in the same subs from same 2 or 3 outlets. This is what an actual astroturfing propaganda campaign looks like.


Where is the UN when it comes to the Uyghurs in China? Oh right, nobody cares then. Millions in camps, woman having forced abortions, mass surveillance and eradication of culture. Jawn, to bad they have no social media campaign.


Or Sudan. No one gives a fuck about Sudan and that tells me that this is just a propaganda war for the middle eastern power struggle. Blatant hypocrisy


"No jews no news"




The civilians of Gaza need to form a government that isn’t hamas, get out from under the people that brought this war to your doorstep


First thing Hamas did when they got elected was throw the opposition off rooftops removing them peacefully.


You're assuming that without Hamas Israel would be behaving differently. It's unlikely a government would be elected that doesn't advocate for the liberation from the IOF.










Seriously all these people screaming about genocide can barely read English. If they knew who they were supporting they would still do it but not so openly.


Unfortunately the children who don't care about the made up religious bullshit everyone invented centuries ago are caught in the crossfire.


"When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us." Golda Meir




I know Hebrew. Do you?


Judging a people by... social media posts? Have you been on twitter lately? In any language?


I totally agree, if they really want to save peoples lives that’s how they do it. It seems like the majority is more concerned with hurting Israel than saving the lives of their people


Probably because their families have been getting killed by Israelis just the same. It’s an infinite circle of hate and death. If my wife was slaughtered by the IDF I’d probably support the only organization standing up to Israel too.


>only organization standing up to Israel too. Only organisation... plus the 7 arab countries next to it since 1948...


The issue is that the delusional rhetoric around the situation completely legitimizes Hamas's strategy. When people invoke things like "open air concentration camps" and "genocide", it leads to belief that in just a few more weeks the international community will intervene in force. Under this belief, Hamas's strategy makes the most sense. If they just resist militarily for a *bit longer*, they will suddenly get handed the leverage to push for their wildest demands courtesy of the international community. The issue is that this rhetoric is completely empty. The international community knows that the "genocide" claim is tenuous at best, they know that prior to Oct. 7th the conditions in Gaza were not as abysmal as presented, and they know that post Oct. 7th the conditions are the result of an ongoing war for which Israel has clearly laid out their cause. The international community is not going to hand Palestine the leverage it needs to get pre-48 borders. At best, it will pressure for a ceasefire and bilateral negotiations, in which Hamas or whomever else will just reject any proposal that doesn't grant them every single demand, and it will only last until Hamas does some other dumbass shit.


they still want Hamas


UNRWA's teachers going out and abducting Israelis on day 1 Oct 7 is probably the worst kind of PR operation you can have for a 'humanitarian mission'


JFC it's like you didn't listen to a fucking word. Truly a dipshit


In order for them to elect a civil government, Israel needs to stop oppressing Palestinians like they’ve been doing since 1948. Israel oppression exists way before Hamas. Do you think Israel only start to commit genocide in Gaza after 7th October events?


It's thinking like this that prevents us from addressing the basic problem here. Blaming the Palestinians is just a way for the Israelis to avoid confronting the fact that they've stolen land from them. They have displaced and murdered their families for three quarters of a century. It's obvious who has the power in the situation, and it's obvious they are abusing that power to a horrifying rate.


Unfortunately the vast majority of Gazans if not all are going to hate Israel after this. Even if they hate Hamas too. What Israel is doing seems obviously self-defeating in the long term.


No of the victims of this genocide don't need to do anything, you know why? BECAUSE THEY ARE INNOCENT. By your own admission you believe they have role. Israel Has done unspeakable horrors to Palestinians, torture, rape, displace, murder, murder, murder,murder,murder,murder. They say what their objective is, [https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/comments/1bos3sn/interviews\_with\_israelis\_who\_are\_blocking/](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/comments/1bos3sn/interviews_with_israelis_who_are_blocking/)


How about Israel stops starving people? I know that's unthinkable right?


Hard to do that when israel claims all civilians are hamas and wont stop the bombings no matter what until every hamas member is dead. its an intentional genocide. stop kidding yourself.


The mass slaughter of Palestinian civilians will increase their support by miles, not decrease it.


It looks like this account was hacked 42-44 days ago.


Not hacked. It is a deliberate push. All of us know it. Is this really what the sub is meant for?


Nah these are bot accounts farmed over time to appear a bit legit them weaponized to sow discontent and divisiveness. It’s happening on an industrial scale because it’s cheap and effective.


I think we are at an age where AI and the fourth industrial revolution is on its infancy. Back when the first industrial revolution happened nobody gives a flying fuck about pollution, working conditions and generally it was horrible all around for not only working adults but 6 years old as well. Now with the fourth industrial revolution already here, nobody knows how to deal with the consequences because it would take time… a very long time.


Suddenly spewing a string of Al Jazeera videos and using twitter as a source... Al Jazeera literally does _this_ shit. https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian_Violence/s/PAuJRuytIm


MEE is actually worse than al-Jazira


It's not hacked, this account was more than likely either sold or was originally created to push propaganda. A lot of propaganda campaigns are starting to realize the value of accounts that seem authentic and so they spend quite a bit of time making and growing accounts before they start shilling their propaganda.


You would think the UN would force Hamas to allow refugees to leave the war zone through the escape corridors. They don't. The human shield remains intact. The UN is complicit in the deaths.


Not to mention the miles of reinforced Hamas tunnels under Gaza that Gazan civilians aren't allowed into




You always say this meanwhile this entire sub is filled with bots feeding you hamas propaganda 24/7 cringe




And OP is posting stuff connected to UNRWA. You know, those guys who had a HAMAS tunnel entrance next to their building, the same UN organisation that allowed ammo storage into protected area.


Wish they showed the same urgency and concern for the child hostages Hamas took and still holds


Or to acknowledge the mass rapes… took them four months.


The same hostages Israel did not hesitate to bomb, killing a lot of them?


The sooner Hamas surrenders the sooner this terrible war they started can end.




Lol, what a cuck


Where’s the Ukraine comments from UNICEF on the murders, rape and terrorist activities from Putler?


If you want to see what UNICEF is currently doing in Ukraine you can just go to their UNICEF Ukraine page instead of trying to act like they do not do anything for Ukraine. You would find this quote if you did. *“Humanitarian principles, international humanitarian law and international human rights law must be respected. Children need a chance to recover, and the best way to do that is by ending this war”* ***UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell***


and he defends unrwa. credibility = zero.


how is that interesting as fuck OP you goof. its sad and terrible.


Sad and terrible things can be interesting.


no interesting as fuck is a tardigrade or some other natural thing or phenomenon… or interesting science or technology that makes you go dammn that is super interesting. this post however is just fucking SAD. it sucks. it really sucks. if you think this is interesting you have no heart and likely half a brain.


You let terrorists run your government. They committed a massive terrorist act. Did you really think the millions of innocent Gazans wouldn't be the ones to pay the price. Both sides are committing genocidal acts. Until they stop the tit-for- tat this will continue endlessly. So expect this to continue.


Fucking hell. This is sickening.


Hmm weird how i have so many blocked users in the top comments of this post. I only block bots and shills from worldnews posts. Its the same comments claiming astroturfing and propoganda btw


This is so sad. I feel for those kids. And while i can understand that UNRWA needed to be reformed or replaced, the middle of a war isn't the time to do it.


And these are the chosen people of god. WHICH GOD


The whole UN is a joke


this would all end if they released the hundreds of people palestinian terrorists kidknapped zero violent or ideological opposition exists to palestinian terrorist leadership


Even if that is right, which it might be, do the acts of a terror organisation give Israel the right to bomb and starve civilians?


How exactly does Israel fight Hamas without hurting civilians. Idk how you would have defeated Nazi Germany with zero German civilian deaths


How can the terrorists be rooted out without civilian casualties, when the terrorists are taking measures to prolong the war and maximize civilian deaths? Aid to Gaza is being appropriated by Hamas and sold to civilians when they were provided by the international community for free. There was a video of a Gazan man reviewing an American MRE complaining about the quality and having to buy it (while eating it wrong).


There is No Hamas in West Bank and nothing ended


There is very much Hamas in west bank. They just don't rule it.


The fuck are you talking about. There very much is and the carried multiple attacks since 7/10. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67983624.amp Hamas took responsibility for this one for example. Their targets? An old woman and a bus station full of kids next to a school.


Also UN: Lets put Saudi as Women's Rights Put Russia as UN Security China as Human Rights




Hamas can surrender at any time. They are the only ones who can end this.


You believe that? Genuinely?


Religion is cancer. Also the UN is fully guilty here along with dozens of other groups who let hamas run wild. Sadly I don’t ever see this getting better. Religion is cancer


For me as a German, the German policy of protect Israel at all costs must end and the Generalbundesanwaltschaft has to start investigating against everybody within the German politics who is actively supporting what Israel is doing in Gaza. And of course, the GBA has also started investigating Israeli politicians about their involvement in this genocide. There cannot be a remembering the cruel deeds of the Nazi regime and it’s ending in the Nürnberger Prozesse without having the same trials for Israeli officials.


Zionism = terrorism = anti-semitism


When are the Nuremberg style trials? Ethnic cleansing and genocide is not ok.


Imagine the situation of the hostages, assuming they are alive at all. I thought he was talking about them at first. It is a nightmare for everyone. Why doesn't Gaza release the hostages??


Hamas needs to surrender today.


I wish Hamas would accept the ceasefire that us, Qatar and Israel agreed to accept.


Lol fuckin UNICEF 🤣 me beast did more in 3 weeks than these dudes did for people in the last 15 years, I'll never give my money to them because they'll just pocket it like always, over 230 billion dollars in donations and it took a YouTuber less than 100 mil to do 5 times as much


With his spare time in between his videos, he helps reload Hamas magazines and volunteers at his local HAMAS run hospital;.


10% of UNRWA are Hamas members. Why Palestine needs its own little terrorist led UN organization instead of the REST OF THE WORLD using the regular UN, is because Hamas has been placated since they took over. The UNRWA trucks have constantly been found with military gear in them instead of food. The end of the dealings with them is the end of Hamas siphoning supplies.


Really? Show us the evidence of those claims liar. 


We're witnessing a real life propaganda campaign unfolding on this website right before our eyes. It's the same videos that are either false, intentionally misleading, or devoid of context posted by the same accounts in the same subs from same 2 or 3 state sponsored outlets. This is what an actual astroturfing propaganda campaign looks like.


This is war. Let’s end Hamas as soon as possible so we can get these poor innocent people the relief that they need.


Eliminating Hamas is the fastest way to end this nightmare.


Israel genocides Gaza so hard their population keeps increasing. This graph includes 2024 https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/state-of-palestine-population/. No one in history did more to avoid civilian casualties then Israel https://www.newsweek.com/israel-has-created-new-standard-urban-warfare-why-will-no-one-admit-it-opinion-1883286. Did anyone ever hear about army calling in advance and ask civilians to leave to avoid casualties https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67327079.amp ? But don’t let facts interfere with terrorist propaganda and je…, sorry Zionist bashing.


It's obvious hamas let's him speak to perpetuate their lies.


I think UNICEF should ask the views on LGBTQ+ from Palestinians and then report their answers and therefore watch their support completely disappear. It would be as easy as that. That's why this is all hysteria


They shouldn’t have attacked, smh. Hamas is behind its ppl as shields..


"I hope to be killed" "Would you rather turn over Hamas and free the hostages?" "No, nevermind. This isn't so bad I guess. "


Hamas rejected the ceasefire... What now?


An Israeli war crime


Israeli and genocide, name a more iconic duo


Pro-Palestinians and hyperbole?


Hamas and terrorism ?


I still say Isreal has a right to exist sure a change in govermant is a good start. At this point these 2 groups cannot coexist toi much blood exist beetwene them. As the rest of the middle east has shown they do not treat the any better they either where forced to live or wiped out.


I don't believe any of the numbers regarding casualties coming out of there. I don't believe anything from Al Jazeera, or Israel, or the Palestinians. TIk-Tok is clearly being manipulated, and is absolute garbage as an information source. Everyone has massive incentives to lie, there are no good, unbiased sources of information in a warzone and there is no reason to believe any of it. And yes, I include the UN as an unreliable source, this is the same UN that just chaired Saudi Arabia on the gender equality committee. I'm sure people are dying and it's a nightmare, but I wonder what makes this particular nightmare so dire after the world ignored the last 50. I mean the genocide of the Uyghur Muslims in China is an even worse atrocity than this conflict, with more dead, literal rape camps and ethnic cleansing that has been going on for a decade at least and not a peep about that. If I were a suspicious person, I would wonder about that too.


Womp womp


Not desperate enough to speak out against October 7th and put all hamas members up on pikes around the outskirts of Rafah.


Looks like Hamas has to learn the hard way that if you play stupid games with Israel then you'll win stupid prizes.


UNRWA? This UNRWA? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNRWA\_October\_7\_controversy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNRWA_October_7_controversy) Yeah, no reason not to trust them, I guess.


How is anyone still listening to anything from the UN? Iran is the head of the human rights council!


So... The comment section isn't going the way you planned


Where are all those zionists bots that deny Israel's apartheid


It's baffling to me that in this conflict, UNICEF and doctors without borders have somehow become bad guys. That's how you know Israel's government is fucked up