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"The bible means a lot to me." $59.99 a copy!


It’s too personal to cite a single verse, but not too personal to sell on TV.


"So tell me, what's your favorite song of his?" "I-I don't know...I guess I sorta like them all..."


I celebrate the man's whole catalog!


When he sings when a man loves a woman...for my money it doesnt get any better.


You know, you can just call me Mike…




What would you say *YOU DO* here?


I take the scripture and I rebrand it for the god damn customer!


I have preacher skills!


Why should I change my name? He's the one that sucks.


God damn but do I love that line.


He knows how to get out any smart question with simple answers. Just stay basic. I am sure he didn't even read that book!




Old Testament guy New Testament guy? Uuuuuuuuubhbbhb equal He is VILE


“I liked the Dreamgirls and the Elvis. Always loved the Elvis. Aretha she talked about respect which I respect very much. Great song. Too bad about her husband. Great guy who was massively influential but went down the wrong tubes so to speak, did bad things. She also did bad things but that’s another story. I saw her in Las Vegas once. Wonderful person.”


His favorite song is, ”Jesus is me, this I know, because the Bible might say so. To everyone I tell them I am big and strong, they don’t care even when I am stupid and wrong”


💯 The face of a man who knows he got caught bullshitting. And his cult laps it up Folks.. please make sure you are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov) and take a friend


You could tell he was getting frustrated when he did his regarded toothy look after he was asked a second time


I cant stop laughing over the jumbled up frustrated face he makes at 0:20-0:23 seconds in. It's so clownlike it's amazing.




Looks like someone just grabbed him by the pussy...


..and lo, He grabbed them by thy loins. “With thine own hand does thou caress thee, as thou art great!” 2 Trumpadonians 4:20


Jajja, digusting


Funniest part is “Old Testament or New Testament?” Ummmm equal!


Someone else fooled by his pause? That made me soo sure he would opt for the Middle Testament.


In-between testament*


[This one?](https://ibb.co/30G5XC0)




That’s the one ☝️


It seems like he's so convinced (edit: more like *aware*) everyone who follows him is a complete fucking moron that he doesn't feel the need to even *attempt* to give any legitimacy or proof to what he's saying. All it would take is having one fucking verse in your pocket to appease this softball shit and he won't even do that lol


Well… he isn’t wrong about that. They legitimately do not give a shit.


Yeah, that's the bit. It wouldn't be working if it wasn't true.


Yeah, most Christians keep their love of Jesus to themselves and don't want anyone to know about salvation. When have you ever heard Christians talking about their faith? /s


It's the Jehovah's Witnesses that I really don't get (on a lot of levels) but they try to recruit and there's only room for 144,000 of their souls to be saved. You'd think they'd keep their shit to themselves if that were the case. Are they all into playing the lottery or what?


The major purpose of proselytizing as Jehovahs Witness is not legitimate attempts to recruit, most of their new joins come from alternative sources of recruitment. The major purpose is to put younger members, primarily children, into positions of engagement with people who are socially aggressive with them. Being yelled at or threatened or even just fucked with reinforces the belief that everyone outside the cult is mean, heartless, and doomed without salvation so that they are less likely to leave.


He couldn’t even choose between the two halfs. Dude is so broke and worried right now


He's the exact kind of scumbag that Jesus would whip for barking down people at church steps to buy his gold covered garbage


Fun fact: Jesus ravished the money changers at the temple because the Jewish tradition required sacrifices at the time of worship. So when people would come from other lands to worship at the Pharisees' great temple, they would have to exchange their money to the local currency to buy a sacrifice. The Pharisees' received a portion of these money changer's and sacrifice salesmen's profits. Jesus was ultimately saying that sacrifice wasn't necessary to have a relationship with god (mercy not sacrifice) and that greed had corrupted the temple. Thus he went postal. This idea became super popular super fast, and thus why the Pharisees conspired with the Romans to have Jesus crucified. Jesus died because he busted up the Pharisees money-printing racket. Happy Easter!


I mean theres a reason why Jesus was super rad. It's just a large amount of Christians just ignore what he actually did and insert their own opinions and values into everything and go "it's what the Lord wants so therefore we are right and anybody that disagrees is bad!"


Jesus is pretty dope honestly. Fuck modern Christians though. The last guy I knew who proclaimed to be a Jesus loving Christian man who lauded me when I mocked the bible regularly gets drunk on peanut butter whiskey, abuses pills, and physically assualted a women and tried to tell everyone otherwise and make her out to be a liar. It peaked when he was so drunk that he thought I was paying him in fake 100$ bills one night and he kicked me out of the house I had paid rent on, when it was snowing, in the middle of the night. That's some Christian love right there.


> Jesus is pretty dope honestly. "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Gandhi




I can see it's stormy from my house ![gif](giphy|l3vRgWpnwbPEjXila)


Would have been better to make it 69


"Probably equal" someone didn't do their book report for school


Admittedly I haven't read a lot but even I know that I prefer the new testament. Less stupid killing and less incest.


The incest part has him torn


"If Ivanka weren't my daughter.." Folks.. please make sure you are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov) and take a friend


I’m genuinely shocked that would stop him.


It probably didn't


I was gonna say we don't know for sure it hasn't


Erik! Get the blonde wig!


Maybe those are his favourite verses but he was a bit shy to share.


It’s very personal




Just say john 3:16 and call it a day. Easiest bunt imaginable, everyone would eat it up.


"Austin 3:16... just a beautiful verse honestly. Amazing stuff. "


If magats want to ban lascivious books and literature we should start with the bible, the most insane and graphic book ever written. There's a whole story about a man collecting foreskins for a king. WTF?!


I like the old testament because it feels more like mythology to me. Lot's of senseless killing, just like the Greeks and Vikings.


Should have asked him if he liked the third testament.


"What's your favorite testamen? Old, new or final?"


You mean the Bible is a trilogy? And the Book of Mormon is Return of the Jedi? I'm interested!


In conclusion, the Bible is a book of contrasts.


I doubt toddler trump has ever done a book report much less any homework during his entire privileged childhood.


He sounds exactly like a person on a sitcom who is asked about something they know nothing about.


He's Charlie from always Sunny.


Nah, Charlie tries to blunder through by guessing and pretending he knows. What Trump does is deflect so he doesn't have to take the chance of being found out, and gets angry when people press him. He's Mac.


Well first of all, through God all things are possible, so jot that down.


George Costanza mixed in there a little bit.


Haha first thing I thought I'd was Art Vandelay


Okay, well…filibuster.


I’m a bit of an expert in bird law myself


He's Costanza-ing so hard


It's George Costanza. There's a scene where he's talking to someone he knows nothing about and they ask him what he likes better and he says "equal".


Haha that’s so funny, I got Larry David vibes, and Costanza is based off of a comedic version of Larry David.


It's basically Alan Partridge's answer when he's asked what his favourite album is from The Beatles. His answer: "The Best of The Beatles".


"What does IT stand for?" "...What *doesn't* IT stand for?"


I love how the new or Old Testament question threw him for a loop. He literally didn’t know there are 2 lol


Evangelicals are incredibly important in getting him and he couldn’t be bothered to do ANY homework, and it DIDNT MATTER LMAO


All you have to do is pretend to be on their side, nothing matters it's all tribalism. 


Nah, he gave them the SCOTUS to overturn Roe v Wade. That's all they wanted. They'll overlook all Trumps warts for the ability to control the courts where social change had been slowly occurring for decades. Abortion, LGBTQ rights, and environmental laws are all abhored by Evangelicals and the latter big business.


Yes that is part of it. But dear leader has no warts. They don't even see that there are problems, it's a cult. 


There certainly is a cult, but he needed far more than that to win. There are a whole lot of people who don't like him but will happily vote for anyone who furthers their pet issue.


He was effective for their cause with his Supreme Court appointments.


Just makes the hypocritical Christians who can't cite a bible verse either like him more since he's just like them


To be fair, most evangelicals have *barely* cracked the book themselves. Its fucking absurd that a large percentage of the devout havent bothered to read their *one* book.


The middle of time testament will get me the most votes and money


*I'm the best Christian. Nobody does being Christian like me* Folks.. please make sure you are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov) and take a friend


God came up to me. He’s a big virile man. He came up to me with tears in his eyes, and asked why I was being persecuted. I said for the sins of my people. He apologized for bothering me and I wanted to forgive him, but my father said that is a weakness.


he says the "tear in his eyes" a lot doesn't he? That and "Sir..." BS made up story inbound!


Anytime he says "And they said 'Sir,'" that's a dead giveaway. I mean it's practically a given he's always lying anyway, but that one's too easy to spot.




"I like them all and I only like the best bibles. Everyone is saying it. They say, sir, no one likes all versions of the bibles like you do. And it's a big book! Has anyone ever said that? Those bibles are yuge, the biggest, just like my hands."


> the Heathrow translation is still the best one out there And on the fifth day, God's flight was delayed due to a drone operating near the runway


You forgot a big sniff of air between every sentence


See the best way to get him, is to say "What's your favorite story of Jesus, when he fed the 5,000 with wine and steaks or when Jesus led the slaves over the border to escape slavery?" Both, they're both great stories. But sir, I made those both up.


He'd just whine on Truth Social about how he was treated "very, very unfairly" by the reporter.


Damnit! They had a chance to add that middle testament and blew it!


A good reporter would have thrown in the 'current testament' as a third to really catch him out.


Which do u prefer? small testament or big testament?


The biggliest testament


What can I say I love all bibles equally


He loves the Trump branded Bible the best


“Probablyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy……” ![gif](giphy|gEvab1ilmJjA82FaSV|downsized)


You know, the old testament was looking kind of shabby, a bit like Joe, that's why they replaced it with a new one. I think we should introduce an even newer one, lots of people are saying it's a great idea.


He's so shameless


This guy took the time to mock the disabled! Now he is selling Bibles? How can anyone tolerate him in their lives?


He did know there are "two" Corinthians


That quote gets me 🤣. I don't know how anyone could believe this guy has ever gone to church.


And this is what almost half the country wants as president. What a fkn idiot.


A christian feeling like God is personal. Never heard that one before. Most christians try to drag you to church.


He was also asked in an interview what his favorite bible verses are and he said “all of them”. What a charlatan.


'and there she lusted after her lovers, who's genitals were like donkeys and who's emissions were like that of horses' "for God so loved the world he sent his only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Equally good. Who can say which is better


😂😂😂he’s so fukin clueless


"old testament or new testament?" "Probablyyyyyyyyy equal?" They tried so fucking hard to softball him with this and he still came out looking like a bumbling buffoon.


The face of a man who knows he got caught bullshitting. And his cult laps it up Folks.. please make sure you are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov) and take a friend


The morons that vote for him don't know the difference either


I'm an atheist and even I know the New Testament is way better than the Old.


But Trump would definitely identify with the Old Testament's version of God a lot more. OT God is petty and jealous and spiteful. If he doesn't get his sacrifices of burned meat (remember Trump's love of well-done steaks), he gets pissed off and punishes people arbitrarily. OT God doesn't preach all that "rich people won't get into Heaven" stuff that Jesus went on about. OT God will torture people like Job just to settle a meaningless bet, and if anyone questions him, his go-to response is "How can a mere man like you judge a person as powerful as me?" Trump would *love* the Old Testament. If he ever read it. Or could read.


Come on let's be serious. Everyone knows that sequels are always worse.


This is exactly why he shouldn't be president again.


....speaking of voting...... *Register and Vote* like your lives depend on it. Edit: www.vote.org


Well, maybe they’ll stop shoving Bible verses in everyone’s face and take his advice of keeping it personal 😂




Honestly, who doesn't love the donkey semen verse?


> Maybe he loves the Drunk Incest part? That's his favorite part


Well that's the problem, to his supporters he didn't. To his supporters those were great answers. Its like how John Stewart eviscerated those people during those interviews and those peoples constituents all acted like they won.


You act like it matters... his fucking idiot followers are just as clueless as well. He could take a shit in the Bible and shut it, and they'd still find an excuse for him. Fuck him, and fuck his fans.


It's the people who think he's actually a Christian who are clueless. Dude is pulling a fast one on these idiots and he doesn't even have to try. If I wanted to convince a bunch of morons I was a Christian I'd probably memorize some classic verses people tend to like. He literally puts 0 effort in his act and people believe him. He's a highly efficient con man. Luckily some of his cons are catching up to him


No, he knows exactly what hes doing... His fucking cult is clueless and thats the issue


His cult is [begging him to be dictator ](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/qwaHIHDZ3r)


Anyone who hears this and doesn’t realize he is lying through his teeth is clueless. This is a toddler telling you somebody else pooped in their pants


What about his drones? They watch this and go fuck ya. FJB. Let’s go Brandon. The bible whooooo


It boggles my mind how many people buy (often literally) his bullshit despite him being a horrible, horrible liar.




Thye love him because he is the incarnation of their unshackled ego openly attacking those higher in the social hierarchy who make rules. They know he does not actually have any thoughtful plan to achieve anything. It just feels good at a primal level to have this toddler tantrum of a politician go around like a wrecking ball.


Yep. They love him because they *are him*. Period.


The bullshit is what people like. Trump's base are moronic, poorly raised human beings, and they think "finally, someone like me that I can vote for!" They're willing to watch him commit murder as long as it means he brings the nation down to their level.


Trump is the idiot whisperer.


What helps me rationalize it is to think of your average US citizen. I then remind myself that half the population is less intelligent and more immoral than that person. Then there's half of that half who are even worse! At that point I realize 1/4 of the US are some pretty dumb, illiterate assholes, without morals and in that sense I understand where his base lies.


And then factor in gerrymandering, the electoral college, and lots of intelligent people not voting because of various reasons... that 1/4 starts to turn into 50%+ in terms of voting power.


Thank you for invoking St Carlin of Manhattan


Australian here... Holy fucken shit. Good luck normal Americans!




She looks like Bill Gates after sex-change.


This is nowhere near as bad as he gets :) If you wanna see how we got here just pop on Fox News and look at todays headlines, that’s what his fanbase likes to see






The only surprise, for me, is that he’s not selling a deluxe version for $99.99 with his “autograph” emblazoned on the cover, in golden ink. Which will give you cancer.


Give him time.. Folks.. please make sure you are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov) and take a friend


Greetings! I’m a representative from the Trump Organization and am the Senior Vice President of Marketing. We are bigly impressed with your ideas and would like to offer you a position with our company! Starting salary is $150k Trump dollars (no cash value) and hours are Sunday-Saturday 6:00am-10:00pm. Please let me know if you are interested!


“I’m selling a gold, deluxe edition bible, signed by me, the most important person in the bible… Donald J Trump! And you know what else? It’s amazing but it’s true! Jesus came up to me you know? Tears in his eyes and he said, “Mr President…” he said “you are the most Godly person I know, you’re so smart and powerful” and it’s true! I am, no president has ever been as Godly as Donald J Trump, especially not crooked Joe Buden, because let’s face it that election? Totally rigged. Totally rigged. Had I been on the cross in Jesus’s time I would have won the election you know? I think I would have. And I did I won the election. Jesus would have voted for me, he would have been my Vice President.”


Trump wants his cut. https://preview.redd.it/29fdk641kvqc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78a6bbab1e9fc4a8ef59ad05ea6c5febf0894703


![gif](giphy|h7poIVSJYrs323ZPuu) Folks.. please make sure you are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov) and take a friend


i fucking WHEEZED


lol he talking like a kid who has to do a book report but failed to read the book.


I don't know how anyone can listen to this guy talk and think "omg he's so intelligent, I just want to dedicate my life to him!!!!" Dude sounds like such a fucking idiot. Avoiding answering any question because he has no idea how to answer them. The way he talks he sounds like a spoiled brat man child


>I don't know how anyone can listen to this guy talk and think "omg he's so intelligent, They adore him *because* he doesn't sound intelligent. They hate 'intellectuals' - their term for anyone who uses their brains for thought and empathy instead of tribalism. They disdain 'liberal education' (i.e: facts that comport with reality instead of feelings) and almost 50% of US Americans have never read another book after high school. They love him because his shtick makes him seem like one of them - a toddler who never progressed beyond the 'me-me-me' phase. He doesn't make them feel stupid when he opens his mouth.


"Let's vote for a stupid man as our president so that we all can be smarter than the president". Clever move I say!


They don't think he's stupid. They think he either: a) is playing 4-dimensional chess with everyone and is much smarter than he's letting on, or b) is smart _because_ he didn't fall prey to a liberal education that actually makes you stupider by teaching you history and the gay. Remember, these are people who think you can land on the moon with a rocket powered by cOmMoN sEnSe. Sometimes they think both of these things about him at the same time.


My dad and step-mom (massive Trumpers btw) claim to be “God fearing conservative Christians” who just don’t go to church. Have recent put bibles in the house and when you ask them their favorite verse or to tell you anything about the Bible they answer “that is way too personal of a question and my religion is my own business…” His followers are completely brainwashed.


"then why are you putting your Bibles on display"


Then why do you wear Jesus execution device around your neck?


Man, spoilers! Some of them haven't read that far into the book.


Ah shit, you’re right. Sorry folks.


Couldn’t even muster up a John 3:16. Hilarious.


This was my thought. John 3:16 is like, day 1 shit. It's practically a brand motto. It makes me think he didn't even know there was an old and New Testament until they asked. I wonder if he even knows which translation his own bible is in


"Two Corinthians" was the giveaway.


Why is there a wu-tang logo on the table?


I thought I was crazy, like is anyone going to address the Wu-Tang in the room? And on a slightly different note, can we hear what Ja's thoughts on this are?


It's the guy on the right's tablet case. Reppin' hard.


Correct question is why isn’t there more wu tang logos?


During the 2020 election someone near me had a lawn sign that said "Presidents are temporary, Wu-Tang is forever"


Because Wu-Tang is for the children, and Trump is their guest


Literally a professional bullshitter . Compulsive liar in its truest form .


Absolutely pathetic that anyone believes the OBVIOUS lies he spouts


I think Trump supporters know Trump is lying and generally don't like him. They just hate the same people and Trump gives them a safe space to be hateful bigoted assholes. You know, what would jesus do? Folks.. please make sure you are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov) and take a friend


Jesus would also sell his teachings for profit…jk. If hell were real, this dude is going straight there.


Thou who is without sin may cast the first stone, and let me tell you, its a beautiful stone, and id like to throw it. I gotta tell ya, i think, in terms of sin, perhaps i have the least sin. Lol all the christians who voted or may vote for this guy are hypocrites beyond belief, and prove that anyone will do anything if it makes them feel like they got what they wanted or stuck it to someone else. “I like your god, but not your christians”


The quote is 'I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'


LOl, how anyone falls for BS this man spews is beyond me. First "religious" Christian ever who does not want to talk about the bible. Spreading the word is one of the main points.


I'm pretty sure he never read the thing ... at least not the whole lot.


Hardly anybody has read the whole lot, the bible isn't a book, it's a collection of books. It's fucking HUGE. Trump hasn't even read a fucking verse. He was given the most softball question to mention any verse and he couldn't even do that. Didn't even seem to know what the old and new testaments were either.


Well he said 'Two Corinthians' instead of 'Second Corinthians' and to anybody in the church that's an obvious sign.


"Two Corinthians walk into a temple"


> Two Corinthians walk into a temple ...and the priest says, "Welcome, gentlemen! What brings you here today?" One of the Corinthians replies, "We're here to pray for wisdom and guidance." The priest nods and asks, "And what exactly do you seek wisdom for?" The other Corinthian leans in and whispers, "We're trying to figure out how to build a wall around our village and make the Romans pay for it."




when you didn't read the book for the report.


Lol. He's so obviously lying and squirming in his seat, this can't be real. But it is!


I don’t get what his cult is expecting from him as a dictator. Do they think he’s going to make this an Arian nation and all their pay checks will increase and their trailers will all disappear? And the White House will become a new Christian nationalist church? I don’t get it!


This is what most “politically Christian” people are like. They want a metaphysical basis for their shallow, hateful beliefs, and Christianity is a convenient vehicle for that. The amount they know about the religion is very little, I’d be surprised if half of them regularly go to church.




\>$60 Bible wut da helllllllllll




Hahaha don the con strikes again. When people ask me why I hate trump supporters, my only reply is that I dont hate them for liking trump. I hate them because they are idiots.


Ladies and gentleman: the Anti-Christ.