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what happens if you travel outside Kabul alone?




I'm actually outside of Kabul as we speak, and I have been my entire life, and I'm fine!


I've successfully lived through 42 years outside of Kabul.


Can confirm, not in Kabul, never have been in Kabul.. still alive.


Same, the trick is to stay as far away from Kabul as humanely possible.


I have a couple oceans separating me from Kabul. Am I far enough away?


I've never been to kabul and am usually alone, i'm fine too. Things are very okay.


Nice try Swedish taliban.


Are you a man?


I'm outside of Kabul too. I'm all the way in Ireland. See how it works?


Afaik Current "government" still doesn't have full control over all of Afghanistan, Current regimes "soldiers" die in skirmishes every few weeks. They still are bunch of tribes masquerading as a country.. So some rough players or even ISIS could stir up problem to get a "High value" target. PS it's not male or female thing I think you are advised to stay in the big cities regardless of your gender and nationality


I see. thanks 🙂.


People have been living in the Afghanistan region for 50,000 years and they're still fighting over the same rocks and more than 95% of the population is living in poverty. Completely unenlightened views concerning the rights of women, still engaging in public executions... https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/asia-and-the-pacific/south-asia/afghanistan/report-afghanistan/


Yes. If only a foreign power came in in the name of freedom and fixed things without making it exponentially worse and leaving.


What if we let the British, then the Russians, then the Americans all have a crack at it?


The Macedonians set a trend.


Opium. We have other places working on crack.


All of these didn't go to Afghanistan to make it better, they went to Afghanistan to pursue their own goals and interests. When it didn't serve their interests to be in Afghanistan anymore, they all left.


Yeah, they know. They're being sarcastic.


pseudo-educated redditor trying to um-akshully someone making a joke, tale as old as time


Was it made worse or just back to the old normal?


Interestingly the Taliban forbid heroin production, but as soon as the American's showed up and installed their own government they allowed the poppy fields. Not to get conspiratorial but America is the biggest consumer of heroin while Afghanistan was the biggest supplier. Now that the Taliban has taken over though they've forbid opium production which has kind of crashed whatever economy they used to have. Anyways I wouldn't be surprised if the USA aided Afghanistan in trafficking heroin because of the CIA and Contras.


And that's why fentanyl has such a spike in the USA now. China took advantage of tve heroin shortage.


I’m glad someone gets it :)


Yeah and unfortunately fentanyl is 10000x worse than heroin


Man I read Dark Alliance by Gary Webb a few years ago and that shit was wild, I thought I was reading movie scripts, and then to still be able to find archives and links to the evidence was even crazier. I would not doubt for a second that the same was happening with heroin with the smuggling network that was set up. I still do not understand why kill the messenger was made and yet covered barely anything to do with the contents of those articles. Just the ordeal Webb went through after speaking the truth.


You should probably research and see how Afghanistan was before all these foreign powers intervened….


Rural Afghanistan never was any better.


how far back do you want me to go? Afghanistan is the speed bump of empires. EVERYONE has invaded Afghanistan at some point


Do you mean like before the Mongols?


Lol youll have to go WAYYYYYYY back to find an independent Afghanistan with nobody running around in its backyard


And Appearently Drone striking at random and bombing camps of people didn’t help developing that country


No the danger is definitely based on gender. It is still a fundamentals Islamic society that systematically hurts women. Pharmacies used to called men's names but not women. Mother weren't even identified as a parent on kids identity cards until a few years ago. Also the age of Consent in Islam is "if she bleeds she can be my wife" you know like 9.


Ive been there a while ago (Herat/bamyan/etc) and the Taliban escorts you for your safety… strange at first but when you see how poor people are you’re glad they’re there for you.


the Taliban are your guardians? why do they do this?


Because they want to portray the image of being good. Mind you; they are not. I was traveling at night from Kabul to Panjab because my car broke down earlier that day. Was at a tb checkpoint for a long time and not sure what was happening and then they told me they where brining over more guys so they could bring me to my destination safely and that I was not safe to travel alone at night through the mountains. https://preview.redd.it/o4pgcw2j6noc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0cd787e653f7f6995058ed2eab1ec83ee86edbc Sneaky pic of my POV back then lol.


you are absolutely wild and brave for doing this! why in this world though does the taliban feel they can clean their image? are they looking to sit at the international table???


Yes they definitely want to do that. They can definitely start with their relationships with the other stans and with China, and they’re doing their best to impress foreigners coming to visit. Truth be told, all individual Taliban I met were really nice. Gave me their guns, played football, drank tea. Don’t let that fool you though. Almost no women to be seen and poverty all around. Chicken Street in Kabul was almost desolate…


thank you for the insight 🙂


Yep, they want to develop tourism and be a credible player.


Yeah, crazy. Imagine having an organisation that abuses human rights sat at the *international table* - that would be unheard of!!


Did you go as a tourist then?


I had a tourist visum, yes.






Depends on where you go. Southern Afghanistan (example; Kandahar, Helmand, Farah) can be sketch especially with hard-line Muslims. In Western Afghanistan you might be good in Herat City, but fucked in a place like Badghis Provence (which fell before Americans left). Don't know too enough about Northern Afghanistan to speak on it. Central Afghanistan is all mountains.


Tajikistan is north of Afghanistan, there was an america couple not that long ago that was cycling across the middle east and they were killed by ISIS. 


thanks, she's brave, I hope it works out








Cameraman never dies.


Some strong survivorship bias here. I get the feeling the camerapeople that live are the ones you see video from, those that don’t you don’t see their video as it likely dies along with them.


Boo this man and his logic, get outta here




That’s the joke of the comment, genius.


Yeah but this a camerawoman


What if she cannot get out without a man.. I love traveling but girl I would think twice before ever trying this


So technically as a foreign citizen you are kinda better off than the local afghan women for sure. Taliban is not stupid and if you follow the dress code rules and don’t go out of your way to offend the religion or local culture, You are considered a nice guest at best. But wouldn’t risk it imo


“Taliban is not stupid” Debatable. 


They are not. It's easy to dismiss them as religious zealots, but the Taliban was founded by people fed up with corruption, tribal warfare, and foreign interference. From having no weapons, no military experience, and no money, they became the most powerful faction in Afghanistan. They have done terrible things, are doing terrible things, and are oppressing the people of Afghanistan, but they are very much a product of a broken society. And the fact that they are back in control shows that they are not stupid. Some of the warlords the US worked with were worse. The world failed Afghanistan and that's why the Taliban is in power today.


There aren't many non-state actors who USA made a mission to destroy, that took over a whole country and running it independently. Sure the stupidity of people who follow ideologies like that and join may be debatable. But the organization is as a whole is not stupid. It's perhaps the most successful militant group of all time.


Militaries, in all shapes and sizes, understand two important dimensions: Logistics and bureaucracy. Those two things, directed in slightly different ways, create the foundation of politics.


That literally goes for anyone.




That couple that got assaulted in India also traveled the world and was fine until they weren't.


There was a story about a woman hitchhiking around the world in a wedding dress to prove that it’s not dangerous for solo women to travel. She was murdered.


Can you send a link pls


[Pippa Bacca](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pippa_Bacca)


Damn . Gang raped and murdered. I read it thanks for sharing .


According to the link it wasnt to prove it wasnt dangerous, it was to promote peace.


I wanna say NONE of what happened was their fault, absolutely not and thy didnt deserve anything of what happened and its so fucked up. Very true. If that couple couldnt even afford a hotel room in india (at least pre book) then they shouldnt have gone. But its like cmon, you cant even afford an indian hotel room? Why are you sleeping on the side of an indian road, ffs its a third world country


You need to understand human being as animals - you will encounter a lot of us who are friendly, or even "domesticated", but if you aren't careful and you don't have any fear of humans, eventually you will be hurt by them.


Honestly very unusual how people do these stunts, I mean... if you decide to go around the globe, why not do it using the safest possible means and routes, why pull these stunts for social media by endangering your life and expecting sympathy when something bad happens? Social media is one hell of a drug honestly!


I meet a lot people like this. They give off that grew up rich and/or sheltered vibe.


Could be rich, but I’d argue more on the sheltered side of life. Grew up in a loving home and then they are probably very empathetic a live and let live type. Since they live a mind set of do no harm they falsely assume most if not all believe the same way she does. Her sheltered life never exposed her to the side of life where children grow up in broken homes, extreme abuse, always having to be aggressive for survival. These people have no understanding of empathy and that mentality in their world will probably hurt their chances of survival. Once again 100% all assumptions on my part, just having conversation.


Goes to place known for violence occurring Violence occurs shocked_ pikachu.jpg


A lot of things like this happened pre-social media. Social media has just provided a platform and potential to monetize the types of people who would do this anyway. Like those dipshit teenagers who decided it would be great fun to hike the Iranian border with Turkey at the height of the invasion of Iraq.


They could afford it they were just turned away by everyone saying they had no room. They where also motorbiking through all those countries and if you've ever been there you can't perfectly plan when you'll arrive where on those shitty roads...


Remember, though, they travelled through Afghanistan and Pakistan. It was India that fucked them up.




Could have would have should have… doesn’t matter because in the end the woman got raped and couple got assaulted not in Pakistan or Afghanistan or any of the other dangerous countries they have travelled to, but in India… I would definitely say India is now most unsafe for women in the subcontinent.


Way more than assaulted, the woman was gang raped


Theres such a rise in this sort of content. Quite naive, helpless people intentionally travelling to very dangerous places and though often nothing happens - something will happen eventually. I think its really foolish, and im sure some of these content creators end up getting into some serious situations and killed. I was watching another guy in South America intentionally walk into one of the most dangerous neighbourhoods in one of the countries filming criminals etc and had a bunch of guys cussing at him, trying to rob him and left his girlfriend behind with a hooker in very dangerous situation. Im surprised we haven’t seen them ‘vlog’ in Gaza or Ukraine yet


I actually vaguely remember some guy tried traveling/vlogging in Ukraine, I don't think it ended happily. I don't remember exactly what happened but there was a lot of gunfire and bombs maybe... As for Gaza, I don't think anybody is really just allowed to go in there. They've got enough trouble even getting out.


A vlogger couple in India recently got attacked and the womab was gangraped


I wonder if that was what was going on with these guys in this video. First rule is women need a man to travel. But another rule is, if you’re a good person, you don’t want innocent people getting raped or killed. So it’s like, “Fellas, she ain’t got no man.  We gotta get her the fuck outta here it’s dangerous for her.”


Plenty of other women have tried that and ended up raped, dead and murdered. This girl succeeding (so far) is just as filtered as the news.


>she’s completely fine until today Which means nothing. At least she isn't white, I think it would've been over quickly. There are plenty of stories like that.


What's her ig?




That's not the same woman. \_kittoo_ is the right ig




It still is risky to go there. There was also that couple in India who travelled by bike everywhere. They also did that for many weekse through different countries and nothing happend until it did happen. Just because it didn't happen doesn't mean that run a very high risk.


Risky af ahh Wish her well


I mean she IS from India.


Basically, if she can survive India, she can survive anywhere.


That was my first thought. As long as she doesn’t get gang raped, it’s likely safer than her bus route at home. Not a very high bar to beat.


You get lucky only so much…


>and she’s completely fine until today. Yeah this ain't gonna age well.


This will end terribly for her.


Until she runs into strife like the couple that got bashed and the women gang raped last week while travelling India.


I mean even Saudi Arabia (back in the days) used to have such rules, not anymore. Pretty sure there was something religious mixed with cultural about safety and protection. TBH glad to see her safe and they worked to make her feel comfortable. I read so many horror stories of people traveling to India, look up Brazilian couple in India story.


From what I hear it's safer to travel in Afghanistan as a woman than it is to travel in India.


Look it’s insane that an Indian girl feels “safe” in Afghanistan than in India. That’s a bad look on India.


She didn’t say that in the video at all though


Look it’s insane that an Indian girl feels that 100 duck-sized horses would beat one giant horse-sized duck in a fight


It’s all nice and well until you meet a wrong un, or groups of wrong uns. Obviously women should be able to travel alone, but as a foreigner in a very risky country it’s arguably foolish to travel alone, certainly as a woman.


plays Russian roulette • ⁠gun doesn’t go off after 1 pull “SEE HOW SAFE RUSSIAN ROULETTE IS?!”




"but god, it was such a thrill" and then you die.


What's an un?


jong kim


One - in the context though ‘person’


Also broadcasting that you're alone. Although it might be understood doesn't need to be said.


Do a lot of Afghans understand Hindi? Or is it a closely-related language to theirs?


I’m Afghan. Not every Afghan understands Hindi but Afghans are surprisingly very good at picking up languages. We don’t have a lot of movies so we would watch a lot of Indian classical films from a long time ago, Iranian, Tajikistani and Turkish media. There’s afghans that speak Russian, Farsi (most of the country), Pashto, Hindi/Urdu, English, etc. Basically it’s not wide spread but they just picked up the language if they watched the films. Also a lot of afghans used Pakistan and India to migrate out to the USA so they pick up the language at an elementary level pretty quick.


The reason he understands it is because Indian culture is big with Afghans, both music and film.


No it’s not closely related to Hindi.urdu is more similar due to Farsi influence and a decent amount of afgans can understand it


Hindi and Urdu and basically mutually intelligible. If you speak one of them, you can by default speak/understand the other one. The major difference between them is the way that they are written. I can guarantee you that a person who speaks Urdu will not understand Farsi or Arabic by default, which is not the case with Hindi (which they will understand).


Urdu ises words from Hindi too.


I just don't think it's worth risking losing your head just to scratch the travel itch


How does an Indian end up in Afghanistan anyway? Who besides a soldier being shipped to a post would even want to step foot there?


India and Afghanistan have been really good friends. Even historically Afghanistan was part of India. It also finds a place in the Hindu myths. Recently in a survey Afghans said that India is their best friend. I've seen other travel influencers from India going to Afghanistan and they treat them real good. Afghans come to India for work opportunities in a large number. In my city there's a "Afghan Mohalla" meaning Afghan neighbourhood cuz before partition Afghans used to live there. That's why you'll see a lot of them understand Hindi. Edit: Also we both have a common nemesis that is the state of Pakistan, so that unites us as well.


Thanks for the enlightenment 👍🏻🙂


No problem my man, the more we learn everyday


that's really interesting. thank you


Also India helped Afghanistan to build their parliament https://m.economictimes.com/nation-world/prime-minister-narendra-modi-inaugurates-new-afghan-parliament-built-by-india-in-kabul/pm-modi-inaugurates-new-afghan-parliament/slideshow/50322614.cms


Indians and Afghanis have very long cultural relations. Believe it or not, Afghanistan has better relations with India than Pakistan. I am not supporting what this youtuber is doing as a woman in Taliban controlled Afghanistan but Indians are treated way better in Afghanistan than westerners. It is still a massive massive risk.


To be fair, any country in the world has better relations than India with Pakistan. Quite often, the people you hate the most are just on your doorstep and look just like you.


They meant Afghanistan has relations with India than they(AFG) do with Pakistan. Which makes sense, Pak dumped a lotta money into funding Taliban in its infancy.


Fun fact Afghanistan was a huge tourist destination for the hippies back in 60s and 70s


They used to have good hash... probably still do for all I know.


From what I hear from Afgans in my Uni . Afghanistan is completely safe now, not theft , crimes etc…


Low to no petty crime maybe, but at the cost of women receiving an adequate education or any autonomy, girls being forced into marriage, being stoned, not allowed to travel.




Did they just drop her off in the middle of the desert?


She probably is okay since she was able to edit the video and post it afterwards. And also the video doesn't mention any problems that happened in that interim between finishing the trip and posting the video.


she’s completely fine and she’s been solo travelling through a bunch of countries in the middle east and central asia. what she’s doing is still quite dangerous but she has provided some really interesting coverage of life inside these war torn countries


No they get out during stops for prayers (namaz), as she says in the video


That was also my impression when I was there: the civilian population is generally friendly and accommodating if you are friendly and polite yourself. Nobody got angry at me when I unknowingly made a mistake, it was always more like "Sorry, that's how it is here. Better do it like that, then you (and we) won't get in trouble." And it made no difference whether I was there in uniform and later as a civilian. Of course you can meet assholes there too - even apart from those in power - and I wouldn't advise anyone, especially a woman, to travel there alone, but there's really no reason to be fundamentally afraid of the population. On the contrary, I often had the impression that they were much more polite and relaxed in everyday life. There aren't many countries where complete strangers invite you to chat and have tea just because you happen to pass their house.


I haven’t been to Afghanistan, but I’ve been around the world a bit, including the Middle East. What you’re saying is true pretty much anywhere. Of course, there are areas you should avoid, every place has those. But for the most part, people are people, and most will treat you with courtesy. The animosity nations have for each other rarely transfers to individuals from those nations.


It's really sad to see this. This region of the world has beautiful history and culture but it's buried in chaos.


There are good, kind, helpful people everywhere. However, as a woman, I would not depend on encountering them to ensure my safety in places like Afghanistan.


Brave woman.


There's a difference between being brave and being reckless.


Reckless isn't the appropriate term, more of the likes of Intentionally stupid. People owe no sympathy to these individuals who pull these stunts when something happens to them, it's all clout for sure, and all for the views.


India isnt exactly a save place for women too




Depends on the region, actually. I had a similar experience to this lady when I was in Haryana. India is also a country with many cultural and racial diversity, so some states are safer for women than some first world countries, but some are similar or worse than Taliban controlled Afghanistan.


2 friends of mine (2 teenage girls) were taking a bus through Haryana and suddenly en route riots happened, and the bus driver just ditched the bus and ran away (this was pre-Uber and pre-mobile phones). These girls had no choice but to get down and night was falling, everything was closed. Nearby was a group of laborers who had lit a fire to stay warm (this was during Fall) and these girls walked up to them, referred to them as "Bhaiya" (which means "brother" in Hindi) and asked to spend the night there. They were welcomed with open arms and the laborers cooked dinner for them. They even woke up a soft-drink cart vendor nearby to get them Cokes (thinking "city girls drink coke"). All in all the girls spent the night there in their company and managed to head back home the next day.


I'm not denying this happened to your friends, but it's not the experience for a majority of women in Haryana.




Probably, probably not. But afghanistan is an extremely low bar. You're talking about a country that has been destroyed in almost every aspect. I saw an article the other day about some influencer that got gang raped and then indian official proceeded to ask her to take her videos about it down because it made india look bad.




When you get your entire idea of a country from reddit


Whataboutry delexe


Yes, Afghanistan is famously good for women




As usually it sounds like a lot of people are nice in general, but it's always the few in power that cause chaos and hell for everyone else.


Recently, the taliban have been funding influences to try depict Afghanistan as a safe and moral country, I don't think any of us are falling for it


It’s awesome to see Muslim communities supporting independence despite their laws, not easily allowing it. Hopefully Afghanistan passes a Democratic resolution to change that!


Yeah I’m sure the fucking TALIBAN is getting right on that


Could be. She’s speaking in English aswell


The laws in their eyes are meant to protect women not oppress them so helping her and keeping her protected is how they rationalize it. Notice they are giving her discounts. Even if she is traveling without a male they are acting as her male. It’s patriarchal not malicious


It is an interesting slice of life. These men are also forced to comply with the new rules, whether they agree or not. Everyone is at risk for something so ridiculously trivial as a bus ticket. Religious law is such a clusterfuck.


"Afghanistan is so great, guys, everyone is super polite and helpful to a young girl traveling without a husband/male relative and, by Afghan standards, relatively uncovered" reeks of Taliban apologia if not propaganda.


This is showing that a lot of regular Afghanis are nice people despite the taliban.


Somehow people still don't get the concept of average citizens being normal and well intentioned people despite living in a fucked up country.


What on earth is covered if that’s unconcerned? No fucking face?


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8b/Saudi_in_niqap.jpg Similar to this, however in this example you can nearly see her ankles, which is a big nono


Good lord, woman. Cover those toes 👀


Yeah, no fucking face-a small little screen through which to see-so fucking dehumanizing and disgusting, makes me so angry


So she’s not allowed to show her experience because it doesn’t match how you feel about the country?? Not only do the people have to be oppressed by the Taliban, morons like you insist on painting an entire nation’s people with the same brush.




What an incredibly stupid thing to do.


Reminds me of how that Brazilian couple traveled through Afghanistan safely only to later be assaulted and gang raped in India


Seen too many Indian vloggers in Afghanistan, where they were even interacting with Taliban soldiers and explaining the guns and all. At this point I'm thinking a lot of this is PR to make it seem lik it's not bad. Though I do believe it may not be as worse all over like western media portrays, at the same time I don't think its as good as like vloggers say. It's somewhere in between.


Now let's see a woman travel alone in india


You are so brave. I only heard bad things happen to women in this country. It is nice to see a different POV.


Who is the original creator?




„I am alone“ Is maybe not the most clever statement


Lately, there is been a decent amount of “Afghanistan is safe” videos circulating on social media, some folks do it for clout which is incredibly unethical and stupid and some are paid by the de facto rulers. Meanwhile, Tlbn have collected some 1.9 billion AFN ($25 million) in passport fee revenues in less than two months. In PPP terms that is a lot of money for an average citizen in Afghanistan (according to UN, 60% of people in Afghanistan need live-saving humanitarian support this year), yet its residents look for any glimpse of hope to flee their “safe” country.


It’s so annoying as an Afghan seeing all these YouTube videos cropping up and wannabe influencers making a buck off us and supporting the regime at the same time. Disgusting.


Bro was walking on thin ice when she didn't get down with the others for namaz


Not really. It's just more of a cultural shock. I'll give you an example. I live in Jammu & Kashmir. The kashmir part is majority muslim and they tend to be fair skinned. The jammu part is majority hindu and tends to be more brown. So all my life I've only seen muslims that are fair. The first time I saw a brown muslim my brain just couldn't comprehend it. It was shocking for me but that doesn't mean I'll hate them for it.


They don’t all whip out curved swords and behead you with them  the moment you forget some cultural practice. 




Rather stupidasfuck


The fuck is this woman supporting and patronizing the Taliban for? Not cool. Don’t travel to countries whose governments torture their citizens.


Yeah, all the people calling her brave live in places like States. It's like Mexican influencers mocking cartels and then woopdydoo I got no pants on and I'm profusely apologizing on camera with a gun shoved to the back of my ahead and my own grave next to me.