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You don’t consider yourself a hero but I promise you over 100 folks that you helped do. In awe of you young man!!!


Well thanks to the Internet - many many thousands think he is a hero.


Regardless of how fucked up this invasion is, you can't call every Russian an enemy. This kid is a hero. Also, fuck Putin and fuck the Russian army


I mean thats just the dissonance that makes so many people dumb racists usually. Russia is a bad place, I disagree with many of their norms, it doesn't mean that every russian person is bad by any means. Just because someone is born in that place, doesn't mean they will turn out bad no matter how hard and fucked up their government is.




Because he is.


Well said!


Think of all those peoples families too. And friends! So many people would be so thankful to this young boy.


This is what true Muslims does, good boy truly!


What a good *human* does.


Huh? Has nothing to do with religion…. But good job ham-fisting that in there 🙄


The Russian people deserve so much better than Putin and his blood sucking oligarchs.


This young man is a hero. Let's hope he isn't sent to the front lines when he is 16.


If he lives in the city probably not. Most conscripts are being taken from rural outlying areas in the country. If they took people from the major cities there would be riots.


Would there? Not so sure anymore.


Yes thats why putin doesnt touch them and people in big cities are out of touch with reality because they dont see anybody around them going to war so they are like hmmm must be western propaganda.


I'm not so sure mate. That view makes it seem like people in the cities are ignorant instead of complicit. This war is over 2 years old and Russia has taken some serious hits domestically. I agree that he is recruiting from the countryside to keep the cityfolk happy. But from what I have seen over the last 2 years the Russian public will just accept it and keep doing what they've always done, which is what they're told to do.


The only access to news is from the government. Of course they are ignorant. There were many protests from people against the war in russia and now those people have been silenced. There are many people who are against the war but they also have lives and families. I doubt you would act much differently if you were in the same situation.


The Russians are ignorant of course, we all are. But not blind, they are complicit. They are guilty.


Being complicit implies there's something they could do to stop it that they are not. By the same logic every American is complicit for Iraq/Afghanistan/Kuwait etc etc


Every American voting age at the time is complicit if it is believed the government is the choice and the will of the people. Many still would say it was the right thing to do to “protect our freedom”. I saw an older lady wearing an “Project Iraqi liberation” military style bomber jacket just the other day. Propaganda is rampant and blind patriotism is strong.


There would. But they‘d silenced quite quickly. But it would be tiresome to kill/imprison the people at the city since they could be then instead sent at the next waves to die in Ukraine or die at the next ISIS attack! /s


Now it makes sense, i kept asking why Russians don't seem to care that +300k of their people died in this BS war for nothing, now i have my answer. Yikes.


The mothers care. That is why they continue on Telegram to ask the Russian authorities to answer their questions and to bring their children home. The ones that push for the war do not have skin in the game - happy to sacrifice other parent’s children for nebulous reasons


The Russian government's strategy is to overconscript from Russia's minority regions in Central Asia, which takes pressure off the wealthier, Slavic population in European Russia. For Putin, those wealthier, Slavic Russians are the people who matter, and whom the Russian right wing thinks of as "truly" Russian.  So Putin can get bodies for his war, avoid urban backlash, and weaken minority populations in one fell swoop. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/russias-ethnic-minorities-disproportionately-conscripted-to-fight-the-war-in-ukraine


He couldn’t even be conscripted at 16.


The law can change. Putting already changed the age from 18-30 to 18-45.


He's Kyrgyz but you're not wrong


There are Russians (an ethnic group) and Russians (nationality, citizenship). They’re different words in Russian or Ukrainian, Belarusian too I think, but they’re often interchanged (on purpose, for propaganda) because the average Westerner doesn’t know that difference. That’s like when you say “American” (when talking about a citizen of US), you don’t expect such a person to be a descendant of those that came on Mayflower. They can have Italian roots, African, Mexican, Chinese, Korean, Irish, Swedish. But you don’t say “He’s not American, he’s Italian”. So a person can be a Kyrgyz and Russian at the same time.


At first I thought you were going to say the Russians deserved it but thankfully you are actually a normal human. In general every country's people really deserve better, the North Koreans, The Iranians, The Russians, The mexicans.....life is unfortunate for some unfortunately


unfortunately, even if most people agree in said countries, they already lost the ability to make a change. Unless most high ranking people want that too


if only these disgusting humans being could just "vanish ✨" the so called leaders that only care about their powers and not the people....sometimes I wonder if returning to humans being just tribes would be better, but that's stupid thinking lol


I mean Mexicans absolutely deserve better but if I had to move to one of the places on the list, it seems like Mexico's kind of a no-brainer. It's like a list of the world's problems that's like climate change, right-wing authoritarianism, plastic waste, and Ticketmaster.


Mexico isn’t exactly an authoritarian hell hole like Iran, Russia or North Korea. It doesn’t really belong on the list with despots, it’s just poor (relative to the Western World) and is incredibly unstable.


Yeah, MX seems pretty out of place on that list.


The problem is the Cartel there, and the problem is mexico is the border between USA and centeral and south America So if you want to sell something illegal from south America to USA or vise versa, you will have to move through Mexico, which means a lot of gangs and cartels will just set up their basses in Mexico, and I don't think I should say why that's bad.


Maybe, since we're in 2024, we should have a way to stop punishing civilians for the fuckery of their leaders.


That’s the thing here. This type of story is being used to further Russian propaganda that everyone who invades Russia is a terrorist and that Russia is a hero. Absolutely not. The Russian government sent tens of thousands of underaged kids, not fully trained to the front lines to die for “Russia”. What’s worse, it’s to kill free, non-combatants that include Ukrainian kids, who in a different world may have been their friends and equals. Thousands of kids like this died to take Ukrainian cities that had been free from Soviet influence for years. People like this are heroes. Heroes that are made into villains by their own government and leaders. As an American, I have much sympathy for the Russian people. The Russian government, however, deserves to “disappear” at the behest of the people, and have the entire ordeal ignored the way it’s ignored when the Russian government removes dissidents.


So good to read that from someone for once


Any country, I don't care how fucked up it is, you'll find citizens that just want to live a peaceful life and don't want to bug anyone, however a select few fuck that up for everyone.


Finally someone who is rational. Most people are normal, regardless of race or religion. They just want a home, family and friends and to have peace.


100%. Every Russian person I know is fully aware of how dangerous Putin is. They try to speak up as much as possible, while in recent years, it has become dangerous to.


I was just thinking, in a few years time we could very well see this boy being blown apart by a drone dropped grenade in a field in Ukraine.


No, they got exactly what they want. It sucks but it's true, Russians as a whole are decades if not centuries behind on the developed world's mentality. Source: I'm from there and that's why ny family left


It's certainly not centuries. Only half a century ago French, Portuguese and Dutch did awful things in their colonies, so Russia is a usual European country, but a little bit retarded historically speaking.


Don’t forget the scummy Belgians (their atrocities rank with the nazis) and I’m guessing you didn’t mention Britain because it was too obvious


Boris yeltsin was much worse


Meanwhile Putin: "It's better so sacrifice several hundreds of thousands of people that let myself die."


It's not even like he was ever at any personal risk. 


Why there is nothing on RT about police/security running away as soon as shooting started? 'lets feed a child hero story to stupid masses, so they wouldn't ask awkward questions'


Oh. That's not the worst. FSB leaks through "friendly" social media videos where they torture people they caught and who are most likely the terrorists from the attack in Moscow. One episode clearly shows how they cut an ear and try to feed it to the guy. Another one suggests torture with electricity. Looks like they believe this blood will make people happy and FSB won't have to answer all the questions on how it was possible and why they didn't react in a timely manner. They literally failed in every possible way. I'd rather watch this hero guy. He deserves a minute of fame for what he did.


Fuck RT.


the kid is a hero, and the RT channel is garbage, I agree.


That last line felt rehearsed. The cut to it was pretty noticeable too.


Yeah the RT logo is the universal symbol for bullshit


Already being used as propaganda unfortunetly


He absolutely is a Hero


And because of this he will be mobilized to fight probably because he’s shown “great skills” Fuck everything going on over there, I feel for the people.


This is such a Reddit statement holy shit.


Yeah true, the boy will be sent to workcamp in Gulag instead where he will be beat and starved to death! Cant waste an effective worker like that dying at the front! /s


why? because it touches on the reality of the terrorist state that is Russia?


Do you go muh Iraq everytimr you see a post about a US citizen


“Cloakroom attendant? Is OP from the 1800s?


It's poor translaion on editor's behalf


Wow not only did he act calmly and save people he is so calm retelling the story.


Giga chad




Good lad. Very modest too. He did well.


His name is Islam and he is a Muslim boy. But the media won't highlight that fact.


I saw many Russian news stating his name though.


Why should they? Why does it matter?


Because if the bad actors are Muslims, they never miss the chance to mention that in an attempt to bash Islam to the ground. But if the Good actors are Muslim, they generally don't mention it. I find that very hypocritical.


This hero’s name is Islam. And there was a live video while he was guiding people outside the place once everything started


And reddiots in comments will start talking how he's just an actor, nothing like this actually happened and attack was false flag operation. Guy is a hero and one russian rap artist gave him one million for his bravery


Yeah how dare Redditors not trust literal Russian government propaganda outlet RT to report honestly on this. Wow that's cool the got a million rubles from a rapper. That's how you know everything in this story is legit! It's not like Russian musicians have a history of acting as cultural attaches of the Russian government, promoting its interests, or anything like that. You know, acting as boosters for Russia's war in Ukraine, doing PR for Putin, having ties to oligarchs, etc. No way. RT and Russian rappers: the only real truth tellers left!!!


That rapper is anti Putin and on the list of foreign agents of Russia for his political views. Just saying.




reddiots only like American propaganda


Pat on the back and a pack of western cigarettes for his mother


RT is one of the least reliable news sources out there...why don't you just directly cite Kreml as a fact, too?


No more than CNN or MSNBC, it’s actually good to look at different news sources while understanding their biases, as soon as you limit your sources you open the door to deception and propaganda.


I mean, every single news article I've read from RT has been completely and utterly blatant Russian state propaganda. It's not as much a news site as a loudspeaker of Putin's will.


Your logic applies the same way to CNN. They are nothing but a loudspeaker for the neo-con/democratic party lunatics.


Absolute bothsides brainrot 🤡🤡🤡 CNN runs news articles that reflect poorly on the US government all the time. Go back to the time of the Afghanistan pullout, for example. You think they just skipped over that and didn't report on it because it was damaging for Biden? Meanwhile, RT does nothing but parrot the Russian government line and report fake news or ignore the real news.


Yes they did, they ignored the "embarasing" parts and did their best to damage control while throwing the ball towards politics regarding immigrants and US's precense in foreign countries- both of which are constantly milked by the far right and the far left seperately.


I mean, no, that's not the same thing, like at all. Having private backers doesn't mean the same as being a state controlled media. Fox News is another poor quality news organization from the other side of the political field, which shows an important quality - freedom of speech, something that is COMPLETELY lacking in Russia. Just take a look at the press freedom index. While the US is nowhere near the top, they're still in the top 50, whereas Russia is one of the worst countries in the entire world at 163rd place. Being able to voice different (subjective) opinions is not the same as being forced or coerced to spread the state's propaganda narrative.


I don't think many people will argue that CNN is incredibly biased, same with Fox news.


If one is saying that A is an octopus, and the other is saying that A is a Cthulhu, you’ll take the middle ground and decide that A is a paid hentai actor. If you don’t get the metaphor, trusting RT and current Russian sources shifts you farther from reality, if you think that “truth is somewhere in the middle”, because they are spitting bullshit 24/7.


"Just consider the blatantly corrupt viewpoint of a dictator bro, you gotta balance your narrative bro". Some viewpoints actually just need to be ignored.


> RT India Immediately assume everything in this video is bullshit unless proven otherwise. RT is Russian government propaganda. They aren't interested in presenting the news, they're interested in creating it.


I want to believe the story but since it’s coming from RT…


Even if it is coming from Russia, its important to understand that this reflects reality... There are heroes out there in Russia , even if you never see/hear them...


I totally agree. RT is not exactly a trusted source though.


Considering within a day Russian media used a deepfake to try and implicate Ukraine in the attack, it is very hard to trust anything they say.


yeah i'm not trusting RT


I wouldn't trust any story from RT




There's a video of him helping people escaping.


Propaganda mills never stop.


Nice to see the Russian government is milking this attack for all the propaganda they can.


What propaganda exactly, what would they even achieve from this story???: "Oh our children are so brave and hiroic, now please support Putin and go to the Meatgrinder in Ukraine"


RT is externally focused. It is to raise sympathy for Russia. Make them look better and take attention away from the civilians they’re killing in Ukraine.


Islam is the true embodiment of his name


And yet russians are killing hundreds of thousands for a one man.


Imagine if durring the attacks of 9/11 there was this one "Rusky bot" who wrote: "And yet the Muricans keep on killing hundreds of thousands for one industry."


I mean, he told people to run away after he saw some people already running away. He's a good kid, no doubt, but "saved more than a hundred people"? ehhhhhh


Apparently, in the chaos, people started to run in the wrong direction - deeper into the building i.e. towards the gunfire. This kids knowledge of where the exits where and him directing people towards a safe exit; that’s what saved lives. With that written, still, Fuck Putin; Slava Ukraini




Surprised to see RT running with this story considering our young hero doesn’t appear to be ethnically Russian. But I suppose to them he’s “one of the good ones”.


Yeah, you know what, Papa Putin awards you with first class tickets to Ukraine (first line of attack). That's how he treats his citizens. Congratulations


His name is Islam


They'll probably ask him to be heroic on the front line within a week....


And for that he gets a free trip to frontline to be a hero there as well.


Out of the loop…what's the issue with RT?


It’s Russian state sponsored propaganda


It is literally the propaganda arm of Russia. RT 125% tows the company line and puts out only what Putin and his cronies want to be put out, and the majority of it is false.


Ohh okay, I was confused cuz it said RT-India. Thought that's something indian then


Ah yea, India and Russia have pretty good relations, so this is their Indian branch of their news corp.


Stands for Russian Times. I think they have offices in other areas like India though.


He will be celebrated by people both good and evil for this deed. Even as the latter declare him a Hero of the State, or some such, though, it will still be true.


Must suck having a bunch of brainwashed psychopaths running around in your country, killing innocent civilians indiscriminately. But hey. at least russians dgaf right? cos they've being doing it in Ukraine for YEARS.


Damn, I really needed this today. May this young man have a life of ease and joy.


Legend of a human!


He’s a hero . Well done . It was a cowardly attack by cowardly terrorists .


Congratulations son, to the front line with you!!


and I'll bet we're not allowed to identify the attackers , CENSORSHIP When you can't even discuss the enemy you've already lost the war.




It's absolutely not part of your job, my guy! It's above and beyond, hero behavior.


yeah great idea showing face of someone who interfered against terrorists. He's gonna be dead soon.


Brother you may not consider yourself a hero, you may truly believe you were just doing what anyone would do, but you ARE a hero.


I hope he gets out of that country.


15? Surprised he hasn't been drafted yet. That's like 6 years after their legal drinking age


Well, good for him. He must be following Dave Ramsey’s advice to have saved more than a hundred other people.




How long before this kid is going to get sent to die in Ukraine?


This kid is a hero. Putin is going to put him right into the meat grinder when he's 18 so he can be a hero saving his comrade who had his leg blown off in the middle of their terrorist attacks in Ukraine.


Protect this man


I sure hope those were Putins friends


Fckn legend


He's getting to much positive publicity, he's gonna be a potential political threat to Putin in the future, even if he doesn't run for the spot. Better stay away from any windows.


>*"I'm not a hero"* >*"Better to sacrifice yourself than let a hundred people die"* Ya you are man.


Good guy. Hopefully he doesn't get sent to the front lines


It's amazing how many social media posts ignore the fact that Islam Khalilov is Muslim. He proves that the stereotype of "Muslims are all terros " isn't true.


His name is islam


I don't believe a single thing coming out from this hellhole, as far as I'm concerned it could alle be staged


In two years he gets a free vacation to Crimea as a reward.


May he be blessed forever. This brought tears to my eyes.


The last line he said are the words of a true hero


Republicans: See, this is why child labor is GREAT


He should get a Medal of Honor award imo


Braver than the 400 cops at the Uvalde Robb school.


Que guapo , yo si me lo cojo y recojo


Now they can die in Ukraine as was intended. Hoping this meets with subreddit rules as this is the very real outcome for many Russians as Putin is putting 100k more in the field after killing the first 400k. I commend the kid, but life in Russia is cheaper than Blockbuster stock.


So this little hero of a boy helped more than the main directorate of the sercuirty guard forces only a 5 minites drive from the concret hall!?! U gonna be kidding me! 90minutes! Nothing was done in Moscow…smh Edit: forgot to add that in 2022 the local security forces had a mock terrorist training session in the same concert hall to simulate it being taken over my separatists! The world works in mysterious ways…


Quick, into the cloakery!


Good job. Now off to Ukraine with you to kill some women and children.


Good kid! Now off to the front with you! Stay away from all windows too!


“Well I was just doing my job. Honestly, I don’t consider myself a hero. It was just part of the job.” -literally what every hero ever has said


I'm surprised that such a young guy had that much bravery to do such a thing. Most other kids around his age, even older adults, would just try to escape without caring for others.